Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

"I dissapeared because you upset me," Loki grumbled a bit. He knew his brother sometimes went to far, He sighed he knew he did too. He felt rather weak right now. He knew that his brother was used to his sharp temper, he felt very weak and shaky.
He closed his eyes from the dizziness and pain in his head. He didn't feel at all good. He knew that his brother would try to make him feel better. He was curled up shaking from the pain he was in.

Loki was very exhausted and rubbed his eyes. "I feel so sick Thor." He whimpered. He knew his mother always knew remedies to make him feel better. He wasn't sure if Thor did. He cried more and hugged his brother and buried his face. His black hair was all messy. "I miss mother and I hate myself for everything I Have done. I am sorry for everything." He knew his brother did his best to comfort him.
His fever was very high. He knew that he couldn't relax, Being tired was making him more emotional as well. He coughed badly, his throat felt very dry and sore. He curled up against Thor.

He knew that he needed to get better. He just wasn't sure what would make him feel better.His breathing seemed painned as well "I don't belong anywhere Thor, I don't feel happy at home or anywhere, I don't know if I can ever feel happy anywhere. I feel so different and I feel like Odin hates me." Even infront of Thor he wouldn't call Odin father. He knew that no matter what, he was still furious with Odin. He seemed to be starting to loose weight from everything he had been through. He just looked a wreck. He covered his mouth a bit feeling sick and reached for the bucket.
He gagged and groaned in pain. He barely had much in his stomach, but he threw up slightly.

"Ugh thought that would be over," he knew he was probably getting himself too worked up and that wasn't helping. He just looked very pale. He coughed and held onto the bucket for awhile longer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"I am deeply sorry about that, Loki," Thor replied quietly. "I have been unable to sleep for the past few days for fear of what had become of you." Even though they had fought a lot since Thor's banishment on earth all that time ago, Thor still loved his brother. Even after everything he had done Thor could still see the good inside of Loki. Even if he did not fully trust his brother, he wanted what was best for him and wanted help him redeem himself to others and to himself.

Thor let Loki hugging him, one arm moving around his brother and the other hand gently stroking his black hair in a comforting manner much like Thor had the many times in the past Loki had been upset and come to him. "I miss mother too..." Thor's voice caught in his throat, but he gulped and refused to let tears surface. For now he would be strong so he could comfort Loki. He had had his time to grieve mother. He was not over her death, she missed her dearly... But her and Loki had always been very close. It must have affected him so much. "And her death is not your fault," Thor murmured soothingly, just kind of holding Loki as he curled up against him. It had been a while since... Loki had allowed him so close. His brother had been so cut off for a while. Not that Thor could blame him but Thor had missed the old Loki, the Loki who smiled, played pranks and got on with Thor, so much. "And I know you are sorry, I know..."

"Odin does not hate you," Thor eventually managed to reply, after a pause. Odin didn't necessarily hate Loki but he definitely no longer saw him as a son. The cutting of the relationship was probably mutual. The only reason Loki hadn't been killed for his crimes was their mother. Odin had wanted to leave Loki to rot in his cell but after their mother's death... Thor had managed to get him around to letting Loki out on the condition that Thor watched him, and if he put one foot out of line... Well. "And we will find you a place that you belong." He sounded like he believed it, like with his help Loki would find somewhere, anywhere, that he could belong. "I promise." He winced slightly as Loki threw up again. His brother looked so ill... Thor hadn't seen him like this for a while. "I'm sorry, I do not know much to help with the sickness. Mother told me one of her remedies, one that helps with sleep, but my memory of that is foggy. I was only a boy when I asked. I wanted to be able to look after you all by myself." He smiled slightly. "I may be able to remember, though, and make it."

Tony gave a yell of triumph as a thought suddenly crossed his mind. That was it! He knew what he had to do. It would take a bit to make, and he hadn't finished all the parts yet, but he knew how to make his next Iron Man suit. He had gone off that one for a while, managing to nearly finish the one that could go into space. He did have an idea for one other that wasn't going to be his main one, to join what he had dubbed the Iron Legion, and he should probably start working on that too. And sleep. But sleep wasn't that important. He'd drink some coffee soon to stay awake. Then, work. Unless he was needed by Loki or Thor of course.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Loki was looking at him, he felt rather weak and slow. He knew that he probably could barely get up out of bed, He knew that Thor always saw the good in him, deep down he thought that was nice, but he did act more like it annoyed him. Often it was in between really.
Hearing that Thor didn't sleep out of worry. Loki looked at him. He didn't want Thor to worry that much really. He knew Thor just cared about him,. Part of him wanted to snap at Thor and say it was his own fault for upsetting him.

"Brother... you worry too much," Was all that came out of his mouth. He knew how much his brother cared about him. He knew that Thor would never stop caring really. He was feeling so sicj and lay against Thor again after he put his bucket down. Hearing Thor speak about mother and seeing his brother try to fight back tears, he sighed, He wondered why Thor had to try and hide that, There wasn't anything wrong with crying, Loki had always been more emotional than Thor , but he didn't like it when Thor would hold back on crying. "Its ok to cry Thor." He knew holding in emotions wasn't good.
He knew that Thor would try remain strong for him. He shivered and coughed, tears falling down his pale face. Loki looked a wreck. Thor could always comfort him when he felt miserable. IT had been awhile since he let Thor do so.

"It sure feels like it, has always felt like it, I just never thought I was never his true son, until I found out." Loki alway felt like Odin loved him less. He knew Odin had been busy getting Thor ready to be king and such. But Loki had always felt left out. He was sure that after all he had done that his realtionship with Odin was ruined. He didn't think he cared though. Even with thier mother gone, He doubted Odin would have been a better father to him even if he hadn't done what he had done.
He knew he would need Thor alot more now. He had no other family to turn to.
He didn't think he would find anywhere he belonged "Oh I don't think so Thor. I am sure all the realms hate me." He knew he had really ruined his own chances at happiness to.

Loki coughed and lay a hand across his stomach "Its alright... I do get hit bad when ill, but it has been awhile," He mumbled. He just hoped that it wasn't anything too serious. He knew Thor would worry too much as it was. He hoped that Tony would get some sleep as well instead of working on the suits all night "I'd have died without Tony I am sure, I couldn't get anybodt else to help and I was so sick I couldn't walk further, I'm still no better."
He choked on his words as he cried more. He was so sure he would have been dead. His body was so weak, He just hoped he wasn't dying now though. He seemed to doubt it though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"That is not necessarily a bad thing," Thor replied softly, with the faintest of smiles. Thor couldn't help worrying about Loki, even though he knew Loki didn't really want him worrying. Loki was who Thor worried about most, and after him it was Jane. They were the two Thor cared for the most also. And Loki would always be his brother, blood or not. Though he had be surprised to find out Loki's heritage it was his betrayal that had hurt him more. But still the time when he believed him to be dead was not a good time for Thor. Of course, Loki hadn't been... But it had been hard. Thor would never forgive himself if anything happened to Loki again. He just wanted to look after and protect his little brother like he had when they were younger, but he also knew Loki liked to be alone and was no longer a child. They would find a compromise. "If you say so..." He let the tears flow, hugging Loki gently as he took comfort from his brother's presence next to him. It had been a long time since they had mutually comforted each other like this.

"Father has his flaws, and his attitude towards you is one of them," Thor's voice was slightly gruff from the tears. "And I'm sorry it is that way." Though Thor did not hate his father as Loki did, they had their differences. And one place their differed was Loki. Odin though there was no chance for redemption for Loki. That he was just like all of the other frost giants and there was no good in him. Thor though, and saw, different. He was glad Odin had allowed Loki out, giving him a chance in a way. Even though it had taken a lot of fighting on Thor's part. "And I do not think they all hate you. If they did, you would not be here in this tower."

"If you need anything, anything, I will get it for you," Thor spoke sincerely, blue eyes concerned as they looked down at his rather ill brother. "Anything to make you get better." He really hoped that Loki would get better soon. He hated when his brother was like this and their mother had always been the one who knew how to make him better. Now she was... gone. "I am sorry it came to that... If I had not annoyed you..." He trailed off, sighing slightly. "At least Tony did not just leave you. He obviously doesn't hate you."

Tony yawned as he fiddled with the part he had ended up working with. Nearly done. After this, he would go to bed. Maybe. He wasn't sure how long he had been up before Loki had turned up. He had a tendency to just work, and work, and work. He lost track of time and didn't sleep until he was.
"Sir, I would recommend that you go to bed."
"What are you, my mother? I'm in the middle of something."
"You have not properly slept in four days."
"Yeah, whatever, not going to sleep. Won't get any and I need to finish this."
"You are sufficiently fatigued to get enough sleep without any nightmares."
"Yeah, whatever, Jarv." Tony rolled his eyes. Damn shouldn't have built an AI with the capacity to gain a personality. He fiddled a bit more before JARVIS spoke again.
"I know where you sleep, sir."
"Is that a threat, Jarv?"
"You need to sleep."
"Pepper really has been influencing you," Tony muttered, scowling. He didn't want to sleep, he had to finish this!
"Miss Potts is a remarkable woman. If she was here she would be forcing you to go to bed as well."
"Replacing her then? Fine, fine, stop nagging me, I'll go." He put down his tool, getting up and stumbling over to the door while muttering under his breath. "Stupid AI."
"I heard that, sir."
"Don't get any ideas, JARVIS, I can dismantle you."
"Wouldn't dream of it."
Tony was quite unsteady as he headed out of his lab, lack of sleep, stress and the alcohol he had drunk all catching up with him as the effects of caffeine wore off. He was screwed. He decided to check on Thor and Loki before going to sleep, knocking on the door before he popped his head in. "You guys need anything before I go to sleep?" He did look quite exhausted, dishevelled and covered in grease from the parts he had been working on. Looked like he hadn't showered or slept in days. It hadn't been so noticeable earlier, but now all of the energy he had had left him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

LOki was in a way glad he still had Thor, he knew without him he would be alone and miserable. He was feeling very miserable. He still lay his head on his brother . He didn't understand how Thor could still be nice to him after everything. He knew his brother was just a different person than him. But he still didn't understand. He was looking at him. there was a sadness in his eyes, "I don't understand why you are so nice to me after everything,"
He wasn't sure if Thor still trusted him. He knew that Thor was a fool in trusting him too much

He knew that he was feeing sick and needed alot of rest and medicine until he was better. He hoped he would feel better. He looked at Thor, his eyes were just dull and tired looking.
"I feel so sick Thor." He wanted to be feeling better. He knew that was rather hard. He was feeling like he would never be better. he doubted Odin loved him. He was unsure if Thor was saying that just to make him feel better. He knew Thor did tell the truth most of the time, unless it was something that would upset Loki too much. He curled up and coughed again, his breathing was very painned.

Loki sighed a bit, he wasn't sure if he was going to be kicked out of this realm or anything. He knew that he needed somewhere to be happy. Maybe Tony didn't seem to hate him so much now. He wasn't sure if Tony would like him, But he hadn't thought Tony was the type of guy who would help him. He was shaky and closed his eyes.
"I suppose ..," he trailed off and coughed. "I do need some more water." He was looking at Thor.

The god noticed Tony come in and he sighed "Get some sleep Tony." He smiled "I'll be fine." He thought Tony looked ready to fall over.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Because you are my brother, and I know there is good in you," Thor replied softly, though there was a sad look in his eyes. He knew it would never be the same between them and that Loki would never be the same no matter what. He just hoped they could move past what had happened, even if just a little. He wanted to have a good relationship with his brother again where they both trusted each other, as much as possible and got on.

Thor didn't really know what to do, with his brother so ill and and so in pain. He felt almost lost. He was not doctor and he knew not what was wrong with Loki. He guessed he would just do the best he could to make Loki feel better. Relieve his pain and get him everything he wanted until he was better. "I will get you some more water." He took Loki's glass and headed out towards the kitchen, smiling at Tony as he did so.

"If you say so, reindeer games," Tony yawned. He did feel ready to collapse. He was glad now that JARVIS had forced him to stop working so he could go and sleep. "Well, good night I guess, Loki." He just about managed to leave the room, reaching his own before collapsing on the bed without even bothering to get changed or under the covers. And like that he was fast asleep, in a deep and thankfully dreamless sleep.

Thor returned with a glass of water, handing it over to Loki. "You should try to sleep also, brother."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Thor always said that lately. Loki sighed, he couldn't see it. He didn't think that there was any good in him. He just saw himself as a monster. "I hate myself." He whispered.
His throat was really sore. He coughed and looked at him. He knew Thor did his best to make him feel better, He was feeling very tired as well. The god didn't feel like things would ever be ok, though he wished that they could be.
He was feeling so sick and dizzy, He curled up. He could see Thor wanted to help but didn't know what to do.

"Alright thanks brother." He waited for his brother to return with the water. He was feeling very weak. He had seen the lost look in his brother's eyes. He curled up and was feeling miserable.
He knew that he needed to sleep. He just couldn't.
The god wasn't sure he would ever get a decent sleep.

He takes the water and drinks it "Yeah I know, I just cant, I keep waking." He wondered if he would sleep better with Thor there. He lay his head on his brother. He was looking at him. He lays there and breathed heavily.
Thor was his only family, well he didn;t see Odin as family anymore.
The god coughed and rubbed his aching head a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"It is worth trying again, is it not?" Thor replied softly, watching his brother carefully and in a rather concerned manner. If Loki couldn't sleep then he would struggle to gain back his lost sleep. Thor gently put his arms around Loki as he lay his head on him. "I will be here for the whole night. Hopefully that will help." He wasn't sure, it did depend whether it was the illness or bad dreams preventing Loki from sleeping. Thor could help with the bad dreams, hopefully, by being there but not so much his illness. But he wouldn't leave his brother's side, even if it meant not getting any sleep himself. He would sleep in the morning when Tony awoke and could keep his brother company for a while.

Tony's sleep had gone from being a rather deep, dreamless on to more restless, causing him to turn constantly in his sleep with his covers twisting around him. He whimpered slightly as nightmares began to form again. He had been asleep for a while peaceful but it had not, of course, lasted all that long. The dreams were the same as always; the battle of New York, him almost dying, killing all the Chitauri. But he did not wake when he normally did and instead it cast him back to Afghanistan. All the soldiers being killed to protect him when the terrorists came to kidnap him, under Obadiah's orders. Being ordered to build the new weapon, having found out the only thing keeping him alive was a thing in his chest. He had made the first Iron Man suit and got out. But not without casualties. He saw the man who helped him dying before his eyes, urging him to go on. Tony remembered it all too well. It was painful. Because he, in a way, had caused that death and so many others when the terrorists got a hold of his weapons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Loki was looking at Thor, he wasn't sure only that he couldn't sleep. He still had his head rested on his brother. The god felt miserable and sick. He didn't want his brother to miss out on sleep or anything because of him.
"I know... but brother please sleep, even if you stay by me." He yawned. He didn't want his brother staying up all night. "Don't need you sick next or even just too tired." He knew how much his brother cared and that he would be willing to do that.
He wrapped his arms around his brother. The god tried to relax and get some sleep.

Loki didn't think he would sleep, He seemed restless. He closed his eyes but would open them again. He was tired of not sleeping well. He looked exhausted. He hoped that eventaully exhaustion would just knock him out.
He soon was able to get some sleep, his breathing was heavy. The god had quite a high fever. He tried to sleep the best he could. His arms stayed around his brother, He snored as he was so tired. He looked more weak and vunerable when he was asleep.

LOki awoke the next morning startled. He had woken once in the night because he was coughing so bad. He curled up closly to his brother and closed his eyes again. He was so weak he barely had the energy. The god wondered if Tony and Thor had slept any. He knew that he needed to stay in bed and try to get better.
His head was making him feel worse, as it was aching and all dizzy.
The god was sure some soup might be a good idea, though he barely was hungry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Thor just nodded with a slight smile. He stayed up to make sure his brother got to sleep and then, when that happened, let himself drift off. He was pretty tired as well after minimal sleep due to worry. And it was comforting having Loki's arms around him and his head rested against him. It helped allow Thor to sleep, knowing for now that his little brother was safe and alive even if terribly ill. He was fast asleep when Loki woke during the night, but woke a bit earlier than Loki did the next morning. Maybe it was some kind instinct. He smiled slightly at Loki when he woke, smiling more when he just curled up close to Thor and closed his eyes again. He stayed still where he was, so not to disturb Loki, feeling surprisingly refreshed even though he hadn't slept all that much.

Tony had gotten maybe a few hours of uninterrupted sleep but soon the nightmares had returned, waking him up constantly through the night. He did catch an hour or two in between each but by the time it was 4am in the morning the intervals were so sparse that he just gave up. It could have been worse, though, at least he had slept some. There were many times when he just didn't sleep at all. He was now nursing a bit of a hangover, nothing major just a small headache. He had had much worse. This one was really nothing. He ended up staying in bed for another hour before getting up at 5am. After a quick shower, something he really needed, he changed into fresh clothes (he had no idea how long he had been in the ones he had fallen asleep in) and headed out into the kitchen area. He wasn't really that hungry but he made himself some cereal anyway. He ended up playing on one of the electronic pads (similar to an iPad) that he had made, one of many in fact. He often skipped breakfast and went straight to work but decided it would be a good idea considering his lack of sleep. He had gotten some, but not enough.

When he was done he just stuffed the bowl into the washing machine, returning to the pad and opening up an app he had programmed so he could make blueprints electronically without being in his lab/workplace. Moving things around he began to replan out parts for a few new Iron Man suits he had planned out, as well as extra gadgets to help all of the avengers. He got so drawn into the work that he didn't remove himself from it until it was later on in the morning. It wasn't extremely late, probably about nine, but he put away the pad and moved towards Loki's room, knocking on the door quietly and peering in. Thor turned his head to smile slightly at him, but also indicated for him to be quiet in the hope that Loki was asleep. Tony nodded, mouthing to Thor to ask if he needed anything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Loki was laying there in hopes to sleep more. He looked very weak laying there, He soon was snoring. The god had gone back to sleep. He didn't want to miss out on decent sleep. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping.
He didn't seem to have noticed Tony come in the room.
The god was breathing deeply, he seemed to look very pale. His hair was a mess. He felt safe knowing his older was there. He coughed a few times. The god mumbled in his sleep. He was curled up tightly.

When he awoke a few hours later he looked around. "Brother?" he sits up and rubbed his eyes, The god looked at him. He didn't have the engery to even get up still. He sighed. He wondered if he would ever be well.
He didn't feel like he ever would. The god knew that he would have to try his best to get better, Even if part of him thought about just giving up. But he knew that he couldn't do that to Thor. He was coughing again.

"Morning," he rasped. He didn't sound all that good, his voice was somewhat strainned. The god leaned back. He sighed. Great he sounded as terrible as he looked. He knew his brother wouldn't make fun of him when he was sick at least too much.
"I look terrible I bet," he complianed. He was too weak to do a thing about his horrible looking hair.
The god coughed a few times, he looked a wreck really.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Thor had just shook his head at Tony, who nodded and retreated from the room. Loki had looked so... peaceful when asleep. It had been almost cute, in a way. Oh hell no Tony did not just think that. Nope. No, no, didn't think that. Rubbing his eyes, groaning slightly as his headache increased slightly Tony headed back to the kitchen to grab himself a glass of water before heading down his lab. "Morning, Jarv," he smiled slightly as entered, getting back to his work bench to continue on the many Iron Man suits he had planned.
"Good morning, sir. Sleep well?"
"You know I didn't," Tony sighed, as he began fiddling with some wires before slipping on the lower arms piece and flexing his hand to make sure that it worked. Yup, good.
"I was merely being polite."
Tony rolled his eyes. Sometimes he really regretted giving the AI the capacity to develop a personality.

Tony sincerely hoped that Loki would feel a bit better that morning after a nice rest. He had looked like he was sleeping well which was definitely good. Probably Thor's presence. Tony just hoped that he stuck around. It would be better for anyone. He had been fine with looking after Loki but he wasn't very good at it. Better to be where he was, whiling away the hours making suits. He'd been doing it compulsively since New York. It was odd and Pepper had gotten annoyed with him quite a lot of the time. It was why... Well, she had broken up with him soon after the attack on New York. It hadn't exactly helped things. So she was running his business and he was here, or in his house in Miami, building suits. He was surprisingly okay with it, though. He put everything into his work. Rarely things interrupted it. The avengers, when they came back to stay in the tower, and now Loki and Thor. He would be lying if he said he didn't welcome the distractions, though. A sick Loki hadn't exactly been the nicest... But it had been another person. And Loki wasn't half bad.

"Good morning," Thor smiled at Loki softly. "I trust you slept well?" He watched his brother with deep blue eyes, head slightly tilted. What Loki said was true. He did look pretty terrible. But he was ill. "Just a bit, yes, but that is not exactly your fault," Thor replied. He stood up and stretched, feeling just a bit sore from the position he had slept in. It hadn't been too bad thought. "Would you like anything? Food, or more water?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Loki was sure that he would be ok as long as Thor was there. The god coughed and smiled weakly at his brother "I wish... , well better than normal but still woke , but this time because I was coughing, I was worried I'd wake you but you seemed deeply asleep." He smiled a bit "Glad I didn't wake you."
He knew he always felt bad when he woke his brother from sleeping.
At least he hadn't this time. He knew that his brother wouldn't have minded been woken though.

Loki was looking at his brother "I know.... , I just hate looking a mess and leaving my hair like this." He laughed. He sounded very miserable. He coughed a bit. The god coughed harder.
"Food and water would be good, I think my stomach feels ok today, but maybe something light encase."
The god didn't want to push it and eat too much, he also didn't want to eat anything too heavy. He sniffed a bit "Maybe could you help me up , I wish to take a bath." He looked at Thor.

He knew that a bath maybe pushing it when he had no strength. The god knew a bath would help him feel better. He at least wanted to attempt to fix his hair. The god of mischeif's hair was alll greasy and messy.
He knew that he was vain about his hair sometimes. He really looked a wreck, his body was thinner as well. He held his head feeling dizzy. He was determined to be able to take bath if he could.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"I would not have minded being woken," Thor replied with a slight nod. "I would have got back to sleep easily enough." He was glad that Loki had slept better than normal. It was to be expected that he would up at least once or twice due to being ill. Thor had hoped that his presence would help his brother sleep and it seemed that it had. At least, that was probably part of the reason Loki had slept well that night.

Thor smiled slightly, with a nod. He remembered that even as a young boy Loki had been concerned about his hair not being a mess. The first thing he did when they came back from some kind of adventure was to wash it. Thor had always found it quite amusing. "Yes, of course. I will run a bath first, then help you up and then I will get you some suitable food." He nodded slightly. He hoped that Loki was strong enough to have a bath without... Falling or drowning or some other morbid thing. "I will just go and do that now." Thor smiled slightly at his brother, heading into the en suite bathroom to run a bath. It took him a bit of time to work out what the various taps were but he had it working in no time.

"Update, Jarv?" Tony asked as he stood up to stretch, back cracking slightly. He yawned ever so slightly and rubbed his head. Damn headache from hangover restricting the brain power he could put into making the suits.
"Loki is awake. He is in no worse condition than yesterday but is not better. Thor is still awake and running a bath."
"Right," Tony drawled, arching an eyebrow. He would just leave them to it then. Thor would look after Loki just fine and if either needed help they would be able to contact him. JARVIS was pretty much everywhere in the house. Tony paced about a bit, trying to work out exactly what he was trying to make.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Loki was looking at Thor "Oh you sure?" He knew that was true, he could always go to his brother for anything really. He knew that having his brother there had helped him sleep better.
He was surprised he had only woken once in the night.
The god of mischief knew he still didn't look very well.

The god looked at his brother "Thank you Thor," It was true Loki always had to clean his hair after an adventure. During his time on earth trying to take it over, he had barely found ways to fix and wash his hair, which always annoyed him.
Loki knew that Thor would look after him as he was too weak to do much.
The god merely just waited for his brother to get the bath ready. The shivered a bit.

LOki was coughing a bit, he was groaning a bit. When the bath was ready, he waited for his brother to help him up. He was very weak. He knew that he would have to focus to stay upright in the bath.
He was sure that he could handle that. He was looking at his brother when he walked in.
"Ok I'm ready." he sighed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"If you say so," Thor looked slightly unsure, but he moved over to beside the bed. He gently put his arm around his brother and under his arm, helping him stand and allowing him to lean against him if he needed to. Basically Thor could fully support Loki's weight while he walked if that was what Loki needed. He hoped that Loki would be okay. But he was sure if his brother wished to have a bath he knew that he was able to. At least that was what Thor hoped.

Tony had sat back down, trying to concentrate on the building that he wanted to do. His mind kept wondering, thinking about just about everything. He thought about Pepper, wondering if he should phone her just to talk. He decided against it. Didn't want her to get concerned and come here. He wondered when he would next see all of the avengers. A reunion would certainly be fun. He would like to see them all again. It had certainly been nice to see Thor, even if it hadn't been in the most normal of circumstances.
Now that he thought about it he had to get the window fixed. Again. What was with Asgardians and breaking his window?

Realising that he wasn't going to do anything productive, at least not at this moment, Tony got up and just left his lab. Might as well go watch television in the living room or something. He headed into the kitchen first, deciding that maybe something unhealthy to eat would help him get more energy and work better. It took him a while of rummaging around in cupboards (he needed to order someone to buy more food soon) to find a packet of chocolate digestives. He sat down and began to munch on them, not really caring about how it wasn't really healthy to just stuff his face with biscuits. It was fine, he would work it out later when he practised fighting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Loki was looking at his brother. He smiled when Thor helped him. "Thanks Thor." once they were in the bathroom. Loki was shivering a bit. He hoped a warm bath would help.
The god knew his brother would always be there for him.
"I umm will be fine from here," He felt rather akward. He only ever saw Thor in a botherly way. But he was still akward when it came to getting undressed and he always wanted his privacy.

"I'll call you if I need any assistance." Loki told him. When Thor had left the room, he got undressed before slowly getting into the tub, He was coughing.
The god slowly washed up and washed out his black hair. He knew that a bath did help him feel better when he was quite sick. The god was looking relaxed as he lay in the tub.

After having a bath, he gets out and gets dry and changed. He is shaking and tried to fix up his hair. He was looking rather pale. He leaned on the wall breathing heavily.
"THor need help!" He called out for him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Your welcome, brother," Thor smiled slightly, nodding slightly at Loki as he headed to the door. "I will make sure to come straight away if you call." With another smile he left, headed into the kitchen. He ended up standing in the centre, looking around as he tried to work out where to begin in his search for food. This whole lay out was confusing... He found it strange there not being cooks to make the food. He had never made food before. He continued looking, a frown framing his lips.

"What are you looking for?" Tony asked from where he sat, amused smile quirking his lips while his dark brown eyes were curious. Thor turned to face him.

"I am looking for some kind of food for my brother that is easy to eat, and some also for me."

"Right, well soup for Loki..." Tony got up after eating one more biscuit, heading over to a bunch of cupboards and pulling out a tin of vegetable soup. It probably wouldn't be as nice as what they were used to, but it would work. "There's cereal in there." He pointed to another cupboard. "Bowls in there." Pointing again. "And milk in the fridge. I'll make the soup because I don't want you blowing anything up." Thor looked like he was about to argue with Tony, but realised that he really had no idea how to work any of the earth appliances. He got himself together a bowl of cereal, sitting and watching Tony as he ate. Tony grabbed a pan, pouring in all of the soup and putting it on the hob after turning it on. While Tony was a millionaire he didn't have a cook or anything, so he could make the basic meals. Not much, though, he most had take away or went out. Stirring the soup he turned to face Thor. "How is he?"

"No better, no worse," Thor shrugged. "He slept last night."

"Good." An awkward silence fell upon them, one that was broken until Loki called out. Thor was instantly up, practically running for the bathroom that Loki was in due to the worry that Loki had fell or something. He burst in, eyes darting to his brother. "Loki, are you okay?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Loki could see his brother looked worried . He knew maybe shouting for help wasn't the best way to keep his brother calm. He though had wanted to make sure his brother would hear him,
"I'm fine brother, I just need help walking again."
The god was waiting for his brother to help him.

Really Loki was afriad he would fall over if he moved, he didn't want to attempt walking encase something went wrong. The god knew Thor would only worry if he got hurt.
Though he was sure once he got better and got some strength back that he would be ok. He wasn't sure. The god of mischief did look very ill though. He still coughed a few times.
His throat felt all dry and sore. He had been hit bad with what ever illness he had.

"Can I go lay out on the couch?" He wanted to be out with Tony and Thor and didn't want to be laying in bed. He was getting bored of being shut up in the room away from everybody. He knew he was rather ill still.
But he hoped he was ok enough to handle being out there. He wasn't sure if any strong smells would set off his stomach. But he seemed to think he could eat so was sure he would be ok.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Oh good, I was worried that you were hurt," Thor replied with a visible sigh of relief. He moved over to his brother, putting his arm around him as he had the last time to allow Loki to completely support his weight. As Thor moved out of the bathroom with Loki he was pretty much prepared to carry him if it was what needed. He did not want Loki to be hurt. "Of course," he nodded in response to Loki's request to lie on the couch. He continued to support Loki as they left the bedroom and entered the main room. The part of the towers specifically designed for the Avengers was a pretty open plan. The bottom floor of the area contained the guest rooms and all the sort of gathering areas, training areas and the labs. The place was purely to be open, with the kitchen, dining room and living room all sort of mashed into one. They were separated slightly, but still one room. The floors above contained living quarters for all of the Avengers with more than enough space. It was all pretty well planned out. Courtesy of one Tony Stark, of course.

"Morning, reindeer games," Tony glanced over at Loki and Thor when they entered with a grin, stirring the soup as he did so. He had decided to switch from the all too friendly and almost affectionate nickname of Lokes (which he hadn't even meant to call Loki) to one that was much less... Cute? Personal? He wasn't sure. He was surprisingly pleased with the fact that Loki was coming out into the living room. Considering Tony couldn't work at the moment, stupid hangover, it would give someone intelligent to talk to. No offence to Thor.

After helping Loki over to the couch, and making sure he was safely on it, Thor disappeared back into Loki's bedroom to grab the bucket and also the duvet in case Loki got cold. Tony finished making the soup, pouring about half of it into the bowl. He knew from Thor that Asgardians had massive appetites but Loki was ill and somehow Tony didn't think he ate quite as much as Thor. Deciding it would be good for his hangover Tony poured the rest of the soup into a second bowl. He headed over to the more living room like area, complete with more than enough seating for, well, the avengers, and handed Loki the bowl of soup with a spoon where he lay on the couch. "Lunch is served," he smiled slightly, moving over to sit on one of the armchairs.
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