For years the Kingdom of Illia has been at peace, the King has done much to keep his people happy. The kingdom is rich, with food, weapons, and gold. However the King had so much effect into making his kingdom peaceful, that he blindly missed the misery that resided in his very castle. It was that foolishness that has recently thrown Illia into complete chaos, the King has recently been killed, his throat sliced in his sleep and a fight between the pure and the evil will soon began for rights of the kingdom.

The White castle magnificent and large made of a mixture of white and gray stones for the walls the castle itself the size of the city of Illia that was before it full of people who were grief stricken by the death of their King. Queen Alisa walked quickly through the halls of castle, her mind set on one goal and that was the one person who could have gotten to her husband and killed him, her step-daughter Snow. Coming to a clear spot at the end of the hall Alisa flicked her wrist muttering softly, a large mirror that reached to the ground appearing in front of her, a white and gold jester mask floating without a body inside of the black glass. The face of the mask showing what looked like many cracks along the white places of the mask.

“The many times I true you tis true, though her heart is cold, Snow if far more fair than you.” The mirror let out an eerie echo that filled the hallway around her, though there would be no one else but the Queen would be able to hear and see her magic mirror for what it was. To the servants of the castle would only see a grief stricken widowed Queen talking to herself in a mirror that really had no place being where it was on the wall.

“I do not care today of my step-daughters fairness, I wish to see where she is now!” She almost yelled at the mirror, bringing some attention to herself from the servants before they went back to work. The mask in the mirror let out an annoyed sigh before the mirror image twisted and swirled before showing the image of a black long haired young woman with pale skin and ruby red lips leaning against one of the trees somewhere in a nearby patch of woods. How could this child be so relaxed after she had just killed her only father? A man that helped to give her life! It truly sickened the Queen, with the wave of her hand the image was gone and so was the mirror.

The one thing that worried her much more than the fact she was now without a husband, was the feeling that Alisa was next. For if her stepdaughter really did want to take the throne, then with the King out of the way she was the only one who would gain the throne before her stepdaughter Turning to one of the servants Alisa grabbed ahold of her wrist. “Send away for me a hunter, the closest the better.” She ordered roughly before letting her go.

Meanwhile deep in the woods to the west of the castle Snow White sat against one of the great oaks that lined the woods enjoying the wonderful and peaceful nature that had been stolen from her for the last twenty years. One of the many things she was unable to do, was ever leave the walls of the kingdom, however now without her father there to keep her locked away she was free to go wherever she pleased. The woods were full of life yet peaceful all at the same time. Birds chirping and playing happily in the trees above the heads of those who walked underneath them, making the multicolored early autumn leaves fall from the trees.

The soothing smell that came only in autumn time, while the wind was just chilly enough to leave goose bumps on ones uncovered skin, luckily Snows arms and legs were kept quite warm from the powder blue cloak that was wrapped around her to keep herself warm. Snow grinned happily humming sweetly and softly to herself resting her head against the trunk of the tree for a bit more, before shifting to her feet. The edge of her dagger was stabbed into the tree quickly to mark her way back home before pushing slowly farther into the woods.