Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 10 mos ago

It had been a long day for Jack, West Ham had just lost three nil and it had been a shite game. Riding back slowly he weaved in and out of traffic, glad for the small width of his bike. He had planned on heading home and having a kip however a call from the club had meant that he would have to put that off. Rob needed somebody to do a small time run to the Triads and everybody else was either busy or unreachable. Ah well he thought, win some lose some. He had just got some new parts for his bike sitting at home, beautiful chrome and he also needed them installed as soon as he could so they could wear in a little. This would have been the perfect run but alas time was not in his side. He did stop off at his apartment quickly however to pick up his piece, never knew what was going to happen with the triads and he always felt safer with it on him. Leaving he locked the doors and shouldered it to be sure it was secure. He had been robbed hundreds of times at foster homes and hated the feeling of knowing somebody else had been through your stuff. He nodded his farewell to the Tony, the building's handy man who was just finishing installing the new CCTV, designed to make Britain a safer place, or so they were told. Just big brother grabbing a tighter hold of our balls he thought to himself. As he pushed through the glass doors to his flats.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Khat
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Khat The Friggin Tired

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Grace was wandering around, scoping new houses out for possible targets. She was moving areas as the police were getting suspicious of her and keeping tags on her. So a new area to hit was a must. She watched a tall male leave an apartment building and get on a rather expensive looking bike. 'A Harley?' She thought as her eyes lit up. 'Lots of custom parts too' She smiled as she watched him leave. She HAD to find out which was his apartment and give it a look over. She had her large hood up and made her way in.

She saw what she assumed was the buildings handy man. She wandered over with a cute smile and tapped him gently on the shoulder. "Excuse me sir, I was just wondering if you knew the flat number of the man who just left? I would like to post him my number and ask a few questions about his Harley." She said, with nothing but innocence in her eyes. The man nodded and reeled off his apartment number and smiled at her adding that the guys name was Jack... and that he was single. She giggled and smiled before thanking him and making her way up the stairs. She noticed that the man was installing CCTV so she knew she had to be careful about making sure her face wasn't going to be seen on camera. She walked up the stairs and down the hallway to the door.

She looked around herself to make sure no one was around and got her lock picking tools out and begun tackling the lock. As soon as she heard a click she grinned. She opened the door and made her way inside. Her eyes lit up once again as she saw the chrome parts just laying around. 'Well, he's just asking for me to take them' She giggled as she opened her rather large backpack and slipped them in. She made her way around the apartment and did a quick sweep of any stashes of money, expensive looking items and took a few things out of his fridge. She was kinda thirsty and she hadn't eaten since yesterday afternoon. She made her way out closing the door behind her. As soon as she got out of the building she took off down the streets. She was off the the nearest fence to get rid of her newly acquired items.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Jack was sitting on his bike and finishing a smoke when he got a call from Rob. His gruff voice came over the phone like a growling dog.

"Did you make the drop?"

"Yeah Rob, dead drop in the bins in chinatown, 3 bins down from the Golden Dragon, I know how this is done. I'm not some prospect."

There was a grunt and then the line went dead, ah well at least if he wasn't shouting he was sure he had done it al right. Turning over the engine he throttled the bike back into traffic. On his way home he drifted in and out of thinking about his bed, the new parts and a chicken tikka for dinner. He would probably put the curry on first, install the parts and then head to bed. It was going to be a nice calm evening. Something he didn't really get much of anymore. Pulling into his garage by the flats he turned off the bike and got off. Shutting the door but not locking it so he wouldn't have to unlock it again when he came down with the parts. As he stepped through the door Tony came over.

"Did that bird from earlier find you?"

Tony's voice was soft and for some people quite suave however he couldn't hide a hint of pure stupidity everytime he spoke.

"What bird Tony? I've been working. I wasn't supposed to meet anyone today."

"So I probably shouldn't have told that girl your flat number then?"

Jack ran towards the stairs and up them he ran as fast as he could arriving at his floor he tore down the corridor and shouldered the door. It flew wide open. Bastard thief hadn't even bothered to lock up on the way out. Looking around his room wasn't ransacked but stuff certainly wasn't where he had left it. drawers were opened but not emptied, his bag had been rummaged through and thrown on the floor. But worst of all was the clear lack of custom parts in the sheets on the table. Just over a grand that had cost him and gone in a split second. And only Tony had seen her. This was afucking nightmare. An idea popped into his head. The bitch would have been on the CCTV. Perhaps big brother got it right this time. He stepped out of the room locking the door again though he doubt it would do much good. Going back down stairs he patted Tony on the back and asked to see the CCTV of the girl looking for him so he could go and 'answer her questions.'. Tony happily obliged the way he always did and skimming through the recording Jack made out a hood and some jeans. Perfect. Calling into Rob he mad a few enquiries into fences who would deal in custom parts. They would be pretty rare and a bitch to sell on. Rob could only think of two. Steve Finch and Harry Twat. None of the real names of course but that is what everybody knew them by. By the looks of the girl she had been pretty rough. Harry only dealt in the finer things and expected a bottle of bubbly for every meet so chances are she was going for Steve. Jack had never liked Steve, a man who fancied himself a biker yet had never ridden one in his life. Ah well he needed those parts back, besides any girl who looked that good from behind in a hoody and jeans needed to be seen from the front. No! He thought, need to keep your mind on your bike.

Stepping outside again the air was a little colder than before and he did up his jacket, stretching the emblem on the back. He revved up the Harley once more and moved off into the London traffic. Steve was normally down the King's Head this time of night and was probably in the back room, buying his parts now. He revved up the engine some more. urging the bike to speed up, or at least for the lights to be kind. No point getting pulled up for speeding or running a light. Not with his priors. After what seemed like an age although it was probably only a couple of minutes Jack arrived. Pushing his way through the door he kicked in the back room, nobody in the pub got up. They were used to it and if a Redcoat was doing it, it was serious shit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Khat
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Khat The Friggin Tired

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Grace had made her way to the Kings Head. She hated Steve Finch, he would always offer her more for her stuff is she slept with him or gave him any kind of sexual experience what so ever. He made her want to throw up every time she smelt his over powering cologne and his stupidly gelled up hair. She walked into the back room, not saying a word to anyone else. They knew who she was here for. As she walked in she was greeted with a what Steve must of thought as a 'sexy smirk' but to her it just repulsed her.

She took her hood down and sat in the chair opposite him. "Got some nice shiny stuff for you today, I'd say you could sell it on for about a grand, they're brand new... I want at least six hundred for it all" she said, crossing her legs and putting her bag on her lap, opening and placing her items on the table so he could have a look. "I will give you eight if you take your clothes off honey." he said with that same 'sexy smirk' as before. She glared at him "Six will do me fine, thanks." she said with a loathing tone lacing her every word. Steve chuckled and held his hands up "Fine, fine, his hand went under the table and found its way to her knee, he slid it up slowly. Grace glared at him and slapped his hand away "You ain't gettin' any sexual favours from me you slimy bastard, now just give me six so I can leave this shit hole and get home!" She yelled at him through gritted teeth. She always preferred her other fences but sadly none of them were interested in the parts. He frowned and glared at her for her rude comment but nodded and sighed. "Fine, six it is Miss.Smith" He said with over-exaggerated politeness. She gave an irritated tutting sound while holding out her hand.

Just as the money had been placed into her palm she jumped at the sound of a loud bang. She looked at the door wondering what was going on outside. She took the money and put it in her jeans pocket. She zipped up her bag and put it back on her bag before walking out of the door. She stopped and her eyes widened as she saw what all the noise was about. 'Shit!' She thought to herself as she saw the man she had just robbed. 'Jack.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Jack was not in the mood to be fucked with and seeing the wide eyes of the girl just cheered him up, a little. He smiled as he sauntered towards the girl. Grabbing her shoulder he spun her around and marched her straight back into the back room before closing and locking the door.

"Alright miss, why don't you explain to me why you thought it would be a good idea to steal my things."

The question was made more of an statement.

"Listen, Jack I had no idea..."

"Shut the fuck up you piece of shit, you know those parts are mine. I had you scout them out you dumb shit now you are gunna put the parts on the table. And our lovely friend here is going to put the money and the contents of her pockets and bag on the table as well."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Khat
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Khat The Friggin Tired

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Grace shrugged his hand off her shoulder and tossed him a glare "Hey!" she didn't like being 'man handled'. Once she was marched back into the back room like a naughty toddler. She folded her arms. "Ain't my fault you didn't go to proper precautions to keep your shit safe, when you flaunt that Harley about, you're asking for it." she said tutting once again. "I ain't putting anything on the table, what's mine is mine, I look out for number one, got a problem with it? Go swivel." she added, her arms still folded and the look of utter stubbornness on her face. She didn't care who this guy was, she has dealt with some bastards over the years and she doesn't give a damn who anybody is. 'Kinda cute though' She thought to herself as a small smirk made its way across her stubborn features.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The girl was tough, Jack gave her that and respected it, but right now she was starting to piss him off. She was smirking at him and although it revealed a smile that just made her look even hotter he controlled himself once again. Nodding his head he walked behind her, taking a step back he booted the leg off of her chair. Causing it to collapse under her. He stepped over her on the floor and looked her dead in the eye.

"I'm going to be honest, I am not in the fucking mood for this shit. Normally yes, in fact I would probably give you something for it. But right now I need my stuff and I am going to take what you got from him as well, for my troubles. So empty out the..."

Jack looked over at Steve who just whimpered.

"600 quid."

"There you go, 600 and you can keep everything else you took. How does that sound? Cus otherwise it's gunna be you stripped butt naked and dropped off in some random alley where I can go home and get everything off of your clothes in peace."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Khat
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Khat The Friggin Tired

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Her eyes widened as she was expecting to be on the floor. As Jack stood over her she smirked once again, she knew smirking was probably giving him the wrong idea but she couldn't help herself. She found him incredibly hot and the fact that he was stood over her like this.. Grace kinda wanted him, she had always been attracted to bad boys and men who knew how to get what they wanted without being slimy about it. She didn't usually give men a second glance, but his anger just seemed to turn her on, she didn't know why, but it did.

She got up to her feet, dusted herself down and looked at him "Three" she stated "I'll give you three hundred, that's half of what I've earned and I have to live too y'know." She folded her arms and looked him dead in the eye, she wasn't scared of him one bit, growing up on the streets sort of makes you forget about it. The only reason she was offering to give him some of the money was because she fancied him. Otherwise she would have just punched him in the balls and legged it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The girl was persistent. She was looking better and better by the second. He needed the money though, could help him get in on a small time drug trade that was going on. The girl was still smirking at him and he found it to be an odd combination of infuriating and arousing. Cheek and lip had always been a bit of a turn on for him. Closing his eyes quickly he reminded himself. Think about why you're here. He shook his head.

"Can't do it love, those parts are mine and I could use the money. So its mine for all the hassle. Although...you willing to break the law a bit more? I need someone for a job if you need money. Someone who can break into houses. Also I can't carry my stuff back to mine without a bag so I am going to need yours. Either I take it or you bring my stuff back to mine with me. It's your call, stay here, end up a little beaten and bruised with nothing. Or come with me, hand over the 600 and gain the possibility of some well paid work."

This time Jack was grinning. The girl had already let loose she needed money and so now all it was was exploiting that need as much as possible. Besides he did have that Brixton job that needed someone who could pick a lock and she clearly could do the job.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Khat
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Khat The Friggin Tired

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

She raised a brow at his threat of 'end up a little beaten and bruised' she knew he would be able to lay a hand on her, she is quick on her feet when she needs to be, she can be like lightening at times, especially when she's running off from the coppers. "How much money we talking here?" She asked, curious, because if it was more than this six hundred she was in. Breaking into houses was her expertise, so this could be some easy money for her. She wasn't letting him have her bag either, it didn't just carry her stolen stuff, it housed her important personal possessions that she didn't feel comfortable leaving in her abandoned home, and her coke. That she trusted with no one. She also liked the idea of having a ride on his fancy looking Harley. "And you ain't touchin' this bag, so if you want your shit carrying I'll have to come with you." she added. "But I ain't handing over any money 'till I know what this 'paid work' is..." she gave him a cocky look before putting the bike parts into her backpack and swinging it over her shoulder before walking past him with a smirk and strutting her way out of the shit hole. Once outside she walked over to his bike, she looked it over properly now she was close enough to. She was impressed, she always liked bikes, never learnt how to drive though, and she was accident prone, so she didn't trust herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Jack couldn't believe this girl. Ah well, nothing he could do now. Besides his curry was still at home and he was starved. Pulling out a big fuck off knife from his boot he slammed it down onto the table, straight through Steve's right pinky, cutting it clean off. Then he picked up the now disconnected pinky and threw it out of a window into the alley. He muffled Steve's screams with the rags the parts had been in and gave him a push for good measure. It would be a while before Steve tried to buy stuff that was his again. Walking out he gave a nod to the barkeep and lay a 50 on the side. Stepping out The girl was already at his bike, with those wide eyes people who liked bikes normally got when they saw his Harley. God did she look sexy with the bike. IF she were in a pair of denim shorts and a crop top he probably couln't have helped himself. But again he took a deep breath and carried on thinking about the job.

"Harley Iron 883, got her for 4 grand off a friend at my MC club, in case you hadn't spotted I'm a Redcoat."

Jack pointed to the leather jacket he hadn't taken off since he had got up that morning.

"Put this on..."

He handed the girl a helmet.

"...and get on the back. I will tell you more about the job when we get back to mine."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Khat
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Khat The Friggin Tired

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

She looked around at him when he spoke. Took her by surprise a little, "I noticed, and good for you?" She questioned, raising a brow slightly. She wasn't really impressed or cared that much that he was in a gang. She took the helmet from him and put it on her head and fastened it nice and tight. She was rather excited to go on a bike. She had never rode one before, always wanted to but never knew anyone who could ride. She tried to contain her excitement but she couldn't stop smiling, this was the first time she was genuinely happy about something that she hadn't stolen.

She sat on the back happily she adjusted herself so she was comfy and then she was ready and raring to go. She nodded at him that she was ready. Once Jack set off she let out a little giggle of happiness as they drove forward. She was so giddy she could pee.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Jack didn't really care about her lack of interest in the club. They were small time simply so as to stay off the radar of some of the more dangerous legal groups. The engine was running beautifully as they weaved in and out of traffic which had become much lighter since he had gone inside. The giggles from behind him made him chuckle. ALthough bikes were his passion and he loved being on one nothing could compare to the early days when he first started riding. He had felt so free and so happy he could have spent days just sitting on the bike doing nothing. The girl clearly liked the bike, and he sure as hell wasn't going to stop that. He loved showing it off and the new parts would make it even nicer. Pulling into a slower lane he settled down into a more cruising speed. He needed to think, this girl who had just robbed him was now suddenly on the back of his bike heading back to his for news about a job. And he didn't even know here name. Life doesn't get much better, he thought. Realising how slow he was moving now he sped up, again weaving in and out of cars more for the girls enjoyment than actual speed. Eventually he came back to his flat, pulled the bike up inside his garage and switched off the engine. He stepped off.

" She is a beautiful bike, hope the vibrations didn't ruin your pants."

Jack winked at the girl.

"Go upstairs to my flat, make yourself at home and put all 600 on the table. I'll be up in a minute after I have finished locking up down here. Oh and..."

He threw the girl his keys.

"...use these this time. Miss?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Khat
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Khat The Friggin Tired

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

She loved being on the bike, she could happily ride all day long, it was a better kick than her coke. It was as she had always imagined it to be. Once they were at the garage she didnt really want to get off. She rolled her eyes at Jacks comment. "My panties are none of your business, thank you very much." She said with some attitude but a small smile was partnered with it. She started walking out and turned when he begun speaking again. She caught the keys and smirked, "You're no fun... Lock picking is a great passion of mine" She said with a small laugh. "My name is Grace" she added before turning and walking out and up the stairs to his flat.

She opened his door using the keys this time and wandered in, she already knew the layout so she didn't need to bother exploring. She opened his fridge and pulled out the curry that was in. She read the label for cooking times 'microwave for 9 minutes... he's a classy feaster' she thought to herself shaking her head before taking the cardboard sleeve off and piercing the plastic film. She stuck it on a plate and put it in the microwave. She figured if he didn't want it she'd eat it, but putting him something to eat in was the least she could do, she DID nick from him.

She took a seat at the kitchen table after pulling a can of cola from the fridge. She opened it and took a swig. She didn't realise just how thirsty she was. She kept the money in her pocket, no way was she taking that out until they had spoken about this job he wanted her to do. She didn't care if he threatened her, he could stick it where the sun doesn't shine for all she's bothered. She leant back in her seat awaiting him to finish fiddling about with the garage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Jack watched her go and smiled when she was gone. He was beginning to like her more and more. Turning back to his bike he checked the chain and the fuel before putting a lock on the wheel and shutting the garage door. He then walked back into the block of flats and up the stairs and into his flat, locking the door behind him. As he stepped in the smell of heating up curry and the sound of the microwave assaulted his senses. Either she was going to get a slap for stealing his food or she had just read his mind. Looking into the kitchen he saw she'd had grabbed one of the cokes. It was fine, he wanted a beer and the cokes were the leftovers from a friend anyway. Stepping into his room quickly he pulled a folder out from his bedside table. It was a brown taccy folder you would have find in any stationers however it contained some details on properties owned by one Darius Jerome. Darius was head of the Rollers. A predominantly black gang that came from one of the nastiest ends of London. Throwing the folder down onto the table he opened a beer, had a swig and then spoke.

"I did say money on the table but nevermind. In this folder are the details to a guy we are interested. Darius Jerome. Big son of a bitch who runs a gang in Brixton. He is getting in on some gun running business and we want to know when and where he is getting these guns. All the details about his house and schedule are in there. You bring me anything on those deals and I will give you 750. If the info is good. Bogus info and you get fuck all."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Khat
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Khat The Friggin Tired

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Grace looked up at Jack immediately when he swore "Oi, if you want my help then no swearing at me. You shouldn't swear in front of Ladies anyway." She scolded him as she opened up the folder and took out its contents. "And you ain't getting any of the money in my pocket till I have looked over the details." she added taking another sip of her coke. She sifted through all the papers looking every detail over carefully. "Also, your curry is in the microwave if you haven't guessed from the smell" She said as she pulled some glasses out of her backpack. She needed to wear glasses for reading as after a while words got blurry. She put them on and they rested near the end of her nose, 'Sexy Secretary' like. She read through all the papers biting her bottom lip a little. She did this whenever she was concentrating. She knew if she got this right she'd earn more than what's in her pocket and if she didn't get it right and she got caught, this is high risk and could get shot. She wasn't too keen on getting shot either.

Once she had read through everything she looked up at him over her glasses. "Eight" she said simply. "I want eight hundred, I ain't settling for less either. You need a professional for this job. I'm you're woman, you can get someone else to do it if you want, but they will probably fuck if up. Your choice." She said bluntly crossing her legs and taking another sip of her coke. Still looking over the top of her glasses at him, awaiting a response.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Jack just laughed and shook his head. This girl was a feisty one indeed, and knew her business. He got up and opened the microwave just before it went off. Pulling the steaming plastic out he grabbed a spoon and sat back down to tuck in. Taking a mouthful he thought for a second then nodded his head slowly. This girl certainly was a pro, he had a pretty good lock up and she had made it in no problem.

"Okay how about this, 775 and I will give you a ride up to the area on the Harley? And one back when you're done."

Jack offered his right hand as he carried on eating with his left. He hadn't realised how starving he was. After this was hashed out he was going to sort out the sofa since his new friend probably wasn't going to go for the night. Hell he wasn't going to let her with the info she now had. Then he would hit the hay. It would be an easy day tomorrow, compared to others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Khat
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Khat The Friggin Tired

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

She narrowed her eyes at him as she contemplated the 775 and a ride there and back on the Harley. She grinned and shook his hand. She had quite a grip for a petite thing like herself. "Deal, so am I staying here?" She asked curiously. She didn't think he would allow her to leave until the job was done. She was wondering where she was going to sleep, because if he thought she was having the sofa, he had another thing coming.

She had a little twitch, she was getting ready for another cocaine hit. She had gone all day without a single snort. Usually she would have had at least two or three by now. She finished her can of Cola and took her glasses off and put them back in her bag. "Because if you think I'm on the couch you can stick it up your arse" She said simply with a cute smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Now it was Jack's turn to narrow his eyes.

"I guess I am going to have to stick it up my arse and you can sleep on the floor. Cus' you are definitely not sleeping in my bed. That is where the king sleeps and I am going to be honest. The king sleeps alone, especially when the house guest is somebody whole stole from him."

Jack stood and put the remains of the curry in the bin. Next he walked over to a cupboard, pulled out an old duvet and some pillows and threw them on the ground of his small flat.

"So you can pick where you are going to sleep. Oh and if you are going to use later..."

Jack pointed at the girls twitch.

"...don't do it here and make sure you are clean by tomorrow."

Jack then went and stood by the door to his room, turning and looking at the girl who, earlier that day he wanted to kill, was now apparently staying the night and earning him some cash. How the days can turn.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Khat
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Khat The Friggin Tired

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Grace frowned "I ain't sleeping on the floor" She muttered to herself as the door closed. She thought If I'm not allowed to snort here then where the hells he expect me to do it?! she glared at the door he left through and got her stash out anyway. She made a line up and rolled a dollar bill and snorted. She laid back in the chair once she had done and blinked. She loved the feeling of getting high, it made her feel top of the world. Though now she was coked up, she wasn't going to sleep for a while.

She stood up and picked the pillow and blanket up and made her way into Jacks room. For some reason she thought it would be a good idea to sleep with him. Even though 'the king sleeps alone' she really didn't give a shit. She was not sleeping on the floor for no bodies business. Even at her abandoned house she had a comfy mattress!

She was in a state of euphoria, she just felt so happy and good about everything. Though she was getting rather hot, so what do you do when you're hot and bothered? You cool yourself down. For her, that included taking her clothes off. She dropped the blanket on the floor and threw the pillow at him laughing before unzipping her hoody and dropping it to the floor and starting to slowly take her top off. Looking at Jack while she did it.
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