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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A man lay on the ground beneath Magnus's feet, writhing and screaming in terror "You have two options." Magnus told him. "One, which will benefit us both, is to tell me who sent you and where they are and I will inject you with the cure and you can join us and keep your life intact. Two, My..friend here blows your head clean off it's shoulders. So, What will it be?" He finished with a half grin, bearing long jagged fangs. "Never! We will destroy you and all of your kind!" The man replied. "So be it." Magnus told him with a growl and nodded to Rhyss who in turn pulled the trigger. Magnus sighed as he placed the phial back in his coat and stood up. "Damn these SOLDIER and their loyalists, can't they see their efforts are in vain? Why won't they just stand still and allow us to destroy them?" He told Rhyss. "Dispose of the body, it gives off a rather unpleasant smell as it ages." Magnus told the two vampires standing near the doorway of the interrogation room Magnus had instructed in his castle of sorts.

During the 20 years since the utter annihilation of Kilo Point Magnus had completely re-built it, humans living amongst vampires in peace, only the occasional dissapearance. Or, so everyone assumed to begin with. Eventually Magnus en-acted martial law across the entire US, the slightest thing a human did wrong they would mysteriously dissapear to somewhere no human would ever want to be. He had also ordered the construction of a sprawling heavily fortfied base where the crater from where the Terebitha had destroyed his old cave and leveled a good portion of the area.

Recently Magnus has also began eliminating SOLDIER from the outlaying countries that SOLDIER had any influence in, any connection to, or otherwise conspired with. But, unfortunately, there were a few dozen outposts of SOLDIER still scattered across the US in secret. But, everyday Magnus was getting closer to destroying them all. He could only imagine his goals accomplished as he strode through the door and through the halls to his living room to it down in a armchair at a table that held a bottle of wine, a wineglass half full, and a book he had been reading.

Now, one might say Magnus had grown soft over the years, but that was simply not the case. He still trained, he still killed, he still hunted. He was simply far to important for grunt work, afterall, why do what your army can do for you? No, he handled interrogations and breaches. "Rhyss, take a squadron of men to scout the area on the otherside of these mountains, I have a feeling that is the direction the scout came from." Rhyss simply grunted in agreement and left the room, headed for the barracks. Shortly he reached the door, and opened it. "I need twenty of the finest fighters to gear up and follow me, Magnus believes he has a lead on one of the SOLDIER camps and we are going to check it out. We leave in 10 minutes so get ready." Rhyss said and without waiting for a answer left the room.

He stepped outside and walked to his personal jeep outback and lit a cigar while he waited. Rhyss grinned, he had his own agenda, as soon as the entirety of SOLDIER was more or less wiped out he would either kill Magnus, or capture him to do his bidding.

"Any news back from that scout we sent?" Matt said from his seat in a wooden chair at a old table he was using as a desk. "No sir, not yet. We believe him to be dead or captured, or possibly both." The man replied. Matt was a leader of just one of the dozen or so SOLDIER outposts remaining, and due to the fact that Magnus was out to kill them all they had to move constantly. "Troubling news indeed..you don't suppose he told them where we were, do you?" Matt asked. "No, Highly unlikely. Our men would sooner die than give up our location" he replied. "Nonetheless, we should be prepared for anything. Make sure everyone is at alert, we can't afford to lose if their is a fight." Matt replied. Currently, they were located in a abandoned building near Kilo Point in a town ravaged by the war. Matt feared it was only a matter of time before they would be found out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

A deep purple limo crept trough the streets almost silently. Once it reached Magnus' castle it stopped and it's door swung open.
Out comes Martin with a flourish, followed by 8 robed figures that kept their heads down. He still has the long woolen pointed hat with the large copper bell, but his eyes are there and shimmer milky white in the moonlight. His hands in the pockets of white felt coat and his silent grin showing viciously sharp teeth made the complete picture somewhat otherworldly.

With purpose in his stride he walks up to the front door waving the guards away without looking away from the door.
The massive doors swing open and Martin enters the abode, the hooded shuffle after him.
For a moment he stood in the middle of the large entrance hall. Motionless. With an expression as if trying to work out complex math in his head.
Upstairs. Living Room. Armchair. Classy.
He strolled on to the stairs and ascended. He smirked at the guards confusion.

What's going on? Why am I not shooting? Who are these people? Can he go in there?

Simple little minds.
Martin walked up to the living room and gestured for his following to wait outside. He slunk into the living room. Although he walked slowly and silently, he had no illusions of sneaking up on Magnus. He had no intention to. He stretched his arms out and smiled friendly, his fangs glistening.

"Ma҉gn͝u҉s̢! ͢Good̡ ̨t͞o̕ ̡see̕ ̵yo͢u ̡my҉ an͢cient ͏f̕r̛ie̢nd̢.̕ S̡ti͏lĺ ͝adamant̵ly iņ the͝ b̕us̕iness ͘óf r͜ưl̢íng ̴the ̴w͟or̸ld̛ I h̨èar.͝"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The sun was setting. Its dimming rays reflected brilliantly off the golden irises of the vampire, Mithias, ex-SOLDIER agent, as he watched from the observation deck of the massive and impossible Terebithia, flying fortress. His arms were crossed, and he stood perfectly, unnaturally still. The scene silently floated by through the large window. A few pillars of smoke rose up off in the distance where fighting had been earlier that day. The sun was beautiful, immutable since the formation of the planet, before even life itself. He admired it for the brief moments it lingered on the horizon. It was peaceful.

Mithias was dressed in black, Kevlar pants and jacket, and combat boots. He wore a long trench coat that barely covered his two swords, which were secured to his belt on both sides. A long black sash was tied about his face, the ends hanging down behind him, revealing only his eyes beneath a wide-brimmed black hat. Although unharmed by sunlight, it was still annoyingly bright most of the time. His distinctive long hair fell freely down his back.

Twenty years it had been since Magnus had defeated SOLDIER at Kilo Point. Mithias had been sent to kill him, and would have, had Magnus not been without a heart in his chest. Mithias had been lucky to even land such a would-be lethal strike, for Magnus was far older and outmatched him. Instead of killing Mithias, Magnus spared him and opened his eyes to the corruption in his beloved organization. Everything he told him had been true, and Mithias had found a new purpose. Unfortunately, things went horribly wrong when he went to join Magnus back at Kilo Point.

Mithias remembered the warning Gabriel had given him right before it happened. The ancient vampire had said to both of them to fall back, but Mithias didn't listen. He never listened to Gabriel. In fact, Mithias had spent countless centuries trying to destroy the fiend, and now he wasn't sure if he didn't regret it. Weakened from his fight with Magnus, he could have been killed for his insolence right there. Ironic... He and his new brother were both killed in a massive explosion in Kilo Point hours later.

No one has seen Gabriel in nearly a quarter century now. It's no surprise how the ancient has stayed alive for so long; he simply didn't get himself killed.

It had been, the most peaceful death... but Marten and Mithias were to be denied oblivion. Just enough of their remains had survived to regenerate completely, with a great amount of assistance and investment from Jack, who had them collected from remnants of tissue left behind after the blast. Jack, the SOLDEIR scientist, was obviously insane, yet he must have been brilliant to work out a deal with Magnus after SOLDIER's defeat. Magnus had Martin and Mithias freed from their experimental vessels after his victory.

Since then, Mithias devoted himself stoically to undoing SOLDIER, helping Magnus wrest their deep and corrupted grip from the country and its people, human and vampire alike. It had been easy, but the killing was endless. A being of honor and quixotic ideals, Mithias found himself disturbingly in question as of late. Even if a solid, vampire rule ever could be established, the fighting would never end. He closed his eyes as the sun dipped below the horizon. If only he had been on better terms with his elders, he might have had the privilege of consulting them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jack chuckled as he witnessed Mithias staring into the sunset. No doubt the man, or monster, was filled with sentimental thoughts. The sun seemed to bring those up in everyone who looked at it. He had captured the vampire himself at Kilo Point, a fantastic discovery. However, when Magnus had crippled Terebithia with his armor, and broken in, he had been forced to surrender, and join Magnus. The unfortunate side effect of this action, taken to protect his life and his work, was that he had been forced to relinquish both Martin and Mithias from captivity before he'd been able to extensively test them.

Of course, Magnus's fate had already been decided. Jake was an intelligent man of rational and practical thought, and there were few things he got emotional about. However, Magnus had not only broken into Terebithia, but defiled Saya, attempting to 'recover' her. Jack's smile did not waver, but any close observer could see his knuckles turn white, as he thought of the horrific deeds performed by his current 'leader'. Magnus would suffer and die, and it would be by Jack's hand, that he knew. He was patient, he would wait until the opportunity presented itself, but he would avenge Zero, and his darling Terebithia. He had placed bombs in several of Magnus's vampire followers, placed within the mechanical hearts that were such a popular thing right now. He had prepared virusses for all of his mechanical defenses, and he had created holding chambers capable of holding Magnus for as long as might be needed.

Magnus would suffer before he died.

However, there were more pressing matters at hand. Vengeance had waited twenty years, it could wait another twenty. Jack himself had had many vampires to pick from, among those that weren't loyal to Magnus, and his experiments had always been full. While Gabriel had eluded him, simply observing Martin had been quite revolutionary, as well as Mithias, who had ironically been placed on the Terebithia. Jack was quite sure Magnus intended Mithias to watch Jack, make sure he didn't do anything all too horrible to the vampires that were loyal to Jack, but Mithias only had so many eyes, and Terebithia was everywhere. Furthermore, as Terebithia was used as a symbol of power, it had to constantly patrol all over the country, giving Jack many opportunities.

The fake smile still on his face, Jack moved over to the vampire who was both his subject and his warden. "Dear Terebithia is almost ready for another attack. Very soon this battle will be at it's end." It was stated as both boast and fact, as Jack knew and loved the sheer firepower that the Terebithia held. The four missile launchers could make short work of almost any attack force, and any intelligent fighting force retreated the moment it entered sight. Of course, sometimes, such as now, they got either incredibly stupid, or incredibly cocky. "my cooks have prepared a special meal. It's been exactly twenty years since you've joined the side of the angels. I believe it's time for a little celebration." The words were laced with underlying venom, a tone of smug knowledge and superiority. Jack had been there, twenty years ago, and he had watched Mithias's betrayal. He loved to remind him of all the innocent lives that action had taken, because the pain on the vampire's face was simply delicious.
Dresden shot forward, his fist hitting the young vampire in the face as he was launched backwards. The force of the blow cracked the bloodling's skull and twisted his spine as he was sent into a nearby wall. However, Dresden's attention was already gone, turning as he grabbed the arm of another vampire, wrapping it around another vampire's leg, breaking both of the limbs. he caught blow after blow, shattering the bones with his mighty hands, before kicking out. Vampires screamed and shouted in frustration as they tried to hurt the warrior, but even a vampire can't punch with broken arms.

Then, in frustration, one of the vampires grabbed a sword and ran at Dresden. Dresden simply smiled as the vampire swung the blade at him. His right hand moved up, and before the sharpened edge could hit his neck, his fingers closed around the flat sides of the blade, stopping it dead. For a moment, the vampire that had made the attempt on Dresden's life struggled in vain to push the weapon further. Then Dresden's left fist blurred upwards, shattering the skull of the eager vampire. Before his body could hit the floor to regenerate, Dresden dropped the blade and reached out with his right arm, crushing the vampire's brain.

As the vampire died, Dresden looked around at the stacks of broken and twisted bodies around him, the twenty young ones who had accepted his challenge. A few had died, but most of them remained alive. Dresden preferred not to kill such enterprising youths. While he had had to squash their arrogance, he would temper their flames, until they were hot enough to burn. Few chose to train under Dresden, and those that did often died. However, those that lived were among the strongest, and wildest, Dresden's group of personal killers. There was a reason he was feared even by his comrades.

Dresden reflected on his current life as he walked down the hallway. After Magnus had finally taken down Kilo Point, Dresden had been shamed. He had proclaimed himself the Chosen One, the one who would bring down SOLDIER with nothing but his bare hands. He had led the first strike against SOLDIER, and he had thought it would be his hands that would deal the last. However, Magnus had outdone him not with strength but with diplomacy, rallying many more vampires to his side. It had been Magnus that led the horde of bloodlings in the crusade to wipe out SOLDIER, not Dresden. Dresden remembered clearly as he had walked out of his cave into the sunlight, knowing full well that he had failed. He had charged, on his own, into the hands of SOLDIER, wishing for death to take him during the battle.

Obviously, he had not died. Bloodied and beaten, he'd been filled with bullet wounds. his bones were cracked and he had been more exhausted than ever. He remembered staring down the barrel of the gun, and grinning, challenging the man to take his life. Knowing that he would die with honor, at least. However, at that moment Magnus had stormed the walls, charging over them with all his men. He had come the moment he'd heard Dresden were to give away his life, and raced across the countryside. His life had been saved that day, and although still the shame burned him, he would not let his life been taken when Magnus would just save him again. He might not be the Chosen One, but he would still focus his strength against those who hunted his kind.

As Dresden walked, he found Rhyss walking down the hall, together with a group of vampires. Without a word, he followed them. He knew what kind of party this was, the look of bloodlust was clear in each man's eye. He smiled, as he walked, still covered in the blood of his previous fight. None would object to his presence without challenging him to a fight, and very few were prepared to do such a thing. Dresden gave knee only to Magnus himself, to whom he owed his life, and none other could order him around without facing the wrath of his fists. He needed not to know where they were going, or who they were killing, or why. They were moving with Magnus's orders, and they were moving with killing intent. That was all he needed.
Gabriel walked through the city, smilign as he sipped from his eemingly ever-present cup of red wine. He strode, fully dressed in an elegant victorian suit, through the busy marketplace, and not a single head turned. A simple illusion. Not to make him invisible, nothing so obtrusive. no, to bend the human mind one must know how it works. He had simply made himself unremarkable. He would be looked at and forgotten a moment later. People wouldn't focus on him, because nobody cared. He simply wasn't important. He walked through the crowd, right past the vampire set to guard Magnus's house.

The human mind was not nearly as efficient as many would like to believe, The brain struggles to interpret the signals recieved by the senses. Electrical signals sent through a vast network in the body. An interpretation formed from fragments of information, twisted and distorted by lenses of emotion, preconception and bias. Humans were, by nature, unable to truly see, to truly hear, their very minds unable to control themselves. Sad little beings, constantly searching for new information, for truth, for meaning with their tiny little lives, unable to even see past the lies they told themselves.

In his youth, so many decades ago, Gabriel had searched for trtuth. To see past the veil that even he cast before his own eyes, the lies his mind whispered, without even knowing of it. His senses were greater than any others, his knowledge superior to even the largest human library at the time. Surely, he had believed, he of all beings would be able to find truth, clarity. He had traveled from country to country, visited wise man after wise man, gone through practise after practise. His entire life had been devoted to seeking the truth, to be able to see the world through unshrouded eyes. To put aside all the lenses his brain had created, all the figures in the way, all the walls between him and absolute clarity. And after all of that, he got a single glimpse.

The lenses were there for a reason. That single glimpse had been boggling. It had been the world as it truly was, too beautiful to comprehend in it's complexity and yet bare, chilling, burning. He had seen so little, he had been so blind. All the lies, all the conceptions had failed him. The arrogance of power, of important. The instinct for survival, the part of his brain that told him he was more than an insect, scrambling in one of the far corners of the universe, a speck about to die out. He had stared into the abyss, and it had stared back into him. Man and vampire alike were not ready for true clarity. They never really would be. Those lies served a purpose, they shrouded the living from the true horrifying beauty of life.

However, all this was unimportant at the moment. Magnus marched up the stairs, a ghost walking through the house, a face soon forgotten. He'd strengthened the illusion, he was reduced to a noise, not even a face in the crowd anymore. A flutter of light, a ghost seen from the corner of the eye, a sight none would remember, even if they saw it. He was, to anyone in the room, not even there, until he chose to reveal his presence. He walked into Magnus's bedroom chamber, hiding himself from all senses but those possessed by his prodigal son. And even his son would not notice the opening of the door. It would be as if he had appeared from thin air, teleported, a laughable idea. He stood there, before his son and the 'Chosen One'. "Magnus! Martin! It's been such a long time." Gabriel smiled brightly.

In all his years of existence, he had never found true meaning. Never again had he dared truly open his eyes and See. He had not discovered the meaning of life, he had not discovered why vampires had been born unto humanity. While he knew a great many secrets, the mysteries of life and death remained mysteries even to the Vampire God. However, what he had learned, was that he loved the lies that shrouded him. The little tricks played by the mind, the little pleasures in life. He held onto his life with both hands, and cherished every moment, loving every immortal year he spent. He savored every drop of blood that slid down his throat, and he had visited all the wonders of life. He had bedded a billion women, and performed every vice. He had seen every world wonder, and fought for every cause. He had lived in castles, and begged for scraps. He had loved and hated, and he had played out every game.

And more than anything, Gabriel had feared the day he would lose it all.
It moved through the night, invisible to all who would look. Even the eyes of a vampire would find nothing to see, It moved through the darkness like a glimpse of death, the silent killer. Footsteps, practised to the extreme, made not a single sound as the killer moved over the rooftops. One who were to see this creature, by some miracle, might wrongfully believe it to be a man. For it had the form of the man, and it walked like a man, and it talked like a man. However, a man is a being of thoughts and dreams, a being of life and blood. A man is a creature of love and hate, raging passions that clash and burn in what is known as the endless struggle of life. It aspires to greatness, and sinks to the deepest lows, it works or slacks off, it moves through the world like a song, life a repeating note, moving through a changing world.

The killer was no man, for this creature was hollow within. It did not hope, it did not love. It did not hate, it did not fear. The hollow creature did not live, not truly, as one would expect life to be lived. It existed, none could doubt that, and it moved, it's victims would have attested to it. However, one could not consider it's existence, it's mindless series of murders, it's almost robotic trance, life. It was a hollow creature, gracefully and nimbly jumping from roof to roof, alleviated above those that were it's prey. It dropped won, and two humans went down, knocked out. No permanent brain damage. It moved through the well-lit corridors, and moved past the security. It's knowledge guided it to the center, where it could feel teh burning glow of energy.

The hollow creature placed the bomb with care, a tiny device. It was placed within the console, where nobody would look. It need not be a powerful bomb, it need not be a dangerous bomb. It need just be dangerous enough to start the chain reaction that the creature wanted. Or not wanted, that word did not apply to the creature. It had been instructed to perform a task, and that was a task it performed. It did not wish, it did not hope, those were things for the living. It simply acted, and did so with precision and skill that most would call inhuman.

The vaults were opened through high power charges, muffled by a layer of special plastic set up in the corridor. The plastic is taken down soon after the explosion, and a bar of uranium is retrieved from the vault. It isn't the target, but it made an excuse. The bomb would not be detected, and the bar would be the only thing seen missing. Soon the hollow man leaves the area, having broken in and out without a trace, without even a whisper. It looks back once, checking to see if it had been detected. And if another were to look through it's eyes, they would see the world in absolute clarity. For this hollow creature had not always been hollow. It's heart had been burned from it's chest by a world no longer shielded by lies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Martin wanted to walk forward to Magnus to greet him when a familiar feeling overcame him. Dejavu? He paused.
There was only one entity that could sneak up on his minds eye. "Magnus! Martin! It's been such a long time."
"̢̀͡ Father! It has been decades. I've learned so much since our last encounter. I assume you came here for the same reasons I did?"̸̶̴͠

If there was anyone who'd understand why Martin was here I'd be his sire.
Martin had spend many hours, days and months lost in his ever expanding thoughts.
From these sessions he had learned many things impossible to comprehend. Most of these things were abstract to the point of pointlessness. Understanding the patterns in the light coming from the Pleiades and being able to listen to their enchanting symphony sung in waves of tremendous fusion energy. It was beautiful in a way he could never share with the mortals. But with his father, they could see the universe for what it was together.
And so Martin was sure they also shared their motive to be here. Something big was about to happen here, no telling what it was yet. But it was clear no matter what angle you looked from. Tonight would be a night for the history books, even if they'd be hidden tomes of forbidden secrets one day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Magnus snapped the book closed that he was reading and placed it on the table with a in-audiable scrape. "Martin, Gabriel. Yes it has indeed been a while." Magnus replied to them. "Come, sit." He said gesturing to the chairs similar to his around the table, in total their were 4. "Tell me, what have you two been doing with yourselves these past few years?" Magnus asked. It had been roughly ten years since Magnus had seen either of them. He of course assumed they were both doing fine, what with Gabriel being who he was and Martin being his sireling, it'd take a entire army to have a chance at stopping either of them.

Rhyss grinned as he saw Dresden emerge with the rest of the group, this wouldn't be a fight, this would be slaughter. Rhyss walked over and clapped Dresden on the shoulder "How's the training going? Still giving those rookies hell I presume?" He said gesturing to the amount of blood on Dresden's person and clothes. "You ride with me. We are going to circle around those mountains to search the area on the other side, Magnus believes the recent scout came from somewhere in that direction." Rhyss removed his hand as they reached the Jeep and got in the driver's side and fired the ignition, with Dresden's help this would be easy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Martin sat down on the chair sideways and smiled comfortably. "̢̀͡ I've been exploring the world, see it as is. And I've done some research, some theorizing. Some of these theories could be groundbreaking but I don't have the means, knowledge or determination to test them. To be dreadfully honest I have no Idea where to begin with these arcane speculations. So... How much do you trust our good friend grandpa? "̸̶̴͠ He slowly spoke.
Martin had a decent guess at the correct answer: Not nearly as far as I can throw him. Because that's pretty damn far.
But he wanted to hear Magnus's take on the guy. How paranoid was the new leader of the (not quite as free as it used to be) free world.
More importantly: Was he paranoid enough?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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Warrent Officer 5 Milo "Third" Cash, one of the top three fly guys in SOLDIER well number three part of how he got the name. He was ready to fly at a moments notice, his common choice of flight was his CH-47, and if he had to go ground he prefered using his motorcycle to get around quick enough.

He came back from his riding, more scouting, well watching the scout. He walked up to Colonel Matt, "Sir, scouts dead, and Magnus's appears to be planning to move. Orders?"

(Sorry this is short compared to everyone but hell first soldier post and don't have much)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Magnus looked puzzled for a moment before realizing he meant Jack. "Not much, to say the least. I can sense it from him, I'm not as stupid as he thinks. He wants to kill me, destroy my empire or take ownership. Once he has served his purpose I will do away with him, all I need his a little more time. He thinks he is of top priority, but once he finishes his projects and I have access to his plans I will find someone more...loyal..to do what needs done." Magnus replied. He hadn't really trusted Jack from the start, atleast, not fully. He needed to give him the sense that he was of high importance and trusted for him to agree. He knew from the beginning he had it out for him, for wrecking what he cared most about in the world, the Terebitha. But, Jack presumed Magnus had no knowledge of what he was planning, but Jack was all to wrong. For, you see, Magnus isn't as simple minded as most vampires. He swiftly asses each and every possible outcome to a nearly flawless degree, everything Magnus does or everything that happens there's a good chance he already expected it in one outcome or another.

Though, it's not always accurate, it brought him to where he was today with only minor hinderance. Magnus was already planning to eliminate Jack soon after he finished his projects, after he had a sufficient amount of his hallucinogenic produced for use. Yes, the second Jack outlived his usefullness would be the day he died.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The black-clad blood drinker clasped his hands casually behind his back, his head inclining downward ever so slightly. Did he feel anger at Jack's words, regret? It was impossible to tell. "Fate is strange. Had I killed my nascent brother, you wouldn't have blown up the weapons depot, and all those people wouldn't have died." Regret then, or so it seemed. "...but you would have." Jack looked up to see that Mithias' yellow eyes were already peering at him over his shoulder. How their glow shone like stars between the blackness of his sash and hat. Suddenly, the realization that he was alone with a monster became apparent. Had Jack made a fatal mistake? Mithias Varomere had fearlessly faced both Magnus and Gabriel, had killed countless vampires, probably more than humans, and had even, in essence, survived his own death. His courage and devotion were unparalleled, even among vampires. Only a fool would dare try to control him.

"I tire of this war, Stine." He took his gaze off the human, allowing him to relax somewhat. "Until it is over, I find no cause for celebration." Mithias turned and beheld Jack for a moment: black lab coat, gray hair, wrinkles about his eyes. The human was aging. Even with modern technology, and his own brilliant devices, the man wasn't immortal. That is, unless he saved his brain in a computer somewhere. About that, Mithias had no doubt, but even so it would still have been a copy of the man himself, soulless, and likely incapable of adaptation. Jack had such difficulty hiding the smugness from his forced smile. An unseen smirk curled the edge of Mithias' lip behind his sash as he appreciated it. The vampire respected the man's self control, among other things. Humans could be so amazing. "You are truly unique among your race, Stine. Your creations are marvelous and awesome. Your mind is driven to a level of brilliance like no other I have ever seen. I admit, in this, you surpass me, and I applaud you. Even if no one in the world would join me, I will mourn your passing."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Gabriel smiled at the conversation between his son and Magnus. Martin was still young. While Mithias had devoted his life to hunting him down, it seemed Martin was more eager to awaken the gifts he had been given. In his own time, he would discover the limitations even the most powerful of vampires must adhere to, and he would no doubt be scarred, just as Gabriel had been, were he to come so far without dying. He would not warn the child, all had the right to find their own path in this world, and he did not meddle when he did not need to. "It is good that you distrust Jake, my dear Magnus. However, there are far more pressing problems at hand, I fear."

Gabriel was a legendary figure, known throughout the world for his wisdom, power, intellect, and utter disdain for life. Perhaps not the cruellest of vampires, or even men, however, Gabriel had seen so many lives lost, he had simply lost the ability to care. At a certain point, one fruit fly is much like another. However, occasionally, Gabriel did meddle in the affairs of the fruit flies he so despised and pitied. "I come here, bearing a prophecy. Within a year, all that you have wrought will fall. One of your own shall take the throne from you, and all shall be lost if you do not seek out Heaven's Greatest Weapon." Gabriel's smile had never wavered, delivering this somber prediction with a tone akin to glee. His prophecies were based not on some supernatural ability to see the future, but on his knowledge of both the world and it's workings. He had seen a thousnad empires rise and fall, and he had leaned how they functioned, and what triggered their demise. "Do not take my words lightly."

Gabriel had no more to say. He was a being of few words, and he didn't stay in any place long. He traveled from place to place, leaving once his business had been concluded in each location. He once more instilled the illusion, practically disappearing from sight. Once more, he would be believed to have teleported, as he simply left, pacing through the hallways. His words would be repeated a thousand times. He had spoken loudly enough that the nearby guards would have heard his prophecy, and in the mere act of speaking it, he had made it truth. Emboldened by these words, those that harbored any treacherous thoughts would rise against Magnus, and one, in the end, would take his throne from him. However, the prophecy had one major purpose. Magnus's self interest would now be pointed towards Heaven's Greatest Weapon, one of the few things that Gabriel feared. And this attention would lead to it's destruction, if all went according to plan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Martin waved at Gabriel leaving.
"̢̀͡ Heaven's greatest weapon huh?"̸̶̴͠ Martin got up and paced up and down.
"̢̀͡ That would make sense."̸̶̴͠ He laughed to himself. "̢̀͡ He peaked my interest, so I've made my decision. I'll help you with this search. "̸̶̴͠

"̢̀͡ I guess I'll keep my thoughts away from the titanic mind for now and focus them on this weapon instead. Meanwhile, we may want to find a way of checking loyalties among your friends and hidden enemies. And have someone look into the thing not far from here. "̸̶̴͠

Martin stood at the door tot the hallway, where his followers were sitting scattered on the ground as if very tired.
"̢̀͡ I'll be in my room, contemplating this divine ace in the hole. I'll keep the door open, come in any time you need anything or anyone. "̸̶̴͠
The following quickly scrambled of the floor and silently formed two rows behind Martin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Dresden simply nodded at Rhyss's words. It was more than Dresden's practical nature that had kept him from speaking. Rhyss disgusted Dresden. Any vampire that had sided with the SOLDIER scum, even for a moment, was lower than the insects in the ground, unworthy of living. Vampires were superior beings to humans, stronger, faster, and far more durable, and any vampire that so spit in the face of that heritage as Rhyss had done by joining SOLDIER was a traitor to the cause. Had Rhyss not been under the protection of Magnus, Dresden would have killed him right here and right now. The only mercy that a traitor deserved, if they fought well, was the mercy of a quick death, which Dresden would have happily granted.

As Rhyss went to touch Dresden, he simply held up one hand and caught Rhyss's arm. It would be simple, in this situation, to have killed Rhyss. Simply applying pressure would shatter his arm, and the pain would create an opening. With a single punch, Dresden could crack the traitor's skull wide open, and crush the brain within. Even the most powerful vampire couldn't survive once their brain had been reduced to mush. Dresden looks at Rhyss, not speaking a word, and his look makes very clear that if it had been up to Dresden, Rhyss would have lost the arm. Then, Dresden releases the arm, and moves back into line, leaving Rhyss behind.
Jack looked at Mithias, as the vampire replied. That vampire scum had just threatened him, in his own control post. All fake pleasantries disappeared from his face and voice, turning cold, as he spoke again. "Oh, I insist. And you wouldn't want to harm my hospitality, now would you? That would be just plain rude." From the way Jack says it, it's clear that the consequences would be severe. To enforce this point, six drones drop down from the cieling, their long metallic legs clacking onto the floor as their cameras turn to you. The threat hangs clear in the air.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Mithias scanned over the six drones, and his heart sank. For all his intellect, Jack was deficient when it came to social interpretation. He had interpreted Mithias' words as a threat, which was a plausible interpretation, but not what was intended. Hating him, or admiring him, Mithias was going to have to smooth this over. At least, he had brought forth Jack's honesty. Mithias lowered his eyes and bowed slightly. "Forgive me." He lifted a finger to the black cloth that wrapped the lower half of his face and brought it down, looking at Jack. "My mask has made it difficult to convey my meaning. I apologize. I meant no offense. Yet, I am grateful to be worthy of your true feelings on the matter." Mithias had actually meant what he had said, literally. Jack, in the all-likelihood that he would die first, would be mourned and remembered for more than just the products he created. Mithais said no more of it, seeing as it might be interpreted as an insult. "I will come with you, as you wish." Having been around humans for a very long time, Mithais knew how to move, how to speak, in such ways that did not frighten even a small child. Averting his gaze did nothing to slow his reaction time, but it gave humans a sense of ease. His demeanor was one of calm, dismissing the threat as a mere misunderstanding which, surely Jack would withdraw to save face. "We have been in alliance for two decades, Stine. There is no reason to pretend any friendship between us." Mithias tried not to be arrogant as he revealed his knowledge that Jack had been feigning his smiles.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Jack huffed, as the vampire immediately attempted to withdraw the threat. Of course, one could not be blamed. His Terebithia was a fearful girl, and he was proud of all of her, including her ability to strike fear into the hearts of man and vampire alike. However, aside from prideful thoughts, there was the matter of dinner at hand. Jack had originally intended to use the dinner as a means to retrieve information fom Mithias as to the more secretive security measures around Magnus, however, now that it turned out that Mithias had not been fooled by Jack's facade, such an attempt would most likely be fruitless. "Hmph. Regardless, the dinner will procede. Whilst there might be no reason to pretend friendships between us, I have plenty of reasons to speak to you, in private. The dinner provides a situation where that is possible." Jack had given up on using deceit and lies, and instead put it out there bluntly, as he would prefer to do everything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Cedric was in a crappy mood. The day so far had not gone quite as he had liked. First he'd taken a a flight from Dublin to Nashville, one that took hours and hours, and involved several stopovers. He hated flying with a passion. Then his ride hadn't arrived and he had to take a cab with some middle eastern guy who kept talking about the Titans, whoever they were they were having a fantastic year apparently. When he had gotten near Kilo Point he finally had enough and had told the man to pull over, paid the man and got his bags. From his bags he had pulled a massive, pristine white flag. He had seen a horse and one criminal act of Grand Theft Cattle later he was strolling down to Kilo Point in style, flag on his back.

On is way trough the forest he encountered two vampires in full combat gear and automated weapons.
"'Ello dere, I'm Cedrick Faetouched and I'm here as 'n official envoy to speak parl-" His perfectly memorized speech was interrupted by the vampires opening fire.
He rushed the horse over to them and was able to cut one of them down with his axe before the horse got shot and they both went tumbling down to the ground.
He rolled forward and got up with his axe and buckler in the ready when he heard a gun cock behind his head. He slowly raised his arms.
"Dinneh see the white flag ye eejit?"
"Are you sure you want those to be your last words human?"
"Nah, Imma need a few years to think of sumthin better!" Cedric's buckler (which was now turned to face the vampire as Cedric's hand was on the back of his head.) flashed a brilliant light in the poor schmuck's eyes. The vampire screamed of shock and pain. Cedric simply turned around and took his head clean of.

His horse was suffering so he finished the poor creature. Then he noticed there were some small blood splatters on his fantastically white flag.

Today was going to suck.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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Mithias nodded and proceeded forward. A drone met him in the hallway and guided him to the appropriate dining room for the evening. Jack of course walked with him (I assume). The table was somewhat larger than necessary, but it upheld several fancy preparations, offering a generous selection, and of course wine. A large window cascaded across one wall. Mithias removed his hat and took his seat, the drone pouring him a fresh glass of pinot noir. Rather than getting right down to business, Mithias chose to break the tension with small talk. "How beautiful. I am flattered." After all, a vampire had all the time in the world. "Please, eat. You must be hungry. I will enjoy my wine and this glorious view."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Thank you for your warning, father. In falling back, we would live, but the fact remains, this Jack, the scientist I believe I know of, still must be stopped."

The memory of his own words echoed through his mind as he beheld the mortal before him. This creature, this Jack, thrived on war and the progress of his experiments. He had lost all capacity for love and trust and was therefor a wild cannon, a machine, a weapon himself. A being without loyalty or honor did not deserve to live. Mithias then contemplated himself. He had gone from fighting for the extermination of all vampires, to suppressing them, to aiding them in total takeover. Where in fact did his own loyalty lie? If all of it had been fighting for an end to war, for justice, he had been deluding himself. True peace would never come. No longer the same being he had been, Mithias needed to define himself in this new world or leave it.

"Vampire control of North America has been established, in large part thanks to you, Jack Stine. Your methods both intrigue and disgust me, but your service has been unquestionably invaluable." The vampire turned his wine glass with his fingers. "We've seen only the end of the first act of this play, however. The fighting will continue. The war will go on, and your services will always be needed." Mithias seemed disappointed about that fact. "Local uprisings are becoming fewer and fewer, but we have new and powerful enemies in the human-dominated and SOLDIER controlled countries in the rest of the world. Fearing Magnus will not stop at the borders of this land, they will certainly attack us. I have no doubt technologies are being furthered elsewhere to combat yours. Dormant oldbloods will also rise and perhaps join a side. This Vampire Kingdom cannot sustain world-domination, even if we achieved it. Such is impossible. And since humans can never be eliminated, someday, one day, when all of history has been forgotten, they will rise again as once force and topple the regime, just as the day SOLDIER was created. They may be weak and prone to death, but I have no doubts about human capacity for greatness." Mithias hadn't taken a single bite. His eyes belied a faint sadness as he looked at his old enemy. "Are you content, Dr. Stine? I know the outcome of the war matters little to you, as you have found something to live for in your work. I envy you. Tell me, what is it you wish for?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Magnus processed the information that Gabriel had told him, Heaven's greatest weapon? It seemed like he had heard of it before, long ago, but he couldn't remember who from or what it was. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of gunfire, Magnus grinned, had SOLDIER been foolish enough to attack the most fortified vampire city in the States? Magnus flung his coat away from his feet and stood up, quickly walking out of the room and down the hall to the main entrance, if there was to be the destruction of one of the remaining SOLDIER armies in the States, Magnus wanted to be there. He flung the doors open, throwing the two unsuspecting guards off their feet and into the pavement below. He strode through the city, human and vampire alike moving out of his way as he walked. Eventually he saw a man carrying a blood-stained flag of surrender. Magnus chuckled as he drew closer, "My, my. SOLDIER truly has grown desperate, sending a lone man to...negotiate with me I presume? But...you are different. Your clothes, your weapons, exactly where do you come from?" Magnus asked. He knew SOLDIER exsisted in other parts of the world, but this guy looked like a old warrior from long ago. Buckler's weren't exactly the best defense mechanism against...anything anymore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Jack smiles as Mithias makes his statements. Jack had seen many people like him. Even if his view of emotions was limited that did not mean that he was incapable of recognizing those emotions in others, and this man was a lost soul, seeking a purpose. It was practically written on his face. "You ask me what I seek? Now isn't that an interesting question. I could lie to you, and pretend to be a loyal follower of the United States of Vampire Land, but unfortunately, this is not the case. My interest lies with the mysteries of the universe, the unanswered question. Some pursue science in order to cure cancer, to build machines. Some do it for riches, fame, or glory of some sort, even to convince themself that they're worth something. I simply wish to answer the questions I ask, to find the solution, to unravel even the greatest mystery." He holds out his hands, as if gesturing to emphasize the magnitude of these mysterie, and his voice rings with a sincerity it previously lacked, for the first time rising from the smug, snide monotone that it had previously occupied, instead filled with passion.
Jack chuckles, his arms returning to his food. He had already taken the liberty of taking several bites of richly marinaded and spiced chicken breast, it's juices practcally dripping off of it's skin. Next to it are a group of crunchy potatos liberally slathered with gravy, the smell of which would be intoxicating even to a vampire. It was a simply meal, prepared by Jack's cooks, who were humans that had chosen to stick with him after his switch of allegiance. As they were under his protection, no vampire had dared suggest turning them. "Of course, I have some more clear vested interests as well, such as my own well-being and life. Terebithia serves as both protection and lab, and, to some extent, perhaps as a daughter."
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