Earth is besieged. Though the Sith don't dare to make a direct assault on the planet again, they have taken up control of the rest of the system, and blocked all hyperspacial communications, so the Jedi assisting Earth cannot call for help. The Jedi, meanwhile, followed the Sith unprepared, and don't have the data for a hyperspace jump home.
It seemed the forces of Earth and the Sith empire would remain at a never ending standstill, until a Sith Task Force team came back from a scout mission with new intelligence. And now a mission is underway to wipe out the communication blockade, and steal the hyperspace data so reinforcements may come...

A small vessel, painted black to blend in with the void, glided through space on a straight course. The systems were all shut down, and it continued floating under inertia.

In a dimly lit chamber within, a group of men and women poured over a stack of papers on a table.

"All right, people," an older human spoke. He wore a military uniform with plentiful stripes and badges. "This is the first time that we know of the Sith's ship, Dread Seeker landing. We lost sight of them for a while, and found them on Jupiter's third moon, Ganymede. This is our chance to get our intelligence networks up to date. They have data we need, and they're blocking everything but old fashioned radio waves. In," he checked a counting down analog clock on the table, "Less than half an hour, we'll have our window to launch the landing pod. You're going to touch down ten kilometers away from where the Seeker is berthed, under the cover of night. Ganymede night lasts roughly seven days, and we have three left. I want the mission completed before sunrise.

"You have two objectives: The first is to break into their navigational computers and transmit their hyperspace data back to earth. We'll use those old fashioned radio waves to communicate, with a constant audio and video feed from your gear, but there's a current distance of forty three light minutes between Ganymede and Earth. So don't expect timely advice. You're on your own after launch. Until you complete your second object: to knock out the Sith's jamming equipment. We'll be launching and landing the way we did back in the sixties. All math and ejected air for guidance. They won't be able to sense us coming that way, though I know you E.T.s don't like our primitive tech. The landing pod has a proper ship inside it, that's how you'll get home, so don't let the Sith find out where it is.

"If you have any questions, spit 'em out now. Otherwise, get to the pod."

"I just wanna say one thing," Colonel Ortega spoke up. He looked around at the accompanying Jedi, "Just remember this is our mission. I know we don't see eye to eye, but today I'm in charge. I'll do what I have to to accomplish the mission, and I need you to cooperate and follow orders. Understood?"