Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Xeiyenreisha


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Closing her eyes and sighing Xei decides that she will reveal why she keeps her identity secret. She wasn't entirely sure that it would help him understand the situation better, but at least this way he could assess the problematic circumstance she had been thrown into. She gave off a simple ahem before she started to speak to him formally in her usual tone. "I suppose I should reveal why my existence has been kept secret." She paused for a moment then recognized by Mithos voice that he had a problem of his own and then remembered he said that she wasn't the 'Ranathia' he knew. She smiled in her mind as her thoughts passed through. Of course I am not the Ranathia you remember. I have no idea who that even is though this person gives me an unsettling vibe I cannot explain. Like when I hear or think about the name something inside me becomes warm. So strange...

Before she was going to reveal her motive toward keeping who she really was secret first she had to test Mithos to make sure that he was trustworthy. She just met this person and didn't know if she could trust him or not. Regardless if he knew this Ranathia that she was supposed to know didn't mean she should just be so willing to trust him so easily. "Before I go into detail about who exactly I am and the answers you want to why everything seems so confusing I want you to understand that you do not live alone. As you know there are four planes of existence; however, there are other dimensions that exist outside your Standard Dimension. The Lower Dimension is divided into alternate dimensions that you are not aware of. I am not from your dimension. I actually hail from what is called the Elan Dimension which is one of the dimensions that you do not know exists. The other alternate dimensions are the Ascadian, your Standard Dimension and lastly the Original Dimension. I have counterparts you have encountered who look a lot like me. We still bear our distinguishing different traits. Meira and Reala are my counterparts who live in the Standard Dimension. I am the Elan Dimension version of a girl named Reala. I have a sister by the name of Lenna who is Meira's dimensional counterpart from the same dimension. You may have met another set of girls who resemble the two named Tarumi and Anayame. They are the counterparts from the Ascadian Dimension."

She paused for a moment as she asked for a glass of water and to rest her voice for a moment as she continued. "I am sure you are familiar with the word Antitype which a kind of being that has protection from immortals. That basically means we cannot die from immortals. Meaning they cannot kill us. This also means we are God Slayers which is another reference that is used to explain who we are. We come from the Original Dimension but I still haven't found out why we reign from there. All I know is that the Original Dimension is where the Spirits reside. Strange since we are not deities yet we are protected from them. I need you to keep my existence a secret. Mind if I roleplay as this Ranathia so that I may protect my identity until I gather more information and fulfill my purpose? Also, you may ask any questions you want of me. I'm not sure I will have the answers for you, but I will still try to answer to the best of my ability."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Mithos sighed "of course you are from another dimension, why wouldn't you be?" Normally he'd have a harder time believing something like this...but he had just done a bit of time travel himself. So in comparison, it didn't seem that outlandish. "I miss my old, peaceful life" he mumbled to himself as he rubbed the temple of his head "fine. Just...just do whatever you want. Anything to end this insanity as quickly as possible. I simply want this all over and done with." He took a few seconds to recompose himself before he began to talk again "I must warn you however, that should you be banking on my ability to coach you to act like Ranathia, you are in grave trouble; as I only know how she acts towards me, which is far different from how she treats everyone else."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 3 days ago

The bell rung and class for the day was over with the students filing out to either leave the school or look at the field left behind from the fight. Alice glanced at those that stayed in the class for whatever reason and the sleeping passenger on her shoulder who show no indication of waking up. Should she try to wake her up? She's not sure she could walk around without having the small winged humanoid fell off.... She should try to move her and hope she won't get offended. Using her other arm, Alice gently moved the fairy to the table. Luckily, no one seemed to notice.

Annenis stood up to look outside before returning to Alice, "Hey, I'm going to ask if anyone saw who made the explosion from before, do you want to come along with me?" She then looked towards Nathan. "You too Spikey, do you want to come along?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Squall noticed the class ended, and that the two men had left. He teleported his talisman back to his hand, and twirled in between his fingers. He then looked around the classroom and thought of the warnings gave by the stranger pretending to be a student. This day was so surreal. However, he couldn't just let it pass as though nothing happened. He then looked at the Nathan, remembered Nathan was acting as a bodyguard for Meira. He then looked at his amulet.

He then spoke up, loud but it was possibly the least serious than anything he heard today, "Nathan, can you please stay after class."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Xeiyenreisha


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Reala stood up for a moment and gathered her belongings while Meira remained seated. She noticed something was up with Meira, but she didn't quite know what it was. Meira tried to stand up then sat back down when she felt something inside her that gave her a disturbed look on her face. One that was both fear and confusion at the same time. She had overheard that Squall wanted Nathan to remain behind for something that looked like it was serious. Noticing Meira's strange reactions, Reala decided she would also remain behind and see what was going on. She sat her white bag that contained her belongings beside her feet while she heard out Squall.

"Urgh..." She said as she held her left eye as it started to throb in pain. She tried to swallow her pain so no one would notice continuing to hold her hand over it. Meira tried to suppress the energy that tried to surge out of her body. She could feel the depths of darkness inside her body that were trying to overwhelm her body. Not only were there one voice trying to resound to her and another one tried to talk to her as well. She tried hard to resist both voices despite struggling pained by the thought of suffering that she would be causing toward other people who were harbored by her enemies. She turned her attention like Reala toward Squall to hear what he had to say since it was of a serious nature.

Reala looked over toward Meira and noticed she didn't look so good. She gave her a look of concern that embraced her face, "Are you okay?" No word came from Meira though she did nod at Reala indicating she was fine.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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'Oh great. Did I get into trouble somehow?' Nathan wondered when the teacher told him to stay behind a little longer. 'It would be just my luck if I made some sort of really stupid social mistake. Like if one of the hairs on my head was too long. Honestly, what's with large groups of people and their tendency to come up with the most ridiculous of rules?' Holding back a groan of annoyance, Nathan asked "did I do something wrong?" 'Please don't let this take too long'
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Squall walked towards him, "No, you are not in trouble. But if I am not mistaken, you at serving as Meira's bodyguard. If the rumors are correct, she personally chose you. You certainly do not lack the physical or magical power for such a job, but what I hear does come to pass, one of the worst possible outcomes that may actually come to pass, you even lack those two things, much less have anything else to your favor. I do not have the time nor capacity to teach you in such arts. However, I know someone who does. He is a strict teacher that does not care about you except what he can teach you, and what he can learn from you, but if you can convience him to teach you, he can at least prepare you for what is to come. It is your choice whether to head my words or not, just know you will not be the one to pay for your choice." he said, looking at Meira. He then took the talisman, the pendant that looked like tree with its leaves in the shape of a book, and placed it on his desk. "This will get you started." he said.

He then noticed something seemed wrong with Meira, however he was not sure what. He reasoned he shouldn't interfere until the problem became immediate or until he understood it. It would also allow him to monitor how the others would react to this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Picking up the pendant, Nathan gave it a good long look 'so...this is what my life has become. Well, I can't really complain too much; it is what I kinda wanted after all...sort of. Putting it in his pocket, he addressed his teacher "I'm supposed to find this guy to teach me something, to deal with something that may or may not happen...and this is all I have to go on? This pendant is going to help me find him...only I have no idea how, or even what it does. You're just going to have to forgive me if I never find him, because I have no idea where to go from here." His piece said, he noticed something strange with Meria in the corner of his eye 'eh, if she wanted me to know what was going on, she'd tell me. There's no point in asking her, since I'd rather not have her lie to my face again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 3 days ago

Annenis frowned as Nathan ignored her question and simply went directly towards the teacher. Letting out an irritated huff, she looked back to Alice.

"Well, just the two of us then?" Annenis asked.

"Yes, I'll come with you," Alice replied with a nod. "Where are we starting?"

"Find other witnesses, duh!" Annenis said, grabbing one of Alice's arm and started to drag her out of the class.

"Eh? Anne, wait for a-" Alice protested, momentarily looking at Meira, her desk and a certain figure sleeping on it.

"No time! People are going home!" Was the reply as both girls disappeared into the halls.

Inside Alice's bag that was left behind on her desk, her phone chimed as it received a message.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Xeiyenreisha


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Meira tried to contain her concentration as she resisted the urge inside of her, but she would soon be shaken when she heard a group of students bullying someone. She immediately got up from her seat where she ignored Reala who called for asking where she was going and made for the hallway. When she got outside the classroom, she saw a group of students swarmed a young boy and started kicking him for no apparent reason. The boys turned their attention toward her and asked her what she wanted. Meira's eyes then started to transform as they glowed diablo blue in color glowing like an intense flame. With a shockwave of energy she summoned inside her body she knocked them all backwards causing them to use their hands to cover their eyes to shield themselves from the intensity of her energy.

"I hate evil! YOU ALL MUST DIE!!!" She shouted toward the group of students who were no longer trying to bully people terrified by the look on her face and the alluring glow from her eyes. Meira made her move moving so fast from where she once stood and made contact with the first bully landing a massive uppercut that sent his head into the ceiling where his feet no longer touched the ground. She turned toward the other one using a roundhouse kick to send him into a wall. The third one she did a series of lightning kicks with but instead of kicking him away she grabbed him by his face and started to squeeze really hard as her dark aura erupted and she then showed a very sadistic smile on her face. "Feel their pain, the pain of the one who you wanted to show your authority to. Feel their pain and burn into ashes." She finished as her arms started to engulf in a dark aura as the last student started howling in pain as his body felt like it was being cooked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

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The sound of someone yelling was a jolt that shot Nathan to attention. Running outside, he soon found Meria beating up a group of boys. One of which, was being held by the face as some dark looking stuff did...something to him, which was extremely painful by the sounds of it. Nathan was only immobilized by shock for a few seconds. Once his brain was back online, he rushed over to Meria and yanked her arm away from the other boy. The second his skin came into contact with that strange black stuff, he felt like his arm was starting to burn from the inside out, something that was starting to spread to the rest of his body. Extremely painful, but nothing unfamiliar. With a little Spiritual magic, he was able to dull the pain enough to not interfere with his ability to talk. "Okay. What the hell was that!?!? I'm not sure what these guys were trying to do, but straight up torture seems extremely excessive! Is this going to happen every time you get a headache? Because if so, then you need to keep a lot of pill on hand. We can't have a queen getting all smite happy on us."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Xeiyenreisha


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Meira turned her attention toward Nathan as she jumped backward still under the influence of what was still controlling her. She looked at him then her eyes burned in anger. The fact Nathan interfered with her caused the anger inside her body to surge which caused her aura to erupt even more. Meira said toward him as her voice become very sinister, "Evil must die. Infidels who use others for their own self-satisfaction are anomalies that must be erased. Any kind of corrupted being does not have the right to exist."

"Nathan, you fool." A girl's voice called out as they left the room they were in. They revealed themselves to be Reala when they came into plain view. Reala was a bit irritated that Nathan was acting like this was some sort of small problem. He had no idea that Meira was not herself and that some kind of influence was controlling her mind at the moment. "That is not Meira. Listen to her and look at her. Do you actually think that is being caused by a simple headache? Don't be so naive..." She said as she looked into Meira's eyes which glowed a diablo blue color like she was being possessed by something.

Meira charged up her energy as she still faced Nathan the put her palm forward shooting for a shockwave at him only to have Reala deflect it by getting in the way of it. Meira looked at Reala who had a very serious look on her face and looked to her very scary. "Why, why..." She murmured under her breath not understanding why they would interfere with was she was about to do. It was obvious her rage still clouded her judgment and blinded her from seeing that she was being no different than they were.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 3 days ago

Both Alice and Annenis were walking down the halls when they heard a loud crash followed by a yell and screams from the direction they came from. Their curiosity took hold and they both turned to see what was happening. They returned to the hall near their class to a peculiar sight, Meira quarreling with Nathan and Reala standing in-between them with several students left sprawled on the floor.

"What in the world happened?" Annenis said, thoroughly confused by the scene. "We weren't even away for 5 minutes."

The two girls stood still and watched the situation unfold as they try to understand the scene in front of them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Squall took a moment to process what was going on and immediately teleported in front of the children Meira was acting. "If you wish to harm these students, than you must first harm me. I will rather die than see you harm these students. I know you can out power me, but I will use every ounce of my power to at least slow you down. Now, since you decided to possess one of my students, and harm others, the least you could do is name yourself entity." he said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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So it wasn't really Meria? That was a surprise. Sure it didn't really sound like her to begin with, but at this point, Nathan was starting to wonder just how well he even knew Meria at all. "Oh, so that's whats happening. Dammit, possession is always such a pain to deal with. Although it is kinda strange to be on the other side of it for once." He mused to himself. Then he flooded his body with Spiritual magic and used the speed it gave him to rush to Meria's body before she could react. Getting her into a full nelson, he held on tight, not planing on letting he escape this time. While he had no doubt that Meria was the more powerful magic user of the two, Nathan also knew that his physical strength dwarfed her's. "So are we going to do that the easy way, or the hard way?" he asked whatever it was that was inside of her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Xeiyenreisha


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Now, since you decided to possess one of my students, and harm others, the least you could do is name yourself entity." Squall said.

Rage Meira turned her eyes in his direction unaffected by Nathan pinning her. It seemed like if she wanted to that should could break free of his grasp but decided not to as her focus went directly on Squall. "I am the Ouroboros of this Universe. I am the darkness known as Erebus that devours everything." Meira went silent as glyphs glowed lightly all over her body which started to turn green in color. Rage Meira grinned as she made a shadow version of herself materialize right behind Reala in an attempt to stab her but it immediately dissipated when Meira screamed on the top of her lungs, "STOP IT!!! STOP IT!!! GET OUT OF MY MIND AND STOP CONTROLLING ME!!!"

"What do you mean controlling you? You summoned me forth when you were enraged about a group of students beating on some pathetic mortal. You allowed this happen to yourself." The darker half of her said to Meira as Meira continued to resist the darkness from trying to take full control of her.

Rage Meira once again assumed control of her body then focused her attention on Nathan. She smirked at Nathan thinking it was amusing that he thought he could so easily contain the mass of her power with just sheer brute force. She shook her head as she continued, "Do you really think it's that easy, boy? Why do mortals have to be so full of themselves and stupid at the sametime?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 3 days ago

Whatever it was that was possessing Meria, it sure was mouthy "well why do you gods love the sound of your own voice? Trust me; we find you as annoying and insufferable as you find us. We're just not as vocal about it as you are." Nathan mouthed off to the thing inside of Meria, hoping to draw it's ire 'the bigger the ego, the easier it is to bruise' he thought to himself. 'It's really too bad this is Meria's body, I can't get too rough with it. Raising an eyebrow, he started talking again "so...feel like telling us what your evil plan is? Don't try to hide it; I know your type, and you're just dying for someone to ask so that you can go into full detail just how superior you are to us. I've done this song and dance before, so let's just skip over the fluff."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Squall looked not frightened, but very much concerned when the demonic presence spoke its name. When he heard Nathan taunts, he looked towards him sternly, "Nathan, you do not understand the gravity of this situation. When this demon-like thing stated devours everything, he was being literal. The only thing saving us is that he acting through a vessel and isn't here in person. If you want the best possible way to stop this abomination and the best chance of leaving Meira uninjured, we will need to break the link between the two. It will not be easy, and does has some risk but it is our best chance without more information." he said to Nathan and the surrounding people, and the muttered to himself, still audibly as though thinking out loud while also half talking to everyone else, "If only I know how these two became linked, or even by the means that they are linked. "
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xeiyenreisha


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"You really haven't learned a thing since you've been here, have you?" A voice said coldly as Meira only continued to stare at Nathan not saying a word to him. It seemed the being inside Meira was unfazed by Nathan's words. The person who spoke to Nathan stayed out of sight as they examined the situation more closely. "The last thing you want to do when someone is possessed is to show aggression. Especially toward an entity like Erebus who is showing compassion toward Meira. If it wanted to it could have easily taken her over. Instead it wants her to give into it and allow it to take her over. If you're too stupid to even know that means then I'll tell you." The voice paused for a second as the figure revealed themselves to be Sentius who walked over and stood by Reala who was guarding against an attack protecting the students.

"In other words, the entity is showing sympathy toward her. Your actions are counterproductive making it difficult for her to reason with it. It is reluctant which is why the last thing you want to do is show aggression toward it. If you want to show it that your kind is not a bunch of infidels that destroy everything try to show some restraint toward it. Obviously you're too stupid to figure that out hence someone like you shouldn't even be in this school." Sentius said closing his eyes as he looked away from Nathan. It bothered him that this person could be the one that he had heard about awhile back from a prophecy. He grimaced at the fact that what the prophecy said could be true though he didn't necessarily like the truth behind the result. He then looked at his hand which was covered in blood and saw that blood was dripping on the floor from it. Now wasn't the time to worry about his wounded hand.

Reala tried to restrain herself from straining herself and the injury on her side, but she couldn't help but notice that Sentius hand was completely covered in blood. In fact, when he showed up he left a trail of blood from where he appeared from. "Sentius, your hand..." Reala cautioned as she pointed directly at his hand which was wounded. She then turned her eyes away from his hand and saw if Alice or Annenis noticed too.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 3 days ago

Both Alice and Annenis were very confused and slightly scared as they try to wrap their head around what was happening in front of them. Especially for Alice as Meira didn't show anything about being possessed earlier that morning. Which mean that Meira already had the other being inside her for longer, pointing that it was more of an identity dissociative disorder, that meant it couldn't be possession as it was against what they had read before. If so, why were everyone treating Meira's other personality as if she was something alien?

Sentius' appearance and words just add to the confusion before both girls noticed the rather severe wound on his hand. Alice shoot a concerned look between Sentius' hand and the apparently deranged Meira.
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