Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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[Ruby...Vale...Afternoon. ]

Ruby perked up. "Yeah....to the bakery!" She cheered grabbing Pennys free hand and zooming towards the bakery once more
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

[Swindle, Fuka Japan, Morning]
Since the failed attempt to gain the power source, the Combaticons had circled around the town. They knew that they couldn't return without it, and that they had a limited time to retrieve it. They had come to the conclusion that they needed to know more about this energy source and what it was before taking it. So, Onslaught sent Swindle to capture one of the guardians to interrogate them on the power source, and hopefully give them a better understanding on what they were dealing with. The Decepticon Swindle was now sitting in vehicular form outside the school, waiting for a target to get in range. "Should probably scan a local form" Swindle said to himself, thinking about which one would be nice. While he did that, he was tuning in on a human radio music station. He found the humans' music to be most interesting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

[Lancer, Fuka Japan, Morning]

Lancer smiled. "Yes, master.' he nodded. "As a servant of the lancer class, my stats are... non-consequential, seeing as I am the only servant and thus this scale is not comparable anywhere." he mused.

"As a servant, I have decent resistance to magic, with a rank of B in Magic resistance, and my personal skill is the one I have just told you: Demonic Defender of the State. By marking an area, I am able to form a "territory" around a hotspot of power - power like the one that resonates from your underground cavern." he smirked. "My noble phantasm, Kazikli Bey: The Lord of Impalement is the ability for me to create spikes within the territory marked by my personal skill."

Of course, he had one more, but he would never tell her, and even if she found out if she tried to get him to use it he would kill her, master or not.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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[ Shizuru..Fuka Gakuen dorm..Japan..Morning. ]

Shizuru listened to her Servent. "So you marked a place around here so you can use your ability to impale. I understand now but this school is a strange place for creating ones place. Well I am known as a HIME and as you saw I can summon my weopon out of nowhere. I also can summon my Child. .a guardian..." She paused to sip. "Natsuki has the same ability as I do." She decided not to tell him more just yet.

[Natsuki. ..Fuka Gakuen dorm. ..Japan. .Morning. ]
Natsuki finally woke up with a yawn.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 5 days ago

[Penny, Quote, & Kirby - Vale - Afternoon]

Penny only felt joy that she was going somewhere with her friend, as well as their possible new two friends. However, Quote had to hold in a sigh, great, he had to go after them. He was hoping that they would carry him, but that didn't seem to be the case. God dammit...well, I have to follow them anyways, because they're gonna get us some free food! Quote thought as he followed the two. Usually he would make his own food with the magic paintbrush, but it just didn't taste the same to real food. The smell of the bakery's goods got Quote's attention, just what was he going to get? At the same time, Kirby was still unconscious but he moved a bit from the smell of food. Kirby had a huge appetite for anything edible, or just anything in general,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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[Ruby...Vale. ..Afternoon. ]

After dragging the group to the bakery Ruby went straight for the cookies. Her mouth watered from all the smells of the sweets. Ruby enjoyed sweets in general but her love was cookies. She immediately began to stock up for getting she was supposed to get more then cookies for her team.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

[Cpt. Jack - Space; orbiting earth - Daytime]

Captain Jack Harkness was sitting in his spaceship, which was orbiting the Earth. He was going over multiple calculations and looking for the malfunction error in which his computer was stating. "No, no, no! These are all wrong! The spectrual therum and the Hysostatic Quantums are off the charts, BUT I DON'T SEE ANY ERRORS!" He yelled at himself. Suddenly, he threw down all the papers and punched the computer. He sighed. "If I don't find this error and solve it in the next..." he checked his watch. "3 hours, the ship's engine is going to fail..." he sighed again. He sat back down at his chair and picked up his papers, then continued trying to find the error.

2 hours and 49 minutes passed. Tne intercome turned on: "WARNING: WARNING: 11 MINUTES UNTIL FULL ENGINE FAILURE." Jack gasped. he loved this ship, and he couldn't let it go down in flames. Then, he would have to spend weeks, possibly MONTHS, repairing it!

9 minutes and 55 minutes passed. The intercom buzzed on: "WARNING: WARNING: 60 SECONDS REMAINING." Jack sighed. "Oh, well. I see I'm not gonna be able to repair it... I should at least try to not die in the crash, then I would be stuck 'dead' for another wasted day." He walked over to to the escape pod and walked in. He listened to the intercom. "45... 44... 43... 42..." he set the escape pod to leave the ship in 30 seconds.

20 seconds passed. he counted in his head. 20... 21... 22... 23... 24... 25... 26... 27... 28... 29... 30...! The escape pod's engines burst to life, and thrusted away from the ship. 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... As he was plummeting towards Earth, he saw his ship slowly start falling towards Earth, towards an, thankfully, empty field. he pressed the Parachute button, and a parachute burst from the escape pod. He moved the thrusters of the escape pod so that it would land a few miles away.

The escape pod hit the ground, and Jack was flung around inside it. He only had a few seconds to open the door, when he saw his ship hit the ground a few miles away. he sighed, again. "Now I gotta walk ALL the way over there..." he gathered a few supplies from the escape pod and began his walk to the ship.

He reached the ship after a few minutes of walking. He walked in the wreckage that was his ship, and gathered a few usable supplies, then started to walk into the city.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lightless


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[Aya Shameimaru, Vale, Afternoon]
The fall and impact of the 'meteor' warp star attracted lots of attention from the people there. However, when they reached the crater, there was nothing there. As a journalist, Aya was one of those people who came wondering what had just happened. At the time, she was rather desperate for good material, so she was one of the first to arrive.
'Hmm.. what if there were aliens.. that crash landed.. and they had no way of making themselves visible? No no no, wait, what if the aliens had a battle in our atmosphere, and just.. one..? of their projectiles hit.. er..' The tengu continued to try and rationalize the strange occurrence as she scrolled through the pictures of the crash site on her camera.

'If the aliens escaped, they must have some way of blending in with us.. so they must still be close by, if they escaped!' She lifted herself into the sky and began to scan the surrounding area. There were two figures fleeing the crime scene with suspicious looking blue and pink puffballs that stood out from the rest of the crowd below her.
"Aha~! No alien can escape the eyes of a tengu!" she exclaimed to herself, descending and following them inside a building. Bursting through the doors, she snapped several quick pictures of the perpetrators and blinding anyone who looked her way in the process. "Gotcha!" she said, grinning and pretty much ruining the light feel inside the bakery.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

[Cpt. Jack Harkness - A city in Japan - Daytime]

Captain Jack Harkness was outside of a city. Unknown to him the name of this city, he walked in. he saw people walked the sidewalks and cars driving through the roads. Seems to be a very populated city. Based on the looks of the citizens, and the style of the city, I'd said somewhere in Japan... he thought. he walked to a cafe, and purchased some breakfast to ease his stomach.

He ate the food. He sighed a sigh that was mixed with both sadness and happiness. He looked out the window. That hit the spot... I haven't had human food in quite a while... in fact, I haven't even been on EARTH for the past 2 or 3 years... I wonder what has changed, since I've been gone...

After finishing his meal, he payed for it and walked out the cafe. He decided that for now, he was going to rent a temporary apartment, at least until he got his ship fixed. He waked over to the nearest apartment building and walked in. He walked over to the front desk. "How may I help you?" the lady said in Japanese. "I'd like to rent an apartment."
and so, he filled out a renting application, yadayadayada, and he rented an apartment. He took and elevator up to the 7th floor and walked to room 309. he opened the door and walked in. he set his stuff away, walked over to the bed, and fell asleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 5 days ago

[Penny, Quote, & Kirby - Vale - Afternoon]

Just a few minutes into the bakery, and then they hear a sudden burst of the bakery's entry doors. Before they could even get a clear glimpse on the person who just barged in, they were bombarded with the flashes of a camera. Like she didn't mind it, Penny only blankly smiled at the camera's directions, not so fazed by the flashes. At least Kirby was still somewhat asleep, not at all affected from the flashes. However, that wouldn't be the same story for Quote, who rubbed his eyes right after looking at the camera's flashes.

"What....what the hell?" Quote grumbled as he was stumbling in a dizzy manner, comical stars swirling around his head before he shook himself a bit to get the dizzy feeling out as well as the stars around his head. By the time he regained his sight, he was quite pissed off from Aya's sudden entrance, forgetting that he was acting the innocent type to Penny and Ruby. Taking out his magic paintbrush, he swipes it in the air and out comes a very very large rocket launcher, which he manages to carry easily. "So, wanna know what my little friend can do here? Besides, whatever this baby can do, it's definitely Michael Bay approved," Quote said with some sly humor, despite the very fact that he was aiming the ol' so weapon of death right at Aya, and not to mention that he was using this kind of dangerous weapon in a bakery.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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[Ruby...Vale..afternoon. .]

Ruby nearly dropped her cookies as she was dazed by the flash. "Hey what is the big idea!" She demanded. However when she notice Quote armed with his rocket launcher she suddenly went for her weopon slowly. "Quote put that down.." She said seriously. ."People could get hurt."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lightless


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[Aya, A Bakery in Vale, Afternoon]
As she watched the pictures of their amusing expressions appear on the monitor, Aya opened her mouth as if to say something, but nothing came out when she realized the blue one was already pointing a weapon at her. Though this was the typical reaction most normal people had whenever she would show up, she was somewhat surprised that Quote had already picked up on her admittedly irritating news-gathering techniques.
After a moment of silence, Aya sighed and lowered the camera. "Maybe I've come on too strong..?" she muttered to herself. No matter how entertaining it would be to have an alien blow up a bakery and write an article about its burning hatred for pastries, she would still have to pay consequences if anyone else was blown up with it. Being a part of a group meant that sometimes she wouldn't be able to have her way sometimes.
Placing one hand on her chest, she introduced herself to the four, placing her hand on her chest and saying, "I'm Aya Shameimaru, humble and pure tengu reporter." With a wink and a friendly smile, she continued, "So, let's get with it, then. About that empty crater nearby.. Do you folks have anything to do with it?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

[Cpt. Jack Harkness - A city in Japan - Daytime]
Captain Jack Harkness woke up a few hours later, and decided to go out start rebuilding his ship. So, he set off for the wreckage. After walking a few miles, he found the wreckage, and began to dig through it. I need to get this closer to the city, so that I can actually work on this thing... He walked back to the city and tried to find somewhere big and abandoned so that he could work on his ship. After walking a while, he stumbled upon an abandoned warehouse. he began to write down the address on his arm. he walked back to the wreckage of his ship. he took out his cellphone and began dialing. "Hey, yeah, I need something towed to..." he checked the address. "234 grate street. I'm at the park out of town, near the center of it. Giant wreckage, you can't miss it. Thanks, bye bye." he put away his cellphone and waited for them to come tow his ship to the warehouse.

A few minutes passed, and a tow truck came and picked up the wreckage, which was surprisingly in a bit of one piece, and was able to be towed. Once they got to the warehouse, he walked outside and took out his wallet and payed the man $200. He walked back inside and took a look at his ship. he started mumbling about the damages and such. Once he got finished looking over the wreckage, he walked out the warehouse and walked over to a tools store and bought the tools he was going to need to repair his ship. When he finished shopping, he walked back to the warehouse and began to repair the ship.

A few hours passed and he had almost got halfway to completing the front deck of the ship. he sighed. Only a few more weeks of this and my ship will be fully functional again... He left the warehouse and walked back to his apartment. he used the elevator to get the his floor, and walked back to his room. He flopped on his bed and fell asleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

[Location: Okimara Streets, Japan | Time of Day: Early Morning]


It was a certain desperate situations, to the Shinra Troops, not only they had to deal with a fugitive 1st Class SOLDIER, now they had to fight the Grimm Reaper and the Legendary Garnet Sword, things got a turn to the worse for them when Zack's Digital Mind Wave started to work again. "Go Ifrit! HELLFIRE!" said Zack as he summoned a Fire Oni (He's like, twice Zack's size.), the summon punched the ground and enveloped itself in flames, then he flew at the Shinra Army like a fire torpedo, Ragna was like. "What the hell?" suprised Zack wasn't just a guy with a giant sword, "Wow, that will help a lot!" said Silvy animated. "Damn, where are the reinforcements?" one of the Shinra Troops asked

Meanwhile, in other parts of the city.

"Sorry guys, today is not your guys day, so why don't you rain like men?" Kail said as he stopped the Tornado his Axe Swing generated, seeing lots of Shinra Infrantry falling. "Well, the guys with the swords are hard on the fall." said Rosa seeing some 3rd Class SOLDIERS getting up. "Then that will have to be the one i take care of." said Thomas as he screamed a Kiai and lunged at the SOLDIERs, meanwhile, Friday was swating some helicopters. "I Hope this doesn't take all day, i need to watch my TV Drama." said Friday as she took aim at another helicopter. In the meantime, Ash was checking some cameras he set up early. "We still got a long way to go, don't slack off now." he said to Friday.

[Location: Mayor's Office, Okimara, Japan | Time of Day: Early Morning]

"So...these are the so famed Shinra Army? Well, i can see they are well trained, but, against the members of the Guild, they are nothing more than fodder, now, time to the cover up, must keep my good image." chuckled a certain Baron Cid.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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[Ruby...Vale..Afternoon ...]
"Crater? I do not know what you mean Aya..." Ruby said honestly."Could you tell me about it...?" All she really wanted to do was enjoy her baked delights but each time something prevented her from it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 5 days ago

[Penny, Quote, & Kirby - Vale - Afternoon]

"Well...me and Ruby saw-" Penny was going to say, but then was interrupted by Quote.

"None of your beeswax ma'am. We don't have the time to talk about our...problems and all of that crap," Quote said, swiping his magic paintbrush on the rocket launcher, turning the devastating weapon into a cell phone, to which he pointed at Aya and took a picture of her with it.

Kirby was still unconscious in Penny's arms, but was starting to slowly wake up from the sweet smell of cookies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

[Lancer, Fuka Japan, Morning]

Lancer had a feeling that Shizuru was more than meets the eye, judging by the way she had both wielded and summoned her Japanese lance the previous evening. "I understand." Lancer nodded before turning to look at the waking Natsuki.

"Master," he asked, "Do I have your permission to reveal myself to her, or would you prefer I kept my presence hidden from her?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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[Shizuru. ..dorm...Fuka Gakuen. ...Fuka Japan. ..Morning. ]

Shizuru smiled "Go ahead . Natsuki should be able to see you. After I explained things to her last night she seemed fine about you..."

[Natsuki. ...dorm..Fuka Gakuen. .FukaJapan. .Morning. ]

Natsuki opened her eyes squinting at the sunlight. She yawned. "Oh dammit I overslept." She said moving to sit on her bed..She saw Shizuru was up already but she did not know about Lancer yet despite all she had been told.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

[Lancer, Fuka Japan, Morning]

Lancer frowned when Shizuru claimed Natsuki should be able to see him due to information. "Whether she knows of me or not does not change the fact that only masters and servants would be able to see me when I am de-materialized. Nevertheless, I understand." he nodded before undoing his de-materialization, showing himself to Natsuki.

"Good morning." he said to her with a smile and a small bow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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[Natsuki and Shizuru. .dorms..Fuka Gakuen. Fuka Japan. ..Morning. ]

"Well if she isn't supposed to see you .." Shizuru said as she stood. "Rules can be broken it seems. This work works in strange ways..." I am sorry for breaking the rules..."

Natsuki nearly jumped off the bed when Lancer revealed himself. "Hell...wait are you Lancer?" She asked. Somehow she could see him.
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