Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TwilightDragon
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TwilightDragon Dragon of the Night Sky

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The sun was shining brighter than ever that day. Not that it bothered him; he much rather have the slightly uncomfortable heat than the biting cold that mostly ravaged the living world below. Once or twice he had gone there during the winter, and he felt like he was about to grovel at someone’s feet to be let back to Soul Society. Now, Seito wasn’t a whining weakling—he just hated the cold. It felt like someone was sticking needles into him… Which was why he was reluctant in even going down to the living world in the first place. But he was told by the captain of his division that he must go down to the world of the living and take care of a few problems. There was no need to ask what kind of problems. He knew exactly what they were.

Seito sighed, running a hand through his slightly long, loose black hair. The captain also said that he would be accompanied by a person from the 5th division. At least I won’t have to go alone and be as lost as always. he thought, turning his blue eyes to the sky as he walked down the wooden path that led to the offices of the other captains. Perhaps the other Soul Reaper was around there, having finished talking to their own captain. I hope they aren’t annoying. That would be a hassle. Having to go to the living world and having to deal with an annoying Shinigami? On top of that, he would probably have to be in a faux body for a small amount of time, and that was uncomfortable.

Now, where are they? Seito paused, glancing around for who knows what. Miyahara hadn’t told him whether the company was going to be male or female, tall or short, black haired or brown haired. So, he made sure that he lingered by Captain Sugimoto’s office, hoping to see the Shinigami around there. The faster we go, the faster we get through this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The sun was too bright. Haruka rolled over and pressed her pillow over her head, trying to make a shield from the day and what she knew it would bring. She had some mission out in the world of the living and while she was excited to go out and see the world of the living, she was going to have to deal with someone from the thirteenth division. She wasn't a people person on principle, and having to deal with what was likely a buffoon irritated her. She could be spending the time studying her kido instead of messing around trying to deal with whatever those 'problems' were.

Haruka gave up trying to fight the time and slowly sat up and dressed. Her short black hair was quickly brushed and Haruka stretched as she tried to not appear too tired for the first time she would meet whoever was accompanying her to the world of the living. She adjusted her katana to her side, making the sure the straps were still fine and well adjusted. She then left her barracks, and marched outside. Who was she looking for anyway? The orders didn't really have a description of a person, but just a name. Seito Akimine.

Well, she was up fairly late, so maybe he was already near the barracks. I knew I shouldn't have studied that late she scolded herself as she looked for anyone that might have been Seito Akimine. At last she found a man who appeared to be looking for someone as well. "Are you Seito Akimine? I have been told that I'm to accompany him to the world of the living."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TwilightDragon
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TwilightDragon Dragon of the Night Sky

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Where are they?

Seito was beginning to look quite troubled. He should have asked how the Shinigami looked like when he was being told that he would go to the living world. But instead of asking, he raced out of the room and began to look for his partner. I really don’t want to do this, Seito sighed as he adjusted his lute, which was at his side, attached to a thin leather strap that crossed his torso. At least I can bring my instrument. Last time I went, I forgot it and all the humans had were guitars and other ordinary things.

Someone approached him. It was a short woman, with jet black hair much like his and green eyes. She appeared younger than he was and held herself with dignity. She looks like a serious girl. Seito thought. I hope that she doesn’t make my time in the living world more grueling than it should be.

”Ah~ Yes, I’m Seito.” Seito beamed down at her, stretching out his hand so she could shake it in a proper greeting. ”I didn’t know who my partner was going to be. Hell, I didn’t even know what gender they were, or how they looked like. I ran out of my captain’s office as soon as I got the order. If I had stayed longer, I would have found you much quicker.”

”You’re from the 5th Division, right? I’m from the 13th Division. I’ve been to where we’re going plenty of times before, so I know exactly what we’re dealing with.” Seito’s toothy grin faded into a small smirk, waiting for the girl to shake his hand. ”What’s your name?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Haruka was not impressed. She had been told that she was going with someone who was somewhat competent. Instead, what she got was an idiot who rushed out the second he received the order and rushed out. He didn't even pause to think about who he was looking for. He was likely to be killed on this mission. Haruka remained quiet until he was finished talking. As he held out his hand, she ignored it. It was not would of malice, but rather Haruka didn't really know what to do with it. She guessed that she was supposed to kiss it, but she had no interest in doing so.

As she listened to him, she noticed that he was carrying a lute. Why would he carry a lute on a mission? It was liable to be broken. Plus, what was he going to do? Sing to the Hollows? Haruka tried to imagine the lute being useful, but it just seemed that he had brought it for entertainment.

"Haruka Himura. I have recently graduated the academy with high grades as well as memorized about one hundred Kido spells. I have been told that I need to 'get out more'. Therefore I asked to join this mission. Now, if we are done with introductions and messing about, then we need to get going. I have more spells to memorize." Haruka hardly waited for him before walking down the street. She wanted to get back to her regular system of eating, studying, and sleeping.

Walking ahead of the strange man had the added bonus of when she had to stifle a yawn he probably couldn't see. She had been such a fool to have slept in like that. However, if she could make it seem like his fault, then her reputation for punctuality would remain intact. I still need to obtain the shikai… I don't know why Captain ordered me out here anyway. It's not like I'll make any progress with an idiot breathing down my neck.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TwilightDragon
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TwilightDragon Dragon of the Night Sky

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The other Shinigami did not take his hand and shake it, making Seito blink in surprise. Well then, Seito frowned at the moment, tipping his head to the side. Isn’t she charming? Now, how was he going to deal with this pain in the ass when they were in the living world? She’s not going to let me have fun, isn’t she? Ugh. With a roll of his blue eyes, he followed after the girl, crossing his arms. Now they were going to the living world, and all hope of actually having fun was diminished. Great. Just great.

”So, you’re rather experienced in Kido, aren’t ya?” Seito asked, trying to make conversation with the girl. He didn’t want to be silent all throughout the mission. The black haired Shinigami was a very social one—he had to speak, he had to do something other than work. But this woman… she seemed like she was a wall. Like she was some sort of lifeless being that he couldn’t communicate with. But communication is important. Seito thought as he jogged up to her and began to walk beside her.

”I don’t remember if I left school with a high grade or not. But I do remember getting in trouble with the teachers at times.” he smirked at the thought. Oh, yeah, he had to work hard to keep up in school, but the best part was making sure he didn’t get caught doing stuff that he shouldn’t do. It was pure luck that he actually became a Soul Reaper. ”Have you been to the living world before, or is this your first time?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"This is my first time going to the world of the living, yes. Also, yes I am decently advanced in Kido. I said that, or did you not pay attention?" Haruka walked with purpose, and quickly. "Maybe if you had paid attention better then you would know that your studies are the only way you'll get anywhere. People are unesscessary to my success, and Soul Reapers work alone. Yet, they're assigned you to help me. That is interesting in itself." Haruka always spoke in a flat and uninterested tone with others. They always had to be reminded of what she had just said, and so she grew irritated with having to explain herself every time. So she simply decided to always accept that people could be stupid.

Maybe he was down and out? Maybe this was a last ditch effort to redeem himself? Whatever the case, Haruka couldn't care less. She was going to the world of the living, and that was supposed to be exciting. It was also supposed to be extremely dangerous if they messed up and didn't strike a Hollow before it struck them. Haruka had no intention on dying this early in her career, but the buffoon could die and she wouldn't care. I could use something sweet right about now. Haruka thought, her stomach grumbling in agreement. Tough it out. We have a job to do. Then we can get sweets.

It would serve him right for bring a stupid lute, if he died. Who played the lute anyway? He would probably use it when they weren't moving around too, meaning that he would sing. She sincerely hoped that he could sing somewhat decently. Mainly for the sake of her eardrums. "I thought our mission would just a short trip out and back. Why are you bringing that lute?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TwilightDragon
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TwilightDragon Dragon of the Night Sky

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Wow, she was very bitter. And blunt. Seito would have cringed if she could not clearly see his face. Seriously, I am not going to enjoy my time in the living world. Maybe he could ask someone else to take his place. Maybe even one of the other Shinigami from the 13th Division. His eyes quickly scanned the area as they made their way down the street. There were a few of his squadron, but they were too far away to call out. Great. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, peering down at the shorter woman. She was asking about his lute.

”I mean, I can strum it a little while we’re waiting for the Hollow to show up, right?” he asked, shrugging roughly. ”I’ve always liked music and art. I can’t live without any of those things for a few hours.”

It was true that Seito was always playing the lute or drawing or writing. He didn’t like to fight much and he much rather curl up and paint. ”Anyway, we should hurry up. The Hollows aren’t going to be good little things for much longer, I think.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Haruka didn't know that the world of the living was so strange. For one, no one could see them. She had learned this in school, but that didn't mean that it wasn't strange. She could stand right in front of a person and they would stare ahead blankly. She was half tempted to poke them in the forehead just to see if she could touch them, but decided against it. She has come to hunt Hollows, after all.

"Sieto-san. Where are the Hollows we are supposed to hunt down and kill? I don't see them here." she straightened up, looking around. There were only regular people here, and extremely dull ones at that. They would be lucky if they saw the shadow of a Whole. "Also, is the world of the living usually like this?"

She wondered if there were any good sweets in this world, since there was apparently a lot of different foods. Haruka also didn't understand how people could live like how they did, with the strange sky wires and cube houses. How did they not feel like they were bound together so tight that they couldn't breathe?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TwilightDragon
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TwilightDragon Dragon of the Night Sky

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Well, at least it wasn't as hot as the last time he went to the human world. It was a bit breezy, but it was warm. That was how he liked it. Seito looked around, amused at the fact that Hakura seemed a bit overwhelmed by the strange human world. I can't blame her. I was just like that when I first came. It was still funny, though. He had kept his hand on Rakurai's hilt ever since they got there, fondling the red-leather hilt of the black and silver colored blade. Yet, there were no Hollow to fight, no people to protect. Seito glanced back and forth at the other Shinigami's question.

"There's definitely something here, but the thing must be hiding." he answered, narrowing his eyes a little bit more. "We can't do anything until it shows itself. In the meantime, we wait. I don't think it'll be hiding for long."

With that, Seito began to walk down the street, tucking his hands into his long sleeves. He sighed, troubled that they would have to be here for longer than necessary. "There's someone here that shelters Shinigami if they have to stay for more than a day. I forgot what her name was, though."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

What was she doing? Haruka should be gawking around at her battlefield like a mouse. She needed to be analyzing it, knowing the best spots to fight. She stuffed down her excitement. Excitement meant she would die where she stood. So she took a breath and rested her hand on her Zanpakto. She hadn't even named the sword or had the sword told her it's name, however it worked. She'd spent nights just talking to the dumb thing, and it didn't work.

"Yeah. We need to get moving, if it's here somewhere, then it'll go for high spiritual energy right? So we head there and wait." Haruka said, regaining her straight faced demeanor. "Plus, I hope you remember who ever it is soon. If we have to stay here we'll need a base of operations."

Haruka didn't want to stay though. She knew it was against the law to stay too long in the world of the living. Not to mention she needed to get back to her studies as soon as possible. Staying would prove useless unless the Hollow didn't show up, but Haruka thought it had to. With two Soul Reapers around, it had to show its face. After all, Soul Reapers were supposedly delicious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TwilightDragon
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TwilightDragon Dragon of the Night Sky

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Seito hummed under his breath, trying to remember the name that he had learned the last time he was in the human world. It was a woman that looked around his age, kindhearted by surprisingly mischievous and rude at times. She always teased him when he came to the living world, and believe it or not, even Seito got a bit annoyed at her antics. The reason he stayed, however, was due to the fact that she always fed and sheltered him no matter what, as well as give him a bit of advice every so often. Yet, her name still escaped him… and he didn’t know if she would still be around the area.

”I got the name.” he told her after a while of thinking. ”She’s a lady by the name of Takara Senmatsu. Though I don’t think that you’ll like her. She might be a bit too crazy for you.” he shrugged, heaving a sigh as he thought about a way to bother the shorter Shinigami next to him. ”Or we can just stop by her place and pick up a couple of faux bodies and try and see if we can get into one of those human barrack things. But you have to pay more the longer that you stay there.”

Seito paused in his tracks, peering back at her. ”So? What do you say?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Staying here is more hassle than you would think it is. Not to mention that we don't really have any human money. Gigais should be a last resort only. Anything else and we're in trouble." Haruka had no interest in being arrested and executed. Not to mention that if Seito couldn't handle being around the woman, then Haruka would be even worse off.

She just wanted to get out of the human world before she lost all her progress on studying her Zanpakto. She was close, she could tell. She only needed a little more time before the name came to her. Whenever it did, she would probably be granted a seat position. To be so young and given a seat position, that would be the single best thing to ever happen to her. It still far off and unlikely, but she had to dream.

Suddenly, Haruka froze. A roar had rung out over the ton. She'd never heard a hollow roar before, and she was certain that in that moment she never wanted to hear another.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TwilightDragon
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TwilightDragon Dragon of the Night Sky

Member Seen 1 yr ago

“Do you know how to take a joke?” Seito said in a heaving sigh, turning his gaze on to the streets again. Seriously. Why couldn’t they give him a better partner? One that he could easily laugh with and be all… partnerish with? The Shinigami seriously hoped that they wouldn’t have to be in the living world for long, and that he wouldn’t have to deal with her again. She’s so annoying… seriously.

There was a huge sounding roar, making Seito perk. Crap. “Come on, we have to get moving.” he told her. And with that, he took to the rooftops, running toward the source of the roar.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Haruka waited before joining Seito on the rooftops. The idea of fighting something that had made that sound terrified her, but like everything else she didn't let it show and joined Seito on the rooftops. If she was careful, if she remained behind him and watched carefully they would both come out of the fight alive. She just... had to be careful. If they were both out fighting this Hollow, then it couldn't possibly be easy or low on bounty. More than likely, this Hollow had killed before. It had killed either a lot of Wholes or a lot Soul Reapers. Neither of which sounded like particularly great options.

She followed Seito anyway, trying to ignore the fact that the Hollow's screams had been that terrifyingly loud to begin with. To ease her mind, she tried to sense where it was, try and get a bead on where the Hollow was at so it couldn't surprise them. "Hey, Seito? How many Hollows have you killed?" it was a simple question, but it would help settle the butterflies in her stomach some if she knew how much of a veteran at fighting Hollows Seito was. He probably was really good at it, and she was just overreacting.

Still, even if she was a rookie, she could fend for herself. She knew enough Kido that even other Soul Reapers would steer clear if she was in a bad mood. She just had to keep during the fight. She had to keep calm and relax. Seito would probably end up doing most of the fighting anyway. She just had to help in any way she could.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TwilightDragon
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TwilightDragon Dragon of the Night Sky

Member Seen 1 yr ago

It was as if he wasn’t using energy at all. Well, that was normal amongst their kind, but Seito deemed himself lucky that he wasn’t easy to tire out. Another roar ripped across the town, making him grow alarmed. This sounds like a bigger sounding Hollow. Or maybe it’s just my imagination? He didn’t know why such a big thing would be roaming around the living world. He had to admit, he was a bit nervous. How will I even take it down? he asked himself, his mind beginning to race. Rakurai won’t fail me. I have to trust it.

”I’ve slayed a couple of dozen. I have to say that I’m rather experienced in killing those sons of-“ the roar sounded again, and he decided that he should hurry up and shut up. The older-looking Shinigami shot across the rooftops, the click clack of his sandals hitting against the roof tiles filling his ears.

Soon enough they came across the beast—a large, ugly, green thing with ebony black talons and a long, rat-like tail. Seito wasn’t impressed with its appearance, but he was flabbergasted by its sheer size. It was approximately the size of a small house. Even that was a bit too big for a Hollow. ”There it is.” he said, leaping from the roof and landing in front of the thing. Drawing Rakurai, he held the katana in front of him. ”This thing is going to regret ever coming here, right, Haruka?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Haruka tried to ignore how loud and close-sounding that roar was. She also tried to ignore Seito's nervousness. As he poured on the speed, so did she, managing to keep pace with him as he raced towards the monster that they would soon fight. Haruka was calm now that she could see the thing. She could use some Kido to hold it in place then Seito could strike down the middle of its ugly mask. As she landed next to Seito, she drew her sword.

If they thought we would die fighting this thing then the Captains wouldn't have sent us. Haruka reassured herself once more. With quick movements she set up her Kido and fired it.

"Backudo number nine! Geki!" the Kido made the monster glow red and freeze into place. Already she could feel the spell draining away. This was good for maybe a few seconds, maybe less. "If it doesn't already, then we aren't doing our job." as she struggled to keep it in place, sweat started to break out on her brow. Seito needed to kill this thing already, she could feel the threads of her spell unraveling before her eyes. He needed to move fast. Part of her said that he wouldn't make it before the spell broke, but she kept the spell up regardless.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TwilightDragon
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TwilightDragon Dragon of the Night Sky

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Before he knew it, the demon-monster glowed red and stopped moving. Seito had to thank goodness that Haruka was there. If she hadn’t stopped it, it would have attacked him immediately. He couldn’t be scrambling about as he decided what to do. Yet, it seemed that the girl was having trouble keeping it in place. Is it really that strong? Seito thought. All I know is that I have to deal a blow to its neck, and it should be gone for.

The older Shinigami shot forward with all of the speed he could muster, raising his blade over his head and crying out as he swung the sword down on the beast’s neck with all of his strength. The blade sunk into the flesh of the thing, but not into its neck. It had moved. He had been too late. He stared at the wound he had inflicted on the Hollow’s shoulder, surprised. Hell, this thing is strong. he pulled the blade from its shoulder, making it roar in pain. He dodged the Hollow’s attempt at grasping his leg with its ugly hand, and landed softly on the ground.

”Hmm.” Seito muttered as he stared at the monster. It looked over at him and rushed toward him, growling and shrieking. ”Even though this thing is ugly as hell, it sure is strong.” And is it getting faster, or is it just me?

Seito leapt out of the Hollow’s path, laughing as he thought that he had once again escaped the monster’s grip. But something clamped around his leg. He looked down to see the Hollow’s hand tighten around his leg, but before he could react, he was flung across the parking lot and through the wall of an abandoned building. Seito felt his body scream with pain and blood begin to well in his mouth as he laid in the rubble. Okay… I think I was getting a bit too cocky there… he coughed, muffling the sound with his arm. Pain razed up the side of his body. This sucks…
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Haruka's focus slipped and Seito was in danger. The first time the monster tried to grab him he managed to get away, the second time he was not so lucky. Haruka could barely follow where he was thrown, but now she knew that Seito was no match for the Hollow. If he was no match, then neither was she. However, Haruka swallowed her fear and held out her sword. She wasn't so scared that she'd just roll over and die, but all the same, she was terrified. Seito was an experienced fighter and she was not, which meant that her only hope was either a quick and precise strike, or run as fast as she could.

"What's the matter, little Reaper?" the Hollow spoke. Haruka gripped her Zanpakto tighter, as though the feeling of the hilt would snap her out of the fear that gripped her body. "Too scared to do another Kido after your partner was taken down so quickly? I can see your hands shaking, Reaper. Go ahead, you have a free swing. Go ahead!"

Haruka summoned her strength and swung, closing her eyes as she did so. She managed to get the thing's neck, but it was too shallow. The most she did was make the thing start to a bleed a little more. "It seems that your skill in Kido is far more than your skill in the sword!" the Hollow laughed and started to swat Haruka away, but she was quick enough to leap over the hand and back onto the nearby rooftop. "Look at you! At least you'll get to live a few minutes longer."

"Sho!" Haruka managed to point her index finger at the creature and fire off a weak blast. It wasn't as powerful as she would have liked, but it would keep the monster's attention on her until Seito managed to get back up -hopefully his wounds weren't too severe- and finish the thing off before more injuries happened. If not, it was likely that she was going to be hit hard by this thing in retaliation.
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