It was a new day, morning came, and the animals were starting to awake while the humans slept. The earth was corrupted, and now uninhabitable. It wouldn't be long before they all died. Pollution is the cause, of course. Humans were the ones who started this. The waters were now filthy and undrinkable. It was lucky to find some drinkable water. The weather was freezing outside, so cold in fight ice was forming on cars, floors and other places. Yet it was in the middle of summer. The world had come to chaos. Nobody could live on this earth anymore. Everyone was panicking, or mostly everyone. Others were committing crimes, spending their last few days alive doing anything they wanted. Some others were calm, trying to find a solution, but it was worthless. They were all doomed unless they found a way off the planet, and onto a more inhabitable planet, but even then, humans will never learn. They will make the same mistake, and now the animals have to pay for it. Some of the animals, even unaware, or just don't care about the world. One of those animals, was Beauty.

Beauty was currently behind a old restaurant, it was a fancy and only for the rich. She hadn't eaten all day, and it was about time she had her meal. She slowly sneaked into the back entrance, and withing a minute, she came out with a whole turkey. She swayed her tail slowly as she looked around, she then jumped over the fence, exiting the alleyway. She quickly began to head for the old abandoned graveyard as she made sure nobody saw her. Once she reached the lock gates, she looked around once again, being very cautious. She closed her eyes, and her markings glowed, which opened the locked gates, when she walked through, the gates closed behind her. She began to walk through the graveyard until she reach the other end, where a small patch of grass laid. She ate her turkey slowly, and once she finished, she took a drink from the pond which was luckily still drinkable. Then she laid herself down on the patchy grass, closing her eyes, she began to drift of to sleep. She knew that this graveyard was abandoned. Nobody had come here in years, so, she was safe or at so she thought.