Here's the deal folks; we have some dropouts (we call them 'casualties' in the game) and we've just started but want to carry on; that means recruiting some new players to fill the ranks. As it's a military RP, it's easy to slip in new characters -- they are replacements from other units filling the ranks of the recently beaten-up 3rd Jäger battalion. ;)


A member of the Swiss Army, circa WWII.

TL;DR Summary:
- Alternate Universe, not Earth, setting.
- Equivalent to the WWII-era and WWII-tech.
- The Augstberg Principality is based on Switzerland and Finland; it is mountain terrain and forests and other terrain that favors a prepared defender.
- The players will be the members of an individual squad in the Principality Armed Citizenry, a militia formation that all citizens join at the age of 17. However, these characters are reservists in the elite 3rd Jäger Battalion, probably serving in the same infantry platoon, if not squad. It helps explain why the PC's are perhaps a cut above the usual.
- At the same time, the characters have lives; University, careers, family and god knows what else. This is being disrupted by the callup of the strategic reserves.
- For centuries, the Principality has maintained neutrality through inhospitable terrain and its citizen soldiery, but the discovery of mineral wealth, especially in this technological age, make the Principality a riper fruit for the picking.
- The characters are citizens of the Principality of varying ages and backgrounds that have been called up (by lottery, or by volunteering) for active duty in the face of this danger.
- Players are encouraged to help develop the setting, including the weaponry.

In Character Info:
For centuries, the Augstberg principality maintained its independent rule and neutrality through the ferocity of its citizen-soldiers, notable as loyal to their nation before other nations developed nationalism. The constitutional rule of law and the limitation of the Prince's authority in the realm and the parliamentarian/referendum veto system of governing ensured that Augstbergers were eager to repel the invasion of would-be rulers from neighboring nations. The fervor of its militia forces, harsh terrain and adverse climate, as well as a lack of treasure to make the invasion a worthwhile conquest meant that after a while, the neighbors stopped trying to invade.

These neighbors went to war and consolidated power among themselves, sometimes with Austberger mercenaries being hired out, and they gained a historical reputation for prowess before one of the reigning Princes convinced the parliament to suspend the practice of allowing Augstberger soldiers to hire out to foreign powers, convincingly arguing that such a practice may well draw the Principality itself into the fighting among other, larger nations, and lead the Principality to ruin. Despite this neutrality, the neighbors knew that the fruit was not easily picked in the mountains.

Regrettably, the discovery of fissible materials and petroleum reserves in the nation have created a different situation, as now Augstberg's natural resources in conjunction with its healthy and self-sufficient industrial development and strong financial sector mean that it has become, ironically, a victim of its own success. As war breaks out on the continent at large, Augstbergers know that one side or the other will decide that this small country's resources are the key to a larger victory.

Out of Character Info:
The characters will be called up members of a platoon of the 3rd Jäger Battalion. The 3rd Battalion is one of the reserve units where citizens serve out their reserve service (10 years of reserve service after two years active duty conscription) after having served in the 1st and 2nd Jäger Battalions. That means that the characters would be in better than usual physical shape and well trained, even if they are reservists. (I don't think that a country like this would have an airborne formation due to a variety of strategic and budgetary factors.)

The initial equipment of the unit will not be the top tech of the era, because they are switching over from a peacetime configuration (and production) to wartime footing.

There is little more to say, except that while this is a casual RP, I would like to keep the writing quality good -- so I want people to use their spell check and so forth. That's not because I am a grammar Nazi, but because I feel like it is the basics and it makes it easier for everyone to read what is written. Also, people that involve themselves in this ought to know that the OOC needs to stay polite. I've rarely had a problem outside of Nation RP's, so I'm hoping to keep that going.

The most important thing in this RP, however, is participation. I'd like to make this a long term RP, so I'd like to hear people's ideas and work with people to brainstorm in a collaborative fashion.