Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

John listened as the others introduced themselves, however he made no move to do so himself. The young man examined each and every member of the group thus far, and mentally tacked off whether they were prey or predators before becoming fixated with the girl who introduced herself as Storm. John noted how her legs seemed to be somewhat deformed and for a ghost of a second smirked. John turned his back to the group and pretended to look around as he forced himself to don a convincing look of concern that belied his more sinister intentions before turning back. "I believe we should seek a way out of this place. Though if we're to do it together, perhaps we should find an alternative means of transport for the winged one. As well as a source of nourishment" he said with a smile. The serpent hybrid walked a little closer to the group and began to encircle Storm, flickering his tongue as he did so "After all it must be truly exhausting having to fly nonstop, right? And i'm sure that more than a few of us must be hungry or thirsty." he said with sympathy. His sympathy and words were false and hollow of course, in all honesty he felt nothing for these people and merely hoped that they'd provide entertainment for him as he debated whether or not to try and kill them later on, however it was near impossible to tell that his behavior was an act.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It was deep black, absolutely impenetrable darkness around Mina. Such darkness, her eyes could see nothing, not even her body. Was she awake? Still in a dream? That endless dream she had for so long?
But no, it was different than before. She was conscious, more so than she had been all this time. The air felt different, cold and empty, hollow almost. Her skin was freezing cold and a strange noise sounded from somewhere to her side.
After a while of thinking where she was and why she was here, the whirring and buzzing noise to her side got on her nerves. With difficulty she managed to open her eyes and woke up to a gruesome sight.

She was on a bed in what used to be a plain white room with a window on the south and a small counter across from the bed she lay on. What she looked at though, wasn't a white clean room, it was a room filled with death.
The once clean white tiles were covered with blood, splattered everywhere, even on the ceiling. Corpses lay scattered across the room, broken and shattered, impaled with clear white spikes or simply torn apart. She realized she herself was also covered in blood, as well as the bed she lay on, her pale white skin covered with the red substance. A shiver ran up her skin as she realized she had something to do with this. Why else would she be unharmed?

She scrambled off the bed, only to collapse on the blood covered ground, unable to walk. She didn't know how long she had been here, but it had been long enough to weaken her muscles to the point of not being able to support her weight.
She shot a glare at the nearest corpse, before nearly jumping (if she was able to) up when something tapped against her legs. What seemed to be a long white tail protruded from the base of her spine, it had flicked in reaction to her annoyance. Mina stared at it in wonder for a few minutes before trying to regain control over her muscles.

She sat on the ground for a long time, before she could finally move onto her knees and crawl around a bit. It was tiring, but she had to get out of here.
She found a metal pipe, cut clean off the ceiling somewhere, laying around on the ground. She used it to get onto her feet and support her weight, making her able to move around, be it slowly.
She found a piece of broken glass and ripped off a piece of fabric from the hospital gown she was wearing, wrapping it around the sharp object and carrying it around as she made her way outside and onto the hallway of the unknown building she was in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Princess Mizuki

Princess Mizuki

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Storm listened to what the, as of yet unintroduced, boy had to say, and nodded. "Yes. I know I'll eventually get tired and have to land." She paused for a moment. "At least I can fly and am not stuck in that frozen room with the corpses." So far her music had all been high energy songs which seemed to help keep her energy up, but she knew that her energy would eventually run out. That was why she wanted the wheelchair. She wondered why the boy was circling around her, finding it strange since none of the others were doing so. When he was in front of her she backed up a little, and flew up closer to the ceiling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

John couldn't help but chuckle a bit as Storm backed away from him and increased the distance by flying up further. He eyed the girl and for an instant his pupils contracted into needle thin slits, much like that of a predator focusing on something it intended to strike. John blinked, and his eyes returned to normal, "No need to worry, I don't bite." he said, an ironic statement if there ever was one if one of the corpses in the room he was in was any indicator. Speaking of said room, John's memory was slowly starting to fill in, bridging a few gaps in his mind such as his name -which according to his most recent memory had been repetitively screeched by one of the doctors that he'd murdered during the frenzy preceding his black out-. Sadly John couldn't figure out why he was behaving as he was, however it felt natural, so there was nothing for him to be concerned about. 'At least now I have a name to give to these people' John mused before slowly turning back to the others, "I'm John by the way. Listen, I hate to cut things short, but it feels like I haven't had a drink in days. If we're moving together could we perhaps see to getting some water or something in the near future?" he inquired to the group.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The black-haired girl had found herself backing away from the crowd into a corner. For some reason, she found her sticking close to Junior. She wasn't sure as to why, probably because it was the first person she had saw upon regaining consciousness, but she had the slightest amount of trust placed in him.

This was madness . . .

She had her arms on her shoulders still and looked around the room. Long, white hallways. It was like a bizarre episode of a sci-fi show out of the 90s. It was freezing . . the girl could see her breath, even from inside. It briefly made her curious what the weather was like outside. Where they were. But she wasn't going to start asking questions, there were already so many to begin with. For starters, who were they? Who was she?

She blinked, her teeth chattering rapidly. She looked around at the others, having learned some of their names. Like Zed, for example. Clearly, a nickname. She lowered her knife; she should give herself a nickname as well. "Judas . .", her quiet, serious voice was suddenly thrown into the loop of voices, ". . I'm Judas. The girl found herself looking down at her extremely frail, pale arms. Where had she gotten that name from? She wasn't going to ask that, either.

That's when she noticed the boy at the end of the hall. Short, pale. Looked around Junior's age. He had black-hair and a shy look in his eyes, one that was coated with surprise. He was also holding a canteen in his hand, "And I don't have water," she pointed in the boy's direction, "But he might."

- - -

The black-haired boy awoke with a jolt, he had previously been whimpering and biting his lip, as indicated by the blood on it now. He drowsily looked around the room, his back was sore and his eyes hurt. He was also hungry and thirsty are per usual. And to make matters worse, he was still alone. Alexander and all of the other kids were all still under, in their comas.

All of the silence made Raven wish he wasn't the first one awake. It was scary and lonely by himself and he missed his older brother on top of that. He shook his head, removing the thoughts of negativity from his mind before standing up. Across the room was his brother on a cot, there were metal bars around his arms . . as if they were restricting him from moving. Raven remembered the first time he had saw those, he got so pissed that he laced them with a layer of solid ice. That was the day he discovered that he had ice powers, too.

The dream he had last night was strange. Strange, but it made him hopeful. As he left the room, he found himself mulling over it again: the others had woken up, they managed to meet up in one of these hallways and exchanged names. He couldn't hear any of them, but he did hear one ask for water. He wasn't sure why, but he found himself wandering around the halls. It was like a maze in this . . facility. Most of the doors were stuck, some were frozen solid. The walls were also covered in ice, but that was mainly thanks to Raven, though the doors on the other hand, had nothing to do with him.

He had found a small kitchen area on his second day after wandering lost for hours. Since then, he had it memorized in the back of his mind. When he arrived there, he managed to find something metal to store the water in. While he let the sink run, he wondered why the pipes hadn't frozen yet. He also found himself wondering how the others would react to the cold. He imagined it was almost subzero in here.

The cold doesn't really bother me anyway.

Then he shut off the sink and continued on his way.

That is how he ended up here. Right across from the crowd he saw earlier from his dream . . holding the canteen of water. When the girl pointed to him, he couldn't help but let out a sharp gasp. "You're . . you're all awake." Was all he could manage to sputter out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by azarhiro

azarhiro Professional Taco

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lynn looked at the black haired boy for a second then smiled. " Yay. Another person!" She said cheerfully. She stepped towards the boy." I'm Lynn." She hands her hand out so he can shake it.She wondered if there would be more people and if so, how many.She realized quickly she offered her cut hand and, switched the hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Seth opened his eyes slowly, his vision blurry as he looked around the small room he was in. The walls were gray apart from red moist patches which slowly dripped down the wall covering more of it in red. The floor was more of the same but was littered with body's of dead scientists as well as the red liquid. Confused the boy slowly stood up from his bed and stretched, his bones and muscles feeling weak from what felt like years of sleep.

After his stretching Seth looked at the body's and checked one of them putting his fingers on the scinetists neck "Lukewarm." He muttered wondering what had killed these people, but the more predominant thought on his mind was would whatever had killed these people come back for him. Worried he searched the pockets of the same scientist and found a pocket knife which he quickly pocketed for himself before leaving and walking down the hallway slowly as he reminded himself how to walk, his eyes green with curiosity while he looked around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Raven stared at the girl's hand for the moment. He flinched a little, stepping away from it as if it were a threat. He didn't bother to question as to why he had reacted in such a way, but it felt . . so natural. He scanned his eyes over the crowd of teenagers. "Raven . . I'm Raven," he blinked for a moment, still in shock. "How long have you all been awake?"
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