Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Anna took a deep breath as the black sedan pulled into the courtyard of the Academy. Sure, she'd been here for two years now but it had been at the elementary school learning Moroi and Dhampir history, Guardian etiquette, basic defense techniques, and things like that... This year the real training began. This year they would be learning to put their skills to use for the first time, learning to fight something besides dummies in a way that would be lethal, not just to buy time to escape. She bit her lip, she'd wanted to do this... She still did. Her excitement almost had her begging the driver to stop so she could hurry up and get unpacked but she reminded herself to be patient, classes didn't start today anyway.

As the Sedan finally pulled to a stop Anna hopped out and quickly pulled her ratty bag from the back. She didn't have much money and what she did have went to her family rather than to buying new things for herself. With a step back she looked around, the highschool campus was much larger than the elementary school one and it was already buzzing with people. She was standing there alone when hands snaking around her middle caused her to jump in surprise and a soft laugh had her relaxing.

"Hello Anna," Anya greeted.

Anna huffed, "You're lucky I restrained my tiger like reflexes..." She turned and hugged her friend, "How have you been?"

Anya shrugged slightly, her eyes falling to the ground and her hair covering part of her face. "Okay I guess... I'm just glad to be back here."

Anna frowned and pushed Anya's hair away from her face and felt rage nearly knock her off her feet, "Anya, who did this? Which one of them am I beating into the ground?! Tell me right now! I swear if it was Danial I'll -"

Anya put a hand over Anna's mouth and shook her head, "I'm fine, it's nothing. Let's forget about it okay? I just want to enjoy being back here..." She shifted, rearranging her books in her hands and pulling the strap of her bag higher on her shoulder. "Have you looked at the rooming assignments yet?"

Anna shook her head, "I just got out of the car and besides... I can't remember where everything is. The tour was at the end of last year and my memory is horrible."

Anya laughed, "Come on... I'll show you."


Sebastian slammed the car door behind him as he got out of the expensive vehicle and his father wasn't far behind, "You will do as I say Sebastian or I'll cut you off!"

Sebastian sneered, "Go ahead, it's not like it'll be much of a difference anyway. You act like I can control what I declare in but you don't, I don't. I'm stuck with what I've got and so are you. You can't just wave money around and make it go away."

His father slammed the door shut as well, "You can pretend, declare in something else, you have some ability over all four... Pretend at being better with one, save your family some embarrassment. Your brother would never-"

Sebastian yanked his bag out of the back, "I'm not Anthony!" With that he turned on his heel and stalked off, leaving his father screaming after him. Just another day in paradise right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 days ago

Gunner sat in his new dorm room, his feet up on his desk as he leaned back. This was his favourite day of the year. The day all of his friends returned from home. He always got a little jealous hearing about the trips that Anya went on or the time Anna got to spend with her family, he even was jealous of Sebastian and his horrid family because at least he got to leave. No, he got to spend his summer at the school. Luckily, the school kept him busy. His mentor even gave him a head start on proper hand to hand combat. Gunner had asked about stakes and received a laugh. He realized this summer just how strong he wasn't. Of course, getting thrown around by a Guardian did that to a person. So he'd hit the gym, spending most of his days there when he wasn't training or doing laps.

Having passed through puberty, he was a fair bit taller and his voice dropped, deciding to finally stop cracking, much to Gunner's delight. Add the muscles he'd gained over the summer, he felt like a whole new person. Outside, he heard the slamming of doors meaning people were finally arriving. He grinned and jumped to his feet. He already wore his running shoes along with a simple pair of shorts and a t-shirt, both to show off his hard work and keep cool in the September sun. Eager to see all his friends and show off his muscles to Anna. He and she had a great connection, due to the fact that they were both novices. She'd appreciate the amount of work that went into every last muscle in his body.

Running down the stairs, jumping around any one coming up, he made his way to the lobby of the dorm. Once he was out the doors, he took a slower pace, as he walked casually. He spotted Sebastian just before he saw Anna and Anya talking. He perked up and grinned, he wrapped his arm around Sebastian and dragged him, without a word over to Anna and Anya, "Hello Ladies."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
Avatar of Nephriel

Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Anya looked panicked for a moment when she heard Gunner greet them, Anna knew it was because of the bruise her hair was hiding. She felt sorrow for her friend rise up in her chest but put on a happy face when she turned to face him. She whistled appreciatively as she laid eyes on Gunner's new physique. "Nice, someone has been working out," she teased. "Admit it, you just wanted to impress me."

She threw an arm around him in a loose hug and tried not to think about how nice he actually did look. That was an awkward place to go with one of your good friends. Anya smiled sheepishly, "Hey Gunner... Sebastian."

Anya watched her two Dhampir friends canoodle playfully and couldn't help feeling a little envious, but the only person she'd like to canoodle was... erm... unattainable.

Sebastian had opened his mouth to argue with being pulled towards the girls at first, his mood was pretty foul, but he knew Gunner wouldn't let him wallow in self pity so he sighed and let himself be pulled over. As Gunner greeted the girls Sebastian struggled to get his mood under control but it wasn't hard to do when Anya looked up at him through her hair like that and knocked the breath out of him.

He felt the urge to reach out and hug her but resisted, he didn't want to get too close to her and mess her up worse with his own drama. She had enough to deal with without being burdened down by finding out how he felt about her. "Hello beautiful," he greeted instead.

He glanced at Anna as she hugged Gunner and arched a brow as her aura momentarily flickered a little brighter but it was gone pretty fast and he shrugged it off. She'd probably just been admiring Gunner's new bod... Dhampirs were lucky that way, they could build muscle like that where a Moroi would always be lean even if they did have muscle.

He was pretty sure he saw her blush but even if he hadn't he had seen the way her aura lit up around him. He felt guilty for the breech of her privacy but couldn't deny that it warmed him to know she felt the same way he did... even if he couldn't act on it... His reputation would only make her life more miserable.

Anna noticed the way Sebastian was looking at Anya and vice versa and decided it was time for a diversion... "Hey, you guys wanna go look around the place. Maybe pretty boy here," she nudged Gunner playfully, "will show us around."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 days ago

Gunner grinned at Anna when she looked at him. He laughed when she suggested it was for her. He wrapped his arms around her, abandoning Sebastian, when he hugged her, “If by for you, you mean to kick your ass in class. Then by all means it was for.”
He chuckled and released her when she glanced over at Anya and Sebastian suggesting that Gunner take them for a tour of the new campus. He smirked when she called him a pretty boy. He nodded, “Sure,” He now wrapped his arm around Anna’s shoulder, “I’ll give you a private tour of my room too, just for you, no charge,” He teased with a wink.
He looked back at Anya and Sebastian, “Sorry, no bedroom tour for you two,” He grinned before walking them around the school. He pointed out different buildings and areas he had found living on the campus for the last two months. Things like where the Dhampirs would spend most mornings training, both on outside and inside the building not too far away, where they classes would be, where he presumed the Moroi attack classes would be, and finally the dorms and the dining hall.
He stuffed his hands into his pockets, “And that’s everything.” He smiled at them, “Any questions?”
Anya blushed when Sebastian greeted her, calling her beautiful. Why did he have to be like that? So sweet and yet still, manage to push her away. She smiled softly at him and nodded, “Hello Sebastian.”
She had debated calling him handsome, in retort to his greeting. She held his gaze, made she should have. He was quite handsome after all. She didn’t get much more of a chance to say anything when Anna turned to them, removing herself from her hug with Gunner and suggested he take them for a tour. She nodded slightly, ensure the hair didn’t move away from her bruising. Anna had been furious, Gunner would be as well, but it was Sebastian that she was worried about finding out. Gunner wouldn’t dare touch a Moroi without reason but this was reason enough. However, she knew he would never do much damage and he would prevent Anna from doing any. They would get in all sorts of trouble that would leave black marks on their education. They had consequences. Sebastian did not. Not to mention with Spirit… who knew what he might do.
So, she followed behind Gunner and Anna as he led them around the campus, pointing things out. Anya smiled, getting settled back into being with her friends. She had missed them terribly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
Avatar of Nephriel

Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As Gunner teased her she laughed and shook her head, "Yeah yeah, you're going to help me catch up right? You know how I hate it but it is a necessary evil to admit that I need your guidance, Sensei."

As she followed after him she glanced back at Anya, Sebastian was who she worried about as well. It took someone completely oblivious to overlook how he felt about her, he made it obvious in the sad longing way he watched her. She sighed, if only he'd get over the whole 'not good enough' thing he'd be happy for once... He and Anya would be good for each other.

As Gunner teased her about going back to his room she punched him lightly in the arm, "You wish, Lover Boy." She wiggled her eyebrows at him, "You couldn't handle all of this," she gestured at herself with a flourish before bumping shoulders with him good naturedly.

It was easy to fall back into step with them... As the tour concluded she grinned, "Actually yes..."

She arched a brow, "Where does a girl get some food around here... I think I'm going to starve before we ever get to have dinner."


Sebastian followed, listening to their banter but he was more concerned with Anya. She was keeping her hair in her face and it was becoming more and more suspicious, especially when Anna kept looking back here anxiously every five minutes. He had the sneaking suspicion that her siblings had been putting hands on her again and if that was the case... he might not call her out on it but he was going to be damn sure to find a way to get back at them.

He caught Anya's hand as they walked, giving her fingers a light squeeze and decided to go for honesty... it would cheer her up and let him feel like he was normal for a little while. "I missed you," he said quietly as the other two bantered back and forth ahead of them. "Have you been alright?" True concern was in his tone, even though he refused to look at her as he spoke. He was worried she'd see too much and get her hopes too far up, he didn't want to hurt her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 days ago

Gunner grinned at Anna punched his shoulder. After the punches he'd been taking from the guardians all summer, it was nothing. He looked at her she asked about food. He nodded and grinned, "That would be..." He stopped and grabbed her waist, pulling her up and over his shoulder. He held one of her legs as the other rested on her back. He looked to the Moroi and smiled, "The feeders joined to the dining hall if you need any of that," he nodded, "I'm going to take this one to get some chow. You are welcome to join."

He turned still carrying Anna, ignoring any of her attempts to make him put her down. He carried her into the dining hall to the far end when a cafeteria style lay out was. It was quiet and almost empty, but there was a woman behind the counter ready to help. Gunner waved and put Anna on the ground, bracing himself for any of her attacks, "Food would be right here."
Anya's eyes widened when she felt Sebastian grab her hand. She looked at him to find him looking straight ahead. She lowered her eyes to the ground and nodded, "I missed you too... All of you," She added if she was going to try and be sweet and distant well she was going to do the same. She tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear, careful not mess with the hair on the other side of her face. She smiled softly, she liked walking hand in hand with Sebastian, why did he have to be so... self destructive? Sure there was his spirit that was pushing him to it but... maybe he deserved... maybe they both deserved a little good in their life. A little good that they could give to each other. She rose her eyes to watch Gunner and Anna. She was about to answer his question when suddenly Anna was being lifted onto Gunner's shoulder and he was looking at them. She quickly dropped Sebastian's hand and gave him a smile, "Okay... Thanks Gunner."

When he turned away, she didn't take Sebastian's hand again. After all, now it was Anna who was looking at them. Even if she was busy beating Gunner's back. She turned look at Sebastian and gave him a small smile, "I've been... alright... yes," She bit her lip, wanting to talk about anything else, "What about you? And your dad..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
Avatar of Nephriel

Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Anna wasn't expecting that... One minute she was on her feet and the next she was hanging half upside down over Gunner's shoulder. She yelped and squirmed, "Gunner! I'm going to kick your ass!" She swatted him on his back and kicked her feet as he hefted her into a better grip. She huffed as he spoke to the other two as if she weren't wacking him repetitively.

As he hauled her off down the hall she laughed, "Thanks guys! Just let him kidnap me why don't you?"

Sebastian smiled a little, "Hey, I'm looking forward to the quiet." He watched them go and then turned back to Anya...

"You know, I can tell when you're lying." He brushed her hair from her face and winced, "You sure you don't want me to set them into nightmares for the rest of their lives? I could you know... for you...if you asked." It made him angry, more than angry that someone would put hands on her but he knew getting overly angry in front of her would upset her.

He ran a hand through his own hair and sighed softly with a bitter laugh, "Same old same old... I hate him, he hates me..."

He looked at her closely, hesitating before he spoke again. "Anya... I'm not going to lie to you... I care about you. I just don't think I'm good for you, you've got enough darkness in your life without me adding mine... but I'd do anything for you. I want you to know that."

With that off his chest he smiled, burying the sorrow and everything else under a mask. "Let's go get something to eat... I'm starved."


As Gunner finally put Anna down she glowered at him and straightened her clothes before attempting to punch him in his chest. "Yeah, I've got some catching up to do... even if it's just so I can pay you back later," she teased. She glanced at the options and picked a couple things before setting down at a nearby table. "What are you made out of lately anyway... rock?" She shook the hand she'd punched him with, it still tingled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 days ago

Anya flinched slightly when he rose his hand to her face and brushed her hair away, showing the bruise. When he asked her about giving her so-called family nightmares, she shook her head, "No. No..." she brushed her hair back in front of her eye, "I've seen Spirit take its toll on you... I don't ever want you to risk that... Not for me..."

She hugged herself as he ran his hand through her hair. She smiled, even when disgruntled and angry, he managed to make her heart beat a little faster. She wondered slightly if her aura changed when he held her hand. She noticed him looking at her closely and felt comfortable under his gaze. Had it been anyone else, she felt like she might feel as though they were scrutinizing her. But not with Sebastian... Never with Sebastian.

He spoke again, causing her to drop her eyes to the ground again as he confessed to caring for her. After a moment, she sighed and looked at him, giving him a sad smile, "I wish you lied... because... I know I can't change your mind."

When he changed the subject drastically, insisting they needed to get food, she smiled and nodded, "Alright."

They walked into the dining hall and she glanced off to the room at the sighed. She bit her lip, "I think I'm going to go to the feeders first..."
Gunner grinned at her, "I think you have more than just some catching up to do."

He grabbed his own food before following her. When he sat down, Anna spoke asking what he was made of. It caused him to laugh outright. He grinned at her, "It is a lovely thing called muscle. He took her hand that she was shaking and rose it to his lip. He kissed her fingers, smirking all the while, "Along to kiss your booboo."

He chuckled before picking up the apple he had grabbed and biting into it, "I'm getting excited for hand to hand combat, if that's your best punch."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
Avatar of Nephriel

Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sebastian nodded, he too was a bit hungry... That's what he'd meant by food but then again Gunner and Anna had gone to the kitchen so the confusion was understandable. Still, it made him smile. At least he flustered her as much as she did him. "I'll go with you, unless you'd rather go on your own?" He didn't want to be a creepy stalker... he was creepy enough as it was when he slipped off into dark spirit land.


Anna scoffed, "Hey, I did practice while I was gone I just didn't have my own personal Guardian throwing me around."

As he caught her hand she stomped on the butterflies that suddenly filled her stomach when he kissed her fingers. Geeze, it was going to take a while to see Gunner as her annoying bestie again rather than her bestie who suddenly had a rockin' bod. That thought made her blush and she coughed to hide it before bumping her shoulder against his. "Meh, I'm sure you'll give me plenty more booboos once we start sparring. I'm actually looking forward to that. We finally get to put the things we learned to use against moving live targets... I love a challenge."

She stuck her tongue out at him, "Yeah yeah... I won't be pulling punches in class so you'd better not either... even if it does mean I get my ass handed to me." She sighed, "Ugh, one of these days I'm going to drag you to the commune with me so you can't train the whole time I'm gone... Maybe then I'll have a fighting chance when I get back."

She nibbled at her own food and then grinned mischievously, "You showed me the gym... they had mats set up. I wonder how much trouble we'd get into if they caught us practicing before class." She wiggled her eyebrows playfully, getting Gunner to break rules was one of the joys in her life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 days ago

Anya smiled softly when he offered to come with her. She nodded, "Of course."

She turned and walked into the room with him. She walked over to the desk and put their names down. The Moroi woman sitting behind the desk nodded, "Alright, just take a seat, it won't be long."

Anya nodded again and took Sebastian's hand ignoring any feelings that rose in her and pulled him over to a couple chairs. She sat down and patted the seat next to her for him to sit down with her. There was no one else in the room, but she assumed since it wasn't actually dinner yet that there was one or two feeders here right now. With no one else around, she reached up and touched her bruised eye. She had only see it that morning and normally these kinds of things got worse before they got better. She looked at Sebastian, "Does... Does it look bad?"
Gunner chuckled and returned to eating his apple as she spoke. When she mentioned dragging him to the commune with her own day, he rose his eyebrows, "I'd still find a way," he teased. Although, he wouldn't mind going to the commune for one of the many breaks that he missed out on. It was annoying, having been stuck here most of his academy career, all the while, knowing exactly what it was like to return home.

He tried not to let it get his mood down any as she started to suggest they pop into the gym. He groaned slightly, "Day one and you are already suggesting we break the rules," He leaned back in his chair. This was the part where he justified breaking the rules, "I'll make sure that I don't break you or bruise your pretty little face... I don't think you can do that to me," He winked, smirking, "Not to mention... I have had access to the gym all summer. It would be just an honest mistake... I'd just be preparing you for my awesomeness tomorrow."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
Avatar of Nephriel

Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sebastian let her guide him and took a seat beside her after she'd signed them up. He sat with her awkwardly in silence for a few moments before she asked her question. Honestly, seeing the bruise there bothered him... it made him angry and if he kept seeing it he might do something violent even after she'd asked him not to. With a slight smile he reached out and put his hand on her cheek... magic welled in him and his hand tingled and warmed against her skin and within the space of a second the bruising was gone.

"Not anymore," he murmured as his fingers brushed over her cheekbone lightly. He knew she wouldn't approve but he couldn't stand seeing her hurt... not when he could fix it with a thought. Besides, the toll on him for something so simple would be a small one... Better him suffer than her, he couldn't stand her being stared at if anyone saw the mark... He knew how those stares made her feel.

The lady at the desk calling his name broke him out of the spell and he stood and mussed her hair playfully, "Be right back..."


Anna laughed, "I have to make sure I keep you on your toes. It's not healthy to follow the rules all the time... It's so boring."

As he made excuses for them she grinned, "Very true...very true indeed."

She finished her snack and stood, "Well, lets go."

She couldn't deny she was excited, practicing some with Gunner meant she'd get a head start on the rest of the class even if she did get her behind handed to her in the process. As she started off towards the Gym she hesitated, "You think those two will be alright?" She shook her head thinking of the gooey eyes they'd been making at each other even if they had been trying to hide it. "Actually, nevermind... They'll be fine."

She glanced around in the hallways, making sure the Guardians weren't nearby, and then slipped into the gym. Luckily, not having expensive clothes meant she could fight in basically any of them. She pulled her hairband off her wrist and yanked her thick hair up into a quick, messy ponytail. She hadn't gotten to play around with a Guardian over break but she remembered their defensive lessons well enough and even if she hadn't gotten to use them on anything living yet she knew the basics.

She picked a mat and then took a ready stance, hands up to fend off attacks. "Alright romeo... hit me with your best shot."

She figured she might regret saying that later but if he held back she'd be irritable for a week.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 days ago

Anya watched as his hand rose to her cheek. She stared at him, a little baffled as his fingers gently touched her skin. It was a moment too late before she realized what it was that he was doing. She felt the slightly pain she'd been feel ebb away until it was all gone. Her eyes widened and she grabbed his hand that still rested against her cheek, "Sebastian-" she began.

She didn't get to finish before the receptionist was calling for him to go to a feeder. He stood, removing his hand from her's and messed up her hair. She sighed and leaned back into her chair while she watched him walk away. She knew that it was hardly an issue for him to heal a simple bruise but she didn't want to be the reason, even slightly, that he got into one of his moods. The moods when the spirit took over. When he was reliant on anything to lull the feeling of spirit. His curse he called it. She hugged herself as she waited for her own turn, not impressed with Sebastian. She brushed the hair that she had been using to obscure the bruising to the side.

She didn't have to wait long before her own name was called, she guessed there were two feeders on. She stood and walked over to the desk before she walked into the small room and greeted the human inside.
Gunner sighed and stood, tossing his apple core into the garbage. He gave her a look when she asked about Anya and Sebastian. When she revoked the question, he nodded and laughed a little. He followed behind her although had less of a sneaking around-esque to him and closed the door behind him when she put up her hair. He walked over to her and stood on the mat, not yet having taken a stance. After a moment, he smirked, "You sure about that?"

He wasn't sure if Anna did any scrapping around the communes but for all he knew, she'd never actually been properly hit by someone, even if they had learnt to take a hit. He sighed and took a stance, "You know... Sometimes I hate how stubborn you are."

With that he went at her. She was quick and capable of dodging most of his punches and kicks. But she also hadn't fought with someone and was a little rough around the edge. He managed to get his foot behind her leg and pull it out from under her. As she fell, he caught her back and caught himself with his other hand and knee, making she didn't hit the ground too hard. He grinned at him, holding her against him, before he dropped her the short distance to the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
Avatar of Nephriel

Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

She was actually quite the scraper at home, she'd gotten tired of groping Moroi boys around the tender age of twelve and ever since then she'd been fighting. Even Dhampir boys in the communes had learned that she could deal out a beating if they pushed her too much but there was a difference between scrapping with untrained Dhampir boys and weaker Moroi boys and dealing with a trained novice at the Academy.

"Positive pretty boy, bring it on..."

As she dodged she found that despite her speed it was hard to keep up with the way he strung his movements together, which she supposed he'd learned whilst fighting the Guardian he'd trained with... Such things only came with actual practice against a moving target that was fighting back. She managed to dodge quite a bit, even to block some blows, but he kept her on the defensive... The few times she had gotten to throw a punch or a kick he had dodged or blocked it easily. As he finally got his foot behind her leg and took it out from under her she gave a soft yelp and then an umph as he caught her.

She blew a strand of hair out of her face, "Well, that was humbling..."

Her eyes met his a moment and her heart did something odd, but she didn't have a chance to think on it too much because then he dropped her. She groaned with a laugh after her back hit the mat and then sat back up, "You know... Sometimes I think I hate you."

"Impressive," a voice with a heavy Russian accent spoke up.

Anna cringed as the dark haired Guardian stepped forward from where he'd been standing at the doors... Neither of them had heard him enter. "Yeah, he definitely handed me my behind..."

The Guardian chuckled, "I meant both of you... I believe Mr. Marks spent his break in training, it is understandable he'd surpass you in skill because of this... but you kept up well. Still, the two of you are aware you are not supposed to be in here before class?"

Anna glanced sheepishly at Gunner, "Oops?"

The Guardian chuckled again, "I will excuse it this time but when you report to my class tomorrow the two of you will be skipping last year's review... It is obvious you do not need it and it would be a waste... Instead, I'll have you both training separately with me. Be prepared... You will be very tired afterwards."

Anna laughed a little weakly, Gunner might kill her later... "Um sure Guardian... err...?"

"Belikov... Aleksander Belikov. I will see you both in class tomorrow," with that he opened the door to the Gym for them to leave... Obviously they were getting the boot.

Once out in the hall Anna glanced over at Gunner, "Sorry! But... look at it this way, at least now we get to skip the review?"


Sebastian had known she'd be angry but at least now she'd feel better... As he left the feeder he stood by the door and waited for her and as he did he felt a familiar chill wind its way down his back. He suddenly felt paranoid... Like the attendant at the desk was watching him too closely and along with it came the light twinge of irritability. He pushed it down, drowning it out.. He knew what it was and after having fed it wasn't as bad as it could be. He refused to let Anya know that what he'd done for her had bothered him, it would hurt her.

"Are you looking forward to classes," he asked through the curtain knowing she'd probably almost be done.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 days ago

Gunner snickered and nodded, "But only sometimes."

When he heard a voice behind him, he jumped to his feet and spun around, he hated when people snuck up on him. He looked at the Guardian. Gunner kept his face emotionless, going Guardian mode as he looked at Guardian Belikov. Anna did not and looked up at him, saying 'Oops.' He didn't looked down at her and kept his eyes on their superior. He nodded when he informed them that they would be skipping review and instead be training with him. Anna laughed a little and agreed to it, he didn't get how she could be laid back around the older Guardians. The professionals. When he opened the door, Gunner left giving Guardian Belikov another nod. When they were a little ways from the door, Anna started to apologize. When he looked down at her, he grinned, "You don't know who Guardian Belikov is... Do you?"

He chuckled a little wrapped his arm around her, "Guardian Belikov, much like Guardian Dimitri Belikov... He got trained by Guardian Belikov and Guardian Rose Hathaway," He glanced over his shoulder, "He rarely teaches one on one classes... Sure, we are going to be hurting after but... really, working with him is far from a punishment."
Anya looked toward the curtain when she heard Sebastian on the other side. Carefully, she removed her mouth from the feeders neck and smiled at the door, "You know. It is really hard to talk with drinking," she teased. She grabbed one of the many napkins that were left in the small curtained room for the Moroi and cleaned herself up. She tossed the tissue and stood, walking over to the curtain and opened it, "I am indeed looking forward to it."

She smiled before reaching up and brushing away a speck of blood he missed while cleaning up. She stood just outside the curtain, leaving very little space between them as Sebastian didn't move. She pushed aside a loose strand on her hair and looked at him, "Where to now?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
Avatar of Nephriel

Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Anna watched Gunner become Guardian Robot and tried not to sigh... When he went into that overly business-like persona she felt like she didn't know him at all. She tugged her hair down from the bow and ran her hand through it as Gunner tossed his arm around her shoulders, back to being the guy she knew again. "Really? Wow... Dimitri is a legend and so is Rose. They were the ones to save the school and get Moroi to first start helping... Dimitri was also the first known person to come back from being Strigoi...." She blinked realizing she was gushing, "Of course... you know all that," she said sheepishly.

She stretched, "Sheesh with as bruised as I am already I don't know how much more of a beating I can take before I'm pulp," she joked.

Still, she too was excited. It wasn't every day you got to train personally with someone as skilled as she guessed he probably was. "I'm looking forward to it though... not the bruising but the training. I'll learn more that way and faster.... We should get into trouble more often."

She stopped pulling her hands through her tangled hair having brushed it out as best as she could and then she sighed, "I guess we should go find the love birds and then go find our rooms..."


Sebastian's face heated as he realized he might actually have blushed... Him, the worst flirt in the world when he wanted to be, was actually struggling not to blush. "Ah... thanks," he said as she wiped away the blood on his face, all of that darkness he'd been bottling suddenly seeming to dissipate somewhat.

He scratched his head before remembering he'd asked a question and she'd answered it, "Me too... I'm looking forward to learning attack magic... not that I could use it without losing my mind but it'd be interesting to see how others use it... and I'm thinking of joining the defense classes for the Moroi with Guardian Belikov and the other Guardians... I could at least learn how to keep myself alive for a while..."

He considered her question, "Well, I'm guessing we should find the other two and then start unpacking."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 days ago

Gunner laughed, "The first few weeks hurt... But you get used to it. If your bruises hurt... I can always kiss them better," He winked at her before grabbing her wrists. Moving in front of her, he pulled her onto his back. He grinned and grabbed her legs, holding her up. He started walking, the two 'lovebirds' hadn't joined them in the cafeteria, which made Gunner think that they might very well be with a feeder. He started walking toward the building. He looked at Anna, "You know... They could very well be making out in some corner somewhere.... Do we really want to be walking in on this?"
Anya nodded and smiled, "That sounds like fun... I don't think I'd be able to handle it," She laughed a little, "I don't think I could fight of Anna at peak physical condition let alone a Strigoi.... But I'll be able to help, with attack classes and all."

When he suggested that they go and find Anna and Gunner, she slipped from between him and the curtain and started to walk toward to the cafeteria. That was after all, the last place they knew they were going. Although, Anna and Gunner always seemed to be on the go, so it was a mystery where they might actually be. They walked into the cafeteria to find their friends not to be there. She pursed her lips, "Hm... Any ideas?"

She looked at Sebastian but didn't get an answer before Gunner, giving Anna a piggy back ride, strode into the cafeteria. She waved at them, "Nevermind."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Anna eyed him as her cheeks heated, "I swear you are trying to turn me into a fire engine." As he caught her arm and pulled her onto his back she laughed light heartedly. "Hi-ho silver," she teased and then blinked. "Eegh... Don't even say that, I think I'd be scarred for weeks. Seeing Anya and Sebastian falling all over each other with those sad eyes already kills me. It's like watching one of those lifetime movies with the star-crossed lovers who can never be together..." She sighed, "I do wish Seb would get over it though... Anya would be good for him and he'd be good for her if they'd just move past this.... thing they have going on."

As Gunner carried her down the hall Anna purposely made it difficult by covering his eyes with her hands and shouting weird directions at him. They almost ran into the door of the cafeteria when they entered and Anna was laughing maniacally. She'd probably caused him to stub his toe about six times on the way here. "Hey Seb, hey Anya... You guys ready to get unpacked?"


"Oh, I have no delusions about actually winning against a Strigoi without ample Guardian help... but being able to maybe last for a little while if there are more than one... or helping distract them so my Guardian doesn't get killed... That would be nice."

He smiled warmly, "I don't think you give yourself enough credit... I've seen you wielding your magic. You're really skilled and that could be useful in a fight."

As she paused to find Gunner and Anna he snorted, "They've probably managed to get lost in this place somewhere..."

Just as he said it though the two came through the door, "I swear you two are still five years old sometimes," Seb teased.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 days ago

Gunner stumbled around the halls and sighed, "You know you suck at directions... or you're an ass."

He felt his shoulder hit the door and ignored as he walked into the cafeteria. He nearly jumped when she called to Sebastian and Anya, not having yet spotted them. He walked over to them and moved his hands off of Anna's legs and grabbed her wrists, holding her on and preventing her from blinding him again. He shook his head at Sebastian, "She's the five year old. I'm at least six and a half."

Anya giggled a little at the comment then looked at Anna, "No. We haven't yet," She looked behind them, "We just finished up with the feeders and were coming to find the two of you. Where have you been?"

"Anna convinced me to sneak into the gym and kick her ass... Then we got caught by Guardian Belikov," Gunner said with a grin. It was a little confusing Gunner wouldn't be angry but disappointed. Getting caught doing things you shouldn't never did well for a personal record. Anya looked at him expecting more story, "And he is giving us a private lesson instead of review tomorrow... as punishment."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

She laughed at his accusation and as he caught hold of her wrists she glowered at the back of his head before smiling mischievously, "Somehow I'm so good that even my punishments come out as rewards... Oh yeah."

As she again smiled devilishly she decided to get Gunner back for flustering her all day today. She leaned forward and bit his ear!

Sebastian sighed, "And now the biting and hair pulling begins?" He blinked, "You know... that could go either way... a kiddy fight or...." He wiggled his eyebrows at them knowing it would make them both uncomfortable and enjoying that fact.

He glanced over at Anya before continuing teasingly, "Obviously they were off snogging somewhere."

He was expecting something to be thrown at him by Anna at any moment or for Gunner to give him one of those killer looks. Either way, his mood was dramatically improved.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 days ago

Gunner flinched a little when she nipped at his ear. He turned his head to look at her, utterly confused, before he laughed and shook his head, returning his attention to Sebastian and Anya. He gave Sebastian a look when he suggested that it could be a kiddy fight or... something else. He rolled his eyes before glaring at him when he suggested they were off snogging. A moment later, the glare was replaced with a smirk, "Funny," He said, "That's what we thought the two of you were up to."

Anya turned bright red. Ah, the innocent. She brushed it off a moment later and laughed slightly, "I think we all can just agree that none of us were off kissing anyone."

Gunner chuckled and nodded before lowering Anna off of his back and carefully back onto the ground. He was still baffled by her biting his ear but managed to keep any confusion off of his face. He wasn't going to satisfy her with his confusion. He stuffed his hands into his pocket, "I suppose you three should go off and unpack."
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