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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 4 days ago

Zelia snickered a little when Trex seemed eager to leave right away. She was as well, they were all in desperate need of money after all. She adjusted her bag on her shoulder and smiled at him, "It is a good thing we all already have our bags packed."

She grinned at him and walked out of the guild, followed by Flynn. Zelia looked up at the older wizard, "Was Lucy not here?"

Flynn shrugged, "Didn't look like it.... Even if she was I'd hardly get to see her anyways, with us leaving and all. But she should be back when we are, so I'll see her then," he smiled. Zelia felt bad for him, the two of them were quite in love it seemed but they hardly ever got to see each other. All the same, she was glad that they got this job as it would prevent her from having to take rent from the money she had saved up for different things. She looked over her shoulder at Trex, "Shall we get the horses from our usual guy."

She knew Trex hated paying the old man, maybe even more than she did. But she knew he liked getting the horses away from the rat bastard. They always made sure to feed them a little bit more and treated with great kindness. She liked to think the horses like it as well. She walked over to the man, who rent them the horses and the cart not too long ago. She made sure to get there before Trex, as she never showed her fury to the man and Trex always was a bit tense around him. She smiled at the man, "Can we rent your cart and horses again?"

The man looked them over. It seemed like he hated them as much as they hated him but he wasn't the first choice of any of the other travellers in town, who were more interested in horses who could move faster than these two. He sighed and nodded. Zelia took the money from her pack and handed it to him before she walked over to the cart and threw her bag inside. Flynn followed and climbed in. He sat down on one of the benches and stretched out, relaxing for the long trip to the capital. Zelia pulled on a coat and moved to the front of the cart and climbed onto the small seat. She looked over at Trex, "Well come on. Pick up the pace," she teased.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 19 days ago

Trex nodded, his jaw tightening. He really hated that guy. A man who treated his animals that way should never be allowed to own them. It was as if he thought starving them would be more beneficial to his cause then giving them at least a decent meal and a bit of kindness, now and then. Logically speaking, it was insane to treat the horses harshly. The sicker they were, the less people would want to rent them. And seeing that they were in town, it wasn't as if the man used the animals for many other things. He shook his head. One day he was going to purchase them from the man and take them back to his family's farm. There they would be treated right and would soon get back to healthy animals, assuming of course they didn't die between now and then. Realizing that the others were already ready for him, he tossed his bag in and climbed up beside Zelia. He was grateful that she dealt with the man as he would have a big urge to pound him into the ground. After an incident where he had almost broken the man's arm, there had been an unspoken agreement that Zelia would do most of the content with him. For some reason, she was better able to control herself when it came to something like this, then he was.

It probably had to do with the fact that he had grown up on a farm. From as young as he could remember, his parents and older brothers taught him that animals were to be treated gently and kindly. It was a mutual benefit. You cared for the animals and gave them what they needed and they would assist you on what you needed. Sure, some animals were eaten but you still treated them right. "We are stewards, Trex." His father used to say. "We must take care of what we have been blessed with." Trex agreed. The fact that anyone would treat animals as poorly as the man did disgusted him and went against everything he had learned.

Picking up the reins he nudged the horses forward. So until he could buy them, he was going to continue to rent them, being extra gentle with them even though it always took longer with these horses then any other. "So Flynn got acquitted." He stated. "I thought the guy had several witnesses." He declared. "How come they let him off while they checked his alibis? Especially considering he's allowed to leave town." It didn't make sense to him. However, as Zelia explained what happened it slowly did. The others didn't have much to stand on and the judge knew it. The fact that they could not answer a simple question tossed the man's case out the window. "I wonder who cast the spell." He stated as Zelia voiced her suspicion that it was Ryzo and the others. "The tall man is a telaporter, the one girl is a celestial, the other is almost like Fried but uses a book. I have no idea what Ryzo's or Tye's magic is but one of them has to be an individual who can cast that spell. Unless of course the celestial has a spirit who can do that or the book girl has that ability." He shook his head. "Though, that doesn't make sense. Hold up a second." He stated pausing the wagon in front of the pickup point.

Going inside he quickly picked up the package from a servant who first verified his guild tattoo. Once satisfied the man gave him the package. "Deliver it safely to the address written on top. Nothing must happen to it, including damages, if you want to get paid. Anything happens and you will be held responsible." Trex nodded. However, when he inquired what was in it, the servant glared at him and told him to just do his job.

Coming back outside, Trex handed the package to Flynn and Skye before getting back in the front. "It doesn't make sense," He restated going back to where he left off. "For her to do that with a book. I don't think even Fried would have been able to do that." He declared. "Remind me to check with Skye and see what powers Ryzo and Tye have. She was with them for some time so she would know." Though he hated to put her through that. Those were not good times for her and whatever had happened between her and the others had left some wounds. Did it have anything to do with the name Diego? He remembered Tye mentioning someone named that when they first meet her. He shook his head. It didn't matter. He wasn't going to ask. She'll tell them when she was ready. If not, he could always get Zelia to do it. She was better on that then him. But then again, he wasn't much when it came to that kind of conversation. "Maybe you should check with her." He stated. "Might go smoother. Besides, you guys are sharing an apartment. You probably have a better connection then I do."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 4 days ago

Zelia looked back over her shoulder toward the inner cart when Trex suggested that she talk to her, "I really hate bringing up her past.... It already seems like something that doesn't sit well with her...." She sighed and looked back at Trex, "I'm not sure how much she knows anyways... I think that if she knew something, she'd tell us. Besides, it isn't too much of an emergency that we know... I say we let her come to us about it all..."

She didn't lean against him as she normally would. What she had said to Skye and what the spirit had made Trex say to her. It made her a little scared about what she was feeling about her friend and what he wasn't feeling about her. Instead, she leaned against the back of the cart and pulled her legs close to her. She pressed her lips together as she sat there, "What do you think it is? Why he is paying so much for someone to get it to the capital?"

Flynn took the package from Trex when he handed it threw the door. He then gave it to Skye. Looking at it, he pursed his lips, "We should probably hide it along with your illusion. Just in case anything happens. Don't want to make it too easy to hide..."

He sat there for a bit, looking at him, "So, what do you want to do... To speed time along? We don't have the view the same as Trex and Zelia... Got any game ideas?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 19 days ago

Trex nodded. Skye didn't talk much about her past and the only reason she did was because they practically pulled it out of her. It must have been hard growing up in a place where survival was everything and you didn't know who you could trust. It made his life seem so simple, so perfect. "You're probably right." He conceded. "We don't need to know now, even if we get attacked. We'll probably figure it out. Though it would be nice to know for planning sake, it would be better to wait until she is ready." He looked ahead.

It was going to be a long trip to the Capitol. Even if they had faster horses it would still take a day or two. He glanced at Zelia when she asked what he thought was in it. "I don't know. Maybe some rare gem or lacrima." He glanced ahead as they exited the town. "Maybe the deed of an important property." He shook his head. "Or it could be something some other wizard is after and they want to keep it safe. I'm not sure if this is going to be an easy quest or going to head terribly wrong." He glanced sideways at her. "What do you think it is?" His eyes twinkled. "Perhaps we should see how many items we could guess before we get bored, or run out." It would be something to pass the time. As they shot ideas back and forth and laughed at one absurd one, he leaned back content. Zelia was a good friend. He was glad he had teamed up with her way back when.

When he had first joined the guild his intent was to get as powerful as quickly as he could. He didn't spend a lot of time socializing and he rarely talked to anyone else, especially a girl. Having grown up with several brothers and no sisters on a farm where the closest neighbor was some distance away, he really hadn't had a lot of female contact outside of his mother. The only exception was the Kolin twins from two farms away. Both girls were so giddy and annoying, he couldn't stand them. They barely did any work, not even helping their mother out. The day he met Zelia and teamed up with her was a day he wouldn't forget. Still closed, he performed like the gentleman his mother raised and agreed to do a job with her. At first it was more out of necessity and duty that he worked with her but during that quest he found she was not like most girls he knew. Sure there were many female wizards in Fairy Tail but he never really went on a quest with them. It wasn't until later he found that most of Fairy Tail wizards, no matter the gender, were not at all like the lazy Kolin twins. The dedication and determination that Zelia put into the quest started the hint of respect he had for her, not because he had to, but because of her skills. They had been inseparable since, doing almost all their quests together. And now look at them, comfortable in each others presence and able to know what the other was thinking in battle. They made a good team.
Taking the package, Skye cast an cloaking spell to make the package invisible to all but the four of them. Then, stepping on one of the benches she stretched toward the top of the wagon. Wedging the book in between a few boards and out of sight she stepped back down. "Most people look in the floorboards or benches." She explained. "That should be good for short notice in case anything happens." In a wagon this type nothing was completely safe. Robbers or thieves could just tear the place apart. However, this would buy them time until one of them could come back. Sitting down, she toyed with the thin silver belt that held her outer skirt on. It really wasn't a skirt as it didn't come all the way around and she was wearing pants. But she didn't know what else to call it having picked it up the first week upon entering Fiore. She shrugged trying to think of a game idea they could do.

It seemed strange to play a game, as it was rare that she did it. She really hadn't had much time since coming to Fiore to play games. Even back in Caelum more time was spent trying to survive then having fun. But they still had games. Some of them revolved around what-ifs. What if you were in such and such place? Or what if you were someone else? But neither game seemed appropriate. They could be somewhat revealing about oneself, ones dreams and passions. Unless of course the individual was really good at just making it a joke. She had done it in the past but she didn't feel comfortable trying it now. Though she felt she was almost part of the team, there was still much she preferred to keep closed. Besides, they all probably were living their dreams or had better games. Flynn would probably just laugh at some of her ideas. So with those games out, that just left one: Pai Sho. Lucky for them, she had the tiles and chalk to create the board. Normally they would just use dirt but inside the wagon they didn't have dirt to draw in. "We can play Pai Sho." She offered tentatively. "Do you know how to play?" For all she knew, they considered it a child's game here. If he even knew what the game was. In the short time she had been in Fiore, she hadn't seen much of it . But then again, she hadn't really hung out in areas where the games were. Hesitantly, she pulled her bag over and got out the tiles and chalk. "I can teach you if you are game." She stated.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 4 days ago

Zelia leaned her head back against the cart and thought, "Hmm.... A book with lost magic... A really expensive piece of jewellery.... Snakes in a can," she giggled and soon the two of them started to list of different items that they thought it could have been with in the box, some were less serious than others. After some amount time she found she had leaned herself against him. She smiled softly, even if she had been avoiding it before, she couldn't deny to herself how nice it was sitting there with him, talking about nothing important and joking about. She laughed as she found herself unable to think of another thing it could be. She shook her head slightly, "I'm spent... You have anything more?"

She couldn't help but think how much the two of them had grown in their years working together. Zelia used to be so shy and her OCD was, believe it or not, even worse than it is now. It took Mirajane practically pushing the two of them together, knowing they were both looking to make a little more money. It had be a little awkward at first but after that, the two of them stopped even thinking about going on a job without anyone else. The two of them would often seek each other out when they didn't have a job and would just hang out. Zelia didn't know when she started to like him, like she was halfway there and could no longer turn back. She sighed slightly and now she was stuck knowing they wouldn't make anything out of their friendship. She looked at him, "What now?"
Flynn looked at her when she suggested they play Pai Sho. He pursed his lips and shook his head, "I've heard of it... I think.... But I've never played the game...." He smiled at her when she offered to teach him. He nodded his head and watched as she pulled tiles and chalk, "Ya, I'd love to learn to play. Thanks for offering."

He leaned over to look at the floor as it seemed that was where she was going to be setting up the game. He guessed it had a board that she intended to draw on the ground. He picked up one of the tiles and looked at it, "Care to explain while you draw? We could probably get the game moving faster," He said with smile, "What can I help you with?"

((Sorry it's so short >.<))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 19 days ago

((No problem. I can easily work with it. :) ))

Trex frowned thoughtfully. They have ran through quite an extensive list of various crazy or exotic things. "Can't think of anymore now." He declared regrettably glancing briefly at her. The warmth of her presence filled him and though he didn't say anything he liked when she leaned up against him. There had been a time that he had thought about taking it to the next step. However, they were good partners by then and he hadn't wanted to ruin it for the world. Now with Flynn and even Skye part of the team imagining anything beyond friendship was out of the question. There would be to many ramifications if it ever went south. Frowning, he pushed the thoughts out of his head. He didn't want to think about it. He normally avoided letting his thoughts ever go that way. Besides, he had his goal to reach. Getting into a relationship other than friendship could hinder his chance at obtaining S-Class. Though, in reality if he was honest with himself it probably wouldn't. Lucy was S-Class and she was in a relationship. Many other S-Class wizards were in relationships. But no... He was being honest with himself. Because to be so, he would have to admit that deep down what he was most afraid of was Zelia's rejection.

With the thoughts pushed out of the way for now, Trex glanced over at Zelia. "I don't know. Maybe we can see who could spot the most types of wildlife." He offered. They had done it before and it was a fun, competitive way to pass the time. "I got the horses." He quickly claimed smirking. Wincing at Zelia's punch he shook his head. "You really need to quit using me as a punching bag." He informed her. "It's unfair. It's not like I can hit you back." His mother's training was really ingrained. Sure, he can and had fought females before. But only because they needed to be taken down. He would not lay a finger one a girl that he didn't have to take out.
"If you can mix the tiles." She instructed as she started to fill the circle in with a large grid. Though the game actually required different color squares, she was used to the dirt version where you just had to remember the colors in your mind or not play with them. However, for Flynn's sake, she shaded some of the squares and put dashes through others. "This differentiates the types of squares." She informed him. "It's a minor thing that I normally don't play with but makes it easier in other aspects." As she explained the rules and got the first game going, it became a bit easier to explain. She loved Pai Sho and was glad to once again find someone to play it with.

Taking the game slow, Skye explained it as she went. She had forgotten that there were so many tiny variables included in the game. Each tile had a different image on it and therefore had different significant value. As she went she realized that the game was a whole lot more complicated then she realized - at least for someone who had never played it. "Sorry." She said as she remembered yet another tidbit about a certain play which had given her the lead. Moving the two pieces back she explained the new rule. "I'm sorry. I forgot how complicated it is to a beginner." She pointed toward another one of his pieces. "You want to play that one." She informed him. "It keeps you safe and gives you the upper hand." It was actually a bit hard for her. She was so used to playing hard with the intent to win that scaling back to help the confused Flynn was almost like going against her nature. However, even with that as she played her eyes brightened a bit and her posture became more relaxed, though she didn't notice.

The time flew by and after yet another victory for her, Skye winced. "I'm sorry. I've never taught anyone before." She didn't add the fact that she had played a long time against those who had done the same. She didn't want to make him feel bad. She toyed with one of the tiles, slipping back into her shell, though like earlier, she didn't realizing it. She enjoyed Pai Sho but she doubted he did. Despite the fact she was trying to scale back and giving him pointers along the way she had beaten him three times. If there hadn't been so many minor variables, he would have done well - for a beginner. He was a quick learner but she kept throwing variables at him changing the dynamics of the game. "I'm not cheating, I swear." She told him hoping he didn't think she was. She glanced at the tile in her hand. "Did you have a game that you like?" She asked tentatively. It was doubtful he wanted to continue. He probably thought she kept changing the rules to let herself win. She wasn't but how would he know that? The people she played with would do anything to win and you had to be on top of them to make sure they weren't cheating. As he had no experience with the game before, he would have no way to catch her and therefore would probably be extremely suspicious. Especially with all the rules she kept remembering and throwing into the mix.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 4 days ago

Zelia looked up at Trex as he suggested that they play a familiar game and spot as many wild animals as they could. She smiled and nodded, however, a moment later he called the horses and she turned and punched him. She laughed a little when he told her to stop using him as a punching bag. She rubbed his arm where she had hit it, "Sorry, but that isn't going to happen," she leaned back on him, "But maybe if you stop cheating."

She giggled a little and looked around the forest on both of them. She moved off his shoulder, so that she could look on his side. Spotting a bird, she grabbed his arm and leaned across him pointing, "Eagle. One, nill."

She grinned and moved away slightly, releasing his arm and searched the area again. She placed her hand on the seat as she glanced this way and that. She smiled, "So, are we making a wager out of this?"
Flynn smiled as they played the game, despite being utterly confused. He shook his head when she apologized for forgetting how difficult the game was. He shrugged, "All games are some what difficult in the beginning. I don't mind."

They kept playing for sometime and Flynn kept losing. He didn't mind, it could only be expected that he lost in the beginning. She had been playing this far longer than he had. When she won again she apologized, causing him to laugh a little. He shook his head, "Don't worry about it... I'll win someday."

He smiled at her when she asked him if he liked a game. He nodded, "Pai Sho. It's fun. Even if you're cheating," he winked then began to play with one of the pieces, "Don't worry about it. I like complicated things. Why do you think I'm a celestial wizard? Do you know how hard it is to go through all those contracts in your head in the middle of a fight?" He laughed a little and placed the piece down as a first move, "Your turn."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
Avatar of Black Ninja

Black Ninja

Member Seen 19 days ago

"Cheating?" Trex shook his head. "I didn't cheat. All animals were open." He declared. "It's not my fault you were a bit slow." Sadly for him, she took that moment to call out the eagle. Drat. He needed to start paying attention. Keeping a sharp lookout he shook his head. "One to one." He replied. "The horses do count. "Robin." He said nodding toward the small bird the flew across the road. "Two-one." He chuckled at her desire to make a wager. "Aren't you broke enough as it is?" He inquired insinuating that he was going to win. Though in reality Zelia did a better job at this game then he did. Not only did he have to keep an eye on the road but she just had a better job at spotting the animals. Why would he agree to a wager when she would only clean him out. "I think we should just stick to it being a fun game." He declared.

Time flies when one was having fun. Though he tried hard, Zelia got a strong lead and no matter what he did, he couldn't catch up. When he almost ran the wagon off the road for the third time because he was sidetracked he shook his head. "Alright, alright. You win this time." He conceded. Glancing at the sky, he was surprised to see that they had missed lunch and that it was almost evening. As if suddenly making up for lost time his stomach growled reminding him that they hadn't eaten since breakfast. "We should eat." He informed Zelia. "It's been a long day and I'm sure everyone is starving." Using the reins, he nudged the horses into a small clearing on the side of the road. "We should be good here." He stated. He looked at the sky. Though they had a few hours of daylight left it was a good time to stop. They could eat, turn in early and get a good start. Besides, he wanted to practice a bit of his magic. The past few days had been exceedingly busy and he hadn't had that much chance to do so. He was going to get rusty if he didn't take care. Every day he missed practice meant so much longer before obtaining S-class and that was unacceptable. A few days was understandable but not to many and not often.

"I'll take care of the horses if you want to get the others and set up camp." He stated jumping down and heading over toward the horses. With years of experience he removed all the tackle and rubbed the horses down. For some it might be a tedious job, but for him it brought back pleasant memories from his childhood. By time he was finished Zelia had set up a campfire and had hers and his stuff piled nearby. Tying the horses to the tree, he walked over to Zelia. After they ate he would create a wooden pen to keep the horses in for awhile. It gave them room to maneuver as well as gave him a bit of practice. Come morning, he would remove it so it wouldn't bother anyone else."Where's Skye and Flynn?" He asked heading over to where she sat pulling out supplies. He raised his eyebrows a bit surprised when she stated they were in the middle of a game and would come out 'shortly'. "What kind of game?" He inquired curious sitting down. If he wasn't so hungry he would go check it out but the site of the food had his stomach telling him to keep his priorities straight.
Skye was a bit surprised that he wanted to continue to play. When he mentioned her cheating she glanced up ready to shoot back a retort of her innocence when she saw the wink. Glancing down slightly embarrassed, she was a bit surprised to see that he was only joking. Of course he wouldn't want to continue if he really thought she was cheating. Unless he wanted to catch her at it and point it out. She frowned. She knew several people who would do that. Of course they also relished in any mistake always rubbing it in. Picking up a piece, she glanced at Flynn from the corner of her eye. Flynn wasn't that type of person. Though she didn't know him that long, it just didn't seem to fit his personality to do that. Setting the piece down she glanced up at Flynn as he spoke about how he liked complicated things as he made his first move. Frowning at the board, Skye reminded herself to take it easy on him. With that in mind, she placed her piece on a spot she usually avoided - especially for a first move. "Your move." She informed him.

As the game continued, she kept instructing Flynn on what was a good spot or move and what not to do. Like before, her instruction was more quite and tentative at first but as the game continued she relaxed a bit and explained the reasoning behind the moves with a passion in her eyes. She didn't even notice when the wagon slowed and it wasn't until Zelia popped her head in did she realize they had come to a stop. Caught up in the game she waved her hand dismissively at Zelia's comment to come out, something she would have never done if she had been thinking about it. "We'll be out shortly." She replied not even looking over. Flynn was doing pretty good and had a good chance. Well, if he was playing someone else. But still, considering she was doing her best not to kill him he had a chance at winning. And she was going to do her best to let that happen, without making it to obvious.

With Zelia gone again, she set down another piece. "Oh that was dumb." She said shaking her head though in reality she had made the move purposely. Like the kind-hearted individual he was, Flynn offered for her to do it again. It was actually hard to purposely lose when he would give her the opportunity to take back the 'mistakes'. "No." She replied. "I should have known better. Go ahead." If they kept this up Flynn would win, eventually. Though it would take him a whole lot longer. Even now she could quickly turn the game around and win fairly quick. But no. She would not do that. Though she liked winning, she didn't want to rub another victory at Flynn. Not that she made a big deal of it but just winning again might make him feel bad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 4 days ago

Zelia stuck her tongue out at him when he asked her if she wasn't already poor enough, "I am. That's why I was looking to take some of your money," she laughed a little and shook her head, "And oh no, no, no. You said wildlife, not animals and these two are far from wild. One, one."

She smiled at looked around the surroundings. She quickly and easily took the lead, sure she had the advantage of not driving but she had crushed him before while driving. She felt like she hurt his ego a little, that time around. As the game went on, Zelia maintained her lead as Trex nearly drove them off the road. She grabbed his arm, "Oy," was all she got out. He came back to his wits and returned his attention to the road stating the end of the game and her victory. She grinned, "Ha, ha!"

She leaned against him in time to hear his stomach growl. She snickered a little at the rumbling roar coming from his gut and nodded when he said they should stop to eat. When he pulled over to the side of the road, she gave him another nod as he told her to set up camp and get the others to help, "Aye, aye, captain."

She smirked at him before she disappeared around the cart to retrieve the others. She poked her head in, "We're stopping for the night. Come set up."

She giggled a little when Skye waved her off stating they'd be out shortly. She glanced at Flynn, who seemed just as immersed in the game. It was nice to see Skye loosening up a little. She grabbed her and Trex's things, throwing them over her shoulder before leaving the cart. She walked around it and tossed it onto the ground before she started to make a fire, figuring heat and food would be the two things to start with and the easiest to do on her own. Once it was burning bright, she tossed a few pieces of meat onto it, focusing on letting it float above the flames. She sat down with her bag and began to pull out supplies they would need for the night. Trex walked over soon after. She looked at him, "There in the cart, playing a game. They'll be out... shortly."

When he asked about the game, she shrugged, "I don't know... I've never seen it.... it kind of looked like circular chess..." Hearing his stomach grumble, she looked to the fire. After a moment, one of the pieces floated over to him, "Careful, it's hot but it should be fine to eat.... What else should we have?" She moved slightly and leaned against him as she dug through the bag in front of her further. She pulled out a few cut vegetables, "We could put these on the fire...."
Flynn looked down at the game, holding his hands together as Skye made her move. He nodded when she passed the turn onto him. After a moment, he moved another piece and awaited her turn. They played for sometime when Zelia poked her head it. It seemed they had stopped... Flynn didn't say anything as Skye brushed her away. He smiled, it was good to know she was enjoying playing him. Even if he was posing no threat to her as he was fresh to the game. He held his hands tightly and watched on as Skye sighed, stating she had made a bad move. He looked up at her, "Do you want to do a redo?"

She shook her head and dismissed the thought of moving a different piece. He shrugged and continued on with the game, allowing her to give her feedback here and there. He kept playing, smiling as he moved his pieces. At one point, he lifted a piece to his lips and held it there, deciding where exactly he wanted to move it. Coming to a decision, he placed it down, "So, how long have you been playing this game?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
Avatar of Black Ninja

Black Ninja

Member Seen 19 days ago

Trex nodded his thanks and accepted the meat. Grateful that once again they had been provided for he started to eat. "No let's eat them raw." He informed Zelia after swallowing his first bite. Some vegetables tasted better raw then cooked. Besides, he was hungry. He didn't know if he wanted to wait for them to cook before digging in. "So they're playing a game." He stated after finishing another bite. Though instinct said to scarf the food down, common sense kept him eating at a slow pace. Didn't want to get an upset stomach. "That's interesting. If you don't recognize it, I doubt it belongs to Flynn." He shrugged. Though there was nothing wrong with Skye having a game it just seemed odd. But it was nice to see she seemed comfortable enough to bring out a game, especially as it probably had some significance to her if she kept it all this time.

His dinner now complete, he glanced toward the fire where Skye's and Flynn's food stood waiting. If they took to long, the food was going to be overcooked. He wondered if he should go take it to them. It would be interesting to see what the game was. But then again, it was just Zelia and him. That didn't happen to often. Sure they rode together most of the day but that was with him having to focus on the road and both having to keep a sharp lookout for bandits. He leaned back letting his food digest. "So, with the few hours before dark I was thinking of doing a bit of training." He informed Zelia. They used to spare together but not often. Before Flynn joined they practiced a lot together but after he joined three way sparing had been a bit difficult and their abilities increased. Though they still occasionally spared it wasn't that often. Of course, he was also content to just sit here for now. It wasn't always wise training right after a meal. "Have any plans?" He inquired curious.

Skye smiled slightly and nodded as Flynn set his piece down. That was a good move. He was improving. A natural learner, he might become a Pai Sho master far quicker then she did. Well... maybe. Frowning she stared at the board while rotating the game piece over the back of her hand, moving it back and forth using her fingers. She had to think about Flynn's question. Eldar had always used to joke that she was born playing and some of her earliest fond memories revolved around the game pieces. And with the harshness of Caelum and bad memories from recent events, it was hard to remember the few good times she had. Making her move she glanced at him. "I don't remember when I started." She confessed. "I believe I actually started learning the rules by time I was five. Though I might have picked up some of them earlier." She shrugged. "Eldar used to tease that I could play from birth." She glanced toward the board a distant expression on her face. Oh Eldar...He had been so patient with them. Settling any internal fighting, telling them that they had to stick together and rely on each other to survive. He looked out for them the best he could. His death had probably been hard. Maybe even harder for her then the others.

"Here. It was decided that you should have them." The dark haired boy held the bag containing all the tiles out to her. "You loved them the most. He would have wanted you to have them.. Turning another piece over in her hand, Skye studied it. Ryzo had been right. None of the others were as into the game as she. Though they all played, except for Tye, she was the one who seemed to enjoy the game most. She wondered sometimes if Ryzo and Diego played so much because she bothered them so much. Zen didn't. He didn't mind sitting and playing game after game with her, his usual silence adding a sense of calm. Biting her lip, Skye pushed the thoughts aside. Forcing a smile so so Flynn didn't see the pain she turned her attention back to the game. If he did it right, he would have the game in three moves, assuming she didn't try anything to block it. Knowing she wouldn't, she played elsewhere and looked up at Flynn. "Your move." She stated quietly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 4 days ago

Zelia shook her head a little at his insistence not to wait and cook the vegetables. She handed some to him as she gathered together her own meal and ate. She listened to him as he spoke about the game that the two in the caravan were playing. She nodded in agreement with him but didn't make much comment on the matter. She finished her food shortly after he did and moved Flynn and Skye's off the fire, not wanting them to burn. She sighed slightly as she relaxed, happy to have food in her stomach. She looked at Trex when he informed her that he was going train in a short while and asked if she had plans. She smiled, it had been a while since the two of them had sparred. She shrugged, "We are on the side of the road in the middle of no where on a job, I can't say I have many plans further than taking first watch," she pointed at him, "Speaking of, you are sleeping through the night. You pulled an all nighter last night, so no watch for you."

She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder, relaxing against the man who she could easily call her best friend. She sat there, looking at the burning fire, the flames dancing and sparking. It was all calming as she smirked, "Although, I now have the plan of kicking your ass," she teased.
Flynn smiled at Skye as she answered his question, "Wow... No wonder you've been destroying me," he chuckled a little. He noticed a look on Skye's face, like she was thinking about something other than her next move. He watched her when she looked up at him and smiled, the grin not reaching her eyes and stated it was his move. He didn't ask, it clearly wasn't something she wanted to go into and it seemed with Skye, you had to let her approach the subject. He nodded and made his move, in a few short turns, Flynn won his first game and grinned, "Thanks for letting me win," he winked and hopped to his feet, "Let's go get food."

He walked with her out to the small camp that had been set up to see Zelia leaning against Trex in a semi familiar way... He looked at them and stopped, "Hey," he spoke quietly, "I think we should leave them alone..." his look wasn't one of him joking about their confusing relationship. He bugged them about it, knowing the two of them had to feel something for each other. He looked at Skye, "They... don't get a lot of time being alone anymore... and I don't think it's healthy for the two of them to hide their feelings from us... Even if they do a horrible job...."

He walked over to the fire and noticed the food left aside for Skye and himself, "Hey," Zelia jumped at the sound of Flynn's voice and looked up at him, "We are going to keep playing.... Skye let me win and I have to prove to her that I'm a pretty great loser. Also, I thought it would be wise for her and I to sleep in the cart. That way if anyone manages to sneak in, we'll be there to hear them. Ears on the inside and outside, basically," He nodded to them before turning, "Night."

He wrapped an arm around Skye and ushered her back into the cart and sighed, "Man, those two need to be honest with themselves...."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 19 days ago

Trex chuckled. "Right. Like you could beat me." He snickered. "At least on the physical and magic levels." He added remembering that she had just beaten him on how many animals they could find. "Though, if someone was to beat me, I'd rather have an ally do it then an enemy." He said more thoughtful. He looked up at the late afternoon sky. "Hey look, there you are getting beaten by me." He said pointing to two random clouds. Sure, he made it up a bit but still. They continued to chat and tease a bit before Flynn's voice startled them.

Straightening Trex glanced over at the older wizard. They weren't really doing anything but still for some reason he felt guilty. He nodded as Flynn talked about how they were going to go back and play some more and just go to bed. "Sounds good." He agreed. "Though don't stay up late. We need you both ready sharp tomorrow." He ordered. Sitting there, he watched them head back into the wagon. Lowering his voice he looked at Zelia. "They'll probably stay up late." He informed her. "Perhaps we should make them keep watch while we sleep." He smiled slightly. "Though, I did get enough rest." He informed her referring to her earlier comment on how he was not going to stand watch. "And I am perfectly capable of standing watch sometime tonight. Besides," He smiled to take the sting out of his next words. "Who died and made you boss?" He dodged her punch. "Man you are getting slow." He said shaking his head. Falling sideways from her shove he straightened. "You know you really have some anger issues you need to work on." He told her. Catching her wrist he stopped her fist from hitting him. Gripping it tightly he shook his head. "Tsk, tsk. You need to settle down." Letting her go he glanced toward the fire. "Brings back memories, huh?" He said, his voice suddenly serious and quiet.

Memories of the two of them by themselves going on quests. Joking, teasing. Occasionally flirting though they had moved on from that. He looked at the fire remembering how Ryzo seemed so interested in her. He wondered how she felt about him. As much as he disliked the idea that she was interested in someone, though why he didn't want to think about - he wanted her happy. "I'm sorry about Ryzo." He said poking the fire with a stick not glancing her way. "Showing you all that attention and then betraying you, us." He kept his gaze on the fire, studying the flames. Though he genuinely wanted her happiness he didn't want to see the look on her face that could confirm she did indeed like the wizard.
Skye stared up at Flynn as he headed out. Drat. Of course he knew she let him win. Rising she followed him outside, realizing how hungry she was. Seeing that Flynn was stopped right outside she came up next to him. Her gaze following his, she saw Trex and Zelia together. The conversation with Zelia the other night came back to mind as Flynn mentioned that it wasn't healthy to hide their feelings. Remaining silent she kept shrugged. She was not going to repeat what Zelia had accidentally given away. Following Flynn over to the fire, she watched as Trex and Zelia both jumped at Flynn's voice. She saw the guilty looks but pretended she didn't notice. Grabbing her food, she nodded toward them. "Goodnight." She said turning and coming up next to Flynn.

She stiffened a bit when he put his arm around her. Quickly forcing the natural reaction away she hoped he didn't notice as they entered back into the wagon. Undoubtedly he didn't mean anything in it. He had a girlfriend and probably meant it more as a friend. The Fiore wizards were difficult to adjust to. Their tendency for physical contact on a frequent basis was a bit unnerving. Not that she would admit it. Part of her liked it. It showed that they cared. However, it was hard to adjust especially coming from her old team. Sitting down she ate her food slowly. "Why do they hide it?" She inquired turning back to the conversation at hand. "Assuming of course they do like each other." She quickly added not wanting to give away Zelia's secret. "You and Lucy seem to be fine as a couple." She noted. Though, they were on different teams. But then again, Diego and her had something going and they were part of the same band. Yet, that hadn't turned out well though for other reasons. She doubted Flynn would be jealous of Zelia giving attention to Trex and there was no way she was jealous. Sure Trex was strong and kind but she wasn't interested.

Mixing the tiles while Flynn replied she shrugged as he finished. Love was complicated. It was something probably wiser to leave alone. It was too easy for betrayal or jealousy to take place. And it didn't matter if Tye was no longer around undoubtedly she would find out and do her best to ruin it. As it was, Skye feared that her sister had plans on ruining the relationship she had with her current team. It was a shame really. She was starting to get attached to them. Not in a romantic way but more in a friendship way. Biting her lip she stared at the board. She didn't want to leave the team. And the poison in her bag insured that she would kill herself before hurting any one of them. She could not bare having more innocent blood on her hands. Looking up she realized Flynn was watching her. Remembering it was her turn, she uttered an apology and made her move. Picking up another piece, she stared at the board. Not wanting to think about the past she tried to come up with something to talk about. Not usually a chatty person it was difficult to think of something to ask, especially as certain questions might be reciprocated. "How long have you known Lucy?" She asked. That was a dumb question. As long as he had been at the guild. She really needed to work better on small talk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 4 days ago

Zelia looked at him and cocked and eyebrow, "Are you questioning my magical ability. Tsk, tsk, Trex. You may not want to say that to someone who could levitate you in the air if she wanted to." She laughed a little and looked to the sky when he pointed. She shook her head, " I was beating you by a lot more than two. Thank you."

"Who died and made you boss?"

Zelia laughed and went to punch him only to have him dodge it, having expected it. When he called her slow, she shoved him, managing to knock him over slightly.she went to punch him again but he caught her wrist and prevented her from hitting him. She chuckled when he said she had anger issues and went to punch him again but he caught her wrist and prevented her from hitting him. She smiled when he told her to calm down, "Well, that's no fun," She took her wrist back and held it, looking at him as he spoke towards the fire. She nodded, "Ya... It does... I sometimes miss those days..."

She joined him in looking into the fire, the both of them, silently rememincing about the good old days. She looked back at him when he apologized about Ryzo. The smile on her lips faltered slightly but she ended up shrugging, "It's fine... Best that he did it now than later," she shook her head, "I guess... He was just a bit of a distraction," from you, she finished internally. She looked at him and smiled, "With him gone... My brain is able to focus on... the other thing... which I don't know... Well, I don't know how that makes me feel."

She bit her lip, "But... Back to keeping watch... I'll be fine...... It's stupid but... I'm kind of worried about going to sleep. I know that spirit isn't there and she didn't do anything bad while she was. But I guess, I was so focused on getting out... I didn't realize how terrified I was... That I wouldn't be able to get out of the dream," she ran a hand through her hair, "I think it will be better if I keep watch until I can't anymore and then maybe I'll be so tired that I won't worry about it..."
Flynn sat eating his food when Skye asked why Zelia and Trex were hiding their feelings from each other and attempting to do the same with everyone else. He shrugged, "They used to flirt every once in a while.... But once I joined... That slowly went away. I think that was when they started to realize they had feelings for each other... and then we were a group... it wasn't just them anymore. Maybe if it were just them, they would have done something but I think they are afraid that something will happen with the group. Before I joined, the two of them were practically attached at the hip... now, moments like out there... when it is just them are few and far between...."

Flynn made his first move as he spoke and when he finished he waited for Skye to make her's. As she seemed to not have any intention for making a move, he looked up at her. She was just staring at the board. He was slightly curious if she was planning her first move or was thinking about something else. When she looked up at him and apologized, he assumed the second. He just smiled, dismissing the apology. He picked up at piece and made his move after she finished her's. He nodded, "About a month after I join Fairytail... She was on a job when I first joined and then I was but once I came back she nearly tackled me, wanting to talk about spirits," he smiled softly at the memory, "We have a lot of the same ideals when it came to how we treat our spirits and being the only two celestial wizards in the guild, we became quick friends. After a year, we started to become a little more... But we didn't want to really tell anyone. She is a pretty famous wizard now and we didn't want anyone thinking that that was why I was in a relationship with her... I was happy hiding it... but it is kind of nice being able to hold hands on dates... especially since we don't get to see each other a lot..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 19 days ago

Trex nodded just listening. It was a good thing that Ryzo had been caught. If he had made Zelia cry or hurt even more Trex would have had to beat the fire out of him and make him regret it. No one made Zelia cry. He glanced over concerned as she talked about how she feared not waking up. It didn't seem stupid or silly to him. If any one of them had been trapped, unable to wake they too would be frightened to go to sleep. His fist tightened. The fact that the Caelum wizards were still out there with the ability to attack like that again probably didn't help Zelia. He should have taken them out when he had the chance. There was enough of them they could have defeated Maria and her friend and taken her keys. She would not be a threat then and Zelia could sleep in peace. "If they do it again," He told her. "I'll take her down myself." He vowed. "And we'll give the key to Flynn ensuring that you will never be bothered by the spirit again."

The determination faded from his face. "Don't let the fear of what might happen hold you back." He told her gently. "That might have been their whole purpose all along. Make you so worried you won't go to sleep. It will be one less wizard to worry about because you'll be so tired." They never did know why Zelia had been put to sleep. The original assumption about her being the only one to fight in the city didn't seem to make sense anymore. The Caelum wizards did not attack at all while she was asleep. The only trouble they caused was after she was awake and that was with Flynn. Assuming of course that was them, which they all had a good hunch it was. He looked back at the fire. He wished he could do something to ease her fear. To take away the nightmare she had faced. But there wasn't.

"When I was young one of my brothers, the closest on in age told me that a gremlin hid under my bed. And that it couldn't wait for me to close my eyes so it could come and eat my toes." He smiled at the memory. "I was so terrified I couldn't sleep. Despite having the fact my parents forced my brother to tell me the truth, and even checked under my bed, showing me nothing was there, I still couldn't sleep." He paused. "After many sleepless nights, my Father sat me down. 'Son', He told me. 'You just have to trust." He said. "Trust that the Creator's watching out for you. That no matter what happens He's got your best interest in mind'." Trex shrugged and looked at Zelia. "Though mine was just a childhood fear with no backing, the advice is good. You got to trust. If something happens, we'll be there. We got your back and we'll make the scum pay. You can't go through life fearing." He looked away so that she wouldn't see the emotions. He normally didn't go into something this personal. Sure he occasionally gave some of his stories and he openly admitted to be there. But not like this. Not with his emotions so close to the top. "Well, I better go make a pen for the horses." He said rising.
Skye watched Flynn, noting his smile and distant look as he talked about his relationship. She was glad for him. He had a good relationship. Glancing back down at the board she put out another piece. "That must be hard." She agreed. Going two different directions and so rarely seeing each other... Skye wasn't sure how they did it. Some people could handle long distance relationships; rarely seeing their significant other. She didn't know how she would handle it, not that she was ever going that direction. She was done with love. It hurt to much. She glanced up at Flynn through her lashes. Though it did seem to work for others.

She frowned when she saw him play. He picked up the game fast. She might actually have to pay attention to the game if she wanted to beat him. Sure, she could probably beat him quickly and effectively but that wasn't the point. She had learned from Eldar, when playing beginners you don't just play to win. Of course you are going to kill them. Eldar could have killed her in several moves even when she had played for awhile. No, as a master it was more challenging not to win right away but instead trying to make the game go longer. Not only did it prove to be more challenging as it was hard to pass up easy kills, but it helped your opponent get better so as to one day actually provide a real challenge or at least do well. "Nice move." She stated casually still learning how to be a good teacher. However, looking back at the games they played she realized she had improved on teaching. She no longer killed her opponent every game. In fact she had even let Flynn win one. She smiled a bit to herself. She had improved. The smile quickly faded. To bad it was so late. Thinking back on her childhood, she wondered if some of the reason Tye hated her so much was because she was so much better at the game. After several defeats Tye had declared that the game was to 'childish' for her and that only children played it.

Skye toyed with another tile as she looked for a spot to make her move. She had to admit, it did feel good beating her sister. Tye was so good at everything she did. Everyone liked her and no matter what Skye tried, Tye could always beat her. Except in Pai Sho. That was her one sanctuary. So when she kept beating Tye she couldn't stop. She couldn't let her sister win. Couldn't let her rub in her superiority in yet another area. Perhaps she should have let her. Maybe if she had, her sister would have not hated her so. She looked at Flynn. "Do you have siblings?" She asked tentatively. It was a fragile question. He knew about Tye and might wonder why she was asking. However, she was curious. Did all siblings have the rivalry Tye and her had?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 4 days ago

Zelia kept looking at the fire as Trex promised to take care of the wizards himself. She smiled slightly, glad to know he wanted to protect her like that but she didn't want him getting hurt. She didn't mention it though, she didn't want him thinking that she didn't trust his abilities but there was so little they knew about Ryzo and Tye with there magic. Even with those they did know they didn't know much about. The celestial wizard would be the only magic they could be certain about and they didn't know her keys, so that didn't help any. She bit her lip as Trex kept talking. She nodded her head slowly, she hated to think that that all happened just to scare her. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if there was reasoning behind it. However, just to frighten her enough to not want to go to sleep was sadistic and cruel. What she didn't understand the most though, was why Ryzo had given her that drawing of flower. He wouldn't have known that she had anything to do with any of this. She had left long before Trex got attacked and Flynn was spoken to by that woman. She would have preferred to have been attacked than to have had her feeling toyed with. She clenched her fists for a moment before calming down.

She smiled at Trex when he spoke of his childhood, in all the years they had worked together, these stories didn't come often. She laughed a little when he told her what her brother had done and the extent his family had gone to just to get him back to sleep. When he finished she nodded, "I do trust you... I like hearing about your family... A scared Trex, who would have thought."

She watched him as he stood, saying he had to deal with the horses. It disappointed her slightly, that they weren't going to sit and just talk but she found herself with her feeling running rampant on her. Maybe Trex noticed and didn't want to lead her on at all. Her smile faltered as she nodded, "Ya... Okay... I guess..... I'll going tell Flynn and Skye they're on watch tonight."

She stood quickly and nearly ran over to the cart, wanting to get away and prevent herself from making the situation worse.
Flynn shrugged, "It is... at times. I mean there are some places that I see and can only think about how much Lucy would love it... but absence makes the heart grow fonder. So as hard as it is when we are apart, it is so much better when he end up in town together," he laughed a little, "Maybe if we separated Z and Trex for a little while, they'd realize how in love with each other they are and someone would make a move," He shook his head, "I think though, with Lucy and I having a public relationship now, it makes it a lot easier. Now, we don't have to waste precious time trying to find somewhere quiet to hide.... In The Fairytail Guild that is pretty difficult."

He smiled when she praised him for his move. The rules were starting to make sense in his head, patching together allowing him to get an actual feel for the game. He looked at her when she asked about siblings. He made a bit of a face before looking down at the board, planning his move, "Kind of... My parents died when I was eight... I don't have any siblings from them but I was adopted when I was eleven and I have two sisters from my adoptive parents. Both of them are older. I guess, they were trying for a third kid or something and things weren't going as planned. So when they came across me, they thought why not. It's been pretty great though..." He laughed a little, "They are both a couple of brats."

Zelia poked her head in through the door then, catching Flynn's attention. She smiled at them, "Trex and I figured if you two were going to be playing all night, you could keep watch as well. I refuse to let him spend an entire night awake and he refuses to let me keep watch, wants me over the weariness from the spirit..." she shook her head slightly, "If you guys do mind, of course. You could stay in here. We'll hear if someone is walking around and if we don't... they'll only have on entrance into the cart."

Flynn nodded, "Sounds good to me. You two sleep when and cuddle up to keep warm."

Zelia rolled her eyes, "We have sleeping bags for that. Good night you two."

When Zelia finished talking to them, she walked over to Trex and stuffed her hands in her pockets, "How are they doing?"
Flynn looked back at Skye, "So, do you want first or second shift?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 19 days ago

Heading over to deal with the horses, Trex glanced over at the halter in Zelia's voice. Seeing her dash off he frowned. Drat. What did he say? Turning, he quickly worked on creating a holding pen for the horses. Being a wizard with wood-make magic it actually wasn't that hard. By time Zelia returned he had a good pen up and he was releasing the horses in it. He looked over at her. "Good." He informed her. "They should be safe here." He replied. He thought back to what they had been talking about. Maybe he left to quickly. Perhaps she thought he hadn't liked her comment about being scared. Who knew. Though he knew Zelia for some time there still a lot about her that he didn't understand. But then again, what guy understood a woman completely? Leaning against the pen he looked toward the sunset. Alright, so no training tonight but it was worth it. Zelia and him didn't get to spend a lot of time together. He glanced at her from the corner of his eye. He wished he knew what he had said or did that was wrong. She had laughed when he had told his story so she couldn't have taken it wrong. Or did she just pretend to think it was funny, taking advantage of him leaving to hid what she really thought.

"It's a nice sunset." He finally stated breaking the silence. Normally, he didn't mind the silence to much. However, he still wasn't sure why Zelia had acted the way she did. Despite that, he didn't bring it up. If she wanted to tell him, she would. "If you want to take shift part of the night, that's fine." He conceded. "But try not to wear yourself down." He told her, a bit of his concern showing. Glancing away, he nodded toward the fire. "Wake me up when you are ready to go to sleep." He told her. He really didn't want it to end but he wasn't sure what else to say. As he turned, her voice stopped him. He glanced at her when she stated Skye and Flynn would be taking turns watching. The wheels in his mind slowly turned. So did that mean she was mad originally only to change her mind when talking to Flynn and Skye? It would explain the strange tone in her voice and her quietness now. Perhaps she hadn't wanted to admit it to him because she was afraid he'd rub it in. "Good." He informed her. Breaking into a smile, he spoke. "I'm glad one of my crazy childhood stories had a purpose." His smile softened. "And I meant it." He promised. "We got your back." He held back a yawn. Perhaps he should turn in. As much as he enjoyed the fact it was just the two of them they had a long trip tomorrow. "We probably should turn in." He told her regrettably. "We got a long trek tomorrow and will need our rest."
Glancing up at Flynn, Skye frowned a bit confused. It was great but they were brats? Was he being sarcastic? "Oh, okay." She said glancing back at the board her eyes not really seeing it. Thankfully, Zelia took that moment to interrupt. Glancing over she nodded as Zelia talked about how the two of them were in charge of keeping watch. It was a bit amusing that both were so concerned for the other. Flynn was right. They just needed to realize that they liked each other. It was obvious to Flynn and her they were. And despite her misgivings of romance, she guessed it would be better for them to just admit it. When Zelia left she turned her attention back to Flynn. She was tired and emotionally drained. The whole thing with Ryzo and Tye being in Fiore the past while combined with some memories brought up talking with Flynn had left her exhausted. "I'll take the second shift." She replied. She looked at the board. "Do you mind if we continue this tomorrow? I'm a bit tired." She confessed setting her remaining pieces aside. Nodding her thanks she pulled her bag off the bench and rolled out her sleeping bag. Removing the knife at her side she pulled an additional one out of her boot. Setting it by the sleeping bag she pretended not to notice that Flynn was in the room.

Removing her shoes and outer skirt, which was more of a decorative article versus actual clothing as she had her bodysuit underneath, she set them aside. Putting her jacket next to it she nodded at Flynn. "Night." She said getting in her sleeping back and turning her back to him. To tired to care what Flynn thought, she reached over and grabbed the knife she has set by the sleeping bag. Setting it close enough to grab if need be she closed her eyes. "Please no nightmares." She whispered extremely quietly so as to not let Flynn hear. Closing her eyes she drifted off to sleep.
With a jolt Skye bolted upright. A bit of moonlight filtered in and she quickly looked at her hands. Quickly dropping the knife she had been holding she turned her hands over. Heart thumping she bit her lip relieved to see that they were clean. The blood in her dream did not transcend into real life. Holding back a sob it took her a few seconds to collect herself. Realizing that she was not alone, she turned and spotted Flynn. Oh right... He was keeping watch. Thankfully for her the shadows hid her flushed face from the moonlight filtering in from the back. Great, no doubt he saw that she had a nightmare. She just hoped hadn't screamed and woken everyone else up. It was humiliating enough with one. All three finding out would be to much. Glancing away she wiped her face with her sleeve and got out of the sleeping bag. "I can take watch." She told Flynn forcing the slight quiver in her voice down. "I'm not going to be sleeping anytime soon." She said forcing hard to put on a smile. Ignoring the knife on the floor she swung her legs over, her feet touching the bare wooden floor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 4 days ago

Zelia smiled when Trex informed her that the horses were doing well. She crossed her arms in front of her slightly, holding herself. She looked toward the sunset and realized how long the two of them had just sat and talked to each other. She smiled slightly, she guessed it made up for her falling asleep on the train. When he started talking about shifts, she shook her head, "No... Um... I told Flynn and Skye to keep watch... I'm not going to let you be awake the entire night again," she smiled at him before he complimented her choice. When he brought up his childhood stories, she laughed and nodded, "You really should tell them more often."

She nodded when he said they should turn in, it sound like he didn't really want to. He was definitely starting to confuse her. One moment, he wants to just get away and the next he doesn't. All the same, she made she to keep her confusing off her face and walked over to the fire and grabbed her sleeping bag, rolling it out. She took off her shoes and whatever else she could to remain decent and not make it awkward. Then she climbed into the bag and curled up. Lying on the ground she looked up at him, "Good night, Trex..." She rolled over in her sleeping bag and closed her eyes. She took a deep breath before opening her eyes again. She sat there for a moment, eyes wide, before she managed to work her way through the steps of actually getting to sleep.
Flynn nodded when Skye said she'd take the second shift and asked if it was alright if the put playing on hold to allow her to do so. He smiled, "Go ahead, it'll be a long day, get as much while you can."

He leaned back against the bench, still sitting on the floor. He looked at the door and decided to keep his eyes on it for now. It was quite some time later that he got bored started to Pai Sho against himself. It was 1-1 when Skye woke with a start. Flynn looked up at her, slightly worried. His worry only continued when she turned to look at him when she wiped her face and said that she would take watch. He couldn't help but notice a shakiness to her voice. He decided, he shouldn't mention it, let her keep face. He nodded and rolled out his sleeping bag, curling up inside. He pointed to the Pai Sho board, "It's currently 1-1... If you want to play," he smiled and turned away from her as she had from him and closed his eyes, "Zelia interrupted us before... but my sisters are brats in a good way... They tease me a lot and make me feel like I'm actually their brother... not just some rent-a-kid. They're great really... can't help but love 'em."

He smiled, "If you need anything feel free to wake me up."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 19 days ago

Nodding, Skye watched Trex go to sleep before turning back to look at the board. His voice telling her about his sisters caused him to look his way again. His tone when he talked about how that even if they were annoying they loved him held something in it that she couldn't help but envy. Looking back at the board, she couldn't help but wonder what her life would have been like if someone had taken her in like they did Flynn. Brushing the thought aside, she blocked her thoughts not wanting to think about it or the dream. Dressing quietly, she hesitated before picking up the knife laying on the floor. Forcing herself to grab it, she jammed its sheath in her boot and turned back to the game. No, it wouldn't matter what they thought of her. If they really knew what she had done they would hate her as much as Rzyo and Zen did.

By time morning came along, Skye had once again had control of her emotions, her wall once again raised. Cooking breakfast she nodded politely to Zelia as the older girl came over, being the first to wake. "Nothing unusual happened." She replied on the inquiry of how the night had gone. Turning, she poured some water into a cup before giving it to Zelia. She wondered what Flynn would say this morning. Last night he had kindly refrained from saying anything but she wondered on the long trip to the Capitol if he would bring it up.

As the others started to get up and come their way, Skye excused herself to go take care of the horses. She didn't want to face Flynn and see pity in his eyes. Or worse - caring. Going over, she watered the horses and started to brush them down getting them ready for the long trip. Though she hadn't had a lot of experience with horses, she knew what to do and preferred the animals that couldn't say anything to those who might judge or pity her.

Stretching, Trex came over as Skye left. He frowned at her monosyllable reply before remembering she really wasn't a morning person. Not to mention that apparently as Flynn was just coming out, she probably had last shift. Sitting down he sniffed the air smiling at the smell of breakfast. Taking his trencher he filled it up. He looked at Zelia. She looked rested. Apparently the spirit hadn't come to bother her last night. However, before he could say anything Flynn came over. He nodded toward the older man. "What's the big idea of keeping Skye up late with your game and then forcing her to do the second shift?" He demanded, though his eyes twinkled. He knew that Flynn would have split the remaining time equally, not taking advantage of their younger companion. "Apparently it was a good game if you guys played it all day yesterday and into the night." He remarked finishing his trencher and picking up an apple. "Maybe later you can show us how to play and we can enjoy it as well." He stated with a smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 4 days ago

Zelia yawned quietly as she woke and looked over at Trex, who was still fast asleep. She smiled softly, he was awfully peaceful when he was asleep. She shook her head after a moment, pulling herself out of the weirdness of watching him sleep. She got out of her sleeping bag and walked over to Skye, who she found making breakfast. She smiled, "How was last night?"

She nodded when the girl answered, "Well, the more boring nights are always the best ones to have."

She sat down next to the girl but said nothing more, knowing well that Skye wasn't exactly talkative in the morning. She thanked her quietly when she handed her a cup of water. She sipped at it, looking into the fire as they waited for the others. It wasn't too long before Skye excused herself to deal with the horses and Trex walked over. She looked up at him as he looked at her. She smiled softly at him, it was good to see that he had gotten some sleep in the previous night. She had been worried that he would have stayed up the entire night despite the fact that Skye and Flynn were already keeping watch. She was about to wish him a good morning when Flynn came out from the cart and he started to talk to him.

Flynn looked at the younger wizard, still a little sluggish from his sleep. He laughed a little at Trex's accusations, "First, it is here game and second, she chose second shift, thank you."

He yawned and nodded, "You'd have to ask Skye, I'm still learning after but it is great fun. Now," he said as he draped his arm around Trex before pulling him into a headlock, "Didn't anyone teach you to respect your elders?" He chuckled as he gave him a noogie, messing up his already scruffy hair, before releasing him. Zelia watched as he stood straight and laughed at his new hair do. She nodded her head, "Looks good."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 19 days ago

Scowling, Trex brushed his hair down and glared at Flynn. "Just because you are older doesn't mean I can't beat the fire out of you." He declared a bit annoyed. Being the youngest of several brothers he had that happen to him often and he did not always enjoy it. However, he didn't dwell on it to long. Finishing his breakfast he looked up at the sky. "It's going to be a good day today." He noted changing the subject. "We should make good time to the Capitol getting there late this afternoon." He rose. "I'll start breaking camp so we can leave." He nodded and headed toward the pen to take it down.

After everyone was finished with breakfast and everything was packed up they hit the trail again, with Zelia and Trex sitting in the front again and Flynn and Skye in the back. Unlike yesterday, when they played Skye remained fairly quiet only replying when spoken to and then keeping her answers short. After a quick break for lunch they continued on the way to the Capitol reaching there around supper time. Trex pulled the horses to a crawl as they made their way through the going home crowd. The house they had to drop off the package was in the center of town and would take them a bit to get there through this crowd.

"I'm surprised we haven't been hit yet." He noted still keeping his eyes peeled for trouble. With the amount of money spent on this quest he assumed that someone would be desperately trying to get it. Either that or the man that sent it was a completely idiot, wasting money on them when he could have sent it with someone else. Knocking on the slate behind them into the wagon, he waited until it opened before speaking. "We're in the city. Stay sharp." He told Flynn. "Anything can happen." After the slate was closed again, Trex looked over at Zelia. Their conversation throughout the day had stayed casual not getting into the seriousness of the previous night. "I'm still not certain we are out of the water." He told her. "There had to be a reason it cost so much for us to transport it." He spoke quietly so that those passing by could not hear them.

Coming up to the gate Trex and Zelia showed their guild markings and explained their mission. The gateman let them in and Trex brought the wagon up to the front door. "Where here." He said knocking on the slate. Jumping down he turned to see if Zelia wanted help down but she was right behind him. Meeting up with Skye and Flynn they headed over to the front door. Handing the package to Trex, Skye removed the illusion spell so it would be visible again. Stepping back and out of the way she nudged the edge of her boot on the fine stone pavement as she waited for them to finish up the transaction.

A servant let them enter and took them into a large foyer where a large woman sat with a tiny dog in her lap. Matching the description of who to give it to, Trex handed over the package. "Here you go Ma'am." He stated. "Harold sends his greetings." He stated taking a step back. Exchanging a look with Zelia he waited to see if the woman would open it or to be dismissed.

The woman took the package. "Oh he's such a darling." She replied. Shredding open the package she pulled out a box of Cornia chocolates. Trex mouth dropped. True, they were a bit expensive but really? For that price they could have imported it from Bellum or Iceberg. The woman looked at them and Trex quickly brought his expression into a more professional look. "Thank you for delivering this. It's my anniversary in two days and poor Harold couldn't make it due to work." She waved a servant over and brought out some jewels. Holding the money out to Trex she beamed at the four. "You all are so nice. Thank you."

Giving a slight shake of the head, Trex didn't touch the money. "Thank you, Ma'am. However, we have been well paid. Enjoy your gift." He smiled and turned leading the team out of the house. As soon as the door closed he looked at Zelia shaking his head at the stupidity of it all. He scowled at her grin. "That's just...Just..." He went over and got into the wagon. "Let's go." He said disgusted. Some people just didn't make sense. Sure he was grateful for the money but really? Why would they waste that much money for something that insignificant? "As much as I like all this money," He confessed to Zelia. "I feel like we cheated them. Who really pays that much for a box of chocolate that I can get from several stores here in the Capitol?"
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