Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Seravee
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Seravee Like Lightning in a Bottle

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Lana closed her eyes as she flew. It was one of her favorite things to do, flying without sight. It allowed her other senses to take control. She could hear the rush of the wind as it whipped past her ears. She could smell the coming rain in the air, a dampness that always excited her, as she loved the raw power of a good storm. When she opened her mouth to give a shrill cry of happiness, she could almost taste the electricity in the air. And as she flew with her eyes closed, she was free to savor the feel of the breeze on her soft feathers. Her talons clenched and unclenched freely, and her tail fluttered without restraint behind her. This was what made her happiest - riding on the wind, free of trouble or worry. Nothing could hurt her here, among the clouds.

It was when Lana opened her eyes that reality came crashing back to her. Below her, her kingdom’s rolling fields seemed endless, stretching on for miles and miles. They were a blur, but no matter how quickly she flew, she was unable to hide the fact that there was something wrong with them. The fields were bare. Where tall corn stalks and lush green beens had once flourished, there was nothing but hard, broken ground. The remains of small houses and wooden farming equipment lay in piles of black ash, which had ceased its smoldering weeks ago. The sheer power and devastation of the enemy’s fire could be seen everywhere. Now the sound that spilled from Lana’s beak was not one of joy, but sheer anguish. No matter how often she flew, the sight of her kingdom in ruins always sent a new wave of anger, sadness, and frustration washing over her.

This war was by no means a new one. It had been going on for generations. Whenever the girl had asked why they were at war at all, she had been told she would understand when she was older. Now she was older, and she still did not understand. From a young age, she had been force-fed the notion that the Dracan people were the enemy. They were cruel, terrible monsters, who had somehow wronged her kind. But how? No one seemed to know anymore. It had been too long. The war was now merely a matter of principle than anything else. What was being achieved? Surely nothing that was worth the many, many lives that had been lost to the violence and subsequent starvation. The vast majority of her kingdom’s people now hid within the palace walls. Homes and fields had been abandoned. Space within the palace was scarce, and food was even scarcer. Life was unbearable for everyone. But why?

With a sudden burst of her powerful wings, Lana flew in a wide arch, turning around to head back home.
“Are you alright, miss?”

Lana did not turn away from the window that she peered out of. From her third-floor bedroom, she could still see the barren wasteland that surrounded the castle. The scene within the walls was just as heart-wrenching, as handfuls of dirty, starved Gryphos mill about weakly. Haphazard shelters have been constructed in nearly every corner of the courtyard. Lana closed her eyes, took a shaking breath, then answered, “no, I am far from alright.” She opened her eyes and shook her head, her long snow-white hair falling in her face. She made no move to brush it aside. “How could anyone be alright with our world the way it is?”

The man who stood in the doorway, one of her father’s most trusted advisors, chuckled. If he had picked up on the sharp bitterness in her voice, he did not make it known. “Do not worry yourself, your majesty. We will win this war yet. We are getting closer.”

This time, the princess spun around. Her blue eyes blazed with a terrifying fire, and the grown man took a startled step back. “Is that what your father told you? And what his father told him? That we are ‘getting closer?’ How long have we been ‘getting closer?’ How much longer will we be ‘getting closer?’” By this time, the young woman was nearly growling. “I certainly hope that you’re not feeding my people these lies.”

The man simply stared, wide-eyed, for a few seconds. She had rendered him speechless. Finally, “what could have possibly led to such an outburst? Are you not well? Perhaps I should speak to your father about this.”

Lana gave a dark laugh. “And you fear I am not well? He is the ill one! Ever since my mother died. I don’t think he even knows what goes on around him these days. He is not fit to lead anymore, let alone give me life advice.”

“Are you saying that you could do a better job of leading?” He demanded.

“Yes,” she shot back, “I suppose I am!”

With a disgusted grunt, the man turned on his heel and stomped away, slamming her bedroom door behind him. Now alone, Lana turned back to the window. The harsh reality stared back at her. She held her breath for a moment, then let it go with a choked sob. Her uncharacteristic outburst had drained her, but it was a long-time coming. Something needed to change. If no one else would do it, she would have to. Slumping down onto the edge of her bed, she dropped her head in her hands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iluvatar
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Iluvatar The British

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alata gathered up his scrolls. They were light, but awkward to move around. If only he had a page, or a manservant, to help him. But no. Few had such luxuries now. For his entire life, 61 long years, the world had revolved around the War. The conflict with the Dracans. Those shape-shifting reptilian people in the East of the continent. Those that breathed fire.

Shrugging off the thoughts, he resigned his mind to quiet, inward contemplation. It was not meditation as such, but it helped focus his thoughts and clear his head. For this, he could snatch minutes of peace before attending a Council meeting, or an announcement, or some young cub whining at him for his knowledge.

It was in this state of mind that he noticed a fellow advisor storming past. Alata pondered this, passing the thought hither and thither through his mental hands. It dawned on him, somewhere deep in his consciousness, that this was an odd occurrence - especially as he had been approaching from the direction of Princess Lana's chambers.

Sighing, he shook himself fully awake. There was clearly something amiss going on - the Princess was well known for he calm, peaceful nature. Thrusting his scrolls into an alcove, he shifted into his gryphon form and flitted down the hallway, clawed feet barely touching the ground. His silvery tail swung back and forth, and his wings glinted white in the light of the sun. Within a minute, he was at Lana's door.

Returning to human form, he raised his fist and knocked gently on the door, then stepped back and folded his hands against his silver robe respectfully. What was wrong with the Princess?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SanaChan
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The crunch of the packed dirt under her boots was easily familiar, it was about the only thing that was consistent with the surroundings. It didn't really matter in the end whether it was familiar or strange, she was told to be here. Of course, to her annoyance, there was no real order about why she was here, she was just told to report here. She sighed as she came to a stop, crossing her arms as she faced in to the open fields. She was close to the border, or whatever the heck was left of that, so she figured there would be at least something going on, but she was standing in the middle of an old war zone- long since abandoned and therefore not interesting. She took a deep breath, heaving a heavier sigh than before.
"What in all the sake of that which is sane is the point of sending me here?" she mumbled, sitting down on the ground after untying her sheath from her waist, laying it on the ground next to her. She had travelled by foot since her dragon form was the furthest thing from subtle, but she had moved with great haste to follow her orders and report to her post, "But there's nothing here to report to...." she looked around again, "There's something that I'm supposed to be doing here, they wouldn't send me all the way out here for nothing," she rubbed her forehead. Right? With things as they were, there was no way they would waste her time this way right? Of course not, she wouldn't question her orders.
She stood back up, grabbing her sword again and dusted herself off before starting to walk around the area, looking for anything and everything that could possibly be her orders. She just wasn't much interested in being seen by the enemies and suspected to be trying to start something. With that "border" being basically non existent and very hard to define, there was a lot of people trying to claim that the others were trying to start skirmishes by crossing it, when they were probably actually miles from it. From what she had seen there wasn't really much a place to hide around and try and jump her to get the surprise attack. There wasn't enough left of the buildings to completely hide behind and not be somewhat obvious. Still, she was cautious to check behind them whenever she got close. No sense in being careless and getting her armor unnecessarily scathed. It was always such a bother to buffer it back out. She also occasionally threw a glance back over her shoulder to see if anyone else had ben sent her way as well. She couldn't imagine so, this wasn't exactly productive in her opinion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The caw of a crow awakens River. Sleeping on an uncomfortable log and a large bottle of last nights dinner being used as a pillow. She attempts to stand, but alas it would seem the ground was no where near, the log was actually a tree branch. Her eyes struggle to open the trace of dinner still in her system made it a rather painful process. The crow was just an arms length away, in the tree, that she was sleeping in? A gust makes her branch move and make her react to steady herself.

"Explains why it's so cold."

She stretches out the best she can on her rather firm branch? She slides to the tip and allows herself to fall down....Into a water. Due to her armor she sinks to the bottom. River wants to scream out about how cold it is, but frankly its a good thing. Now any trace of the groggy hangover has been forced from her. Bubbles of air escape from her mouth as she sighs. Her draconic strength makes it easy for her to walk about at the bottom of the lake. Likely a few more than just a few meters down, the pressure would have been too much for most to bear.

As she breaches the surface she looks similar to an undead! She moves her bangs from her face in order to look about and understand surroundings.She spies her perch, it was a branch that extended over a waterfall, a very scenic location to say the least. A sound of something pushing against her plate along with the feeling of something moving about beneath her breast plate. She opens it up allowing not only water but breakfast to spill forth, a trout, and a large one.
"Don't mind if I do."
After her meal she set out, no real objective or purpose. As River re equips her armor she questions where her Axe is. Ah well it will turn up,or at least she hopes it will. Looking up at the sky to get her bearings but the storm prevents any sort of sunlight from slipping through. River can't help but grumble as the clouds give way. She throws a fish bone at the sky before proclaiming her undying love for it.
"I hate this country."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iluvatar
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Iluvatar The British

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alata quietly withdrew his hand from the door. Clearly, the Princess was not accepting visitors just then, and from the sounds of faint sobbing, she was not ready to be confronted by anyone.

Turning to make his way back down the steep passageway, the lore master's eye fell upon a dense bunch of dried herbs. One of his own, carefully prepared bundles in case of emergency. Alata tutted as he picked it up - it was sloppy of him to mislay such a thing.

Tucking the dry stems into a fold of his robe, he re-assumed his gryphon form and began descending the staircase. He trod deeply into the thin carpet, each step carefully planned and considered - purposeful. Upon reaching the lower passage, he leaped to a high windowsill and looked out, his sharpened eyes surveying that which was invisible to his older, weakened human form. Seeking refuge from the tumults of the day, he spread his silver wings and shot into the clear sky, the fan of feathers at his tail fluttering in hi wake.

He was not to know, until much later, of that which he left behind him on the Princess's landing. A herb. A mere stem.

And burst into flower.
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