Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kalinda simply laughed, "You think I'm going to let you hurt him? You think our team will let you? Oh, you're delusional. Clearly muscle isn't everything. It helps if you have a brain able to comprehend the big words. It's so tiring talking in small words" She could withstand pain. Defiance was a defense, the only way of rebelling she had. Her suit had been striped from her, so all she had on were her shorts ad t-shirt. Her skin was pale, bruised, and covered in goosebumps. She refused to shiver, to let in any weakness from the cold.

please, god, Michael, don't come rushing in. Wait for the others. Think of a plan. Please. It's what he wants, you rushing in here she thought to herself, knowing that that would be his first instinct. She just had to hope that the others could stop him from doing it. She was more then sure they would be a part of this, they would help, and she imagined them on their way now, tracking her down, and taking Rhino down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Michael tried to go past the others in front of him the team was blocking his way, "calm down Michael you need to think straight. Please just calm down first then we can go get her." Hannah had her Han on his shoulder, he looked like a caged dog fighting between emotions, and his main train of thought. He sighed, his hand going to the necklace he had under his shirt.

Soon in a few minutes, he had calm down. "Alright alright I've calmed down," he saw the faces of relief in front of him, he sighed "alright Connor and Zach I need you to take down the guards on the inside Tory take down the guards outside and any heavy vehicles. Hannah your with me, were going to take on rhino ourselves I need you because he won't be expecting you he will think I will take the strongest of our team just stay out of charging distance."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Hannah knew her position in the team as more of a distant fighter, yet she could fight hand to hand. She still preferred using her arrows, so she nodded, "alright then" she said, "Shall we get started?" She unslung her bow from her shoulder, and held an arrow in one hand.

Kalinda let her eyes roam the room she was in, trying to find a way out, or at least a way to fight. She wasn't about to just be held here, without trying to fight her way out, not now that she knew she was just a lure. She swallowed, bit her lip, thinking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

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Michael smiled, "yes we should sooner the better." He called his suit to him, stepped into the armor once it opened, "JARVIS already located where the call can from and old abandoned were house by the Hudson with only one way in." Once they had gotten to the warehouse he gave a signal to Tory. He laughed slightly at the destruction she caused.

"Remind me never to make her angry at me," once they were inside. Connor and Zach went for the mercs inside using his shield and Zach using his hammer. They had gotten to the main area of the warehouse. "Connor Zach go find Kalinda," Zach looked at him. "What about you to?" Michael shook his head, "Zach go we can handle ourselves."

Once they were gone that's when he saw rhino charging in, "looks like you came idiot men fire." No guns went off and no reaction otherwise. "Your the idiot rhino because having a team that can calm me down is a very good asset." Rhino charged him, he activated his thrusters flying into the air and dodging his charges he fired his pulsars a few times, keeping a distance away from the man as he fired.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Tory tore through the guards and any weapons and machines that were there, showing no sign of stopping. She tore through it easily, as if it was just a child's lego set. and she turned, going back to make sure she hadn't let anything slip through. She seemed to enjoy it, but really, she was just trying to do her best to help. She followed, causing more destruction as she did so.

"Tory isn't quick to anger at friends, so you shouldn't worry too much" Hannah said as they headed inside, knocking an arrow at the ready, her others in easy reach. She fllowed after Michael, , flinching as Rhino charged in. "Oh, boy Big things fall hard" She said with a grin. She brought out an arrow whose tip would explode, and took aim, firing in seconds at Rhino, keeping back, and paying attention to what was around her.

Kalinda let out a frustrated cry as she tried and failed to rip out of her bonds, feeling the sting of the ropes cutting into her. She hissed, and twisted, working with her left hand to try and slip out the bonds. She wasn't too sure what she did, but searing pain lashed up her arm, from her hand, and she realised she'd dislocated her thumb. Which enabled her to slip her hand out the bonds. She did so, hissing through the pain. She twisted about, freeing her other hand without mutilating herself. She freed her feet, and rose.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

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Connor and Zach just got into the room holding Kalinda Connor breaking down the locked door. He sighed as he saw Kalinda standing out of her bonds, "why do we even bother." He heard the fight going on between Michael Hannah and rhino it wasn't hard to hear with all the smashing rhino was doing. "Come on let's go help the others but first we need to find Kalinda's suit."

Michael kept rhinos attention shooting at him only to make him forget about, Hannah he felt rhinos hand grab a hold of his foot, "oh no." He was pulled down to rhinos level, rhinos hand grabbing his throat m. "You lose this Michael how does it feel to feel useless that's what your little sister felt before dying in that explosion." Michael's jaw clenche in fury, "your a bastard you know that." Before he let out a blast from the arc reactor. His suit was smoking, but otherwise he was unharmed. "That was for my sister you piece of crap," with that he hauled up rhino, "you don't know how much I want to kill you right now but then that would be me stopping to your pathetic level." He dragged rhino out of the warehouse just as the cops came.

He handed rhino over to the cops, before looking behind him to see Hannah and Tory. "I'll be back out here in a few." With that he got out of his suit, and started walking toward the warehouse, going inside he came in through the other side, not the same door Connor and Zach did. "Well well well what do we have here?" Connor threw his Shield before he looked who it was. It hit Michael square in the chest, "ouch guess I deserved that for almost trying to run off on the team anyway." He was holding his chest, a smile on his face as he looked over to Kalinda, he looked unharded except for the hit Connor had did on him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kalinda smiled as Connor and Zach came into the room. "thirty seconds earlier, and I wouldn't have dislocated my thumb" She said, managing to keep the pain out of her voice, She went over to a table, grabbiing her suit, and was just putting it on over her clothes, struggling to do so with one hand, when Michael came in, seeing Connor fling his shield out, she went into a fighting stance, looking about. She was pale, but determined to fight if need be

She let out a soft breath of relief, and rose from her stance. she returned Michael's smile, but it was evident she had indeed suffered at the hands of Rhino, and she said, "Can we get out of here, please?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

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Michael nodded, he waved Connor and Zach to go outside. Once they were out Michael walked over to kali, putting his hand that wasn't around his chest in hers, before walking out of the warehouse itself. He looked at the cop car that held rhino, he let out a sigh. "It's good to know the guy that killed my old team and my little sister will be in prison for the rest of his life."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kalinda gave Michael's' hand a squeeze, holding her left hand close to her body, "You never mentioned your sister was part of the team" She said softly, looking to him, wishing she had known that. "I didn't even know you had a sister" Kalinda, being an only child, never really thought about siblings. She quickly looked about, seeing that the rest of the team were out, and all appeared okay. She saw the destruction around them that could only be Tory related. She wondered why they always ended up destroying things.

She realised something else too. They weren't safe, not apart from each other. She bit her lip, waiting for Michael to speak.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Michael shrugged, "didn't have the guts to tell anyone Emma that was her name she was on thirteen when she was killed along with the rest of my old team that's another reason I take it so hard I could've saved her and I didn't." He sighed, before leading both of them outside. He saw Natasha out there with the cops and his dad. He didn't like that, he didn't like that his father was talking to Natasha.

Michael tightened his grip on Kalinda's hand, he swallowed as they kept walking forward. His dad was the first one to spot them, tony smiled at his son. Then he saw his hand holding onto Kalinda's hand. He sighed, he didn't like this Natasha was forcing him to take away the one thing that his son had in his life that had made him happy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kalinda thought on that, and then nodded. It would have been hard, she could understand that, but not for a minute did she think it was michaels fault. She was about to say something, when she saw her mother. She froze for a fraction of a second, and then continued walking.

She didn't smile or nod or speak to her mother, until her mother went to speak. And then she said "No. Just No. My life, remember. I'm not a mini version of you, despite you wanting me to be that way. I need a place to be safe, and with my team, the people you all think that will get me killed, is where I feel safe. They're my friends, I'm happy with them, and if you make me leave them, I'll never forgive you" she refused to let herself break down and cry.

"You'll Never keep me apart from them anyway"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Tony was suprised at what Kalinda had said, "Michael listen to me she'll try and hurt you I'm trying to protect you." Michael looked at his father, "like you protected my sister not letting her have her own freedom was the reason she was killed if she wasn't curious on what other of the people had said to me she wouldn't have joined the team in the first place."

He kept himself looking strong on the outside, but he knew he was slowly falling apart on the inside. He looked from his dad to Natasha, he sighed before he finally spoke again. "Natasha your at fault yourself you don't allow Kalinda to make her own mistakes and learn from them, she's not you and she's not anyone's to control it's her life not anyone else's just like Emma's was dad but you controlled what little freedom she had then you realized your mistake to late. Both of you need to change, Natasha get out of the past stop reliving it and Kalinda is not you in many ways, dad you just need to see what's in front of you enjoy your life."

With that Michael let out a sigh, he needed something that would keep him from breaking down completely. He looked to the sky, then back at Kalinda he was vunerable. He hadn't felt like this in years for once the shield he leapt up was gone the pain and sadness showed itself from him. Still he didn't break his gaze away from her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"It's time for me to move out mum. I need to live my life. I'm old enough" she looked away from her mother, to Michael, watching as he looked to the sky and then to her. She gave him a smile, and a hug when she could see the pain and sadness in his eyes. "I'm not leaving you" she said softly to him, kissing him on the cheek,

She looked to her mother, and said softly "I love you mum, but...doing this sort of thing, helping
To keep the world safe, it's what I want to do. And being with Michael is what I want too." She looked away, not wanting to see her mothers face, to see if there was pain or grief there. Not wanting to know if she hurt her mother.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Michael looked at her, "dad I'm sorry about this but I'm going to need the tower for more than a week." His dad nodded in understanding, before Michael stepped back into his suit. Grabbing Kalinda by the waist, as flew toward the tower itself. He landed setting, Kalinda down inside before he took off his suit. He walked back up the stairs from down from the work area for his suit.

He sat down on the couch, "kali let me see that thumb of yours I might be able to fix that up for you." The old shields were back up the pain and sadness hid behind the shield itself. He sighed as he, looked out over the view of the city seeing it was getting dark. He watched as the lights of New York came to life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kalinda shifted so the wind wasn't like to rip her away, trusting Michael, she looked about, thinking that you didn't get this sort of view even on a plane. It was amazing, and it was nice to be able to enjoy it, rather the to look for any danger. She ran her uninjured hand through her hair when he set her down, and sat down. She was quite, and pensive, but nodded, and let Michael see her hand.

"I should have just waited another minute, and then Connor and Zack would have been there...it was more an accident really, then on purpose. I couldn't untie the bonds, so I was trying to loosen them, and then...pop and pain and my hand slid out" she explained, wearily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

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Michael nodded, as he quickly grabbed a first aid kit. Putting the bone where it would heal back, then getting the finger splint he always kept in there just in case he broke his fingers with his suit. He put her thumb in it and grabbing the pain killers and giving her two of the pills.

"There that should do it, just don't try and take out your thumb for at least three weeks by then the bone should have reset itself." He rubbed the back of his neck, sorry I've kinda broke my fingers more than once while I was working on my suit it's happened a few times."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kalinda withstand the manipulation of her thumb without a flinch or wince, but was grateful for the pain killers, swallowing them dry. She did wince when he told her not to take her thumb out for three weeks, and sighed "lucky then I guess that it wasn't my right hand" she said, thankful for small mercies. She grimaced after a minutes thought.

"I'm gonna have to go and get my things from home" which meant facing her mother. Kalinda was too tired for that right now, and just the thought of getting up and confronting her mother made her body scream at her. Yet she didn't doubt for a minute that she had made a good decision
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

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Michael looked at her, "actually not tonight you don't you can borrow one of my shirts along with a pair of night shorts that my friend have to me for no apparent reason he said he needed to get rid of stuff. He's about your size when he gave them to me so it shouldn't be a problem." He laid down on the couch, looking up at the ceiling, putting his hands behind his head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kalinda was thankful for that and she nodded and smiled, "that will do" she said, "a shower would be good, two days in bonds in a not very clean place, and cold didn't offer much in the way if hygiene" she said, wanting to be clean, and also see the extent of the damage to her body, from the rough handling. She yawned, thinking slowly.

"It probably won't be as long for my thumb to heal. I've always healed faster then normal" she said musingly, her voice soft and getting quieter as she spoke, her eyes closing without much though
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

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Michael was by her, her side instantly putting his hands on her shoulders. "I think you need rest first, shower in the morning kali don't over work yourself." With that he gently picked her up in his arms, heading for his room, he set her down on the bed before climbing in next to her.

"Get some sleep kali, first sleep then shower alright?" He asked her, he was tired himself but he knew she had to be way more tired than he was. He couldn't believe himself, he hadn't known Kalinda's disappearance more quickly she basically called him once everyday to make sure he was alright.
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