A short idea of what I'm looking for in a partner:

*A para poster 1-3 paragraphs will work
*Someone with decent grammar skills, you don't have to be perfect but legible is always a good thing.
*Someone who checks in regularly. We're all busy but try to check in a couple times a week at least and I'll do the same.
*If you don't want to play anymore just let me know. Again I'll do the same
*Have a decent knowledge of the canon world. (This one seems self explanatory, I know, but trust me I've had a weird issue with this in the past)
*Please be willing to contribute to the story line. I do love coming up with ideas but it doesn't help when I pitch an idea and all I get in response is "whatever you want to do"

Canon -

Harry Potter. It's really all I'm interested in at this particular moment. I really prefer OC in the canon world. Set in the future or in the past.
I love adventure settings and coming up with the plot as we go along. I'd like romance but not smut. I like playing with ideas and I do have a few starters in mind, but I'm also open to your ideas if you have different ones.

Story Ideas -

1. Set 10 years after the downfall of Voldemort. Things have grown quiet in the wizarding world, fear has slowly faded into a peaceful blur of assurance. It is widely believed that so long as Harry Potter lives, there is simply nothing to fear. Those who were outcast because of their public loyalty to the dark lord were dealt with and then promptly overlooked. Nobody seems aware of the blood that boils, those who still have a hatred for muggle borns or followed Voldemort under less public circumstances, or perhaps were able to flee when he fell as they had the first time. It was uncertain to them at first whether or not he should return again but it is now believed that he is gone for good. There are plenty out there who long to take his place. Perhaps the world isn't as safe as we'd like to believe.

(I do have others, and different variations of this one but I'd like to see if interest peaks before I come up with more)