Gunfire, screaming, pain, and flashes of people covered in blood...
Gasping I wake up to see a stone ceiling above me. Sitting up on the cot I rub my eyes. "Just a dream..." I tell myself.
Blinking a few times I start to think. What as that dream? Even before I think about that I look around the small stone cell. A sink, a cot, and a toilet are all I see other than the metal door.
a prison cell? What is happening? where am I? Looking down I see I'm only wearing white cotton drawstring pants and poorly fitted shirt of the same material.
Searching my memory I try to think what happened. All I come up with is a blank. A complete void. Starting to panic I try to think of anything. Favorite food? Nothing. Favorite color? Nothing. Name? On that one I pause for a moment.

"Lance." I say to myself. "My name is Lance." Of all my memories this is all thats left. And all I can think now is one thing. Who did this to me? And that thought brings an emotion to the surface. Anger. Standing up I walk over to the door and grab the bars. Peering through the small bar window I see a guy smoking less than three feet away.
"Hey! Where am I?!" I yell from the door. He looks over at me and starts towards the door. Now that he has turned around I notice how heavily armed he is. On his belt he has a 1911 handgun, a large knife hangs from a sheath on the other side and in his arms he is carrying an MP5 submachine gun.

"You know where you are moron." He says around his cigarette.
I feel my anger boiling at his fairly mild insult. "No, I don't I don't remember anything. What am I doing here?"
He laughs in my face at that comment. "Sure you did, dumb ass. You belong in that cell and you know it. Just go lay down and cry if it bothers you."
He says walking away from the door to stand by a pillar in the middle of the hall.
His comments did nothing to help my now well built rage.
"Let. Me. Out." I say loudly clenching the bars. He ignores me and continues to smoke. I can feel my vision go red and reason start to leave me.
"Let me out! LET ME OUT!" I start to yell shaking the bars on the door till the door rattles. I can feel heat and rage and something stirring inside me.
Through the red haze I see him flip me of and something snaps inside me. With an inhuman scream of rage I rip the door straight off the wall.
Standing there with the door in my hand most of my rage washes away in shock. Looking down at my hands I see the now twisted remains of a metal door. Looking quickly I see the guard has dropped his cigarette and is pulling his gun up to fire. Without even thinking I fling the door at him as hard as I can. He barely gets a shot off before the door slams him into the wall behind him with a loud crunch. Both the body and the door hit the ground with a thud. Everything is deathly quiet for a few seconds before my brain starts to work again.
A hundred thoughts cross my mind in seconds, but the most important one climbs to the top. I need to get out of here. I just killed that guy and made a lot of noise doing so. People are bound to show up soon. Stepping across the cold floor over to him I quickly take his belt, which not only has a handgun and a knife, but several other pockets which hopefully carry something I can use. Quickly strapping on the belt I grab his Submachine gun just in case. looking behind me a see more cell doors and darkness.
"Not going that way." I say. heading up a slight incline I come to a split at the top. Stuck to the wall on my right is a small sign that has arrows on it. One arrow points forward and says Labs block 8, Detention Area C block 7. An arrow pointing to where I just came from says Detention Area D block 9. Then I see something promising. The arrow pointing down the hall to my right says Facility Wide Storage Block 6.
"Time to find a good hiding spot." I say to myself as I start to run down the hallway to the facility wide storage area...