As Ghost listened to Grout, he smiled, he already knew this answer would come, and he also knew that this would become quite dangerous... But he believed he could be a shield for the teammembers, wich ment that there would become a bound between Grout and the others.
As for the question Grout asked him, he looked at Grout and smiled "I am sorry my friend, but I still have a lot of practice before we depart, but you on the other hand are free to go where you wish. And if you want some training, feel free to ask me any time you want"
With this said, Ghost stood up and walked downstairs, untill there were no stairs anymore. Once he saw the confused pokemon looking around him, he walked towards the Tyrunt and stopped infront of it.
"Lost my friend? For it seems you are quite confused."
Ghost placed his arms across each other as he leaned against the wall behind him, the Tyrunt looked like he didn't belonged here, but at the same time his face showed the expression that he was needed here.