Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As Ghost glanced at Ralts he grinned, for the presure he started to feel was quite sweet in his eyes. Aldo it woudn't kill Ghost, there for Ghost has saw to many battles.
As a small gesture Ghost closed his eyes, calmly focussing his aura around his body, but making sure that none would actually see it. But when Ghost felt a small breeze coming past him he smiled, so Scythe joined tha fight aswell...
Ghost stopped with what he was doing and just stood up, looking at the two. Scythe stared with an cold glance in his eyes, wich just made Ghost smile even more. This adventure could get interesting... but it would also bring allot of death with it.
"Then I shall prove to you, that none would stand in my way. I shall join aswell and show you my true strenght once the time is right"
Ghost his voice was calm... Almost too calm, wich made is scarier for the ones in the crowd, because the grin on his face was a dark one, wich only ment that he wouldn't mind taking some lives nor having blood on his hands for the rest of his life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lucy was fully prepared to completely mop the floor with the arrogant little mutt. She had done so before, and she would gladly do it again, even if it was only to prove a point. She glared at him from under her green hair, just about ready to destroy him on the spot. However, it seemed someone wanted to intervene. She felt a claw on her shoulder, she briefly glanced to see who it was. A Scyther, the one who had spoken earlier attempting to motivate everyone. He was now, attempting to have them avoid the fight. She wouldn't have even considered it, normally. However, the Riolu was apparently backing down from his challenge. A smug, somewhat dark grin spread across the small pokemons face, as she fixed her gaze onto the Riolu.

"Hmph, fine. Come along then, just don't get in my way and we'll get along fine. Challenge me again though, and I'll show you what a bad idea that is" She shrugged off the Scyther's claw, before giving him a frown. "Interfere again, and I'll dull those blades of yours." She stated all too calmly before walking off and moving to the back of the group that had gathered up front.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The air was tense around Grout, as soon as he volunteered some riolu jeered him then started to make a seen. It made Grout a little angry to be honest, so what if he hadn't fought in any major battles or any at all for that matter. But Grout would do this, he had too. If he did this maybe he could get those miners the poke they deserved. Keeping this in mind Grout stood resolute and stayed with his decision.

When the the fight calmed down the riolu, raltz, and scyther had joined the group as well which ment that as much as Grout knew there were five members of this party. Out of all of them he liked the vulpix the most. While she seemed a little wound up, most likely from having to come here against her will. But the other ones werent painting a pretty picture, the raltz was a little confrontational and the riolu was overly arrogant. The scyther hadn't really said much to garner an opinion but he seemed nice enough.

With that Grout dug his paws into the ground, waiting for the meeting to be over so he could get to know his teammates a little better. If he was gong to the mainland he had to know if he could trust them. However an embarrassing development came out when his stomach made a loud rumbling noise, the carriage had came just before feed time and he was suffering the consequences. Looking around Grout couldn't find any metal and with a sigh sat on his hunches, hoping that his rumbling didn't attract unwanted attention.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mad Scarlet
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Mad Scarlet Friend of Griffins

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Even as the last threats passed through their lips, the Cleffairy slammed her paw down on the pedestal that she stood behind. "ENOUGH!" It was enough to gain the attention of every Pokemon in the room and she knew it. "We are fighting a war on the mainland, is that not enough bloodshed for any of you?!" The room's atmosphere immediately became chilly as the Fairy Pokemon's mood took a turn for the worse. "Many of you have seen what wars have done to some Pokemon, while others of you haven't seen it's full atrocities. This team is meant to be the pride of the guild, the ones who may as well be the most heroic of the bunch, for only the brave and stupid would agree to run into the enemy's lands blindly." Many of the Pokemon that hadn't been courageous enough to step forward began to back out of the room when a Chatot motioned for them to follow if they wished to escape the Cleffairy's lecture. "Instead of acting like the warriors that we were promised, you are already acting like misbehaved school children who have no proper sense of judgement. I can tell you, Riolu, that you aren't the only one to have fought in a war, same goes to you, Raltz. There are others here who have fought their own wars and lost as well as you. No battle is greater than another's. You must be able to work as a team if you wish to restore our world to its peaceful state. Do I make myself clear?"

Blink had stood up and walked out of the room with her tails dragging against the ground after she nodded in agreement. Her anger was present, but subdued within a mask of shame. Sure, she hadn't fought in a war in comparison to the others, but that didn't mean she had lived a life of luxury and love. Even Sakura Isle wasn't immune to bandits, murderers, and smugglers. She'd fought to protect this island and had lost much of her family, but this was no time to speak of that. She we going to have to be strong if she wanted to redeem herself in the eyes of the others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ghost just glanced at the Claifery as a grin came to his lips, the claifery was right, we woudn't want to destroy ourselves when the war is somewhere else.
But how could you trust one when you coudn't even test their skills? Ghost turned around as he just took his leave, he already told them he was joining, so there woudn't be a problem anymore.
He just needed to get to his room, get ready for some excercise and get back into his old shape, for since he got to this island he barelly had any chance to train himself, he had to work on using his aura, he had to meditate, he had to lift weights and even train his fighting. There was a whole schedule inside of his head and he was getting sure to be ready before they departed.
As he made his leave, he noticed the vulpix also left the room, he just walked past her, making short eye-contact and smiled "You shoudn't worry to much, i ain't that kind of bad guy. I will protect my team with my life if i must" with those words, Ghost just kept on walking, getting to a room that would seem fit to set his camp and would get ready to work.
He started with meditation so that he could controll his aura beter, once this would be done he started to use his aura, as a weapon and shield. Those two things were the most inmportant. Using his aura as a sword and shield, he kept training this part for the rest of the day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mad Scarlet
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Mad Scarlet Friend of Griffins

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Despite the Riolu's words, Blink couldn't help but sigh as she made her way to the dining hall. Many Pokemon were already there , choosing down on the food that was gracefully provided by the merchants I. Wisp and even the Queen's winter stores. She sat down at a table by herself with a plate fully of nutritious berries, lemonade, and even a couple of scones that had been left untouched by the multitudes of non-vegetarian Pokemon. She found it odd how they would kill a lesser in order to eat meat, but then again, she'd done that multiple times when her carnivorous side started craving more than berries and shrubs. It's so strange to think that there are so many who were willing to jump into the deadliest team so quickly. Even I wasn't thinking properly when I did it, but that doesn't mean that I'm not going to back down now.

She began munching on the berries and immediately her expression perked up. It wasn't until shed taken a bite that she'd realized her own hunger. I wonder if the others realized that they could eat if they wanted to? the. She remembered the look of determination on the Riolu's face and realized that he was probably already out training. Vix chose me, because she knew that I was going to grow stronger than I already am, so I'd best keep up my training before we're sent out on our first mission.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MistressCyanide
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MistressCyanide The Poison In Your Veins

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rampage charged through the city like a predator chasing its prey though the little blue tyrunt had no target. His legs doing all the work while his small arms just moved with every step taken. This place was so busy and he had not seen many of these Pokemon before. Time to time he would stop and look around for a moment before dashing again. Of course this would scare some of the locals and anything timid. Rampage was charging through the streets so a few would jump at the site of this plus many had not seen a tyrunt before though a few would of.

Rampage: “Where is this guild, I hope I am in the right city?”

The odd colour rock Pokemon doubted himself a little, the bandana hanging around his neck reminded him of home. As he ran he started shouting.

Rampage: “Does anyone know where the guild is?”

No replies were heard so far but he did not stop shouting it out but one could see he was not from around here and that he was lost. Tyrunt was strong and had a strong will but he had no real brains because let’s face it, dinosaurs have small brains. After ten minutes of running round in circles he stopped to think and catch his breath. Maybe he would see a guild member walk by or maybe someone else who was going to the guild would walk by. As other Pokemon walked by he said.

Rampage: “Hey, hey are you going to the guild?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As everything calmed down Grout waited for most of the people to clear out, glad nobody noticed his grumbling stomach. After most of the pokemon left, Grout decided to fallow the vulpix and strike up a conversation. However that intention withered when he sensed she was a little down and then was completely obliterated when he saw all the food. There were berries, fruits, and even different kinds of metal! Remembering that it had been forever since he had any iron, Grout instantly was drawn towards it and dug in.

As Grout devoured the iron chunks that were present at the table, his thoughts went to what had happened that day. The group didn't seem very together, which he couldn't blame really since they had just met each other. But those two instantly started to but heads like the Larirons back at home before, well...yeah. Stopping his eating Grout fell into a melancholy mood and slowly didn't feel that hungry anymore. Leaving his place at the table Grout went to the training grounds, not really to train but to watch the others. It had been a long day for Grout and he just wanted to sit down, maybe he may learn something new from his teammates? With a little boost in his mood Grout made his way to the training grounds and found a nice place to sit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lucy shrugged off what the Clefairy had said. She had no doubt the others here were competent for some reason. They wouldn't be here otherwise. She was just better, and she'd prove it to anyone who didn't believe her. Besides, that smug arrogant little mutt had started it. She didn't believe that she was to blame here for the little outburst, she was just defending herself after all. Still, she knew it was better than to do something again. She'd likely get kicked off the team and then she'd never be able to prove that she was better than that smug little runt. She walked away from the group, she was still feeling a bit hungry and she smelled food in the direction she was currently heading in. When she got there, she was slightly amazed.

The room was full of food. More food than she had ever seen in her life at one time. Was this normal for other pokemon to eat so much at once? She should come here more often to get food if it was. Her stomach gave a low growl as the aroma of the food made her mouth water slightly, and she went to the nearest seat she could find, which was right next to the Vulpix that had also volunteered for the team. Without another thought, Lucine took a bite of the food, and was also amazed at the flavor. Was this what expertly prepared food tasted like? She should get herself a personal chef, because this was the best tasting thing in the history of forever. She couldn't let the food distract her though. She was sitting next to the vulpix, so she might as well try to be...friendly to her teammate. Whatever that was.

"Yo~" She greeted the fire pokemon. "Sorry about that show back there, but that arrogant mutt needed to learn a lesson." She casually stated, doing her best and failing to make light small talk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mad Scarlet
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Mad Scarlet Friend of Griffins

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Blink couldn't help but blink numerous times when the Raltz sat next to her and tried starting a small conversation. She'd almost completely finished the berries on her plate before the Raltz had gotten there and couldn't help but feel slightly ashamed of how she's snarfed the food down without a second thought. I hope I don't get fat from all of this... She thought to herself before she looked over at the fake-smiling Psychic Pokemon. She did her best to return the smile, but it was lacking its usual luster. "Nah, it's fine." She said in a cheery tone that could put to ease almost anyone that she tried to, but she had a feeling that it wouldn't work with these Pokemon. "I understand that it's hard to fight alongside other fighters, especially if they're arrogant. I've never left the Isle before, so I don't know exactly how bad it is over on the mainland. I can't even begin to imagine what it must have been like, to live over there when the Great War started."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MistressCyanide
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MistressCyanide The Poison In Your Veins

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ten minutes had passed before a Hitmonchan told the small blue dinosaur where the guild was. Rampage was not too far away, if he ran he would be there in ten minutes or so. Like a torpedo he jetted off in the direction of the guild, like a rampaging rhino he would not stop until he reached his destination and so anything in the way had to move or be hit. As he moved he passed various stalls, one which had two Kacleon and one was pink. The little dino did not get a proper look but could tell it was different from the other. Rampage also ran by many Pokemon such as Marill, Pikachu, Mankey and Abra were only a few of the Pokemon.

Some time had passed but he had finally made it to the guild, the problem was how one join and who would he talk to. Rampage stood where he stopped and looked, maybe one of the members would come up to him as he looked pretty lost at this point. He soon rocked his body letting free any dust that had been on him since he left two days ago. When he stopped his eyes watched over the place, he was finally here and he was so excited over the idea of becoming a member.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ghost was done with his meditation, as he stood up he noticed Aaron in the room, Ghost stopped for a moment to glance at the pokemon, would he be able to survive out there?
Ghost walked towards the pokemon, slowly so that he could observe him. Was there a way to make sure he woudn't die that fast? As Ghost approached the pokemon, he smiled at him.
"Do you know how to defend yourself once combat starts? Do you know how to fight? It was a normal question for Ghost to ask others, for he was used to a team that wasn't afraid to die and who would watch your back.
So if this team would have atleast a few who are willing to do so aswell, then this would atleast be a pleasent trip.
Ghost stood against the wall, waiting for his response, but at the same time also training his aura as a shield, so that he would keep to his training schedule. For once they depart, there won't be any time left to train, wich means they will fight once the first step on the mainland is set.
This would mean that Ghost had to be ready, for anything that comes at him and his team, no mather how arrogant and foolish he may seem to some, he still is a guy who would die for him team if they are in trouble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Lucky you." Lucine stated, biting into a berry. "It wasn't some place for amateurs, and it still isn't a place you want to go lightly." She was quiet for a moment. She didn't really know where she could take this conversation, since small talk wasn't really her thing. This was probably the longest conversation she had ever had with someone. Most of the time she only talked to someone when she was going to beat them to a pulp. "Uhm, I mean, it could have changed since the three months I came here, but I doubt it." She continued, though she sounded a bit uncomfortable.

"Oh yeah, the names Lucine by the way. Most call me Lucy." Somehow, introducing herself made her feel a tad bit more comfortable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Soul


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Scythe sighed, entering the dining room and glancing around. While it seemed like everyone immediately began butting heads and arguing, the Scyther simply wished for his old team back. While they were rather cold and silent, much like him sans the cold part, they functioned perfectly as a team, and their battle tactics were powerful. However, now he was in a team with a bunch of Pokémon he knew nothing about....and this was beginning to look down for the worse. The only one he knew of was Ghost, and while they each knew each other's strength and weaknesses, the same couldn't be said for the others.

"I'll have to practice with each of them." The tall, blade-wielding Pokémon whispered, grabbing an Oran Berry and flicking it into the air. His arm moved up, and a small blur occurred, before the berry fell back into his hands, sliced into dozens of tiny dices.

He began munching on the berries as he headed for the training room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Grout was enjoying the silence, just sitting there and taking it all in. Going back to the main land, it felt like almost a betrayal to him. His family sacrificed everything, even themselves to get him here and what do you know, hes going back. The melancholy was coming back in force, was he making a mistake? His train of thought was cut off when the riolu from earlier came up and asked him if he could fight.

Looking at the riolu Grout could tell that he knew that fighting was apart of what he was. Even while talking to him the guy was training a bit. Thinking it rude to leave a question unanswered, Grout said "I know how to fight, its kind of a requirement back on the mainland. But all I can really do is headbutt and body slam, I'm not going to get arms until my final evolution and for now my mouth is only good for eating minerals." With a sigh Grout knew he seemed unimpressive, its just a fact. At his current state, Grout was just better at being a shield as his iron skin would protect the smaller group members. Looking at the riolu Grout asked "I never got your name, mines Grout." with a little bit more pep than he used to have.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ghost smiled as the Aaron whos name was Grout answered his question. Ghost removed his aura around himself as he sat down on the ground, with his legs across each other.
"Grout eh... So you know how to fight, but you only know how to headbutt an enemy... This could be quite disturbing once we reach the main land... Are you fast Grout? Can you turn your body like a tornado and protect those who need it?"
Ghost closed his eyes while talking to Grout, as he probably would knew the answer that was to come...
"The name's Ghost, for once you see me, you will never be able to speak of it again"
Ghost smiled a bit evil for a moment, as he got serious again. Grout seemed like a pokemon who would dare to give his life for his team members, wich made Ghost respect the pokemon that was sitting infront of him. Only those who dare to walk trough the flames would be able to come back...
"But don't worry, only my team members would remember me"
Ghost smiled at Grout, as he also opened his eyes. They were crimson blue for a small moment, as Ghost was checking out Grouts aura, this was always something that would happen when Ghost used his aura. It was something that Ghost even got used to, as some would even be scared for a small while, for his eyes also change back to their original colour.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mad Scarlet
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Mad Scarlet Friend of Griffins

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rune_Alchemist said
Lucine stated, biting into a berry. She was quiet for a moment. She didn't really know where she could take this conversation, since small talk wasn't really her thing. This was probably the longest conversation she had ever had with someone. Most of the time she only talked to someone when she was going to beat them to a pulp. She continued, though she sounded a bit uncomfortable. Somehow, introducing herself made her feel a tad bit more comfortable.

Blink stared at the Raltz for a long moment before she realized that the Psychic Pokemon would probably want an answer. She smiled, this one a true smile, and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lucy." She then extended a paw out to her and tilted her head slightly to the side. "I'm Blink." She could sense the discomfort in the other Pokemon gradually fading. Her aunt had often had her go in to try and talk to bandits and thieves, the petty ones, and most of the time they would give themselves up because of the calm demeanor that she dispelled. She was small and didn't look like much of a threat to them, so if they tried to run, then she knock them out within the 'blink' of an eye. "I was formerly part of my aunt's guild called Burnt Out."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MistressCyanide
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MistressCyanide The Poison In Your Veins

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

After a while the odd coloured tyrunt made his way into the building. He had heard he had to talk to the guild master but who was the guild master? Like a Sharpedo he launched himself down the hallway looking out for someone who looked like the guild master. This was all new to him and if it was not for the team that turned up at the Fossil Canyon he would never of thought of being a ranger. As he roamed he passed various Pokemon though he got a few looks. He went all over the place but soon found himself in the dining room where a bunch of other Pokemon were. His dashing had stopped as he looked around the room. Maybe on of them could help him.

Rampage: "Hello, do any of you know what a guy has to do to get on the team? I am new to this, really I should be back at the very hard to find Fossil Canyon but when I saw a team who came by I thought about being one, they were so cool."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"A guild huh?" Lucy said, not seeming to acknowledge Blink's paw, and instead took a bite out of her food. To be expected, she guessed. Most pokemon would probably be from a guild, unlike her. She didn't need to rely on others like they did. She had always done just fine by herself, and she always would. Though, if they were going to be working together, it might benefit her to try a little harder at this...'teamwork' thing.

"Never been a part of one myself. Always been on my own. Out there on the mainland, trusting someone is the easiest way to get hurt...or worse." She continued, her tone taking a somewhat dark turn, as if she had personal experience in this matter. She turned her head away from Blink as she continued. Why was she acting all friendly with this Vulpix? She didn't know her, she was probably just acting all friendly to gain her trust so she could use it later. "Why am I even talking to you? We aren't friends or anything. I could care less about you." She rather harshly thought aloud. She stood up from her seat, obviously done with this conversation. She hadn't meant to say that, not out loud anyways, but she did mean it.

"You have someplace quiet around here where I won't be bothered?" She asked, somewhat suddenly, ignoring the loud Tyrunt that had just barged into the room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
Avatar of Pathfinder

Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

After hearing Ghost's little speech, Grout was wary of this pokemons sanity. Just a little bit. But he was asked a question so he felt like he had to answer it. Looking in Ghost's eyes, Grout said "No, I'm not very fast. I'm an aron, we aren't made for speed. I just roll with the punches and try to dish out more than I take." Grout knew it wasn't a great stratagy but it was the only one he knew. Besides, when he evolves he will become even tougher just like mom.

Speaking up again, Grout said "I don't just fight either, I'm a miner. Its probably why I was brought here in the first place, I'm one of the best diggers on the island." With a puff of pride Grout was sure it was true, the only diggers he knew of that were better than him were purely ground types so they had an advantage in that area.

With a growl of his stomach, Grout realized that he was still hungry and with his bad mood lifted it wouldn't impair his hunger like it did before. Standing up on his feet, Grout asked the weird warrior if he would join him for dinner. This would probably be the last decent meal they will have in a long time, might as well enjoy it while they can.
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