Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Alright, here she is. Lemme know if I need to clarify or change anything!

Escalating? My dear Digizel, this is Rael's attempt to diffuse a situation.
I'll start working on spinning up a CS then and get it up in the next few days
Hello there, friendo

Long time Fairy Tail fan. I may perchance be interested in spinning of a character if there's still room here?
Lady Norinthall

Seems these people here had a sizable force to work with. Or at least, a small handful of folks that could actually get things done if they wanted too. It still seemed rather silly for them to claim to make the all of Tir Na Ong to disappear, though. Before she could get a good sense of what was going on otherwise though, she was approached by a rather aggressive looking Dragonborn that was behaving more like an agitated cat than a dragon. Seems anyone outside of Sigil seems like they really needed to learn their manners. Well, what did she expect from country folk? It was a good thing she was an understanding and magnanimous noble that wouldn't take overt offense to such things.

"Ha...I'll forgive your rudeness since I'm a magnanimous noblewoman." Raella harrumphed. She'd wave her hand loosely, channeling her magic through her heirloom. Perhaps a small show of good will would make them more willing to talk? "So allow me to introduce myself. Lady Raella Norinthall of House Norinthall of Sigil, and I was on my way to Tir Na Ong to peruse their library, but what do I find when I get here? Its gone, and it seems like your merry band of ne'er-do-wells are taking credit for it." Raella was not intimidating by this dragonborn in the slightest, though whether that was a smart thing or not remained to be seen. The campfire that they were trying to start would suddenly light. A simple matter for her, really Prestidigitation was infinitely useful. "I came to verify the authenticity of those claims. You can thank me for the campfire, as well any time you want."
Route 5

As fast as Munchlax and Lileep respectively were, Richard didn’t have to worry much about them getting in the first hit as he’d make a tactical team replacement. Snivy was called back just as the opponents Lileep starting making its Confuse Ray, the ominous dark colored light forming above the Lileeps face.


Just as the Lileep started to fire it off, Munchlax had managed to make its way to the Lileep, opening its mouth as a large tongue would roll out from its mouth. The grass type was knocked aside slightly, the trajectory of the confuse ray completely missing Richards pokemon as it was sent out onto the field, helped by being released away from the fight.

“Tch…a miss….” Bea frowned, and Montgomery’s Pawniard made an attempt to close the distance, but would find itself unable to move as its muscles spasmed from the paralysis. “Lileep…how about we give them a taste of their own medicine.”

“Pawniard-!” Unable to move, Pawniard stared down Sara as Richard gave it its next instructions. There was little the paralyzed Pawniard could do. As the first Mudshot slammed into it, the Pawniard would attempt to lessen the damage done to itself, blocking it with its blades, but ultimately it would still be knocked aside, dirt and mud on its bright red body as it would struggle to get back to its feet.

“A-ah! Munchlax!”

“Hm. Montgomery. This battle is not going well.” Bea rather coldly spoke up even as her Lileep would wrap its vines around Munchlax, squeezing the last bit of HP out of the other pokemon.

“You’re tellin’ me. Guess this is what I get for not bringing the big guns, eh…”

“I told you we should have, but no, you didn’t want to cause a scene.”

“Okay, you did well, Munchlax…Verdue! You’re up again!” Laurel would recall her Munchlax, quickly sending out her Sprigatito once again.

Route 3

The Paras seemed suspicious. They’d surround Camila in half a circle, their angry little eyes suspiciously considering the human intruding upon their little home. They eyed the phone with the same amount of suspicion, until they saw the picture at least. Their beady little eyes softened lightly. One started tapping on the pokedex’s screen.

“Hey-hey claws off you grubby little bug.”

Understandably, Camphor’s voice chimed in, not sounding terribly pleased with the turn of events. The group of Paras seemed interested in the pokedex itself.

The Ledyba poked their heads up, a little curious about the apparently non-violent commotion.

Secluded Grove

“Bubu~!” Feeling energized by the reaction from Isla, the Budew would do what could only be described as laughing. Perhaps, it thought they were playing? Either way, as Dancing ran towards the Budew, it would keep its smiling expression as the larger than average pokemon would simply do something, perhaps, a bit unexpected. Anticipating an attack of some sort, the surprisingly fast Budew would twirl on one of its little feet like a little ballerina intent on avoiding Dancing entirely.

If it was a distraction Dancing was causing, it would work, somewhat. The Budew wasn’t expecting a blanket to be tossed towards it. The moment the blanket fell on top of it, the Budew, at first, didn’t react. It would sit there on the ground for a few moments.

Before yellow colored spores started seeping out from under the blanket and parts of the blanket started ballooning in some areas as the Budew released Stun Spore enmasse. Meaning, anyone going near it, was going to likely suffer some side effects of paralysis. It looked like the Budew was slowly trying to wiggle its way out, too, clearly not to pleased with having a blanket tossed on it. That said, attacking it directly might be a bad idea since it had its stats fairly significantly buffed by Growth...
North Team

That, was not the answer she had been hoping for. Yes, she knew they should kill grudges, but shouldn't they have some sort of gameplan? Some sort of battleplan? A complicated plan with backups upon backups and fail safes? Things never went to plan. Or actually, was this a Shounen? Or the genre well the only plan was just look cool and beat up bad guys with the power of friendship like a sentai or magical girl setting? Her expression outwardly would remain neutral, but internally she was a mess, though that wasn't anything new.


The sudden appearance of the Grudges caused her to let out a quite unserious and uncool sounding squeal. Oh dear that wouldn't do at all.

"A-ahem, Oh, its just a grudge...just a grudge...small fries-weh!?" Chiori would have only a few moments to react as a grudge almost pounced on her. Almost reflexively, a large mallet would slam into the grudge from the side, the impact reverberating loudly as the creature was batted away like a harmless fly. She had practiced making sure she could summon the weapon quickly nearly every day once she had gotten it. Good thing, apparently.

"...whew...okay. Good. Safe. At least the rabbit ears are cute..." Clearing her throat, and lightly touching her new rabbit ears, she'd bounce after Hikari. Hopefully, Hikari hadn't seen her being totally uncool. "Right. Lead the way, boss."
Route 5

Luna, was just a tiny bit faster than Pawniard. Luna stood her ground, eyes narrowed and glowing red at a terrifying attempt to paralyze the Pawniard. Focused on the grass type as it was, it wasn’t able to dodge! The Pawniards body flinched and convulsed lightly as the paralysis took hold and both slowed the pokemon down and impeded its movements.

“Heh, good move kid, however,” Pawniard seemed entirely unfazed by the paralysis otherwise. As close as the Pawniard had already got, she couldn’t flee and use the Lileep as a shield, either. It carried through with its fury cutter, hitting Luna square across her face. “Pawniard won’t be fazed by something like that. Another fury cutter, Pawniard!”

The Pawniard Sharpened its blades. Luna couldn’t take another one of those attacks.

“Lileep, Confuse ray on that Snivy.”

“Munchlax, Lick on that Lileep-try and interrupt that Confuse Ray!"

Stellar Toy Factory
@Vertigo@XxFellsingxX@Crusader Lord@Savo

Taking off after her partner, Chloe would find herself dashing across the now quiet factory floor. Many of the pokemon had already run off from the commotion save for a few Magnemite still nearby, though they weren’t what Snubbull was chasing. Dashing through the ajar door, it looked like the room was some sort of old storage space. Shelves lined with old, forgotten plushies and other toys along with boxes and a few other miscellaneous items strewn about.

It seemed fairly quiet, but dark. Seemed the light had been out in here for quite a long time. There didn’t seem to be anything here, though -

Suddenly one of the piles of boxes fell over, nearly falling on Snubbull. A bunch of pikachu plushies fell out of the boxes as well. In fact, much of the plushies in the room seemed to be pikachu. Their eyes seemed to vaguely glow red as though they were watching her…

Something was definitely in this room, somewhere…

Jill arrived soon after, followed by Clarissa. The appearance of the other two though, didn’t make this room any less foreboding feeling. Or warmer. This place was noticeably cooler than the rest of the factory.

Clarissa’s pokedex started buzzing loudly before there was a loud crackle noise heard from it. Rotom still getting cozy in the device, perhaps.

Route 3

The pokemon, would choose the third option.

The Ledyba, upon seeing Camila would all give a collective cry of surprise. A somewhat sour scent filled the air as the entire flock of Ledyba took off from the tree, flying away from the startling strange human that had approached. They’d move deeper into the forest, just out of sight. A few of the perhaps braver ones would huddle together on a tree further back, eyeing Camila warily.

The paras, though, would choose the ‘fight’ option. A few of them scuttled towards Camila. Seemed like the Paras may be protecting the Ledyba? Perhaps thats what they were trading those berries from earlier for…

Secluded Grove

The Budew paused for a moment in its basking of the water and the sunlight. It regarded Isla sneezing with some seeming amusement before shaking its body again. The flower bud on its head opened a bit more. In a flurry of motion with a little ‘puff’ sound and motion, an orange cloud of spores were released from the Budew’s body and directly at Swiper. It had just used Stun Spore on Swiper!

“Swiper was Paralyzed!

There was no doubt about it now at least, the Budew had taken Isla’s supposed goodwill and had apparently used it to make itself stronger by using Growth and Stun spore before Isla even realized what it was doing.
Lady Norinthall

"Sheltered rich kid-!?" She was only one of those things, and it certainly wasn't sheltered! "I have plenty sense of humor! It would have been hilarious if you'd have just gotten tossed into that lake and did your best impression of a mermaid! For me at least. Not for you." Raella sighed, frowning. Well, whatever. This little halfling was lucky he was agile enough to avoid her little friend, but whatever. She'd have thought to pester him more, but the information he had given was actually quite useful.

Tir Na Ong?

Vanished? A week ago?

"...you don't seem like you're lying..." Raella fell silent, frowning as she'd hold a hand to her chin. "...It vanished? Truly? Well, then that's a problem." Where else was she going to find the library at? Not to mention well, the other problems involved if Tir Na Ong truly did vanish. What could make a city where gods lived just vanish?

The thought alone made her just slightly concerned.

"Well, thank you for the info." Motioning for her servant to follow while passing along 2 gold coins to the halfling. "For your trouble. Don't say I'm not reasonable." She'd make her way over to the tent he had pointed too. Might as well see who was claiming to have done this and see if there was any truth to the matter.
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