Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Sunlight slowly filled the air as morning dawned in the cloudless, deep blue Colorado sky. And with the sun, and his alarm clock, rose Daniel Saddler, groaning as he rubbed his eyes from the late night that he had had just before. Still, he had a job to do and it needed to be done, though he did have a bit. From the bed with quickly smoothed sheets, he skipped a shower, instead patting his face down with a wet towel and looking himself over in the mirror. He wasn't that bad, he admitted, sharp lines and stubble at just the right length to not need shaving. A comb ran through black hair before he put on a tuxedo, grumbling at the bow tie. He was tall, not gaunt, but thin, and he did say he cut a striking figure in a suit with green eyes and a bright grin.

A quick breakfast later, and he emerged from the small trailer that currently made up his home, into the grounds of the traveling circus he currently accompanied. Others were getting up as well, preparing for the day ahead, and he nodded, smiled, and said hello to each in turn as they crossed his path. Admittedly, they didn't know who he was, courtesy of the fake id, the latest in a series of several, that said his name was 'Gabriel Winchester'.

He stopped in front of his tent to erect the sign that proclaimed his name, and stepped inside to prepare. He chuckled at the irony of it all, of an actual mage doing magic tricks. It was why he was here after all. A few months ago he had begun to manifest these strange abilities, first subconsciously but eventually learning to control it, unbelievable things that certainly helped him escape when the black sedans and men in black suits showed up outside his home in Michigan. Eventually he'd found his way to the circus and now traveled with them.

It was a quick tidying up before he settled in, the sun climbing as the circus at the edge of town was opened up to all, to see and behold, and he waited for his first show time, wondering what the day would hold.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xRobynx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

“C'mon! We are gonna be late!”

“I'm coming!,” she called back as she ran the brush once more through her long fiery hair before placing it back on the side of the sink. With a sigh a quick roll of her eyes she emerged to find Chelsea tapping her foot with yet another pair of shoes she could not recognize.

Chelsea was her best friend throughout the latter of her school days but how exactly they became so close either could describe. They were complete opposites of each other in almost every way. Chelsea, an energetic and bubbly girl with a knack for all things fashion. She was never seen wearing the same thing twice. Alexis on the other hand, was a bit more reserved in nature and spent more time tending to the family farm than living in the social limelight. This time, however. Chelsea would not let that happen. She planned to drag her, whether willingly or kicking and screaming, to this event. Of all events, a circus.

Chelsea shook her head as Alexis emerged dressed in her normal garb, denim jean and a tanktop, today's color was blue.

“All this time and I haven't taught you how to dress yet?”

She waved it off with a small grin, “You'll think that after you step in a surprise in those new shoes. Why you so dressed up anyway? You're dragging me to a circus, not Denver.”

“You never know who you might meet.”

Alexis shrugged. She supposed that could be true, but regardless, they were going to a circus, not a nightclub. Either one ranked equally low on her priorities list. She sighed, giving one last thought of bringing her book along, but somehow she knew Chelsea wouldn't have it. She strode almost defeated to the truck.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

They arrived and from the outside it was everything Alexis could've expect it to be. It smelled much like the cattle back home, only this time it would be elephants, tigers, and lions in lieu of the modest bovine. Chelsea turned her nose up only slightly, she had gotten a bit used to the smell after visiting Alexis's house so much, but it still was not something she enjoyed. They emerged from the old truck and started towards the commotion.

Alexis could feel the warm sun beating down on her slightly tanned skin. Tanlines of misaligned straps of her tanktop would give up the secret of her normally fair nature. Her hair was long and as of now untamed. A steady breeze, while feeling great and refreshing across her skin, made her reconsider not braiding her hair today.

At least it wouldn't blow around so much, she thought.

As they waited in line for their tickets Alexis pulled back some stray hair behind her ear but something caught her attention in the parking lot. Two black cars were parked in the far back of the lot, surrounded by what seemed to be three, maybe four men in black suits.

“Who are they?” She asked Chelsea, who now turned and using her hand for a visor looked at the odd sight.

“I dunno. Security? Can't let those animals get loose!” Chelsea brought her hands up as though she was retracting claws.

“Yea...” Alexis responded, “Security...” Alexis wasn't convinced, but had no better hypothesis of her own.

They bought their tickets and went inside.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Inside was cheerful and bright with all manner of signs with wacky fonts and vibrant colors advertising all sorts of attractions: the world's strongest man, real magic tricks, acrobats, the amazing fire eating man, to name a few.

None particularly jumped out at her, but it would seem she didn't have a say in the matter, Chelsea grabbed her by the hand as they started from booth to booth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Daniel waited, watching the fairgoers as he prepared his acts, tent slowly starting to fill at it neared 9:30, the first time for his show. Hey, he didn't set the times, he just performed at them. as it was, he stayed mostly out of sight, preferring to let street callers or the sign out front do the work for him. He would much rather talk to people afterwards and get their impression, and let his tricks speak for themselves.

Soon enough it was time, and he took a last sip of water before stepping out, wearing a hat and cutting the picture of a stereotypical magician. "Hello one and all. Thank you for being here today," he said, beaming and casually scanning the crowd. Admittedly, this wasn't amazing, a modest tent with a couple bleachers so people could see, but it was better than nothing. No parlor tricks here, not today. Well, okay, maybe one or two, but you could hardly blame him.

"Magic, is a wonderful thing," he began. "After all, how else would I be able to do this?" He snapped, and suddenly a flame burst to life on the tip of index finger, like the flame from a candle, though his hand was not clenched, instead pointing straight up as he paced about to casually display this to the audience. "I expect you all think so as well, which is why you're here today. Well, you won't be disappointed." He raised his finger, tipped his head back and swallowed the flame. There was a pause for a few seconds as he took a deep breath, before breathing out, a rush of flame filling the air like a professional fire breather, except without a torch.

It dying away, he rubbed his eyes as smoke leaked from his mouth, earning a cough or two from the magician. "Apologies there. I must have had too much spicy food from the Cajun booth." Okay, so he wasn't a master. deal with it. This went on a bit, a bit of knife throwing, pulling rabbits out of hats, the standard magical fair, before he wheeled out two full size boxes, those ones you would see in shows that were separated into three segments. "Now then, I need two volunteers," he said happily, looking over the crowd for suitable candidates.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xRobynx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

More or less being dragged by Chelsea she had little choice but to follow. They would first stop and Chelsea felt the need to read every brightly colored sign put in her path. Alexis, however, remained unimpressed.
Chelsea stopped affront the booth of magic tricks labeled, "The Amazing Gabriel Winchester." She looked back at her friend who was less than passionate about this endeavor. She huffed and placed her hands on her hips, "You are so boring! You know that?" Alexis could feel the annoyance in her words.
"Okay, okay...:" She said defeated as her friend lead her inside.
~ ~ ~
Inside the tent was small and at least fifteen degrees hotter than the outside and no breeze to take the edge off. On one side was a small set of bleachers, it reminded her of the ones the choir used at school, just a few rows deep. On the other side sat the stage. The setup was modest at best, albeit Alexis had no other circus experiences to compare it to. Chelsea, on the other hand, apparently did. As they took their seats on the front most bleacher Chelsea leaned into her and whispered, "This is a lot smaller than the last one I went to."
Alexis was about to respond when Mr. Winchester appeared onstage.
The man on stage was a young man. He was dressed in a nice tuxedo to which she could only imagine how hot he had to be in such a thing. His features were pleasant, his hair jet black his face speckled with a little stubble and his eye green as the crop this time of year. Chelsea leaned over to her again, "Hey, at least he's cute."
Alexis shook her head but couldn't help but allow a small snicker to escape. Chelsea changed crushes as much as she did shoes. She quickly went quiet as the man began to speak.
"Hello one and all, thank you for being here today."
He proceeded to his act. The first trick was him dancing a flame off the end of his finger, he later proceeded to eat it. Alexis stared in amazement at this trick, her blue eyes widened. Chelsea even began to notice. "Suppose his finger is fake?"
Alexis wasn't sure, "I guess. I really don't know."
The rest of the act went by filled by smaller, and much less spectacular, parlor tricks. For some reason she was still stuck on the flame trick.
 How did he do it? I mean, it was just an illusion right? I can't- her thought process was cut off by Chelsea forcing her hand into the air along with her own. Alexis snapped back now realizing her hand was in the air and what it meant. "Chels!" she protested in a forced whisper.
"It'll be fun," she insisted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Daniel's eyes swept the crowd until they settled on the girl waving in the crowd, holding her friends up as well. She certainly seemed eager, if her friend didn't, and he was willing to oblige them. They'd really enjoy this trick, though there were no pyrotechnics in this one. "How about you two then," he said, gesturing to Alexis and Chelsea. He brought them forward and to the center of the open spot, between the two boxes that were thus closed.

"So, what are your names then," he asked The answer received, he grinned. "Well, it is a pleasure to meet you. Now then, follow me Chelsea." He led her separate from her friend to the box on the right, Flashily, with her standing off to the side, he opened the box, to reveal a black interior lined with hundreds of sharp, glittering spikes. That earned a chagrined look from the magician as he turned to face the crowd. "Oops, sorry. Wrong trick." A quick flip of the lever in the back of the box caused the spikes to withdraw, and he opened it fully so she could step inside.

"Are you comfortable," he asked as he closed each of the three sections, still displaying her head for the moment. "I know it can get a tad cozy in there." Her done, he led Alexis over to the other box and did the same, though this time no spikes awaited inside. From there he went about the trick. The top portion of both boxes were closed, their faces hidden and he ran between the two, tapping each with a produced magic wand and spinning them about before he revealed the trick itself, sliding front panels open to reveal their heads and legs, but with their torso's switched. He then proceeded to close them again, and reveal that their legs had flipped. Then both their torsos and legs, with the boxes slanted so both girls could see their bodies apparently with the others head, though they could still feel them as if nothing had moved.

Then the piece d'resistance, one that was draining on him, and why he had saved it later in the show. He closed the boxes fully, spun them in place once, and then opened them. Yet this time, their bodies were back in their original spots, but their heads had moved. It actually seemed to the to girls that their heads were now in different spots, though they could feel them attached to their bodies still. He let them wonder and the crowd applause for a few seconds, before closing the boxes and opening them fully, to reveal both Chelsea and Alexis, their forms intact.

He led them to the center stage and bowed, smiling to the crowd the while. "How about a round of applause for these two, eh," he said, and the crowd reciprocated. He then let them take a seat as he moved on, a few more mundane tricks separating him from his big finale. Now this, this would be fun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xRobynx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

There was no time to protest any further. Mr. Winchester's eyes fell upon them and he called them forward. While Chelsea was no stranger to being the center of attention, it certainly was breaking ground for Alex.

“So, what are your names then?” he asked.

“Chelsea,” she answered with a pep in her voice.

“...Alexis,” she responded as her face flushed at the thought of being on stage.

He lead them each to a box of their own. Chelsea's box seemed full of metal spikes which he quickly retracted with a sheepish remark. For that brief second, however, Alex might have just been okay with enclosing her in a spiked box. First she dragged her to a circus, and now she put her up against one of her worst of fears, stage-fright. All eyes were on them, or hopefully Chelsea, she thought.

Gabriel lead her to a similar box opposite of her friend, no spikes this time. A welcome sight given the circumstances. He enclosed her inside just as he did Chels, and proceeded with his trick. Alexis had to admit this trick was a good one, and the fire from the finger trick had her pretty intrigued. The trick seemed to move parts of their body around between them. It was a convincing illusion that had Alexis stumped, maybe even showing a bit of concern in her features. Chels, on the other hand, just enjoyed.

They were finally put back together and allowed to return to their bleacher seats. Alexis had never wanted to be sitting on a bleacher so bad in her life. She let out a long breath, almost as if she had held it the entire time. Chels gave her a small nudge.

“See? I told you it would be fun. I saw the awe in your eyes.”

Chels was right. She was amazed. How did he do it? A magician never reveals his tricks. Yet, she was no stranger to tricks either in her own right. Granted, she had no idea how they worked just as much as she was clueless on these, but it hardly meant the two were related. Did it? Surely not! Alex focused hard as she continued watching.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Gabriel paid little heed more to the two girls who had been his volunteers, though their separate reactions had been interesting. He almost felt bad for Alexis, but then again he figured that getting outside of one's comfort zone was never a bad thing. But enough woolgathering, it was time to go on with the show, after he had a drink of water.

A few more tricks paved the way before he moved on to the last big one, the finale, of sorts. "Now, have you ever wished you could be in two places at once," he asked as he set up a black curtain in the center stage, it currently drawn so they could see there was nothing behind it. "I know I do. An extra pair of hands, able to be in two places at once, someone to remember where I put my car keys. Well, okay, maybe not that last one." He spun about and closed the curtain behind him in swift motion. "Well, fortunately, magic lets me do just that."

This was a difficult trick, one he'd been working on for a while, and it would be draining as all hell, but it would be worth it. Hopefully. He stepped back and behind the curtain, emerging on the other side. "Here's one..." And a few steps behind him emerged another him, an exact copy, down to his suit and hair, emerged on the other. "...And here's two." they met in the middle, turning to look at each other and the crowd.

"Hello me," one said. "Hello me," said the other as they shook hands. "Lovely crowd, don't you think?" "Yes I do. I think they want to see a few more tricks though."

"Well, we can do that. Pull my finger." The one on the right did as such, pulling on the others index finger, and held it up for the crowd to see, while the other displayed his palm to show he wasn't hiding a digit. "Don't lose it," he said with a chuckle. "I won't. Here you go." the finger was reattached before the one on the left moved back and tore the curtain down, right off the stand it was on.

"Until next time," he said to his copy. "Wave goodbye to the people." His copy did so before being wrapped in the curtain, black material hiding his form, and when Daniel whipped it away, nothing was there, and no sign of a trap door either.

"Thank you, thank you. You're too kind," he said with a grin, a flourish, and a bow, letting the applause wear out before ending the show. "Thank you one and all for coming. I hope to see you again." It over, he went for the water bottle. Man, that had been as bad as he thought. But he'd done it, and it would only get easier from there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xRobynx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Continuing on with the show Mr Winchester would go into his finale. What a finale it would prove to be. The magician would make a copy of himself appear on stage, even to the point of one of them pulling one of the other's finger off. Alexis sat spellbound as did most of the crowd. This could not have been a simple illusion. It just wasn't possible!

As the show ended the crowd clapped, Alexis was no exception. She had a sneaking suspicion of what was going on, but wouldn't dare speak a word of it. Not that anyone would believe her anyway. She quickly formulated a small plan, maybe it would answer her question.

As the crowd began to filter out the small exit the fresh breeze once again hit her, reminding her of the much more pleasant atmosphere that awaited her outside. That, however, could wait, at least for this moment. Alexis watched as the mysterious Mr Winchester reached for the bottle of water to which he had consumed most throughout the duration of his performance it would be nearly empty, at least at that moment.

With only a few seconds of thought the bottle once again filled with water, cold and refreshing, a stark contrast to the air inside.

Chelsea began to pull at her, “C'mon, the world's strongest man will start soon, then its off to the big top!”

Alex didn't seem in a hurry. She was slow to walk to the exit and was the last in the line to leave, wanting to know if her suspicion had been justified. She couldn't help but glance over with a bit of anxiety as the illusionist walked towards his bottle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Daniel didn't notice the exchange, much less what Alexis did, and he reached down and grabbed the water bottle, raising it to his lips and taking a deep drink. Then it hit him, and his brow furrowed in confusion as he pulled it away to look at it. It was cold. and nearly full. That wasn't how it had been five minutes ago, so what had happened. He would say it didn't make any sense, but suddenly it did.

He looked about as he raised it to his forehead, letting the cold seep in and cool him down. It was this train of thought that brought him to see Alexis at the end of the line, and he grinned and waved from where he was, like what had just happened was the most natural thing in the world. He probably should have shown more surprise, but it was hard to do so when it was most obviously magic. Indeed, the most surprising thing was there being another mage around here somewhere, the only trouble being finding them. But that could wait, as he shed the upper part of his suit down to his dress shirt, to reduce layers as he put everything away from his show.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xRobynx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The magician lifted the bottle to his lips and took a drink. It seemed to take him a moment before he realized that something about it had changed. For a second he looked confused but Alex could see it all piece together in his mind. That much was obvious in his eyes. He looked up at her with a smile and a wave seemingly undisturbed by what had just occurred. Chelsea pulled her outside impatiently.

“Take a picture, it'll last longer, ya know.”

She huffed, “Its not that!”

“Then what is it then?”

Alex didn't reply, she couldn't think of a witty comeback and conceded to defeat.

“Someone finally catch your eye?”

Alex found it easier to just play along versus try to explain what really occurred, “What can I say? I like green eyes.”

“Well I've known you for 5 years and never once have I heard that.”

She felt her lie beginning to unravel. “The big top?” she asked.

“Of course,” she responded leading the way inside.

Inside it was only a few degrees warmer then outside but this crowd was much larger. The crowd was so large in fact it forced them to sit in the back. This was all fine by Alex, but Chels wasn't as okay with it.

“Can you save my seat?” Alex asked as she stood up, “I'm going to get a sno-cone.”

“ 'Kay,” she replied, “but hurry or you might miss the beginning.”

Jumping down from the bit taller bleacher she ducked and weaved through the crowd towards the sno-cone line. The line was slow, much slower than any sno-cone line should be. Alex spent only the briefest moment of her time looking at the menu, she knew what she wanted, and merely waited.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Daniel sighed as he downed more of the water bottle, glad for whichever kind mage had done that. He had his suspicions of course, but there was no way to test that, and in a way this might be better, so they weren't drawn into the chase or the life or whatever. Two of them in one spot would only draw more attention. For now, he just focused on recovering in time for the next show.

This went on for a bit, until he was interrupted as three men in black suits, with sunglasses, stepped into the tent. Daniel was resting on a chair, feet kicked up, and he sighed, already knowing who it was just from their appearance.

“Hello Mr. Winchester, or should I said, Mr. Saddler,” said the lead figure.

“Hello Agent Ferrier,” Daniel said as he rose forr his seat. “Hows the arm?”

Ferrier's expression was neutral as Daniel brought up the wound he had been given last time they met. “Fine.” This was their style, was it not, in private, without a fuss, away from the public eye. Doubtlessly the guns in their side holsters were silenced and either loaded with tranqs or regular bullets, and 'shoot to kill' was an order. “Now then, come quietly and you won't be harmed.”

Danil sighed again a she took a sip of his water. “Sorry, not happening. I guess this is my curtain call.” He snapped, and there was a flash and a puff of smoke, the water in the bottle converted to mist, which allowed him to escape, though the agents drew their guns and fired.

He slipped away, leaving behind the suit coat as he moved through the circus at a rapid clip, letting the invisibility spell drop quickly to preserve his energy as he moved to the parking lot. No time to go back to the camper, he would have to either jack someone's ride or stow away, not an option he would prefer, but it had to be done.

This was just as suddenly reversed as he saw the van and the other agents waiting there. Damn, they were getting smarter. He did a quick about face and headed back into the fair, hoping to mingle with the rowds until a rush would allow him to slip out and past them. Still, his panic was not visible, a determined look on his face more than anything as he moved and slipped through the crowds, eluding his pursuers for the moment. Gee, wasn't this fun?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xRobynx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Standing in line was boring to say the least, and Alexis took the opportunity to check her cellphone while waiting. The line was starting to move. Finally...

As she was scrolling through a menu something caught her ear, but only barely. It sounded like a gunshot, but very distant. Noone else really seemed to notice or care and she shrugged the sound off as maybe just hearing the cracking of a whip in one of the nearby tents.

Finally receiving her cone, blue raspberry as was her favourite, her curiosity would be piqued at the sight of a determined Mr Winchester, the mysterious magician himself, would come inside the big top. He began weaving in and out of the crowd until he started to pass close by.

Now was her chance, she could actually ask, and talk to someone who didn't seem much different than herself. What an opportunity!

“Mr. Winchester” she asked quickly as he started to pass, “May I ask you something?”

How did you duplicate yourself? And set your finger alight? But was stunned when you found a cold waterbottle?”

Alex made no attempt to sugar-coat this attempt. If this wasn't a red flag in his direction it was a false trail with more than its share of embarrassment on her part.

“A-are you okay?” she asked through blue lips ( compliments of her recent icy treat ) noticing him so determined about something. Something seemed to have his feathers ruffled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Daniel headed into the big top itself, the crowd thick there as they sat down for the big show that would soon take place. This would be a good enough area to hide, since the agents looking for him wouldn't make an obvious move in public like this. Then when the show was over, he could leave with the crowd and slip away, and hit the road once again.

this plan had seemed relatively foolproof, until he encountered that girl form the show he had just done, Alexis, and as he passed by, determined in his attempt to not get put in a dark room somewhere far far away, she began to ask about the show he had done. Now was definitely not a good time for this, but he had to say something regardless. Well, he didn't, but he'd be a jerk not to.

He stopped then, grinning knowingly, her red flag met somewhat. "It's magic," he replied simply. "Both my tricks, and what happened with the water bottle. The real question is who used it."

At her next query, he shrugged. "I've been better. But nothing to worry about at the moment." He glanced back to confirm the agents weren't here before looking for a seat amidst the press. Seemed that he had a bit of time to burn.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xRobynx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A typical magician answer. She couldn't help but notice him glancing back behind him, towards the entrance of the big top tent. Something didn't feel right about the situation, but she was clueless to what. For a silent moment she pondered the prudence of what she was about to do. Then again, this was a circus. She could just be consulting with the magician or something. There were all sorts of excuses.

Her blue eyes did a quick glance around, people were everywhere, but none seemed to be paying them any mind, everyone seemed focused on the show, which seemed to have already started.

“I may know who did it.”

Taking another small bit from her cone she carefully set the cup upright in the purse at her side. Without another word she looked up at him, and held out her hands palm up in a cupping manner, one higher than the other. She then slowly tipped the higher hand over, pouring a fresh bit of water into the other. She exchanged the water between her hands a couple times before it disappeared leaving only a few stray droplets on her hands.

Picking the cup back up from her purse she looked up for several silent seconds. She'd never done that before in front of anyone before.

“Those weren't just illusions were they?” she asked, already knowing the answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Her answer drew Daniel's attention, and he paused to watch what she did quietly, an eyebrow raising in time as she seemed to produce water from nowhere, moving it between her two hands before it vanished again. Now that was a trick. Another mage, standing right in front of him, and with the secret agents hot on his trail, this was turning out to be quite the day. He wasn't about to try and replicate what she had done, but it could only have been one thing really.

At her question, he shook his head. "When I said magic, I really meant it," he answered with a twinkle in his eyes. "Well, I guess it's like magic. If you come up with a better name you can let me know. The double and the box trick, those were actual illusions, if magic based, The fire trick, not so much."

He relaxed a bit, if only a bit, letting himself settle down for the benefit of the one he was talking to, given that he wasn't going to out her secret just now. For all he knew, the agents were here for him, not her, and they might not even notice. Hopefully. So, best if she stayed in the dark about that. "So, I take it you haven't been able to do that for very long then." If she had to ask him about what it was, what he did, then it was a safe bet that she hadn't been able to do that kind of stuff for very long, at least not with some degree of control. But best to hear it from her, lest he make a mistake somewhere.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xRobynx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

“Not that I can control that well. There have been a few accidents in the past.” She gave a deep sigh, “I never told anyone before,” she admitted shyly. “I was just shocked to see someone else that could do things like that,” she shrugged not really sure of what else to say. She had no real idea what it even was she was doing or even what it meant, or even why she did it in this case. Was it the prospect of finding someone else that was similar? Most certainly had to be, there was no other explanation she could think of.

“i-” she was interuppted by a ding on her cellphone. “Sorry,” she smiled sheepishly as she quickly swiped the screen to reveal a text message. It was Chelsea.

I C U & i'm proud of u

She huffed and fired a quick glare in her friend's direction before turning back to Mr Winchester.

“Sorry about that,” she said slipping her phone back into her pocket.

She wanted to ask more questions, but this clearly wasn't the place nor the time. Too many people around. Sure a conversation about 'magic' wouldn't be out of place here, but still, this wasn't just any conversation.

“I-I'm sorry. I just had so many questions. I should go. You probably have an audience waiting on you," she said, embarrassed at herself now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Daniel listened to her explanation quietly, as much shocked as she was, though he supposed he was less inclined towards that, given how much more experience he had with this 'magic' of theirs. Well, one step at a time then. Make sure the agents outside didn't learn of her, make his escape, make sure she wasn't dragged into this mess just yet, and move on. Getting to know her might not be the best idea, but she was a fellow mage like him, so he couldn't pass up the opportunity.

“It's alright,” he replied to her apology, wondering what it was that had flashed up on the phone's screen. Not that it mattered that much, to be honest.

He shrugged and shook his head, grinning somewhat. “Actually, I don't. I've still got some time before my next show. That and some things have come up, so I may not be able to do it anyways. A pity really, since this has been a relatively nice job, but what can you do?” He wasn't about to explain much further than that, but they could certainly talk a bit more, his last statement getting a resigned sigh form the mage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xRobynx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alex gave a look of confusion at his answer. All of a sudden he couldn't perform? What was going on? That didn't make any bit of sense. She looked at him, the confusion evident. She didn't want to ask but couldn't help it.

“I don't understand. Why all of a sudden are you out of a job? Thats certainly the best magic that could be done, ever I think.”

Just as she finished her sentence her eyes fell upon a lone man enter the tent. His attire was something she was more a style she would see back in her part of the county: an untucked flannel shirt, and blue jeans. Something didn't sit right with this gentleman. He looked strange and his aura was that of someone with intent. It was then she saw a small black wire wrapped behind his ear. She quickly put it together. That was one of the men she saw earlier, in the suits.

She quickly put it together in her head, and she couldn't help but allow her eyes to widen as she looked at him, “They are after you aren't they?”

Her hair made her hard not to notice and the man's eye quickly fell upon and their eyes locked for the briefest of seconds. He noticed Winchester affront her.

“Its because of the magic isn't it?” she asked in a fast whisper already knowing the answer.

The man spoke silently into what she could only assume was his microphone. Alex was stunned, she didn't know what to do. Surely they wouldn't make a scene here, but it was no secret there were more outside.

“You should go,” she said abruptly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Daniel was ready for the question, to weave some excuse that certainly wasn't true, but that she wouldn't be able to check, when Alexis saw the plain clothed agent, shortly before he did. He mentally swore, but let none of that show on his face. Dang, they were getting smarter. And now it seemed that they knew he was here. Ah well, nothing to be done for it now.

He nodded once, and then again as she pieced together the puzzle. "Yep. Apparently the government isn't too keen on us magic users, so I'd keep that trick of yours a secret for now. Hopefully they're just here for me and not you, so you should be fine."

He rose then, brushing his hands on the side of his pants as he stepped away from Alexis. "Well, see you on the flip side," he said with that same grin before stepping away into the crowd. His mind worked on a plan, Out the back way, which the performers and entertainers used to get into the tent. Firs the stopped though to make a quick change, into a t shirt and jeans rather than the suit he had been wearing, Out he went then, like he owned the place, magic used to deliberately obscure his features somewhat, so the agents wouldn't instantly recognize him if they looked at him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xRobynx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alex could barely comprehend what she was hearing. Government? Agents? Magic? This was too much to take in at once. Surely it couldn't all mean what it seemed like. Somehow, she knew it had to. Still, there were more out there with these...abilities. Apparently enough the government had taken notice, but why? What purpose would they have with these people? War? Espionage? God-only-knows what else.
She stood frozen for a moment while the mysterious Mr Winchester made his exit. She couldn't help but look back at the man with suspicion and a growing sense of fear. This did not go unnoticed by the flannelled man. The whereabouts of Mr Winchester apparently did. She held her breath as he eyed her for a second saying something inaudible before going off after Winchester. As he left, briskly walking to the far end of the tent, she released her held breath. He had disappeared into the crowd somewhere behind the far bleachers. Still, who knows how many are actually here. She had to get out of here.
She briskly walked back to where Chelsea was waiting on the seats, fighting the urge to run.
Chelsea huffed, "About tim-"
"We need to go," she interrupted.
Chels gave a confused look, but knew Alex was not the type to say a thing mildly. "O-okay."
"I'll explain later," she lied, "We just need to go."
Chelsea hopped down from her bleacher perch and they started off out the tent.
"Hang tight, I really need to use the bathroom."
Alexis could feel her muscles clench, now was not time, but she couldn't give away her anxiety to her friend, "Okay okay," she said impatiently motioning to a line of blue port-o-potties.  Chelsea disappeared inside one and switched the little knob to 'occupied'.
Alex looked around trying to keep an eye out for anyone looking official. A minute passed.
Damnit Chels, hurry up! she thought. She pulled out her cellphone to look at the time.
Someone bumped into her startling her.
She turned around to see a short bald man in a suit. "Ma-am," he said before things went dark.
Chelsea stepped out of the restroom and looked around. Alex was nowhere to be found. "Alex?"

~ ~ ~
Groggily she awoke with a groan. The light hurt her eyes before they adjusted. Around stood three men: two in suits, and one the familiar short bald guy from the restroom, all looking at her with suspicion. The oldest one approached her slowly and calmly.
"Sorry about that Miss Fletcher, but I need to ask you a few questions."
Still groggy she looked up at him. His shoulders were broad and his frame built for his age. His skin wrinkled only slightly and his dark hair heavily salted. She found herself sitting on the dirt ground in what appeared to be another circus tent; it was small and looked to be a dressing room tent. Her hands were bound behind her with something she assumed was a plastic zip tie.
"What do you know about a certain Gabriel Winchester?"
"He's a magician. He does magic tricks. That's all I know."
"You were seen talking with him earlier today. What did you talk about?" his voice was kind and smooth.
"I told him his show was entertaining," she said quickly anxiety welling.
"When my agent saw you... you got nervous. So nervous you tried to leave the show. Why?"
Her mind reeled for a lie but nothing came forth.
"I'm waiting Miss Fletcher."
Her eyes darted around the room at them as the other two stared silently at her. One whispered something inaudible in the other's ear before focusing back on her. The man knelt down and rested his elbows on his knees and sunk down to her level.
"Why did you perceive us as a threat?"
"I-I," she stuttered, "I don't know."
The man shook his head, "You're a horrible liar, Miss Fletcher." He paused for a moment, "Are you familiar with some tricks of your own?"
She knew where this was getting at, and she wasn't sure what to say or do.
"With water perhaps?"
Her eyes widened.
"Yes, yes. I saw that."
He let that sink in for a moment. Her heart began to thrash in her chest.
"I'm not interested in you," he lied, "I'm looking for the fellow you were talking to. Do you know where he went?"
"No, I don't," she said honestly.
One of the men in the back spoke up, "She's telling the truth. At least that last part. She don't know."

~ ~ ~
Chelsea wandered around for a bit before an idea popped into her head. She could call her cellphone. Quickly she pulled out her cell and tapped her portrait. It rang.

~ ~ ~ ~
A familiar ringtone rang out and one of the men looked down. "We got a call. Chelsea."
"Let it go to voicemail," the older one demanded, "We're not done here yet."

~ ~ ~
Alexis's voicemail message greeted her and she left a quick message.
"Hey, its Chels. Where did you go? I'll wait for you by the ticket booth." She hung up.
 She was beginning to worry, something wasn't right.
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