Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
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Ostarion The Skeleton King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alright, finished my application. TBKrunk n' SkrubMage will have their's done soon, too.

"Pacifism is a wondrous thing. But so is combat."

(Call him 'V' and he'll kill ya)


Western Air Temple


Ninja, Wanderer and Teacher.


- Strategist: Veilnus develops and adapts to the situation around him, much like any other airbender would.

- Moblity: Like most if not all airbenders, Veilnus excels at mobility, he is able to run extremely quickly by reducing air resistance around himself, also allowing him to sprint up vertical surfaces. By creating and riding gusts of wind, Veilnus can also jump tremendously high, landing safely by creating a cushion of air as he descends.

- Wind Sickles: Similar to Air blades, but on a much lesser scale. While Air blades cut through stone with ease, Wind Sickles are smaller and less destructive, meant to be used in quick succession and only cutting and damaging actual organisms.

- Poisonous Gases: Veilnus has many glass jars which contain different poisonous gases. He uses his bending to control their movements, even being able to make the gases return into the bottle. One of his glass jars contains a paralyzing poison, which he occasionally uses for pranks, due it being relatively harmless and having a short duration.

- Stealth While he does not mind conflict, Veilnus is still capable of avoiding it by sneaking past his opponents, although he normally sneaks around in order to silently gain the upper hand with a sneak-attack.

- Weapons For when airbending simply will not work, Veilnus also has two daggers which have oddly shaped edges in order to make a wound which won't close easily.


-Stubbornness: Based upon the situation, Veilnus' may see his word as law. This especially applies to situations where he may be teaching the Avatar. This is a problem, as there may be better ways to go about a situation, yet Veilnus won't care.

- Refusal: Veilnus refuses certain airbending techniques, simply because he sees them as useless, despite the fact that they could be employed in certain ways which makes them useful. Some of these techniques include Air Funnel, Air Bullets and Breath of Wind, but this is mainly due to the fact that his mouth is always covered.

- Fragility: Focusing on mobility, assassinations and counter-attacks, Veilnus is fairly fragile, and like most airbenders, would not take direct attacks very well.

Veilnus, for the most part is social, he does not mind the company of other people. Unlike the average airbender, he harbors a distaste for pacifism, which he believes that it at least contributed to, if not secured the success of the Air Nomad Genocide. When it comes to teaching, Veilnus tends to be close-minded in his opinions. He does not teach pacifism whatsoever, but does teach freedom, flexibility and being able to adapt to a situation. He embraces an airbender's offensive (and defensive) capabilities with open arms - save for the few that he chooses not to use. When it comes to companions, Veilnus is very rarely concerned for their well-being, but assumes they are able to hold their own most of the time.

Airbending is the art of defense and mobility, avoiding conflict in most cases, but striking in a way which tends to leave an adversary as unharmed as possible, the users of this technique are carefree and peaceful. Veilnus however, is not. The child grew up on Air Temple Island as the son of Jinora. One of two brothers and one sister, the family was fairly large, yet Jinora was capable of giving attention to all of her children. She read books to them, and taught them about the spirit world, and her adventures in it alongside Korra. These interested Veilnus to no end, but of all of her teachings, the only one Veilnus did not enjoy were the teachings on pacifism.

Veilnus had heard yet another story, passed down from Aang, to Tenzin and his siblings, to Jinora and her siblings, and now to Veilnus and his own siblings. It was the Air Nomad Genocide. How the Fire Nation had once launched a surprise attack on the carefree Air Nomads, rendering them near-extinct due to their lack of an army, and Sozin's Comet. Veilnus them realized that the only reason he existed was because of something he saw as luck. He believed that the Air Nomads would have had a better chance at survival had they had a dedicated army, and employed more than simply evasive maneuvers and less-than-fatal bending moves. Veilnus seeked to develop and perfect his own technique. It took a long while, but he did in fact create his own form of technique: Wind Sickles. Weaker and smaller than Wind Blades but meant to be used in quick succession, it would likely shred a target if it was used enough times. He also took it upon himself to find new offensive ways of using his bending.

Travelling beyond the confines of Air Temple Island, Veilnus discovered he could control gases by bending the air which would mix inside of them. Using this, he stored the gases in bottles, to be used for offensive purposes.

Since then, Veilnus has been a wanderer, taking any job he could find. Somewhere along the lines, he came across the Avatar, and at the request of the Avatar, became his 'teacher' of sorts.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TBKrunk
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TBKrunk Poke

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"To be honest, I believe sticks and stones are stronger than words."

Taero Shuma


Taero was born in the city of Omashu, however he lived most of his life in Makapu village.



-Upper body strength Taero practices self-discipline through rigorous training sessions for his fitness, this is because of his belief that controlling an element is not a necessity in terms of power.

-Boulder Snake Taero creates a large basalisk-esque creature using surrounding large rocks, an attempt at overwhelming many enemies at once.

-Metallic fingerless gloves The gloves that Taero wears are both made of metal, he believes that the pair have their many uses in fights, but are also a stylish feature.

-Sea Sickness Taero is poor at controlling his bowels whilst navigating the open waters, either in plane or boat, whenever he is over water his stomach is not at ease.

-Heavy sleeper Taero cannot sleep for as short as the average human, he also tends to doze off when something bores him.

-Anxiety Taero can become extremely stressed if overwhelmed, however this can be viewed as a strength as he tries as hard as he can when in such situations.

Taero is generally an enjoyable person to be around, sharing many jokes and being able to have a laugh with anybody he likes. His seriousness comes into action when teaching; he believes that you must be dedicated to something to be good at it. Overall, his view on life is that you have to do it whilst it lasts, so to make sure that every second is worth living.

Haru was a loyal soldier born into a well-off family, whilst his lover, Joji, was a simple tea brewer from the lower class district of Omashu. They filled the requirements of love at first sight; both adored each other in many ways and the romance was unmatched by any other couple in the city. It was obvious to anybody who knew the pair that they would form a strong family and that their love was internal, nobody seemed to think that a misunderstanding could drive the relationship into the ground.

One day, whilst perfecting her Oolong tea, a rather unappealing man entered the shop, Joji immediately sensed he was not in her shop to buy some of her tea, she was proven correct when he took the lady away and forced her to bear his child - she would have fought back yet he was an earthbender and neither she nor her husband were. Ashamed of herself, she did not tell Haru, hoping that the secret would be hidden until eternity ended. Unfortunately for the poor lass, this would not be the case at all.

The baby born was a beautiful boy with chubby fingers and a few strands of brown hair, everyone loved him and every feature he had acquired. Even his own father was none the wiser as to who was the real father, he simply believed that it was him. After six rough years of raising this carefree child, one action from the boy caused the father to resent him. One day, as Haru was preparing the boy his dinner, he tripped over something that was not there, after this happened many times, he realised - his son was an earthbender.

At the time he did not realise that bending was not purely genetic, he would have done the same if the boy actually was his. He immediately had an argument with his wife who admitted to what had happened and begged for forgiveness. Haru did not supply and sent the pair to the dull village of Makapu, where he thought that both would grow old and die. He thought that he could live the rest of his life without a care for what those two were doing or if it was important.

Little Taero did not like change; a new toy, sure, a new house, a little annoying but alright, an entirely new place... This was difficult to comprehend. He threw tantrums at Joji who was struggling to get along her daily routine and he also used to 'explore' (He ventured on his own into the surrounding forest). When he was thirteen, one such adventure led him to a secret grove where three pro-benders were training, he loved the whole concept of fighting with friends, making combinations with your elements and such. For a while, he did indeed wish to be a pro-bender until he turned eighteen and realised that his village needed him, his wants were not above his village's needs in his mind.

Taero became a miner, a successful one at that, he was the village's main income of stone, gems and other precious materials. He became good friends with a boy around his age, having a strong bond with him. His life was coming together finally until one unfaithful day.

Rogues attacked the village; chaos ensued as people tried to defend what little they had against these dangerous strangers who preyed on the weak. Many of the people tried to defend with what little they had yet it was not enough, too many were killed or injured. His mother was one of them whilst his friend had his leg severed - he would no longer work with Taero. The young man became enraged and formed a large serpent from the surrounding rocks and managed to drive back the forces, yet it was too late. Nothing could bring back his mother, the only family he knew besides the faint memory of a naive man.

He dedicated his life to strengthening his skills, both his earthbending and his body. Everything had to be more powerful so that he could stop any more innocent deaths from occurring in the cruel world. Taero's metalbending was improved, too, he created metallic gloves from some raw materials he found and managed to succeed in training. Once he was requested to be the Avatar's earthbending teacher, how could he refuse? Allowing another person, especially someone so honorable, to defend the weak made him feel content within, as if once he had finished he will have done all that his life required him to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scrub Mage
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Scrub Mage Ascended Sleeper

Member Seen 3 days ago




Born somewhere out near The Great Divide, though Saekaera has never specified where exactly.



Agile: Years of training with a master, and with warrior monks have taught Saekaera to be agile. She believes that evading an attack entirely is more effective than blocking one.
Perceptive: Saekaera learned to pay attention when she began learning about chi-blocking. Years of paying attention to a teacher's, or student's, attacks has made her able to not only predict some attacks, but also to pick up some of the smaller details in life.
Accurate: Chi-blockers have to be accurate to disable opponents. Saekaera knows the location of most, if not all, pressure points on the human body, as well as the most effective way to hit them.

Bad Communication Skills: Despite this, she's a fairly decent teacher.
Panic Attacks: Her guilt-ridden mind can only endure so much stress before she has a panic attack.
Hemophiliac: This is possibly her biggest downfall, as she has to be extra careful while fighting.

Saekaera is quiet in most, if not all, of her actions. She’s prone to the occasional panic attack when she feels the stress is too much, but even when she’s having a panic attack, she remains silent. Tends to remain neutral on many points, but even if she feels strongly about something she doesn't speak up.

Utilizing not only her fists, but also a Naginata, Saekaera is a very skilled chi-blocker, and many believed she was once one of the best living chi-blockers. She is a silent, but powerful, chi-blocker. She was once known well throughout the land because of her skills, and for that reason she was selected to help the Avatar. She remains neutral on many topics, due to her time spent among a sect of monks. She has seen some of the world, but not much at all. Seeking to disable, rather than kill, opponents, she is very accurate with her Naginata, usually using the blunt end to strike pressure points when not close enough to use her fists. She usually keeps her hood up and her mask on, as it was how she was among her fellow Silent Monks.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Wow I realy like all three if them.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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Imperfectionist Pathological

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Avatar Taru


Gaoling, Earth Kingdom


As the second in the new line of Avatars, Taru has the potential to bend all four elements, but can only draw on the experience and memories of her predecessor, Avatar Korra. The lives and power of those who came before the last Harmonic Convergence have been lost. Despite this, Korra draws on her own memories and the faint residue of her former lives to give what guidance she can to Taru.

This also means that the Avatar state is not quite the force it was in Aang’s lifetime and Korra’s youth; it is still achievable, but is only comprised of Taru, Korra and the power of Raava, not the hundreds of former Avatars it once expressed. Conversely, this also makes it much easier to control, as there are not hundreds of conflicting thoughts and viewpoints in her mind while she is in the State. If Taru and Korra focus together, they can coordinate their power to devastating effect.


Um… Avatar? The Beifong family ensures that she’s well-fed and comfortable, meaning she has little need for paid work, but that doesn’t stop her from mediating local disputes, protecting the city and being generally helpful (Avatar-lite responsibilities). As many in the city will profess, she also makes very good tea, and always seems to have some on-hand.

Countless arguments have been resolved and tempers smoothed over by her calm, firm words and a hot cup of patented Taru Herbal Tea (grown by the Avatar herself in the Beifong gardens). Needless to say, the people of Gaoling will miss her greatly, and the feeling is mutual. Her closest friends have already promised to maintain her gardens while she is away, and a grand festival is even being planned to celebrate the beginning of the young Avatar’s journey! All of Gaoling will be there, singing the ancient songs and wishing her good luck… Which, for Taru, will be bittersweet in the extreme.


Taru’s original earthbending teacher was a man she called Sifu Banna. He was an unsung master, an apprentice of the legendary Toph Beifong, and even had familial ties to old King Bumi, a similarly storied figure among earthbenders. When she was around seven years old, while they sipped tea and rested from a hard day of training, he told her a story - a lesson, really, passed on from his own youth. His uncle, who had lived to see the entirety of the Hundred Year War, sat him down one day and taught him of the “three jings”, how they related to the four bending arts, and the method he himself had practiced to become the powerful earthbender that he was:

Positive jing

-Aggression, ceaseless forward movement and drive, expressing the body’s energy with power and force; this jing corresponded to firebending, taking action and overwhelming foes before they have a chance to react.

Negative jing

-Pacifism, avoiding conflict, retreating, expressing the body’s energy by moving away from force, evading aggression; this jing corresponded to airbending, the most defensive of the bending arts, as the highly mobile airbenders resorted to violence only as a final resort, choosing mainly to avoid attacks rather than strike.

Balanced jing

-Not a true distinction, but the method related to waterbending; push and pull, Tui and La, waterbenders maintain balance between positive and negative jing, fluidly shifting from defence to offence and back, redirecting energy back at their opponents without wasting their own.

And finally, the kicker, the most important jing for an earthbender to understand:

Neutral jing

-Related to, but very different from balanced jing, neutral jing is expressed through alert inaction; waiting, listening, watching and feeling, but taking no action until the perfect moment presents itself. According to Bumi, that was the essence of earthbending. Since then, Banna had endeavored to follow that path, and through it, had become a very powerful earthbender. Thus, he wanted to pass it along to his student, in the hopes that it would lead her to greatness as well.

At the time, she didn’t realize how profound an effect his lesson would have, but as she grew in experience and earthbending prowess, it became a central focus of her life. Standing tall, approaching conflict with opened senses and calm, rooting herself to the earth like a great stone… Taru was a true practitioner of neutral jing, like her master, like King Bumi and especially like her idol, her master’s master, Toph.


A true daughter of the Earth Kingdom, Taru has been earthbending since she could barely walk. Banna taught her many advanced techniques of the (Chu Gar-based) “Beifong style” originated by his master, including her most profound (in his opinion): seismic sense. Taru would spent days, even weeks at a time wearing a blindfold, having to rely on her other senses, and developing the ability to see through the earth, until (by the time she was discovered as the Avatar) it was second nature to her, and she combined it with her other senses, natural as can be. In fact, at around twenty she started covering at least one of her eyes at all times, alternating between left, right and both as she would, because she found she often achieved more clarity of thought through her seismic sense than through her mundane vision.

She is not so good that she can sense lies (a lofty ability reserved for Toph alone), but if pressed she thinks she could determine whether someone was distressed or calm, at least. There are earthbending techniques that she is not as skilled in, however, the main one being metalbending. She can do it, to an extent, but she is nowhere near a master, and doesn’t have the same appreciation for metal as she does for good, pure stone and earth. Other than earthbending, she has very few approaches to combat… But really, what else would she need?

-Firebending, Waterbending and Airbending:
Though she has known for six years that she is the Avatar, Taru has not been trained in the use of the other elements. All that she knows of them is self-taught and very basic, even though the Beifong family has acquired many scrolls to aid her over the years. She has simply never expressed an interest in developing these skills beyond small utilities, believing that she would be left in peace as a simple earthbender, and would never have to step up and defend the world as the Avatar.

In the aftermath of the newest message from Councilwoman Jinora, she is scrambling to prepare for the arrival of her teachers, and is running through the foundations of firebending as much as she can.

-Tea Brewing/Cooking:
An ancient, subtle art, full of ritual and peace: the brewing and drinking of tea. Taru has always had a special place in her heart for tea, and along with meditation it is her go-to release whenever she feels stressed or frustrated. It’s soothing, not just for her but those around her, and tea happens to be her go-to for when someone else is frustrated or angry as well. In addition, she isn’t half bad in a kitchen, and when the Beifong household eats, she can often be found assisting and bantering with the old cook (this is helped by the fact that the cook's her mother).

Taru believes there is something life-fulfilling about growing plants. Cultivating them, subtly guiding them, watching them travel through their cycles… It’s very philosophical, and the garden is where she does most of her reading, and has her friendly discussions with the elders of the town. There’s even a stone table for playing Pai Sho. Earthbending and her slight waterbending power allow her to keep the soil nutrient-rich, and unless there is particularly inclement weather, Taru’s garden is beautifully lush during the hot summers and gracefully recedes throughout autumn in preparation for the mild winters. Her favorite season, however, is spring. The emergence of the first buds of new growth, the early-blooming flowers…The beauty of life connects with a deep level of her being.


Republic City, 189 AG

“It is a sad day for the United Republic of Nations… and the world. This morning, our beloved Avatar Korra succumed to her illness and died in her sleep. The cycle of the Avatar begins anew. Somewhere in the Earth Kingdom, or maybe even right here in our own city, a child will be born with the power to keep the world in balance…

But, aren’t we part of a new age? When he or she grows up, will the Avatar even be needed? Not if we are the best people we can be, my friends. Not if we, and all of our brothers and sisters of the Four Nations keep the balance ourselves. Can we do it? Do you believe in yourselves? I know I believe in you. I’m certain of it. The next Avatar will be born into a world of peace!”
-President Ansei

Beifong Estate, 194 AG

Avatar Taru is the daughter of two humble non-bending servants of the Beifong family. They have never been... destitute, but neither have they been particularly wealthy, so when little Taru started to show signs of earthbending talent, they were quite distraught. They didn’t have the money to send her to a proper academy in Omashu… Where would she learn how to earthbend? Who would be her master? As luck would have it, soon afterwards a man (without the glowing eyes, obviously, just brown ones) visited the house, as he did every year, to pay his respects at the grave of his old master. Cho Beifong, Toph’s youngest child and the only one who wished to return to the estate of his grandparents, always welcomed Banna - they had practically grown up together.

While they sat and reminisced about good times back in Republic City, the smallest inhabitant of the house was eavesdropping. She was curious about this man, with his muscles and his bare feet and his jewelry… Taru had seen him from afar on one of his earlier visits, but this time she managed to slip out of the servants’ quarters while no one was looking. The men, smiling and laughing with one another, didn’t seem to notice as she cracked the door to Master Beifong’s study open and looked through at them. Banna was levitating several smooth, shiny spherical stones above his hand, and as his fingers moved, they shifted fluidly in and out of various configurations and shapes. Before she even realized what she was doing, the child extended her own hand, and three of the stones floated slowly away from the earthbender and towards her.

“My, my,” came a kindly voice, as the bearded man watched the missing three come to rest in the child’s tiny hands, “You didn’t tell me there was a young earthbender in the house, Cho.” Beifong just laughed, and said “Come here, girl, don’t be shy. This is my friend, Banna. Can you tell him your name?” Suddenly on the spot, Taru turned red and mumbled something intelligible at her toes, and the three stones were much heavier than they had been a second before, falling out of her hands with identical thuds. She made a little “eep” sound and scrambled to pick them back up, trying to replicate what she had done to make them float. After a few furtive seconds, she had them safely held up like before. “I’m sorry, Master Banna, sir. I didn’t mean to drop them… They just got so heavy…”

The earthbender continued to smile, saying “They’re very special stones, made to be small but heavy. They’re a... training tool, for young earthbenders like you. Now then, what is your name?” Feeling more confident, now that she had been able to make the stones not-heavy again, she looked up at him and said “It’s Taru, sir. My mommy makes food for Master Beifong, and my daddy makes sure the plants are all pretty...” Cho, remembering her parent’s distress at not being able to afford sending her to an earthbending school, got a sly look on his face, and looked sidelong at his friend (himself looking thoughtfully at the young girl), saying “You know, Banna, Taru’s parents came to me a little while ago, wondering if I knew anyone who could… teach her. You don’t have an apprentice, do you? What do you think?”

His friend gave a measured response. “To be this young... What is she, four years old? Five?” Taru proudly showed him five little fingers, saying “I’m five! My birthday was last month!” Banna laughed again, “Well, little one, you’re quite special, then. Most people don’t show any bending talent until they’re older… You know what, Cho? I think I will teach her...”
Gaoling, 205 AG

“Alright, Tava, how many are gonna be in there this year?” Now a teenager, Taru smirked at the thin boy across the table, who looked nervously back. “Listen, Taru, there are some really mean-looking men who have signed up this year… I think they mi-”

“Let me stop you right there. Every year we go through this, Tava, and every year I come out of it just fine. How long will it take to get it through your thick skull that I’m good at this stuff? I know how to take a hit!” He looked away sheepishly. She’s probably right, he thought, she never lets herself get too injured… Those men didn’t look like the kind of people who usually sign up for this sort of thing, though. What was with them? Reluctantly, Tava turned back towards the earthbender’s expectant stare, and flipped through his notes. “Um, only twelve contestants signed up. Honestly, all of them other than those three seemed… Well, pretty harmless. You’ll beat them no problem. When you get to them, though… -shudder- Just be careful in there, Taru. Okay?”

Obviously unperturbed, she just stuck out her tongue and said “Okay, mom, I’ll be careful. I mean, seriously, with all these people around, what’s the worst that could happen?”

Beifong Estate, 211 AG (Present Day)


(The history isn’t done, but it’s four in the morning… So, yeah. It’s gonna have to wait, I think. To be very succinct about it, she discovers that she’s the Avatar, tries to keep it a secret, fails, she gets contacted by the President of the UNR and Jinora, who give her a choice, and she chooses to stay in Gaoling and continue her simple, peaceful life - which is how we got into this mess in the first place. They were arrogant, in a sense, and believed that they didn’t need the Avatar. There haven’t been any world-peace-threatening things since Korra died, so they let her choose, basically, to not be the Avatar… But they fucked up. They do need her now, and she hasn’t gone through her training, so the world might be fucked.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MisuChan


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Airi
Age: 19
Nationality: Northern Water Tribe
Affinity: Waterbending, Healing (With age, blood bending)
Occupation: Travelor/healer
--heightened Senses: Slowly losing her ability to see, her ability to hear is growing stronger.

--Fast: Very fast runner, so fast that she can run on water with very little help from her bending.

--Fighting: She is a very good fighter. She spend 5 years training in 3 major areas of the world. Western Air Temple, Fire Nation, ba Sing Se and of course the Northern Water Temple.

--Cocky: Airi is very cocky and egotistical which causes her not to have very many friends.

--injury: When training at the air temple, she fell from one of the alters and injured her wrist and shoulder, even though years past, sometimes she loses felling and motion in her right arm, causing her bending to become faulty.

--Inner struggle: She isn't justice, but she isn't bad either, she fall in between. She never had friends so she doesn't know loyalty well.

Personality: Upon first meet she seems cold, giving off a feel of badassery. She doesn't get scared of losing her life and she always takes a challenge, even if she knows she will lose. Airi gets very cocky and it often lands her in a fight. Despite the fact she is rather mean, she will help someone in need, using her healing powers if she is needed. She does no respect someone due to their rank, but more of due to their self control and power. Those she has trained with have gained the most respect from her.

History: Born to a healing mother and a father who protected his kingdom, she never really had a hard life. She learned how to heal, her mom being one of the best in the kingdom. The thing is, when staying with a family friend, her parents when to travel, and never came back. This killed her, only being 12 years old, she thought they had abandoned. Enraged, she left the kingdom on her own and started to travel.

Many days passed and she had no food.She thought she was going to die in the boat she was in, but as she gave up hope, she stumbled upon the Western Air temple, where she docked. At first, she was not exactly welcomed, but showing her dedication to learning the arts of every kingdom fighting style, she was accepted. Ever since the great war of Avatar Aang, things had been significantly better, people were also kinder. Spending out her days in Western Air Temple, she trained for two years, learning the fighting style and even incorporating some of her own water bending into the moves.
On a tragic day, when she was training, there was a minor earth quake of some sort, which sent her flying off of an alter. Unable to land herself like most air benders could, she fell and landed on her arm, injuring it. She was unable to bend for 3 months, in which time, she spent taking care of little kids and the bison that living in the Temple.

Next, she traveled out again until she stumbled upon the Fire Nation. Not exactly the place she wanted to say she was a water bender, she kept it a secret, making up some story that she was injured when she was little and that made it so she had no bending. She enrolled in a class of basic fire bending fighting (Without the firebending) and lived out her days there for almost 6 months. One day, she was caught by a classmate using water bending, and when confronted, she fled the country.

This lead her to Ba Sing Se, a place that had been known of much peace. She made a home there, working as a delivery woman for one of the messenger companies. In Ba Sing Se she could be open about her Water Bending to some, but not everyone. She confronted a Earth Bending teacher, saying she wanted to learn in the ways of a Earth Bending fighter. He challenged her, if she could stand her ground against him for 5 minutes, he would train her. A thus, they fought, her holding her ground for 5 minutes and about 43 seconds before getting knocked down. He was impressed and agreed to train her, but only if she agreed to do something for him. You see, his son was very ill and the hospitals in Ba Sing Se couldn't help, but she could. She could use her healing as a water bender to try and save him. Dedicating 2 hours a day to healing him, she spend 3 training with him and the rest working and sleeping. Eventually, as the healing went on, he learned to walk, something he hadn't been able to do since he had become ill. Her instructor was amazed at this, she was healing him, but many people did not like it. They set out a trap where they captured the girl and threw her into the prison without a soul knowing. She stayed in that prison for almost 6 months, in which the boy died from his illness and the instructor was outraged. After the death of his son, he broke Airi out of prison (After finding out she was there) and helped her escape, dying from sang benders who were working for an elite group in the process.

In present day, she still roams, eating mostly fish and not staying in one place for very long. Stumbling upon an abandoned air temple, she spends a lot of her time there, taking on a pet winged lemur she had run into there. Often times she travels, but always uses that temple as a place to rest and hide when she needed a break.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SkrubLord


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NAME: Eeidos

AGE: 22

NATIONALITY: Both born and raised in Republic city


OCCUPATION: Saekaera's travelling partner

Incredible balance; mostly from his time spent as an apprentice under the monks
Unrivalled skill in offensive fire bending; From time spent as an apprentice under a skilled fire bender.
Fast reflexes; from training under the monks.

Hot headed; Eeidos is extremely overconfident, influencing his choices.
Extremely violent towards people he doesn't trust.
Straightforward, unreasonable and has a short fuse.
Eeidos is merciless and feels no pity for anything, making him overly ruthless and cynical towards even small, insignificant things.
Impossible to negotiate with.
Heavy sleeper.
Terrible immune system, often gets sick at inopportune times
Insufficient skill with fire bending in any other form but offensive, the most he can do is cauterize a wound and start a campfire.

Hot headed.
Senseless decision making.
Doesn't trust many people.
Merciless, sometimes he even enjoys killing.
Angry most of the time.
Impossible to calm.

Eeidos was born in Republic city.
Both his mother and father were fire benders, but when he was in the womb, his mother became ill with an unidentified disease and died after giving birth to Eeidos. His father could not support the child alone and along with that, he was overcome with grief. He took Eeidos to the building where the monks trained, he knew a monk that lived there, they were childhood friends. He was adopted by the monks and raised as one. His father committed suicide soon after turning his son over to the monks. As soon as Eeidos was old enough, he was training to be a monk. After years of training, he was finally confronted by the monk, he was informed of his mother's death and his father's suicide. A few nights later, Eeidos left. He began life as a wanderer, leaving republic city at 16 years old. After a year of travelling, he settled near the great divide. It was at this time that he was found by a chiblocking master. He too was a wanderer. Eeidos trained under him as well, but it was all in vain. After a year of training, he'd learned nothing. Frustrated he left the Great Divide. Eeidos, after another year of travelling, found his way to the Fire Nation Capital. There he found an extremely skilled firebender who agreed to train him. Eeidos was a natural. He picked up firebending extremely easily. Soon, he matched his teacher in skill. With this newfound power, he became driven by his confidence. He made a name for himself in some major cities, some bad, some good, but most agreed that he was extremely skilled as a firebender. Then there were three people that didn't like him at all. They sent bounty hunters after him and after a near death experience, he decided to get himself some armor and weapons. He soon found himself back at the great divide. There he was confronted by Saekaera and she, though her mouth stayed sealed, communicated her desire for him to accompany her. Eeidos agreed.

(Sorry if it's not so presentable, making a CS on my phone wasn't the best idea)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scrub Mage
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Scrub Mage Ascended Sleeper

Member Seen 3 days ago

SkrubLord did not consult me on any of this.

I'm kidding, he did.
He consulted me on it all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 3 mos ago


though I was going to play the waterbender, I liked your CS so much that im going to say to hell wih it and accept you. Our characters gotta be besties cx



ill be heading to bed now and I will make the ooc tomorrow first thing.

Also @imperfectionist I replied to your pm and give you the ok to make whatever changes you want. Its a bit unfair of me to restrict you so throw me your best work!

again, the ooc will be up tomorrow and at that time ill have a CS bin ready for you all to post your sheets. Itvwill also have a bit more detail than this.

those of you who plan to stay a bit longer, if someone expresses interest in the story, kindly tell them the only available spot left is of Avatar Korra's spirit. I think many wont like it so I might just end up playing her as well.

You all made great Characters! This is gonna be soooo fun!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MisuChan


Member Offline since relaunch

First Forum character made in over 2 years and it's loved. I feel amazing.

Why can't there be more than one bender for each?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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Imperfectionist Pathological

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

:) Hey, Shadowcatcher, I honestly don't think the spirit would be a very good role for someone by themselves... Wouldn't it be best if I handled their interactions myself?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Mainly because I wanted to keep it the usual small Team Avatar. It makes no sence in sending an army to train the Avatar...at least, not in my opinion. I think it helps with bonding of characters and its just easier to rp with a smaller groul of people. Thats all. In truth I wouldn't reject an amazingly written cs, but I did want to keep it with few people that Team Avatar has been known to have.


if you want too sure thing! I think past lives are very important.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SkrubLord


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Airi sounds stunningly similar to Ahri, and I couldn't help but notice your signiture pictures. Could there possibly be a connection?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MisuChan


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maybe subconsciously.

But as for me being like "OMG LETS DO IT!" no. i just kinda put letters together until I find a name I like. I was like 'Feng" no, "Kara" no, and so on. I know it's a Japanese name though, a jpop star name. Maybe that's where it came from. I used to listen to jpop in high school.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MisuChan


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And also, I think maybe we can get up to 6 members for team avatar and have a good approach. the avatar, a trainer(Which Airi can totally do in fighting styles and water/healing if need be. I might change her age to mid 20's), water bender, earth bender, fire bender, maybe sibling benders if needed. ya know?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SkrubLord


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WAs dragged here by Skrub Mage. But this looks like it'll be a lot more fun than I anticipated
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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Imperfectionist Pathological

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

My sheet for the Avatar is posted, though it is not exactly complete. A little over half of the history is still unwritten... Sorry. It's late, and I need to sleep.

Hope you like it.

EDIT: Um... MisuChan, there are a few things I don't understand about Airi's history. So, she went to the Western Air temple and learned some of the philosophy and non-bending martial arts of the airbenders. Fine, no problem there, she became an Air Acolyte for a little while (the only airbenders who would possibly be there would be some of Tenzin's children or grandchildren, though; none of the Acolytes are actual airbenders).

But, why would she be forced to hide her identity as a waterbender and flee the Fire Nation once she was discovered? That... just doesn't make any sense. It has been a hundred years since the Great War, and the Fire Nation is peaceful. They don't discriminate against Water Tribe people (and, if they did, wouldn't they be able to tell from her look that she was born in the Water Tribes?), and have no problem with waterbenders... I don't know, that struck me as very odd, painting the Fire Nation as continuing their jingoism. I mean, they got over all that.

And then all the Ba Sing Se stuff... Again, they got over all that. The Dai Li are gone, no one's getting thrown in jail unless they commit actual crimes, and no one's going to put a healer in jail just because she's healing. I'm sorry to say this, Misu, but that history is just not very good. It would only work if she was some kind of actual criminal, and she had to flee the Fire Nation because she was caught stealing or whatever, then she was put in jail in Ba Sing Se because she was caught again... As it stands, there isn't enough justification.
And SkrubLord... I don't think Eidos will fit in well with the rest of the group. The bolded qualities especially:

SkrubLord said
Hot headed; Eeidos is extremely overconfident, influencing his choices.
Extremely violent towards people he doesn't trust.
Straightforward, unreasonable and has a short fuse.
Eeidos is merciless and feels no pity for anything, making him overly ruthless and cynical towards even small, insignificant things.
Impossible to negotiate with.
Heavy sleeper.
Terrible immune system, often gets sick at inopportune times
Insufficient skill with fire bending in any other form but offensive, the most he can do is cauterize a wound and start a campfire.

Hot headed.
Senseless decision making.
Doesn't trust many people.
Merciless, sometimes he even enjoys killing.
Angry most of the time.
Impossible to calm.


He sounds like a belligerent, borderline-evil bastard. :( And Taru, at least, would not tolerate it. She'll put up with a bit of stubbornness, and she's a bit stubborn herself, but... Damn. And there doesn't seem to be any good reason for him to be like that. Angry, constantly violent, merciless and impossible to calm? Why isn't this motherfucker dead already? And what in God's name do these monks teach?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SkrubLord


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Eeidos is a dick because he is bitter about being orphaned, about his own choices to wander for a total of two years, about being hunted by bounty hunters and not only that, but it's just part of his personality. And by violent, I meant if there's a decision to be made between being passive or aggressive, he going to lean toward being violent and aggressive. Should've been more descriptive. And I'm using "impossible" in a hyperbolic way. If he needs to be the villian, I have no problem but I'd prefer to go with what I originally wanted to go with, to accompany Saekaera.

EDIT: The monks teach monk stuff, but the mental part of it deteriorated as Eeidos grew up and became two other teachers' student.
EDIT #three hunnuh: He's not dead because he's good at killing people. He's "Extremely skilled at offensive fire bending"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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Imperfectionist Pathological

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Oh, fantastic, he's a murderer as well. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I have a pro-tip: asshole characters are not interesting. They're just assholes. And most characters in group RPs don't want to be around assholes all the time. It gets old.

The real problem I have is this character being chosen as Taru's firebending teacher (meaning I'll have to write a lot of interactions with him, especially because the first element she's supposed to learn is fire). I think she'd rather teach herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SkrubLord


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I have a "pro tip" too. Without assholes, there is no conflict, I have another pro tip, there's no rule saying "Your character can't be angry at all, and other RPers opinions should decide how your character should be, not you."
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