Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Protagonist


Member Seen 8 mos ago

My plot takes place in the year 2200, 150 years after the collision. A giant comet had crashed into the east coast of the United States, destroying much of New England. However, the true terror that came from the comet was not the comet at all, but a pathogen carried on it.

The collapse of society was a very slow process. Some cities fell within just a few years of the initial outbreak. Many groups of people living in the earliest of destroyed places now live in small communities similar to old, hunter-gatherer tribes. Even after most of the army was wiped out, and most of the federal and state government leaders went into hiding, some individual cities tried to do their best to hold together. However, even those have now fallen.

As for the world, it would have the look and feel of I am Legend, but would have approximately fallout-level technology. Sentient robotics, genetic engineering, powered armor, and energy weapons are now a very real thing. Energy weapons, bows, and firearms are all widely in use. Energy weapons are mostly used by scientists and private security guards, bows are mostly used by tribal communities, and guns are mostly in use by ex-police and ex-criminals.

The zombies come in multiple forms (some scarier than others). They have superb regenerative properties, but are slowly weakened by sunlight. They don't need to eat, but they do need to consume blood. There are zombie cannibals, but it's very rare. It requires blood contact in order to catch the disease. Consuming zombified flesh doesn't spread the disease (it is still cannibalism, if the zombie was previously human). There are in fact, animals that have made a habit on preying on the undead...though zombies are not easy prey.
Most zombies can be 'killed' by mostly anything that would kill a human, but the problem is that they can still regenerate. For example, if you smother a zombie to death, it will collapse on the ground and stop moving for a short time...and then it will reanimate seconds later. Injuries like shooting it in the chest will take longer for it to regenerate. In order to permanently kill a zombie, you have to destroy a certain part of its brain.
Animals that contract the plague will die, and occasionally reanimate, though reanimation isn't as common as it is in humans. Likewise, young children don't reanimate (however, they die of the disease very rapidly). Reanimation is for ages 13 and up!

The disease: It's (usually) spread by your blood coming into contact with a zombie's bodily fluids (saliva or whatnot). It can also be spread by living infectees. Infected bite wounds do not heal. Common symptoms are:
1. Lightheadedness
2. Depression
3. Coughing
4. High fever
5. Vomiting
6. Foaming at the mouth
7. Pale skin
8. Dementia
The disease is uncurable, however, it is not 100% lethal per say. By pouring extra food, water, and medicine into somebody, they might very well live a full life. In the unlikely even they survive more than a couple weeks, the symptoms start to die down and the disease becomes dormant. However, when they do finally die, they'll become a zombie if their brain isn't destroyed.

Animals have overrun the cities, including clones of extinct animals created for research.

Our story revolves around a single group of survivors inside a recently-fallen city (Icarus City) who decide to share a hide-out and form a small community, using their various skills to try and stay totally safe from the zombies that want to gobble them up. It will focus on things like gathering resources, hunting animals, fighting off bandits, reinforcing our hideout, and of course, fending off the hordes at night.
A thing that I want this RP to emphasize is division of labor, where people have different jobs in maintaining our not-deadness. For example, a hunter might have a bow and try to keep us fed, where as an builder might have a hammer and try to make sure our fortifications are good, or a cop who carries a handgun and tries to keep us protected from bandits and such.

Some ideas for jobs, hobbies, pasts, ect, are written below. We can have a few characters with the same job (maybe they knew each other before the fall?), however, I think the story would work better with "rag-tag bunch of misfits" than "Sports team" or "Bunch of doctors" or "Police squad"
Also, these are just suggestions. If you have any ideas of your own or want to modify them, feel free.

0. Job = Skills = Equipment

1. Athlete = Heavy Lifting, Close Range Combat Speciality (which makes them great for fighting zombies) = Sports Gear, Fisticuffs

2. Medic = Healing People, Finding a Cure (but don't count on it) = Medical Equipment (Medi-Gun?), Scalpels, tranquilizer guns

3. Burglar = Breaking and Entering (Scavenging?) = Switchblades, Firearms, Crowbars, ect.

4. Construction Worker/Mechanic/Hardware guy = Building, fixing, and deploying nice things = Construction tools, Traps, Combat Drones

5. Police = Security = Firearms, Clubs, Energy Weapons

6. Hacker = Hacking enemy electronics, = Hack Tools, Combat Drones

7. Child = Getting into small places, are less of a target for raiders (even they have standards), tend to get better deals when trading = ?? (One idea I had was that they'd be protected by a pet or something)

8. Researcher = Exploring labs, Using awesome gadgets, Research = Energy Weapons, Science Stuff (like portal guns)

9. Farmer = Growing Food = Farming Equipment

10. Hunter = Finding Food = Bow, axe, knife

11. Taxi Driver/Trucker/Race Car driver/whatever = Driving, of course = Cool vehicle

12. Collector = Finding good things = Medieval weapons and such

13. White Collar Worker = Getting great deals on trades = Office supplies, Briefcase

14. Prospector/Miner = Destroying unwanted (read: Enemy owned) barricades and structures = Mining equipment, explosives, molotovs

15. Fire Fighter = Putting out fires, actually being competent at saving people, finding survivors = Fire extinguisher, Water spraying devices, Axes

Examples for good starting weapons:
1. Revolvers and pistols
2. Single Shotguns
3. Lower-caliber rifles
4. Submachine guns
5. Dynamite
6. Knives
7. Sporting Goods, Non-powered tools

A note on guns: Guns are powerful weapons, but they come at many disadvantages. For starters, they rely on non-reusable ammunition. Overusing firearms will result in having to scavenge for ammo more. Second is that they create noise and jam. Powerful, but impractical. They are also generally better at killing humans than zombies.

To join:

-Convenient previous occupation/hobby:
-Starting equipment: (Only one or two. And don't make them very powerful. Some example ideas are listed below. Doesn't necessarily have to be weapons, either. It can also be armor, tools, medical equipment, that sort of thing)
-Skills: (list 3 or so)
-Bio: (primarily, you should try to justify how they survived when the city fell. Of course, the don't necessarily HAVE to be native to the city. They can, for example, be from a recently wiped-out tribe hoping there's stuff to scavenge in the city or something else entirely)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zordon


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Color me interested. Reserving.

"They call me King but, I'm not the ruler;
I'm the Destroyer.

Valeria Reyes

Reyes / King




× -- × -- ×

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 145 lbs.
Body Type: Athletic
Bust: 34"
Bra Cup Size: D
Waist: 27"
Hip: 36"

Clothing References:
-- × -- × -- × -- × --

Previous Occupation:
Captain in the Local Police Department. 5 years of service.

Starting Equipment:
× .357 Sig Sauer P229 (12 round Magazine)
× Ammunition for 5 full reloads (60 Bullets + Pre-Loaded Clip in Gun = Total of 72 Bullets)
× A Riot Shield in the trunk of her car

Advanced Marksmanship:
Reyes is exceptionally comfortable in the use of the most conventional firearms, from pistols to rifles. However, she lack the strength to wield rifles for extended periods of time and favors her handgun all the more.

Light on her Feet:
Her time in Law Enforcement trained her to be cautious of unknown situations and has given her an appreciation for taking stealthy approaches. It also plays to her strength in close quarters combat.

Swift Fists:
Prior to her time on the force, Reyes took many advanced classes in boxing and is not afraid to break a nail like most girls. However, she does tend to reserving using her hand-to-hand skills only when necessary.

Reyes is very authoritative by nature, having a very "take charge" demeanor about her. She has a sentimental side to her though, very few have ever seen it. Since the loss of her loved ones, she has become a husk of who she once was, though flashes of her can bleed out from time to time. Reyes comes off cold and heartless, her words concise and straight forward.

It had been a normal day in her all but normal life that Thursday. Reyes had gone into work while her husband Anthony stayed at home with their sick 6 year old son Elijah. He had been feverish that morning and Reyes adamantly argued with Anthony over who should stay home. After a short while, Anthony had convinced her that he had more sick days and her job was ultimately more important than his as a small time business man. Dressed in her work attire, Reyes gave her son a long stare from his bedroom door as Anthony patted his head with a damp cloth, shooing her away with a hand and a gentle smile.

-- Three Hours Later --

Reyes sped her patrol vehicle down the streets of her neighborhood, winding in and out of vehicles in impatience. Tossing her phone into her passenger seat, she sped towards her home with tears welled up in her eyes, an ambulance close on her tail.

There had been a 911 call. From her husband. Their son, Elijah, had begun convulsing and foaming at the mouth, unresponsive to anything and turning various shades of colors. It can't be Reyes thought to herself, blinking the burning sting from her eyes as she squealed onto her street and skidded to a stop in front of her house. She was barely able to put the car into park before jumping out and bursting through her front door.

It was a gruesome sight. The medical reports, though sterile in their terminology, told her the only thing that could have been true; Her son had contracted this forsaken plague, and in his body rapidly decaying state infected her husband. Elijah was dead. And Anthony... Government regulations deemed his level of infection to be beyond saving and legal euthanization was mandatory. Normally, this regulation could be implemented without consent of kin. But, being that Reyes was the Captain of the police force, they brought it to her first. She was a broken shell. Instead, she drew her gun from her holster and requested to carry it out herself. No one present would deny her as she entered the sectioned off bedroom of her child. Elijah had long been taken away but, Anthony had been forced to sit until the law had decided what to do with him. And they had.

He looked up into his wifes eyes with a grim expression, noting her sidearm already firmly within her grasp. Anthony had always been an understanding man and now, was no different. "It's alright." he told her, standing on the other side of the room, a large wound on his forearm evident, the blood coagulating unnaturally. "I love you Ria.." he began, his voice breaking as he spoke. Limply, he raised his arm to reach for her, letting it fall as he dared not to touch her. "Please. Do it." he pled as tears flowed freely from his face. "I will watch over Eli until it is your time. Don't rush after me, querida."

That was 3 years ago. Reyes resigned that day, ripping her badge off and tossing it aside as she climbed into her civilian car and driving off, still in uniform and with her sidearm intact. Not a single person has tried to contact her about the legalities. No one would, after all, that East Coast City finally let go of its resistance, becoming just another tribe in the decay of the comets presence.

Valeria wiped the sweat from her brow with the back of her arm, blinking up into the glaring sun. She was almost to Icarus City now. It'd only be a few more hours now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jorthon
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jorthon That Random Zombie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I might join
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDoug850


Member Offline since relaunch

I have a few questions on how the zombies work:

If part of a zombie is severed off, does it regrow that segment? Like if one loses a limb, will it grow a new one? If its head is cut off will it grow a new head or a new body or does the head just reanimate?

I know in a lot of zombie lore, zombies are attracted to sounds and lights. Is that true for this RP?

If, hypothetically, a character gets scratched by a zombie, are they infected? If they get an open wound do they get infected from the air or touching stuff that zombies have touched or just zombies themselves?

Where is Icarus geographically? Before the apocalypse were the countries essentially the same as they are today?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDoug850


Member Offline since relaunch

Also, what other technological advances have been made in the past 186 years? Do we have things like flying cars, teleporters, jet packs, hover boards, 3-D food printers, and digital contacts? What do computers and smartphones look like now? Is there something that makes them obsolete?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Protagonist


Member Seen 8 mos ago

TheDoug850 said
I have a few questions on how the zombies work:If part of a zombie is severed off, does it regrow that segment? Like if one loses a limb, will it grow a new one? If its head is cut off will it grow a new head or a new body or does the head just reanimate?I know in a lot of zombie lore, zombies are attracted to sounds and lights. Is that true for this RP?If, hypothetically, a character gets scratched by a zombie, are they infected? If they get an open wound do they get infected from the air or touching stuff that zombies have touched or just zombies themselves?Where is Icarus geographically? Before the apocalypse were the countries essentially the same as they are today?

In order:
1. If you cut of a zombie's arm, it'll grow back eventually. For your 'standard' zombie, it'll take hours or days.
2. In this RP, zombies are dependent on 3 things: Food, Air, and their BRAAAIIIINZZ. Decapitating a zombie would cause its body to die. The head would be deprived of food and oxygen, and as such, would not have time to regenerate before it eventually died.
3. Yes.
4. The odds of getting infected from a zombie scratch are fairly low. It does happen, however. Their bites will most certainly get you infected, however. The disease can't survive long without a host, so things zombies touch are fairly safe. An open wound touching a zombie is about as likely to cause infection as a scratch.
5. Icarus is located along the Oregon coast.
6. Basically. America and Canada were making plans to unify into a single nation, but nothing ever came of it thanks to a very rude interruption by a certain comet.

As for techs:

Flying cars=Not really, no.
Teleporters=Yes, but they're very rare.
Jet Packs=Yes, but they're kind of uncommon.
Hover Board=No
3-D Food Printers=Yup.
Digital Contacts=Yes
Computers look like yay: http://www.custom-build-computers.com/image-files/future-computers-to-make-use-of-dna-strands.jpg
Phones look pretty much the same.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zordon


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'm still subscribed to this thread but, it doesn't look like it's going anywhere, sadly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Protagonist


Member Seen 8 mos ago

I was sadly busy these last few days, I'll try to see if I can salvage this RP.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Protagonist


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Ms. Reyes is approved. I juuuust changed some rules on what kinds of weapons you can start out with, so if you want to make a change to your starting loadout, that'd be cool.

-Name: Lewis Hale
-Age: 20
-Convenient previous occupation/hobby: Detective
-Starting equipment: Tommy Gun
-Skills: Stealth, Marksmanship, Investigation
-Bio: ((I'll get on this later))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 2 days ago

I like this
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Protagonist


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Voltus_Ventus said
I like this

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