Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CrimsonWarrior55
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CrimsonWarrior55 Grand Master Ninja!!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

OH FUCK!!! THE COOK!! I totally forgot about them... Yeah, I guess we need a cook too. Or at the very least, someone needs to know how to make edible food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CrimsonWarrior55
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CrimsonWarrior55 Grand Master Ninja!!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Archmage MC said
Oh crap, I just realized. A theme of One Piece is that every character has their own unique laugh. How will we handle that?

Oh, no prob. I actually have a unique laugh. It sounds like "Sss-sss-sss-sss-sss-sss-sss" kinda like a snake hissing at you, but he has a bad stutter. I'm gonna type it just "Si-si-si-si-si" though. But it's not "Si", it's "Sss". "Si" just looks better.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Yuki Ōkami

Age: 19


Crew Position:
Used for general things like lifting, spotting, tracking and other tasks he may be given.

Power Type:
- Super fast
- Elemental


Yuki is a soft soul who enjoys peace and quiet allot of the time. Some wonder why a land based creature such as him would sit on board a ship so far from land, but the truth was that the soft roll of the waves, gentle breeze of the wind and the small creaks of the straining wood beneath the warm sun brought him the peace of which he so enjoyed. Yuki can be quiet at first and a little reserved in conversations with those he doesn't know, however he can quickly warm up to you if you can catch him on a common interests such as philosophy or even conversations about topics as small as good food. Yuki comes across as slightly mysterious, wise and sometimes a little too serious, however he does have a sense of humor providing it's the right time and place for it. He also can sometimes seem down or a little depressed and this is usually due to the obviousness of his condition, being both inhuman and different from his own kind. Yuki does have a temper which can come on fast if those he cares about are threatened or if he is regarded as a mere pet. Should his temper ever present itself he will either walk away to avoid conflict and calm down, or engage the person if they're considered a threat to him or those he cares for. Lastly to note is that Yuki likes fish, which he finds embarrassing as he knows quite well that cats love fish too.


Yuki was born in the mountains to a pack of wolves like any other. They hunted together, they ate together and they generally moved around together, just like you would expect from any normal pack of wolves. However one day they were attacked by a group of hunters from a nearby village looking to harvest their pelts and the pack was destroyed despite their best efforts to defend themselves. Yuki was still young, too young in fact and had cowered under a bush to escape the slaughter of his family which was carried out before his eyes. Yuki had laid in that bush for a few days after, starving, unsure of what to do. Until something happened, something... unexpected. Another human came along and had heard the small whines and whimpers which escaped the small pup. The human took him home, cared for him, raised him despite the other humans concerns. It took Yuki a long time to accept this human was friendly, but after years together he eventually came around and accepted the human as a friend.

They spent every day together, traveling to the market and curling up in front of the fire in the evenings. Yuki was well looked after and the two shared a bond like no other, a deep friendship and understanding for each other which outmatched anything Yuki could have hoped to experience with another creature. Well, one day the human brought back something from the market. He'd gone alone as Yuki had previously been injured and unable to make the trip. He'd brought back a strange fruit, a treat for Yuki in hopes his friend would feel better after having something sweet and tasty to eat rather than the usual. Yuki of course, trusted him and ate the fruit happily. But once the fruit was consumed something changed. His understanding of the world around him became warped and rapidly different, like a million doors had opened at once and he could breath a clearer air.

Within days he'd began to complete complex tasks and while he failed a few, he'd learn and always complete them a second time around without fail. These tasks started small at first as the human which he learned was named Kai Lin, noticed the change and began to test Yuki. Eventually, Yuki had began to speak and to the shock of Kai Lin, began to even form sentences shortly after. Years passed on and Yuki and Kai Lin eventually discovered the source of Yuki's transformation, discovering new abilities he had and that he'd consumed a Devil Fruit. Eventually Yuki became independent and it was then that he made the choice to set out into the world, to see it all for himself and to learn more about the world which was now open to him. It was a heartbreaking moment for the two who'd spent so long together to be parting ways. But they promised to each other that they would always remain friends and that one day they would see each other again. And that is where Yuki's story began.

Devil Fruit:

Saiki Saiki no Mi - is a Paramecia type Devil Fruit that permits the person who ate it various forms of psychokinesis

Fruit Type: Paramecia


Yuki's abilities are all speed based combined with elemental attacks which channel in from his psychokinesis. He is able to super charge his claws with an element to deal additional damage and while the elements he can channel are diverse, they are unfortunately limited by his body meaning that while a human could possibly direct elements in a diverse way, he is only able to transmit his power through his claws or his mouth.


Yuki has never been seen to shake his paw with a human or respond to a command like it such as 'fetch'. If Yuki does ever respond to the command 'shake' it will be because he either has incredible respect for you, or he accepts you as his friend. But even then, it's not something he would do or takes lightly. For him it's the ultimate show of his trust, respect, loyalty and so much more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 2 days ago

Well I think we're ready to start Sable. Cook isn't a necessity for awhile I suppose. Everyone can take shifts cooking. Light'll be fun, not sure how she'd cook tbh...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CrimsonWarrior55
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CrimsonWarrior55 Grand Master Ninja!!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Yeah, I agree with Arch... We're ready

Oh, Winter. About your fruit. Having it requires Chopper be dead, so I don't know if it will be allowed. Also, we have quite a few fruit users already. You might want to work on a back-up, just in case. That is all, I leave the rest to Sable.

Although a talking wolf would be FUCKING AWESOME!!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 2 days ago

CrimsonWarrior55 said
Yeah, I agree with Arch... We're readyOh, Winter. About your fruit. Having it requires Chopper be dead, so I don't know if it will be allowed. Also, we have quite a few fruit users already. You might want to work on a back-up, just in case. That is all, I leave the rest to Sable.Although a talking wolf would be FUCKING AWESOME!!!

The real question, Will that wolf character be like BigB wolf from A Wolf Among Us when it comes to forms? That was sort of a werewolf done right imo. Esp full wolf form.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sableyezer


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Winter, i really like this character but in order to do that you need to change the devil fruit he has. if you need ideas for one just PM me and i'll help.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sableyezer


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

everyone who is wanting to start the IC, please be a bit more patient, i still haven't finished my own CS and real life is getting in the way a bit so, please just wait a bit more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Thanks ^^

I sent you a PM. As for the Wolf Among Us thing. I've not played it, so it's hard to say if it's anything of what I have in mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sableyezer


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

great job on the edit winter, you are accepted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Thanks :)

I look forward to getting started,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CrimsonWarrior55
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CrimsonWarrior55 Grand Master Ninja!!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

YAY! Talking Wolfie! We have our own Rocket!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Traffles


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Ryuuko

Age: 19

Appearance: (can be picture or description)
Monster Form:


Crew Position: Cook

Power Type: Kaiju Kaiju No Mi (Monster Monster Fruit)
The fruit is of the Zoan type and allows the user to transform into a winged gargoyle like monster.

Personality: Ryuuko is fairly shy and generally dislikes speaking with strangers or being around too many people. She apologizes frequently, even more so when she's nervous. This is worsened by her clumsiness around people she doesn't know.
She is fascinated by monsters and scary things and loves to walk around in monster form. However, she is terrified of normal animals such as dogs, deer, horses, ect..
Ryuuko is sensitive to the needs and wants of others and is good at guessing how others are feeling. She likes making people happy and will often take the burdens of others onto herself. Although she fears making things worse, she still tries her best to improve the situation.
She has no 'dream,' and simply lives life the way it comes to her. However, the dreams to her friends matter most to her, and she will gladly give her life in order to help someone else's dreams be achieved.

History: Ryuuko grew up living with her uncle, as her parents were young and did not want to raise a child. Her uncle was rather eccentric and lived in a castle that he claimed to be haunted. She found the Kaiju Kaiju no Mi in the castle's orchard at an early age. When she was spotted walking around as a monster by the nearby villagers, the townsfolk attempted to kill her on multiple occasions. When she was sixteen, her uncle caught them trying to shoot her and attempted to protect her, sacrificing himself.
Ryuuko continued to live alone in the castle, the villagers outside eventually learning that she was of no threat to them. In order to apologize for killing her uncle, she was given plenty of food and money by the townsfolk. She used to money to buy books, ingredients, clothing, and other things.
Ryuuko was taught to cook by her mother, who would visit from a nearby island from time to time. Her cooking was described as being sublime, and after winning a cooking contest in town she was accepted by the townsfolk. Since a dog attacked her in the castle orchard when she was seventeen, she carries around a large cast-iron frying pan as protection and has several abilities based around using this frying pan.

Devil Fruit: (if you have one) Kaiju Kaiju no Mi (explained above)

Fruit Type: (if you have one) Zoan

Abilities:( fighting and others) Her fighting style while using her frying pan is somewhat hectic and unorthodox, but her aim is true and she can knock someone several yards with an easy blow from her pan.
Her most commonly used attacks with her frying pan are as follows:
Grace Swing: Ryuuko takes her frying pan in both hands and swings it much like a baseball bat, and is something of a power move. It's fast, but not as fast as swinging the pan with one hand.
Knock Swing: Ryuuko uses it in close quarter combat, repeatedly hitting an enemy with short, swift strikes.
Swing Step: She throws her frying pan at an enemy. More of a long-distance attack and usually she uses her devil's fruit abilities afterwards.

When she is in monster form, she uses punches and claw swipes. She may also user her wings to punch and she may pick up her frying pan with her tail and swing it with that.
She usually fights in her monster form and usually only uses her frying pan in the beginning of a fight or against weaker opponents.

Monster form attacks:
Kneten Step: She strikes her opponent with a rapid succession of stabs from her claws, usually aiming for the gut or other soft areas of the body. (Kneten = Knead, this attack is likened to kneading dough.)
Quirlen Step: Ryuuko claws at her enemy rapidly, as many as fifty times. (Quirlen = whisk or beat; when stirring cake batter it is recommended to use fifty strokes.)
abschließen: Usually used as a finishing move, she attacks her enemies from all sides with her claws, starting with the feet and ending with the face. (abschließen = finish. Likened to frosting a cake.)

Others: Despite being clumsy around strangers, Ryuuko's movements are generally graceful and she often has the appearance of dancing smoothly while she's cooking.

Sorry it took so long! I hope this is alright.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Traffles


Member Offline since relaunch

i hope its okay if i put this here ;-;
sorry all my drawings are really messy! the computer I'm using is terrible and my art program isn't working so well.
This is just a better picture of her claws n stuff I guess, and also she really is scared of most harmless woodland creatures.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sableyezer


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

it's pretty good overall but i have 2 issues with it.

1. we cannot use haki, we are just starting out.
2. why did you give her a devil fruit if she doesn't use it for combat?

also your art is fine, in fact...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 2 days ago

Speaking of art, I'm having lots of trouble with my sculpture now that I'm working on more detail. I can see every little imperfection I make and its really bugging the hell out of me. Plus I think I need to redo the arms/hands/legs again. Two of the three are easy, but hands... Man doing fingers is a pain.And I haven't even started on the head minus mouth and eye sockets and general shape. >.<.

Also we got a looot of people. Are there any posting rules? Say, give a day for someone to post before they are skipped or taken control of by the GM so that others can post or something?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Traffles


Member Offline since relaunch

Whoops, I thought I saw someone else who had Haki. Otherwise, she does use it for combat, sorry if I didn't make that clear! I'll fix that too. Although I don't really see how having a devil's fruit means you absolutely have to use it for combat.
edit: sculpting is hard. im making a replica of water 7 right now and its taking a lot more time than I thought. I like one piece too much *sighs*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by phillmyster


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I think that normaly a devil fruit would be used for combat, since story wise, a fruit can be easily replaced by any trauma (except for wolfi (yuki), he needs it to talk), and a fruit ha great disadvantages so if it doesn't power you up its kind of not worth it sometimes.

And about art, freaking hands, i can almost never get them right
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CrimsonWarrior55
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CrimsonWarrior55 Grand Master Ninja!!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Easily replaced by trauma? What does that mean?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by phillmyster


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I mean that if the fruit power were ment to inlfuence a character psycologically, like chopper not fitting in, or being feared, all that, can be made without a fruit. I don't mean that with a truama one can gain power.
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