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Level 12 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) (47/120)
Location: Skyworld
Word Count: 525

Unlike the others, being able to both fly and teleport made escaping the would be destruction of the train pretty easy. Dealing with the aftermath of the raging Absalom however, would still be a problem. Everyone was pretty quick to leave the train as it careened into a large pit and turned into scrap but the leader of the corruption emerged from the wreckage worse for wear but still ready to fight and flinging its corruption everywhere.

Still, he looked to be on his last legs, but that made the cornered animal more dangerous as it attacked Edelgard and brought the fire user low. Well, at least until Roxas got the save with a friend heart before preforming a flashy move using Roxas's magic, Dante's firepower, and Cerberus transformed. All while Midna and Pit got their attacks in.

Dante looking to go another round, and Uriel looking to get involved in the scrap as well, Sectonia had an idea. Causing another rain of holy swords on Absalom, she gave Dante and Uriel haste allowing the two fast melee combatants to gain even more speed and attack Absalom in a clash of steel, holy sparks, explosions, and in Uriel's case, just looked like an explosive laser drill attacking and destroying Absalom's side while Dante was attacking from the other side with his own weapons, both fighters keeping Absalom from escaping from the rain of holy swords like he did before and grabbing his ire. He'd find a hasted Dante would be difficult to attack as Dante had more than enough time to put up a counter and deal more damage and avoid Absalom's retaliatory swing.

Sectonia meanwhile, having landed enough light attacks and seeing Absalom was pinned glowed like a bright star as she focused and fired a large beam of pure light from the sky, impacting Absalom and causing the creature to try to run. But the hasted Uriel and Dante kept him in place as he took the Ethereal Gleam, and as the massive beam of light finally expired, Absalom was not looking great at all. Still, he was standing, and was still ready for more. With his counter used up, Dante was thrown away at last, with Uriel hopping away to not be slammed by Absalom's axe.

Seeing her foe was weak however and knowing that she had an ability for that, Sectonia closed the distance with a few blinks and got in range to use her Reaper's Scythe, the death and pain of Absalom coalescing phantom chains around him as the scythe of the reaper came to swing as his head. Uriel didn't see any of this however, as she instead went in for another round seeing an opening from Absalom's movement being temporarily halted by the phantom chains, and moved to make her strike from the same angle and timing as the scythe falling so all Absalom would see before it was destroyed was a furious angel striking him with a holy exploding scythe of death, the scythe overlaying on top of Uriel in a fashion and striking Absalom at the same time and felling the creature in an explosion of holy death.



Level 6 Roland (21/60)
Location: Avenger
Word Count: 1886

Well, Roland saw that the engineers could take care of themselves, and watching the relative comedy unfold in front of him with the seemingly chipper Poppi suddenly becoming distant as the witch introduced herself in a very distant manner and Tora being a bit of a jokester himself. Maybe they could make this, emotionally distant and possibly tortured person open up a bit with their antics? Either way, they semed to have everything under control so Roland decided to make his way out of the room and head to the mess hall to grab a snack.

On the eve of a major operation, just about all non-essential personnel aboard the Avenger had already retired for the evening, eager to make the most of a good night's sleep. Some Lost Numbers remained, such as the flight crew and a handful of lookouts watching the sky for any sign of danger. Technicians inspected, logicians studied, physicians examined, and magicians practiced their witching-hour arts, but for the most part, the corridors and stairwells of the airship were quiet and still. Quiet except for metallic creaks and subtle reverb of the engines. Still except for the muted sway of course correction and atmospheric turbulence. Roland didn't leave the lower decks with any company to keep, but as he made his way up several stories, Roland gradually got the feeling that he wasn't alone.

Then, while reflexively looking over his shoulder, he saw it: a flash of crimson amidst the darkness. Had he not been in Meridi-at-han he might have been spooked, or convinced that he was seeing things, but he knew that color. He'd seen it the exact moment his friend heart scrubbed away the sundown luster of Galeem. At some point, the discreet ringleader of the Grimm Troupe had inhabited the shadows around him. Once Grimm felt comfortable enough to make himself known, the tall bug drew closer to the Fixer, and by the time Roland entered the empty mess hall his new acquaintance was only a second or two behind him.

"So, tall, dark and creepy. Can I help you?" Roland said, pointing to how Grimm had been stalking him for awhile until they had both managed to make it to the mess hall. Maybe the bug man didn't know where the mess hall was and was waiting for someone to show him the way? If it wasn't for Roland being familiar with stealthy tactics Grimm might've caused a commotion by scaring someone.

Once Roland acknowledged his presence, Grimm stopped following him. He stood by, more or less illuminated in his entirety by the cafeteria's ambient lights, and took in the area. Right now most of the counters were bare, spick and span thanks to Bracket's after-dinner cleanup, but a handful of drink machines remained online, and there was always the shelves offering packaged, non-perishable snacks. Judging by the droplets of spilled coffee next to one of the machines, and a couple crumbs where the last of the day's stale leftover muffins had rested, someone had been here recently.

"Well met, my friend. I wish to express my gratitude," Grimm rasped suddenly. "For freeing me from that cruel trance of captivity. I am beholden to one master already, and two figures cannot cast the same shadow. Now lucid, my purpose is clear. To cast a pall of nightmare across this sprawling dreamscape, and see its thralls awakened." He extended a hand from beneath his cloak, curled its black claws, and stared at them. "I am eager to see them illuminated. I'm sure I have many a splendid dance in store. Yet...there is much I do not know. My Troupe remains in oblivious delusion, but I am scarcely better off. No more a leader...merely a bit player." His hand disappeared, and he looked toward Roland. "In such a role, how best can I serve?"

"Oh hes one of these types. I just hope he doesn't expect me to talk like a theatre kid." Roland thought to himself as he gave Grimm a calculated look. "Uhh.... ok? Well your not going to be the first guy on the team going on and on about the 'power of darkness'. So hopefully that isn't going to cause any problems." Roland said. The polite ones were the ones you had to keep your eye on more than even the crazy ones, as they were just better at hiding how crazy they were. Well, time would tell, Grimm did risk himself for Roland unprompted so...

"Well from what I understand we're trying to beat up the light in the sky or something. We gotta fight people to fix that. Although no one knows what'll happen when that thing is beaten." Roland started."There are a lot of things we got to beat up and take the spirits of to get stronger to be able to fight stronger things.... I do appreciate something easy and straghtforward at least."

Pulling out the book of George, Roland said. "Remember that giant ape we fought? Well this is him now." then explained the things you can do with a spirit, although explained that for him he made books and not spirits due to his time at the library. Finding nothing he wanted from George's powers or anything, Roland turned to the pages that explained what he'd get if he burned the book. And while the chicken, fruit, and bomb were pretty self explaintory; two one time use heals and a one use bomb, the other others were a bit weirder. A one use massive fire breath, a multi use but delayed healing item, and the last one....

Wait... Scum Soda. Didn't Goldweis find some of that earlier? Reading its little blurb, suddenly events at Meridi made sense. "Wait... this thing turns people into monsters? IS that how those things appeared suddenly? What the hell? What kind of sick experiment is that?" Roland flipped to the page with the toaster and decided on that before burning the book, said toaster manifesting from the ashes. Roland picked it up, looked it over, and plugged it in on a table in the mess hall for everyone to use.

"Although I wouldn't go around just bopping everyone on the head and taking their spirits. A lot of them aren't worth it, and something bad probably happens if you go about doing it too much. I heard there was a guy that did that and he disappeared under mysterious circumstances." Roland said. He then thought a bit and clarified. "The common rule seems to be. If they're outwardly hostile at the start they're free game. Things with low intelligence, also kinda free game. Anything else is a case by case basis."

Darkness? Grimm was a creature of few words, and that hadn't been one he uttered. Its strength and allure were not foreign concepts to him, certainly, but darkness simply wasn't his lot. Dream and nightmare were two sides of the same coin, in that they both stood in contrast to oblivion, the pitch-black void at beginning and end. Few would choose a nightmare over a dream, but over nothingness? Even hell was preferable to nihility. Regardless, Grimm did not waste time on a rebuke. If not for darkness, after all, there would be no need for flame. Grimm could not anticipate what might constitute a 'problem' for Roland, but in regards to his mission, the fixer's hopes had very little say in the matter.

The Troupe Master listened as Roland reiterated the thrust of what Goldlewis exposited before, though dumbed down to an extent that Grimm wondered if his new acquaintance really knew all that much more than he did. Still, if it all boiled down to killing things, there wasn't all that much to grasp to begin with. He paid more attention when Roland introduced the topic of spirits. In his hand he held George's essence, converted into a tome of pure potential that Roland could tap as he pleased. One of the possibilities presented a conundrum, however, and having not been there in the aftermath of the battle, Grimm couldn't comment on it even if he wanted to. Still, if such wanton destructive power could erupt from such a small and harmless package, he could tell that everyone -both up here and down there- ought to be wary. If a mere beverage could transfigure someone thusly, calamity could truly come from anywhere.

"...I see," Grimm whispered. Power could be gained in many ways, and this one promised to be a great deal quicker than his own methods. The question was always what one must sacrifice along the way. "Where to now?"

"I think we'll be heading over to pick up some more of our allies in... some place called Mafia town? I hope its not run by the syndicates that I've had to deal with, some of those poor kids would not last long against such monsters." Roland said, completely ignoring that Jr. and Rika were armed to the teeth as if that didn't matter at all to him when it came to the horrors he was referring to. "Then off to pick up a few more allies and then I think the plan is to take out a guardian. " Roland then remembered that he hadn't told Grimm about those.

"Oh right. I should probably tell you what to look out for. To beat that big ball of light, we need to take out these guaridans of its apparently. There are also two other factions with their own goals. The Consuls, which have letters for names which want to stop us so they can live in this world with all their heidonistic desires filled. They somehow can take over anyone who is 'galeemed', besides the guardians. Then there are these.. uh... one of our co workers calls them 'nobodies' that exist in that town to the north of Meridi that everyone couldn't enter. We don't know anything about them, but if they are hiding behind such a barrier it can't be anything good."

While Goldlewis had mentioned Galeem's guardians during his mission brief on the way through Meridi-at-han, but these Consuls were new to Grimm. If they really could puppet the deluded, their involvement would logically pose a huge, constant threat on any activities within populated areas, yet Roland mentioned it so offhandedly. No wonder the Lost Numbers prefered to travel above the clouds, hidden well beyond the reach of listening ears and prying eyes. He and the others would no doubt need to be on guard against Consuls and Nobodies alike going forward. "Very well," Grimm confirmed. If the mission Sandalphon alluded to involved a Guardian, one of the foundational support pillars that propped up this very world, things would be getting interesting much sooner than the Troupe Master had anticipated. "Our scarlet eyes will be watching."

"Oh, and try to be sociable. We're all in the same boat yeah? Best to not be distant on top of that." Roland said as a finisher to his 'advice'. This world was all new, so there was still a lot he needed to know before he could give a better explination like he could as a fixer back in his world.


Level 13 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (62/130)
Location: Avenger
Word Count: 1010

With it being a bit late, Blazermate wasn't sure who'd be up besides those that had just been picked up. And they were all probably really tired. So blazermate decided she'd just go grab a quick tune up, even if she had to do it herself, before heading to her room and taking a bit of a nap to pass the time. Humming to herself, she made her way down to the engineering deck to make sure she was in good working order.

When Blazermate entered the workshop, however, she found no sign of her friends. No sparks flew, no cranks clicked, and no machines functioned. At first glance, the place appeared deserted, but the medabot didn't need to rely on her optics alone. When she ran a quick scan of the area, she did turn up one life signal tucked away in one corner, but upon arriving there Blazermate was in for something of a surprise. An engineer was sitting there, comfortably tucked into a beanbag chair, and though its egg-shaped body, stubby limbs, and feathery arm-wings were all characteristic of a Nopon, this clearly wasn't Tora. Instead of stripy brown fur, this Nopon appeared be clad in salmon pink, with a head of fluffy dark brown hair dyed black. She wore a black vest that matched her glasses, and the dark eyes behind contained dull sparkles as she sat there, absorbed in a book. When Blazermate approached, though, the Nopon looked up with an irritated expression. "Meh? What gives?" Her voice was surprisingly low, bored-sounding, and apathetic. "Lulubi workshop closed for day. No more fixings or tinkerings for anypon until morrow. Got it?"

"Uh... do we have time tomorrow to go about doing that? Aren't we heading back to skyworld and doing something there? Kinda wanna make sure I'm ready for a fight if we gotta deal with one." Blazermate said. She hadn't really been fighting all that much while she was in Mafia town, nor took all that much damage. If anything she was just here to clean herself up and make sure she was in optimal condition, instead of needing repairs overall. "I can clean and polish myself if your too tired. Just uh, which drawer had the cleaning cloth and wax?"

The Nopon peered at Blazermate over her glasses with the critical stare of a librarian. "You look fine to Lulubi, meh. And Lulubi not tired, by the way. Am night owl, happiest once annoying people all go to bed." Hoping that Blazermate got the point, she reached her wing out for a glass of hot cocoa on the nearby workbench to bring it close for a sip. "'Friend' not use Lulubi's wax. Everything in short supply up here. Obviously. Why need wax if going to fight anyway, meh? Shinies only make more noticeable to enemies." From her tone it could be inferred that the curt engineer wasn't really interested in an answer--just criticizing her uninvited guest. "Lulubi rags mostly covered in grit and grease, but if 'friend' find one, be Lulubi guest."

"Fair enough. I'll uh, get to it then." Blazermate said, scratching her chin admitting lulubi had a good point. While being observed by the Nopon, Blazermate went around looking for a clean rag. There had to be a clean one around here somewhere... As she looked, she decided to strke up some casual conversation. "So, do you know the other Nopon, Tora that works here during the day?" Blazermate said as she found a bunch of rags and started to dig through them to find a decent one to use.

The question prompted an exasperated sigh. "Meh, meh. Sure have. He find excuses at all hours of day to come say hello, always giving compliments or bringing treats. Lulubi never meet more awkward nopon in life. It like he never meet girl before." She took a big sip of her hot cocoa. "Good thing he have that Poppi to hold him back, meh. It seem like she have head on straight, which is miracle given who made her. Even let slip that Tora only interested in human girls before now, if 'friend' believe it." When it came to complaining, evidently, Lulubi was much more forthcoming, and not averse to gossip. "So yeah, he kind of freakypon. Guess it take someone like that to make something like Poppi, though, so Lulubi suppose Tora must be pretty smart. Still, smarts do no good if nobody like you, meh. Avenger full of weirdos like that nowadays." Completely lacking in self-awareness, the nopon chugged the rest of her cocoa, then wiped her lips with the back of her wing and resumed reading.

"Your not wrong there! I was adventuring with him before this whole avenger spot, and you pretty much have the gist of it. I think hes kinda not sure how to handle being around girls. Well, flesh and blood ones anyway. He doesn't seem to have much interest in robotic ones outside of Poppi." Blazermate said, finding a good rag, cleaning it up in the nearby sink, grabbing a couple tools, and started to pop off her parts and cleaning up any of her internal components that needed it. Since she was doing it herself, she could only do one part at a time and when it got time to do her face, she had to find a mirror in order to clean that up.

Really she didn't have too much wear and tear to clean up, mostly just a bit of dirt on her healing arm since it changed to different modes constantly, but best to make sure she was in good condition. She kind of was the teams biggest healer, and people relied on her to feel safe.

Once she felt she was cleaned up, she put everything back where it was. "Enjoy your book, guess we'll see each other later then." Blazermate said, giving a wave as she left to head for her room. Lulubi just gave a hmph, happy to be alone once more.

Level 6 Roland (28/60)
Location: Meridi-at-Han > Avenger
Word Count: Less than 750

So... they had found 2 new members to their 'party, although Roland wasn't sure how he'd get along with them at the moment. Grimm was far too... detached from the looks of it. Meanwhile the witch was another one of those necromancer types that Roland had only bad experiences with. The witch living up to the name for someone modeling themselves after truly ancient storybooks. Although that being said, considering the abnormalities he had seen at the library, this witch was far... less horrifying if it wasn't for the zombies. Speaking of zombies, as Sandalphon appeared and got everyone ready to take their fultons, she wiped out the witch's zombies without much care or effort, something the other had issues with until they were mesmerized by the technology in front of them.

"First time seeing this thing? Well, if something this low tech has you interested, then I think the space ship will really surprise you." Roland said, making a jest at the Witch as she got onto her fulton and went up, up up. Goldweis and the others did as well, and so did Roland. This time he was going to try to stay conscious, something that would end up not coming to fruition as he also passed out with the insane gain in height coming all at once. He would awake as fast as he could though, still not sure what to make of the newcomers.

"So uh, for those who are new, welcome to the Avenger. Don't let it blow your minds." Roland said, with a bit of a gesture to the inside of the ship. "IF any of you need me, I'll be wandering around the ship. Paying a surprise bar tab..." Roland said, trailing off with annoyance before remembering something. "Oh, and don't cause any trouble. We've still got more people to pick up and some of them wont like it if things get messed up." Roland then made his way to pay off his bar tab before wandering around the Avenger, casually reading through the Book of George. From what he could tell, this was some creature made by a mega corp let loose upon not only the earth, but the galaxy at large? So basically a resident of the Outskirts in essence. A bit weird that this gorilla could travel through space though.

Roland found himself walking around a bit until he found himself looking down at the workshop area, the Witch messing with the engineers. Roland wasn't surprised this would be the first place she went, coming out of what looked like the ancient ages herself. He just casually watched the kerfuffle in front of him, half out of boredom looking for entertainment, half a bit weary of the would be necromancer girl. Between Jae-heon, Elena, the sweepers, and the various abnormalities hes seen, he gained a bit of a paranoia about using the dead.

Level 13 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (57/130)
Location: Mafia Town
Word Count: Less than 750

Blazermate was flying around, looking for someone to help or something to do. And something presented itself as she heard, then saw there being commotion at the restaurant at the top of the city. "Oh duh! If they were attacking the Mafia, they'd go after their boss! Best go help them out." Blazermate said as she flew up. And yeah, this whole place was in chaos as she entered the establishment and heard the Mafia boss say "Mafia... BALL". She made her way to where she heard that, and as she got to the casino floor and towards the area where all the fighting was happening, she saw some spec ops guy running from where she heard the fight.

"Huh... Hey, do you wanna help me figure out whos attacking this place? She then skidded to a halt and walked back a few steps to get a good look at Snake. "You look kinda familiar but i can't place my finger on it." Blazermate said as she looked at Venom Snake closer "Like... there was some action hero or something and you look juuust like him." She then stopped thinking as she got an idea. "Oh! After I help the head guy here, I'll grab your autograph! That'll help! Just make sure not to leave the place, ok? Or you can help, I'm sure he'll be happy that we helped defend his city!". Blazermate giggled before she went back to finding the fight at hand with the Mafia boss.

As she entered the main room she saw what made her love the Mafia goons... Pure cartoonish insanity as three was just a giant ball of mafia men being rolled around by the mafia boss. Also Nadia and Juri were there helping defend him it looked like? Well, she hoped anyway as she put her healing beam on the Mafia boss and gave him a Kritz, causing his cleavers, and the whole Mafia ball to glow with electric blue energy and being way, way more powerful. She'd also heal any damage he took and possibly overheal him if she could, but Nadia and Juri would also need heals.



Level 12 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) (39/120)
Location: Skyworld
Word Count: Less than 750

The last corrupted island. Well, it had been an interesting week. Perhaps it could've ended sooner if she had put more effort in helping the angelic forces before, but once she learned that none of these islands were part of Floralia, her interest had diminished in the war effort until this final push. When it came to all this fighting in this world, she wasn't really a fan of it at the end of the day, but she wasn't a queen who would run from conquest. At least once this island fell, she could go and look into a few leads of strong artifacts or powers she had been looking into before this whole final push.

Speaking of the island itself, being able to fly herself made her a bit unique from the other seekers. Sure there was Ortho that some of the other seekers were riding, but she was more a shining light upon herself and more or less staying near but not on the ship itself. To help the angelic forces make landfall, Sectonia summoned all her Antlers over the course of a few rounds of portals starting with the golds and working her way down their size categories in order to give the smaller greens and blues some cover from their shield weilding larger cohorts. All while she herself provided air support with lasers and rings, at least until everyone had managed to make some landfall. and it'd be needed, considering all the corruption about.



Level 6 Roland (27/60)
Location: Meridi-at-Han
Word Count: Less than 750

While this whole combat before him was interesting, it'd need to end soon. Roland was wondering why they were going at it so harshly before remembering what he was told; Galeemed people would fight to the death unless some extreme circumstances stopped them. Considering Grimm saved him from a bad fate, letting the bug man just outright die felt like it'd be a bad way to repay the favor. Now to repay a favor forward, he just hoped Grimm wasn't a psycho once freed. He'd dealt with a lot of those, many far closer to home than he'd like.

Roland, finding an opening, moved in to deflect the Witch's next spell aimed at Grimm. Around this time, Primrose also made her move to handle the Witch, so Roland focused on Grimm. Having hurt his leg and taken lots of damage from this battle, there was a good opportunity to hit him with a heart... if he wasn't so evasive. Roland had something for that though, and pulling out a large paintbrush, made black, blood ink swirl around him. He then went to clash with Grimm's next attack to get close, pulling any hit that'd hit the bug man as his plan was to get close enough for his swelling ink to explode outwards in inky black tentacles, stunning Grimm and making him unable to dodge as Roland threw a friend heart at the troop leader.

He then turned to see if Primrose would need help with the other... zombie... necromancer... lady. Roland wasn't sure how to feel about that. Well, at least these zombies looked like zombies and not some... hobbled mess of a fresh corpse puppeteered by strings or by its own blood. Free range zombies, now thats a morbid thought.

Level 13 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (56/130)
Location: Mafia Town
Word Count: Less than 750

Well, whatever those people at the docks were planning came to Mafia town a lot sooner than anyone thought. Its almost if Blzaermate had stayed behind for another 5 minutes she would've had a front row seat to what was basically a bunch of clown cannonballs being launched and attacking the Mafia with wrestling moves. "Thats just weird. So uh... guess we've gotta go help?"

Before she figured out a place to go, Blazermate decided to set up a safety zone. She summoned her engineer who began to build his base, and once the sentry was at least rank 2, she zoomed off to heal and heard the civilians to the safe area. Well, those that weren't caught in combat anyway. While the other seekers went off to either attack the boat itself or defend the city, Blazermate helped with the defense of the town. Something that'd be kinda... interesting since she'd be healing Mafia who were engaging with some of the wrestlers. Making ti so that Mafia that would normally probably lose these fights, suddenly have a turn around and win. At least for the first two she healed and overhealed before leaving for a few others. While big and brutish, they were at least thankful with a single "Thanks blue angel" from one of them in an accent Blazermate couldn't place.

Another thing, healing all these people charged her ubercharge and her projectile shield very quickly. Especially when she came about a group of 3 mafia who had teamed up to take out one of the clowns and were low on health, at least until she healed them up in mere seconds as their wounds were old. Having her resources all set up, she'd have to help one of the others with one of the bigger bads. Perhpas the first one she'd see as she flew around.


Level 12 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) (38/120)
Location: Skyworld
Word Count: Less than 750

Sectonia didn't rest as long as many of the others did, her items letting her heal and restore herself faster than the others even with her giving some Death Pulse healing. As such, she wasn't near Edward when he did his flame sword buff and didn't receive it but would come to find what Edward could do the next time. She wouldn't have much use for it anyway, as she used her holy light to launch sweeping beams of pure light at the corruption until they seemed to unleash their trump card, a sick twisted abomination of considerable power. While the angels could finish it off, it left them bereft of strength which would soon be remedided as the sky shown with bright light from Palutenia, the roof of the building having been blown off to reveal an oncoming airship battle.

While the others engaged some airships, Sectonia instead would try to blast them out of the sky with one attack. Charging a reality shatter, she unleashed it upon an airship who was engaging Edelgard and Ortho, the shattering of reality causing the ship itself to shatter like glass as a white void was left behind. She'd get their attention with an attack like that, if not, her followup blasts of radiant light would find their targets...

Level 6 Roland (29/60)
Location: Meridi-at-Han
Word Count: 1014

Roland was making himself a nuisance on George. After landing his initial surprise and frankly unhonorable blow on the kaiju monster Roland gained his first emotion level and with it gained Eternally Lit Lamp, with a deep chirpy voice saying "Follow this lamp. I’ll save you all." which would cause enemies to target Roland if he attacked them. This would come to bite him in the butt as he pulled out his swords and started to cut at George from his now exposed backside in an attempt to go for his spine. This got the ape's attention as his pained stomp made those around him scatter, and with Roland only having starting the fight his new abilities or rather downsides reduced his speed enough for George to get a hold of him, his massive hand way too big for Roland to clash with and win with any of his weapons.

Although thankfully for Roland, this wouldn't be his end as he was rescued by both a tall... oddly vampire looking bug man and Oscar who capitalized on Roland's opening and pierced something quite vulnerable on the Kaiju with his massive lance. Roland reacted to being dropped much like an action hero would, summoning a sword to stab into George's side to slow his momentum and make a reasonable landing. All while Grimm had made a swipe at George's eye, and paid the price for it. But unlike Roland, he was able to avoid the worst of the possible damage with some teleporting powers.

"Thanks guys." Roland said, although Grimm seemed to have to leave to go do something else as an assistant came to help him get to wherever he had to go. Roland was confused, but he'd have to wait until George was dealt with. He was wounded, and with one less eye now and some strong wounds on his leg and body he picked up one of the trees to use as a club. Roland countered him by pulling out his gun and shot the Kaiju in the other eye to ruin his oncoming swing at Oscar, forcing him to swing at Roland at a very weird angle allowing Roland to dodge and raise his emotion level to 2, gaining Watchful Eyes with the same chirpy voice saying "For every creature in the forest I saved, my eyes gained another in number.".

He'd need to help finish George off, as the kaiju ape was taking slow but steady damage from the adventurers around his know kneeling legs. And while that was going on, George was trying to use his free hand to grab some of them in an effort to heal off of eating them. Roland made this difficult though, as he grabbed George's attention with his Eternally Lit Lamp and shooting George with a rotation of his crossbow, gun, and X baton in gun form to keep his range from the giant not expecting another save if he got grabbed again. Being unable to get to Roland with all the things swarming him and his cut tendon, and George being forced to focus on Roland really made things annoying for the Kaiju. Especially with people like Oscar having no qualms about going for any weak points that presented themselves.

That annoyance turned into George grabbing and throwing random things at Roland, including people in an attempt to damage and get rid of this person that was making it difficult to regenerate his health. While dodging people, who were also trying to not hit Roland was easy, dodging benches, trees, and the like were much more difficult and would rely on Roland using his melee weapons to deal with them... Although only his greatsword could handle these giant objects which lead to Roland getting hit by a few of these objects. At least all this interactions got him to Emotion level 3, and with it another power Salvation, with that familiar deep chirpy voice saying "If I kill them first, then no one would be killed by the beast!" This made George's ability to throw objects now obsolete, as Roland hit him once more with a ranged shot, sealing his ability to toss things and essentially helping seal the deal with George.

Speaking of, the final blow to George would come from the EGO page Roland acquired, Justitia and him using it on the ape. Having spent so many attacks on George from range, he was surprised and happy that the target of his rage was coming right for him. Or at least, he was happy until Justitia activated, stopping his fist in mid air as the area turned into a red twilight forest and an ethereal noose wrapped itself around George's neck and raised into the air, essentially hanging the creature on his own sins. If George had been healthier, he would've survived, but as this finished him off George dissolved in a burst of page-like willo-wisps leaving behind a Book of George and everyone cheering as they had slain the monster. Roland meanwhile picked up the book and made his way away from the scene, instead following after that bug. He did help save Roland, but something about him seemed a bit suspicious and he didn't know Grimm like he did Oscar, so giving Oscar a thumbs up as he left, he made is way after Grimm.

Finding Grimm funnily enough wasn't all that difficult. Whatever Grimm had to go and do, he made a straight line for it without any care about being followed. Whatever it was, was incredibly important. And as Roland came into view of the battle, he saw Grimm fighting some.... zombies? Like, actual zombies being controlled by someone he didn't recognize. As Roland approached, one of the bugs that looked kind of similar to Grimm stopped him, saying simply. "Stay out of this unless the master says otherwise. Just enjoy the show." Well... Roland wasn't going to argue if thats what they wanted. He did take a few good hits dealing with George, so he could observe for a little bit.

Level 13 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (55/130)
Location: Mafia Town
Word Count: Less than 750

Well, things were still boring. Geralt left, and there wasn't much going on. Since Blazermate couldn't hear what was going on below, and really couldn't read lips, she saw what she assumed was either a higher up or 'boss' of the non mafia group involved with this trading thing coming out with his weapon. To be fair, that wasn't all that unusual since people everywhere had weapons. Getting bored, she decided to fly off and follow Geralt to see what he was doing.

On the way there though, Blazermate saw a flower shop run by... an anime pretty boy? Well, that might not be boring! She decided to give it a quick glance. She landed and went inside and while she saw the marketing outside this was just a flower shop! Well, there was a bit of merchandise of the anime pretty boy, but not really anything she was interested in, nor was the anime boy here himself! Granted, if she had a more permanent place she might grab a poster or something but as it was there wasn't much she could really grab.

Although perhaps she should leave the store with something. It was a flower shop, so why not some flowers? She had some pons from healing Mafia out from time to time, so buying a small bit of flowers to show her friends wasn't too difficult. With a small bunch of flowers in hand, she flew back to follow Geralt back to the Bancho Sushi where the others were as well.

"Oh hey, hows it going everyone?" Blazermate said as she saw Geralt move over to a table with many of the other seekers. "Anyone seen all the weird stuff going on at the docks? Some guy in a flashy outfit seems to be doing some weird deal down there."


Level 6 Roland (27/60)
Location: Meridi-at-Han
Word Count: Less than 750

Looking at the circus below, it seemed to have quite the display as the show began. Although it seemed the fire probably wasn't part of the show. And then came the quakes... At first Roland thought they were part of the show... but then the real source of those tremors came and boy was it a doozy.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me!" Roland said in a disparaging voice as he saw the three giant monsters invading the town, smashing buildings and causing chaos. "I heard rumors about these things, but they're attacking the city? This is going to be a challenge..." Roland said as he put his mask on to get to work. Taking out a giant monster... it wasn't his first time but for the life of him he couldn't remember the other time. He knew he did take one out... he just couldn't remember it.

At least these creatures weren't causing chaos unabated. They summoned all the adventurers of the city to start to deal with them, and form the looks of it, some of them had some experience. Roland himself decided to go for the first one that appeared, the ape George. Out of the three, he seemed like the leader anyway and being the first one to appear was the one with what looked like the most adventurers fighting him, granted there were so many on each of the kaiju it was hard to tell.

Before he joined the fight though, he looked around at the others and how they were going about things. It seemed defeating the alligator Lizzie was in hand as some seekers went for him, although the third Kaiju didn't have anyone he noticed going after it at the moment.

Roland looked around the ape again and saw an interesting sight. Oscar of the Wedge office was in this fight! Well... he wasn't part of the wedge office now. Instead he just seemed to be a skilled lancer. Roland had only briefly dealt with the man, but whatever Roland remembered of him was quickly put aside due to what happened directly after. Still, it was a bit interesting to see someone he knew... if vaguely.

Roland made his way to the Kaiju. Getting Oscar's attention ended up being a bit easier than he expected, with the crocodile noticing those around its toes and stomped, knocking them all back. Roland used this opportunity to flag down Oscar, who was getting ready for another go.

"Oy, Oscar!" Roland said, getting the fixers attention. The... fasionable fixer gave Roland a glance but didn't say much. "What do you want?". "I've got a plan to get that thing down on its knees to make it a lot easier to take down. But I'm going to need a boost." Oscar looked at Roland, but didn't recognize him. He did however sense that Roland was more experienced than him, although not being in the City meant Oscar didn't have fixer ranks on his mind. Still though, this fool could be sending himself to his death or have a good plan, but he at least looked more there than the other adventurers here. "Sure kid." he said.

Thanks to the distraction of the others and a boost from Oscar, Roland climbed up the creature and being up midway, started to use his own strikes on the hips of the creature. He'd prefer to get to the head, but it was a bit too big right now, and with a few.... choice hits, Roland was sure he could get the thing to collapse which would help a lot more than a single person smacking it in the face. Rolling the floor of Philosiphy for this fight, Roland went in swinging using his large hammer to smack the giant ape right in the weakspot of every guy in an attempt to get it to kneel over so those below could get some much better hits. Normally Roland would feel bad about doing something like this, if the thing he wasn't attacking was a giant cartoon looking monster.
The wayward commander

Location: skyworld - the ivory tower
Wordcount: 3653 (+4)
Edward Portsmith: Level 1 EXP: ////////// (4/10)
Level 12 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) (37/120)

As the angels mustered outside of the Ivory Citadel, within a man sat upon a throne of whispers with a tome of corruption open in his lap, its fangs digging into the flesh of his thighs, tendrils digging into the open wounds, and also guiding him to turn the pages.

His the cloth adornment on his armor was stained with black, his hair unkept and untended, his skin pale, black veins covered his eyes and ears like a blindfold, and yet despite all this, the corruption did not suffuse his body like it did the reanimated angels. Simply clung to him. Guided him. Deceived him.

A gurgling rumble rocked the tower as the angels took flight, spurring its eldritch defenders to action, but to Edward it roared like a siren, shill and loud. His eyes rose from the tome and beheld not horrors and undead, but mortal soldiers of dozens of species, dressed in red uniforms marked with a symbol that was a cross between a gear and an ankh.

Magic as a mechanism, the symbol of the commonwealth, Edward’s lost home. A home lost to the forces and magics of gods, gods that the corruption whispered were coming for it again.

The book snapped shut, tendrils unwinding, teeth retracting leaving black clots where they had pierced him. He stood, placed the tome upon the throne, and then picked up from beside it his magelock rifle, ready to defend his country.

Had that gun been all he’d been good for, then he would have been the same as the corrupted angels that surrounded him, the casualties of his plunge into this tower several weeks before when the corruption had been weaker. When he had foolishly thought he could understand it, beat it at its own game, and turn the automata of the citadel back to the path of the light under his command.

When the throne and time had called him, he had been allowed to keep his mind for three reasons. The first sat atop the two towers of the Citadel, bowstrings being pulled back and readying to fire. The second was made clear as he pressed a hand down to one of the three tomes hanging from his waist. The tome of Pyromancy flared at his touch, and then drank from the array of mana batteries also attached to the belt, causing a wave of heat to wash out across the citadel, causing the weapons of its corrupt defenders to glow searing hot.

The third was far more simple: it needed a commander

He ascended the stairs , scanned the incoming forces, the corruption drawing the faces of godir over their leaders, and decided where he was needed most.

”Fliers, mages, rangers, draw them in. Rogues and line holders, prepare the pre-planed hammer and anvil strategies at the entrances” he commanded, using general terms for the mix and match forces under his disposal, who he saw as humans, goblins, giants, catfolk and more, rather than the dead and the unholy.

He then turned and began to ascend towards the battlements, ordering ”Magelocks and constructs with me,” gaining the jerky attention of a squad of corrupted feather bows that had their armaments modernised, as well as hulking stone consruct warriors and small hovering construct sentinels.

He arrived just as battle was joined, gesturing with his hand to direct his magelocks to take cover behind the constructs, as well as doing so himself. Magic and searing hot arrows filled the air, which did admittedly result in some of the archers being set on fire as the feather-shields reflected the statuses back at them. A worthy sacrifice, however, as the individual burning debuffs were rather weak, effectively letting them strip those defenses in anticipation of more potent debuffs or fully stacking 5 more stacks of burning on them afterwards.

The man knew his enemy, even if he was blinded to the fact that the reason why this was is because he’d fought beside them. Instead he simply assumed he had studied them, which made the new additions to the enemy’s forces what took his focus, one of which stood out in particular.

Another angel, some dragon knight, a human with keys of all things as weapons and the now mounted Edelgard fell into known parameters, so the giant bee represented the biggest question mark when it came to the new addition, and thus the biggest potential spanner in the works of his plan.

There was a simple solution to this however, and that was to command his troops to ”Eliminate that unknown variable”

As he called out the command, a blood red aura surrounded Sectona, as each and every bit of fire power on his tower turned her way, guided by the marked debuff she’d just gained. Spells and ballista bolts were lossed, but most dangerous of all the firepower were the magelocks, who after a moment of stabling themselves via speccircles, unleashed a thunderous musket volley of searing hot lead at the queen.

Sectonia meanwhile was advancing herself to take out some ballista. Using the powers granted by the Radiance to rain lasers and swords of light down upon the corruption in front of her, with her tesla coil, and heartstopper aura causing damage to any of the corruption that got close. And to add insult to injury, on top of that she had her Chaos Shield up, so any corruption that managed to get through her advancing line of lasers, swords, the occasional light ring or three, and her minions would just find their attacks bouncing off the mighty shield. She had gained a large amount of power within the past few weeks, and it was on display here. And this was evident to Edward who decided to mark Sectonia, causing all of his minions alongside those operating the ballista she was moving to destroy to attack her.

At first the increased volume of attacks got her notice, but she kept on her advance… at least until the ballista targeted her as well as those hiding behind the contraptions. Well, guess it was time to actually stop having ‘fun’ crushing these things with a slow march and instead do what she came to do. After all, her shield was strong, but taking too much concentrated fire couldn’t be good.

Using her blink, she teleported much closer to the magelocks with a rapid series of after images following her, the light around her becoming blinding as she summoned swords on the platform they were stationed on before shooting many beams of light all around herself in a 3 wave blast towards the contraptions and the magelocks.

Lasers hammered into the stone construct, cracking some and breaking others even as they did their job of providing cover, and each one that fell immediately got a sentinel hovering over it to begin resurrecting it. That was according to plan. What was not was the swords stabbing up and out of the floor of the tower itself, bypassing every defensive barrier.

The ballista, entirely unable to move, had its bowstring cut by a rising sword, rendering it entirely useless. Edward himself sidestepped a rising blade, pulling the corrupted magelock next to him out of the way as well. The rest of his troops were not so lucky to have their general on hand, and several were skewered on the spot.

Edward internally cursed and dismayed at the sheer number of deaths that had just occurred in the blink of an eye, but externally kept his cool. If the general showed fear or doubt, that would sweep through the ranks, and then everyone under his command would be dead.

”Magelocks, back into the tower!” He commanded, not willing to waste their ‘lives’ simply as fodder to soak up this attack, their weapons entirely impractical for this foe.

He however was still armed with something useful, slinging his magelock rifle over his shoulder and drawing a pistol of the same make. He fired off shots as he kept moving, directing the retreat and using his free hand to help his wounded, physically hauling them to their feet and urging them on with words of encouragement that fell on dead ears.

Despite having put the ranged core in disarray, Sectonia’s blinking charge echoed Urial’s blazing dive, and what Edward had prepared for her now was unleashed upon the queen as well.

Half a dozen corrupted angels champions, wielding greatswords and covered in crystalline growths and heavy armor, launched themselves at the queen bee, while several ayfids emerged from hiding spots within the black spikes brabling the tower top, rising up above the queen to bombard her with rapid fire energy blasts.

Sectonia, being smug as she was having walked through and annihilated her ballista, and now this tower, fell right into this trap. While a strong shield, it still lacked the true power the chaos heart held and with the previous punishment the shield took, once it took the initial ambush set by Edward, the commander could see the very rainbow shield he had seen earlier finally shatter. Seeing this herself, she summoned Antlers to act like a buffer, Summoning 2 golden ones nad a red one to surround her.

These being ground pounders however opened them up to assault from the constructs, the stone hulks lumbering in to deliver crushing blows with their mighty mauls.

All of these forces being around the bee queen in close quarters would find that she had a lot of area of effect attacks that were tricky to deal with in close range. First her newly acquired powers were on display as every corrupted angel around her felt their vitality slowly drain as they were around her as her heartstopper aura stripped it away from them. Actively the queen let out bursts of energy that not only healed her when done, but damaged everything near her as homing skulls chased them.

Granted being much more skilled than the riff raff outside, when she tried her rings of light or void globules as attacks, the angels could dodge them with a bit of difficulty; At first they found her attacks easy to dodge, but after getting hit by a light ring making a sudden 90 degree turn after it was dodged to correct itself, they learned that her attacks had a bit of a trick to dodging them. Still, thanks to her auras, they were on a timer. Although being surrounded by an ambush, they’d find that they’d have to keep her engaged in melee or she’d start to fill the area with projectiles again. And with her antlers guarding her back, they’d find she wasn’t a slouch with her swordplay either, although her spells were far more dangerous. That and her size made it easy for more than one angel to engage her at a time, even with her antlers making it difficult to flank her. Still, those angelic sword strikes left a lingering fire effect on her, which while it was annoying and painful, it wasn’t as effective as it could be thanks to some of her items.

”cycle charge it to stay out of that aura for as long as possible!” Edward commanded the wilting fliers as he pulled the last of his ranged core back. The constructs meanwhile he left to tough out the damage aura, because if the guardians fell the sentinels could simply nip in to pick them back up again.

Rather than fully retreat however, he crouched down on the stairs so that the top of them obscured him from view and pulled out his magelock rifle, gesturing to the rear of the rifle angels to do the same.

Once they were in position he called out a command of ”Fliers back!”, causing the corrupt angels attacking the queen to withdraw just as their commander and a half dozen rifles stood up. Rings glowed around them as they aimed, and the red aura surrounded Sectonia again as they let out another thunderous barrage at the now shieldless queen.

Sectonia was getting tired of this retreating game this ‘commander’ was doing. But retreating meant that while he was repositioning, he wasn’t attacking while the queen was keeping herself up and about. And with his new command to deal with her heartstopper aura, it gave her quite a bit of breathing room. Hm…. considering he couldn’t stand up to her, perhaps he was quite weak. The tactical brains of the corruption as it were, as without his orders, these things were quite… foolish as they slammed themselves amongst the angelic defenses of skyworld.

Speaking of getting to this commander, she’d have to clear out these forces and his own personal defenses. And first was taking out the recent corrupted angel that decided to engage her. She’d use this one as an example, and hopefully blast through that defensive line of the commander at the same time.

Focusing energy in one of her hands as her wings glowed, Sectonia used the charged up light power she had gotten from the light based damage she had been dealing earlier to blast the angel and everything behind it, aiming towards Edward’s defensive line with the great draconic laser of light. Although she’d be taking some retaliatory shots from Edward’s defensive line with their lack of fear from getting a giant laser blasted at them. She’d then use another ability on the angel she blasted as the main target of this beam with her Reaper’s scythe, causing a grim reaper’s scythe to finish off the weakened corrupted angel before it could get away.

Still though, getting riddled with annoying shots and burns wasn’t her idea of ‘fun’, and she found this annoying and painful, although she wouldn’t let Edward see that. Weren’t those angels on her side supposed to come once she took out that ballista or were they doing something else?

Right on cue a cry of “For Father!” came from behind her, followed by a volley of arrows launched by feather bows, slowing shots putting an end to the corrupted angel’s harrying of the queen, while photon arrows softened up the constructs for her minions.

After their opening volley, the archers peeled off to the side, clearing the way for feather swords and shields to dive down into the fray alongside Sectonia. Lastly among their rank and file, the feather-staffs doused the flames lapping at the queen’s vitality, and shored it up as well, undoing much of the corruption's hard work.

Their leader, an Angel Champion, cleaved clean through one of her corrupted kindred as he led the charge, before saluting the queen with his blade, exalting her for taking down the ballista so swiftly.

Their arrival was Edward’s cue to leave, the commander ordering ”Living, fall back! Constructs, hold the line!”, turning to hurry down the stairs alongside his remaining mage-locks, while the last corrupted champions dove for lower windows, leaving only the (least beaten thanks to the sentinels resurrection ability) construct units to hold the line.

“Strange, I didn’t expect to hear a voice from the corrupted. I could swear I’ve heard that one before as well” the champion commented as he casually blocked a blow from one of the constructs, before calling out for his troops to “let the fallen run, we will bring them peace soon enough. Secure this landing zone first” even as he dismembered his stone foe’s offending arm with a massive glowing blade.

Such a line of action was exactly the one Edward had predicted and hoped for, the commander priming the top of the tower to blow… just as soon as his wounded were clear of the blast radius.

Edward was making an escape, and considering what the angel said and what Sectonia has seen over the past few days, the fact that he was intelligent in an ocean of instinct was definitely something that shouldn’t get away. Well, with another heal from her death pulse, she got ready and used her blink strike to cut off Edward’s escape.

Although instead of striking him with a sword, she scooped up the retreating man before he could even draw his sword, her hand so big that Edward looked like a toy in comparison. And to make sure he couldn’t give better orders to stop his ‘kidnapping’, she used a single finger to silence him as she summoned a red antler behind herself to keep his troops busy and make a semi escape to give some distance to continue her plan.

The fastest way to get information from someone like this, at least in a way that was expedient and not messy, well, there were a few methods. But one method of hers would be much more expedient than the other. Summoning her striker Nastasia, the business woman took one look at the situation and didn’t even need to be commanded to get what was going on. With a simple “k’ay, time for you to get with the program.”, she used her powers on the restrained Edward. The man struggled at first, but fell under her command soon enough, despite the corruption still clinging to his face.

Sectonia could loosen her grip on the man at this point, whom gave her a salute saying “Praise Sectonia.” With that, she gave him a nod and made her way back to the Angels to make her get away, saying. ”Now, tell me what you know about this ‘corruption’, and your name.”

”Edward Portsmith your majesty, and most prudent would be that, under its sway, I rigid both of these towers to explode once the battlements where lost” the man who could now see clearly and yet was at the very same time under yet another thrall-hood, informed her crisply and calmly despite the fact that they were quite little in a room full of magical gunpowder who’s fuse was lit.

He pointed that out a moment later, naturally, specifically identifying a mound of otherwise inconspicuous ammo crates to be the home of the explosive charge known as an unstable mana core, the impending detonation of which could not be stopped.

”Well then…” Sectonia said, surprised and both pleased and concerned at this outcome. With her duty done Nastasia had desapawned, and now there wasn’t much to do but escape this tower before it exploded. And unlike before, she couldn’t just blink away with her ‘new commander’ in tow, she’d have to get out the old way of flying. Getting Edward in a much more firm, although not hurtful grip, Sectonia used her other hand to cast Haste upon herself and zoomed up and out of the tower, bypassing and taking hits from whatever corrupted entities stood between her and the top.

Upon leaving the tower, she told the angels to fall back, as the corruption had set this tower as a trap for them all in the end. But she wasn’t going to get caught in an explosion if she could help it without her Chaos Shield.

While confused, the angels on her side didn’t disobey her instruction and escaped a few moments later, although the timer on Edward’s final gambit was short and while it saved the angels from outright dying from the explosion, some of them were still too close to it and got badly injured from the tower debris. Having hasted herself, Sectonia was much further away from the blast radius, leaving her and Edward unharmed.

”I suppose asking questions further from the front lines would be better. A commander would do best behind allies after all.” Sectonia said, learning to adapt to what Nastasia’s mind control offered her. Unlike true mind control, Edward had his loyalties shifted to Sectonia, but was otherwise fully himself and autonomous. Time would tell how much this would fight against the corruption, but if there wasn’t much she could get thanks to this corruption, a friend heart might fix things, those seemed to fix anything.

”I’d prefer to fight closely behind allies, if that serves your majesty. A commander should ask nothing of his troops that he himself will not do” Edward replied, having already shown a proclivity to lead from, if not the front, then at least right behind it. Given that he then proceeded to explain that ”I also have intimate knowledge of the defenses I myself prepared, and the locations of the corrupt cores that are the hearts of the enemy, which would be best provided first hand to your majesty's forces” this strategy certainly had had its flaws in this specific instance.

Still, because the queen had not removed it from where it clung to his senses, time would only tell how much it would be able to sabotage his attempts to serve his new master. Something that Sectonia had been thinking about as well. For having such a strong ability, she hadn’t used Nastasia all that often. Usually due to the restriction of needing to hold someone down for quite a long period at once and having little opportunity to do so.

Well, perhaps a ‘trust but verify’ method could be used here. Or… an experiment perhaps. A more thorough test of this power. Compare what Edward told them to their own intelligence, then see what intelligence he tells after a friend heart cleanses the corruption. Perhaps it would be the same, or different. But that would help Sectonia understand this lesser understood power of hers.

Level 13 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (54/130)
Location: Mafia Town
Word Count: Less than 750

Being what was essentially the new flying angel of the area, Blazermate would often fly around Mafia Town at all hours while looking for unique or fun things to do. Most of her allies tended to work at the various restaurants, which wasn't something that interested her, so she had to find her own fun. And this time, that fun would be in observing a new ship that came into port that many people seemed to be excited about for one reason or another.

Finding a high up perch, she watched as many, many people seemed to line up for whatever this was. She was a bit too far away to get a great view since she could only zoom in so far, but she noticed that people were trading orbs, one of them being the money the Mafia often used. Although after awhile with nothing happening but trading of pearls and pons, Blazermate was getting bored. That was until she did a final scan of the line and saw Geralt there in the line. Well... she guessed there was something going on here? So she continued to watch although laying down lazily on the high up girder she was watching this all from.

"Huh... Wonder what hes doing here?" Blazermate said as he watched and waited as Geralt made his way up the line. If she had a bag of chips and could eat them, she'd be munching them right now with the casual pose she was giving. Although when Geralt left without much fanfare, she got bored again. Maybe she'd see Nadia or Captain or something come on over and do something more flashy. Granted come to think of it, Nadia wouldn't be here unless these things had cat faces on them huh? Well, Blazermate had time to kill, so why not watch this go down a bit more. If nothing happened, she'd just tail Geralt.


Level 6 Roland (26/60)
Location: Meridi-at-Han
Word Count: Less than 750

Looking at the circus below with Goldweis and Primrose, Roland couldn't help but show a bit of concern. "Well... as long as they keep to basic stuff and don't get all weird about it, it... should be fine?" Roland said. He was curious as to what a bug circus could bring, since it was actual anthropomorphic bugs and not like... a syndicate or something. "I don't know aobut you two, but I'm morbidly curious as to what is going down there. If the city sees this as a huge holiday, its gotta be good right?" And at that point Roland had almost turned on a dime on how he felt about the circus after he had given it a bit more thought. After all, the 9 o clock circus only appeared in desolate, rundown areas to prey on the desperate and depressed but this was in the middle of a giant city so who knows, it could be fun?


Level 13 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (53/130)
Location: Mafia Town
Word Count: Less than 750

Blazermate took a bit to get over what happened to Bowser. Although it made sense now that she thought about it, he wasn't all that smart. Hopefully he didn't turn into a consul the next time they saw her, Ganondorf would be happy about that though. Still, Mafia town was colorful, fun, although she couldn't enjoy any of the fish or cooking on display. The Mafia running the town, or so they called themselves, were pretty goofy all things considered. But from what she heard from the others who were here, their food was good.

Getting up to her own shenanigans, although they were things she wasn't all that sure were shenanigans, upon learning that the random flying blue girl robot could heal grievous wounds with ease, when she was around an area the Mafia were often emboldened to push people they normally weren't up to pushing around due to getting injured. They'd do their shenanigans, and much like they assumed, they'd get beaten up a bit, and come running to the medabot for heals so they didn't have to rest for days. While Blazermate was fine with healing what she assumed were town guards (And likewise, was often given more freedom around Mafia town than most.), she actually contributed to the crime of the city more than she thought.

Hey, at least the occasional Mafia was happy enough to pay her a tip, although that was often rare. Really the biggest boon was the fact that she could fly around the city at her leisure without being bothered too much by Mafia... well unless they needed heals of course.


Level 6 Roland (25/60)
Location: Meridi-at-Han
Word Count: Less than 750

Meridi-at-Han was a glamorous looking city, but a City non the less. Fixer work suited Roland, it was really the only thing he was good at. But that also meant he was good at a lot of things. Although he expected that this group would give him some money, apparently that wasn't the case. Instead they relied on his resourcefulness to make ends meet. Something that he at least had in spades, and as such started a new fixer office in Meridi-at-Han.

Being a city of adventurers, work wasn't really a problem. The problem was that there were also tons and tons of others looking for work and unlike the City, Roland couldn't really use his name to sell things. At this point he doubted the old grading systems even meant anything anymore which really sucked... But at least now he didn't have to call himself a grade 9 fixer anymore. And unlike many of the adventurers here, he offered something they lacked... anonymity. Anyone who saw him walking around would just assume 'hes just another guy' and wouldn't remember him once he left their sight. That and his silent movement made him one heck of an assassin. Although all that being said, he preferred to be an information broker.

While getting information took a bit, he learned much what Goldweis learned about the city to the north and the guardian of the area. Apparently that was common knowledge. But he also learned the lay of the land and what generally was in all the areas. His services on the other hand were... pretty bog standard contracts all things considered. Almost clandestine with kill 4 ogres here or 15 butterflies there... Honestly Roland was expecting way bigger jobs but there weren't Stars here. It paid the bills though and even got Roland a new weapon.

Speaking of Goldweis. When Roland went to grab a bite to eat; the one thing he loved about the city with its various delicious foods, he saw the vet looking over the balcony looking at the upcoming circus. "Hey old timer, enjoying the food?" Roland said, silently sitting next to the vet out of punching range, a plate of curry next to him. "I wonder whats going to go on with that circus. The masks I saw from a few of them kinda creep me out."


Level 12 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) (33/120)
Location: Skyworld
Word Count: Less than 750

Being under the rule of someone else was not something Sectonia liked. But one does what one does when the only one above you is a literal god. A god that was pretty much hands off in all regards, so much so that Sectonia could at least add the details she liked to the temple. At first there were some chatter and disapproval at Sectonia summoning random crystal platforms, but once it was shown that these platforms were not only decorative, but functional as sniping positions for some angels to snipe at the corruption, as well as her own abilities made them begrudgingly accept the admittedly pretty crystals. Sectonia meanwhile aided with dealing with the corruption, or even pushing it back, with her antlers and her own abilities.

Although strong on the frontlines, Sectonia more spent her time learning about what was around the area, about powerful artifacts and other such things. Although so far she had only a couple leads and nothing concrete. As much as she'd like to research all of this, she'd oftne have to refresh her antlers who were fighting on the front lines, or use her own light based abilities while cloaked in her Chaos heart shield to push back and often gain some ground before retreating back to continue looking at what she was more interested in, power.
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