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Yesterday had been exhausting. Among the tons of Mytherian plants to pick from, it turned out Adam picked one of the more difficult ones to create. Sure, there had been a few interesting ones that might have been easier, such as the hauntingly nicknamed “sailor's scourge,” but the one he had chosen was more concerning for the enemy…if learning about it didn't kill him first, that is.

This morning, when he had learned from James that all Druids were to go to Golden Tree Park, the fisherman had wondered why. Listening to Michael Fern explain what was to be done, and seeing all the people there, led to an understanding: this would be another tiring day, only somewhat differently so. The effort looked like a sort of medieval and magical assembly line, ranging from people moving acorns in to people moving lumber out. It was impressive, really.

Sure, Adam could have just grown a few trees and left. It wasn't like he didn't have a reason. This new plant was tough to learn, and the red-eyed man knew he needed more practice. But that was not how he did things. The effort to defend Valheim needed all the help it could get, so Adam found an unoccupied spot and began casting.

After creating a dozen or so oak trees, the Druid felt something surprising: boredom. “How is creating living matter from nothing dull?” and “am I starting to take his powers for granted?” were two questions that ran through his mind. Perhaps the challenge from yesterday gave him a desire to expand his Druid abilities and try new things - certainly a better take than “this is simply repetitive,” which made him feel lousy about himself. 

In the spirit of the former, Adam decided to try growing multiple trees at once. He had made four roots in an earlier battle, so he started there. It became simple after a time, so he branched out to six. And eventually eight. Each one was tougher than the last, but still doable.

Ten was his limit, for now. One for each finger. Perhaps it was being in a situation where he didn't have to focus on anything else besides casting that let the red-eyed man do that much, he thought. Whatever it was, he allowed himself to simply focus on the magic. It was a feeling almost reminiscent of his time on Kragstone Peak, and the meditative nature of the casting made the Druid feel like he was casting more proficiently than usual.

This state of mind kept Adam from realizing something fairly obvious until he was done casting; towards the end, someone had been watching him.

I need to start writing a little earlier in the week xD

I can relate to this today lol.
That was probably the shortest post I've written in ages. The foreshadowing was planned of course, but everything only really came together like half a day ago, so I'm still brainstorming to an extent.
The only thing Adam had thought to do with his day was send the letter, really. It wasn't even a long process like he suspected it could be. So what else to do? He didn't think he needed any supplies. There was something he wanted to ask a certain someone, but he didn't think he had the nerve yet. Absent-mindedly, the Druid sat down against a tree, taking in the view of the people walking down an ordinary Valheim street. At least he had managed to thank his friend who had taught him things and recommended some-

Some books!

Adam took out one of them and went to the index. He knew what sort of plant he wanted to learn about, and would search his little library until he found it. Then, well…then it'd be time to start casting.
Lucy was very helpful to the new source mail user. Immediately taking the time to help and explaining the interface - similar to email, really - made the process incredibly simple, and Adam was sure to show his appreciation. One statement the Guild master said left the Druid slightly confused though.

"Here is where you enter the name of the Adventurer Party.  Ooo... True Grade," she realised.  "I see you've become familiar with one of the more famous Party Names of this era." She raised her eyebrows as she nosily inquired.  "Friends in high places?  Or just a fan?"
Lucy Bottrill

“A friend,” the man simply responded, “is he really that famous?” Glee certainly didn't come off that way, though maybe that explained the crush Fiona had on him. 

After listening to Lucy's answer and thanking her again before she left, Adam wrote his letter to his apparently famous friend.


Hello Glee!

First, if this message is garbled or incomplete, it's the Witch Queen. It's far too much to explain here, though I'd be glad to do so the next time we meet. Suffice it to say, it happened once, so I'm writing all this in case it happens again. Hopefully not though!

That being said, I hope all is well with you. I wanted to thank you for your help with improving my casting, and for introducing me to Gilligan. He did teach me Shapeshifting like you said, which was useful during my last battle against a powerful water ninja. Druid magic is much more versatile than I could have imagined, and I feel my proficiency in it has grown (pun not intended) since our last meeting.

Adam thought for a second, then continued writing. It wasn't the purpose of the letter, but this could end up making a difference in something very important.

In much more unfortunate news, Valheim is currently under siege. I have been told by a reliable source that in nine days, the Witch Queen's forces will start their attack when the city's shields are worn out. If you happen to be nearby or know anyone who is, any help with the defense is appreciated. If not, I understand completely. In either case, I will do my best to defend this place and the people in it.

Come to think of it, are you from Valheim? One of my friends and teammates, our Paladin, is. He's a good guy. Everyone in Second Chance is, really. 

Anyway, I'll stop here. Thanks again for the help, and I wish you all the best.


Adam Phillips

After he finished typing, the fisherman sent his letter. Glad to have done so, the fisherman left the Guildhouse, ready for whatever happened next.
Zell's answer was completely unhelpful to Adam and made him wonder if the swordsman cared about his friend at all. So confusing. Then James responded and it suddenly all made sense. Well, enough of it, at least. The two of them had done something dumb and MacKensie was mad at them for it. Considering the Fighter was involved, it might have something to do with that “unbanning” business. Finishing his meal, thanking Frederick and giving him the dishes, the Druid responded to the Cleric's information, taking a measured approach.

“I see. Well, I won’t bug you two about it.” Whether or not he would ask the Ranger about this was an open question. She could more than handle herself, so Adam figured he would just be there to be supportive if needed. Whatever that meant would depend on how things proceed. “Considering everything…”

The red-eyed man trailed off. He was going to add “you may have done more harm than you realize” but he reconsidered. If these two did in fact cause MacKensie to be unfairly maligned somehow, Adam knew in her eyes it would be a stain on her honor, and that of her family. The Druid could relate, despite living on a different continent and social class than the Ranger. In his small town, people still talked about things that happened decades before he was born. Reputations were built on honorable behavior and crushed by the opposite.

That all would be very wordy though, and risked creating unnecessary tensions at a time when there were bigger things to worry about. Like an invading army, for instance. So instead, Adam skipped that part and finished his sentence with “if you both make things right, that's good.” Zell's approach to the situation seemed dumb to the fisherman, but he trusted James to get things patched up.

Now, what was he going to ask their group leader? Whatever idea it was, it was gone now. Maybe it would reappear sometime. Oh well, better to be honest. “I forgot what I was going to ask, sorry. I should probably get that letter sent though.”

Leaving the money for the meal on the table, Adam said his goodbyes to both teammates and proceeded to the Guildhouse. Trying to remember what he was going to ask, the Druid completely missed a certain French woman walking in the opposite direction. He did, however, see Lucy Bottrill talking to a bartender he did not know.

The fisherman walked up to them and when there was a pause in the conversation, he proceeded to ask the question he didn't forget. 

“Excuse me Lucy, could you please show me how to send a message using the Source Mail? I'd like to send something to my friend Glee and I've only used it to view the one from yesterday. Of course, if you're busy now, I can come back later.”

Adam mentally cringed as he remembered what he was going to ask. Of course it would pop back up in his mind when he was talking about the Emperor's message. This was something for the team leader to decide, though. 

The Druid was just contacting someone he cared about.
"So Adam, how did your last Ascension go? Got anything fancy? since my last one I got some new spells"
James Sirius

The food and conversation was pleasant. James asking about the Ascension made sense, though Adam hadn't really thought about it. Searching his mind, he was able to respond completely. 

“No new spells, though I feel like my Druid “senses” are heightened, if that makes any sense. Like, take that painting,” he said, pointing to a cityscape of Valheim nearby reminiscent of Vincent Van Gogh's The Starry Night. “The frame is made of maple and the paint itself is derived from at least ten different types of seeds. Dunno how practical that'll be in combat though. I did get something else useful, at least.”

After searching through his bag, the Druid pulled out a certain wand and showed it to the Cleric. “The mustached guy - George, not the gnome - gave it to me. It has a wind blast spell, but only a limited amount before it has to be ‘recharged.’ If we ever see Lillianna again, I plan on giving it to her. How about you, what are your new spells?”

Listening to James as Zell joined them, Adam was grateful for the peace in the days before conflict would erupt. It felt like it was inevitable that he would be fighting once more, so the fisherman appreciated these moments more as a result. When Zell asked James about teaching him stuff, the Druid nodded. After the Cleric agreed, the non-weapon user indicated his agreement. “Good idea. I learned stuff from a few people and I'm not sure we would have made it this far without them.” An idea occurred to him, just now. “Actually, I should go to the Guildhouse and try that ‘source mail’ thing to send a message to one of them.” And another one. “James, do you think-”

Speaking of things he was grateful for, MacKensie Trydant was very high on that list, and she briefly appeared to say hi and bye to everyone (and he responded similarly, of course). It was strange, though. The Ranger was her usual radiant and cheery self around him, but harsh to the other two members of Second Chance.

“Huh, MacKensie seems upset. Would either of you know why?” 
“You mean a lot to me too, Adam.”

Those words had made the man think he was blushing even more in that moment than he was. That and her smile made him over the moon. Such a shame that it couldn't have been in the context of a more positive story about his family. At least it seemed to help MacKensie though, and that was the whole point. She saw the battle for what it was, and thought that Second Chance would also. This was a nice thought. The Druid would fight that army alone if he had to, but he did not want to. Combat was not thrilling to him; it was a means to help people.

The following hug and the subsequent chatter between Adam and the Ranger brought his mind at ease, or something resembling that at least. If nothing else, he felt that MacKensie would be there for him, whether as a friend or something more. Would it be appropriate to ask someone out before an invasion, he wondered. Though he was not new to being in a relationship, the red-eyed man had never asked anyone out before. This was new territory for him, and in a new world to boot! Even if she said no though, he knew he would do his best to repay her kindness.


The next morning started with a shower and clean clothes, followed by the return of his orb along with a short letter simply thanking the team. Not much help, but it didn't phase Adam much. Some instinctual, Druid part of his mind told him this item was uniquely his and its function was something he would have to find out on his own. This aspect of the man would have surprised him earlier in his time in Mytheria, had it been more apparent. Now though, it was becoming second nature - pun not intended. The wood the Mended Drum was built with is oak, he had observed last night when he walked into the place. Was it an Ascension, time spent in the class, or maybe something else entirely? 

There would be time to think about it later though. Right now, Adam was thinking about breakfast, and he saw the team's Cleric and leader ordering something. With that in mind, the Druid sat down and politely ordered whatever he was having, then turned to James and spoke to him.

“Good morning! How are you?”

It was a standard thing to ask, of course, though in this case they had received a not-so-standard letter yesterday. Therefore, the state of his healer friend and everyone else on the team was an important thing to enquire about.
@EnduMakyr welcome to Roleplayerguild.com - like Zool said, our GM will probably contact you as soon as he can.

@Loksfjoer sorry you've been so busy, I know how that is. I look forward to your post!

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