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Current And I’m an unemployed person again. 😔
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Gay, he/him, Autistic

I’m Crimson Flame and I’m addicted to RPing. But sometimes ADHD kicks in, and it takes me longer to reply to things than it should. If I’m taking too long to respond, feel free to say something. Just don’t be rude about it.

There are a bunch of RPs I like. Pokémon, Digimon, Fantasy, Superhero, it would take too long to list them all. I’m not a fan of Horror or Apocalypse settings though.

I have a particular type of character I like making. Look through my Character Sheet thread, and see if you notice what a lot of my characters have in common.

Most Recent Posts

As MJ walked away, he was feeling a bunch of emotions. When he had told Danny he wasn’t ready for a serious relationship and that they should see other people, he hadn’t anticipated how quickly things would change. Seeing Danny with Chase, officially starting a new relationship, hit MJ harder than he expected.

MJ kept the camera rolling, forcing a smile for his vlog. “There you have it, folks. Midtown High’s newest power couple. Congrats, you two!” He gave a v sign, and stopped the camera.

Deep down, MJ felt a pang of regret. He had thought giving Danny space would be the best thing for both of them, but now he couldn’t help but feel he had lost something important. The easy-going, carefree persona he maintained for his followers felt heavy and insincere at that moment.

“Wow, Danny,” MJ muttered to himself, lowering his phone once he was out of sight. “I didn’t think you’d move on so fast.” He leaned against a locker, staring at his phone screen, which still displayed the video he had just recorded.

MJ sighed. “Maybe I was wrong,” he thought. “Maybe I wasn’t ready to let go.”

As he walked to his next class, MJ decided to keep supporting Danny and Chase, even if it meant dealing with his own complicated feelings. He knew he had made his decision and that it was only fair to respect Danny’s choices. Still, the sight of Danny finding happiness with someone else was a reminder of what he had given up.

“Guess it’s time to focus on me.” MJ thought, trying to shake off the sadness. He straightened up, put on his best smile, determined to make the best of his senior year.


MJ sat at a corner table, scrolling through his phone as he waited for his date. He had met Morrie Bench online, and while Morrie seemed nice enough, MJ wasn’t looking for anything serious.

Morrie arrived, flashing MJ a wide smile. “Hey, MJ. Thanks for meeting me here.”

MJ looked up and smiled politely. “Hey, Morrie. No problem. How’s it going?”

The conversation flowed easily at first. Morrie was charming and attentive, but MJ couldn’t shake the feeling that Morrie was a bit too intense. As the date went on, it became clear that Morrie saw this as the beginning of something serious, while MJ was just looking for a casual hangout.

“So, what do you think about us going to that concert next weekend?” Morrie asked, leaning forward.

MJ hesitated, trying to find a gentle way to let Morrie down. “I’m not sure about that, Morrie. I’m kind of busy with my vlogging and school stuff.”

Morrie’s grin still didn’t leave his face. “Maybe we can do something next week then?”

MJ sighed. “Look Morrie, you’re a nice guy, but I can tell you want a boyfriend out of this, and I’m not ready for that. I just want to have fun.”

Morrie’s expression fell, but he tried to hide his disappointment. “Oh, okay...”


Morrie Bench paced back and forth in the dimly lit warehouse, frustration and anger bubbling inside him. He had really liked MJ, but it was clear MJ didn’t feel the same way. Feeling rejected and humiliated, Morrie had taken a part-time job at a local shipping company, hoping the physical work would help him forget about MJ.

But fate had other plans. During a routine loading operation, a faulty valve on a container filled with experimental chemicals burst, dousing Morrie in the strange liquid. The pain was unbearable, and he collapsed, unconscious.

When he woke up, his body felt different. He looked down and saw that his skin had taken on a watery appearance, his limbs shifting and flowing like liquid. Panicked, Morrie stumbled out of the warehouse, only to find himself melting into a nearby puddle and reforming moments later.

Realizing the extent of his transformation Morrie grinned. MJ was going to pay.


MJ was packing up his things, ready to head home, when he heard a commotion outside. Curious, he walked out to find a crowd gathered, looking towards the street.

“What’s going on?” MJ asked a nearby student.

“It’s some kind of water monster,” the student replied, pointing.

MJ’s heart sank as he recognized the watery figure, standing in the middle of the street, shouting his name.

“MJ! Get out here!” Morrie shouted. “It’s your fault this happened to me, and now you’re gonna pay!”

Students around MJ began to whisper and back away, leaving him exposed. Panic gripped him, but he knew he couldn’t run. He stepped forward, trying to remain calm.

“Morrie, what happened to you?” MJ called out, trying to reach the humanity in the man he once knew.

Morrie’s watery form shifted, his eyes filled with rage. “You rejected me, and now look at me! I’m a freak! It’s all your fault! Guess what, Morrie Bench is dead because of you. Now, Hydro-Man is going to make sure you get what you deserve!”

Before MJ could respond, Hydro-Man sent a wave of water crashing towards him. MJ braced himself, but at the last second, Spider-Man swung in, grabbing MJ and pulling him to safety.

“Stay back MJ. We’ll handle this.”

Meanwhile, Talkback was dealing with Hydro Man. “Bro, you need to calm down!” Chase shouted, activating his Fistigons. “This isn’t the way to solve your problems.”

Hydro-Man lashed out, sending another wave towards Chase. “You don’t understand! None of you do!”

Spider-Man and Chase worked together, trying to contain Hydro-Man’s attacks and keep the students safe. Danny swung in, firing webs to try and contain Hydro-Man’s watery form, while Chase used his Fistigons to blast at the water, hoping to destabilize him.

The chaos of the battle with Hydro-Man had spread throughout the street in front of Midtown High. Students and teachers scrambled to safety, but Hydro-Man’s attacks made it difficult to find a secure spot. Among the fleeing students was Skyler.

As Hydro-Man sent another wave crashing through the street, Skyler was caught off guard and thrown to the ground, struggling to get back up. Spider-Man, noticing Skyler’s peril, immediately swung into action.

“Skyler, look out!” Spider-Man shouted as he swung over and picked Skyler up to get him out of the way.

Skyler stared up at Spider-Man in shock. “How did you…?”

Spider-Man didn’t have time to respond as Hydro-Man lashed out again. “Stay down!” he ordered before leaping back into the fray to help Chase.

Chase fired at Hydro-Man with his Fistigons, the blasts of energy evaporating the water momentarily. “I get it, you’re hurt. But attacking people isn’t going to change what happened.”

Spider-Man swung back into the fray, landing next to Chase. “We need to contain him. Do you have any ideas?”

Chase nodded. “Yeah, but it’s risky. We need to evaporate as much water as possible and then contain what’s left.”

Spider-Man nodded, webbing a nearby fire hydrant to create a temporary barrier. “I’ll keep him distracted. You set up the containment.”

Chase quickly rigged up a makeshift containment unit from materials around the school, using his engineering skills. Meanwhile, Spider-Man swung around Hydro-Man, keeping him occupied and dodging his attacks.

“Hey, Hydro-Man! Over here!” Spider-Man taunted, firing webs to slow him down.

With the containment unit ready, Chase signaled to Spider-Man. “Now!”

Spider-Man swung down, firing a web line at Hydro-Man’s core, yanking him towards the containment unit. Chase activated the unit, and a powerful heat blast evaporated a significant portion of Hydro-Man’s water form, leaving just enough to be contained within the unit.

Hydro-Man, now weakened and partially contained, thrashed against the barriers, but it was no use. The authorities arrived shortly after, taking Morrie into custody.

As the situation calmed down, MJ approached Spider-Man and Chase, feeling a mix of relief and guilt. “Thanks, guys,” MJ said quietly. “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.”

Spider-Man placed a reassuring hand on MJ’s shoulder. “It’s not your fault, MJ. Morrie made his own choices.”

Chase nodded in agreement. “Yeah, we’ve all had to deal with stuff like this. Just remember, we’re here for you.”

MJ nodded, feeling relieved. “Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it.”


Later, Danny changed out of Spider-Man costume and rejoined everyone else. He was approached by Skyler. “Did you see what happened? Spider-Man saved me. He even knew my name too! It was awesome!”

Danny nodded, trying to keep his relief from showing too much. “Yeah, I heard. He’s a real hero.”

“Yeah, unlike you! You ran away like a baby. Ha!” He laughed and shoved Danny aside. Typical Skyler. Danny shook his head as he went to join Chase.

“Everything okay with Skyler?”

Danny nodded. “Yeah, I think so. Skyler is stil a jerk. You would think a near death experience would change a person, but nope.”

Chase patted Danny on the back. “You still did good, Danny. That’s the kind of thing heroes do. Who knows, maybe you set him on the path towards a redemption arc.”

Danny scoffed. “As if. But whatever, let’s just go home.” The boys kissed, and walked away hand in hand.

Danny watched Sam and Fisk leave with a mix of amusement and concern. He knew they could both handle themselves, but this new world was full of unknowns. He glanced down at the device in his hand, turning it over thoughtfully. This was a chance to explore and understand more about this alternate New York, but he also needed to stay cautious.

Deciding to make the most of his time, Danny took a deep breath and shot a web to a nearby building, launching himself into the air. Even in this new world, the rush of web swinging through the concrete jungle was the same. He weaved between skyscrapers, taking in the sights and sounds of this utopian version of New York.

As he swung, Danny couldn’t help but notice all the virtual billboards and the overall cleanliness of the city. It was almost too perfect. He made a mental note to look for anything that seemed out of place or unusual. Fisk International’s presence was everywhere, and he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to this city than met the eye.

After a few minutes of exploring, Danny landed on a rooftop overlooking Central Park. The park was lush and vibrant, teeming with people enjoying the day. It was a stark contrast to the sometimes rundown and crowded parks in his own world. He took a moment to observe, noting the absence of homeless people and the general sense of happiness among the citizens.

Danny’s curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to head down to street level. Maybe he could get a better sense of how this world operated. As he descended, he kept his senses alert for any signs of trouble or anything that seemed off.

Once on the ground, Danny approached a food vendor. “Hi there, I’m new in town. Anything you’d recommend trying?”

The vendor, a middle-aged man with a friendly demeanor, grinned back.“Welcome! You can’t go wrong with a a pretzel. Best in the city! I’ll give you one to try free!”

Danny nodded and ordered a pretzel, chatting with the vendor about life in this version of New York. He learned that Fisk International had implemented numerous policies to improve the city’s infrastructure, reduce crime, and provide for the less fortunate. It sounded almost too good to be true, and Danny couldn’t help but feel a bit skeptical…

Danny kept his device close, an evil Spider-person could show up at any moment. He lifted his mask up a little, and took a bite of the pretzel. “Wow, the food here is great!”
Funny enough, I’m playing Zach Zatara in another RPG. My take on him is definitely different from yours lol.
Same goes for @rabidbacon@Crimson Flame@Archazen but if you three could add a few more details as to how your characters came to Magicorp (specifically for the ones who don’t have magical parents) that’d be great. Otherwise, everything looks pretty good!


"Someone said the customer is always right. Whoever said that is a liar. Most times the customer is wrong!"


Full Name:
Kenji Yamamoto




Kenji is a man of Japanese descent. He stands at six feet tall and has a lean dancer's build. His movements and posture are graceful and poised because of his dance experience. He has brown eyes, and his black hair is kept neat and tidy at all times. He is always clean-shaven, neatly groomed, and cares about keeping up his appearance. As far as clothing, Kenji dresses professionally. He wears suits most of the time. Even on his days off, he still wears dress shirts, ties, and slacks.


Worldview (Personality):
Upon first impression, Kenji is a sweet guy. He acts happy-go-lucky and always has a smile on his face. He is friendly to everyone in the office and is willing to strike up a conversation with anyone. He says hi to everyone in the office, and he’s been known to bring baked goods for the other employees to enjoy. Because of his job, people turn to him when they need someone to vent to and listen to their problems, and he does his best to help them. He gets high ratings for his customer service skills.

This is really just an act. Deep down, he is very irritated with his job, and his life in general. He studied to be an actor; he was going to be a star! Instead, he’s stuck in an office listening to customers complain about every little problem they have and then demanding to speak to the manager when they don’t get exactly what they want. At one point, he really did want to help, but being yelled at by people for things he had no control over took a toll on his mental health. Now, Kenji could not care less what happens to people or their problems. He just puts on the act for the sake of his job.


Customer Service Representative


Beast Taming/Enchantment


Resume (Background):
Kenji was born to an average Japanese family living in America. His parents were both mortals, and had very traditional views. All of his life, he wanted to be an actor on the Broadway stage. Other kids in school bullied him for his interests, and this upset him greatly. He knew that one day, he would be a star! Then he’d show them!

Kenji discovered his magical abilities at the age of 10. When he accidentally brought his stuffed animals to life while doing a dance routine in his room. He kept his magical abilities a secret from everyone he knew, even his own parents. He didn’t want to give people an additional reason to bully him. He practiced his magic in secret, and even sought guidance from a local wizard.

Things went downhill when he came out as gay to his parents at 18 and told them he was going to study musical theater in college. He figured his parents just wanted him to be happy, and they would support him no matter what. Instead, he was kicked out and disowned from the family. Kenji is no longer on speaking terms with his parents. He was forced to rely on his magic a lot to get by.

Kenji took a bunch of student loans to make it through college. When he graduated, he was severely in debt. Despite his talent and passion, breaking into the theater scene proved to be more challenging than he had anticipated. The few auditions he managed to land didn’t lead to any substantial roles, and the bills continued to pile up. Kenji needed a stable income, and fast. One day, while browsing job listings online, Kenji stumbled upon an unusual ad for Magicorp. The ad mentioned a need for individuals with “special talents”. Desperate and curious, Kenji decided to apply. To his surprise, Kenji received a call back within a week. The interview process was nothing like he was expecting, and they seemed to know about his magical abilities before he even mentioned them.

A few days later, Kenji got the job as a customer service rep at Mgicorp. He figured he would only be here until he gets his big break. Then he won’t have to deal with these people anymore.


Interests (Likes):
- Acting
- Singing
- Dancing
- Baking


Non-Interests (Dislikes):
- His current job
- His family
- Bullies
- Rude Customers


Other Junk (Misc.):
- Despite his frustrations, Kenji is incredibly skilled at enchanting objects to bring joy or calm to others, using his baking as a conduit for subtle magic that lifts the spirits of his coworkers.
- He is skilled at handling both magical creatures and irate customers, seeing little difference between the two.
- He often hums show tunes while working.
I’m interested
I actually like Ice Beast’s costume.
Gary leaned against a wall. He scanned the room, with a playful grin on his face as he observed the newcomers and old friends alike. He caught sight of Kid Cannonball looking a bit lost and decided to break the ice.

“Hey there, KC!” He called out, while giving his fellow hero a pat on the pat on the back. “Welcome to the T Tower.”

Just then, a loud “BOOYAH!” echoed through the lobby, making Gary chuckle. Gridlock always knew how to make an entrance. He then joined the group that was forming around him.

In the middle of Vic’s story, their leader Night Vision came out and joined him. Gary knew he was just with Darkbird, and her condition weighed heavily on him. Before he could greet his leader, and try to cheer him up, the T Tower shook violently.

The entrance was destroyed, and standing there was the giant frane of the Hearld of Cytorakk. Why was he here, Gary had no idea. But now there was going to be a battle. Gary looked at his leader. “Ok dude, do you really need to shout that every time? We’re already here.” He said with a wink and a grin.

After making the joke, he transformed into an ice gorilla, and he charged at Mal Duncan. Alright, big guy, let’s see how you handle this! he thought, as he let out a roar, and swung an icy fist at the Herald with all his might.
@Crimson Flame I am happy to help you if you CC me in on the PM, or you can just chat in the OOC.

Long story short, things went from 0-100 real quick, and I’m not sure how to reply. ^^
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