Avatar of Crimson Flame


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6 days ago
Current I’m online
10 days ago
And just got done seeing Wicked. It was great. My only complaint is that I have to wait a year for Part 2 🩷 💚
10 days ago
Going to see Wicked today. I have high hopes. :D
10 days ago
I hate Twitter, but I keep coming back for cute fanart. 😭
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12 days ago
Are you sure you want to drink Poohead Potion? That sounds unsanitary.
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Gay, he/him, Autistic

I’m Crimson Flame and I’m addicted to RPing. But sometimes ADHD kicks in, and it takes me longer to reply to things than it should. If I’m taking too long to respond, feel free to say something. Just don’t be rude about it.

There are a bunch of RPs I like. Pokémon, Digimon, Fantasy, Superhero, it would take too long to list them all. I’m not a fan of Horror or Apocalypse settings though.

I have a particular type of character I like making. Look through my Character Sheet thread, and see if you notice what a lot of my characters have in common.

Most Recent Posts

Daxam and I are working on a collab.

Max perked up at the suggestion to play Smash. The sadness from earlier as his cheerful grin returned to his face. “Oh absolutely. You’re on!” He took another sip of his hot chocolate, glancing around the table as he set the thermos back down. “Fair warning, I’ve been practicing. I’ve got Kirby down to an art form. You won’t stand a chance.”

Max paused, tilting his head with a serious expression. “Unless, of course, you’re trying to throw the game on purpose. Just so you have an excuse to eat the hottest wings and prove how much of a ‘tough guy’ you are.” He made air quotes with his fingers before laughing.

Then his gaze shifted to Fae and Erin. “You two are joining, right? Smash is more fun with more people after all!”

When the bell rang, his grin faltered slightly as the realization set in. “Ugh, 8 a.m. already?” he groaned, tucking his pencil behind his ear. “Time for class. It’s not even an art class. Ugh, stupid prerequisites… Anyway, I’ll see you guys later!” Without missing a beat, he leaned in, and gave Damon a hug without a second thought before running off to class before he was scolded by the professor for coming in late.
<Snipped quote by Sadu>

Even has the White Rabbit's watch.

Lucian isn’t a furry, but damn.
I do have a magic using farmer character, but I don’t know if I can keep up with a post a week.
Are we going to Atlantica?

Meanwhile, I’m the only one with a completed CS.
“Lucian defeated a heartless, and when it vanished, munny was lying there in it’s place.”
Do they have coffee on the Destiny Islands?
By the way, consider me out of the posting order until someone goes to Merlin's shop, at which point I'll post again.

Which will probably be Lucian eventually. Lol
As someone who still hasn’t finished the KH games, I’m just going with the flow.
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