Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It was a sunny day in Sandgem Town. There were barely any clouds in the sky, allowing anyone to gaze up into the beauty of the blue above them. The day was mostly like any other for most people, though for a few of the children around town, resident and visitor alike, it was a big day. They'd all be getting a Pokemon from the expert of Sinnoh, Professor Rowan. Known for his studies on Pokemon Evolution, and for being rather scary when he wishes to be. They say he can lecture for hours on end about any current topic, and can silently stand in one place waiting for the answer he wants for even longer. Truly a patient and smart man.

Among the children getting a Pokemon was Desmond, a fifteen year old boy. He had moved from Orre with his mother by the will of his father, the man wanting Desmond to go out into the world and become mature and experienced. It took the boy some time to prepare himself to go out into the world, but now that he's ready, he is stuck on the idea. He couldn't wait to get on the road and see what Sinnoh held along the way. He had read about the region, but that wouldn't do it justice. He wanted to take it all in with his own eyes, and find Pokemon along the way that he could befriend.

Inside his home, he was preparing to go. He had taken a shower, and had just began dressing into his normal attire. He looked into the mirror and strait at his own yellow eyes, able to see the small amount of uncertainty he had. After a moment he turned his head, not wanting to think of his own fears as they'd keep him down. He was honestly somewhat scared about how rough it could possibly be out there, but knew it'd be a good experience none the less. If worse came to worse, he could always go home. Though he had a feeling that once he was gone, thoughts of returning wouldn't come up often, due to his own personal touch of excitement that he was becoming a trainer.

After being prepared, backpack and all, he went downstairs. He slowly walked into the living room and saw his mother sitting on the couch, seeming to be in thought while holding a picture frame in her hands. Desmond slowly walked over and sat beside her, looking at the photo. It was quite an old picture of him and his parents, from when he was around the age of five by the looks of it. His father with his blazing red hair, had that ever-lasting grin on his face. While his mother had a soft smile. Desmond was on his father's shoulders, smiling widely and happily at the camera.

"You know I'll be fine, right?" Desmond said, cutting through the silence. His mother nodded slowly. "Of course I do." She answered, looking at him with a small smile. "I was just reflecting on old times. I know it won't be too long until your father joins us here, but I can't help but pray it'll come faster." She added, sighing. Desmond nodded slowly, eyeing the photo. "I miss him too, mother. But he's working hard to help Professor Krane."

"You're right. I'm glad you see it like that, you are such an understanding boy." His mother put the photo down, before leaning over and hugging her son. She spoke as sat strait once more. "You don't know how proud your father is that you grew up to be such a sweet young man. Once he knows you're on a journey, I bet he'll be excited and ask you all kinds of questions."

Desmond laughed. "Yeah, that sounds like him. I'll be sure to tell him all about it. But, Ma..." He became quiet as his mother stood, and turned to him with a smile on her face. "I know, you have to get going. It's wise not to keep Rowan waiting, sweetheart."

"Yeah." Desmond said quietly, standing as well. "I better get going. I've got a long road ahead, yeah? Best I get started." Desmond slowly made his way towards the door, opening it once he got close enough. He glanced back at his mother and the smile on her face, before walking out and gently closing the door behind him. He quickly made his way down the steps in front of his house, and was soon on the way to Rowan's Lab.

He walked down the path towards the Lab, looking at the ground. Thoughts flew through his mind about the journey ahead of him, and how the backpack he wore already said he'd prepared somewhat. He was excited for today, no doubt. He wondered what his father would say now? Desmond could only hope he'd be proud, though noted to give him a call later after getting his Pokemon. He missed Orre very much, except for how hot it always was. There was hardly ever rain, and it never snowed. He'd heard there was some cold places in Sinnoh, and wasn't sure if he was excited to experience the cold, or if he was terrified of it. Either way it was going to happen, so he figured he'd tell himself he was simply... Curious.

He looked up, noticing the lab ahead. He stopped out front, starring up at the building. "Well... I'm here." He said to himself, somewhat ready to get his first Pokemon. Slowly, he walked towards the entrance, curious about what kinds of Pokemon awaited him inside. One of them would be his partner, and probably his best friend. His mixture of nervousness and excitement was nerve racking.

"I'll find my partner here, then my journey will really begin. I bet we'll make a great team. Like Dad and his Jolteon..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

'Come on, mum, quit being such a helicopter! Jeez!'
'I just want to make sure my little girl is...ready...for this... Going out on an adventure of a lifetime to become a PokΓ©mon trainer and, well, becoming a woman...'
'You don't have to cry over me, mum... Nothing bad will happen... I promise...'
'Come back home safe...for the both of us...

Somehow, Amy couldn't get those final memories of her parents out of her mind. They just kept echoing in her head, dragging her down every time it replayed in her mind. It was saddening to leave, to go without them, but it was their decision and both Amy and her parents needed to embrace it. And it wasn't like she wouldn't visit, either, since Floaroma Town was along the road, so she'd need to re-visit eventually. Still, it felt like it had been forever since she left the house...

Jumping down yet another small stone cliff, Amy finds herself on the final straight towards Sandgem Town, where she hoped to acquire her first Pokemon. All things considered, she was slightly nervous as to what Pokemon she would choose. She was even more nervous as the thought that she wouldn't even get a choice in the matter crossed her mind. However, she represses these negative emotions and pushes forward with a smile. She'd been around Pokemon for a lot of her life -- some of which were dead Pokemon -- which meant she had no reason to fear. Now, only determination stood in its place.

Striding through the northern entrance of Sandgem Town, she couldn't help but be amazed by the feeling of peace that washed over her and the elemental factors that contributed: the warm sun, crystal sand, shimmering blue water and friendly folk around town instantly gave her the impression that this place, for whatever reason, was an isolated haven. 'No wonder the professor has his lab here...' thought Amy as she began to search the small town for the lab, a relatively easy feat.

As she neared, she spotted a boy standing just outside, seemingly about her own age. He appeared to be talking to himself, or at least deep in thought, and she thought it best not to disturb him, in case he was doing...something. Amy leans against the side of the lab, staring silently at the front door...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Desmond had taken a moment to simply think about the possibilities of what was awaiting him inside, before realizing he had been just standing there, starring at the door like he was in a trance. He glanced over a short distance from the Lab's entrance and noticed a girl he hadn't seen a few moments ago. In fact, he was certain he hadn't ever seen her before at all. Was she perhaps from out of town? There wasn't really a way to tell for sure. Momentary observation made it apparent she didn't have a Pokemon with her. Most trainers kept their Pokeballs at easy each, and she didn't seem to have any on her.

"Are you here for a Pokemon as well?" He asked, breaking the silence. Desmond had only expected him and Ted to be here today, though wasn't too surprised. They weren't the only people around wanting to get a Pokemon, there were plenty of people who came here to get their first Pokemon from Professor Rowan. He had met a few of them since moving to Sandgem. They seemed like nice folk, most of the people in Sinnoh seemed to be rather kind. Not to say there wasn't the occasional bully or punk, but Desmond avoided them for the most part, for his own sake.

Desmond slipped his hands into his coat pockets, waiting for a reply. He took a quick glance back down the road to see if Ted was arriving, but didn't see him anywhere. He was certain the guy would show up sooner or later, he just wasn't sure if he could wait forever to go inside. He really wanted to meet the Pokemon now, to see what choices would be there. He just hoped he found one he was interested in that everyone else left in peace, so there was no conflict. Only time would tell if that would happen..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Amy stared back at the boy who apparently broke out of his train-of-thought. He said something to her though she wasn't really listening. She was too busy replaying the memories of the goodbye session with her parents... Assuming it was a yes or no question, Amy decided that the best reply was to agree.

"Yeah," she says simply, though doesn't say much else. She notices his tendency to look back and assumes he's waiting for someone, though doesn't ask the question directly, instead going with: "Are there gonna be any others?"

Amy sighs as the time felt like it was already ticking by, despite only getting to the lab a few moments ago. She shuts her eyes, still leaning against the lab, one leg now pressed against it and the other on the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Desmond thought, she was also here to obtain a Pokemon of her own. He had a small smile on his face, not noticing the fact she hadn't really been paying attention to what he asked. As she brought up about there being others, Desmond nodded. "Yeah, a friend of mine was supposed to meet me here so we could both pick our first Pokemon. He's running a little late, but I'm sure he'll be here shortly." He explained briefly, hoping what he said was true. Ted never seemed like the type to chicken out, so Desmond doubted that was the case. Maybe he was just taking his time.

He looked back to the lab's entrance, curiously. "I wonder what kind of Pokemon there are for us to choose from? I've heard Rowan has some interesting choices, but I haven't heard anything specific." He looked back to the girl, who seemed to be already getting sick of the waiting somewhat. "Kind of exciting, the fact that we might find Pokemon who'll be our partners wherever we go."

Desmond was sure they'd both find a Pokemon to their liking inside, though he kind of wondered about her goals. Did she have plans for a journey like his? Or was she simply going to return to where she was from after obtaining a Pokemon? He was curious, but figured it was best not to ask. It'd seem sort of out there, in his opinion. He didn't want to seem weird with his random and sudden questions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Inuyasha
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Inuyasha π™«π™žπ™‘π™‘π™–π™žπ™£

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ted sat on the edge of his bed, staring at his wall, his gaze vacant. He had covered it with posters of bands and movies he liked to try and make it a little more "homey" as his mom had said. Ted kept asking himself why he felt so weirdly about getting a pokemon, and he thought he knew the answer, but he didn't want to admit it. To admit it would be to unlock a different part of him, one he had sheltered away since coming to Sinnoh. He told himself he was just nervous his Pokemon wouldn't like him, but he knew that wasn't it, not at all. He was afraid he was going to become like his father, losing his mind over a Pokemon, destroying his life because of a pokemon. But wasn't that the entire reason why he wanted a Pokemon? To put this fear to rest, to wrestle with his demons? Ted honestly did not know, as right now he was a mixed bag of emotions. He hauled himself up, and took a last look in his mirror. He was wearing a tuxedo with a bright red bow-tie, with a pair of straight, pin-striped slacks underneath. Yes it was a little fancy for a 15 year old, but it was a big day. After combing his slick hair over with his hand one last time, he tromped down stairs.

"Mom! I'm going now! To Professor Rowan's Lab! See you in a bit!" he called out to her, hoping to be able to bolt out the door before she could pull all this sappy stuff on her. Sure he was just as sad too to leave home and a little bit wary of getting a Pokemon, but he was still a kid. "Wait, wait, Bear don't go, I'll be there in just a second!" yelled his mother, using his nickname that nobody called him anymore since he was a kid, but apperantly his mom didn't get the memo. His mom rushed in from the kitchen, and she still had her oven mitts and apron on. She stopped in front of him and planted a kiss on his head. "Mom! I'm too old for this stuff now!" Ted whined.

"Oh c'mon, my little baby is going away from home for a while, I'm allowed some mom antics," she teased. "Yeah, yeah, I love you too, all that good stuff," he said in response with a hug. The hug between him and his mother is long, maybe a little too long, almost as if they don't want to let go. "Love you too honey. Be careful okay! Don't talk to strangers, and stay with Desmond!" she called out as Ted ran out the door. Well, that was it. Her little kid was gone.

Ted began running towards the lab, but for some reason he kept on slowing himself down, almost as if he was deliberately delaying the moment to get his pokemon. Even after his mom had been so supportive and positive, he still couldn't shake this bad feeling. He arrived at the lab, the sun snaking across the sky and beating down. Desmond was already waiting for him, and that girl... what was her name? April? Ashley? Amy? Yeah, that was it. Man, she was cute. They were both slung against the door, they're eyes staring at the door, almost as if waiting for something to happen. They were intent on getting their pokemon, so why wasn't he?

"Hey, Des!" he called out to his friend who had been his best friend ever since he had moved here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Desmond blinked, hearing Ted's voice. He turned back and looked, noticing him approaching. "Oh, there he is!" He said, waving at Ted happily. Desmond knew he'd show up eventually, but was glad it was sooner rather than later. He wasn't quite sure why Ted was dressed like he was going to a wedding or something of the sort, but figured he just wanted to make a good impression when they met with Professor Rowan inside. It made Desmond think of how he was dressed for a moment, what with the stretched out shirt revealed by his open coat. Pretty bad compared to Ted's attire, but he was almost certain his clothing was more comfortable!

"Glad to see you made it." He said to Ted, his expression still happy. He couldn't of asked for a better friend to have around; he and Ted just seemed to get along well. Though Desmond found himself much more attached to Pokemon than Ted, and hoped to teach him the joys of Pokemon through the experience alongside him. Hopefully the coming days would show him how great Pokemon really are. It'd probably be a slower process than he'd hoped for, but if he progressed at all, Desmond would be satisfied. Getting a Pokemon was, of course, the first step. He already seemed ready for that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

If one were paying her much attention, it would seem like Amy had just realized something. Her eyes were somewhat wide and her jaw a little open, blankly staring at the door.

'What if professor Rowan wasn't going to come outside?'she thought,'what if he was waiting INSIDE while they were waiting OUTSIDE!' It made a lot of sense to her. She heard that Rowan was a very patient man who made people feel as though something foreboding would happen. Meeting him in his lab, on his own grounds, was a test of courage. Whoever stepped through that door first was taking both an incredible risk and a test...

Well, she hoped anyways, as she'd already stepped in front of the door. Amy closes her eyes, pushing gently on the blue-stained glass of the front door to the Pokemon lab, hoping against hope that she was right. That Rowan was waiting for them instead of coming to them...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
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Ostarion The Skeleton King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Thunder fang!" Kael exclaimed, pointing at a nearby tree.

The large Pokemon beside Kael complied, and quickly rushed over to the target at a surprising speed. Upon reaching it's destination, it bit down upon the tree, there was visible fire coming from the Pokemon's mouth, yet the fire didn't consume the tree completely; it stayed at a concentrated point, and almost immediately disappeared as the Pokemon quickly released it's grip on the innocent foliage.

"Decent work, Drapion." Kael said, praising the creature's efforts. He looked at the tree - it hadn't been damaged much, but there were obvious bite marks, and the bark on the tree had also been charred where the bite marks were. The Drapion saw this also, and walked over to Kael - expecting more praise. Kael smiled, and patted the Pokemon on the head. Drapion had been extremely friendly to Kael - mainly because they had been around eachother for a long while. The Pokemon belonged to Kael's mother, who still uses it now and again to battle against Kael's father. Every once and a while Kael and Drapion would go to Lake Verity to practice some Pokemon moves, it helped Kael prepare for what was to come. Speaking of which, Kael realized that he needed to be in Sandgem town quite a while ago, and he was missing out.

"I'm sure you're able to make your way back." He said to the Drapion. The large Pokemon nodded in agreement, before quickly scuttling back to Kael's house.
Kael on the other hand, began to make his way to Sandgem town. His attitude seemed to shift to that of a calmer, more laid back one also, as he passed through the trees which linked Verity Lakefront to route 201. He also passed both large and small amounts of grass before finally reaching Sandgem town. As he began to approach the lab, a flock of Starly flew past him, yet he didn't flinch at how close they were.

It took a while, but Kael noticed he was not the first person to arrive. He silently regretted using Drapion for one last training session for once. He considered saying something, but what could be possibly say? That he was late? Definitely not. Kael would wait out a response from one of them, although he hoped that the professor would just come out and relieve the slightly awkward situation he may have created.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Inuyasha
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Inuyasha π™«π™žπ™‘π™‘π™–π™žπ™£

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ted nodded as if to say, Yeah, I made it alright!
Just when he thought everyone had arrived, another boy walked up. He had a weird name that he couldn't remember, something he couldn't quite put his finger on. Just as he was about to introduce himself to the boy, that girl, Ava was it?, stormed into the lab. Ted's jaw dropped and he turned to Desmond in shock. One does not simply walk into Profesor Rowan's lab It goes without saying you should go into the Professor's Lab without permission! "Did she just...?" he said to Desmond, before going in after her to retrieve her. The gentle sunlight had been replaced with bright, screaming fluorescent lights. Around Ted intricate machinery spanned the walls, high-tech computers buzzed as they processed long strings of numbers, and bookcases sat, cluttered with scraps of papers, old books, and notepads filled with scrawls. Amidst all the clutter of the scientific lab, a certain machine stood out to Ted, almost like a shining beacon. It was the capsule in which the Pokemon were kept, and inside were 4 seperate PokeBalls. He heard the slow, creaking swing of the lab door and Desmond entered. He heard him gasp as he took in the machinery and intricateness of the lab. As he looked for that girl, he found she was already by the capsule. And next to her, Professor Rowan! Ted had heard of how scary the Professor could be, but also how he was one of the wisest men on the Earth. On the subject of Pokemon, at least. Rowan looked almost perfect for an old man -- his suit was without a wrinkle, his glasses sat perfectly straight, and his posture was perfectly straight. The only thing that seemed inexact was his beard. It was scraggly and maybe just a tad wild, a major contrast to the rest of Rowan. He heard the door swing again and the last boy who was outside had come in too.

"Well, this wasn't under the terms I would have hoped for us to meet, but I suppose this will have to work," said Rowan, giving a knowing look to the girl. "But I --" responded the girl, but Rowan shushed her. "Under normal circumstances I would most likely tell you the rudeness of busting into someone elses property uninvited, and what kind of mark that may leave on your image, but today is a very special day. And I've always believed we all do need a little reckless to succeed, if only just a little," he said with a twinkle in his eye. "Well, allow us to begin. You are all her because you want a pokemon, am I correct?" he asked. When it was nods all around he continued, "That's exactly what I wanted to hear. Today you will begin your journey. Some of you may be eager to get your pokemon, and you know all the calculatives necessary for battle. Perhaps so, but as the great Greek philosopher Aristotle once said, 'Educating the mind without educating the heart, is no education at all.' Treat your Pokemon not as tools, but as equals, as partners. Treat them with love and respect."
"In the past I have allowed for trainers to pick their starter pokemon, but today I will expirement with a new way to give out the selected pokemon at hand. The pokemon will choose who they will be partnering with. This way a Pokemon be naught stuck with a trainer they'd rather not have. Okay, I'm going to begin now. I wish you guys the best of luck, and remember, these pokemon chose YOU. That means you guys have a special bond."

Professor Rowan took a single Pokeball from the capsule. In a flash of light, out popped a mutt. For a second Ted was sure that Rowan had somehow accidentally captured a dog instead of a pokemon, but it dawned on him it was a Poochyena. The Pooch sniffed the air for a second, and trotted over to Ted and licked his hand.

"Well! That Poochyena is yours. They say you can tell a man's intentions by the demeanor of his clothes. Perhaps this Poochyena sensed a little of that," said Rowan, acknowledging Ted's fancyware. "Hey little guy," Ted said, petting the Poochyena, and then scratching it behind it's ears. He felt his bad feeling resurfacing again, but it was quickly drowned by his excitement and how cute the darn mutt was. "I've got a feeling we'll make a good team."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

'This is certainly different from what I expected.' Desmond thought to himself, not expecting Rowan's methods. He liked it though, the thought of a Pokemon choosing him, while weird, was also something he thought would be heartwarming. He then, of course, thought about if none of them wanted to go with him. The thought was discouraging, but he pushed past it and assured himself that there would be a Pokemon waiting for him out of the remaining three. But what kind of Pokemon would it be? It was fun to think about what kind of Pokemon would actually choose him! Maybe it'd be tough, intelligent, or just quick-witted. There was no way to tell, until it happened.

He stood at full attention as Rowan reached towards another Pokeball. He pulled it out of the capsule, and released the Pokemon inside in a bright flash of white, soon revealing a tiny, harmless looking worm-like Pokemon known as Wurmple. Desmond himself had read about it while studying Bug Pokemon back in Orre. It stared blankly for a moment at everyone in the room, causing a bit of an awkward moment as it didn't seem quite ready to make a decision. Desmond stared back at the Wurmple, waiting to see what would happen.

It raised the front half of it's body into the air, wiggly back and forth. Desmond raised an eyebrow at this, but soon enough had both eyes wide as the Wurmple stared at him and fired off String Shot. Desmond yelped, as the white string came flying his way, connecting with his jacket, up near his shoulder. Slowly, the Wurmple pulled along the string and began climbing up to Desmond. After a moment of simply watching, he offered his hand to the small bug so it could hitch a ride. It slowly crawled into his hand, and after he was sure it wouldn't fall, he put it up to his face. It's eyes showed that it was satisfied with it's choice, perhaps simply due to Desmond's reaction.

"Don't judge Wurmple by it's small size. I assure you it is quite a dependable Pokemon when trusted." Rowan's comment was noted by Desmond as he smiled at the Wurmple. "Hey, little guy-" As soon as the last word came out of Desmond's mouth, the Wurmple used String Shot and hit Desmond's mouth. It almost seemed to giggle as Desmond let out multiple grunts of panic, before it crawled up closer to his face and removed the vocal binding, causing Desmond to gasp as it fell down to the floor, near his left shoe. "F-Female. Got it." He spouted out, not being able to help but laugh a little. "You know how to get your point across, don't you?"

Wurmple simply nodded, happy to have made her point. Desmond placed her onto his shoulder, then grabbed the silky webbing off the floor that had covered his mouth moments before, before finally starting to clean his jacket off.

'This is going to be fun, I can already tell.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Amy gulped out of nervousness as the second Pokemon had chosen her trainer, Desmond; the two bonding almost instantly. 'What if none of them like me?' she thinks to herself,'What if they all ignore me? One of them simply doesn't choose...?'

Her train of thought was snapped as she saw Rowan reach for the third pokΓ©ball, pressing the small circular white button on the front, igniting a small area in a white light, sparkling in the eyes of the trainers. At first, Amy couldn't begin to imagine what it was, though it soon dawned on her that this next Pokemon was an Eevee, which was made evident by its small size and fur coat around its neck, as well as it's other distinctive features.

It's eyes stared in fascination at the trainers there, assessing them, almost judging them. Amy tried to stare back and meet its eye, though couldn't help but feel she didn't deserve such a Pokemon. Not after intruding on professor Rowan's research lab. She lowered her head in shame. She knew she wouldn't be chosen. It was hopeless. The other boy would be far more suited for an Eevee, anyway...

That was until Eevee slowly trotted towards her, rubbing against her legs when close and looking back up at her with a satisfied "yip!". She couldn't help but stare blankly at the Eevee, though it stared back with hope-filled eyes. It smiled up at her, yipping a few more times, as if begging to be picked up. Amy does so, holding it as though it were a baby, admiring the Pokemon's choice.

"Eevee is possibly the most loyal Pokemon here by nature. If she chose you, she saw past that level of self-doubt you have amassed to see who you really are. Use her perceptive skills to your advantage, and know that Eevee's care is as powerful as a mothers. She will look after you, so you must look after her, also." Amy made a mental note of Rowan's wise words, especially him being able to notice that she was doubtful that a Pokemon would choose her.

"I hear you can change into a lot of different forms," Amy says sheepishly to Eevee, her voice squeaking at the end a little. "Thank you for choosing me, Eevee." Eevee, again, yips in reply, as if to say "no problem". Eevee rubs her head against Amy's neck, before seemingly falling asleep, while Amy stroked her fur, waiting for the final trainer to receive his Pokemon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
Avatar of Ostarion

Ostarion The Skeleton King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kael had been the last to receive his Pokemon. Inside, he eagerly awaited to see what he could get, outside - who could possibly tell? From all the potential types that could possibly be available, Kael was hoping it would be a Fire type, with Ghost or Psychic coming at a close second and third. His least wanted type would definitely be a grass type, although he wouldn't mind training one if he did receive a grass type. This was a once and a lifetime opportunity, after all.

He watched as the professor picked up the final Pokeball, and activated it. The white light flew from the Pokeball, and hit the ground, taking the shape of a male Nidoran. Aedius smiled. He hadn't considered the possibility that he could get a Poison type. It was somewhat nostalgic, and it reminded him of his training with Drapion, he had a decent amount of knowledge when it came to Poison types already, so perhaps he could make good use of a Nidoran.

The Nidoran itself had been staring at Kael as he went through his thought process, and continued to stare even when he had finished. Both Kael and the Nidoran stared at each other for what seemed like a decade. The Pokemon Professor was beginning to think that perhaps the Nidoran didn't want Kael as a trainer, and prepared to return it to the Pokeball. It was at that moment that Nidoran charged towards Kael - almost as if it was going to stab him in the leg with his horn, luckily that was not the case, and it stopped directly in front of Kael, and he took this as a sign to pick up the Nidoran. The Nidoran seemed quite tired, and fell asleep in Kael's arms.

"..,Unusual behaviour." Professor Rowan said.
" I was starting to think that it didn't seem to like you, although it appears that I was wrong. That Nidoran may be slightly defiant, but it is also hard-working and loyal; be sure to take care of it." He said, smiling slightly.

Kael nodded, and thanked the Professor, although he had nothing to say to the Nidoran, who was in a fairly deep sleep at the moment. Perhaps he'd wake up soon.

"Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with him." Kael said jokingly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Inuyasha
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Inuyasha π™«π™žπ™‘π™‘π™–π™žπ™£

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ted looked around as his fellow trainers recieved their starters. He was happy that he ended up with his Poochyena, as the Poochyena picked him. That had to mean something. Sure the dog was darned cute, but it's teeth looked pretty sharp and it looked as if it could really pack a bite. As that last kid got his Pokemon he grinned his lopsided grin at the Professor. The Professor cleared his throat suddenly, and began looking at each one of them.

"Well, I suppose that's all in order now," he began with a slight smile. "Turned out better than could be expected. You must be a great batch of trainers then! You remind me of a trainer I once knew... Oh but that's in the past. Anyways, I have a proposal for each of you. This is what may be considered a large burden for children to carry, but our results here when choosing pokemon were so great I feel I can ask this of you. Now, where did I put those..." he said, rummaging in a filing cabinet behind him. "Aha! Here they are! Top of the line, state of the art, Pokedexes!" he said, holding out 4 different red square devices with a LCD screen. "These'll record every Pokemon you see. It may not be much to you, but as a Professor this gets me valuable field data that I can otherwise not get. I will not force these on you, but it'd be greatly appreciated for you to take one of these," he said, smiling in reassurance. After everyone did he picked up his speech again, "And so your Pokemon Journey will begin. I think the most important thing for you to remember going forward here is, a sword is only as powerful as the weilder. You must have strength for your Pokemon to have strength. Remember that. Here, I'll escort you to the door."

Rowan ushered everyone out of his lab, and once again the gentle sunlight kissed Ted's face. He had crossed a threshold, one that couldn't be crossed over again. He had recieved a pokemon. Turning to the two newcomers he didn't know, he attempted to shake each of their hands. "Nice to meet you, the name's Ted. I don't think we've been formally introduced?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"Erm, no, we haven't," Amy says, shaking his hand a little awkwardly, somewhat due to having to hold up Eevee at the same time and also because of the unexpectedness of the whole situation. "My name is Amy," she adds,"I don't exactly live around here... I'm from some place up north called Floaroma Town. If you want to go back further in time, I'm from the Zhery Region, but yeah, whatever. I'm not much of a socialist, just thought you should know..." Her final statement is confirmed throughout her greeting, as she fails to maintain eye contact very well, as well as speaking unclearly and rather quietly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Rowan explained to them about the Pokedex, Desmond was very interested. A device that could record information about Pokemon just by viewing them? He didn't even understand how that was possible, it was just amazing. He wanted to ask the Professor about the technology behind it; but before he truly had a chance, it seemed time for them to go. He'd have to speak to Rowan about it at a later date, it seemed. As they left, Desmond simply thanked Rowan politely on the way out, before joining the others outside. He glanced at the Wurmple on his shoulder, smiling softly at her and carefully began to momentarily pet it with a single finger.

She enjoyed the attention, simply sitting there and accepting it, as Desmond listened to Ted introduce himself, he realized he hadn't really introduced himself in the first place to the girl when he arrived, let alone the other guy that had arrived. He stood slightly to the side, as to not interrupt Ted's attempt at shaking hands. The girl he had met earlier apparently was named Amy. didn't seem to talk too much, she said it herself.

"You aren't from Sinnoh either, eh?" Desmond casually accepted the fact, considering his own origins. "I come from pretty far off, too. I grew up in Orre." He explained briefly, not really going into details as he was sure he'd bore them with it. "Though for awhile now I've been living here in Sandgem. Name's Desmond." He added, lowering his hand as he stopped petting the Wurmple on his shoulder. She seemed to want more, but simply stayed there, trying to get it with begging eyes, while slowly rocking back and forth to try and get Desmond's attention. Within' thirty seconds, she was successful, and Desmond couldn't help but to start petting her once more. Much to her delight.

Looking at the three new trainers around him, he got an idea. "Have any of you ever heard of Double Battling?" He asked, putting his free hand into one of his pockets. "It's used in many places, but Orre basically lives it. With either two trainers teaming to fight another pair, or two trainers using multiple Pokemon at once during a battle. I hear it's pretty exciting." He explained, his smile widening. "There's four of us, so why don't we get a little practice in and let these Pokemon get some exercise?" He looked at Ted, feeling a tad competitive with his friend. "Ted, I especially want to see how well you and your Pokemon can work together. But to do that..." He slid his free hand out of his pocket, and pointed at his best friend, excited to say the words that followed. "I'll have to battle against you!"

Having challenged Ted to their first ever battle, he looked towards the others and hoped they would join in. "One of you want to team up with me? It'd be a good experience for all of us, I bet."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
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Ostarion The Skeleton King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kael was finally out of the lab, it was nice to be back outside, although he found it difficult to hold both a Nidoran and a Pokedex at the same time. Kael put the Pokedex in his pocket, and continued to hold the poisonous Pokemon. He noticed that a fellow trainer was holding his hand out to him. He didn't listen to everything that he had to say, but Kael was sure that he said his name was Ted. He shook his hand, being careful to not drop the Nidoran he was holding. Kael also introduced himself, albeit lazily.

"My name's Kael. Born in Twinleaf town in Sinnoh, and...I'm...an...aspiring trainer..." He trailed off. Surely this wasn't going to be all the group would be doing - just talking and introducing themselves. Kael wanted to battle, it was something he was able to do with enthusiasm.

As luck would have it, someone in the group did mention battling, a double battle, and Kael's eyes lit up. It didn't matter to Kael what kind of battle it was, the fact that there was a chance of having a battle was good enough to him. And it appeared as though he wasn't the only one. The Nidoran he was holding sprung to life as if it had a sixth sense. He seemed to like the idea of a battle also, as the Pokemon began to observe his surroundings.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

As Nidoran sprung to life, Eevee began to wake in a lazy daze, staring up at Amy who still held her in her arms. It seemed to have sensed the proposition of a battle too, and jumped out of Amy's arms to stretch, which it began to do immediately after. "It seems she wants to fight..." Amy remarks as her Eevee yips again in reply; a look of determination set unto the other trainers with an unseen passion.

Amy also liked the idea of a battle. Double battles weren't really common where she was from though they were certainly fun when the chance came to. She could remember watching a pair of trainers climbing the tower in her home town, defeating attacking Pokemon left and right as they made their way to the top. The battles were double the strategy, double the Pokemon and double the fun! Although, she had her doubts about her own battling experience...

"If Eevee wants to battle, I suppose I do too!" She exclaims with a warm-hearted smile. "I could team up with you, Desmond, and Kael and Ted can work together also! So that's Wurmple and Eevee versus Nidoran and Poocheyena, right?" She asks, unfamiliar with the other trainers Pokemon. "Should we fight right here or move a little, since we're right outside the lab?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Inuyasha
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Inuyasha π™«π™žπ™‘π™‘π™–π™žπ™£

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Alright Kael, we got this! Nidoran is poison type right? And Poochyena is a dark type! That's like... pretty darn close to poison type! We should make for a pretty good team! Go Poochyena!" yelled Ted, as Poochyena jumped out of his arms, and landed on it's paws looking battle ready. Adrenaline was flashing through him, driving his excitement. He was finally going to be able to battle like those trainers did on TV! Poochyena emitted a guttural growl from deep within. Ted noted that Poochyena looked raring to rip. Ted looked to Desmond's Wurmple and Amy's Evee. They didn't look to pose much of a threat, but nonetheless, he could never judge a book by it's cover. He had to stay acute and alert in order to win this battle, that he knew. But, at the same time, he needed to correlate and collaberate with Kael. From what he had seen, Kael knew a lot more than he did about battling, so he should use that to his advantage. Dang, that Wurmple looked small and rather... pathetic? He felt a little bit of pity for Desmond that he had ended up with a vicious dog, when he had ended up with a tiny little worm. But then he remembered Rowan's words, "the sword is only as strong as the user." And if he knew something, it was Desmond had fighting spirit. He was going to have to be careful, even around Wurmple.

"Okay Kael, what's the plan?" he said, turning to Kael.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Desmond was glad to see that everyone seemed to join in, the Pokemon seemed motivated as well. He didn't feel the most confident, but knew if he didn't try, he wouldn't get anywhere. 'Just keep calm, think it through, keep all the facts in mind. We'll win this. Hopefully.' Desmond simply smiled, not thinking he had such a pathetic looking Pokemon compared to the others, instead he trusted his Wurmple to get the job done. He looked as his small companion, as he put a hand out for her to crawl onto. "Ready?" He asked, and her response was simply to crawl into his hand and nod.

Satisfied, Desmond crouched, lowering Wurmple down onto the ground, letting her crawl off his hand before he stood back up to full height. Wurmple simply began staring at Ted's Poochyena, seeming skeptical. The Wurmple didn't blink, not even budge. It just kept staring, and for some, it could possibly be intimidating, or somewhat frightening. If the Pokemon in question wasn't a tiny worm Pokemon, that is.

"Well, this is certainly a predicament." Desmond said to Amy, quietly as he glanced back over at Ted and Kael. "That Nidoran is Poison Type. Wurmple's Poison Sting isn't going to be too effective against it. Might be best for you to aim for it, though we'll do what we can if you and Eevee get into trouble, yeah?" Desmond was wary, though knew Poochyena would have to be his main target due to types alone. "Can't leave a teammate hanging, y'know?" He added in a friendly manner, more so to assure her he had her back rather than saying he hoped she would have his in return. He wouldn't argue with that, of course, but she could do what she wanted, he wasn't going to exactly stop her. He didn't feel he had the right to really say anything, they were both new and they would make mistakes, he already accepted that. Win or lose, this would be a good experience for the both of them. That experience is what mattered most to him.

"I suppose all that matters is that we try our best. For us, and the Pokemon."
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