Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShiningHisLight


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((Nerminator, the King came into Elliard's cell and you acted like Fin had never posted that. This is something I do not abide with. Please make sure that you go along with what other people post. This is a warning.))

Eline sighed. She took Ramius's hand. "I do too. Father is becoming rather paranoid. But you must not speak that way! You would make a perfect King. It would be hard on account of your blindness, but you could do it."

Queen Elsmira had been informed of the intruder but went on with her cases as if nothing had happened. She had full confidence in her guards. And if they failed, se had a loaded bow hidden in a compartment under her throne.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

'well what if i told you mister king that you are a paranoid idiotic loser who does nothing except sit around all day' elliard said to the king rather rudely 'also what if i told you that i was a bastard and you happened to be my father' elliard said almost after that and then pointed at the king and said 'i am not a regular peasant just one of the million people that wants you dead.earth to king your a horrible person'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FinDragon


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The King grabs Elliard's wrist as he points at him. He yanks the peasant closer and stares him dead in the eyes before speaking again."You, you have no idea what you have gotten yourself into, have you now, peasant?" He asks calmly."I must admit that I never expected for you to be too smart, but I was wrong, very, wrong, you are a complete imbecile. You, and apparently you all alone decided to infiltrate MY castle, in the broad daylight. And from the brief report I received, I gathered that you were armed with a crossbow all alone, which you never reloaded. You did not bother to get to know the place you are going in, nor the people living there, you were threatening my BLIND son, and asking questions from my whereabouts from him. If I were you, I would have prepared in some other manner too, than just stealing a crossbow probably from some poor hunter who, unlike you, is just doing his job. I would have created a distraction to the other side of the castle, something simple like a brawl, before even trying to sneak in, and all this after carefully planning my each step inside the hallways that I would have memorized at first." He lectures the youngster and proceeds to shove him backwards onto the haypile he uses as a bed."After taking all this into consideration, and after having been here, and seen what my children are capable of, there is no way that I could ever accept you even as a bastard of mine." He finishes and shakes his head slowly."You are nothing but a worthless peasant. You claim to be one of the many who want me dead, you might be right. You call me a horrible person, you might be right. But you would never be able to do anything better than I would. If an imbecile like you would be in charge, the dragons out there, those that you, and all the others who want my head, clearly have forgotten of, would turn this city to ashes. INSTEAD of worrying of them, INSTEAD of doing your duty and work for your kingdom to help keeping it safe, providing weapons, food and clothing to the soldiers, to the people struggling to keep your lives going on, you plot on assassinations, rebellions and riots to make sure that my soldiers, that could be spending their time on a lookout for the next dragon, must spread your mobs, gangs and other scum apart. You refuse to keep up the ORDER! And then after I do what I must to return it, I am the villain." He turns around and walks out from the cell."Keep an eye out at him at all times. He might be a peasant, but he already once slipped in before your eyes."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

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Ramius actually let out a little laugh - it was more an annoyed chuckle than anything. "You don't get it, do you?" The prince ruffled his sister's hair like he had often done when they had been younger. "I have no intentions of becoming a king - and before you object you'll have to hear me out on this, sis." He managed a genuine little smile as he stumbled to his feet and moved to the center of the room - there had been very little to memorize about that particular room, heck he could have ran laps around it if he so wished even despite the few beds and chairs. Ramius turned to face the window and forced his left hand to a more... poetic gesture. "You see dear Eline, my interest in this whole being a king business died along with my sight. It's bad enough now that the servants are constantly surrounding me like I can't do anything myself! Think how it would look if I would be a king. All the servants still buzzing around me like bees around a flower? The prince tilted his head slightly to the left and with a little hand motion covered his eyes with his hair. "Well, I shouldn't worry... the dragons will get to us long before either of us will have a chance to ascend to the throne... By either of us I ofcourse mean you." He pointed his hand roughly towards Eline and sighed as he seated himself on the floor. "I miss seeing your smile... and seeing your eyes... You have really pretty eyes, you know that?"

After a moment of silence Ramius got back on his feet and walked up to the door. He slammed his right fist to it "Captain! I wish for an escort to the dungeons." Wishing for an escort was very un-Ramius-like, but maybe he wished to make up his earlier impoliteness. "I would prefer swords and crossbows - the dungeons are a bit too tight for halberds if I remember correctly, how about it?" Instead of the Junior Guardsmen he could have just called for his personal bodyguard - though those fellows would be even more overprotective of him since they had known one another since they were children... Ramius shook his head slightly "Now mind you I could just call for the Companions, but that would be impolite towards you guys now wouldn't it. Also if you are still listening to me I'd like to..." The prince had to actually pause for a moment - he really didn't think he'd say this to anyone like the particular captain. "...I apologize about my earlier rudeness towards you." He took two steps away from the door and waited patiently for the door to be opened.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

heh that was actually kinda funny seeing him rage like that now we wait for plan b elliard looked out of the window and picked up a shiny mirror off of the ground that he hid there earlier and turned it a bit to signal a bunch of people [the kings son was blind? eh it was also kinda ironic how the king didn't believe me]

all of a suddenly someone throws a key through the door [good they remembered] elliard picked up the key and signaled a group of criminals to cause a distraction at the side of the castle,a group of guards run to fight them off and elliard turned to a wall and put the key inside of it like a doorknob and twisted it,inside there was a sword,another crossbow,a key and a map and a hallway leading out
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FinDragon


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

(I too can bullshit with ease.)

A warden turns as soon as the door opens and fires a bolt straight into Elliard's gut.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

[may the bs wars begin] the bolt missed elliard by a inch and gave elliard just enough time to grab a crossbow and shot the warden straight in the eye
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShiningHisLight


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Eline listened to him respectfully. "I see your point." (Is he older than her or not?) She smiled at him. "I wish you could see me too. Thank you, not many people have told me that." After her brother asked for an escort she walked to the door after him. "I am coming." She opened the door and led the way out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

elliard quickly took the wardens key and ran through the hole in the wall taking the crossbow,sword the map and the key [why did i take the wardens key when i already got one?] and closed the wall behind him and began walking through a bunch of hallways and looked at his map which shown a hidden group of hallways leading to various areas in the castle,one of them lead to a tower in which he can easily pick off his father from a distance [revenge at last!]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

Member Seen 6 mos ago

(So you as a GM don't have anything to say about the bullshit that just occured? ...Ok, fine... Also Ramius is older than Eline)

Ramius and Eline had barely left the room when several men surrounded them - they wore the plumed helmets of the Companions and made a quick salute. "A dangerous prisoner has escaped." The commander of the Companions stated briefly. The prince took a deep breath. "Ring the alarm, search the entire castle, even the passageways and towers. I want this man in front of me within the hour! Bring him to me alive. I want this place in full lockdown in five minutes!" Ramius had a very commanding tone if needed and he was now using it to fullest extent. "I'm hereby authorizing the usage of alchemical explosives within the castle until the culpirit has been apprehended. Remember, you are NOT fighting to kill, only to wound and capture. I don't care however if he loses his eyesight or even limbs." Ramius was noticeably agitated and a bit out of breath as he moved his hand in a dismissive manner "You have your orders men!" The junior guards left to follow the prince's orders with some reluctance as several Companions stayed to protect him and his sister. Ramius took a deep breath. "...Gather the Companions, let's see how an assassin escapes from the very best of the best...." Two of the Companions made a quick salute and went on their way to gather the rest of their unit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

elliard was walking through the hallway when he heard everyone go crazy 'well this just got harder' [why didn't anyone notice my distraction? weird] and saw two hallways one led to the left and one led to the right elliard quickly searched for his map and looked at it if he went to the left he could escape the castle through the backdoor and easily survive if he went through the right he could get to a tower where he can easily pick off guards from a distance after thinking for a while elliard decides to go through the right hallway

[a few minutes of walking maybe about 30 or so?]

elliard opens a wall to a tower and notices two guards elliard quickly pulls out his crossbow and shoots the nearest one and attempts to stab the second guard but fails the guard raised his sword to try and attack elliard but elliard stabbed him again and killed him easily,elliard grabbed a nearby cabinet and used it to barricade the stars to the tower and then elliard reloaded his crossbow and sat at the tower watching for the king or any guards
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShiningHisLight


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(No, they can have a BS war if they want to. Eventually one will have to win though. And it can't go on forever! Ok.)

Eline sighed. "With all this assassin stuff I can't do anything! I had planned on riding, but I won't be able to now."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

elliard searched the building for the king and noticed a guard and shot him and reloaded and found another and shot him after a minute elliard had shot like about 7 guards [darn it i have no morals but it will be worth it to end that kings tyranny i don't want to be king i just want him dead frack no i wanna be king of course but thats even harder then killing one]
elliard searched for a bit to see if the king was anywhere insight which he wasn't [ugh they know i am here its useless trying to kill him] elliard opened the wall and closed it and began to run to the hallway which led the way out
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShiningHisLight


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Eline looked skyward as a loud roar erupted and the ceiling trembled. The dragon was attacking! Eline grabbed her brother and led him down a flight of stairs. She stepped into a bunker like room and closed the door.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

elliard turned around a corner and heard a roar [someone probably just dropped something] and ran to a wall,elliard pulls out a key and opens the door and right in front of him there was a big red lizard-like creature! [dragons now!] elliard screamed and immediately shut the door ran back to the tower
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShiningHisLight


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Eline sighed and sat on the floor. "I wish Father would let me fight."

The soldiers immediately jumped into action. They manned the catapults and fired huge rocks at the giant beast. Arrows were shot in vain, bouncing right off the scales of the dragon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

elliard noticed that the dragon flew over the tower and ran at a group of guards protecting a girl and decided that he'll easily escape if he ran back but then a rock hit the tower [stupid catapults!] by accident and launched elliard flying out of the crumbling tower and flew right into a garden and landed into a bush of roses 'ow ow ow oww!' [atleast the bush broke my fall!] elliard said and climbed out of the bush and noticed a boy and a girl ran down a flight of stairs and walked into a door obviously a bunker somehow they didn't notice him,the dragon all of a suddenly burnt a group of soldiers and then looked for its next victim and flew straight towards elliard [OH S*^#%] elliard ran inside the building and knocked on the bunker door alot 'let me in theres a dragon coming!' elliard yelled as the dragon got closer and closer to the castle
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShiningHisLight


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Eline went to the door. "Who are you?" Luckily they had a few of their guards with them in case the person was trying to harm them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

'uhh a person a friend i guess?' elliard says to the girl then looks back to see the dragon standing outside waiting for something 'theres a friggin dragon out there just let me in!'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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Sarkon, one of the guards, ran up the ramparts. He was a lizardfolk, one of a few mercenary guards in the castle, in addition to the regulars. The green lizardfolk saw the dragon and how the attacks against it thus far were ineffective. By now, the dragon was flying just outside the castle walls, his reptilian head within reach of a polearm.

Yelling out in his native draconic, the lizard leapt at the dragon, slashing with his halberd. The blade did minimal damage to the flying beast, but the dragon was surprised to see another speaker of draconic in the castle. Sarkon was only dressed in a loincloth, without the normal armor of the castle guard. He wasn't abnormally durable, but he knew that in this case, an average suit of armor armor wouldn't protect from the dragon's flame in any event. Agility was the only serious defense in this situation.
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