Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tantalum


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alright. For the lurkers, this is a T1 fight with mid-powered characters. Hopefully this one will last x)

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
Avatar of LeeRoy

LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 6 days ago

Name: LeeRoy Brightmane

Age: I dunno, what year is it? He was born in 1672

Gender: Male

Race: Godslave, Human, Caucasian

Random descriptors:

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 270 lbs.
Eye Color: None.
Skin Tone: That skin tone you get when you don't leave your house for a month.
Hair Color: Reddish brown.
Character Tier: Intermediate

Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant

Physical Description:

Not much deviation from the image above at any time, always wears a button up collared shirt with a pair of pants tucked into his steel toed boots. Uniformity is comforting for him.

About how he moves and his mannerisms, every movement he makes is quick and deliberate. Even though he's got all the time in the multiverse he still understands that time is valuable, and HATES when people waste it. He finishes everything as quickly and efficiently as possibly, even walking.

He sometimes forgets to breathe and blink, those are just sidenotes.

Personality Description: LeeRoy is a scientist above all, everything he does and ever will do has been for the expansion of knowledge. That said, he goes to great lengths for discovery and experimentation. Violating several natural and social laws in the process on some occasions. Sometimes the laws of physics, when studying sub-atomic particles. He has no concept of right or wrong, and is genuinely a true-neutral individual.

Although he's neutral he has a tendency to do things just to spite people. And since there's a voice in his head that he frequently speaks to, he'll sometimes do the right thing just because the voice in his head is evil Though when he was younger he was always taught to be polite and to respect everyone. Unless they disrespect him. As such, he's a polite and respectable individual. A fast talker and a brilliant wordsmith, he'll talk you into buying your own clothes if he has the motivation.

Skills, powers and abilities:

-Genius Level Intellect (High): Nearly a savant from birth he was an astronomer by the age of 16. (Not unreasonable, as he was born in 1672.) By 24 he had become an apothecary. By 32 he had become a renowned scientist. After his death and revival he has done nothing but expand his knowledge. Since 1720 he has read literally every document on science, written more than a few of his own, and perfected his own studies. Since then he has become obsessed with robotics and cloning, creating clones of himself for whenever his body wears out (or is destroyed). Other than that, his thought process is around thrice that of the average human, quickly analyzing and solving issues at hand in one third the time. Sometimes figuring something out two seconds before the other guy can save your skin.

-Enhanced Physical Abilities(Intermediate): Inn his ship he has the equipment for cloning a new body to transfer himself into. Because his patron god never bothers to give him the enhanced abilities he usually outfits himself with when he swaps bodies. During the cloning process he induced electric stimuli to enhance the growth of musculature and tendons in his body as it grew to match his physical age. This allowed for overall enhanced physical ability. Later in the process he introduced mechanical stimulation, on an organic scale he improved the overall sensory reception of the average human body. Every new body that he creates has enhanced abilities, it assists with his tedious work for the first twenty or so years. Unfortunately, after 20 years his body starts to totally degrade, as he cannot sleep.

  • Supersoldier Strength: Well beyond the peak of human ability, straight from the cloning tube, this body is capable of thrice that of the strongest human being. Capable of lifting 1,700 lbs. His enhanced musculature is unnaturally stimulated, his physical appearance from the neck down is not what you would see on a bodybuilder. More of a lumberjack look.

  • Supersoldier Speed: Above that of Olympians, he can run at about 45 mph.

  • Supersoldier Reflexes: This is a given, with the enhanced body able to keep up with his advanced intelligence and quick thinking, he's able to react twice as fast as the normal human.

  • Supersoldier Senses: Enhanced sense of smell, hearing, touch, taste, you get the idea. About twice that of what normal human beings are capable of.

- Cannot die, period(Intermediate): Now let me explain. Back in 1720 LeeRoy died. Now, what would your last wishes be? LeeRoy's last wish was to live. To continue his research. For eternal youth. Unfortunately someone heard the wish. This someone just so happened to be a god. This god granted his wish. But this god is an asshole, there's more than a few rules to this immortality.

His consciousness now belongs to that god. Here's how it works.

If his body is destroyed but his brain is (mostly) intact: His consciousness remains with the brain.
If his brain is destroyed: His consciousness is trapped in the general area of the body until that god wills him to live again.


If his body is destroyed and he has no means to repair or replace it with cloned body parts, he has to wish upon that god again. Now, every time you wish upon this god you lose a distinguishing feature of yourself.

If his brain is destroyed, then the god automatically assumes you've made the wish, so you come back with something missing of yourself.

LeeRoy has made this wish 3 times. That is why he has such large hands, that is why he cannot sleep, and that is why his eyes have no visible pupils or irises.

Sometimes it's benign, other times its horribly disfiguring.

Character Equipment:
- The Bio Enhancement Combat Suit MKVII (Intermediate): Seventh in the line of suits built by LeeRoy, an environmental suit designed for combat in this hostile universe. When LeeRoy's last suit failed him, he reconstructed it from scratch. Only using certain leftover materials from it to save time. Everything else, however, was purchased legally on some alien planet.

  • Strength amplification/Strength moderation: Designed to match any planet the suit itself is heavy and it can increase and decrease the amount of force exerted by the wearer to equalize the difference in gravity. On a planet with Earth-like gravity it remains at peak performance, whereas a planet with Neptune-like gravity would make it weaker in combat but the suit allows you to travel at the same speed. A planet with gravity like that of Mars would decrease the amount of force put out by every step, decreasing the amount of push you have, thus reducing the accidental lift created by every step. On an earth like planet this suit enhances his already impressive newfound strength by 50%, allowing him to lift upwards of one ton of weight. (2,550 lbs) It also enhances his newfound speed as well, allowing him to run at 50% higher than without the suit. (67 mph)

  • Multi-Layer View Augmentation:
  • The visor on his helmet allows him to change his view, allowing him to see: Infrared light, Ultraviolet light, X-Rays, and in the dark. Any movement caught by the forward cameras is marked down on the inside viewscreen with a square around the source of movement. Also functions as sunglasses.

  • Thruster Pack: This is basically a jetpack that doesn't run out of fuel, it is a back mounted series of thrusters that allow for in flight course correction and flight speeds up to 240mph. It needs recharging after a three hour flight.

  • Water Recycling: This one is pretty obvious, much like a Stillsuit from Frank Herbert's "Dune", it recycles all water passed from the body into drinkable water. Not every planet has water so you need every drop you can get.

  • Assisted Breathing Apparatus: Three oxygen tanks with a filter that prevents toxic atmospheres from decimating the wearer's lungs. In a breathable atmosphere the tanks refill on command.

  • Unlike its predecesors, this suit is designed for combat. It is not lightweight, it weighs around 70lbs, distributed across the entire body. This encumbers the wearer slightly, however, that weight is attributed wholly to the material it is made from. Made from the same materials as his ship, it is constructed with boron-steel plating with an underlying carbon nano-tube weave, and coated in a durable layer of blast resistant ceramics. It is wholly bulletproof and the plates are resistant to explosive force well beyond that of 10 lbs of TNT.

- The ZUB15 Semi-Automatic Air Pistol (Low): A battery powered side arm made in LeeRoy's spare time, inspired by the Pistol Shrimp it is a powerful air compressor contained within a pipe shaped barrel. The compressor puts the air under so much pressure that once released it creates enough energy to sublimate lead and punch holes through plate armor. The gun itself compresses three shots worth of air at a time and once those are spent automatically reloads. The batteries are under extreme strain and cannot be used after 25 shots.
- Vacuum Lance: A four foot long double edged weapon with a hole at the end of it. This is attached to a hose and that hose is connected to a very efficient air compressor. It vacuums in air and much like the ZUB15 it can fire this air out like bullets. These bullets are similar to the ones from the ZUB15, however, they are much faster. Like the rounds of a sniper rifle, these air bullets punch holes through foot deep concrete. This weapon's compressor does not need to be reloaded, however, it takes much more time to actually fire this than the ZUB15. Taking about 10 seconds to vacuum in enough air to fire. (One turn.) The bladed edge is ceramic, very durable ceramic at that. The kind used in divers's knives. This allows it to resist shattering on impact and providing a lethal cutting edge. It is used very similarly to a sword in its usage, however it is only a slashing weapon. It has no point.

Character History: Born in a colonial settlement in Egypt in an Alternate Universe Earth number who-gives-a-damn LeeRoy was raised in a rather priveledged lifestyle along the Nile River. He took a liking to reading, and that evolved into a love of knowledge. With his parent's money he was sent to a rather prestigeous college and became an astronomer at a rather young age. Astronomy was a foothold for other sciences and he wound up expanding his knowledge to every science of the time. Nothing in particular was truly interesting about his life up until the day he died. On his death bed he had made a horrible mistake.

A wish for eternal youth.

Unfortunately a god heard his wish, a God of Mentality.

Well, this wish was granted, and LeeRoy was brought from dead and to the dimension of which this god held domain. He woke to find his hands thrice the size they were before and realized with a god looming over him. Quick to realize he had made a mistake he was on the verge of wishing to return home. But the thought of exploring a universe totally alien to him was riveting. Unfortunately he was attacked by a group of savages, and his body was completely destroyed.

So he had to make a wish.

This second wish took away LeeRoy's ability to sleep. Now he is a sleepless eternal being, unable to escape the world of consciousness for the comforting grip of sleep. Though now he never has to worry about over sleeping, a lack of sleep decimates the body. After a few hundred years his body destroys itself, unable to heal. So he had to perfect cloning, every few hundred years he has to completely transplant his brain into a new body.

Along with cloning he perfected robotics, and space travel as time went by. Though. Teleportation still evades him.

And by evades him.

I mean.

The last time he tried to experiment with teleportation he wound up with a "demon" from "Hell" permanently fused with him on a psychological level. Yeah, the problem here being, LeeRoy has to listen to her. Constantly. Day in, day out.

He avoids experimentation with teleportation because he couldn't bear to have another voice in his head.

After the incident with the "demon", which he has now come to call: "The Voidman" He found out that he's not the only Godslave, that they're an entire sub-genus of EVERY race. That there are countless beings in the universe who have come under the curse of eternal life.


LeeRoy decided to visit them.

Though there were a few issues along the way. Example: His first space flight was a catastrophic failure, and his body was incinerated on his way back into the atmosphere. That's when wish number three came in, and LeeRoy's eyes were cursed to look horrendous.

Now he's a disfigured genius with the ability to explore the universe, and he loves every second of every day. Because if he didn't love it, he'd hate it. So he forces a facade of comfort onto a dull and boring lifestyle to make eternity comfortable.
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