Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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"extra clothes?" he laughed as he said this then continued "what's wrong Sonja not like you haven't seen me like this before after all I was forced to change frequently in the lab." as he said this he slid on some jeans. Stretching he turned to look at her again. "So what's the plan Sonja? Do we get back to the city and live like scum or join the rebellion? Perhaps we just kill everyone its up to you" he said.

The medical van had arrived and they had patched Vex up pretty well. However the medics deemed he needed a couple of days before being combat ready again so they took him back to the headquarters and put him in a stasis tube. They set a timer for the tube to release for three days.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KillerXX


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Devon said "I have no idea, but i cant fight, my blood wont be able to take it" He was frustrated, he felt uneasy about this guy.

Hawk was not blinded by this mist because of his mask, and when the girl crouched beneath him he simply sighed and used his grapples to wrap around her arms and keep her secure, lifting her up again. This time she couldn't slip, as the grapples were latched onto her, and if she tried anything, he wouldnt hesitate. "What did the beast look like" he sighed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Serendipity23


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"Yeah, I guess, but there are other people in this city besides me. They're going to kill us if we don't find some explanation for this." Sonja continued to search for Hybrids on the sidewalk, unsure about what to do. Fight with the Hybrids and kill her own people, or try to escape risking both her life and Lucius'. "I'm stuck here with the Hybrids. They believe that I am a Hybrid too, just a ridiculously weak one. They think I'm going to help them fight in the war, even though I really don't want to. If we try to escape the humans will murder you." She shook her head. "Lucius, do you hate humans like the others do? Like you'd want to murder everyone you see on sight?"

Natasha still didn't get quite good reception, so she flew to the top of the building and tried from there. It was a little better, and she heard a bit more. She heard Lucius say something about the lab, and heard everything Sonja said afterwards. What is she talking about?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KillerXX


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Hawk regarded the boy with disdain and said "I am confirming that this is the beast I search for. Who knows what beast you are talking about, beasts run rampant through this city, I see one right in front of me." He said,tilting his head towards Arthur with a slight frown. "I have no intention to harm this girl. She is simply....insurance." He looked down at her fuming face and noted that she looked shockingly similar to Terra. Almost identical, except for the hair. His curiousity was peaked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

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Aqua looked him over with a stone cold glare "big" she tilted her head slightly as he appeared to examine her "he went by pretty fast, it was hard to see, but i saw red and black, it had to be at least 7 foot, i believe it had horns, is that good enough for you?" she growled, the darkness relating directly to her mood and getting darker and thicker. "if you aren't going to kill me, let me go".

Arthur was seething, he couldn't see what was happening, he didn't know what that meant. he knew he was inches from slipping from his good personality into his bad, but he didn't know how to prevent it unless the monster let her go, he was trying hard not to slip, as the other him was simply bad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Lucius smirked at her question "my dear Sonja I hate everyone other than you." he looked down at the scars on his arm. walking up behind her and putting his hand on her arm "during my imprisonment neither human nor hybrid showed me mercy or a way out. You and you alone were there for me so at this point I figure my life's purpose is to aid you in whatever way you need." he finished letting his hand fall from her arm. Standing under the rock ledge to hide himself in the shadows "so again my dear Sonja I shall ask what is your wish do we flee, fight, or destroy?" he finished speaking and watched her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KillerXX


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Hawk had enough. It was the monster he was after indeed. But still, he could use information. He set the girl down gently and then turned his back to her, but tilted his head towards her. "What is your name, and do you have any family?" He spoke darkly. He might as well get this curiously out of the way before leaving.

Devon was livid. There was no way he could do anything, his blood might be able to support minor attacks at this point, however with all the moisture in the air, he would be useless, he wouldn't be able to set anything on fire here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baconator
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Rage stalked through the crumbling ruins of the old city, his every move fluid and graceful as he slid among the rubble. Though he moved from shadow to shadow the White Tiger was not going for stealth, it was just habit. The ground behind him was paved in a path of ice made easier by the rainfall not long ago. His powers required no conduit, no payment in which he must sacrifice and thus was virtually limitless in how often he could use it. The only payment Rage had offered was his humanity in its entirety. No longer could he be a husband or a father living a normal life, that was taken from him. Now he is simply a weapon. A physical manifestation of his namesake and most predominant emotion. Rage.

Abandoned, rusting cars greeted him eerily on the streets as he passed by and their windows iced over at his passing. His world was a cold and lonely one. Humans were the enemy and he killed them remorselessly and Hybrids, his supposed people, mostly avoided him. He pulled his hood back as he walked, showing his strong feline features coated in white fur with black stripes. Rage was on the hunt now, sniffing the air as he went and looking for signs of humans.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

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Aqua scoffed "why the hell should i tell you? you just attacked me!" and with that, having been released from his grip, if he didn't stop her, she slid back and using both her fog as a cushion and a pole, slid to the ground.

Arthur watched the proceedings with poor composure, his hands were grasping the handles of the wheelchair, completely unable to do anything. he took deep breaths that came out kind of ragged. it didn't appear as if he was going to hurt her but he was still on edge, when he released her, he could only barely make out the proceedings through the dark fog, he relaxed a little but not much.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Serendipity23


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Sonja searched her mind for a perfect plan. She knew Lucius could probably destroy the hybrids, but what then? Live with humans? "Lucius, you're a hybrid and I'm a human. You know perfectly well that I want to go home and kill the hybrids. I want them gone. But you are a hybrid, and I don't want you gone. However, everyone else does." She sighs. "You can help me escape, but you would have to fight against the hybrids or the human race will murder you. But I want them all dead. No hybrid should survive." Sonja could feel evil boiling inside. It was a feeling she enjoyed immensely. "How well can you control your switch from normal to monster?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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"shifting is the easy part. its turning back that isn't I can if your there but that's usually the only time and when im like that I don't have much control it took all I had to run with you instead of attacking them." Lucius said. Standing he continued "well then I guess its time to get you home lets just hope your military buddies don't put a bullet in my brain the first chance they get.". He cracks his knuckles and starts walking out of the building grabbing her hand as he walks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Serendipity23


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Natasha didn't waste time swooping down and landing next to Lucius. In a second her dagger was out and threatening to slit Lucius' throat, and Sonja pulled out her pistol and aimed at Natasha's head.

"Who is this?" Natasha yelled. "What are you doing?" Sonja shook her head. "Don't hurt him. He's a hybrid."

"He's a beast! He wants to kill us."

"No…" Sonja sighed in disgust. "He, uh…um…He turned into a beast. Yes. But he changed back now and is very willing to become a beast again and spread pieces of you all over the planet."

"Then I will kill him now."

"Don't!" Sonja cried. "He can help you. He can help fight. Do you really want someone as powerful as him to die instead of helping us?"

Natasha hissed. "He tried to hurt us. And I heard you in there. You might be able to control him but I can still slit his throat."

"And I can still shoot you." Sonja said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Lucius eyes flashed red and the air around them began to become hotter as he fought to control his rage. The knife at his throat began to glow from the heat of his inexhaustible anger. he growled the words "Get that blade away from my throat before I rend the flesh from your bones." as he finished flames began to appear here and there on his chest as spines could be seen growing. His hands shook as talons blacker than his soul sprouted from his fingertips and he fought desperately not to stain them with the woman's blood.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

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Alessia saw the beast turned boy come towards the exit so she quicly slinked away and heard the 3rd person arrive. she quickly hurried down the street as the situation was a bit hot for her. she took a path that she was pretty sure would not intersect with Arthur and Aqua's path. as she walked onto a street she saw a hybrid farther down the street. she stopped and hid then decided maybe she shouldn't, it might offend him and she really didn't need another hot head on her hands. so she walked out of hiding but still stayed close to the buildings as she was sure she could scale them and get through a window fast if he should prove hostile.

However before she got far a sudden acrid smell overtook her and she started coughing and scaled the building but the smell followed her she realized it had to be a gas an invisible gas but before she could react her grip slipped and she fell 2 floors.

As Aqua's feet hit the pavement she buckled and smealt something odd a bitter smell that bit at her nose. She immediately tried covering her nose but it didn't work she could still smell it and she started feeling pretty woozy, she settled to her knees as she was suddenly pretty tired. It occurred it her what was going on but she couldn't do anything about it.
The smell hit Arthur just seconds before Aqua crumpled to the ground. He tried going for her but his legs decided, as they often did, not to support his weight anymore and he fell as well. His senses weren't the best but he could still tell a gas when he smealt one but as he was already on the ground there wasn't a lot he could do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Serendipity23


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Natasha looked at Lucius' growing body. Sonja grinned evilly and Natasha hissed, giving a stare that made Sonja quiver and look away. She turned and removed the dagger from in front of Lucius. She slowly walked backwards, eyes forming slits and fangs barred. Her bat wings spread out and she gave another look of death. Bringing fear to a victim was the purpose; but she knewshe couldn't survive a monster like this.

Sonja smirked. "Would you like to die, Natasha, or would you like an ally? Because I can garantee your death, and the death of everyone else." Natasha didn't know what to do, but she did try her best at hissing and staring Sonja to pieces. Anger filled her body and she darkened the world around her, making Lucius and Sonja blind. She could see in the dark quite well-being part cat helped out a lot. She was ready to strike when a horrible stench pounded into her nose

"What the hell is that?" she said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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His eyes clouded and his nostrils burned and the flames quickly dissipated around his body as Sonja fell. Barely able to see Lucius threw his body over hers in an attempt to shield her from the noxious chemical. He drug her into a corner surrounded by rubble and put her back against it then braced his head just above hers using himself as a shield as best he could. As he faded into the void of black his last thought was to wraphis arms around the girl before he passed out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baconator
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The scent was strong. A putrid stench reeking of poison and ill tidings. And it was only getting closer. Rage increased the output of his frost aura, chilling the air around him to freezing temperatures. It would not stop the airborne toxin but perhaps slow it down enough for him to escape the area. The White Tiger was about to do just that when he caught another scent. Human? no this one was hybrid, a female hybrid. His eyes scanned the street in the direction of her scent and sure enough there was a young girl emerging from the shadows. Had she been stalking him? he wondered. Rage dismissed the notion entirely. None of the hybrids who knew him would brave such an endeavor and the younger ones simply found him too intimidating. She was here by accident. The girl was also feline though her mutation was not nearly as extreme as his own. They were a city block apart when she started climbing the buildings only to fall from the second story. "Shit" he cursed. It must be the toxins in the air. He couldn't tell if she was dead already or just unconscious.

With all of the speed and agility of a White Tiger, Rage covered the one block distance just in time to catch the girl in a dive and land into a roll. Saving damsels in distress.. playing the hero doesn't suit you. He told himself though he was slightly relieved that she was still alive. Unconscious then, it was knock out gas. Rage bared his fangs and snarled. That look would have frozen a human enemy in fear but alas, such an enemy as poison gas could not feel fear. The freezing air around them held it at bay for the most part but it would not last and Rage realized that the girl would likely catch frostbite and die if he kept it up. With great reluctance and more than a few curses he released his hold on the temperature and let the gas consume him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Serendipity23


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Sonja fell into a coma, despite Lucius' efforts to keep her alive. Natasha held her breath, running into a small building and trying to block out the gas by closing all the doors and windows. However, Natasha too fell from the gas and lay in the corner of the room, behind a pile of rubble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dessie777


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The silent sound of hissing reached the blind girls ears alerting her to the trouble. "Sh--!" As the gas settled over the area Keaira fell into a nightmare.

Above the city Terra gazed down her face covered in a gas mask. She watched the Hybrids fall one by one and she couldn't help but smile, the monsters that killed her sister would be destroyed. Preparing to jump she spotted the special forces moving in. "They're early." She cursed under her breath. She hadn't expected the gas mask wearing recovery unit to show for another three minutes, ruining her plans. "At the compound then." Being Trace's right hand had advantages.

The Hybrids were collected and brought into a facility far from the city. Only the ones deemed 'High threats' had been restrained, the rest were sat nicely in chairs that sat in a half circle around a singular chair. In the chair sat a woman in her mid thirties waiting, waiting for them to wake up.

(You may choose if you are a 'High threat' or not. Wether it be your powers or attitude they restrain you for. Also, Your character(s) are unaware of this but there are multiple rooms full of Hybrids.. Not all of us will make it out alive and the other rooms provide chances for new characters.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dessie777


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The silent sound of hissing reached the blind girls ears alerting her to the trouble. "Sh--!" As the gas settled over the area Keaira fell into a nightmare.

Above the city Terra gazed down her face covered in a gas mask. She watched the Hybrids fall one by one and she couldn't help but smile, the monsters that killed her sister would be destroyed. Preparing to jump she spotted the special forces moving in. "They're early." She cursed under her breath. She hadn't expected the gas mask wearing recovery unit to show for another three minutes, ruining her plans. "At the compound then." Being Trace's right hand had advantages.

The Hybrids were collected and brought into a facility far from the city. Only the ones deemed 'High threats' had been restrained, the rest were sat nicely in chairs that sat in a half circle around a singular chair. In the chair sat a woman in her mid thirties waiting, waiting for them to wake up.

(You may choose if you are a 'High threat' or not. Wether it be your powers or attitude they restrain you for. Also, Your character(s) are unaware of this but there are multiple rooms full of Hybrids.. Not all of us will make it out alive and the other rooms provide chances for new characters.)
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