Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"W-wait!" came a faint whimpering from somewhere in between as the crowd flocked to the door, drowned out with all the other voices, cheers and the shuffling of feet in expensive shoes and whatever else the Swedes happened to be indulging in as they made their way to the door "S-stop! Please!"
To no avail, however. Maybe they just didn't understand English cries for help? Swedish was obviously out of the question. It wasn't like Erika was one of the first to be able to enter the ballroom and quickly find a quiet spot, or the last to sneak in half an hour after the commotion had died down. No, she'd had the bad luck of being caught in the crowd, and tight spaces packed with so many people made her nervous. Made her dizzy, lightheaded almost. But wait...was that really just the crowd?
Surviving the stampede and gathering up the back of her dress in her hands so not as to have anyone step on it, she could only catch a breather and let it flow once the doors had flown open and everyone was ushered inside, and she had the courage to open her eyes. Blindly led by a massive crowd, she'd failed to see the true beauty of the room she found herself in before. She could now.
It was huge, and it was glorious. The tables and chairs and their arrangements, the band playing their scrumptious jazz at the very end of the hall, illuminated by the stage-lights that gave their faces and their instruments an unearthly hue, the tables of food covered in silver domes whose contents could only be left to the imagination, and the bar to which the more eager Swedes flocked to to enjoy a drink.
She was still panting, trying to take in all her surroundings at once, and trying to gauge how many people the dance-floor that started at her feet could fit before she found a waitress confront her, and before she could so much as say anything, she was being guided through a crowd with a hand at her back and her head spinning and struggling to take in all the surroundings.
She was helpless to being pushed around like that, though if she was in more of a stable mental state, she'd ask how, or why, and where.
However, for the moment, the oddity of everything being so...funny...
She found herself glancing at the passing Swedes as she neared the stage, smirking a little under her breath at just how ridiculous everyone seemed to look, and by the time she reached the crowd waiting at the side of the stage, she was already giggling at everyone's attire, and giddily nodded vigorously to all David's 'yeahs' and 'ehs'.
She even gave the others gathered around there a little wave as David climbed onto the stage with his sister. And before she could hold her tongue...
"Look! It's the doc! Hiya, doc! And...and it's James! Ja-ames! Boy, do you look dapper! And...and oh my god, those earrings are so rad." she pointed with a shaky hand to the man who had the earrings, continuing in the same amused, hushed whisper as David spoke, barely paying attention to what he said. "I still dunno who you are...heh. And...and oh my god, it's youuu!" wilder hand gestures at Rikki. "From the limo, with the aaaale! I totally love your outfit, by the way!"
She broke away into a fit of giggles, and more unrestrained laughter at David's little quips. It was difficult even getting her on stage with how much her knees were shaking in those dainty heels and she was giggling like a schoolgirl. She'd almost have missed Ingrid's little check on her, and she gave her a confused expression, like she barely understood the language she was speaking, "Huuuuuh? Whaaa-"
And before she could finish, she was pushed up onto stage, and stood in position, next to Rikki as her name had been called after. She fiddled restlessly with the frills of her dress, biting her lip though evidently still trying to stifle a lot of giggles that just needed to escape.
Which did. The very second David called her name to introduce her.
"Ho, Sweden!" she chanted, a fist thrown into the air and laughter following much after, "Tha...hahaha! Thanks for the party! You guys rock!"
More lightheadedness. More giddy dizziness. More weak knees and involuntary bodily twitching. It was a struggle to even climb down the stairs, though she wasn't laughing in the time those very actions were made.
Her goal? To find somewhere she could get some water. Nice and cold, to down and try and get a hold of things better. The bar seemed like the best option right now, and that meant pushing one's way past the growingly-crowded dance-floor.
Normally, she would have tried not to bother anyone. Now? She found herself doing that...in the most flouncy way possible, completely defeating the earlier intention. She spun to and away from a handful of dance-partners before finding carpet again, and marching herself over to the bar as best as she could. She almost collapsed into a free stool and giggled at the bartender, as if to get his attention.
"Hey, tall glass of water, can I get a tall glass of water?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Callthecops
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Callthecops The Empty Headed

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Like Erika, Henry found his way into the ballroom at the mercy of the throng, and he did not resist. As he was carried inside by the flowing mass of people Dr. Halibern began to notice a slight fuzziness around the edges of his consciousness, but disregarded it entirely upon his arrival inside. The room lived up to it’s title as the Great Hall, “It really is a pretty great hall…” Henry muttered aloud to himself. The grand, open space was adorned beautifully, and it was a pleasure to watch the empty space become filled with life, as the Swedes continued to pile in. As he began looking around for his favorite waiter in the midst of the crowd, a server that Henry was much less enamored with arrived to usher him towards the stage. He decided to go along with it, after all it really was unfair to judge the man too harshly for the simple crime of not bearing expensive liquor…

Henry started paying more attention to the band while waiting at the side of the stage with the Woll family, and found himself in a pretty good mood. Everything was going fantastically as the eclectic group of well-dressed guests made their way onto the stage. David made his speech and began introducing them one by one, and again, everything seemed to be going well until he reached Henry. The Doctor raised his hand for a little half salute, half wave thingy, and as he did, Henry began to notice something off. He became very aware of the sensation of controlling his body with his mind, as the two entities began to feel more distinct from each other. Wondering what on earth was going on, Henry began to wonder if he was about to go on an out of body, but he hadn’t taken anything that would have caused it. Or had he? No, he concluded, as the feelings progressed he was pretty sure he was staying grounded for this one, but that didn’t mean he hadn’t taken anything.

Absorbed in thought, Henry wasn’t sure how he ended up off stage, but discovered that his body was walking itself down the stairs and back into the crowd. He was definitely coming up on something, the heaviness in his limbs had just began to take hold, but he still couldn’t remember taking anything before the party… It must have been in the alcohol then, he reasoned, of course it was possible that if the manor knew his tastes in furniture that they also knew he had a penchant for recreational drug usage. “Hey- Hey, you got the drinks?” Henry said, having suddenly found the waiter from before, “Oh, beautiful. Are there drugs in these ones too?”

The typically composed server nearly stopped in his tracks in what appeared to be a mixture of confusion and nervousness, “Wha- Wait, what?” He stammered.

“I asked if you put more drugs in these drinks too. It’s all good, how much of it can I take before it turns on me?” Henry replied in a tone more appropriate for discussing the weather than drugging an unsuspecting man. “I just don’t want to overdose or anything, you know?” He added, grabbing one of the drinks from the waiter’s hand and throwing half the glass’ contents back.

“Uhh… There aren’t any drugs in these drinks, sir.”

“Eh, that’s mildly disappointing, to be honest.” Henry half-joked, as he took a second look at his glass, then with a bit of a shrug he proceeded to pour the rest of the amber liquid down his throat. “Trade?” He asked, indicating that he wished to exchange his empty glass for the second, still full glass. After this transaction was complete, Henry sent the extraordinarily confused waiter on his way. As the alcohol continued to mix even further with whatever drugs he had taken, Dr. Halibern smiled to himself. Tonight would be a great night, and at this point, he was down for whatever the Woll Manor might throw at him next.
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