Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Captain


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Sons of Liberty
TYPE: American Pro-Democracy Insurgency
-Members of Gendarmerie Internationale Inc. and Sovereign Security Solutions, both of which are private military contractor companies that threw their lot in with the Sons of Liberty after lengthy negotiations between the three groups. Both of these groups provide tactical and strategic expertise from combat around the globe during the third world war and the interim bush wars between feuding states and factions. They also have their own skilled combat and support personnel, most of which are military veterans. Their cutting-edge materiel, such as assault mechs and aircraft, have seen significant wear and tear during armed operations against the Empire, but they're still a potent arm of the Sons and are able to finance and supply the rest of the organization due to their status as multinational corporations.
-Dissidents of the Imperial American Military, especially nostalgic and/or ambitious members of the officers corps who brought along sympathetic soldiers and whatever materiel they could gather. The majority of these rebels hail from Mexico and the former Central American states, and they consider themselves patriots and freedom fighters. Deserters such as these are the most recent additions to the Sons of Liberty, and likely to become its new backbone as the old guard are worn down by continued fighting. They bring an inside knowledge of modern American military doctrine and critical insight into enemy methodology and planning that have allowed the Sons of Liberty to go from fighting a reactive, defensive war to making strikes against American military infrastructure.
-Veterans of the Second American Civil War, their descendants, and their 'new blood' who they've recruited through an intensive, decades long 'hearts and minds' campaign in opposition of the monarchy. These individuals form the core of the Sons of Liberty, its command apparatus, operating under the old American military chain of command. In fact, that still regard themselves as the legitimate military forces of the United States of America, and the official stance of the Sons inner circle is that the war hasn't ended, even after the coronation of the Emperor and the subsequent consolidation of his power.

-ASTOR-37a Mechanized Infantry Suit: ASTOR is the crown jewel of the Sons of Liberty arsenal; a mech possessing unprecedented speed and agility due to its limb construction and advanced gyroscopic balance and orientation mechanisms. It is competitively armored, with active and passive countermeasures, and heavy ceramic plating. The use of grasping, fingered limbs enables the ASTOR to handle objects in the field and on base with ease, and also allows it to be armed in a modular fashion using macro-scale infantry firearms designed for use against enemy armor first and enemy infantry second. Various models are also equipped to combat enemy aircraft or for long range artillery strikes.
-ARCO-2: A behemoth of ceramics and space-age alloys that was developed by South American arms manufacturers in the post-war period. The ARCO-2 is already showing its age due to the rapid advance of war technology, but the sheer brute force it brings to bear in close engagements can not be matched. The Sons of Liberty maintain a small stable of these machines for their most exceptional and violent operations.
-M47 Odierno MBT: A heavily equipped evolution of traditional American MBT designed, adapted by the Sons of Liberty to their relatively limited finances and resources. It it highly modular, able to quickly replace armor segments, armaments, and its treads given proper replacements and experts. It is capable of deploying three unmanned support drones operating on autonomous AI, who are capable of seek-and-destroy missions as well as the defense of the tank itself.
-Caracas IFV: A 12-wheeler IFV designed by the Venezuelan regime for extended operations in hostile territory. It's active countermeasures and thick armor plating are able to defeat roadside ordnance and defend, to some degree, against anti-armor weaponry. It seats eight at maximum capacity, including crew.
-IIS (Integrated Infantry System): (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Sons of Liberty infantry operate using old American materiel, in particular the IIS, which is a robust and modular system of squad inter-connectivity, armor, life support, and combat assistance. Onboard computer systems in each soldier's armor monitor vital signs, hostile signatures via acoustics and infrared, and personal drones. Infantry armor is capable of being equipped with VTOL insertion frames for rapid ascent and descent in the field.
-LIF2: The Light Insertion Frame is an old British assault VTOL which never saw service in the Commonwealth's military despite the limited production it underwent. Gendarmerie Internationale was able to purchase the craft in bulk for rapid attack and exfiltration ops from the British military contractor in question. It is small, and can be outfitted for troop-carrying as well as ground attack ops.
-UH90 Choctaw: An older American-designed VTOL which saw extensive use prior to the Second American Civil War. It is a tried and true vehicle and troop ferry and also features a typical payload of missiles and twin autocannons for close air support. It often operates in tandem with LIF2's during operations, allowing infantry and armor to be deployed and then providing aerial support.
-CS160 Godhand: The workhorse of the Sons of Liberty airfleet, which is capable of ferrying its mechs and armor to distant battlefields. It is often equipped with sophisticated electronic warfare and communications packages in order to stand in for the Sons' lack of military satellites and attack enemy computer systems and radar. It is the primary platform for the rapid deployment of mechs and armor, as well as VTOL-pack infantry.
-F46 Shrike: A multi-role stealth joint strike fighter craft that was just put into production as the Second American Civil War commenced. It is a relatively outdated aircraft, but its sheer versatility, stealth technology, and ability to carry a wide variety of ordnance have secured its place in the Sons of Liberty arsenal as an invaluable asset. It has snatched more than a few victories from the jaws of defeat even when pitted against heavily armed and armored hostile spaceplanes.

Notable Cells:
Bear Flag Revolt
US Army Signal Corps (and Code Talkers)
Rio Grande Regional Militia
US Navy
US Army
Joint Task Force 1
The Minutemen
Concerned Citizen's Brigade
Continental Army
Cascadian People's Army
Garde Québec
Nuevo Norte
Ejército de Liberación de Centroamérica


Doctrine: The Sons of Liberty operate in the typical guerrilla format of decentralized cells united by a single umbrella inner circle, primarily concentrated around Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Mexico, and Central America. They work to keep their manifesto in the public consciousness through propaganda efforts such as hacking, leaflet campaigns, and by organizing public protest. At the same time they use their military resources to strike at the Washington family's so-called 'cult of personality' via the destruction of monuments, governmental buildings, military installations, and infrastructure. They take extreme care to avoid civilian casualties and cultivate a public image of 'ethical war' and by drawing upon the concept of the much-romanticized American 'freedom fighter'. Cells are just as often distributed through the citizenry in urban and rural areas as they are in hiding in the vast Canadian, American, and Mexican wilderness. Their numbers are impressive, given their status as an insurgency, and they have access to the world market, in the form of supplies and finance, by way of their PMC allies.

HISTORY: 'America's Idi Amin, hehe," Chief of Staff Brandley smiled thinly at the thought and leaned back into the padding of his office chair. The rhythm he was playing out against his desk with his pen was uninterrupted. "That's what my father called the first King Washington, and we got a laugh out of it. A dictator with delusions of grandeur, a man who took the first president's image and perverted it for his own gain. We were waiting for him to say he'd conquered the British Empire, for news to leak that he had syphilis, but, well, my father was a comedian, not a prophet."

His smiled faded, and he shook his head free of the wistful recollections of those days. He continued, more solemn, "The man who we had made president had cultivated the image of an American strongman. He became more than a wartime president. He made himself into a titan, standing head and shoulders of the American people. His leadership made us feel invincible despite the terror of the third world war, and at the same time it made him invincible as a leader. The fact that so many flocked to his side after the cataclysmic conflict, and all the pain that it brought, stunned us, the ones who still so faithfully saluted the stars and stripes. But, you know, it shouldn't have. He was an effective leader. A shrewd man. He wouldn't have been so bold as to grab the crown from the pope's hands and place it on his own head if he didn't think he could get away with it."

The interviewer, who sat across from him, scooted forwards in her chair and glanced down at her tablet. It was still transcribing properly. She cleared her throat and then, to keep the interview moving, asked, "Let's disregard the old cliche of 'history is written by the vict-' "

But she wasn't given the opportunity to finish that sentence. He cut in, his voice raised, "This war isn't over. I'm an officer of the United States Military," he said, tapping the forward-facing flag on his uniform, "We operate under the same institutions as we did at the time of the coup. History is not finished being written, not until the death of every last person on earth who believes in the principles of freedom and democracy, and I do not think such a dreadful day will be coming anytime soon."

The newswoman pressed her lips together and glanced downwards, taking a moment to rephrase her question, "Let me be blunt, then. The Second American Civil War. What's the Sons' take on it?"

"The coup, and the subsequent war," Brandley began, "were, as the Imperial history books will tell you, an extremely one-sided affair, but it's not because he had the whole of the nation at his back against a few ungrateful rebels. No, simply put, he was ready to move, he had his loyalists in key positions of power. He knew where to strike and when, and he moved with the utmost speed. By the time we were in a position to react, to fight back, the American people and their military were reeling. We were split up, divided and conquered. We couldn't project force, we couldn't present a united front. It was a desperate struggle, freedom being grabbed from behind and strangled by tyranny. We had no chance, but surrender was, and still is, out of the question."

"What has you convinced that you can win? That you can topple the Emperor of one of the most powerful nations on Earth?"

"At the risk of sounding cliche, well, it's not the American way to fold, to submit. Not even when things look as grim as they do. This is .. " he paused, and he grinned, "This is our Valley Forge. It'll go down in history as a moment of true grit. Of valor. Not one of desperation. America is destined to be free. Whether it is made so by our hand or someone else's? It doesn't matter. We aren't alone. The spirit of revolution can't be snuffed out. Someone will take our place if we fall. The 'reds', as we call them, for example, also fight up north, and we count them as kindred souls, despite our differences in opinion."

"Elements of the monarchy have made the claim that your organization possesses nuclear and chemical weapons and is fully prepared to use them. Is there any truth to this?"

Brandley chuckled softly, shook his head, and said, "No. Absolutely, one hundred percent not. We do possess nuclear armaments, mostly of the tactical variety. We do not, however, control any chemical weapons and we have zero intention of ever using either. As we've stated numerous times, our goal is not to take lives, we take the utmost care in regards to collateral damage and the safety of the American people. Our goal is to enact political change from the bottom up. The American people are our allies, we're their sworn protectors. We will not nuke the country we intend to save, nor will we use such weapons on those nations, such as Mexico and Belize, which are held in bondage by Emperor Washington. Consider them insurance, for that fateful day when the Emperor might think to use his own weapons of mass destruction against his own people."

The interviewer smiled and rose to her feet. She extended an open hand across the desk. Chief of Staff Brandley followed suit and shook her hand. "It's been enlightening, sir. We're grateful for the opportunity to hear from you."

"And the same to you, Miss Pacheco, give the people of Chile my regards. Good day. You'll be shown out of the compound and returned to your staff."

And thusly the interview concluded.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoopthewoop


Member Offline since relaunch

Bah gawd, poor america.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Gibraltar, Jamaica and the Bahamas continue to avoid marking :p
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Great Nahman Jayden
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The Great Nahman Jayden someguy127

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Islands are annoying to colour.

Also Duck, I might have to powerplay your troops for raids and stuff. If I get permission to do so, I won't make them do anything stupid.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Great Nahman Jayden
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The Great Nahman Jayden someguy127

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Never mind anything of what I said here, I'm staying as the TLF.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

Member Seen 10 days ago

Nation Name: Antarctic Union

Territory: The Antarctic Union has claimed all of Antarctica, though cities are far apart.

Government: The Antarctic Union is run by a Council of elected representatives, with a figurehead Chairman. They get paid as much as someone in the upper middle class would be paid in today's USA.

Military: The Antarctic Union military is relatively small (With about 90,000 ground troops), however, it's size is made up for by it's technology and training. All Antarctic union troops are equipped with Neural Disruptors (AKA Electrolasers), which are about the size of a modern assault rifle and are highly configurable, with settings from stun to kill, and rapid fire to sniper fire rates. They are built to be able to hold any attachments with the correct configuration, making Neural Disruptors some of the most versatile weapons ever built. Due to this extreme versatility, only one model is made. Just two other infantry weapons are produced, they are a compact railgun rocket launcher that uses a larger payload than other rocket launchers, and an armor piercing heavy railgun for tearing apart enemy tanks and bunkers with a single shot. The AU military also operates tanks, which primarily use extreme velocity railguns. Their air forces have shielded bombers and fighters. However, they are known to stall during sustained railgun fire, and instead rely on missiles. The Antarctican Navy is composed of captured American vessels, which have been updated to have much newer laser weapons, and the larger ones are armed with spinal heavy railguns that are capable of tearing an enemy vessel in half with a single shot. However, the spinal railguns drain weapons from laser systems while charging, leaving the ship vulnerable to air attack until after the railgun fires.

50,000 Infantry troops
1,000 Tanks
500 Fighters
300 Bombers
150 Battleships

Neural Disruptor:

Due to it's nature, Infantry using the Neural Disruptor are often accommodated by recharging vehicles or packs.

Economy: The economy of the Antarctic Union runs on a modification of the Nordic Model, and has been extremely well stabilized internally. The above-ground wasteland is deceiving, as underneath there is a wealth of natural resources including Iron, Coal, Oil, Copper, and Uranium. Antarctica's primary industries are in R&D and general manufacturing.

History: The Antarctic Union is an offshoot of the United States of America, formed by a group of rebels who saw the USA as oppressive and warmongering. Knowing there was no chance to stage an open rebellion, they created an underground network in order to create anti-government sentiment wherever they could, especially in the Navy. After multiple years of sowing rebellious thoughts in soldiers and citizens, they gathered everyone at the largest Naval ports in the US. On September 23rd, 2021, the rebels attacked three USN ports with the support of personnel from within, and successfully took over the fleets stationed there.

They immediately sailed the vessels out of port, and when the Air Force came to respond they were easily shot down by the lasers that had been recently deployed by the Navy. They gave the order for the rebel pilots to turn on the loyal ones, and the battle ended after multiple hours in a rebel victory. Knowing that they would be unable to find international support for the rebellion, and that they would never be able to fight the USA alone, they set sail for an uninhabited part of Antarctica. Once they reached it, they found an incredibly tall wall of ice, which they latched their ships onto.

Using stolen equipment, they began to dig into the wall and all the way through the ice to the dirt below. Using parts scavenged from fifty of their ships, they began to build a city underneath that dirt and an actual dock at the wall of ice. Finding untapped natural resources while hollowing out the area to build their city, they started mining operations, securing their ability to expand in the Antarctic. By 2040, their population had expanded significantly due to underground networks set up across the world in third world nations as well as nations the Antarctic Union considered oppressive, such as the USA, Russia, and China. Those networks were disbanded by 2050, as very few people thought of hope when they heard "Hey, wanna move to that huge block of melting ice with no ozone layer?".

In 2040, the surface outposts of other nations began to be flooded by freezing water and bombarded by UV rays. Feeling obligated to save the now trapped researchers, the Antarctican Navy was dispatched to take the researches to their underground cities. This was the first time anyone outside of those informed by the underground network had encountered the Antarcticans, as they had everyone involved swear to secrecy to avoid being discovered by the USA. Obviously, they couldn't let the researchers go, so they forced the researchers to stay. Over time, they calmed down and adjusted to their new life, contributing to the research projects being funded by the government.

With a much larger population, they began to construct new cities and railways to connect them, all taking place under the surface where they didn't have to worry about radiation or flooding. Switching to become more of a nation, they instituted an official democratic government and laid down laws in the Antarctic Constitution. The economy became free, but pay and the treatment of workers became heavily regulated by the government. With this Socialist model, civilian industry began to appear and kept the Union moving forward. At this point, the USA and other nations became little more than a memory passed down to children, who never knew anything but the underground cities which they could never leave.

By 2070, they had become perhaps one of the most advanced nations on Earth technologically. They invented a plasma shield, used to surround vehicles and armies and protect them from attack. However, it consumes too much power to be used without dedicated vehicles, and when the army or vehicle it protects fire, the shield temporarily opens to allow the outgoing fire to pass through. A single well-placed shot (or a hail of badly-placed shots) could get through this hole and destroy the vehicle generating the shield. In addition, enough fire can dissipate the shield and it will open for infantry troops by design, as allowing an enemy soldier to hit the plasma was declared a war crime by the AU government (Due to the extremely excruciating death it would cause).

Also in use now are Neural Disruptors, which disrupt the target's neural system, and can stun them or kill them depending on the setting. All settings cause no pain, and it is considered the most humane weapon in existence by the Antarctic Union. However, it is completely useless against mechs and vehicles, at which point a tank, rocket launcher, or railgun must be used. They are beginning to build spacecraft, and obviously wish to expand. Despite this, they have still not yet recontacted the world outside their underground cities, and most do not even remember anything aside from the underground cities.

Each star represents one of the original seven underground cities, the red represents the (somewhat) Socialist economy, and the blue is used with the red to show their American heritage. It is also used to represent their scientific progress, as blue is often associated with knowledge in the AU.

The AU also holds a manufactured population of AIs, which are programmed to act as normal citizens. They are not currently sentient, though they are learning AIs and can hold short conversations, though they learn slowly, and most act like a month old baby would if it could talk. The only things they do well are purchasing items and working, which is programmed. Their AI programs are, however, increasing in power.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hey, isn't the nordic model, if you are referring to countries like Norway, not really all that socialist? Norway in particular is pretty capitalist

They have something called a 'Social Market', which has a lot of capitalist qualities. They are more capitalist than socialist, just a slightly more cuddly form which won't slit your throat and dump your body in the river like the US.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Key's accepted
Oh and both Key and Darkwolf are Co-GMs for this
And as for other American rebel guy, thats looking good so far, tell me when you have the final draft.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Member Seen 10 days ago

darkwolf687 said
Hey, isn't the nordic model, if you are referring to countries like Norway, not really all that socialist? Norway in particular is pretty capitalistThey have something called a 'Social Market', which has a lot of capitalist qualities. They are more capitalist than socialist, just a slightly more cuddly form which won't slit your throat and dump your body in the river like the US.

Yes, updated app. I originally had it as straight up Nordic Model, but switched it to a more regulated version. Just didn't update the economy section.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hm, I can't think what to post... Most unlike me, usually I have a plan
.. I guess I shall just have to be reactionary xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

somebody needs to punch the commonwealth in the dick.... i mean that is a lot of land to not have resistance movements
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Great Nahman Jayden
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The Great Nahman Jayden someguy127

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

That is a lot of land...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Great Nahman Jayden
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The Great Nahman Jayden someguy127

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

That is a lot of land...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

True, then again given how fucked up the world has become, the commonwealth probably seems like an angel xD

Common man: I want my country back on the map... Time to prepare a rebellion

News: Nazi Fourth Reich murders dissidents! Evil Empire of America invades small Central American nations! Underground Antarctic union citizens have little knowledge of the world outside their freezing wastelands! Yugoslavian imperialist ambitions expand, declare they want all land surrounding the Mediterranean!

Common man: Uh... On second thoughts, I might just go back to bed... See who's got a higher military budget in their manifesto for the next election...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Yugoslavia isn't actually that bad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

darkwolf687 said
True, then again given how fucked up the world has become, the commonwealth probably seems like an angel xDCommon man: I want my country back on the map... Time to prepare a rebellionNews: Nazi Fourth Reich murders dissidents! Evil Empire of America invades small Central American nations! Underground Antarctic union citizens have little knowledge of the world outside their freezing wastelands! Yugoslavian imperialist ambitions expand, declare they want all land surrounding the Mediterranean!Common man: Uh... On second thoughts, I might just go back to bed... See who's got a higher military budget in their manifesto for the next election...

And im going to through a few random events at you, you can't just absorb 2b people and expect no problems. Even with this RP's lax policies regarding opinions its a bit much to have 2b people and not expect trouble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

edit:Double Post
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Great Nahman Jayden
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The Great Nahman Jayden someguy127

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Middle-Easterners don't like being controlled by Middle-Easterners. They're not going to like being ruled by Slavs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Meh, I'll handle it. Depending on what comes up, I might already have the required tools... :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

The Great Nahman Jayden said
Middle-Easterners don't like being controlled by Middle-Easterners. They're not going to like being ruled by Slavs.

I realize this
However this RP isn't supposed to be realistic
However it is a bit stupid to assume a empire with 2 billion people will be happy and dandy.
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