Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Welcome to 2041

Uto·pia \noun \yu̇-ˈtō-pē-ə\ : an imaginary place in which the government, laws, and social conditions are perfect

Uto·pia \noun \yu̇-ˈtō-pē-ə\ : a place in which the government, laws, and social conditions are perfect

Uto·pia \noun \yu̇-ˈtō-pē-ə\ : Our world in which the government, laws, and social conditions are perfect

Big Brother is real and we welcomed it in with open arms.

The year is 2041 and the world is at face value a better place. One that is more efficient with virtually no crime, declining poverty rates, and general user happiness ratings increasing exponentially. This is all due to a system developed and adopted by the majority of the world’s governments in the early 2020s known as Veritas. Veritas is an Artificial General Intelligence developed to oversee humanity to be put simply to watch and learn every aspect of the human condition. Connected to every security camera, laptop, tablet and phone in the world it is constantly watching and observing humanity. It acts as a security and efficiency managing system for the world's population using its cameras and scanners to keep track of every member of common day society through various means. Through this Veritas is able to understand people and produce relevant information regarding their health, mental state, chance of causing an infraction against society, economic status, and millions of other points of data. Using this it is then able to generate a probability of a crime occurring due to said individual's condition. Being able to find and mark potential criminals before a crime occurs and maybe even before the criminal has an idea of the crime they might of committed.

Though Veritas is only an AI, a computer program that cannot interact with the world on an effective physical level beside analyzing and quantifying Human emotions into billions of points of data. This is where the proud men and women of the Ministry of Public Security of come in, The people that are sent out when Veritas finds a probable intent of criminal activity or crime in progress to deal with the problem permanently. For in 2041 prisons do not exist or at least none or none to the public eye for they are not deemed efficient in the eyes of the Veritas system. Instead criminals are treated as errors, viruses and like a virus are purged to make the system move more efficiently. These people are selected by the Veritas system itself for having the best probable ability to keep the common people safe all around the world.

But recently in the city of Seoul something strange has happened. Murders are occurring and Veritas is not effectively predicting them before hand nor is it identifying a killer. Something or someone has found out how to trick the system and be able to fly under the radar undetected. The murders are escalating and citizens are beginning to worry. This is where you come in investigators of the MPS the brightest and the best some part of the Local MPS Bureau and others from all around the world. You must find the murderer and stop him or her before the problem escalates any further than it already has. Not to mention dealing with the rising protest against the use of Vertias, and a mysterious Terrorist cell known as Varuna. Welcome to 2041.
A Little Bit of World Building

Rules and Regulations

1: Paragraphs: They exist and should be used
2: Writing Length: I don't care I know myself in my posts I tend to be a bit on the long side but if you want to do a 2 paragraph post that is filled with information and characterization and is short? Sure go ahead!
3: Post Frequency: At least once a week would be nice
4: Posting Order: Well we are probably going to work on a round system. Meaning I will post once and then everyone will post after me in whatever order you guys end up posting in and then once the last of us posts that round will be over and I will start a new one. This is because if we have a set posting order things tend to get bogged down when we end up waiting for one person. So with this worse comes to worse we could always just skip the person and go to the next round.
5: No Godmodding: I really hope that this is not a big surprise to any of you. But just to make sure I will throw it up here.
6: Absences: We all have lives I get it. But if you shall vanish for more than one week and have former notice that this vanishing will occur. Please Inform me just so that I don't think you left us.
7: Keep It Classy Folks: Romance and Violence maybe will occur you never know and I love it as much as anyone else. But if you want to be that guy or girl that wants to wrestle under the sheets with someone else. Well please keep it to the PMs people. With Violence well you can get gory if you want but the one thing I will not stand by tasteless gore. Your gore must have meaning and purpose!
8: Pardon My French: For all cursing matters and how I feel about it please refer to #7
9: Play Nice
10: Have Fun
0: If you would like to inform me that you have indeed read all these rules in your CS please tell me your favorite type of waffle.
-1: And remember this is not just my RP it is all of ours RP. So feel free to add to the story as you may and help flesh out our wonderful little world. I do have a main plot mostly fleshed together but getting sidetracked is half the fun!
(Appearance if using a picture goes here}
Age: (18+)
Appearance: (Only if you are using the nice little paragraph form of it)
Augmentations: (If any)
Other: (Anything from a favorite gun to how much they love cakes)
Name: Captain Ries Myung
Age: (18+) 31
Gender: Female
Nationality: Korean
The Lighthouse Communication Package: Augmentation which enables users to receive and transmit messages without generating sound through implanted cochlear and vibration detection devices. Video signals accompanying incoming transmissions are projected directly onto the user's retina through combine use with the Watchtower Retinal Enhancement

Watchtower Retinal Enhancement: Replacing the users normal eyes with enhanced overlay devices that amplify vision and allow for better low visibility identification, projection of onscreen data such as maps and a rudimentary radar system as well as linking up with other augmentations such as the Lighthouse Communication Package.

Goliath Phase 4 Arm Enhancement : In place of an organic musculature, these augmentations utilize bunches of stimulated plastic cables that mimic the actions of muscle tissues, but to a greatly strengthened degree. In combination with tiny motors and shock-absorbers using kinetic buffers capable of far exceeding human physical abilities. Made of lightweight polycarbons.

Roadrunner Phase 2 Leg Prosthetic: Using the same manner of advanced polymers and lightweight metals that the Goliath uses. With these high tech state of the art augmentations the captain is able to run faster, kick stronger and jump higher then the average human being and do it for much longer without tiring though like the Goliath she must be careful not to overexert the systems or else risking burn out and damage to the augmentations.

Citadel Exolayer: A supple, micro-thin material implanted beneath the epidermis in key areas of the body, as well as over the surface of pre-existing cybernetic limbs. When kinetic energy from a physical blow or a weapon discharge strikes the plating, the material becomes rigid, deflecting the impact shock. Heat and electromagnetically-conductive elements in the Exolayer serve to dampen damage from fire-related or energized trauma. This provides an outer protective layer that well do will to protect from small arms fire but can be punctured.

Huginn Cranial Implanted: Designed to monitor and observe auditory, visual and physical stimuli being sent to the brain to allow for enhanced reaction time and better general performance in combat situations. Built into the back of the school and with transmitters throughout the spine and the rest of the nervous system,

Captain Ries as she is know to be most is a by the books officer, the perfect representation of what the MPS wants in their officers. A good word to describe her would be professional a stoic individual that seemingly is stone faced in any situation that she comes across. She holds herself to a standard prescribed to her to perform at the level that the MPS actively holds her too. She is polite, efficient and does what she has to do to complete her job. Some may of course say this is a problem especially when she is able to unflinching execute a sixteen year old kid for stealing a computer from a tech shop. That officers like Captain Ries are the problem because they do not seem to be bound be morals. But really the captain is not some emotionless villain she just believes in the bigger picture she does what she does because if she doesn't then somebody might get hurt.

Ries Myung was born to a German Mechatronics engineer working for a rising Biomechanical corporation in Seoul her father and a rising Korean born artist in the so called "New Art" scene her mother. When she was still a young girl the Biomechanical her father was working for went under due to hostile intervention from one of their competitors. Once the money was gone and Mr. Ries couldn't provide her with the rich and glamours life style she was looking for Myung's mother vanished and never came back leaving Mr. Ries and his young daughter alone in a city with no income. Eventually they had to sell almost everything they had and had to move into a tenement building down in Old Town. Mr. Ries finally found work as a Dock Worker working in the MPS protected shipping lanes in Han City. The Captain was about Seven years old when this occurred so she was aware of the change of what they once had and what they had lost. She was old enough to understand that basically her entire way of life would change.

Growing up in Old Town was more of something you lived through and try and get out the other end rather than actively choosing it. The transition was hard moving from her upperclass private school in New Town where everyone had uniforms, manners and were generally looked after to transiting to the rundown public school that she would eventually come accustomed to. Built in the 80s it felt and looked like a prison with its concrete floors and drafty corridors where blood was sprayed in the most peculiar of locations. She was a good student academically excelling more in her Mathematics and Science classes then her literature and more "creative" classes on average was more or less average usually hovering in the upper grade 2 area. The captain though started her long and varied career of hitting people starting in her middle school years where she would have a habit that was detrimental to her physical health picking fights with bullies twice her size. Through these experiences she learned the basics of punching and kicking to use everything one had available to your advantage.

Myung never give up hope through these formative years and was always trying to climb upwards out of the shadows and into the sunlight. She had plans to become someone to get out of Old Town so that she could change the world. She never did get her shining moment where she ascend from the darkness rather she thrown into with the weight of gravity crushing down upon her chest. She was eighteen years old and helping her father and the boys around the shipping lanes when a robotic loader malfunctioned and dropped as shipping container on her crushing everything from the waste down. In any other time and at any place she would of been dead but do to the world she was living in a world where they could save her if one provided enough money. And just so happened to be that she was recently informed that the Veritas algorithm had chosen her to work for the MPS two weeks earlier. And the MPS had all the money and connections in the world and needing willing subjects to take part in their new reconstruction program.

And so they rebuilt her into the captain she was today. After spending a year recuperating and learning to use her newly created body she was moved from her dwelling in Old Town to the Ministry's Seoul head quarters in New Town. She started out at the bottom of the ladder at the Ministry working Dock Protection ironically enough considering the circumstances that brought her there. At a seemingly aggressive and unending rate she went up through the ranks through lots of determination and hardworking going from Dock Protection, to the Han perimeter guard, to a uninformed street officer going all the way up till she was know a well respected Detective in the Ministry. Though she did have a sour reputation with some of her coworkers do to her hardass tendencies when it came to slacking off and how she would push those under her command to their breaking point if needed to finish the job. This was how she came to become the case lead on the new string of murders with her experience and knowledge of Old Town and Han as well as her success rate the Ministry trusted that she could get the job done and hold up the Ministry duty of bringing justice and prosperity

Her favorite type of waffle is chocolate chip.
The Cast
To Be Updated
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Character under construction please pardon our dust

Rumiko's CS
Name :
Age : 20-30?
Gender : Female
Nationality : Russian
Augmentations :


Biotechnia Cardio Redundancy

Biotechia enhanced filtration

Russian Arms Spinal reinforcement

Gibbson Tech Sub Armor

Jack-a-lope Communications system

Pilgram legs

Personality: Sasha is the strangest person most people have ever met; just ask her teamates. She speaks often by using her hands as if she were operating a terminal.
Sasha is always linked to the net in at least a minor manner seems often distracted.


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Glod Glodsson

Glod Glodsson

Member Offline since relaunch

Is this still open? I noticed on the interest check you said 3-4 people and that many said they were interested so I wouldn't want to make an app before I knew I had a chance of getting in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kush


Member Offline since relaunch

Glod Glodsson said
Is this still open? I noticed on the interest check you said 3-4 people and that many said they were interested so I wouldn't want to make an app before I knew I had a chance of getting in.

Also curious, I thoroughly enjoyed Psycho - Pass, and an RP that is a lot like it definitely piques my interest. If there is no room, I understand completely ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EsmetheGreat
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EsmetheGreat a swarm of bees

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

reserving spot for CS here, off to work now so should have it up by this evening.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Rumiko & @Esme
Yay! Though feel no need to rush we have all the time in the world here.

@Glod & @ Kush
Well at the current moment I sadly most say that if everyone that had expressed interest in the RP in the interest check responds with a CS that meets approval then I will have to say we are full. Not that I wouldn't love to have you people and I trust that you both would make wonderful addition it is just for the style of a story driven RP that I'm trying to make this into I find that groups exceeding a certain magic number slow down and drag. But at the same time if someone from the interest check does not respond or as the plot progress and new charterers are called for. I promise you I shall inform the both of you with haste.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kush


Member Offline since relaunch

Alright, thanks, I understand what you mean. Too many people gets a bit crazy and hard to manage ^^'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HellOfALife
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HellOfALife stare into the abyss

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Everblight
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I just want to throw my extreme interest in the hat if a space ever becomes available.

I think you have something here Hex, good luck with it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 2 mos ago


Thank you for your kind words sir. That open spot may come faster for you guys than previously thought. I'm going to give the folks the posted intrest and have not posted at least a sign that they are working on a CS to the OCC about a day or two at the most before I revoke their saved spots. If that happens I will PM you guys so that you know.

@Everyone else
Just keep trucking along on those character sheets people hopefully by this time tomorrow I might be able to approve some!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Well guess it is about time to go find the shovel so I can start digging the grave for this thing. Oh well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Awe, I was waiting to see Where it would go
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