Mizuki simply stood there watching the conversations back and forth, until they had decided that it was time to leave. She studied Han carefully. Zenji was right. The man got his information somewhere, and if he was told.. the people that were after them would most likely know as well. She frowned, arms crossed as she watched Han with narrow eyes. The man sure did like to talk a lot. She glanced to Masuto and nodded when he said it was time to leave.

Looking to Zhou, Mizuki raised a brow curiously before cutting her gaze back to the fighter. "Zhou is a very strong warrior, for war as you say.. " She paused letting her gaze settle in on him. "However, he isn't the only one." She bristled inwardly that she had been ignored all together but that was nothing new. Even in current days, women fighters weren't given the credit they were due.

Moving over to Zenji and Masuto she offered a sweet smile. "Alright, well we should get on the road then. As it is right now, what is our fastest route out of this city without drawing too much notice?"