Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
Avatar of Kaga

Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Genkai said
She looks fine to me! Just specify what "addictions" she fears? Is it losing something she craves or is that she fears developing one...?

Yeah, she fears developing addictions, of any kind, which I kind of hinted at in the "a glimpse" section - she's not a huge caffeine drinker but she doesn't want to develop a regular routine of consuming it because she classifies that as an addiction, and therefore "too much caffeine". It's not limited to chemical things, though. She also tries not to get too into certain habits or activities for this reason - anything that one could claim they have an addiction to, even jokingly. (Hence why it was kind of hard to fill in the "hobbies" section - she tries not to do too much of one thing so developing hobbies would be difficult. XD)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by februari


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Edit: withdrawn
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Milieu


Member Offline since relaunch

Age: 21

Frequency Online: I get on intermittently here and there, to check on things, but I don't always have much time to dedicate.

Favorite Ice Cream: This is a devious question. I feel like if I choose, all the other flavors I love will get jealous.
Screw it, Rocky Road.

Any Fandoms You Enjoy: Naruto, Attack on Titan, Mass Effect, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and lots of other stuff.

Sample Writing

Status: Temp for Now

Opening and Closing Post: [link from the IC to their first and if applicable, final post]

First Name: Maverick

Last Name: Godsil

Born: June, 18th 1993 (Age 21), California

Appearance: Yo

Positive Adjectives: Versatile, Instinctual, Anarchic, Kind

Negative Adjectives: Isolationist, Egotistical

Family: Brother

Education: Home Schooled

Hobbies or Talents: Street Fighting, Hiking/Adventuring/Travelling, Tattooing, Ganja Growing/Gardening

Fears: Cockroaches, Senseless Death

A Glimpse of,
Premonition? Synchronicity? Deja Vu? Jesus Christ this is weird... Maverick thought as the fateful flyer drifted on a breeze into his peripherals. He had been talking to Monkey Mountain, the senile, snaggle haired, offensive to the olfactory bum who ate paint chips, and painted his face in, mud?- Maverick wasn't quite sure, and really, he wasn't quite talking so much as self pontificating. Monkey Mountain doesn't speak much anyways. Five minutes prior, Maverick was expelling with rhetorical gusto his sibling adventures with his brother about how they traveled the Earth and ate weird shit with indigenous natives, climbed snow capped mountains, tried questionable cuisine in foreign lands, partied hard in the most luxurious of clubs, and even made a trip to Tibet to see the Dalai Lama himself. Maverick recounted with a sly grin, "Well I mean, we were fuckin rich as hell, mass producing some of the finest marijuana this world has ever seen! We did as much we could. Rode the wave of life for all it was worth," Maverick's grin and glib faded like a ghost, replaced by somber absence with a dissatisfied thought, "Ya know, I'm still rich. But its kinda meaningless without bub. It really fuckin is. Sad face Monkey man," he glanced over at Monkey Mountain who sympathized with a slight nod and shrug. "Yeh, well I guess talking about it ain't gonna make it better. Fuggit. Let's go get you a bath and then I'll buy you a pimpin suit bud..." his voice trails off as the flyer pique's his perceptions.

It hit him hard. Undeniable was this eerie cognizance, he couldn't shake it, and his instincts told him that he was meant to pick up that flyer. "Hold up Monkey" he says. Maverick jogs across the stretch of gravel and trash under the Portland underpass overlooking the river, and picks up the flyer, also noting the concrete column that was plastered with copies of the same flyer. He gave it a quick look, feeling out the design, and then he fed on the phrases. The hairs on the back of his neck stood and he shudders lowly, "This is it."

As if he was reliving it, he slips back into a memory, of a smoke filled room illuminated by a video game on a big screen. They were playing Geometry Wars in between bong sessions, absurdly ripped. On the shelves around them were mason jars filled with cannabis flowers. Maverick could distinctly recall his brother's obnoxious cackle as both of their geometrical neon ships exploded into a glorious array of light across the intergalactic void squared off for their playing field. "I don't think we're high enough yet, that's why we're losing," Maverick baited.
His brother's laughter tapered into a chuckle, "Alright bro, no need to convince me, this is a time for celebration after all." They put the game on pause. "I can't believe it man. After all this time, I'm on the front cover of High Times magazine. It's crazy when your dreams come true. I fuckin can't believe it. My bud. Intergalactic Lemon is finally going to be known to the world!"
"I don't think everyone in the world is privy to High Times bub." Maverick said as he struggled to keep in his weak bong rip.
"That's okay, we can bring it to the world. As soon as we harvest a couple more crops, we're going to go travel."
"Hell yes! Where to this time? Colorado, Hawaii? Alaska?"
"I was thinkin a little more exotic. I was thinking kinda touring the whole planet."
"Will we have enough money?"
"Oh that's not an issue, " his brother retorted sarcastically, "It's never been, and you know that. Mom and Dad left us a lot before they passed away. I know you didn't get to know em, you were too young, but they loved to travel. For fuckin sure man. Serious nomads."
Maverick nodded as he had a sinsemilla influenced epiphany "Once we bring it to the world bro, we gotta bring it to the galaxy. And then, the whole entire badass Universe!"
Their stoned ambition synchronized in manly fraternal connection as his brother, without missing a beat, builds upon the tangent dream, "Then we're off to the multiverse!- and then there and back again through time man, all over the infinite regression of wherever the hell we want to go!...," his brother breaths, his face straightens, "We'll need to buy a time machine."
"Let's just invent it."

They bro-fisted and then fell silent into introspection. All that could be heard in the room was the bubbling of the bong water, strong exhalations, and the ambient tones from Geometry Wars. Maverick remembered how peaceful he felt back then.
His brother began loading the next bowl, "Hey. In all seriousness Maverick, if I ever die-"
"Don't talk like that man."
"Hey, I'm just sayin. Mom and Dad went kinda early. I could too. Let me finish."
"Alright," Maverick sighs, "c'mon."
"Look, if I ever die before you bro, and we haven't made it to space by then, please, you have to go up there for me."
It was requested simply, so Maverick responded in kind.
"Yeh. Okay. I can do that."

The memory ends and Maverick is returned to the Portland underpass, clutching the flyer. He turns to Monkey Mountain with a huge smile across his face, "I'm goin to New York. But first, I'll need to pick up some Intergalactic Pineapple, oh, and give all my money to charity. Do you want my house? What am I saying- of course you do- c'mon, time for your bath." Maverick motions Monkey Mountain on with renewed vigor, excited for his chance to go beyond the boundaries.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 19 days ago

Kaga said
Yeah, she fears developing addictions, of any kind, which I kind of hinted at in the "a glimpse" section - she's not a huge caffeine drinker but she doesn't want to develop a regular routine of consuming it because she classifies that as an addiction, and therefore "too much caffeine". It's not limited to chemical things, though. She also tries not to get too into certain habits or activities for this reason - anything that one could claim they have an addiction to, even jokingly. (Hence why it was kind of hard to fill in the "hobbies" section - she tries not to do too much of one thing so developing hobbies would be difficult. XD)

Okay, I understand better. *nods*

@februari: She's a bit too polished for someone so young. She speaks a few languages and has clearly traveled and as such, gained a lot of knowledge and culture, even so, it's a bit hard to believe she's young but experienced. I'm weary of vagrant savants because they're unpredictable but at the same quite predictable (if that makes sense). Are her parents (or mother) rich, thus gave her the opportunity for travel?

But since you also mentioned she's kind of a street rat, I'm also having trouble understanding since her traits are a bit "everywhere" she's clearly French, born in the US, I'm guessing her heritage pushed her to explore her artistic talents...? She's cunning but sweet, has a good mother figure but is also sort of a "bad girl" and hasn't had much education? I'm just trying to piece it all together. :/

@Milieu: Your writing amused me. XD Took me back to my college days...wait what am I saying? Those are HOW long ago...? Anywho, he's cool, man! Just be mindful of breaking up dialogue between two people so it's not stuck together, but considering the RP won't deal with too much of that one sided work, it shouldn't be an issue until we begin collaborating on posts. Should you be gone for long periods unexpectedly, hit me up on facebook or try to post here btw.

Anywho, he's accepted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by februari


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Edit: I'd included the gist of the background here to provide the context you were missing, but have reconsidered and am withdrawing my submission.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Milieu


Member Offline since relaunch

Haha well I was high while writing o-o I think it's what influenced the whole thing xD
Currently I'm on vacation for about a month. So I should have plenty of time to write and be active.
And yeh, I'll definitely space out that dialogue. Ima go back through later and clean it up. I would've last night, but I had a craving for Oreos and Game of Thrones :3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Palindromatic


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Genkai said
Hmmm Toronto isn't a dumpster? Well huh, you learn something new every day!

If we pretend a specific mayor never came into existence, then no, Toronto isn't a dumpster. Sadly, we all have to be reminded of the mental image of Rob Ford and his wife and how he gets "enough at home".

...And my sig? As in Nine/Rose? The most beautiful love in the universe? <3

You mean I'm not the only one who liked Nine and Rose over Ten and Rose? Don't get me wrong, I have a massive mancrush on David Tennant, but Nine and Rose... there be some magic in those early episodes with those two.

My favorite duo will always be Ten and Donna, however. Donna was perfect in every single sense. I need more Catherine Tate in my life.

It's a real shame they never continued the show after that season. You would have thought such great writers would be able to progress such a brilliant show without totally messing up the plots and casting. Such a pity...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

My favorite Doctor/companion duo would be Four and Adric. They have this father-and-son-esque relationship that I just find simply adorable.

Never has there been a cuter Doctor/companion moment than Four standing over Adric at the TARDIS console, teaching him how to fly the thing. <3

A shame they only had a handful of episodes together before the Doctor regenerated and started treating Adric like shit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


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Hey guys, just thought I'd let you know. I will be leaving for an anime convention tonight (Sacanime if anybody happens to be going.) and probably won't have much in the way of internet access the entire time. Not that I'll have time for internet in the first place... I'll be back Sunday night, and don't have to work Monday so I'll catch up then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Palindromatic


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kaga said
My favorite Doctor/companion duo would be Four and Adric. They have this father-and-son-esque relationship that I just find simply adorable. Never has there been a cuter Doctor/companion moment than Four standing over Adric at the TARDIS console, teaching him how to fly the thing. <3A shame they only had a handful of episodes together before the Doctor regenerated and started treating Adric like shit.

I'm not enough of a legitimate Doctor Who fan to say I've watched anything before Nine. Perhaps someday I'll actually get around to watching every season. I've heard it's a little harder to get into. Is that true?

From what I've read, it seems like the majority of the companions before Nine were not twenty-something common-day British women. For once I would love for the Doctor to have a (permanent) companion that is anything but that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Milieu


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So when is this kickin off?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 19 days ago

@Everyone: Sorry about the sudden disappearance. I was finishing a class Wed and it's all done, I then had a night out with my mom on Thur since it was her birthday and Fri I had a friend come over and we ended up cooking/watching tv most of the time but now I have the whole day to myself so I can catch up on things around the Guild.

Milieu said
So when is this kickin off?

Soon! Tonight in fact.

februari said
Edit: I'd included the gist of the background here to provide the context you were missing, but have reconsidered and am withdrawing my submission.

Okay thanks for letting me know.

@Palindromatic: Donna has been a hit/miss with me, but she was refreshing. I can't really "pair" Ten with anyone since I see Rose with Nine so much and if she's with Ten, she's still with Nine to me...but Donna's development was interesting. I hated how much Rose and Martha changed in the later seasons...huge disappointment there for me.

Tennant is amazing in whatever he does, but to me Rose always gets Nine. Without Nine, Ten and Eleven wouldn't be who they are without him (or any of the other Doctors) but it just kills me to see how much <3 Ten gets over Nine...*shrugs*

I do need to go back to the old Who now that I have time. I've been meaning to ever since I caught myself up to the new stuff.

Though I'm not a fan of Clara or River, the past season or two have been hard to watch in terms of writing and characters...so I'll probably go back before my semester kicks back up but I've heard such good things about Four, but I shouldn't skip 1,2 or 3 if I can help it...depending what is available on Netflix...


Redwing said
Hey guys, just thought I'd let you know. I will be leaving for an anime convention tonight (Sacanime if anybody happens to be going.) and probably won't have much in the way of internet access the entire time. Not that I'll have time for internet in the first place... I'll be back Sunday night, and don't have to work Monday so I'll catch up then.

Okay thanks for letting us know! :3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Viridity
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Viridity Runs in O(-n) time

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Before I do anything constructive, I would just like to say that I love the look of the ship at the top of the first IC post. :3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Palindromatic said
I'm not enough of a legitimate Doctor Who fan to say I've watched anything before Nine. Perhaps someday I'll actually get around to watching every season. I've heard it's a little harder to get into. Is that true?

Sadly, yes. As great as the Classic series is once you get a feel for it, it can be difficult for fans more used to the new series to get into, especially if you jump in blindly without much background knowledge. :/ I'd love to help get you started, though.

From what I've read, it seems like the majority of the companions before Nine were not twenty-something common-day British women. For once I would love for the Doctor to have a (permanent) companion that is anything but that.

Well I wouldn't say "majority", since many of them were still young, female humans, but I will say there was more variety with the companions back then. Not only were many of them male (without being an accessory to an existing female companion, like Rory and Mickey were), but he also had a lot of human companions from Earth's far past and far future - and quite a few companions that weren't even human at all!

I realize that part of this variety comes from the fact that the Classics have had more companions in total than the new series has had so far (at least twenty, I believe), but with New Who having gotten as far as it has, it would be nice to see a companion who's either not from the present day or simply not from earth. I feel like they've gotten far enough to give it a try. In fact,

Genkai said
I do need to go back to the old Who now that I have time. I've been meaning to ever since I caught myself up to the new stuff.Though I'm not a fan of Clara or River, the past season or two have been hard to watch in terms of writing and characters...so I'll probably go back before my semester kicks back up but I've heard such good things about Four, but I shouldn't skip 1,2 or 3 if I can help it...depending what is available on Netflix...Anywho!Okay thanks for letting us know! :3

If it helps you get back into New Who any, Peter Capaldi is amazing.

As for the Classics, you'd actually probably be fine if you watched one or two Tom Baker episodes just to give the show a try. In fact, I'd even say I recommend it.

Because see, while I definitely wouldn't recommend skipping the first couple Doctors outright (especially since William Hartnell is adorable and my all-time favorite), I will admit that one of the reasons why people have a hard time getting into the Classics is because starting right at 1960's Who can be a massive culture shock. Not only is the feel of the show so very, very different than what we have today, but TV in general was quite different back then. And while many people have probably heard of how low-budget the Classics were and how admittedly awful their special effects could be at times, you may not have known that the earliest, earliest episodes were so horribly low-budget that they couldn't even do re-takes for minor mistakes most of the time. Every once in a while you'll hear one of the actors trip over their words a bit or you'll see the camera get knocked slightly and they had no choice but to keep it in the final cut.

...Yeah. :/ All that can be a bit much if you're not expecting it. Especially if you're not thinking about the fact that the show doesn't stay quite like that all through the Classic's run. I mean, compare Nine's episodes to the most recent ones, for example. As we know, many writers on the show changed in that time, and so the feel of the episodes turned out rather different. The Classics are the same way.

Because of that, I actually recommend "sampling" each one of the Classic Doctors, watching one or two episodes of each, to get somewhat of a feel for each of them, maybe see which one you like best just based off of a first impression. It works since, unlike in the new series, the Classics don't place nearly as much effort on season-long arcs. Season-long arcs are the reason why you often need to watch the episodes in a New Who season in order in order for everything to all make sense. But in the Classics (in most cases... a good chunk of Three's run is kind of an exception to this rule), the episodes are generally much more self-contained, and you can watch each one without much background knowledge regarding previous episodes (and anything you do need to know is generally recapped for you).

However, before I go much further, I should probably explain what exactly I mean by "episode" in this sense...

See, the individual episodes in Classic Who may have been only 24 minutes, about half the length of the modern ones, but they were all strung together in very closely-knit "arcs", each consisting of about 4 episodes on average. These arcs all flow together so smoothly that they honestly don't even feel like individual episodes. When watched in succession, the episodes in an arc feel much more like a movie-length special than they do individual episodes. And so each arc is generally thought of as an episode, rather than calling the individual pieces episodes. For reference, an arc is what virtually every Classic Who fan is talking about when they say "episode". In fact, even the official episode list from BBC does this, as each episode title here is actually referring to an arc. In fact, Two's era and onwards, the individual episodes in an arc were sub-titled "Part 1", "Part 2" etc, as opposed to each individual part getting its own title like they did in One's era, just to make the arcs even clearer.

The arc setup is kind of an important thing to understand, since, when you start watching, the speed at which the plot moves makes a lot more sense that way. I've encountered quite a few people who claimed they tried starting episode 1 but got bored when the episode was nearly over and the plot had hardly moved. ...Well yeah, cuz you're only a quarter of the way through that particular plotline.

Also, I should probably warn you about some of the "lost episodes"... because way back in the 60's, TV networks did not archive their material nearly as carefully as TV networks today, and sadly, many Doctor Who episodes have been lost to history because of this. I mention this because, as you can see from looking at this lost episode list, most of the arcs that are missing material are not missing in their entirety - with only some of their individual episodes gone. And, well, while I don't have Netflix streaming, I'm told that Netflix adds the episodes in these only partially-existent arcs to their list. Given what I've already told you about arcs, it should be clear that this is a real recipe for confusion among viewers, as these arcs do not make sense and cannot be followed unless you see each piece! Soo... you might want to keep those links on hand while you browse episodes, just so you know what you're selecting and whether or not it's really watch-able. =_=

But yeah, back to sampling the Doctors - I recommend grabbing at least two episodes from each Doctor to watch to start with, thus giving you a good feel for the show overall, as well as giving you some early ideas as to who some of your favorite Doctors/companions are. That's what I did to get into the Classics, and I'd say that worked out pretty well. And while, with most of these Doctors, I tried them out chronologically, I'd recommend starting with Four. Why? Firstly because Four's generally a fan-favorite. Not everyone ranks him as their absolute fave but I've never met anyone who actively dislikes the Fourth Doctor, so therefore you'll most likely enjoy him, too, thus making him a good introduction to the Classic Doctors (compare this, to, say, One, who people seem to either love or hate and if you fall into the latter group, I can see how you'd be turned off to Classic Who rather quickly starting right from the beginning). The next reason is because, well, remember when I talked about 1960's Who being a massive culture shock? Four's era can have somewhat of a similar effect just because of what a different feel the show has (not to mention the uh... effects budget...) but not nearly to the level that the absolute earliest episodes would. With Four you can at least expect that the actors will all get their lines right and no one will brush up against one of the cameras or anything. ...Also it's in color if that sweetens the deal for anyone.

After that, I suppose it makes most sense to sample the Doctors chronologically, though really you can go in any order you want. I suppose I should also point out though that, contrary to popular belief, the Eighth Doctor isn't exactly a part of the Classic series, assuming you define "Classic series" as the show's original run, which ended in 1989, because that series ended with the Seventh Doctor. The Eighth Doctor was only ever seen in the 1996 Doctor Who TV movie, which was actually an attempt to generate enough interest to reboot the show. ...It didn't work, obviously.

The movie's kind of ridiculous plot-wise, and also it was co-produced by 20th Century Fox, essentially making it American Doctor Who... but Paul McGann is absolutely adorable as the Eighth Doctor and he makes it all worth watching if you ask me.

Back to the actual Classic episodes - I chose my starting episodes essentially at random, since I didn't really have any guidance regarding which ones to pick, and also I didn't just want to watch all their beginning episodes since I kind of wanted to get a feel for each of these Doctors when they weren't high on regeneration energy... But if you want, here are some of my personal picks for great Classic Who episodes to get started with. Bear in mind though that even I haven't finished the Classics yet, and I've kind of just been jumping around, so my recommendation lists for some of these Doctors (especially the latter ones) are a little bit skimpy. ...Granted the 6th and 7th Doctors have really skimpy episode lists in general, so yeah.

Hopefully you see now why the Classics can be so hard to get into.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 19 days ago

Viridity said
Before I do anything constructive, I would just like to say that I love the look of the ship at the top of the first IC post. :3

Thanks, it was a bitch to render but I was pleased with finally finding a suitable ship.

@Kaga: Holy wall of text, Batman! XD

I was aware of the "lost episodes" (and I should check with Netflix and then wiki to see what gaps are missing) and the difficulty of breaking into the old series of DW. I do like the aspect of companions not all being from Earth in our general time frame (2000s) and that some weren't human either. I do wish we'd have more male companions, I don't mean I want eye candy per say but I'm bored of the male doctor and female companion set up.

I have seen 12's episode last weekend and have the second recorded though I'll probably have time to watch it tonight, as I was busy binge watching The Chase on GSN because you never know how useful trivial info will be!

Sampling a bit of each Doctor would be a good idea, I don't want to feel obligated to watch each one extensively but it would be rather rude to overlook one outright without much of a chance because then yelling at people for skipping Nine would make me a hypocrite. Heh.

Though it is pretty cool that should I have issues or questions about the old who, you seem like a pretty reliable source. It was a very daunting fandom to break into, like other major ones but so far, I'm still rather fascinated by the topic and it might be due to the great actors who have carried me into space. :3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Genkai said
Holy wall of text, Batman! XD

Hah, yeah, sorry - this is a topic that's fairly easy for me to ramble about. XD

I was aware of the "lost episodes" (and I should check with Netflix and then wiki to see what gaps are missing) and the difficulty of breaking into the old series of DW. I do like the aspect of companions not all being from Earth in our general time frame (2000s) and that some weren't human either. I do wish we'd have more male companions, I don't mean I want eye candy per say but I'm bored of the male doctor and female companion set up.

Well if you wanna hear some of my personal favorite male companions, I suggest checking out Jamie and Adric - Jamie being a Highlander from 18th century Scotland (with the cutest accent <3) who traveled with the Second Doctor, and Adric being a kid math prodigy from the planet Alzarius, who traveled with the Fourth and Fifth Doctors.

I have seen 12's episode last weekend and have the second recorded though I'll probably have time to watch it tonight, as I was busy binge watching The Chase on GSN because you never know how useful trivial info will be!Sampling a bit of each Doctor would be a good idea, I don't want to feel obligated to watch each one extensively but it would be rather rude to overlook one outright without much of a chance because then yelling at people for skipping Nine would make me a hypocrite. Heh.Though it is pretty cool that should I have issues or questions about the old who, you seem like a pretty reliable source. It was a very daunting fandom to break into, like other major ones but so far, I'm still rather fascinated by the topic and it might be due to the great actors who have carried me into space. :3

Haha, yeah, as you may have noticed it's a topic I love talking about so feel free to grab my attention if you have questions or want recommendations or anything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Milieu


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So I posted. And this was something that I had just thought of, but could my character's plant potentially become a sentient humanoid lifeform? This is recently influenced by the badass movie Guardians of the Galaxy and the character Groot, but I was thinking, at least as far as appearance, kinda like a Spriggan from Skyrim or whatever. Idunno. Its a loose idea ^_^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Viridity
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Viridity Runs in O(-n) time

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Genkai said
Thanks, it was a bitch to render but I was pleased with finally finding a suitable ship.

If you don't mind me asking, is that ship from any particular science fiction work? It looks vaguely familiar to me for some reason.

Also, posted. It looked a lot longer when I was typing it up, although that could just be the result of my tired self.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
Avatar of Genkai

Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 19 days ago

@Everyone: Woo! Three posts in under 24 hours. That's pretty awesome for a start! :3

@Kaga: Good to know, there really should be more variety with companions in new who, I'm quite bored of females from the UK at this point. Or "special" plot point characters...heh.

If I'd recommend anything right now, it would be Orphan Black. It's a great series on BBC America and I'm sure you could stream it online somewhere. Tatiana is a very talented actress and if you're not too nit picky and enjoy science fiction meets clones in a modern time with crazy religious folk, it would be a fun a ride. It's got two seasons out and was definitely the best show I watched/discovered in 2013.

@Milieu: I don't think an Earth plant could become like Groot. However, should your guy pick up other plants on other planets, there could surely be some kind of plant-human ish life that could develop that way. I mean DW had Chime (I think, I'm too lazy to go to the wiki) and their species were tree based...

@Viridity: I don't think so. I looked in the link to see if it was tied to a fandom (I'd try to avoid them) but I don't recall seeing anything about it. :/
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
Avatar of Kaga

Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Genkai said
Good to know, there really should be more variety with companions in new who, I'm quite bored of females from the UK at this point. Or "special" plot point characters...heh.If I'd recommend anything right now, it would be Orphan Black. It's a great series on BBC America and I'm sure you could stream it online somewhere. Tatiana is a very talented actress and if you're not too nit picky and enjoy science fiction meets clones in a modern time with crazy religious folk, it would be a fun a ride. It's got two seasons out and was definitely the best show I watched/discovered in 2013.

Yeah, I've heard a lot of good things about Orphan Black. I just haven't gotten around to watching it yet (or starting many new series at all recently) since I've been devoting much of my free time to getting through a certain 26-season show as quickly as possible. I've only recently started slowing down on that just to catch up on Korra and Welcome to Night Vale...
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