Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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Sarkon patrolled around the village of Vurtha. His home town was about average in size, consisting of just over a thousand lizardfolk. They lived a mostly uneventful life in the woods, punctuated by the occasional war or natural disaster. As one of the strongest warriors in the region, the large green male was trusted to take up sentry duty along with a few other males. An arena champion as well as a fierce warrior, he commanded a good deal of respect and was looked up to as a model for the other males as well as seen as a prime sire by the females.

Satisfied that the village's boundaries were secure, he started back to town, his clawed feet pounding the soft earth. Recently, all had been quiet. Apart from the rare thief or animal attack, there had been little trouble on these roads for the past few months. He was paid decently for his work by the chief, although he wished that it was less boring. Most of the action recently had come from his bouts in the arena as the last war had ended over two years ago. Suddenly, he heard what sounded like movement in the woods nearby. Keeping his iron halberd and wooden shield ready, he cautiously moved to see what the commotion was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Aldkal strolled peacefully down an old hunting path in the forest, picking his sharp teeth with his index claw. The sun shot down through rare openings in the leaves, spotting the ground with a pleasant contrast to the damp cool soil. His toes sunk into the damp ground and he groaned with displeasure, as even a mighty warriors feet get soar after miles of walking. So on that urge he sat down. Aldkal pondered close locations to where he was as his shifted his tail out of the way as he got comfortable on a mossy rock, laying a wooden spear tipped with obsidian down by his feet. He lost track of his thoughts as he stared down at his own spear, mesmerized. There was a time that the black stone was always red with fresh blood of outsiders, not it is dry and a mere ornament on a stick. Is there no more challenge?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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Sarkon looked and found another lizardfolk, one armed with an obsidian-tipped spear. He didn't recognize the newcomer, but he might be a threat. On the other hand, he didn't look like he was doing anything to harm anyone, although he could easy cause trouble with that spear. He might be a hunter waiting in the woods, or a scout of an enemy tribe. He might even be someone who was lost in the jungle. Approaching the unfamiliar lizard, Sarkon lifted his halberd and shield in an impressive, though not particularly threatening manner.

"You there! With the spear! I am Sarkon of the village of Vurtha. You have entered Vurtha's lands! Who are you and why have you come?" He hoped that the stranger could understand him. The lizardfolk race spoke several varieties of the draconic language, but this common tongue varied greatly between regions, and dialects were sometimes unintelligible between tribes as a result. Fortunately, Vurtha's tribe spoke a variety common to many lizards. Sarkon kept his eyes on the other lizardfolk, ready to lunge at him with the heavy halberd if he made a move with the spear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Aldkal broke his gaze from his spear as another lizard erupted from the brush with a barrage of questions. Aldkal strained to understand the lizard through his thick accent and then nodded silently, and stood up, leaving his spear on the ground by his feet.

"I am Aldkal," he hissed in a low tone, then cocked his head as if someone was whispering in his ear.
"Sarkon you say? Hm, yes," Aldkal nodded in approval, "I've heard of your exploits and misadventures, congratulations."

He cleared his throat and locked eyes to study the legend he heard so much about, "you seem to live up to your standard, I like it," Aldkals raspy voice trumpted with approval, "and your metal weapon just adds compliment."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"Hmph. Flattery will get you nowhere, but you are welcome in these lands, as long as you don't cause trouble. Where are you from, and again, why have you come?" Sarkon noted that Aldkal didn't tell him why he was in this part of the rain forest. Sarkon wasn't sure whether or not Aldkal had really heard of him, of if he was just saying those things to get on his good side.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Aldkal's impressed attitude was quickly slapped down with the rudeness of his proposed welcoming committee. His face fell back to the usual stone cold glare and he stared silently at the lizard before speaking again.

"Why do you insult my prospect of friendship? You hold yourself to high to accept the simple hospitalities of a stranger?" Aldkal shook his head, "Fine, we do not need to be friends if a strangers politeness is a variable of suspicion, I am Aldkal, leader of raids, scourge of colonists, friend of all lizardfolk, well now I question that last part."

He kicked his spear around on the ground casually back and forth, staring at the fellow lizard, contemplating why he posed so much questioning. Sarkon put a lot of emphasis on where he was from, aquestion he forgot to answer a second time. Aldkal pointed down the path, "also, im from that way," he said with a smirk. Or as much as a smirk a lizard could manage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"Do not mistake my caution for rudeness. My tribe has been tricked in the past buy fine-speaking strangers. We judge a person based on their deeds, not their words. Your deeds, if you have done as you say you have, seem to suggest a warrior's life. I can understand that. You may visit Vurtha. If you wish, I will lead the way. Don't expect a very warm welcome, at least, not unless you prove yourself worthy of trust. Then you will be treated with the hospitality you desire. Our village has food for sale and rooms to stay in. We don't give handouts. If you need work, we might have something for you."

Sarkon still didn't know where Aldkal was from, but he decided not to press the matter further at this time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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"Very well," Aldkal agreed.
" perhaps something of interest will show itself in this village ," he pondered.

He kicked up his spear off the ground and grabbed it firmly with his good hand, the left claw. He took a final deep breath of what was a lonely walk in the woods and looked at his new companion, "By all means, lead the way."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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Sarkon nodded and led Aldkal on. In about fifteen minutes, they had reached the front gate of the village. Vurtha was a reasonably large place by lizardfolk standards, but small next to the settlements of most other races. Two sentries stood at the open wooden doors. They started to move when they saw someone they didn't recognize, but they stood down when they noticed Sarkon was guiding him in. Vurtha was surrounded by a high wooden fence with sharp wooden spikes on top. Inside of the walls, the town was laid out in a random pattern, with straw huts and wooden buildings next to one another. Three landmarks were easily visible: a big circular hut for the chief, a wooden temple in which Vurtha's shaman worked, and a circular ring marked by white stones indicating an arena. In addition, there was a rectangular inn positioned at the center of town, made from locally-harvested brown wood.

"Well, here it is. What do you think?" Sarkon asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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"Do you have trouble often?" Aldkal skepticized as he witnessed the tall wall, curious to what would bother a large tribe so deep in the rainforest.

His eyes narrowed and he shot a look at Sarkon, "Human colonists, perhaps?"
His blood boiled at the sound of his own words, and hid hand gripped his spear tightly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"I wouldn't say often, but there are some problems lately. Beasts coming out of the swamps, for one thing." Sarkon replied. "I take it you have problems with humans? We don't see too many of them around here."

Sarkon set his halberd and shield down on the side of his hut, which was not too far from the entrance. His patrol shift was just about over anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

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Aldkal made a face at the question, "is there anything about humans invading our land and taking our resources that isnt problematic?"

He shifted his weight to his spear and leaned, soaking in what sun ligjt forced its way through the heavy canopy. He sighed and took a deep breath of the misty damp air. His eyes buzzed around in examination as he relaxed, but not much interest piqued any curiosity. There were a few skinning small jungle animals and a few hatchling scampering about, other than this, everything was pretty uneventful. He closed his eyes softly and swallowed another breath of calm air.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"You have a point there. Although not every human who comes to our lands is a settler, they are getting to be a problem. Luckily, they don't seem to be able to push very far inland. It's really just a bunch of coastal forts" Sarkon replied. The village was in a clearing in the woods, so they sky was very visible above the village. It turned dense and shadowed as soon as one walked more than a few meters from Vurtha's wall, however.

Sarkon continued to speak. "Anyway, if you see a human in here, don't kill him on sight. If you attack a human who tries to attack a lizardfolk, I will vouch for you if anyone gives you problems about it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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(Site posted twice)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

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Aldkal nodded and turned his head over to Sarkon, "Don't worry, I dont start troubles, I only end them. "

Aldkal was washed over with a sudden realization of boredom, why was he even here? He shrugged, "anything to do around here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"Of course. There's hunting, the arena, and I'm sure there are some jobs to do around here. Just tell me what you want to do" Sarkon replied. "I'd be happy to show you around. Just tell me what you want to do."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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"I dont kmow, i just want to do something exciting, and no offense but so far this town seems pretty average, nothibg extrodinary," Aldkal seemed defeated, "i could get a job in any village, I'm out adventuring, not working"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"Well, we can take a trip to a nearby ruin. I've been thinking of going there with a few other lizardfolk. It's a couple of days journey from here" Sarkon explained. "Have you ever heard of the lost cities? I've heard of them but never seen one myself."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

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"We could do that," he smiled, "I've heard of them myself actually."

He wondered what one might find in one.
"Where are the others and when can we go?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Balthazar


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Hail Sarkon!" Elaser called, she was gathering her washing on the edge of the town when she noticed the new stranger with the large champion. She approached, curious. "What's this tale I hear of an.. adventure?"
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