Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Lauralye was trying her best not to look at his arrow riddled wings. She didn't want to see them. She didn't want to know just how many arrows were supposed to be lodged in her. There was a small sound a door opening as a nurse entered through a secret passage. She bowed to the Princess before she rushed over to Robert. Lauralye could see the amazement in her eyes. It was clear that even with warning she was not prepared for the site in front of her.

The Princess stepped back allowing the nurse to work. Once she had finished removing the arrows and applying the healing salve, she bandaged him up the best she could. Finally, she came over to Lauralye and bandaged up her arm that was bleeding slightly from a scrape. Then she left, to not arouse suspicion. Lauralye looked at Robert, "Thank you..." She said quietly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Robert looked up at her, he shrugged. "It's not a problem really it looks like I'm not going to be retracting these back into my back anytime soon." He sighed, "but it's good to have them out even though they are wounded." He gave her a slight smile, "it's a real honor really to be protecting you princess."

He didn't want to get up, he was to tired to since of what had happened. Plus with the healing his wings were doing right now, he didn't look at his wings he didn't want to not with them bandaged up like they were now. "Either way your fathers going to find out soon, because I can't retract these and I kinda already know he'll come in here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Lauralye smiled softly at him, "I'm glad that you think so..."

She glanced at her bandaged wings as he spoke of her father. She bit her lip for a moment, "I will make sure he does nothing to them.... You could not have protected my properly without them...." She remembered the arrow that had scraped her arm... That would have been lodged in it if it weren't for his wings. Surely her father would understand that. She finally took a seat, her entire body was shaking with fear from what just happened. She sighed, "Was.... That what you were talking about? Earlier... when you mentioned something bad coming?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Robert nodded to that, "I have better eyesight than anybody else they were wearing defuses those demons thought they could hide they also thought I was somewhere else. I guess this is what my mother was talking about when she said that the person that gave me to her said I would be the savior for the world."

He glanced at his bandaged wings, he sighed. "Just wish I had them out on better things, but it's fine glad in can stretch them." He put the dagger back into his belt that he cut his shirt off with, he hoped that she could convince her father to do nothing to his wings he was born with these that's how he could feel pain in them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Lauralye stood and walked over to him as he spoke. She looked at him, "May I?" She asked quietly before she reached out and gently stroked the feathers. Her father came running into the room then, followed by a horde of men. He saw his daughter and only her as he pulled her into his arms. Lauralye wrapped her arms around him as he whispered, "Thank the Gods you are okay..."

Lauralye closed her eyes, feeling the comfort of her father's presence. He kissed her head before looking to Robert. Lauralye felt his hold on her tighten, "He's a demon. He was part of this!" He exclaimed.

Lauralye opened her eyes and shook her head, "No, Father... He is an angel.... and he saved my life.... If it were not for him I would be.... dead.... He protected me... as he should as my guard."

The King looked at her bewildered then back to Robert. His eyes took in the bandages for a moment. He seemed to realize that if Robert had not been there, his daughter would have taken all those arrows. He cleared his throat and looked at Robert, "Thank you..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Robert looked to her father, he got to his feet alarmed and ready. He knew he had no escape or he couldn't fly either. He looked at the king bewildered a moment before he found his voice, "it was no problem your majesty I knew I couldn't take all the arrows in my body since I saw several of them on other points of the walls there only one option for me to save her use my wings."

He bowed to the king, before he got back to his feet, "there's trouble heading this way and it isn't humans it's demons the men that had fired the arrows were demons in disguise taking the look of your guards to be able to fire them if not for my keen sight then I wouldn't have been able to get to her in time my lord."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 19 hrs ago

The King nodded to Robert, "Well... Yes..." He cleared his throat again before looking at his daughter, "I want you to stay with him. I'll have someone bring a bed to your room for him to sleep upon. I don't want to leaving his side for longer than necessary," He kissed her head again, "It seems as though I have work to do."

He nodded to Robert and his daughter before leaving the room. Once he and the others were gone, Lauralye let out a sigh and deflated slightly. She turned to look at Robert, "I was worried he wasn't going to listen to me..."

She looked around the small room they sat in, "I think I want to go to my bedroom.... It has been... an awfully eventful day and it has taken its toll on me..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Robert nodded to that, before he got to his feet. "I can understand that princess it has drained me as well plus the healing process for my wings is taking a toll on me." He sighed to that, before he walked forward. "I can understand why your father doesn't want me leaving your side with the skills I kinda showed off taking out the guards when I first got here."

He rubbed his face, he moved his wings slightly it hurt. It just didn't hurt as much anymore, and he didn't show that it hurt a lot it only hurt a little with the healing salve taking the edge of the pain off of him. He looked over to lauralye, "let's get heading toward your room then."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Lauralye nodded and guided him to her room. When they arrived two women turned to look at him. They both curtsied, "Your highness," They noticed Robert behind her and looked at him in confusion, "Is... This your new guard, your majesty?"

Lauralye smiled, "It is.... I think I wish to turn in for the night," She informed them both and they quickly set to work. They ushered her into her closet, leaving Robert in her giant room alone. Moments later, she returned with no jewels, her hair hanging loosely around her shoulders and in a simple white nightgown. As she exited four men entered her room with a bed. They sat it in a convenient space before bowing deeply to the Princess and leaving. Lauralye looked at Robert, "Well, I suppose I will wish a good night," She said before walking over to her own bed and climbing in, falling quickly to sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Robert watched as the women ushered her into her closet, when she came back out he nodded to that. Before he stretched, grabbed a vest he had brought from his room, and slipped it on there were two slits for his wings. He kept them out as he got onto the bed.

He tossed and turned in his sleep, reliving one of his hardest days as a salve. Sweat covered Roberts forehead as he slept, he woke up with a start flinching as his wings moved. He let out a sigh, before he looked at lauralye's figure on the bed, he reminded himself where he was. Then laid back down on the bed, looking at the floor since he couldn't be on his back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Lauralye slept soundly on her bed. Her mind sheltered her from the thoughts of the demons who attempted to kill her that afternoon and instead gave her far nicer dreams. She managed to make it through the night without waking. When she did, she had almost forgotten about Robert and seeing him and his wings was quite the shock in the morning. She smiled at him and climbed quietly out of bed not wanting to awake him. She tiptoed into her closet, where her two maids in waiting were and got dressed for the day. The two women had chosen an extravagant red dress and placed her tiara on her intricately woven hair. She knew almost immediately that this meant her husband to be would be arriving at the Palace. She wondered if he knew about the attack and that was why he was coming.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Robert soon woke up, wiping his eyes. Getting the sleep out of him, waking up. He quickly grabbed his bag slipped his black shirt on with hie leather jacket both had slits for his wings. Again he was a clad figure in black, it just helped his get mixed in with his surroundings. He undid the bandages seeing that his wings were healed.

He gave them a experimental flap, feeling no pain he retracted them. They had had a good stretch, he got his boots on along with the fingerless gloves. He ran his hand through his hair, getting any tangles out of his hair. He made his hair even more messy than it was before he waisted patiently on lauralye wondering what today had instore for them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Lauralye stepped out of the closet and saw Robert up and moving. She giggled a little, "The differences between us are startling."

Dressed as she was, Lauralye looked completely like the Princess that she was. On the other hand, Robert in his black and leather looked almost roguish. She gave him a small curtsy and adjusted her tiara, "Good Morning."

One of the chamber maids stepped forward, "No mean to rush you, madam, but Prince David is here."

"Oh!" Lauralye said in shock, not having realized it. She gather her skirt, "Well, come along then Robert, you can meet my fiance."

She hurried out of her room and to the throne room where she found her husband to be. She curtsied deeply to him, "Your majesty."

The differences between David and Lauralye were stark. Where Lauralye's hair was dark, his was light. Where her eyes were bright, his were dull. She was petite and small, where he was built and broad.

((You can play David if you like c: I was thinking that he may not be the nicest fellow.))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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David looked at Robert, "lauralye what are you doing with a slave? He doesn't really deserve to be out of restraints." Robert only raised an eyebrow, the differences between him and David were way off. David was all fancied up in his his attire while Robert wore black and leather.

""I deserve to be out of restraints for what I did yesterday," David practically came up to Robert. Robert was a foot higher than David and that only angered David more, "I would watch your tongue slave you are not higher than me I can tell you that." Robert only shrugged, "I may not be higher than you but I am lauralye guard if you keep me from doing my job then I can inform the princess's father."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Lauralye blinked a few times when David asked why she was with a 'slave'. She hardly had a chance to answer before Robert spoke. She closed her eyes, this was not going to turn out well. She turned as David when to Robert and quickly took hold of his hand, "David," She said quietly, "Please, do not speak to him in a such a way," She then shot Robert a look, telling him what he was doing was not acceptable either.

She pulled David away from Robert slightly, "Robert saved my life yesterday. You ought not speak to my savior, and guard, so cruelly."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Robert only shrugged at that, "he's a slave lauralye I saw him on one of the slave wagons yesterday he doesn't even deserve to be out of wherever your father had put him." Robert only sighed to that, this guy was being a jerk to him and lauralye had looked at him like the way he was talking wasn't acceptable. He crossed his arms, looking at David.

He took a deep breath, "I am sorry if I upset you David I am but I am her guard and I am only doing my job." David turned back to Robert, "don't you dare speak to me without my permission to speak you good for nothing piece of garbage." Robert so badly wanted to hit him for that, but his eyes went over to lauralye he let out a sigh he didn't hit him because he knew lauralye wouldn't want him to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Lauralye dropped his hand as David refused to accept that Robert was more than just a slave. Again, the voice that didn't seem to belong to her came forth, "And he saved my life yesterday. If he were locked up wherever wish to have him put, I would be dead," She took his hand in her own again, trying to calm him as Robert apologized. She looked at him thankfully. However, the pleased look faded from her face when David snapped at him. She dropped his hand once more, "Enough. You don't get to say where he does or doesn't go. I say that he is here, so I suggest you learn to play nice."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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David looked at lauralye before he sighed, he clenched his jaw. "You saved her life if you did then where are the wounds that you took for her?" Robert seemed to stiffen at that, he didn't know if he could trust this man or not. He looked to lauralye, he swallowed he knew already no one could heal that fast and he didn't know if he could trust David or not.

He didn't know what to say, he needed to know if he could trust David with that information but a voice in his mind said he couldn't. He swallowed he knew that if he didn't show them then this was dangerous water he was walking on right now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Lauralye groaned, "What do you think I'm lying to you about the fact that he saved my life?!" Carefully, to not indecently exposed herself, she pushed the shoulder of her dress off of her shoulder, showing him the bandage from when the arrow scraped her arm, "And it could have been far worse," She pulled dress back up, "And you needn't worry, his wounds have been attended to and are healing up nicely but he does not need to show them off because you are acting petty."

She looked at Robert and smiled, it was an unavoidable thing for her father to find out. It was not, however, with David. She looked back at her husband to be, "Can we please leave this conversation be and have a nice visit?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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David nodded to that, "no I don't think your lying to me lauralye I would never thing that." Robert relaxed as lauralye found a way for him not to expose what he is to the man in front of him. David nodded to that, "can we get some alone time Robert?" Robert shook his head, "sorry the king said to not let her out of my sight more than needs to be."

David sighed to that, "alright then I can deal with you being around it's just hard to think a man like you would be lauralye's guard." Robert shrugged, "I can think it is for a man like you David." David frowned, "you can see from my point of view here?" Robert nodded and uncrossed his arms, "I used to be a free man you know so yes I can understand its hard for you to understand."
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