The man it seemed had finally passed out. Mithias laid him gently on the ground and said something to the effect of getting him some medical attention. There seemed to be an eerie, long pause in the surrounding clamor. The lights had switched back on, ironically darkening the vampire's surrounding view with light pollution. Mithias raised his eyes to Matt.

The man was blank. Wiped out. Unresponsive. SOLDIER was down a general at the moment, which was unfortunate, whoever, a long listen revealed an uncharacteristic lull in activity. Were they under attack or weren't they? Displeased, Mithias told Lightning to stay and organize the human soldiers. "I'm scouting." Was all he had to say to get away on his own. There was no point in rationalizing what had gone on with his father showing up. Centuries of speculation would never figure the immortal out. Mithias walked swiftly to the other side of the base, leaving the site for where he sensed the explosions and gunfire had come from. There *was* supposed to be an attack tonight, events had been set on an alternate path. Mithias had gotten used to the unsettling feeling that he wouldn't figure it out until far too late. So it always was with Gabriel.

A state of emergency had been declared in the city. If anything were going on, it was there. Using the alleys and rooftops, Mithais made his way in, alone. Vampires were present. He could sense them, but none were particularly powerful. Not having mind-reading or detection powers had its drawbacks, as he could not get much more than vague information about their number and location.

He'd wait. If any killing was going on, the scent of blood would find him. Mithias crouched near the edge of a high rooftop and looked across the city to a belltower of a church.