Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blox
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Blox Eye. See. You.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Dactrin's eyes widened slightly when Tristan mentioned who her mother was. He sat up straight, continuing to listen to her speak about her family, finishing with her brother Jason. Dactrin smiled and said "Oh, you're brother is Jason! I knew he had a sister but I wasn't sure who you were exactly. Jason did mention of you but I never remembered your name and didn't know in class were his sister that he spoke of. He speaks very highly of you. I've worked with Jason several times in the High Physical Education Classes. I'm only in my second year but I want to take over his TA position once he moves on. You're mom has been a great help Tristan, she's a very passionate and patient woman. She allows me to stay at the school year round since I have no family to stay with." He paused, glancing up to the clear sky then back to Tristan. "Jason was right to get you outside. I know the feeling of letting your studies consume you, but when it's this beautiful you need the fresh air and exercise." He drew up his knees and lay his arm across the top of them, resting his chin on top and leaning closer into Tristan as they continued talking. He was enthralled by her passion for studies and she was lovely to look at; he hadn't come across another student that shared the same interest in taking school so seriously. Most kids were always eager for breaks and good times. He returned her smile with his own, wide enough to show his teeth, which surprised Beau as he rarely smiled so much with anyone else. "Yeah, I am actually." he responded, also glad he got to get to know her a bit and officially meet her. "Have you had breakfast yet? Our first classes will be starting soon. Want to grab something to eat first?" he lifted his head and straightened, standing up to stretch his legs a bit.

Beau came to Sierra at her offering and laid down his front half over her lap, resting his head down on her legs. His large frame would not entirely fit but he found this very comfortable and relaxing. Beau turned over on Sierra's lap, paws bent but held up in the air, head looking up to her. He looked more like a big puppy than a massive wolf at this point. He looked up to her, silently hoping for a chest rub, but simply answered her question. "Dactrin and I have been bonded together for 2 years now. Shortly after his father's death we found each other. It wasn't planned but the moment I saw Dactrin when he was out shopping for school supplies, I was instantly drawn to him. I came to him out of curiosity and when I learned his story I offered my help. Our contract allows me to help him train and study to fulfill his goals and he provides me with constant companionship and a place to call home. I have done a lot of wandering, traveling, and I desired to settle down with someone and rest. Besides that I felt compelled to be with the boy, and it almost seemed to be not by choice but a natural internal desire." He looked to Dactrin who was talking with Tristan, a large genuine smile on his face. Beau's jaws opened, lips curling up and showing his fangs, his tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth. Seeing Dac happy made him happy. He looked back up to Sierra. "My job is to make him happy as well as help prepare and train him to find Livala. She is a light daemon he is seeking revenge on. She is the one who essentially killed his parents." His tone slowly turned more serious on his last sentence. Beau turned his head back to Dactrin and saw him stand up. He then rolled over and off of Sierra's lap, which was so comfortable and hard to pull away from, standing on his fours ready to leave if that was what Dactrin was doing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 2 days ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 18 days ago

1 hour later...

Tichondrius had left the complex in no great hurry, his daemon in tow, his materials left abandoned in his workshop. Truth be told he rather enjoyed the time spent with the petite girl of white, but he had other matters to attend to and couldn't spend the whole day cooped up in doors. There were pressing matters to attend to and as much as he longed to relax and spend time with friends, be they old or new, his duties would never simply go away. "She seemed rather nice, did she not?" a familiar voice crept into his mind, reminding him of his most loved companion and closest friend who currently hung from a strap draped over his shoulder. "I suppose she did," Tichondrius thought in response, eliciting a soft 'hmph' from Jin. Jin, as much as Tychus had valued it, could become a bit of a nuisance when it came to relationships with humans. Jin fancied itself some sort of matchmaker and it was something that Jin once amused himself endlessly with after learning that Tichondrius was of a sexuality that did not limit him to a singular gender of interest. After a few months of bitter grumbling between the two of them, they had agreed that Jin was to only offer an avenue to talk, but was not to harp on whether Tichondrius should pursue a mate or not. Jin's understanding of this was what left the topic of Rin decidedly brief. Hopefully it would stay that way.

"You certainly take your time," A voice that filled the space around its source called out to Tichondrius, drawing his eyes to the familiar though uninviting sound. Thok emerged from the shade of the art complex, marks engraved in the wall from where his antlers had been grinding into probably for the better part of the morning. "Morning," Tychus signed toward Thok, who nodded in reciprocation. "Is that a touch of lust I smell?" Thok questioned, moving closer to Tichondrius, the scent of aged leather filling his nose as the bony familiar leaned in, performing a faux sniff as if he could actually smell any inkling of sin within Tychus. "Perceptive as always," Jin's voice whispered through Tychus, the words venomous. "Ah yes," Thok's skeletal face contorted ever so slightly, as if trying to smile at the hunter, "Lust is it? Such a common smell..." Thok brushed a bony hand along his navy blue suit, as if trying to push off dirt, "Especially in this hub of pubescent humans." The scent of aged leather slowly turned into that of sulfur, a sign of disgust by Thok. He had no distaste for sin though, for sin was what birthed and fueled him. He was an incarnation of he nine sins, the four prongs on each antler an homage to the core sins, the two antlers together a representation of the root of sin, Pride. He was a being endlessly amused by the sin of humanity though even in a zone flooded with teenagers, it was almost like a sensory overload for the daemon. His general disposition against humans certainly contributed to the distaste of this academy as well, that was sure.

"So, what is it that you need today?" Tichondrius swiftly signed toward Thok, who loomed over him, standing at just shy of seven feet tall, eight if his antlers were taken into account. Thok clasped his bony hands together, letting out a barely audible huff, "I was becoming worried you'd never ask. I need to feed and I can smell a B class roaming the forests just beyond Aulani. It reeks of greed. I simply must have it." If Thok had the glands to do so, he'd be salivating as he spoke of the daemon, the empty sockets where eyes once may have been glowing sanguine, a sort of malevolent bloodlust emanating from him. Thok was a distinctly unique deamon, the sin incarnations being a class all of their own. Thok was a particularly powerful daemon in his own right, only being outclassed by the greatest of daemonkind. The S classes, such as the leviathan that Tychus's father once commanded. Though what made them especially distinct among daemons was not their power, but their insatiable hunger. The sin incarnates exclusively feasted on the most sinful of men and the daemons of who strongly embodied any particular sin. Most daemons held the common decency to not prey upon one another, but the Sin Incarnations held no such loyalties. "Very well," Tychus signed, looking from his follower to the lake they were passing by. It was a lake his friend's younger sister was often found by, a lake that held many secrets, a lake that was deeply valuable to his family name. Deep within the lake were caverns that were said to reach down to hell itself and within the lake is where the Leviathan emerged, the very one that Tychus's father Mathew formed a contract with. Twenty-six years for a familiar that was unmatched by any other at the time. A bargain in the eyes of most hunters. What had happened to the Leviathan after Mathew's death was anyone's guess. It very well could have been slumbering deep within the lake's caverns as it once did. Tychus had not the stomach to find out and doubted he ever would.

"Dare I say I taste something sweet as honey lingering in the air..." Thok whispered, an impossible grin crawling across his face as he motioned toward the tree Tristan frequented, her presence as well as that of another student and their familiars visible to Tychus and Thok, "How very.. riveting..." Tichondrius shot a glare at the daemon, his steel gray eyes colder than the depths of the lake. "Keep your thoughts to yourself," Tichondrius signed, giving a glance toward the two, the thought of dropping by to 'say' hello running through his mind. Another time perhaps, Tychus decided, forcing himself to remain aware of Thok's need to feast lest he recreate an incident in Tichondrius's second year. Tychus was still bearing the guilt that came with Thok devouring a fellow hunter's daemon before the very hunter's eyes. It had been a messy, gruesome affair, one that gouged Tychus's reputation and expunged years from the hunter's life. It was best to feed Thok and let him go about whatever he did when Tychus wasn't watching. It was to everyone's benefit that way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blox
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Blox Eye. See. You.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

“I think you would make an awesome TA; and honestly Jason is looking at taking over the TA position for another class,

Dactrin's smile widened when Tristan gave him such a nice compliment. "That would awesome. He knows I'm one of the top in the class; I hope he gives me a good recommendation."

When Tristan invited him to come with her to visit her family for the summer his cheeks grew warm and a soft hue of pink flushed his face. "I uh..." he hesitated, more out of being unsure what to say. "Yeah, that would be, uh...really cool actually."

“I think you have your dates mixed up there; we don’t start classes for a few more days.”

Dactrin looked at Tristan in surprise. "Really? I could have sworn..." He looked away frowning, thinking to himself as he mentally ran through his journal in his room, going through the notes he had written. He then glanced at his watch, pressing a button to show the month and date. He looked to Tristan and gave an awkward half-smile. "Oh you're right." He shook his head, running his hand through his hair. "I've been so focused on school starting I got ahead of myself." He frowned, thinking of how he must sound, someone with no life that they're so excited to start studies again. "Anyway" he shook his head, as if trying to shake away the embarrassment. "I wish I could travel forward in time and just be finished with school already, trained and fully knowledgeable. In a perfect world, right?"

“I am so sorry. I cannot begin to understand what he must be going through; though I can see you care for him deeply, it is nice to see such a close bond.”

Beau shook his head a bit. "He is strong because of his circumstance. But he needs someone to guide him." he glanced over to Dactrin then back to Sierra. "Thank you. I saw how you take care of Tristan and obviously care very much for her." Beau enjoyed being in company with another daemon that cared for their human as much as he did.

Dactrin looked to Beau, knowing he had been half listening in to his conversation with Tristan despite spending time with Sierra, and sure enough saw him on all fours ready to go. He smiled when he saw Sierra scratched his head and the reaction Beau was giving.

Beau shook his head and body slightly as Sierra's nails ran through his fur and gentle across his skin, a shudder of delight. He closed his eyes for but a moment, leaning in slightly against Sierra as he did so. He opened his eyes to see Dactrin smirking over at him.

Dactrin looked to Tristan with a smile as they set towards the school to get some food. His eyes wandered across the fields but soon came to a halt when he saw Tychus and Thok, his eyes resting on Thok in particular. He reflexively stopped walking, looking at the daemon with interest and an edge of concern. He was amazed by the look of him, a type of daemon he had never seen before. His height alone drew attention but his skeletal face and adorning horns were where Dactrin's eyes rested. He didn't realize he was staring as he looked to Thok across the way, curious at what he was seeing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 2 days ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 18 days ago

Thok walked slowly, staying by Tychus's side as he made his way toward the wooded area that bordered Aulani, his pace seeming to quicken ever so slightly until Tychus was forced to pick up the pace. "Are you that hungry?" Tychus signed toward his daemon, who let out an audible snarl. "The humans you were fawning over are staring at us and I'd rather not be an object of speculation." Thok said simply, his eyeless sockets shifting to look at Tychus, expecting a response. Tychus hadn't felt the need to humor him and dropped his arms by his side, letting the Sin Incarnation lead the way.

Minutes past by and soon they were deep within the forest, beyond the sentries that alerted the campus to a daemonic invasion. Out her there would be no risk of other hunters getting in the way. It would just be himself, his daemons, and his target. No having to worry about other hunters getting caught in the crossfire or making mistakes that force him to make up for their inexperience. Thok's pace was slowly brought to a halt, his entire figure freezing as if every sense he used would have interfered with his tracking of the daemon. A low rumbling, less like that of a hungry stomach and more that of a snarling hound emanated from deep within Thok. Thok's mastery of sin enabled him to both wield sin to aid him and to harm his targets and when it came to Thok's desire to feed he could employ the most raw form of gluttony to track his meals. "Just over the ridge," Thok spoke in a sharp whisper, pointing straight ahead to a small hill, which behind it resided the daemon that Tichondrius was to mortally wound. "Jin, awaken," Tychus instructed his companion, the sword glowing faintly as an armored gauntlet formed around his left hand, the sword sliding up from its scabbard until the hilt was in Tichondrius's hand. He pulled the blade out smoothly, smiling softly at his friend who was both his shield and his sword. Tychus gave Thok a quick wave and broke into a dash, the thick scent of brimstone and sweat filling his nose, the scent of the target growing stronger by the second.

The daemon came into sight the moment Tichondrius reached the peak of the hill. Its skin was pale and wet with perspiration, like the pulsating flesh of a nourished maggot. It's eyes were sunken in and glowing gold, its face nothing but sharp lines, a pointed chin, a hook nose, a V-shaped brow and a wicked smile lined with blackened daggers. The daemon, a goblin, let out a shrill cry as it dropped the hide-stitched bag and brought its clawed hands up in a defensive gesture. The goblin was shorter than a man, standing at only four feet with a wicked hunch and long lanky limbs and skin stretched tight against its bones. Behind the daemon was a shimmering portal still in the process of being summoned, hence the thick scent of brimstone that even masked the stench of the creature. Goblins tended to travel by brimstone fueled portals which helped aid them on their endless quest to fill themselves with gold, an obsession that usually made them predictable. Though despite their appearance, this goblin was a B ranking for a reason. Goblins tended to be swift living blades, their clawed limbs and fang filled mouths a tremendous danger to hunters of all skill.

Tychus took no time to examine the situation, immediately charging toward his foe. If he had given the daemon a chance, it would have dropped through its portal and if that were the case then there was no finding the damned thing. The goblin reciprocated Tychus's charge, though less linear in its case. It immediately kicked off of the ground, latching onto the nearest tree with its clawed limbs much like a small mammal would, and kicked off from the tree, moving quickly from one to the next, the gap between the hunter and the huntee rapidly deteriorating. It launched off of a tree toward the hunter who dropped low and swung his sword widely in an upward motion, the goblin twisting mid-air, dragging a claw along Tychus's armored hand while narrowly avoiding his blade. The two immediately pivoted, both hoping to close the gap once more and deliver a finishing blow, the goblin jumping up while Tychus swung his body low. Tychus twisted this time, hitting his back on the ground as both hands tightened around the hilt of his sword and his thrust it upward, the blade skewering the lunging goblin's leg. It made a clear tear, spraying Tychus with tar-like blood while the leg ripped open, sinew hanging freely, the bone snapped and piercing through skin. The beast let out a sharp scream of mixed terror and pain, slamming into Tychus's legs as it did so. The beast in a fit of desperation gripped tightly onto the hunter's leg and sunk its teeth into Tychus's leg, just below the knee. It jerked its head back, spitting a hunk of flesh at Tychus with a bloodied grin and Tychus silently screamed, thrusting the blade into the daemon's head, splitting its skull and causing a spurt of blood to shoot out of the back of its head.

Tychus brought up his left leg to his chest and placed his boot on the dead daemon's head, giving it kick, the sound of the sword sliding out of its skull like a straw sucking from a slurpee. "You've lost some blood. Will you be alright?" A familiar metallic voice rang through his mind. "I'll be fine. I shouldn't have been bit. That was sloppy." Tichondrius thought, his mental voice dull and slow, a light fog creeping through his mind as chemicals rushed through his head, his body's source of adrenaline slowly drying up while the dull, hot sensation of pain began to replace it. "You may use me as a cane," Jin's voice came forth again, drawing a small nod from Tychus. It'd do him well enough to get back to the academy and have a medic patch him up. Thok made his presence known with a cold chuckle at the sight of the goblin, sauntering his way over to the corpse before dropping down to a knee and taking hold of the corpse's leg with a skeletal grip. He held the limp form before his eyeless face, appraising it, examining the essence that was only visible to him. The sin of the beast. "Well done," Thok praised the hunter who was slowly bringing himself up onto his feet, using Jin in the scabbard for support. The body of the goblin began to turn to ash which was pulled into the recesses of Thok's now open mouth and hollow nose and eyes, the scene straight from a more depraved Dracula flick. Thok's grip relaxed as the last of the daemon turned to ash, taking a moment to wipe his cadaverous smile with his sleeve leaving a small streak of gray in the navy blue fabric. Thok looked to his master, giving a nod, "I'll be on my way then. Do your best to return home and have that tended to." Thok left the way he always had, in a burst of thick smoke that filled one's nose with ash.

Tichondrius made his way back to campus, his mind replaying the events, his inner monologue chastising him for his embarrassing failure. The adrenaline was almost entirely gone now, the building flame of pain in his lower left leg now a raging inferno, a sharp headache cutting through his thoughts like an ice pick. Tychus cared little if students were looking at him as he made his way slowly through campus, much of his jean leg soaked through with blood, the fabric sticking tightly to his skin. Tychus was already a spectacle on campus thanks to his unconventional lifestyle and now with this, well it was a good way to foster rumors and chances were he'd draw a few more eyes when he entered a room for the remainder of the week. Tichondrius rapped his knuckles on the ajar door as he entered the infirmary, finding that the staff was out for lunch, as indicated by a small sign sitting atop the sign-in desk. "Of course," he scowled, biting down on the inside of his cheek, trying his best to distract himself from the pain in his leg. He made his way over to a bed and dropped down onto it with a bit of reckless abandon, dropping Jin onto the linoleum floor.

Tychus, figuring that help would be slow to come took the best course that he could, employing the knowledge that he knew best from his time in Aulani. With one hand working off his sweater, he reached down and ran two fingers through the damp blood around the center of his wound. He had no other writing tools, so blood would have to be a substitute. Peeling off his sweater, he took a slow breath as his mind carefully tried to go through the dead language he had learned to write that was once practiced by hunters believed to be enchanters. The main function of the language was to imbue the bearer of the writing with what was written, the strength of the enchantment directly proportional to the method of writing. Blood would do fairly well, though if Tychus had access to a tattoo gun, he wouldn't have hesitated to use it. Carefully Tychus ran the bloodied fingers along his torso, creating a symbol that spanned his chest from shoulder to shoulder. It was a word for "endurance", which at the very least would numb the pain while he waited. Tychus dropped back onto the bed, his legs dangling off but far too heavy to lift in his state. It was a sorry state and one he wished to be unseen in, especially by any of his Dead Language students. "Sorry for making you sit down there." Tychus reached out to Jin as he stared at the white ceiling, a black orb growing in the corner of his vision, "Just have a little patience and we'll be out of here in no time...." Tychus's eyes vainly blinked trying to stay open until at last the blackness had consumed the white ceiling and soon after the soft hum of the Air Conditioner had faded as well until there was nothing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fell
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Be polite Alex and tell the nice young lady I say thank you. Kas nagged after Fallon complimented him.

"Kas wanted to say thank you about him being talented." Alexander said awkwardly, unsure of how to phrase it, or explain how he knew Kas wanted to tell her that. "Oh so you must know all about this place. The classes, the rules, all about daemons… I’m afraid I really don’t know much about any of it," Alex shrugged by way of response. "Kind of, but there are something's that will confuse you till the end of time."

"Oh you don’t have to do that. It was my idea, well, I guess you can pay this time and I will next time! Maybe we can make it a morning tradition. That is, if you drink some every morning like I do," Alex couldn't help but chuckle a little as he handed the cashier a twenty and took his change, "I'd love to make it a tradition, I'm a bit of an addict, can never seem to get enough."

"Actually, it’s so nice outdoors, would you want to go outside? Seems like others are out there enjoying the day too, so we might as well," Alex took his coffees, one in each hand and grinned, "Sure, after you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 3 mos ago

During the time Rin had been painting the amazing tattoo that spanned the back of Tychus, she had stayed quiet as she focused on getting every little detail perfectly. Aside from an occasional shush to Eirwyn for him to stop his criticizing her work or telling her muse to be still, the room had fallen into a pleasant silence. It was only around an hour later that she felt she had achieved success in her work, and with a sign of her signature at the bottom, Rin officially relieved Tychus of his duties. Turned out to be in good time, because it was only a few minutes later he had to leave and take care of a few things. The two bid farewell and Rin retreated to the supply room to clean up her hands and supplies. Naturally, Eirwyn had followed her, and the two talked together in the quiet of the somewhat secluded room.

"What other plans do you have for us today? I imagine something I won't like." he had started in his bored tone. "You are not going to take pictures of me now are you? I would rather take a nap somewhere."

"♪ Oh, whatever. You dislike everything that does not involve sleeping. ♪ " Rin replied to him, smiling to herself as she washed the paint brushes she used. Her fingertips were stained red and black and with a giggle, she moved towards her Daemon and wiggled her fingers. "♪ Dont make me put paint on you! ♪ " she threatened and he quickly bounded out of the room with a light shout. For some reason, the snow wolf was terrified of getting paint on him. Once he had gotten a bit of blue on the tip of his tail, and it stayed there for weeks. Though Rin had not seen the problem in it, the daemon had been very upset about it. Since then he had vowed to stay away from all of Rin's "destructive" paint tools. Or so he called them. It was a really funny thing about him.

"Oh great, it's you.." was what Rin heard her wolf say after a few moments. Following that was the familiar dreamy voice of her other deamon, a Yuki Onna named Neuge.

"Ah, I thought the two of you would be here. Where is Lady Rin, Mutt?" she asked.

Supply room." he said before a light yawn escaped, brushing off the ghost's insult

After a few moments, Neuge's figure appeared beside her. Rin turned and was about to ask where she had been all day, but was cut off by the ghostly woman holding up a content looking Pyry to her face. "Explain to me why I found this poor creature riding around on a boy as I came to find you? Were you... with that boy just now? What were the two of you doing here... alone?" she asked with a suspicious narrowing of her eyes. Rin had rolled hers and took Pyry from the woman's hands before he died of frostbite, and he immediately wrapped himself around her neck to get warmth. She parted her lips to speak only to be cut off again.

"What is that collar around your neck? Did that boy give it to you as some sort of present? Does... does he own you now? Who was that guy? Why are you giving me that look, i'm curios to know who you are philandering with? I need to meet him and interrorgate him. If he loses I get to kill-"

"Will you quiet down woman? This is why we don't like to bring you along with us anymore." Eirwyn snapped as he pawed back into the room. "You talk too much. I was here the whole time. Nothing happened." he stated simply. Neuge scowled at the beast and turned back to Rin. "Well still, that only answers half of my questions." she pointed out.

All the while Rin had just been staring at the woman in disbelif. Neuge had lived at least 25 human years, as her appearance suggests, and here she was acting and speaking like some middle school girl who wanted to know the intimate details of some kind of relationship. A relationship that she had created on her own no less. It caused Rin to giggle as she brushed past her two daemon to collect up her things and leave the art room. She had said nothing, and Neuge simply followed behind her as she strolled around and gathered all her things. Rin had even went a step beyond and started cleaning up the entire area, moving objects around so people could better walk through without falling. It was after the three had actually left the art room and started towards Rin's dorm, that the Yuki Onna spoke again.

"Well? You don't have anything to say? You're going to leave me in the dark? Me? We can talk about cute boys and figure out ways to seduce them, something you cannot possibly do with Eirwyn! By the way, why is he carrying your necklaces? Tell meeee!"

"♪ Why is it that you always ask more than one question at once? ♪ " Rin said before sighing. It was true that Neuge was a great friend and daemon to have, but once she had figured out how to talk with Rin and Eirwyn, the woman had never shut up. "♪ His name was Tychus, and I just happened to see him walk by while I was drawing, and asked if I could draw him as well. I ended up painting him though... Anyway, he was willing to let me paint him if I wore this collar for him- ♪ "

"Let me pause you right there. You forgot to get the key from him." her wolf stated boredly.

Rin let that sink in for a moment and then her eyes widened when she finally realized. "WHAT!?" she shouted, causing a few stray heads to turn.

"Oh! How exciting! This is the start of a true love! Now you have to find him and return it, only for him to say that the lock represents his heart and only you can unlock it!" the woman said before floating upwards with a squeal of glee.

"What?" Eirwyn had said at the same time Rin did. She couldn't be serious. She cast her daemon a glare when he laughed aloud at that and she touched the collar at her neck. Was she just supposed to wear it until she saw him again? Who knows how long that would be.... "♪ Oh! Remember he said he was a TA for one of my classes... I'm sure that means we'll get to see him again. ♪ " she said, looking to her wolf who nodded in response as he was struggling to calm himself. The remainder of the walk to her dorm room would have been filled with silence if Neuge had stopped screaming about true love and causing Eirwyn to erupt in laughter every thirty seconds. As if Rin had time for that sort of thing anyway...

"When are you going to find her replacement?" her wolf whispered to Rin a few minutes later.

"I heard that! Don't make me freeze your tail!" Neuge said as the three entered her room together.

"Just you try it. I'll bite off your head and eat your cold dead body. Oh wait, i'm too late."


Rin happily ignored the two as they continued their bickering. She went ahead and placed Pyry in his own personal habitat and turned to face her two Daemons. "♪ Okay you two, lets get a move on! We're going on a walk. ♪ "

"Yes! I love walks! Did you know that a human walks approximately three...!" Neuge said as she passed through the walls of the room, her voice fading.

"No thanks I'd rather stay and...." Eirwyn had paused when Rin stepped forward and began to scratch at his neck exactly where he loved to be scratched. She swore he was just like a domesticated dog at times. The wolf closed his eyes and sighed then, and Rin knew she had him right where she wanted him."♪ You're gonna come with us, aren't you? ♪ " Rin said as she stopped and led him out of her room and closed the door behind them. "As you wish Rin." he said before he crouched down and nudged her leg with his head. She happily sat on his back and he quickly ran the short distance to the outside of the dorms where Neuge was waiting. When she saw them, she floated over.

"♪ Lets do a perimeter around the school. ♪" Rin said as the weightless ghost went to sit behind her, princess style with both legs dangling on one side. As she sat with them, the woman made the area around their feet look so pretty as a light mist would follow them as they walked. The two daemons talked quietly to each other as Rin looked out towards the forest in the distance. She was not sure what kind of odd feeling had started to come over her, but she didn't like it. Instead of voicing her concern however, she stayed silent, absently running her fingers along the collar at her neck.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blox
Avatar of Blox

Blox Eye. See. You.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Dactrin watched Tychus and Thok make their way deeper towards the forest until they were not longer visible. While Dactrin hadn't heard Tristan the first time she spoke he heard her on the second, his focus broken from the pair he was fixed on as they disappeared. One was obviously a daemon, but was the other a student? They were far enough where he wasn't quiet sure but he knew leaving the grounds alone to that extent was not safe. The student must be skilled. Dactrin turned to Tristan, his brow slightly furrowed despite her warm smile, his thoughts racing on what he saw with unanswered questions. It was only his second year and yet he felt like he had so much more to learn. He glanced down to her arm slipped around his as she pulled him along forward towards the school entrance where they could get some food. He kept close to her, feeling more comfortable with her than before, an odd feeling of trust he didn't normally give so early in new relationships. She was different though. It helped that he knew her mother and brother but she was a kind person, a genuine kindness one couldn't fake. He saw they had built a foundation for a strong enough friendship that he could lean on, at least for the time being. He made a mental note not to get too invested, in case she turned out to be like the rest, although he sure hoped not.

Dactrin wasn't used to daemons that ran on their on free will. While Beau could come and go to a certain extent he mainly stayed by his side, aiding in his studies, training, and companionship. The thought of being with a daemon like Thok was hard to imagine. Dactrin's face finally started to relax as he walked with Tristan, arm linked with hers. "Yeah, actually I'd like to meet him...Tychus. He must be skilled in daemon hunting to go in to the woods alone like that." Perhaps there was something he could learn from Tychus.

As they neared the food hall the smell of freshly brewed coffee wafted in the air. Dactrin inhaled deeply, the smell inviting and a perfect addition to some bacon and eggs.

He figured in this area they were bound to come across more students, the food like a watering hole for the ever-hungry students. A moment of dread stiffened him as he realized he would be encountering more students that he would be force to socialize with. After glancing to Tristan, seeing her warm smile, he felt himself relaxing, allow his fears to subside for the moment. With her at his side he didn't see why he had to feel so anxious about talking to other students.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

”Ha, you’re welcome Kas,” Fallon said happily, walking with Alex when he said after her. Then it suddenly dawned on her she’d forgotten something in her room. ”Actually, I’m sorry, I forgot something,” she said apologetically. ”But maybe I’ll catch you later!” she said, quickly heading back in the direction of where her room was and hoping Alex wasn’t too put out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 18 days ago

“Dactrin… Meet Tychus… Don’t bother being worried about him, this happens more often than you think…” Tychus heard off in the ether, blackness surrounding him as far as he could see. He was delirious and unconscious, though it had happened enough for him to be aware of it, and that the voice was close by. A dull pain began to spread through his leg around the wound, meaning someone was touching the general area, probably Tris. She had a habit of wanting to be his little helper in most situations. Today would be no different, it seemed. Moments passed by and soon enough the pain in his leg had dulled to something reminiscent of a fracture. Tichondrius could deal with that. It usually took a lot more than that to keep him down. He did make it across campus with a hunk of leg missing after all.

The return to consciousness was incremental, first a glaring white light, then after what must have been no more than a minute or so, the white paneled ceiling he was used to waking up to. A ground seeped out of his throat, his damaged vocal cords making a soft scratchy squeak like a broken squeaky toy. He brought a hand to his head, rubbing his temple as he used the other hand to prop himself up, the room slowly coming into focus. Tychus was familiar with both of the faces in the room, though the boy was only familiar in face, not in name. While keeping himself propped up on his right arm, he signed to Tris, knowing well that the boy wouldn't understand him. "You know I'm not fond of people seeing me like this." He signed, glancing down at his partially healed wound with a frown, "and your writing needs some work. Unless you meant to write; Bird, Fear, Stamina, Strength."

Tychus adjusted himself slowly, taking his sweater and sliding it back on once he was fully erect. The blood he had used to write on his chest was dry by now, not that he couldn't get blood out of his clothes. By now he was rather good at that. He would have to sew a new set of pants though. That'd be a pain in the ass. Tychus stored that away now, being reminded of the other guy's presence when he gave a glance around the room for Jin. Tychus slid off of the bed, landing unsteadily on his feet, bracing himself with his arm. He dropped down to a knee and scoped Jin up, standing up slowly and planting his backside onto the bed once he was up again. "Why is he here anyway?" Tichondrius signed at Tris, "I'm not doing any tutoring yet." While Tychus signed, his sword shimmered softly, a faint glow emanating from between where the scabbard and the hilt met, armour plating forming around his injured leg, the armour going from his knee down to his foot to give him the most protection. Tychus offered no explanation to the new comer, nor did he noticed the action. Jin had always looked out for him and this was nothing out of the ordinary.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Member Seen 18 days ago

Eternal shame upon my family.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 18 days ago

Eternal shame upon my family.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blox
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Blox Eye. See. You.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

“It’s slightly more complicated than that… But yes, he is skilled, very skilled."

Dactrin could see the look on Tristan's face change. He was curious how she knew this mysterious student. He was pleased to hear she was willing and ready when the time was right to introduce him to Tychus. He was preparing questions for him the moment they had the chance to meet up. Tristan inhaled deeply as the topic changed, breakfast coming back to mind. He took a moment to inhale as well, his stomach growling for what seemed to be the first time, but felt like it had been protesting for awhile now as it squeezed painfully. How long had it been since he and Tristan had been talking together outside? He wasn't sure as he hadn't kept track. He simply had enjoyed the moment and getting to know her and her daemon. He figured he must have impressed Beau with his social skills. But even Beau had to have noticed how easy it was to speak with Tristan as she made him feel at ease, all of his normal worries and frustrations completely gone from where it usually sat front of mind.

When Tristan unexpectedly wrapped her arms around the side of his Dactrin's eyes widened. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to react but before he could start analyzing the situation he instinctively tucked the arm she was holding closer to him, feeling her warmth as they were close now, his other hand clasping over hers for a moment. She seemed to be someone he could call friend. If not bravely out loud at least to himself. Although his face had dropped in alarm for but a moment, a soft smile came back, especially when he saw hers, and with her tugging him along he matched her pace to make their way to the food that was teasing both of their stomachs.


Dactrin stopped when Tristan said this, looking around for what had caught her attention. Her arm loosened from his but her closeness but was not lost for long as he felt her soft fingers entwine with his, their hands embracing now. Without removing her hand grip with his she started speaking with someone she knew, giving them a side hug only to come back to his side. He looked to her friend curiously. By the way she was acting, she seemed to have no difficulties making friends as it seemed her personality was not shy and a kind disposition. He found it curious how close she stayed by him and he was surprised at how much he liked it, secretly hoping she wouldn't break away from him and leave his hand cold. Dactrin looked to Aki as they were introduce, giving him a small nod and saying "hey, nice to meet you." He knew he had seen Aki in classes before but, as with all other students, he kept to himself and had never started a conversation with him. Hopefully Aki didn't think of him as some students did, as the strange quiet one in class.

Beau leaned in to Sierra as she scratched on top of his head, her nails lazily scraping his skin deep down past his fur, a spot not normally scratched. It felt devine. It took all of Beau's focus not to let the good feeling melt him like butter. He leaned in to Sierra as a show of his affection and to help keep him balanced. Not surprisingly she didn't seemed fazed by the weight of his leaning, he knew she was a strong woman from the start. A soft murmur and grumble escaped his lips from time to time when her scratches hit just the right spot. When Sierra spoke Beau opened his half-closed eyes to focus on whom she was speaking about, seeing the white group coming towards them. He saw Rin and her daemons, noticing the strikingly white wolf. He took Sierra's warning but thought it would be interesting to meet Rin and her daemons sometime soon. Beau half closed his eyes once more as Sierra's scratching deepened. His thick tail whipped from side to side every so softly, thudding against Sierra from time to time.

Dactrin was going to ask Aki a question to try and engage in conversation when he noticed Tristan responding to some notification of her phone. He found it fascinating that she, along with other girls as he's noticed, kept her phone down her shirt. It seemed to make perfect sense as a place for keeping even a small wallet without the need for pockets. But something wasn't right as he face changed and her grip tightened. After she made her apology Dactrin gave Aki a small wave and said "I'm sure I'll see you around in class" before he was tugged away by Tristan, in a hurry to go somewhere important. He looked to her, noticing her face and the change of tone in her voice. Although something was not right he did enjoy the way she sounded at the moment, her accent more prominent. "Is everything ok?" he asked, following her lead.

Dactrin looked to the door they were entering, seeing it to be the infirmary. This couldn't be good. Who was she speaking about?

“Dactrin… Meet Tychus… Don’t bother being worried about him, this happens more often than you think…”

Tychus lay down, obviously hurt, obviously having tried to help himself already and not quiet succeeding. The wound looked terrible though was only a sliver of what Dactrin imagined could happen if a student entered the woods alone. He watched intently as Tristan quickly wrote on Tychus' leg four runes. He was not well versed in this field and felt out of place as she began helping Tychus in a way he could not at this point in his education and training. He was impressed by her skill and how calm she remained while she attended Tychus. He returned Tristan's smile with a small one of his own, watching her intently as she continued to help heal Tychus.

Dactrin waited patiently with Tristan for Tychus to regain full consciousness. He placed his hand on her shoulder to give her moral support, though he was unsure if she was upset with worry or upset with anger. Either way she was definitely upset and although she seemed like a girl who could hold her own he offered his support for her anyway.
Eventually Tychus awoke and his first actions surprised Dactrin as he began signing to Tristan who seemed to understand him. He was very surprised to see Tychus signing as his form of communication and wondered if he was deaf or simply mute. Dactrin was then completely taken aback when the sword that hadn't even been considered by him as being alive, began moving and altering it's form to make a protective piece around Tychus' injured leg. Was this one of his daemons? Perhaps it was something different that was made to react by certain external cues as a hunters aid? He had focused so much on the one daemon he was after and his physical training that he hadn't payed much attention to the other various types of dameons that could be out there. "What exactly is that on his leg there?" Dactrin asked Tristan, motioning to the newly formed armor plating. He had come to his own conclusion that Tychus was deaf and could not hear them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

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-posted twice-
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake
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Drake The Pompous

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Becca's eyes fluttered open as she smelled the delicious scent of breakfast. What it was, she couldn't tell, but it smelled awesome, and her stomach rumbled, or was that Iggy? Igniserta, also know as Iggy, was curled up in a corner of very undecorated room. Becca figured she would do more with it later this week, but last night she was really tired from unpacking her clothes and other things. She was lucky to have hung the canopy of her four poster and to have gotten the night stand taken care of. She didn't look forward to having to finish it later, but her room was not going to be white walled and boring. Black was her color and she was gonna rock it. She quickly got dressed, wearing a simple outfit. "Hey, Iggy, wake up, time for breakfast," Becca called to the fire lizard. Igniserta stirred and got to his feet. He gave a little adorable roar and the weak fire on his tail grew a bit stronger.

Igniserta followed Becca out of the room, only coming to her mid thigh. Becca was casually walking down the hall, and a thought came to her head. What if this school doesn't work out and I don't make any friends? What if I'm not cut out to be a daemon hunter? I mean, is that really what I want to do for the rest of my life? I don't know, but maybe I'll find out. I really don't want to be alone, though. That would suck, but I hope I don't push people away either. Maybe... she thought, but her train of thought had just had the emergency brake pulled as she almost ran into a cute girl that was maybe a year or two older than herself. She looked rather pissed off and disappointed. She stopped about half a second before she would of head on collided with her, and that would've probably made her more pissed. "Oh, sorry," Becca said. Then she realized something, she was completely and utterly lost. She had distracted herself with her thoughts, plus she didn't know the school very well, seeing as she had just gotten there the night before. "Um, sorry to bother you, but could I ask you a question, real quick?" Becca said to the girl. She was mostly timid about it because she looked like she was in a bad mood, but Becca wasn't just gonna roll over. Meanwhile, Igniserta had started to sniff the leg of the girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 18 days ago

You did not just do what I think you did..." Tris almost snarled, Tychus already knowing what came next. Reflexively he turned his cheek slightly, moving into her swing, making the impact a bit louder, the blow stinging as much as it would have had he remained still. It was more for her benefit than his own, Tychus fully aware of how Tris acted around him, how she thought or better stated, how she felt. The sting of the blow was already beginning to fade by the time she dove into her venomous insults, something she tended to do in these situations. Tris had always had a nasty habit of forgetting that at the end of the day, Tychus was still the one leading her language class, making her a student first and a friend second when it came to her language skills. The rest of her anger was more a defense mechanism than anything itself. Tychus knew how she felt about him, knew that she wanted recognition, something more than he was going to give her just for helping him mop up his messes. She said she'd never help every time and every time after, she was back.

'Jason has his own problems' he almost went to sign, knowing it was futile at this point. Her back was turned and she was on her way out, only taking the time to talk at himself and the boy that accompanied her before making her exit. Her words weren't exactly the most complimentary things he had received from her in awhile, the part about her being wrong on his being a hunter to look up to and a great friend stinging substantially more than the earlier slap. Tichondrius looked to Tris's familiar, signing toward her, assuming that she had picked up on some from being around Tris, "Bring her by the tree later tonight. I'll apologise." Tychus then shifted his focus to the boy that Tris had dragged along, frowning, unsure of what to do with him, if anything. He held up a single finger at the boy, shoving a hand into his pocket fishing out his smartphone, a massive Note 3, and popped out the stylus. He quickly jotted down a note and turned the device toward the boy, "Giver her some company, she'll cheer up quickly enough. If you want to talk to me later on, come by the fashion portion of the arts complex or the TA housing at the edge of campus and I'll tell you about whatever it is you must want to know. Ok? Now... shoo."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blox
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Blox Eye. See. You.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Dactrin looked between Tychus and Tris as they argued in silence, hands working furiously, their emotions clearly showing through their faces. He was pretty sure he knew what was going on but he could only assume he was missing some details. He stayed quiet, not wanting to interfere between the two as they argued in such an odd way that, if it weren't for the uncomfortable circumstance, might have been a bit comical. SLAP! Dactrin took a step backwards, eyes wide with surprise as he saw Tristan let loose on Tychus' face. Her anger had reached it's pinnacle point and he could see this was not the first time he had put her in a situation like this. Dactrin watched helpless as Tristan was so fired up she was going in for round two. He wasn't about to stop her but Sierra defineitly did as she grabbed Tristan's wrist when it was raised in the air and about to come down on Tychus again.

When Sierra called for Beau's help he immediately complied, moving his large frame between Tristan and Tychus. "Tristan calm down" he said cooly in his deep voice, looking up to her and ready to set his gaze upon her for feelings of calmness and relaxation. But as soon as he came forward to help mediate Tristan was already retreating, pulling away from Sierra and the group to make her exit. Beau glanced to Dactrin to see how he was reacting. It was clear from his distance stance he didn't want to get involved; how very typical of him.

On her way out Tristan finished with a word to Dactrin "...Sorry Dactrin, I guess I was wrong… I’ll meet you outside and we’ll head down for breakfast…”

Dactrin watched her leave. He didn't even have a chance to offer to calm her down as she whirlwind from the moment to exiting the room.

Unsure of what to do next, seeing as he didn't sign, Dactrin looked to Tychus and was about to leave when Tychus held up his finger in a motion for him to wait one moment. Dactrin waited and watched as Tychus pulled out a pad. After Tychus finished and showed Dactrin his note, Dactrin read it carefully, the last bit showing his attitude that Tristan seemed to be battling with. He didn't care though, his curiosity was strong enough to still desire that conversation with him. Sometimes the best were known to have difficult nature's. His dad was known for his own stubbornness in the community despite his respected skills.

Dactrin knew one ASL message: thank you. He learned it when he was younger. He looked to Tychus and nodded with a small smile. He raised his thumb for an "okay" signal then raised his hand up to his chin, bringing it down to sign "thank you". He would take Tychus up on that offer later. For now he was still hungry but more importantly he wanted to be there for Tristan. If she needed to vent more he would be there for her. He gave a small wave to Tychus then turned to leave.

Beau shook his head and looked to Tychus. He didn't know sign language and he didn't speak telepathically so he looked to Tychus with intentions of making eye contact to inflict intense feelings of remorseful guilt upon him. If he managed to make eye contact to do this he only held the painful emotion for 30 seconds before turning away. "Let's go then" he said to Sierra, leaning against her, tail wrapping around behind her in hopes to comfort her.

Beau walked outside of the room and looked for Tristan, hoping she hadn't gone off to eat without him. When he saw her just in the hall he smiled with relief. She seemed to be engaging with another girl and her daemon. He waited for the right moment then stepped forward, placing his arm around her shoulder. "You ok?" he asked, making it clear he was there for her. "I think some breakfast might make you feel better." he glanced to the girl. She didn't seem like she was quite sure of where she was. He wasn't sure if Tristan had already offered her but he knew the feeling of being alone and confused in the school so he made the friendly gesture to offer her to join them. "We were going to grab a bite to eat, if you want to join us?"
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