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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marc


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

An American Horror Story: Coven based RP

Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies is an elite private school that only those fortunate enough to have been blessed with unparalleled talent and fortune have the privilege of attending. Located in New Orleans, Louisiana, the school holds a handful of the countries best and brightest young ladies where they are taught to become young ladies as well as receive an education like none other. At least, that's what the world has been taught to believe. What really goes on inside the walls of this old Victorian Era mansion is something far more interesting. In truth, the elite private school is a simple cover-up for the coven of powerful witches that have sought refuge inside. The school was built in 1790 and was once an academy for only the most privileged young ladies. During the Civil War it was used as a military hospital, and soon after it was shut down. Many years later it was bought by the reigning Supreme, the most powerful witch of the generation, and turned into a finishing school for young witches who were just discovering their powers. The school serves as a safe haven for the last Coven in the country, where the dying race can go to further their people and teach a new generation the true power of witchcraft.

You are one of these young witches, learning to control their power. You can be a new student or even Head Girl of the academy. While you explore the limits of your magic and try to push through them, there are a few rules of the Coven that forever loom over your head. You must never reveal the Coven to regular people under any circumstances, you must never harm one of your fellow sisters and the final, most important rule; Once a member of the Coven, you are entwined with them for the rest of your life. There is no backing out.

The Rules
- Basic Rping rules. No Godmodding or Metagaming. Try and stay somewhat active in both the IC and OOC.
- If you're going away for a bit or have some other form of commitment (IE a job or school) and think you won't be able to post. Let us know.
- If you're in a situation where you can't let us know that you won't be able to post, don't sweat it to much. Your characters won't go anywhere.
- This is a Free RP, so I'm not fussy over how much you want to post. Please try and use proper grammar though. Makes it easier to read your posts.
- The OOC is a chill place for you guys to talk about the rp or about anything really. Keep arguments to PM's.
- The IC is only for in character posts. If you need to point something out to someone, do it through PM or the OOC.
- You can have as many characters as you think you can handle.
- You can only make a student for the moment; no teachers or Supreme's yet.
- You can swear and be vulgar in the IC, just be adult about it. No sex though. Keep that to PM's or 1x1.
- You are allowed to make Male characters. Male Witches are fine. Despite the name of the school, it is perfectly fine for Male Witches to attend so they can learn to control their powers as well.
- Have fun! Failure to comply is punishable by death.

Character Sheet

Name -
Age -
Appearance - (Try and keep it non-anime)
Talents - (What is your character good at)
Personality -
Special Abilities - (All witches have basic magic that lets them move things with their mind as well as the ability to control other people's actions. Some also have a special talent unique to them such as clairvoyance, reanimation, pyromancy etc).
Biography -

Make sure everything is moderately filled out. You don't have to write much for your biography but I'd like a moderate amount in personality. At least half a paragraph.

I think that's everything. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'll make a female character soon. ^^ What is the age limit?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marc


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The age limit would probably be 19-20, since most characters are student. But you can be older if you explain why (Like you never learnt of your powers until your late 20's so you're attending a lot later than most).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

alright, thank you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago


~Stands at 4'11~



~Talents - (What is your character good at)~


~Special Abilities - (All witches have basic magic that lets them move things with their mind as well as the ability to control other people's actions. Some also have a special talent unique to them such as clairvoyance, reanimation, pyromancy etc)~

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savepoison


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name - Sarah Nocturne

Age - 19 & 1/2

Appearance -
Deep Grey Eyes
Natural Purple Hair
Plain black shirt
Brown Leather Jacket
Ripped (At Knees) Denim Jeans

Talents - Advanced Telekinesis, Weak Fire (Sparks) (Will advance through further training.)

Personality - Friendly, somewhat bouncy, some may say insane.

Special Abilities - (When Angered Incredibly) Advanced Pyromancy

Biography - Sarah was a quiet kid, going through her normal classes in a very unnormal school..A magical primary school. She was a top student, but she had Telekinesis, unlike the other children, she was advancing in her magical powers quickly, and one day when she was 14, she was messing around, flicking through a few books, she clicked her fingers, believe in her magical abilities, and a spark flew from her tips, and her mother, who watched in awe, suddenly saw..something in her eyes, and Sarah, she suddenly smiles widely, staring up at her awe struck mother, she said "I love..Magic.." before getting up, and heading out of the library. She barely made it half way home, as her mother stayed at the library late. She was alone on her way home, two girls, from the 'Human' school came up, and pushed her back "Oi, Mate, You new 'round here?!" and Sarah quickly responded "Uh..Uh..No..I go to a different school..Eh..Out of town a few miles.." the two girls laughed loudly, pushing her down, then one of them grabbed their water bottle, opening off the lid, they tossed it in her face, It triggered something, instead of crying and being sad, Sarah got angry, she stood up, and screamed at the two loudly, before her eyes changed from their soft deep gray, into a deep red, she threw fire into the air with her hands, the two suddenly becoming alarmed, yelling "FREAK!" and running away as fast as they could..That's when she was taken..To Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies..She was to never come home, until she had learnt how to control her powers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marc


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sarah is accepted. I'll have to get my character up soon-ish.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phloem
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Phloem ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name - Augustus "Gus" Stoker

Age - 18

Talents - He picked up some archery when he was a child, although his parents quickly disapproved of his choice of hobby and broke his first bow in half. At the academy, he's been slowly getting back in the habit of practicing again.

Personality - Gus is one of those guys you hate to love, and he knows it well. Weeks of anger can build up inside over his many infuriating qualities, then one of his charming smiles and your entire argument against him will melt away. He’s generally good-natured and friendly, albeit a bit blunt. His sense of humor, however sarcastic and crude, will never fail to bring a smile to people’s faces, and even if that doesn’t work, his laugh is deathly infectious.

Special Abilities - Gus seems to have an affinity for spells, hexes and the like, being able to cast them with much greater ease than regular witches and warlocks. In the two years he's been here, the ability to enter the mind of an animal and control its actions had surfaced in him. He's also able to do the same with people, except he can only sit back and watch.

Biography - Burdened with parents who used their child as something to take their anger out on, Gus often dreamed of the day he would finally be free of them. His days as a child was a constant game of hide and seek, dodging both of his parents who were a mess of screaming matches and alcohol. He became used to hiding under desks, beds, and in closets, all in order to avoid their stinging hits. Unfortunately, he wasn’t always quick enough, and the abuse he would suffer through was only more severe after he was dragged out kicking and screaming from under the bed. At times, it would result in him being locked in closets, or the garage as punishment - especially once he got older. Being caught trying to run away, a twelve year old Augustus was shoved into the freezing cold garage, locked inside for the night without a second thought. Trying to find something to keep himself warm, Gus instead found an old box filled with old, strange looking books. Covered in symbols, he opened up the grimoire to take a look inside. Reading about magic that included curses, hexes, and enchantments… there was nothing more that he wished to be true. And when they proved to be just that years later when practiced for the hell of it, payback was more than warranted for.

Cursing his parents with such awful bad luck that it killed them within a day, Gus was finally free of them when he was fifteen years old. He didn’t even mind being sent off to live in an orphanage - it beat his own home any day of the week. Only packing a bag of clothes, and the grimoire that had so heavily paid off, that was all he felt he needed. Power like that at his fingertips? He could get used to that.

Soon enough, a slightly dotty witch with frizzy, red hair showed up at the doorstep of the orphanage together with two men in suits. The woman explained everything to Gus, about his powers and bloodline before inviting him to join the academy. Of course, Gus was more than happy to oblige.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm leaving tomorrow to go to my grandparents where there is not internet, I will be back on Sunday.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marc


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Gus is accepted. I've been a tad busy with other roleplays and life but I'm gonna force myself to write up a character tonight. Our group is still pree small, but I'm willing to start the IC once Lyra gets back from her grandparents.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wicked Sweet
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Wicked Sweet is secretly 3 Kobolds in a Trench Coat

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ashley Sera Parker


Ashley stands at 5' 3" (1.60 m) and has a slim figure. She is biracial (Caucasian & Chinese) with naturally straight brunette hair and hazel eyes.

Modeling & Acting - In her hometown Ashley has modeled and acted in since she was seven years old.
Multilingual - Ashley speaks English, Mandarin and French fluently.
Gymnastics - She took gymnastics as a child, and has cheerled throughout high school.

To knows who don't know her she comes off as the stereo-typical girl next door, but before her pregnancy Ashley was known in school as the "Asp" (her initials being A.S.P.). She was the queen bee of her class, and anyone whom she deemed as a threat, whether in school or at a modeling/acting job, Ashley would viciously take them out in one way or another.

With starting at a new school it remains to be seen if Ashley will revert to her old self.

Special Abilities
Psychometry - the power to perceive the residual information of an object and/or person by using senses. By touching an object or person Ashley gains information about the past. (How far back in the past and exact info gained about the object/person can be left up to the GM.)

Last year everything started out wonderfully for Ashley. She was on the Homecoming Court, soon to be captain of the Cheer Squad, and the most popular girl in the sophmore class. Her Daddy got that promotion at work that meant the already well-off family would now be financially set for life.
Then, she got pregnant. She was forced to give up her spot on squad. The rumors and name calling started. And when it was discovered that the father was a teacher things only got worse. Ashley ended up giving her baby up for adoption.

Now starting at the Academy Ashley hopes for a fresh start.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Casterlyrock
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name - Casterly Kingston
Age - 19
Appearance -
Talents - very gifted at fencing and playing the violin
Personality - loyal but very out spoken, she will always have a friends back but will always tell that same friend they are being a ass when needed.
Special Abilities - Casterly has the power to open portals, she places one next to her and the other end opens where she wants, as of now she can only open portals about the size of a basketball.
Biography - for most her life she was just a normal teen who was born to a rather wealthy family, she was gifted in fencing and violin, even taking home a gold medal in a state wide tourney for fencing, when she turned 17 it all changed when she opened her first portal.
she had a nightmare and in her restlessness she opened a portal where one side was the wall beside her bed and the other was the subzero climate of the north pole, she almost died in her sleep if it was not for her father finding her on her bed covered in a 3 inches of snow.
her parents did not allow her to leave the manor since, and always kept one of the help in her room with her to make sure it did not happen again, she heard rumors of a school that honed powers like hers, when she found out where this school was....she ran away from home not wanting to be locked away anymore but also not wanting to hurt anyone like she almost hurt herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marc


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Both of these characters are also accepted

here is my character, finally. btw all the teachers and the Supreme are npcs at the moment.

Name - Emily Vetrov
Age - 17

Talents - She’s not exceptionally gifted at anything, but she was quite athletic before coming to the Academy. She played Hockey for a few years. She’s a decent artist but only prefers to draw simple sketches.

Personality - Mostly cheerful and kind, but comes off as a bit odd to most people. Her heads always in the clouds and she can barely pay attention to something for more than four seconds. She’s hard to upset mostly because she’s oblivious to a lot of insults and her naivety can get her into a lot of trouble.

Special Talents - Emily can communicate with spirits lingering around. She can’t see them, but she can hear their whispers and often talks back to them. On occasion she can catch glimpses into their lives and their final moments in this world.

History - Emily was adopted by a young couple in New York who were unable to have children of their own. She grew up as a fairly average kid; playing sports, making friends, obsessing over boys. However her powers began to manifest very quickly upon entering high school. Her concentration was spent on making sure she didn’t reveal them to anyone while at school, and as a result her grades dropped drastically. She used to love drawing and painting, but since her witch powers started to show themselves she was too worried about being revealed to sit down and draw. It was killing her. It felt like all the things she loved to do had been taken from her because of some curse.

A year later she put one of her friends in danger because she couldn’t control her magic. She’d been tired from cramming for a test all night and her concentration had slipped and sent one of the lockers crashing down. Her friend was almost squashed by it, but thankfully she moved. Emily was more than relieved when she was taken to Miss Robichaux’s academy. The last year she’s spent there has helped her control her powers and help them grow in ways she could never even imagine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phloem
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Phloem ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tweaked my character's abilities a little bit. Hope it's still fine. :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marc


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

that's fine. I'm going out today so I won't get the IC up until later. For the most part the story of the rp will be very loose and mostly left up to you guys depending on what you want to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'm going to make more than one character if that's okay. (Seeing as there is only one guy in this)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'll make my cs soonish
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by archie


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

id be intrested

Name - archie woodford
Age - 15

Appearance 5 foot 7 with red hair, brown eyes

Talents - adapt in computers and repair

Personality - unshureof his abilitys will try anything relizes he has anger issues working on it

Special Talents - trying to descover theme

History - he arived at school after parents feared for there life
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