Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"It is a machine, I am a god out of the machine, god of technology, Deus, Ex Machina." He said with a smile "I can make, control, summon and otherwise generally toy with anything that can be considered technological/mechanical, be it a steam engine, or a digital watch." He held the butterfly out for her to look at, "See, filigree wings, powered by a bio generator." He said with a grin. "Its to keep the bugs away mostly, but its also quite nice to look at. oh and yes, shaking hands is the right thing to do. Most of us won't be to fussed about that." Adam seemed very light hearted and welcoming,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Katherin frowned when the teacher order them to gather. Not because she didn't want to join the group but because of the difficulty in doing so. She carefully made her easy towards the middle of the room. She used her cane and magics to help her avoid bumping into people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 16 days ago

Eyes darting carefully over at the newcomers piling in, keeping himself as composed as possible, Meliton gathered along with everyone else. Would...would it be inappropriate to eat during the first day meet and greet? Something told him 'nope', as a mechanical butterfly fluttered around the other student's person.

So, holding out a hand, a bowl of mango sorbet ice cream was conjured seemingly out of thin air. With his other hand, a silver spoon was summoned forth, and lifting it to the bowl Meliton scooped out a portion and brought it to his mouth. Nomming that yummy, cold ice cream, the sweetness god waited for whatever was supposed to happen next.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

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Mei hadn't really ever come into contact with high levels of technology, while it was true that Mei possessed vast stores of knowledge due to her mother's status, accessing this knowledge would be near impossible until she was ready for until that time her brain would be unable to handle it. This ensured that Mei didn't know or understand a lot of things that were quite normal to others. "So it doesn't feel or think?" Mei seemed rather confused "I feel sorry for it, for some reason. Perhaps it is because there are so many things it will never know, though there is bliss in ignorance, is there not?" She stared at the mechanical being for a few more seconds, "You told me your godly responsibilities, it is only fair that I do the same. I am in line to be responsible for light and in part creation as well, for that is what people seem to think light does. I'm not completely sure of my limits, as I haven't been challenged enough to test them, but I know I can do this," Mei touched the mechanical butterfly and it was transformed into a living version.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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"Good some of you are sharing." Apollo said as he took a seat on the floor. "Please be seated. " he called to anyone not in the circle. "No usually we would use gym to work on your physical abilities. But since this is the first day I would like to spend today getting to know you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adam Gawked at the butterfly for a moment then shook his finger. "ow..." he sighed and then laughed, sitting down as instructed. "Most living, non sentient creatures don't like me." He explained and called up a small gun looking device, spraying his finger with a green goop which rapidly healed his skin. "something to do with exploitation of resources for the furtherment of information and knowledge." he then tilted his head, the butterfly was still eating insects. "Huh, it still follows its prime directive, a carnivorous butterfly. How peculiar." he then paused, looking round at others. curious as to what powers were on display. "Feel, think, have felt, have thought, It feels no more than a coin does, and thinks no more than a brick. consider it like a set of cogs in a windmill, Never having lived, never going to live, merely following the instructions I chose to put inside of it." He smiled. "We call them Automatons, Or Robots." he started to spin another construct out of strands of metal, humming to himself softly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyre101


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kael bounced the fireball for a little bit, watching it go up and down. He yawned again, bored with the current situation. The teacher was trying to do the lesson of where they try to learn more about you. He walked directly to the teacher, his fireball slowly starting to gather strength and flare even higher. He made to the teacher, who was sitting like a hippie, and Kael bent his knees a bit and whispered to him:

"Hey, teach, I'm starting to get bored. As a warning, you don't want me bored. I...do things to alleviate my boredom." Not giving the teacher time to reply, he took a step back from there and moved to the outskirts of the group, his fireball growing every minute that passed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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"The first day is the most boring." Apollo told him. "Let's get started. For those of you who don't know who I am my name is Apollo and I am the Greek Sun god. I would like each of you to introduce yourself, state your abilities, and what place you will be taking among the great being. By the time we get through everyone it should be time for the next class."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mei waited for someone to step forward but as no one did she sighed and stood. She did a small bow as a sign of respect to the class and began, "It is an honor to meet you all, I am Shia-Mei or Mei. I am a guardian of light and therefore creation as well as knowledge and writing. I am part celestial dragon meaning I have both a godly form and a dragon form. My abilities as of now are rather untested, but I can not directly destroy anything, it is against my purpose. However if creating something that destroys is completely acceptable. Most of my creations have been within the spirit realm, a couple of mountains, a few oceans, nothing of great significance. I can bend and use light to my will, it is more of my power source and when used correctly can purify dark spirits. I also have every shred of information recorded in my head but I cannot use most of this until my training is complete or unless I am in my dragon form, if I were to try I would loose my mind if not go completely brain dead. I know any abilities outside of what logic would suggest I possess but I am no where close to where I need to be to accept my fathers role." Mei smiled to the class and returned to her seat
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adam nodded and stood up, indicating that they were going in a clockwise direction from Mei, "I'm Adam, Deus Ex Machina. God Out of, Over, and Within The machine. Technology, information, Data, All are at my finger tips. as of yet I know not the limit of my power due to the ever advancing technologies of the world. Though I do know I can acess future technology." He said and smiled "And create my own. Hopefully this should be a interesting time with you all." He sat back down, the spider like mechanism he'd built had been clinging on to his shoulder and arm most of the time, Though it had reached out towards the butterfly at one point before stopping and going back to its 'dormant' state. Sitting back down The next in line for introductions was Meliton.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 16 days ago

Meliton made his finished bowl and spoon disappear in a neat little pop, before standing up and smiling politely at his fellow students, "Good morning, everybody. My name is Meliton, and I am the god of Sweetness. All that is sweet falls under my domain, and all who love sweets are my favorite sorts of people." With a flourish of his hand, though such a theatrical motion was unnecessary...all the gods and goddesses present (who he sensed liked sweets), were surprised when a conjured wrapped candy stick or small box with a cupcake in appeared and dropped gently into their laps. A wider smile, "I really do hope we can get along from this point on, as friends or at least fellow students!" Inclining his head one last time, he returned back down and conjured up a blueberry candy cane...this cane reminding him of cane-girl, rather awkwardly...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Katherin syptood carefully. She smiled at the group. "Hello everyone. My name is Katherin Winter and I am the goddess of winter." She chuckled. "I know it seems sort of redundant. But what can I do? Atleast it should make it easier for everyone to remember my ability, I can do almost anything related to winter but my strength is in ice. Umm.. Uinthink that's it," she said sitting back down,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mei stared at the box in her lap, it looked like the delicious moon cakes that were traditionally made during the mid autumn festival but it had no symbols of good luck, it was shaped wrong and it looked like someone put the red bean filling on top. Tentatively she took a bite, her eye brows shot up. It was so good, she really had a lot to learn about the earthen planes of existence, starting with whatever this delecacy was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyre101


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kael finally closed his hand on the fireball, absorbing the heat back into him. Looking around those students that have introduced themselves, Katherin was the only one that actually interested him and it was her power. She may be able to alleviate his boredom and lessen the amount of mayhem he just may cause. He snarled a bit at that thought. He lived for such things, and so did his followers, the few that were. However, wherever destruction and discord existed, there he was, spreading more of it with flames.

Noticing that the share time was now close to being over, he finally focused his eyes on Katherin, attempting to strike fear into her with his red eyes.

"My name is Kael Torien. My favorite pastime is causing mass destruction. My powers...well, let's just say, I am willing to give a brief demonstration of it. Just don't bore me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adam sighed after picking at the cake he set it aside and Looked Kael over. "Honestly, if your trying to threaten or scare us you might as well try all out from the get go. I have seen the heart of a atomic bomb at detonation, I know the powers witch have turned planets in to dust. I have tamed Fire, Water, Earth and Air to power my mechanisms. You have nothing to make me fear you. Unless you can embody decay. Destruction however, is a byproduct of advancement." He said coldly and yawned. "Honestly you're about as terrifying as a kitten trying to catch a laser pointer. If You're quite done with your petty dick waving do sit down." He seemed cold, almost mechanical, as if something had changed within him. though within seconds he'd returned to the previous self, almost as if someone had flicked a switch and he was back to picking at the cake, trying to separate the icing from the sponge itself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyre101


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Taking the initiative now, Kael turned his glance to the individual who had the nerve to speak with him. "Well, bravo. You survived a mini bomb. Of course, how many gods have survived that? Or, more like, who could? I bring destruction, it doesn't bring me. I simply...spread its influence about. Like a flame, I destroy. And Fire is never tamed. A simple spark can cause a entire country to turn to ash, if left to itself. Water, Earth, Air-these elements are meant to be controlled, but fire is life!"

Done with the stupidity of the person in his vision, Kael took a meditative position, ready to react to any attacks against him or meditate. Before he did anything else though, he spoke one last thing to the boy.

"In time, watch as you are turned into scrap, like every other machine, thrown out for the next best thing."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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"Alright children that is enough. We are here to improve ourselves not tear each other down. You will make allies and enemies during your time here.no matter if you agree with another's point if view or not you are not allowed it seriously injure one another. Now I think that's enough for one day. Let me show you the way to life skills." Apollo said as he stood to his feet and headed to the door.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mei smiled as she licked the last bit of frosting of the tips of her fingers. She stood to follow Apollo to the next class, though she hadn't been paying an ounce of attention she could feel the tension in the air. She stood in front of Kael, "So you think you are the only one with great power here? How naïve, no, how ignorant of you. This school is for deities, we would not be here if we were weak. You have much to learn, as do I, but do not think for one second that you are stronger than anyone else. If you make that mistake I can assure you, you will be crushed. The ignorant have no place among the gods, they are cast down and become fools that only bigger fools will follow. And as they flounder in their stupidity they are swallowed by the sands of time and forgotten." Mei was still smiling as she continued walking away, her words were harsh but she would not let this school be dragged down by egocentrical idiots.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 16 days ago

Something rubbed Meliton the wrong way about what the girl had said to fireball-boy, though the young god was far from being on anybody's side, he was unable to control himself. Narrowing his eyes at the girl's retreating form, crossing his arms over his chest and spoke up loud enough, "No one has the right to rob anyone of their right to make mistakes. You shouldn't presume to know more than him, when you yourself are a fellow student...this is your mistake, and you'll grow out from it." Pausing, he turned away in a sheepish manner when he realised he spoke out of line to someone older than himself.

Eventually, Meliton turned back to the female with a reddened face, inclining his head politely as he ran a hand through his hair, "I...apologise...you were only giving a fellow classmate friendly advice. And...if anyone should be speaking to you about foolish stupidity," Turning to look up over at their instructor Apollo, and actually pointed at the sun god, "I apologise this time to you Mr Apollo...but if I heard that the Greek Gods weren't the most well behaved during their rule. I'm sure much is exaggerated over time by humans, but surely there is some truth in this?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Major Ursa said
Something rubbed Meliton the wrong way about what the girl had said to fireball-boy, though the young god was far from being on anybody's side, he was unable to control himself. Narrowing his eyes at the girl's retreating form, crossing his arms over his chest and spoke up loud enough, "No one has the right to rob anyone of their right to make mistakes. You shouldn't presume to know more than him, when you yourself are a fellow student...this is mistake, and you'll grow out from it." Pausing, he turned away in a sheepish manner when he realised he spoke out of line to someone older than himself.Eventually, Meliton turned back to the female with a reddened face, inclining his head politely as he ran a hand through his hair, "I...apologise...you were only giving a fellow classmate friendly advice. And...if anyone should be speaking to you about foolish stupidity," Turning to look up over at their instructor Apollo, and actually pointed at the sun god, "I apologise this time to you Mr Apollo...but if I heard that the Greek Gods weren't the most well behaved during their rule. I'm sure much is exaggerated over time by humans, but surely there is some truth in this?"

"There is some truth to it. Many of the Greek Gods did not use their time or powers wisely. It might be why they don't have many followers left." Apollo acknowledge. "All gods make mistakes. That is one of the reasons that many wanted to start a school like this. We hope by teaching you what we have learned that you will not repeat our mistakes."
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