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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Morric
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Morric Roleplay Enthusiast

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A look of vague interest crossed Death's visage as Eliza spoke of her demon. He was quiet, absently circling the top of his tea cup with the tip of his finger while he momentarily pondered her words. He almost looked remorseful, though it was hard to tell through what was generally an empty, emotionless gaze. "I see...you haven't just yet gone blind." Crossing one leg over the other, Death locked his finger in his lap and sat back in the creaky wooden chair. "Poor little sapling choked by a weed. How far can you grow before you are freed?" Death's voice seemed sympathetic. He stared into Eliza eyes, prying into the soul. Eyes were like windows after all. Behind the tainted innocence of her mortal soul was the hallowed darkness of a demon within. It was easy for Death to see the vile form of Disease. "And what of you...pestilence?" His voice was sightly harsh now, his tone biting. "How has life been treating you? Only healthy habits I presume."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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Kyo continued cooking, coming up with a seared salmon dish with rice and various cooked vegetables. It was fairly simple, but it did take a bit longer than he had expected. Either way, it was almost finished, so he began looking around for some plates. "How many people will be eating?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MiaRainx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eliza heard her demon laughing inside her head. She could feel it trying to gain control of her but she fought against it. A disgruntled frown formed on her face as she tried to stop Disease from taking over her mind. Every time Disease was able to gain control over her, she always felt an unbearable pain searing through her body. Although her demon could never manifest in her mind for too long, the pain was always much too strong.

"No!" Eliza exclaimed as her demon persisted in her head, beginning to darken her vision until it was pitch black. Already, it felt like a thousand needles were piercing through her while Disease used Eliza's body as a vessel to communicate with Death's spirit.

"Ha! You call to me so bitterly yet you moon over my vessel," Disease spat, its voice gritty and cold as it escaped Eliza's lips. "I found her first, get your own. She is a lot stronger than she looks though and she doesn't have much left to live for really. But her mind is dark and so full of vice, it's fascinating. I'll tell you what's not fascinating though... life. It's boring and fragile and..." the harsh voice was cut off as Eliza took back her consciousness. The stabbing pain in both her head and her chest had now become too much and she bid Disease to give her back her mind. The demon submitted immediately and Eliza's sight returned, revealing to her once again the image of Death's dark spirit still seated in his chair.

At Eliza's awakening, she clutched at her chest with one hand. With the other, she massaged her forehead with her fingers and could feel something dripping from her nose and tear duct. When she went to wipe away at the mystery substance, she looked at her fingertips to find a red liquid decorating them. She was crying blood. "Ugh, I hate it when you do this," she said aloud, even though it was directed to the demon within her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Katherin silently too a seat at the tablet she watched the others cook. It was nice to have peoe in the castle. When she had first moved in she had been overwelmed at how big and empty the place was. With her fellow demon lords it didnt feel so big or so empty. She wondered if Death planned to hang around the edges as long as he could. How long could he stay in spirit form without weakening. 'Distrust is coming. He will take one of you.' Secrets whispered to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Morric
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Morric Roleplay Enthusiast

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The face of disease of gruesome and vile. Though it wasn't visible to mortal eyes, Death could see the puss covered, rotting form of the inner demon. He almost seemed offended as it overtook the girl and filled the room with it's dark presence. The girl was strong however, capable of repressing the beast mid sentence. Falling silent for a second, Death reached down and pinched the handle of the tea cup between his fingers, raising it to take a sip. "Oh, that must be terribly daunting." He rested the cup on the folded newspaper and folded his hands together once again. A frigid breeze fell over them, kissing the skin with a prickling sensation. "Bother..." Death muttered beneath his breath before his form began to flicker and fade. "The angel comes to take of thee, the pain, the shame, the suffering. For on the day you call to me, I come, I call, to reap of yee." Death rose his hand, slowly motioning his fingers through the air in front of Eliza. "Beware the day, the time to need, for Death shall come to purge, to free." Shadows rushed over Eliza as Death dissipated into an illusion. In his absence, only the one chair she sat in remained. The table and chair in which Death sat was gone, as if it had never been.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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After a few more minutes, Kyo eventually had the meal ready and began arranging the plates. As soon as he had them prepared properly, he began bringing them to the table where Katherin was seated. "Dinner is ready. Please feel free to eat."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MiaRainx


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Once she had wiped away the rest of the blood that had spoiled her face, Eliza suddenly felt a cold chill passing by her. She looked up to find that the sight of Death's spirit was suddenly slowly fading, as though it were a mirage. The hairs on her bare arms had pricked up and she could still softly hear Death's voice. What he offered was either a warning or her salvation, and she wondered when she would cross paths with him again. When the table and chair disappeared, leaving her seated alone, she had a smirk on her face as she leaned back on the wooden frame."I wonder what kind of person he will choose for his host. How intriguing..." Eliza said softly to herself, staring down at her hands that had been stained with her dry blood.

Hmph, who cares. Hosts are nothing but hollow cases anyway, Disease said with scorn and bitterness but Eliza chose to ignore it's pessimism. "You're just jealous because now, I wish Death was my demon and not you." Death, the ceasing of life, was always something she found interesting and to have finally met Death himself felt like an even greater blessing. Although, what she said was only half true. Sometimes, she did wish for a different demon, but how else would she be able to inflict so much pain. It wasn't the type of pain that was instant and momentary either, it was long-lasting, searing and unbearable. That's what she preferred. The smirk then grew into a sly smile as Eliza stood from her chair and it, too, vanished behind her as she made her way to the sink and began washing her hands once more, staring out the window at nothing in particular as she got lost in her thoughts. The mouth-watering smell of dinner was filling her nose but she remained drifting in her own mind while her hands remained still under the running water of the tap.

Once she was done with cleansing her hands, she walked over to the table were Katherin was seated, but did not take a seat herself. She had already eaten, but she wanted to express her gratitude to the owner of the castle for allowing her refuge. Eliza thought it more appropriate to wait until Katherin had finished her dinner before she gave her thanks. Eliza just stood in the corner and looked around, admiring the structure of the castle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Katherin left the safety of the castle. She hoped the others wouldn't be too worried about her. She carefully made her way down the mountain where her caste rested. She usually took her car to town bit she knew she wouldn't have to walk far to run into Distrust and his followers. She didn't want them to get too close to her haven. If they did the castle would never be safe. Se was about halfway down the mountain when she was hit by a tazer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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Kyo looked around, a bit confused. Where had their host gone? Dinner was ready and everything. Had she had some other business to attend to? [i]But she always told us when she was going somewhere before...had she just forgotten? After looking around for a moment longer, he picked up his tablet and started typing again. "Did Katherin say that she was going somewhere?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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KindledBeast Lazarus

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dante was surprised at everything Katherin was doing he ran into the main hall and locked the door, if distrust was coming this way it would be best for then to be prepared.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MiaRainx


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Eliza's musings about the castle's structure were suddenly interrupted when she looked up to find Katherin had already left and Kyo was typing something on his tablet. When he had revealed his question to them, she simply shrugged her shoulders and shook her head. She also watched as one of the boys had run out of the kitchen and ran into the main hall. The sound of click was heard and Eliza assumed that the boy had locked the door.

"What is he so nervous about?" Eliza asked aloud as she wondered, approaching the door and pressing her ear to it in case she could hear anything suspicious. There were no sounds though, so she pulled away and huffed, wondering. This time, she looked at Kyo and pointed to the locked door with a confused look on her face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

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"Dante? What's going on?" Kyo typed out his question as he followed the boy and the girl out to the door. Seeing Dante lock the door in such a hurry made him very nervous. Skittish, aren't we? I'd assume a nightmare of a familiar sort is on its way. But isn't it curious that the door was unlocked in the first place? What kind of hurried, careless person could have done that, I wonder?

Kyo stopped and felt the blood drain from his face when he heard the voice mention that. Trying his hardest not to panic, he typed out another question and tapped the text to speech button. "Dante. Eliza. Where is Katherin?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Katherin woke in a cage. She groaned. Her head hurt trim the tranquilizer the had given her. She was relieved thst she was alne. She looked around. A cave? Why was she in a cave. Was this Distrust hide out? She hoped the others would stay in the castle where they were safe, she didn't want them to have to deal with Distrust yet. They weren't ready yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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KindledBeast Lazarus

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"It's nothing you two need to worry yourselves with, I just have bad anxiety I'm going to be back soon, will you please make me a steak kyo and you Eliza please season the steak don't poison me though." Dante said with a laugh as he headed for the door he needed to help Katherin if she was still out there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MiaRainx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eliza shrugged her shoulders in a more exaggerated manner when she heard the question from Kyo's tablet. "I have no idea. There were so many of us in the same room with her, how could none of us have seen her leave?" Eliza asked in frustration. With the sound of the boy, Dante's, voice asking her to help with making a steak, she felt a bit of relief. The laugh he gave also seemed to show that he was a lot less nervous than she had first assumed. She was especially amused by his comment on poison. "Poison you? Please, I only ever do that on special occassions," Eliza said with a smirk.

Although he had said that they needn't worry, for some reason there was a strange angst still clouding her mind. Hmm... perhaps another one of my old friends is thinking about making an appearance. That doesn't bother you does it? Disease's egotistical voice filled her mind again and Eliza couldn't help but scowl. "Please don't act like you are concerned about me. It's sickening," Eliza shot back bitterly. She was fully aware that she must have looked crazy, like she was talking to herself but surely every one else knew what it was like to be burdened with such a fiend.

Interesting wordplay. I like what you did there, Disease commented and she could hear it's toxic laugh resonating in her head. Eliza rolled her eyes as she walked over to one of the cabinets in the kitchen. Admittedly, she wasn't much of a cook. In fact, the only thing that she had ever done in her life that had classified as cooking was boiled toxic herbs. She had no idea what kind of seasoning she actually needed to do. She turned to Kyo, who she knew was still feeling anxious about the whereabouts of Katherin. Eliza put on her sweetest smile and decided that it would probably be a good idea for them to do what Dante had asked and prepare another meal, even though the one Kyo had made previously went untouched.

"Shall we prepare the steak? I'm sure when Katherin and Dante return they will be famished," Eliza said with the best cheery voice she could muster, despite the nerves that still ran through her. Something terrible was coming.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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Kyo frowned as he watched the other boy, narrowing his eyes slightly as soon as he had left him there. Clenching his fists, he continued staring at the door for a few minutes as he tried to decide what to do, but eventually, he walked back to the kitchen anyway. Silently huffing, he tried to calm down and started searching for the proper ingredients to prepare a steak.

This...what is this? This is...
A few ingredients, throw them in the bowl.
It's one thing to want something else to eat, but...
Bowl on the counter, leave a spoon next to it. "Need to stir."
There was plenty of time to make requests...
Take a steak from the refrigerator, don't let your eye twitch.
I would have gladly done something about it...
Steak in the pan...calm face...
And now it's all going to waste...

...Kyo stopped, expression completely blank. All that food...is going to waste...

Throwing the steak down onto the counter as hard as he could, the boy grabbed his tablet and tossed his apron off in a random direction. That inconsiderate, condescending, secret-keeping twerp is wasting food! Over my dead body...

Somehow managing an inhuman growl in the back of his throat, despite the fact that it stung afterward, Kyo grabbed a few items and left the kitchen.
"I'm not letting him get away. I refuse."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MiaRainx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eliza watched and aided in the food preparation as much as she could. She could see that Kyo was extremely agitated but she knew saying something could potentially make matters worse. She took up the spoon that was placed next to a bowl full of ingredients which Kyo had prepared and begun to stir it for him on his instructions. While she stirred, she could see that he was progressively becoming more and more frustrating.

She heard Disease giggle in her mind. If he's not careful, he's going to explode, Disease piped up in amusement, but said nothing. It was only seconds later when her demon proved right and Kyo stormed out of the kitchen, grumbling about wasting food.

"Kyo, wait!" Eliza called after him. She was still feeling the anxiety from before, but she had no idea what was causing it. As she followed Kyo, watching him grab a few items from the kitchen, she proceeded to call after him, hoping she could provide even a little solace. "I will finish your salmon dish from before if you wish! Kyo!"

Run, little Eliza. Chase them down my little pet, Disease said before it cackled loudly in her head. She tried her best to ignore it, hitching up the hem of her black dress as she quickly followed behind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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KindledBeast Lazarus

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The moment Dante had gotten out of the door he started sprinting to where he had last see kathirn through the window. He kept on running knowing better then to yell for Katherin. He was too absorbed in thought and did notice a tree stump sticking out of the ground he fell hard and rolled down the side of the hill hitting his head on a rock, it didn't knock him out but he felt groggy he could swear he saw someone dressed in black 100 feet away from him he got up and started to shuffle towards them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MiaRainx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As she ran, Eliza suddenly noticed Dante falling to the ground. She gasped and forced herself to run faster, pushing past Kyo. Wow, determination... that's not like you Eliza, Disease whispered in her head. She ignored the poisonous words and immediately knelt down before Dante when she reached him. He was struggling towards her as well. Huh, look at him. Pathetic...

"Shut it!" Eliza yelled at the demon in her head, before she turned her attention back to Dante. She lifted his head, feeling for the large bump that had formed from the impact. "Hold on Dante, lie still," She took off her leather bag that was slung at her side, lying it down on the grass beneath his head and allowing his head do drop softly onto it. She wanted to grab some ice for his head but at the same time she didn't want to leave him on his own. Kyo still looked crazed and who knew what he could do to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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KindledBeast Lazarus

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

MiaRainx said
As she ran, Eliza suddenly noticed Dante falling to the ground. She gasped and forced herself to run faster, pushing past Kyo. Disease whispered in her head. She ignored the poisonous words and immediately knelt down before Dante when she reached him. He was struggling towards her as well. "Shut it!" Eliza yelled at the demon in her head, before she turned her attention back to Dante. She lifted his head, feeling for the large bump that had formed from the impact. "Hold on Dante, lie still," She took off her leather bag that was slung at her side, lying it down on the grass beneath his head and allowing his head do drop softly onto it. She wanted to grab some ice for his head but at the same time she didn't want to leave him on his own. Kyo still looked crazed and who knew what he could do to him.

Dante felt Eliza and smiled trying to get up, "what are you doing Eliza you don't have to worry about me I'll be back in the manner soon." he said with a smile she was a sweet girl but if someone was out here he didn't want her to get hurt he wanted her to be safe.
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