This role play is inspired by the short story Minority Report which was made popular by the Tom Cruise film by the same title. There is an alternate world, but the concept of precogs and their use by crime fighting organisations makes this story close enough to its inspiration to warrant a shout out. Now that I have your attention I will get started with the explanation.

Role Play World / Background

It is 60 years in the future and the world is a very dangerous place. War for water, oil, power, and influence has scared the earth, however from those wounds the earth has finally seen itself under one unified group. The United Post-War Collective or U.P.W.C. was created after the allied forces of the east turned the tide of the global conflict almost overnight with the introduction to a new branch of their military known as Precog Partnerships. The small elite branch was created by bringing together the best from the military and the best from the newest research and development programs dealing with medically induced precog gifted individuals. With one on the battlefield (soldiers) the precog would harmonise with their partner and guild them through any obstacles between them and the desired mission objectives. Stories of one partnership taking down entire invading forces were exasperated but held truths of their brutal efficiency and unkillable presence.

Since the war this branch of the military and its research has begun to be used in many different facets of the newly formed planetary government. It was no surprise that law enforcement was the first to being incorporating precog into their portfolio of crime fighting methods. Soon enough major crime cities began slowly introducing small, military trained, Precog partnerships. The effect was overnight with several international crime organisations crippled at strategic choke points. A new wave of precog partnerships is set to be deployed with politicians promising that this is the first step to a true utopia.