Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Flashback to a week ago:

"You sure you'll be alright Runa? I don't want you getting hurt out there. I told you it would've been easier for you to join a crew instead of create one."
Runali gave a smile and patted the male's shoulder. "Max, I know you worry. But you know I'm fully capable of handling my own. And you know that if I joined a crew they would make me do work. You and I both know that wouldn't work." The two shared a small laugh before shaking hands. "Be careful out there kid!"
"Don't worry, I will."

It had now been exactly a week since she departed from her friend. Runali Lev had set sail to the grand seas, ready for adventure. It wasn't like her to be so adventurous or in want to move around, but the idea of sailing the seas sounded so much nicer than sitting around at home all day. So what better way to cure that boredom than to become a pirate? At the time, it was just her on a decently spaced pirate ship with nothing but nice warm air and the ocean breeze. A few minutes into her nap, the dark haired female heard the sounds of a bustling town. She sat up and confirmed what she heard. There indeed was a town, and it was the perfect opportunity to restock! Then she remembered her friend's advice:
"Get your crew as fast as possible. You'll need the back up once you set off onto your journey. "Get a crew. Right." She reminded herself.

Once her ship was docked and anchored, Runali looked around the town. A little sign nearby gave away the island and town name, Canter Island. It was a busy island from the looks of it, so she stayed close to port, not wanting to get lost in the hustle and bustle. Runali had to carefully plan out who she needed in her crew. First, she knew she wasn't going to want a large crew. Second came a doctor and a shipwright. Those were two of the most important parts of any crew. It was good to know that Runali was a cook, so that part wasn't needed. Then she'd need a navigator so she wasn't wandering the seas like a list puppy. And then came the gunman of the crew, or the weapons specialist. Their defense would have to be strong too. As she carefully planned out each crew member she'd need, Runa walked into a tavern. She didn't notice the eyes that followed her until she took a seat on a stool. Well it was obvious she was an outsider, thanks to her attire. Runa sported a white button up shirt, with a thin black jacket over it. She had capris to save herself from the heat, but the peculiarities came with the eyepatch she wore on her left eye, and the black hat that had to white stripes along the rim.

"You're obviously not from around here, miss." The bartender said with a caution to his tone. "Is there a problem?" Runa then started to pay attention to the states she received, noticing some fearful. "Did I do something wrong?" Runali questioned the bartender until he spoke in a softer voice. "You're just in...his seat." The emphasis on 'his' made her look over to see a male- obviously a dirty pirate with a malicious grin to his eye. "I see we have a trespasser." The male's hand rested on the table and slid it closer to her. "But I think I'm willing to let you go with just a warning- hehe, for a price. " Her bored expression never changed. "Excuse you, but I was just ordering a water... You're going to have to wait your turn." There was a few gasps from the tavern when she spoke out instead of moving. What she did seemed to cause an annoyance in the unnamed pirate. Hopefully he didn't start a commotion. That was one less problem to-
And once a chair was tossed by one of the pirate's crew mates, everyone was fighting.
"Hmph. Tough town." Runa looked over at the irritated pirate, sipping on her new cup of water. Obviously, striking fear as a threat wasn't working out quite well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fractured Mind

Fractured Mind

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"Our family has been in the military for generations David. Never has any of our line decided to deny that heritage. If you choose to do this, you must know that we will cast you out of our family. Is this goal of yours truly worth throwing away your bloodline?"

David blankly stared down at his cup on the taverns counter. It was nearly full of some alcoholic drink that David never bothered to actually order, but got from the bartender after he asked for a drink. Staring into it, the trained soldier could almost see his past playing out before him once more. He could even hear the cries of combat roaring in his ears, parts of his time fighting in bar-

David blinked, realizing he never fought in a bar before. He then looked around to notice that the noise he was hearing wasn't in his mind, but from the brawl happening around him. With an annoyed glare, he grabbed tightly unto his drink and brought it up to his mouth. Before he could even drink it though, a chair leg smacked into his hand and knocked the cup down. Which, only annoyed David more. So with a deep breath, he merely closed his eyes and tried to keep calm. He knew everyone was either drunk, or an idiot unable to control themselves. They were at no fault for breaking out into a childish fight once in a while.

Then someone swung a wooden stool down upon the back of his skull. Suddenly, the world seemed to stop for David as the brief spark of pain rushed down from his head to the rest of his form. The person who struck him went on to attack another patron, but the damage was already done. All David did after that was slowly stand up, his back to the chaos behind him. "Bartender, I'm going to need another drink." He spoke in his usual deep tone, and reached into his white shirts pocket to drop some coins on the counter. Oddly enough, one could count those coins and determine that they were the exact price one would pay for a fine of getting into a bar fight.

David turned towards the violence going on, and stared darkly at the scene before him. He merely saw unskilled children at work, striking at each other as clumsily as possible to try and knock each other out. Nothing he couldn't take care of in a few seconds. Reaching out his hand, the soldier smirked as a wooden sword appeared within his grasp. No flashy entrance, no lights, just a practical ability at work. Then, he went to work on ending the fight. Which may or may not have resulted in him knocking out a good portion of the drunks before they all decided to cut their losses and run off.

After this though, David would let go of the wooden sword and sit back down on his stool. As the blade disappeared, the bartender placed another cup before David. With the same unknown drink the soldier hadn't tasted yet. With a simple thank you to the bartender, David resumed his act of staring into the glass. Trying to figure out at what point he went from someone in the army...to a simple mercenary willing to sell his skill for money.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HiddenBeauty13
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HiddenBeauty13 Professional Food Eater

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Hey! Get back here!" An angry voice yelled as a girl with red hair forced her way through the crowded streets of her home town. She'd managed to swipe a piece of freshly baked bread from his cart and, boy, was he upset about it. "Somebody, stop her!" His voice managed to carry to some 'good samaritans' and a man who was probably one hundred years old made an attempt to stop Raine, but she quickly moved pass him before hopping onto a nearby crate, nearly crushing the oranges inside as she did so. “Watch it!” The owner of the oranges exclaimed as she tugged the crate from underneath the red head, nearly making her fall in the process.

Luckily, Raine was able to hop onto another crate before hoping down to the ground. By then, the entire market was in a state of confused chaos and the girl took that moment to slip away, unseen by her previous pursuer. Haha I still got the bread. She thought to herself with a satisfied grin as she bit into the semi warm bread. It needed a bit of butter but Raine wasn’t complaining. Food was food. The street that she was currently on was rather quiet and the peacefulness of it relaxed the girl a bit; she even stopped and closed her eyes, savoring the moment.

Images of her mother and father popped into her mind; her mother’s gentle smile, her father’s red hair. Raine was a split image of her parents, who were deceased. The girl was around eight years old when a terrible storm swept through the town, flooding streets and homes without remorse. Her parents has sacrificed their lives to keep her head above water and eventually perished themselves, leaving eight year old Raine to fend for herself in the world. The girl quickly opened her eyes and pushed those thoughts away. No, there wasn’t time to feel sad, not when she could hear some type of commotion going on in the tavern near her. Since Raine was quite a nosey person, she headed over to the tavern, surprised by the loud noises that floated out the front door, which was slightly ajar.

What’s going on in there? She wondered to herself and peaked her head in, only to pull it out as someone came flaying towards her. Raine managed to get out of the way in time, but her bread was knocked out of her hand in that moment. A look of surprise crossed her face before it was quickly replaced with anger. “You…That was the first piece of food I’d had in days!” She exclaimed and dragged the man by his collar with an unimaginable amount of strength before throwing him back into the tavern, knocking over a fighting pair at that same moment. When they were back on their feet, they turned towards Raine with a look of hatred in their eyes but, by that time, the red head had already pulled out her fighting needles from her trusty pouch and pointed them threateningly at the two.

“Bring it.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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The minor incident turned into something really uncalled for. The pirate continued glaring her down, but she made no effort to move. In fact, she stopped acknowledging him. Now she was just doing it on purpose to see how long it'd take him to actually fight. "Why you little-" He grumbled a few curses as he grabbed a gun, pointing it at her. "Is it that serious? Do you have to resort to killing me? All because you got embarrassed?" Runali yawned and turned to face the captain. She smirked and in a flash, snatched his gun away from him and then pointed it toward him. It happened so suddenly, even her new enemy was surprised. "That wasn't a very good idea." The gun was set down on the counter and she slid it to the bartender. He had just walked away from some other person who seemed not to have an interest in the fight as well.

In the next few moments, Runali silently stood and easily knocked the captain out. "You're no fun. I didn't even have to use my skills against you." Runali leaned against the counter, and handed the bartender enough to pay for her drink. "Oh. I guess he should pay for his damages, yes?" She reached over to the unconscious captain and grabbed the bag from his pocket. "This should pay for everything." Runali noticed the same guy that was sitting at the bar take down a few of the pirates, and then he noticed a minor commotion outside. "Hey, you're a pretty skilled fighter- give me a sec." She started talking to the stranger but Runali went towards the commotion outside. She noticed two guys attacking some red head and decided to help. As they ran toward the girl, she tripped one of them, making them fall into a barrel and let her handle the other. "Sorry about that. I think they got a little upset over something I said. Didn't mean to cause trouble for you? Hmm... Here. I should make it up to you." Runali looked in one pocket, taking out a few coins from it. "Here you go." She shrugged and then turned back inside.
"Goodness, I come here to find a crew and I start trouble..." She said aloud, but to herself. She stepped over the unconscious people, casually taking a few coin pouches they had. "Bartender? Do you know where I could find... Good navigators, um... Shipwrights....maybe doctors too... And of course weapons specialists?" The bartender laughed. "It sounds like you're trying to gather up a pirate crew or something, sorry girly I only work at this bar. I'm not into searching around for potential pirates." She gave a small shrug and got another water.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fractured Mind

Fractured Mind

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David blinked as he overheard a girl talk about needing to find people. The main two that caught his attention, were the needs for a shipwright and a weapon specialist. Odd, considering Davids past training almost fitting this role exactly. So, curious, he turned in his seat towards the speaker. Looking at the girl with an eye patch, the former warrior could easily imagine her as a pirate or member of some crew. Though, by how she was asking for people... David pointed his finger towards the girl and spoke. "You. How much would you pay for a shipwright and 'weapons specialist'."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HiddenBeauty13
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HiddenBeauty13 Professional Food Eater

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Raine was surprised when some girl actually helped her finish off one of the two o her attackers. She even gave her some coins! Raine wasn't one to say no to money, so she put her needles away and quickly snatched up the coins before anyone else could even think about taking them. This can feed me for the next few days! She became so consumed with the thought that she nearly missed the other girl asking the bartender if he knew of anyone who had doctoral and navigation skills. Was she looking to start a crew or something? Raine didn't care, though. If she could get a meal everyday, then she would be on anyone's crew. Oddly enough, she hadn't thought of joining a crew until now.

"Hey! You." She called to the girl as she walked over, completely oblivious to the fact that another person, a male, had also taken interest in what she had to say. "I can be your doctor and navigation specialist. I'm fully trained in both and you don't even have to pay me in money! Just feed me everyday and I'll be the best crew member you could ever ask for!" Raine exclaimed with a grin; her mouth was already watering at the possibility of eating everyday. Even her stomach was growling in excitement at this point.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Runali turned to look over at the stranger, still sipping her water. Well this was easier than she thought. It was the first island she went to and one person was already interested in her offer. "Oh, pay? Well I could always share-" Then someone else interrupted, that someone being the red head from before. "You're interested too?" Runali swiveled the bar stool so her back faced the bartender. "I'm looking for a treasure. A pirate treasure to be exact. If you help me find it, I'll be glad to share it with you. Eh, I don't need it all. And as for you Ms. Redhead, I'm a chef so I think food won't be a problem. And if you'd like, I could split the treasure with you too if you like." She gave a simple shrug and waited for their responses. "If you two become apart of my pirate crew I'd split the treasure with you. And of course feed you. But you do know that means, you'll be chased by the government." Runali stood slowly and stretched. "Hmph, I'll give you time to think it over if you'd like and I have to put my new collection on my ship." She shrugged and then decided to head to her ship. "I'm Runali by the way. Runa for short." Despite being interested, Runa seemed pretty careless about the whole ordeal. But that was just how she treated most things. And with that, Runali left the tavern in order to put her new 'found' money on her ship.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fractured Mind

Fractured Mind

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David listened to the girl talk to both him and the resident orphan. Something about how she would split a treasure with them if they joined, and that they should be absolutely sure they wished to work for her. Before David could say anything the girl left the tavern. However...this did leave him with a little time to think over his decision. "Working for the promise of treasure. Hmph, could be a trick...but false work is better than sitting in here and pretending to get drunk." David thought to himself.
Already knowing he wished for some work, and that he could just get rid of the girl if she betrayed him, David decided he would work for her. However...looking over at the orphan who wished to work for food, David unknowingly glared her way. "You do realize she might be trying to trick you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HiddenBeauty13
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HiddenBeauty13 Professional Food Eater

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Raine was busy watching the girl--Runa was her name--walk away when the guy who had also taken interest in the girl's offer piped up. Looking over to him, the red head realized that she'd seen him around a few times while she made her 'daily rounds' around the town and she immediately came to the conclusion that she did not like him very much. "Just because I don't wear fancy clothes and talk all proper doesn't mean I'm stupid. I know fully well that that chick may be planning to kill me the moment I walk on her ship." The girl said bitterly, returning his glare as she did so. "However, I happen to be nearly starving right now and this is the best opportunity I've received since I became an orphan." And with that, Raine got up from her chair and stalked out of the tavern, sneaking a small piece of food from someone's plate while they aren't looking in the process. Once outside, Raine looked left and right, trying to figure out which way the girl has gone until she noticed a trail of footsteps going off to the left. She immediately took off in that direction, hoping to catch up to Runa before she left.

After it seemed like she'd gone down way too many paths looking for Runa, Raine finally found her. "Runa! Runa! Wait!" She called as she ran towards the girl and, once she was close enough, she poked her on her shoulder. "I...I would like....to join your...crew..." The redhead panted as she tried to catch her breath and looked up at Runa with pleading eyes. "Please."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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As the girl walked, she twirled her hat in her hand. "They'll probably change their minds, or opt out. No one randomly agrees to stranger's offers." They were probably smart enough to think Runali would kill them. But there were two things wrong with that thought. Neither looked all that valuable- though maybe the guy would've had some value, but the orphan wouldn't.
But the more important issue with thinking Runali would try to kill them was the fact that it was too much work in her eyes. Who on earth would randomly lure strangers just to kill them?!

Trailing off to her ship, the echoes of a familiar voice rang through her ears and she turned around. "Oh. Redhead. I didn't think I'd see you so soon." She was a little surprised even if she didn't show it as much. "Really? Are you sure about this?" Why was she asking? Because Runali was taking precautions just in case they did get together and someone ended up deciding to change their mind.- They could avoid that.
When Raine answered, assuming she agreed, Runa put her hand out and then smiled. "Welcome to my crew! Since I was headed there, I'll take you on my- well our new ship. I don't want to ramble or anything, so just ask questions." She turned to lead the way to her ship.
"By the way, what's your name redhead?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fractured Mind

Fractured Mind

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So the girl wasn't stupid. A bit easier to anger though, since some would take that information more as a friendly reminder. David took this knowledge and repeated it in his mind, to keep it actively in his memory as long as possible. "So, the girl is most likely going to get killed. Possibly sold off to slavery. Hrmm...maybe I could follow and join the slavers as a hired guard. Or kill them for a bounty or reward. Whichever feels better at the time." With that, David rose from his seat and walked out of the tavern. Not before stopping next to a knocked out drunk on the floor, one of the few who was involved in the fight. "Lazy pig." Quickly stomping on the drunks hand, David smirked as he left the building and began walking towards the shipyard. "Or its also possible the girl wasn't lying, and was actually meaning to take us to some form of treasure. In that case, I may join just to get away from this damn town."
David brooded mentally on his walk to the ships, most likely glaring at any townsfolk who looked his way. He probably even kicked over a beggers money can, just because it was in the way. Once he finally caught sight of the one-eyed girl, David walked towards her ship. Not surprisingly, the redheaded girl was there as well. Speaking up, David...sort of made a joke. "Ah, so you haven't been abducted by fat pirates for slave labor. There goes my potential pay."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HiddenBeauty13
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HiddenBeauty13 Professional Food Eater

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Raine nearly jumped for joy when she was accepting into the girl's crew and shook the other's hand excitedly. Finally, my days of never having enough food will end. She thought, nearly drooling on herself when images of freshly baked bread filled her mind. However, Raine snapped back into reality when the question of her name popped up."My name is Raine. Raine Starling." The redhead responded to the girl with a wide grin and saluted to Runa. "It's nice to introduce myself to you properly." And with that, she began to follow Runa, who was already making her way towards her ship.

For nearly the entire walk to Runa's ship, Raine had no questions, mainly because she was still daydreaming about food; but, when she heard an al too familiar voice behind her, the nearly growled. "And I see that someone hasn't shoved a stick up your rude arse yet." Raine counted before quickly attempting to gain control of her anger. She wouldn't allow someone like him to ruin her happiness. "Anyway, Runa. Where exactly are we heading first and when are we leaving?" It was obvious that Raine wanted to get away from this town, and one of its inhabitants, as soon as possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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"Raine? I'll remember that... But if I don't, I'm sure I'll just call you Redhead." She shrugged, not taking no for an answer. "I already introduced myself, but I'll say that food is on my ship seeing that was all you really cared about. You'll still get part of the treasure by the way. If we ever find it. It only seems fair." After that, Runali fell silent and yawned lightly. Just as she was pointing out her ship, she once again heard another recognizable voice. "Man, am I lucky today or what?" She turned on her heel and then smirked at his little joke, laughing a little seeing how Raine was egged on. "I don't know any fat pirates. In fact, I don't think my ship here can hold a crew of fat pirates." Runa stopped walking and then looked at him, before she could say anything Raine spoke out again.

"Well I've been sort of roaming with the seas. I haven't been able to get a navigator, so I don't really know. I have plenty of maps and books...but, eh." She shrugged an then looked at her boat. "We can leave now if you want. The ship is still fully stocked. I was just looking for well crew members." Runali looked over at the male that had shown. "So are you accepting? Or did you come all this way to decline my offer?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fractured Mind

Fractured Mind

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"If I walked all the way here to say no, I would've brought officers with me to arrest you. They don't care too kindly about those who sail the seas freely." David mentally smiled at Raine's (He had overheard the girl introduce herself as he arrived.) statement, knowing fully well that his family tended to have a stick up their ass 24/7. Why else would they all act so rudely? "I'm here to accept your offer, only on one certain condition."
David briefly thought of how to make this trip more worthwhile. Would he demand a payment at each stop they made? No, he would be quickly sent away with that one. What about asking to be second in command of the ship? With only three people so far, that wasn't going to work out so well. Then, finally, an idea struck him.
David looked straight at the girl captain, and spoke clear enough for her to hear. "If this ship gets into any engagements with other pirates or ships, I wish to have a portion of the spoils set aside for my use alone. When I leave the crew, or if we find this treasure you speak of, I will take the spoils set aside for me. Is this condition acceptable?" David stood still, waiting for the girls reply.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HiddenBeauty13
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HiddenBeauty13 Professional Food Eater

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Raine instantly brightened at the mention of maps and books. Before her parents' deaths, they had taught the redhead how to read maps and the stars, just in case she ever got lost. Of course, all those lessons paid off when Raine go lost in another town once, but that was a story for another time. Her mind soon shifted to all the medical supplies that Runa may have aboard her ship. I wonder if she has some more needles...I've been needing an upgrade for a while now. She thought to herself, completely oblivious to the conversation going on beside her. Well, I'm apart of the crew now. I'm sure she won't mind me checking it out... And with that, the redhead glanced at the other two before silently slipping off onto Runa's ship. She didn't care if they saw her or not, since there was only one thing on her mind at the moment: finding the infirmary.

Onto to the ship she went, looking around curiously as she did so. Raine hadn't been on a ship like this one before and she found herself wanting to know as much as about this boat as possible. It seemed like a great idea, since she would be spending a lot more time on the sea from this day forward. Taking a left, Raine walked down a few narrow passageway, glancing back and forth at the rooms. When she went to open one, she found that it looked similar to what she assumed a captain's room would look like and she quickly closed the door. That's not what she was looking for. Raine opened two more doors, only to find herself disappointed once more until, finally, the scent of herbal leaves wafted towards her nose. Her head quickly snapped towards the direction in which the smell came from and she immediately went towards the door.

"I found it!" She exclaimed to herself as she opened the door to the infirmary: to her left lay a bed with a surprisingly clean white sheet draped over it. At the foot of the bed sat a large bookcase that was filled with more medical books than Raine had ever seen in her life. Turning towards the right, she noticed a drawer and, when she walked over to it, she found out that it contained various medicines and medical utensils. It was enough to make the redhead nearly faint from happiness. "I may be in heaven right now..." She mumbled softly to herself and she grabbed a book and plopped down on the bed. There was a lot of information she didn't know about medicine and Raine figured that she better start sharpening her knowledge about it as soon as possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Runa raised a curious eyebrow as her potential crew member began to speak. She slipped her hands into her jacket pockets and listened. There's was a drawn out pause as he seemed to be making up his mind. "Any day now~" She prodded teasingly. In the midst of conversation, Runali watched Raine scurry off to the ship. It was their ship now, so it wasn't a problem. The redhead would have to learn her way around anyway.

"So, every time we encounter another ship and take it down... You get some of their treasure for personal use?" Runali thought of it as his fair trade, but maybe she was thinking too leniently. After a few seconds pondering over the deal, Runali shrugged and nodded. "Eh, it couldn't do too much harm. I'll just have to fix it if it does. Just as long as you don't backstab us." She gave a simple smile and put her hand out. "Welcome to the crew then. . .?" Runa's voice trailed off so he could finish the sentence seeing that she didn't catch his name. Once he shook her hand, or if he did, Runa then turned to face the ship. "Since you're now apart of my crew, come on."

She led the way onto the pretty ordinary pirate ship. The one noticeable difference of the ship was that instead of the normal brown wood, this was a dark shade of blue. Not only did it help blend in nights, but the wood was much sturdier than the regular. The black flag that flew in the sky was the normal skull and cross bones, but on the left eye there was an eyepatch with stitching over it to make an 'X'. She thought about changing it up, along with making an actual name for her crew, but never did. Now that she had a crew, that issue could be solved too.
"And this is the ship. Where Raine is probably getting situated. So, get comfortable while you're sticking around I guess."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fractured Mind

Fractured Mind

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David blinked when she accepted his offer. To be honest, he believed she would actually decline it. Not every pirate captain was too keen on letting one of their keep spoils of victory for themselves. "I worked in the military. I wasn't 'trained' to backstab people." David spoke this, but briefly thought of how he was still quite capable of taking down most people in an honest fight. 'Honest' being without him using his powers to their fullest extent. "My name is David. Don't bother asking for a middle or last name." David then looked to her hand and decided to shake it. Mainly as a unwritten signing of their deal.
The captain (Which he mentally calls her from this point on) then invited him unto her ship. "Before I do, I would like to know the name or title of my new captain. Yelling the word captain when I need orders is bothersome." David still took a brief glance in her ships direction though. If only to make mental notes of what they may eventually need to improve upon. All he really noticed from this distance though was how plain it seemed to look. Just your average ship that can support a somewhat small, but full, crew. Its flag wasn't even that detailed, as it was merely a skull and crossbones motif...with some kind of stitched X over one of the skulls eyes.
This particular flag was of the most bother to David though. "...I never understood some pirates need to have that kind of flag up. It only attracts attention from the military, or worse, makes potential victims flee like bugs."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HiddenBeauty13
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HiddenBeauty13 Professional Food Eater

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"I hope we never decide to put your face on a flag then. Everybody would be fleeing from us then." Raine called from some unknown source an snickering could be heard shortly after. She'd been walking around the ship again when she happened to hear the last bit of their conversation from a window that was slightly ajar. It was then that an idea hit Raine: Why not make insults back at the guy instead of getting upset? So she decided to make it into like a game almost, except no on was particularly keeping score.

"I do agree with him, though." She added as she decided to make herself visible to them and she walked onto the deck with one of the medical books held against her chest. "That flag does scream 'pirate' to anyone who sees it. Maybe we can come up with another flag that would make people willing to come towards us. Like a drawing of food on it....like a bottle of ale on it....or more food..." Once again, the redhead was off into her own fantasy world about food and was practically drooling all over herself at this point, but she managed to get her ideas out beforehand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

He was pretty reserved she noticed, if he wasn't trying to make it obvious. Lucky for him, there were only two crew members he would be talking to..unless somehow she got more, which she doubted. "Ex-Military. David." Runali nodded and set the name to memory. She paused in her walk and tapped the edge of her hat. "The name's Runali, but you can call me Runa." She proceeded on the ship and shrugged. "Think of it as...a base for improvement. It's just a beginning model. With a new crew, it'll be improved...eventually." Her eye went up to the pirate flag and she gave a short laugh. "It's a traditional thing. Though, it can be changed- as I just stated." The two had just got on the deck when they heard Raine's voice from somewhere on the ship. Already, her two crew mates were spewing insults at each other. This was going to be an interesting voyage.

"I'd rather it not be food. Then people'll think it's some sort of restaurant or something." Looking up at the main mast, Runali skillfully climbed up a few ropes to get to the lookout platform. Grabbing their Jolly Roger she looked down and called out. "We'll go without it for now until we think of something else. Sounds good?" Runali held onto the flag until she made it back to the deck. "And since Red is still daydreaming, I guess I could make something to eat before we head out." She had started off with the nickname, and Runa wasn't planning to change it. She turned on her heel and looked back at them. "You won't kill each other if I leave you two alone will you? If you're going to be a crew, you should at least tolerate each other you know." The thought made her laugh a little. Two crew members bumping heads, with a...well strange captain. "This is going to be interesting journey." She mumbled more to herself as she walked off.
There was no need to leave so soon anyway. Runa docked only a few hours before, so the two could wait a little longer...hopefully.

To keep things moving

It didn't take too long for Runa to create a lunch for the trio filled with a variety of foods. Raine might've had a big appetite, and David- well couldn't assume he didn't.
Standing at the door, Runa whistled, loud enough for them to hear. "Lunch here." Runa didn't yell out, then again, she never really yelled if they started to notice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fractured Mind

Fractured Mind

Member Offline since relaunch

"I suggest we put up a normal flag for now. We could drop the pirate flag whenever we wish to initiate combat, or perhaps take over another ship for supplies and plundered treasure." David then heard Raine make an insult about his face. A rather...friendly one compared to what David has heard before. "I'm sure your face on a flag wouldn't be very good on a journey either. We'd become a laughing stock." David wouldn't admit it, but he missed having someone around to throw insults back and forth with. It was...an odd kind of fun.
David then turned his gaze towards Runali. "I assure you that you will not find us killing each other. Nor will I attempt to sink this ship and kill you both as long as I get my share of spoils." As the captain walked down to the cooking area of the ship, David walked to the decks edge and stared down at the water. Here David would wait until the order to set sail was given...
...Or until the captain spoke up about lunch. To which David had this to say: "I'm not hungry."
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