Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Disclaimer: This is very loosely based on the musical Into the Woods. You do not have had to seen the play as nothing from the play has to do with the rp other than some ideas. Thank you.

The Girl with the Glass Slipper

The Man who turned into a Beast

The Princess woken by True Love's Kiss

The Fair Maiden who overcame a Poison Apple

The Lost Daughter with Hair of Gold

The Snow Queen

Long ago there lived six kingdoms, who for a time lived in harmony. Each who ruled over these lands had over come many hardships before they came to rule and this made them stronger. But, not only did their good deeds make them loved through out the kingdoms, it made them hated by those who loathed good and lived in the darkness of evil. For, these six kingdoms had killed off many evils, such as witches and dark fairies. This put fear into the remaining evils, causing them to scatter and hide away. And yet, though evil hid away within the shadows of forests, it refused to die. For in the woods, lived a Wicked Witch. A witch whom was tired of living in the darkness and wished to claim those kingdoms as her own. And, what better way to start than by cutting the kingdoms down at the roots.

So, the Witch created a creature. This creature was a terrifying shadow that lurked in the darkest corners of the kingdoms, waiting to strike. And it wasn't long before it did. One by one, the rulers of these kingdoms would discover the horror that their children, the heirs to their kingdom, were gone. The children went missing without a trace, taken by this evil creature. And worse, the good creatures who the rulers always went to for answers, the three fairies, the trolls, and the Fairy God Mother, had somehow lost their magic and were of no help.

Though the Witch had ordered the creature to bring the infants to her so she could kill them, the creature was not compliant, for this creature had developed a mind of its own and had formulated a plan within his head to rid himself of these kingdoms and shroud the land in darkness. The creature knew these rulers were strong, and knew that losing the heir alone would not bring the kingdoms to their knees. Yet, those heirs turned against their kingdoms could very well do just that. And so, he let the children live, merely abandoning them in different places within the woods.

Years pass, and each child grew, knowing nothing of their past, nor of who they truly were. It is this very fact that they don't know who they are though, that leaves them with this urge of wanting to know where they came from and where they belong. And when this sparks curiosity enough for the creature, now known as Hostis, he sends shadows creatures he calls the Umbras to the heirs. These shadow creatures take the form of animals and find each of the heirs, giving them a letter with white words, written on black parchment. The letter is simple, reading that the first to come to Hostis will be granted a wish. This leads the unknown princes and princess on a journey together to find out what makes good and evil and if what they wish for is really what they want. So, take a journey with them and head INTO THE WOODS.


Information you MUST know

The Umbras- These are shadow like creatures created by Hostis. They can come in whatever shape they wish to be but often stick to one form. They communicate with whatever means they know will make themselves clear. This means, if they know you will only pay them mind if they talk, then they will speak. If they know you become consumed in your imaginations and dreams, then they will give you visions or talk to your through your drams as you sleep. They were made to look innocent and appealing enough that the heirs will follow, which is why they will likely take the animal that would be the heir's favorite, to gain their trust. Whether these creature are truely evil or just following order of their master is un-known, but like every being, can form a mind of its own and stray from the path made for it.

Hostis Humani Generis(or just Hostis as he is known in the beginning of the rp)- This is the creature the Wicked Witch created. Being that he was created through the dark magic of the Witch, he has dark magic of his own, and using it, was able to place a curse over the land, making it so all 'good' creatures, such a the fairies and trolls, lost all their magic abilities and were unable to find the young heirs. This caused an ultimate divide between the creatures of the land, causing a segregation of the magical creatures. Those who retained their powers were called 'evil' by those who didn't and were shunned, some even killed, by the non-magic wielders. Even to present day, if a creature has magical powers, they are shunned and could be very well harmed by the humans of the land, causing fear and panic on both sides(the magic wielders fearing the human's judgement and humans fearing the magic wielder's spells). Hostis dwells in the deepest part of the forest, within a great tree called Ecalus. This is where the heirs must go to find him.

The Son of Elsa the child of Rapunzel- Now this is a very touchy topic I know must won't agree with because these are favored characters and whatever is done with them will either be hated or loved. I have decided that though Hostis took away the magic wielded by the fairies and trolls, the healing powers Rapunzel's child might have(if they choose to him or her healing powers like she had before her hair was cut) will remain. The same will be for if the person who plays Elsa's son wishes to give him ice powers like Elsa. Here is my reasoning. I feel that there is a difference between gifts and powers give to an individual and magic. One can do multiple things with magic. The possibilities are unlimited. Where as the powers the children of Rapunzel and Elsa would have would be singular, limited to just healing and ice. Also, one could say that while 'good magic' was taken by the curse over the land, we have no idea what caused Elsa's powers, or the powers that came from the flower of healing. For all we know, if could be a curse that caused these powers and thus a curse cannot over ride another curse. So, for the sake of the rp, we shall say the powers they have were cause by a spell or curse and eave it at that.

The Kingdom's Today- After the children began vanishing one by one, the kingdoms tried to protect their heirs as best they could, but could not stop them from disappearing until all six kingdoms had lost their heirs. This caused suspicions and tension between the once peaceful kingdoms, and while war has yet to break out between the kingdoms, it seems as though war is just a thin line or insult away. [/hider]



-This is PG-13. While I'm sure most people on RPG are adults, there is a minority of young teens and so I prefer to keep the rps I do on forums PG-13. If there are any mature scenes, please fade to black in the forum and go to pms. Damn and Hell are okay, but keep any other words out(besides I don't think people in fairy-tales would use any other words besides that :/ ). As far as blood goes, obviously fairy-tales can get bloody. I can't really say what the limit is to that is until I see its getting to much. If it is, I will let you know and ask you to change your post.

-This will be an advanced rp, and as such I would except advanced posts. Meaning no less than four paragraphs for most posts(though some exceptions can be made for certain posts depending on the situation). Also, you must have good grammar and spelling.
-If you have managed to read all of these, put a quote your character might may of think above your CS.
-Sorry, but this is first come, first served. I also reserve the right to deny any profiles I think will not fit into the rp, at that point, depending on the reason for deny, you may or may not have a chance to rewrite.

-I am a college student and as such, tend to be busy sometimes. So, I have brought in a Co-Gm, who was lovely an helped me come up with some of the plot ideas for the rp. *applause* As such, while I am away, McHaggis is in charge. if you disrespect him, then you disrespect me. So be nice to him.

-No drama. You cause drama and you will be asked to leave the thread(and I mean drama between our peers, not in the written rp ;) ). Also, if you break a rule, depending on the offense, you may be asked to leave as well.

-I can add more rules later if problems should arise. If this happens I will let everyone know the updated or added rule.


Playable Characters

The child of Sleeping Beauty(mmidnight)

The child of Cinderella

The child of Snow White(reserved for Liriia)

The child of Beauty and the Beast

The child of Rapunzel and Eugene.

The son of Elsa(McHaggis)

The child of the Fairy God Mother

The Daughter of the Wicked Witch(AHeartlessNobody)


NPCs (for now)

These are characters that could possibly be future characters(not up for grabs right now but may be in the future of the rp) but for now are not playable.

The Parents(this means all the parents of your characters. These will be played by whoever are your characters parents. An example would be since I am the daughter of the Wicked Witch, then I would play the Wicked Witch)

Anna and Kristoff(obviously if you have Elsa, you have to have these two)

The child of Anna and Kristoff(who was not kidnapped because he or she was not heir to the throne as Elsa's son is)

Others may to come.


Character Skeleton


Age: (17-21)


Race: (everyone is a human except for the Witch's Daughter and the fairy god mother's child)

Which Shadow Animal Came to You:

Wish: (what do you want to wish for when you find Hostis)

Bio: (this can be a very brief or detailed writing of your character's past up to the beginning of the rp)

Appearence: (I know this is partially Disney based, but for the sake of the rp, I request all appearances be realistic pictures. If it's not real life, then it must be approved by me before being used in a cs)

Other: (Any other information you want us to know)



"Witches never win. We will forever be hated by human kind. We have never and will never, get a happy ending."


Name: Mirabella Carmian

Age: 17

Parents: The Wicked Witch(Elphaba) and an un-named Warlock.

Race: Witch

Which Shadow Animal Came to You: The Shadow Creature that came to her took the form of a cat. She will name him Rino (ree-no).

Wish: To become human.

Bio: Though Mira can not remember it, her mother was not always evil. Her mother, although she was a witch with darker magic, hadn't up to that point harmed anyone, and had even done some good with her magic. Her father was the same, using his magic for good as well. Only even when all you do is good, bad things can find you. Even at this point in time, because of term-oil within the kingdoms about some witches that had chosen the path of evil, humans had taken to picturing all witches and warlocks that way, and because of this, her father, when Mira was just a few months old, had been killed by a group of humans passing through the woods. Her mother had never forgiven that, and her father's death had left her mother's heart cold and bitter toward humans. It was because of this, that her mother had turned on the humans and wanted to take over their kingdoms. Mira though never knew anything of her mother's plans. The Wicked Witch, in a attempt to shield Mira from those evil humans, kept her within a barrier. The barrier was not seen, but was created by magic to keep those without magic out. Only magic wielders could break the barrier, leaving Mira safe from humans as long as she was within that barrier that surrounded their home within the woods.

Yet, Mira was a curious child, and when she was seven, got her first taste of how cruel humans really could be. The seven year old girl, curious about what lied in the woods beyond the barrier her mother had set up, left the protection and traveled just a little further into the woods, where she met a group of humans children playing a game of pretend. She was more than happy to join in. They played for about a half hour, when the children decided they wanted to change stories and play prince and princesses, which of course, included a evil witch. Now, Mira didn't think much of this. She thought it was just a fun game, and because she was a witch, offered to play the part of the witch. And it was in playing it, that she had showed her powers to these children, who were immediately disgusted by her. They called her names, threw mud at her and pushed her to the ground, threatening to drag her into the kingdoms and hand her over to the royals to be killed, most likely learning such things from watching their parents say and do the same things to magic wielders. Thankfully, her mother had been near by and had chased the children off, bringing the disheartened and hurt Mira back home, where Mira never dared to leave the barrier again. Still though Mira remained curious.

Her mother always told her that witches never would be considered good. They were doomed to living life in the darkness and to be hated by humans. That humans considered them worthless and would never understand them. And Mira wondered what she could do to make it so that humans didn't hate her. She spent her life reading storybooks(books that told the stories of the princess and princes who lived happily ever after after killing the witches. her mother had stolen these for reference on what mistakes no to make when attacking humans, but Mira read them with the fascination in the fairy-tales themselves), and taking them to heart. It was always a happy ending for the humans, yet not for the witches. After taking this fact in over and over again with every story she read through out the years, she came to the conclusion that she didn't want to be a witch anymore. She wanted to be human. She began to hate her powers and hate herself. She wanted to make a new her. And when approached by one of Hostis's Umbra's, she sees this as her chance to do so, not knowing the danger that lies for her when she goes Into the Woods.

Other: Mira has come to consider herself evil because she is a witch, even though she uses her powers for anything but evil. She considers herself evil because of what she is, rather than what she does, which is why she wishes to change what she is and wishes to turn human.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Co-GM signing in with my character! Bio may be fleshed out a bit more later.
"There is nothing wrong about wanting strength, just as there's nothing wrong with desiring to use it against others."

Name: Evander
Age: 21

Parents: Elsa of Arendelle and Unknown
Race: Human

Shadow Animal: Wolf. Comes in the form of dreams and nightmares as that is the only time Evander will listen.

Wish: Power – specifically for his diluted ice and snow abilities to become stronger.

Evander was one of the first heirs to go missing, stolen from his locked bedroom with everything untouched save for a window left wide open. Arendelle, as a result, went into a manic lockdown under Elsa just as it had before the snow queen's powers were brought under control; the people – after having good relations with their monarch for a few years – were once again left to their own devices. Though it isn't clear, they say that many of the rooms inside the castle are frozen over entirely, and icy structures on the hills have sprung up since.

Even so, Evander does not remember anything tangible as he was only two years old when he was kidnapped. As far as he knew, his parents were Ysir and Madeleine. He had never so much as heard of Arendelle until he was a young teen and efforts to find Queen Elsa's lost child were revived but he never made the connection to the turmoil of the country and his own vivid memories of ice and silk. Indeed, he even missed the obvious connection (perhaps purposefully): his abilities.

As a child he was educated in the local schoolhouse with various other children; however, he was somewhat isolated as his arrogance and holier-than-thou attitude made him few friends. The poor village offered nothing compared to the nobleman's education he would have gotten had he not been kidnapped. Evander excelled at his work, even if it wasn't particularly difficult, and as a result he grew lazy and disinterested in anything but the most exciting of pastimes, particularly thievery though he never wanted for anything. Finishing at fourteen, he skipped indecisively from occupation to occupation, eventually ending up (unhappily) as a tailor.

The mountain barely visible from his own village was a place of refuge for Evander, despite the time it took to travel there. His paltry magical abilities were enough to give him resistance to the cold and manipulate and create ice weaponry to protect himself from the wolves and other creatures that made the path so treacherous. He trained to the best of his ability but hit a plateau at age twenty, infuriated that his only chance of escaping a mundane life was blocked from him, which led him to follow the wolf he sees in his dreams on a spiritual journey into the woods.

Does not know that his parents aren't his parents.
His biological father is still alive.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

This musical is my life
(Well, most musicals are my life)

May I reserve the daughter of Beauty and the Beast? I'll have a sheet up soon. Also, am I allowed to give their a daughter a beastly appearance? Like, perhaps they have horns or something idk ;3;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

You can have the daughter of the beast but Aaron's for her appearance, id have to say keep her appearance that of a normal human. But you can have her personality be beastly if you want. You know, like anger management problems, etc.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Green finch and linnet bird, nightingale, blackbird, how is it you sing?"

Eva Schnee
Snow White and Prince Charming (Florian/David/????)

Shadow Animal:
An elegant black bird she has lovingly named Vogel. Normally visits during her dreams.
Knowledge of the world and people around her, to strip her of her naivety so she may become a smart and brave individual.

The first thing Eva could remember from her childhood was the dusty inn room. An oil lamp, a desk, and an uncomfortable bed where she would lay for days without doing anything, that was her entire memory of being a toddler. She was at least two years of age by then, and sometimes within the endless, dream-filled days, someone would come in to feed her, tell her a story, and then leave for the rest of the day. The person who came was a stout woman with a familiar yet brutal face named Mariette, and obviously Eva assumed this woman to be her mother. Her father was a man who very rarely entered the room, but Eva always remembered his face. He was thin, oh so thin, with a bird-like nose, black hair, and beady eyes. A greedy-looking man, named Vendal. He didn't seem to have the time to visit her like mother would (but, even then, mother only came once a day).

By the time Eva was old enough to walk she was put to work, with her present at the end of day being a story, but normally the stories were far from pleasant. Instead, they told Eva of the world outside of the walls of the inn, a world of fear and death and sadness, and her mother spoke of these things with a thin smile and hard eyes. Eva couldn't tell if they were told for her protection, or her mother's amusement, yet she couldn't help but be glad that her mother cared enough to talk to her. Even if she felt as though she couldn't trust those that are said to be trustworthy, she couldn't just run away...

Eva was basically a maid for the two inn keepers, and was constantly overworked and berated by both her parents and her customers. From the constant pokes and prods she gained a quickly anxious and unhinged mindset, and soon became prone to panic attacks so bad that she would faint from the very thought of meeting someone new. Yet despite this, she was still forced to work around and for people, and even when she begged for her mother to just give her cleaning-related jobs she was met with exasperated victim-blaming and extreme abuse which she just couldn't recognize at the time. From passive, demeaning comments about her looks, to full on beatings, Eva simply thought this was how all families acted.

The inn, despite its messy interior, was rather grand from the outside, and was surrounded by a wall of thick hedges. In the back was a well, a garden, and the smallest little burrow that lead out to the forest beyond the village. Whenever she felt alone, scared, or upset, she would retire to the garden, where she would sit by the well and sing out with her beautiful voice. She discovered at fifteen that when she sang she felt more at home then within the "safety" of the inn, and from her throat friends would swoop down from the sky or slip through the hole to listen to her woeful tunes. These small animals kept her company, and kept her happy even during the worst days.

By the time she was seventeen, she realized that these two people barely acted like parents to her, and when she questioned them she was only met with laughter and kind, yet firm hugs. Her eyes would drift to the families that would gather within the tavern below, though, to see happy smiles and love being shared between children and parents, and her life slowly began to melt to reveal the horror of those she thought she could trust. It suddenly became apparent that she just didn't know who she was, and even if she did belong with these two brutal people, and her innocence and anxiety was soon over shadowed by the pain in her heart that urged for her to journey out and find herself somewhere else. Yet she couldn't leave, not yet, so she feigned ignorance after her epiphany, and went back to her work, waiting, waiting for the perfect time to leave.

And then the black bird came, holding the dark parchment, and, well, how could she refuse?

The daughter of a beauty, Eva has gained many of her mother's attributes over the years. She is tall and fit, with thicker arms and legs that could be considered muscular, and has a rather elegant face. Her hair is as black as night, and her eyes are a clear green, and often filled with a naive innocence and fierce fire that might be unfamiliar to most. Eva, is prone to angry outbursts and day dreaming, and when she isn't out singing or working she is either pouting at a wall or staring into space. Normally dressed in loose, casual, work gowns, and is rather careless when it comes to how she looks.

- Prone to anxiety attacks when she overexerts herself in social situations
- Has a very beautiful singing voice.
- Somewhat ditzy
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kay. That sounds good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mmidnight
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mmidnight Mhm.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

”A life of wax is destinted to melt away; I want more than that. I want something real.”

Name: Charles Valois

Age: 21

Parents: Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip

Race: Human

Which Shadow Animal Came To You: A friendly, but clever fox.

Wish: To know the truth about himself and his parents.

Charles grew up in a modest village, the assumed son of a candlestick maker and his lovely wife, who had a way with thread and could sew a tear in just about anything. As a child, he was bright and curious, but often grew bored with his work very quickly, and would be scolded for what his father would call pointless daydreaming. According to his father, he should be working hard, helping with the business and preparing to one day take over when he and mother were long gone. Candles, while useful and provided a good life, had never interested Charles and that became much more obvious as he continued to grow and became more rebellious against his father's policy of all work and no play.

At the age of fifteen, after a fight with his father about the sloppy quality of his work, Charles stormed off to the edge of the village, just near the wood. He was followed by his mother, who then told him the truth about where he came from, why he didn't have the same passion as the man he believed to be his father. He had been stolen from his crib at the tender age of two and traveled from village to village with a man who intended to trade him for the right price. The traveler, who quickly became frustrated with the demands of a child came to that very village one night, where John and Mary (mother and father) took the little boy off of the man's hands for a small price. They had never been able to have children of their own and desperately wanted a baby.

After learning the truth, life had never felt the same. Now, it finally made sense to Charles, why he never wanted to make candles or live a humble life of semi-poverty—he was destined for bigger things!

One year later, after turning sixteen, Charles ran away, into the woods and away from the people who had raised him from an infant. He was ill-prepared for the challenges of a solitary life, and struggled for money as he made his way from village to village, trying his hardest to find out who his real parents were. Surely, if he found them, he would also find a place to belong.

That was much easier said than done. It has since been five years since Charles left home, and he's no closer to finding his birth parents than he was when he left. Since then, he's settled in another small village and has (grudgingly) become an apprentice to the local candlestick maker. The work makes him long for a simpler time, when he had been young, naive and content with what he had.

Charles is very social, playful and has a way with words. He's a natural speaker, and a people person.
The night before he left home, the woman he thought to he his mother, presented him with a baby-sized crest. It's the only clue he has about where he comes from.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

looks good mmidnight, but you're picture didn't work for some reason. You might have to fix that or find a picture that worked. I tried the url and it didn't work either so it might be something wrong with the picture itself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mmidnight
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mmidnight Mhm.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

It shows up for me? Here is a screenshot of my screen. Maybe it's your browser? I guess I'll look for a different picture just in case that one doesn't show up for anyone else.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yeah I can't see it either. Also, Eva is doooone I guess. For now. If anything needs to be changed let me know.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mmidnight
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mmidnight Mhm.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Can everyone see that one? And also, let me know as well if anything needs to be added.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It's fixed, at least for me ^.^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alrighty. Everyone looks good thus far :) Now we just need the other characters.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Are the other characters mandatory for the game to start? Also, is there an interest check anywhere? Perhaps that would draw some more attention to this. (:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

There's already an interest check! And I suppose it's up to Heartless.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alright, so I bumped the interest check. Hopefully that will get more people. I've also put up my ic post. As much as I wanted to wait until we had everyone I think it might be best if we go ahead and start. If anyone here wants to pick up a second character I'd be cool with that btw. I'm thinking about taking up Rapunzel and Eugene's son myself if no one takes their child soon. Anyways, go ahead and start posting if you wish.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'll take up Cinderella's son in a last case scenario, will work on my IC post soon!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kk. XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mmidnight
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mmidnight Mhm.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

If we need more characters, I'll take up the fairy god mother's daughter. Would she have the same powers as her mother? I do hope we get some more people though!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

No, she wouldn't have any powers for now, as all the good magic in the kingdom were with held by the curse over the kingdom. But that would probably be her wish, to bring back the good magic.
I really hope we get more people too. :/
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