Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aspidochelone
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Oops. My hand seems to have slipped. Here's the CS.

Username: Aspidochelone

Timezone: Eastern

Posting Habits: When/how often can you usually post? How much can we expect to see from you? I'm usually on in the afternoons and early evenings and you can expect, bare minimum, one post a week. It'll most likely be a post every other day though.

RP Peeves: A focus on action and fighting over advancing the plot, character development, and interaction. I just really like exploring the relationships between characters over fighting that and my inexperience with writing believable high-level action.

Anything Else: I'm taking online courses on top of my high school classes, but I'm surprisingly not as swamped with class work as most assume. I also procrastinate reading books/watching movies and shows/general entertainment until I finally get around to it that I then start marathoning it.
Character's Name: Wen Asra Bonheur

Age: 25


Occupation: Computer Programmer

Beliefs/Religion: She informally grew up as a Buddhist and still labels herself as such even though she has mostly taken to Atheist beliefs. The only thing she kept from Buddhism was the belief in the cycle of reincarnation until eventual entrance to Heaven.

+ Her curiosity means she self-educates until she believes she is well-informed.
+ Patient to unnatural lengths.
+ Will be there for someone even at the oddest times.
+ Confident, is not ashamed to do what she wants.
+ Calm and unlikely to react badly to chaos.
- Lack of empathy in that she can't reciprocate feelings and emotions from the people around her.
- Has to plan things beforehand, but...
- She will procrastinate actually doing things and it is not pretty when she has to meet deadlines.

Cause of Death: Burnt to death in an apartment fire.

Hobbies: Freelance computer coding, making websites, reading.

Fears: Not accomplishing anything meaningful and impacting with her life. Also, not meeting up to expectations.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

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God I can relate to her...ahem. Accepted. I won't be able to edit the first post with the info until I'm at my PC again with may be sometimes tomorrow. (doing it on a table is a pain in the ass, even with a wireless keyboard which is what I'm on tonight) But feel free to get a post up!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aspidochelone
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Aspidochelone Ambassadork

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I write characters I can relate to and it usually works out that way. I'll post my first post sometime soon.
Why would you use a tablet and make yourself suffer through all that? I pity you.

Also, do you know how calming your signature is? I just spent a minute staring at it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 5 days ago

It's not bad and I use it for school since my laptop is massive and a beast to move from my classes across campus so the table is the way to go for me. I usually have my laptop around or another PC but hey, the tablet is a nice enough solution if ya know...I don't need top copy/paste stuff. ^^;

EDIT - Oh thanks! Tea is always amazing~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aspidochelone
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Aspidochelone Ambassadork

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Very true.

What's your favorite tea? Mine's green and black tea, but it's hard getting my hands on good tea here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 5 days ago

Green is nice, I have a flavor called Green Tea Passion which is more green than 'fruity' flavors. I also think Jasmine is pretty nice. Though once I find a flavor/brand I enjoy, I tend to stick with it. You should try online stories I use Mighty Tea Leaf, got myself a whole bunch for xmas last year and the even send you free sample of other kinds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aspidochelone
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Aspidochelone Ambassadork

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

What? I need this. I used to have a store that used to sell great green tea bags and I got a discount because my mom knew the owner (I'm pretty sure we're like distant cousins or something?). Then she went and moved her store. Then I went and moved my house. It's a tragic story.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 5 days ago

Online is the way to go. The stores around her have a good enough stock but it's never enough for me. Their teas are pretty nice and they sell other pots and whatever else a tea-aholic needs. I haven't tried their pure green tea but I probably will at some point. I just bought a whole bunch of another brand because I was craving it badly and didn't want to go through online stuff. Well never fret, there are always ways to get your drink on!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aspidochelone
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Aspidochelone Ambassadork

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Thanks for the tip and the website. I'll try it out sometime. I'll post tomorrow maybe in the afternoon. See you until then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

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Good to know, see ya! -waves-
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anzu
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Sorry, double post, forum being crazy or something?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anzu
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I've just read the OP, so I don't know if this RP is roaring forward or going slowly, but I'd like to express an interest in joining. Is it possible for a new character to join but potentially in a few days (in real time)?

I'm not making my character now, not enough time, but I can fill out the player sheet.

Username: Anzû

Timezone: GMT/+0/UK

Posting Habits: Evenings, sometimes also the afternoon and morning if it is a weekend or college is good. Eastern seems the most common timezone, so that is 12am-5pm for EST-5 people I think.

RP Peeves: Settings that are poorly thought out. So when I see an RP with a background that puts it a 4+ centuries into the future and then casually mentions the US or the PRC or whoever... Bleh. Or unrealistically bad/good progression of technology (always seeing 150 years pass and humans have FTL (too soooon) and the first genetically enhanced humans are starting to mess things up (nooo). Also characters that try to impose/control others just by how they are made i.e. having a contingency to let them deal with all the others, or who have an unreasonable (in some RPs no level would be unreasonable, of course) focus on combat and finally worldbuilding where people take real life countries and change them to fit an era.

Anything Else: If this is something I should have already read by now, uhh, sorry :p. But as our characters are waking up here, with a pretty good idea (especially after talking to each other) that they're just died, do we have to RP the whole intense mourning phase? For most RPs I'd try to make a fitting character and do things I don't know too well, this one sounds like it requires a character with an already thought-out (though open to change) theology and a detailed personality and way of acting, none of which I can really give a character that I make, so I'd have to think 'how would I react, think etc' for this. Lot of modelling the character off of myself, so playing through the 'just died, brb mourning' phase would be difficult and intense. I might want to avoid having to do that, obviously not avoiding the discussions about the situation and avoiding acting like someone in that situation, but just the first 20 minutes after realising what has happened to the character... Not so hot on that.

Edit: Also

I'm in that time of the year when universities are spamming me with 'would you like to attend an Aerospace Engineering interview during one of your only physics or chemistry coursework labdays?!?! Also you have to attend', plus I have the last week of my chemistry and physics coursework lab-time next week, two mocks for large maths modules, and puppy to look after between some lessons (not complaining). So that means I have to use most of my time analysing data, going in for extra labtime, cleaning up puppy poo, occasionally sneaking a date in, record a little graphite armature roll along two aluminium rails then furiously scrubing away the burnt carbon left behind, diluting various liquids and doing past papers. If I join, I won't be very active at all until at least the end of next week.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 5 days ago

Hello there!

I would say basing roles off of yourself is something I really don't like or if you do, I'd probably rather not know. (ex: some RPers name characters after their username, which seems a bit weird to me too) I would say a mourning phase depends on the characters but they may not have the time to pause and think about loved ones since as soon as they exchange names and some people give a backstory (not everyone will get to all at once, that would take too long so probably most or half will have to do it along the way), the plot will kikc up and require some moving and interaction with the new world and its contents. Since it is getting a bit crowded, I will need to say acceptance will depend on your character compared to the others approved since diversity will help us more than say people with the same COD or personality or age range.

If you will like to edit your above post to show what direction you may be going in, let me know though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anzu
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Genkai said
Hello there!I would say basing roles off of yourself is something I really don't like or if you do, I'd probably rather not know. (ex: some RPers name characters after their username, which seems a bit weird to me too) I would say a mourning phase depends on the characters but they may not have the time to pause and think about loved ones since as soon as they exchange names and some people give a backstory (not everyone will get to all at once, that would take too long so probably most or half will have to do it along the way), the plot will kikc up and require some moving and interaction with the new world and its contents. Since it is getting a bit crowded, I will need to say acceptance will depend on your character compared to the others approved since diversity will help us more than say people with the same COD or personality or age range.If you will like to edit your above post to show what direction you may be going in, let me know though.

That sounds different to what I was expected, I assumed the characters would wake up alone and take a while to find the others, didn't realise there would be a plot to kick in

About basing my character on myself, might have said it wrong. I just mean the things that could get discussed heavily by the characters in this RP, I'd use things I already think than making up a whole belief system. Though it seems I won't need to even do that in based on what you've said. I was never going to put myself into a character sheet, don't worry.
I'll look through and see what character would be outside the current range of occupations/ages/etc in some way and go for that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 5 days ago

Everyone starts off together, pretty much all on the same hill when they wake up. What they believe in doesn't have to be a new religion or faith, many people are using what we have now, since it is a modern story meant to be real, or as real as possible in the fantastical sense. The roles are mulling around, shaking of the sleep they have just come out of, the IC (when you get a chance to look it) may help clear anything up as well. ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aspidochelone
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Aspidochelone Ambassadork

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Just posted. Also, I link things a lot just to make sure everyone can see what I mean. Just a heads up. Wen seems to be traumatized and I don't know how long I should keep her voice like this for. Oh well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anzu
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Genkai said
Everyone starts off together, pretty much all on the same hill when they wake up. What they believe in doesn't have to be a new religion or faith, many people are using what we have now, since it is a modern story meant to be real, or as real as possible in the fantastical sense. The roles are mulling around, shaking of the sleep they have just come out of, the IC (when you get a chance to look it) may help clear anything up as well. ^^

Right, I did a brief look over the IC, I have an idea. I started thinking of playing as a kid (14ish) from a Favela who gets killed in some general crossfire (police/cartel, cartel/cartel) which gave me the idea of a different character (that would more easily be explained as speaking English) with a back story with more things to play around with. Essentially, character started off in the same way as the first idea, but managed to get out thanks to the efforts of a charity run school with collaberation from a university in America or Europe. Gets a scholarship and starts studying chemical engineering, graduates and starts working for a company doing that. Somehow some enterprising member of organised crime is his former home learns of this, and threatens his family (who had not managed to leave) to get him to come back, to make them drugs (doesn't matter what). Then a raid by the Federal Police on that meth lab gets him killed.

To give you a better idea of how the character would play, filled in some bits of the character sheet already. This is not the finished version.

Age: 22-6

Occupation: 'Chemical Engineer' for a cartel meth lab

Beliefs/Religion: Catholic, started off as nominal, turned very devout then became heavily disillusioned, bordering on flipping over to Athiest/Antithiest now


+Good under pressure; good at shunting fear of failure (whether that means fumbling lines in a presentation, messing up a test or getting assaulted by an enforcer) out of his head when he needs a clear mind. Not sure if this (and the third) is too close to saying 'he's very clever' considering this is a section for personality.
+Determined; fixates on a goal, does not abandon goal.
+Analytic; good at stepping back from a situation with charged emotions in it, ties in to the second negative trait.
+Creative; churns out ideas for stories and characters and scenes in his free time, though not good at just sticking to one idea, this does carry over to creative problem solving, though at times he misses the obvious solutions.
+Empathetic; reads people well, good at understanding why they're sad, not so good at being detached from that.

-Unable to let go of failure; generally holds feelings of guilt or having let people down with him for a very long time, and is more forgiving with himself than others.
-Lets emotions drive his goals; not his decision making, but what he's ultimately trying to achieve is massively effected by feelings of friendship, companionship etc. If he cares about someone he'd rather put their safety before his own.
-Unwilling to comit to a position/idea; he is of the opinion that he knows too little on any subject, and is likely to be judging by different criteria than other people (who are also judging by different ones to anyone else), and that thus he can never come out and say 'I think this is the correct course of action' unless 'correct' means 'most likely to answer the question/meet the goal'. He can say something would be a more effective way of doing something, but would never comit to saying something is the right way to do it, morally.

Cause of Death: Brazilian Police burst into the meth lab having found that it was what it was, someone was holding a gun and everyone in there got doused with lead.

Hobbies: reading, studying, swimming, running, writing, though chances to do any of these dropped off after he returned to Brazil to work with the criminals.

Fears: guns, knives, danger to the people he cares about, fire, powerful/harsh acrid smells or smells that otherwise remind him of his meth lab.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 5 days ago

Thanks for the submission.

I need time to mull it over though, I'm a bit reserved about adding a drug dealer into the mix but I will let you know by this evening!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anzu
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Genkai said
Thanks for the submission. I need time to mull it over though, I'm a bit reserved about adding a drug dealer into the mix but I will let you know by this evening!

Thanks, though to be clear, he didn't deal drugs, kill people, threaten, sell drug, smuggle drugs, carry weapons, or do anything aside from making them, which was only done because his family was being threatened. He isn't going to act like a criminal, so much as a person who got out of a slum, got a scholarship and graduated before being forced into a terrible situation. Though I get it if the difference between drug dealer and drug chemist is a small distinction.

Anyway, I'll accept whichever judgement you make about this character, and I understand if there isn't really another place in this game.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Everyone: Gonna give Coffee another 3-6 hours before I get my post going...Should they want to rejoin us later on, I will make it possible.

@Anzu: It sounds like you may be going the "Breaking Bad" route, which is one I never really understood much about. I predict 1-2 players may drop within the next month or two (that's just how it goes, not calling anyone out!) and I think when our ranks need filling out, I think we can revisit you joining the RP if you're still interested. I didn't think so many people would jump on and i was surprised (in a good way). I had prepared for a small group but as it turns out, it blew up much quicker. The person who just slipped in is someone I knew on the old Guild and we did need another female but now we're fairly rounded out. As I mentioned, I do foresee being able to add 11-2 more in a month or two, depending on how we're doing. Is that fair? I do thank you for the attention and interest.
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