Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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”Come on, come on…”

In Sunset High School, Jaakuna is sitting in his desk in the back of final period class, which was English, Jaakuna shakes his legs as if he was going through an episode of Restless Leg Syndrome. His feet were tapping against the metal legs of his desk His green eyes were firmly set on the clock above the chalkboard in the class. The longer he stared at it, the longer that it seemed that times was going. At one point, Jaakuna could have sworn that he saw the clock go back a few minutes. Maybe that was his mind playing tricks on him or maybe it was just his impatience getting the better of him, which was usually eighty percent of the time.

Continuing to stare at the clock, it was now only one minute away. It was by this time that Jaakuna was on the edge of his seat. And by that, it meant that Jaakuna was sitting much with his feet on his chair and he was in somewhat of a crouching position. It would be no surprise that someone would raise an eyebrow at him or at least wonder what the hell was up with him. Truth be told, Jaakuna couldn’t wait until that last minute came around. As soon as the bell rang, no matter what Miss Mikaro wanted to say, Jaakuna was out of there. He hoped that Avalon would forgive him.

As if on cue, the sound of the final bell went off and joyful screams were heard throughout the school. A stampede of students would take full stead, but Jaakuna’s roar was the loudest and he even took it upon himself to jump way out of his seat and all over the classroom. “WHOOOOOOOO! SCHOOL IS OVER! YEAH!” Jaakuna shouted, as he cart wheeled and flipped all around the classroom, which by that point half of the students were already out.

Before she even had a chance to address it, the students were gone. “Oh brother..” Miss Mikaro said as she rubbed her head. She was just so disappointed in Jaakuna and the other students as they were mostly gone. “Avalon, could you be a doll and tell that impulsive friend of yours that he still has to do the summer homework?” She said to Avalon, hoping that he heard her over all of the screams and animal-like roars.

Meanwhile outside, Jaakuna was smiling so happily. He began to walk to the Sunset Station, which is the area in which the school was located. It didn’t dawn on him until he was nearly out of the school’s front gate that he left Avalon behind back at class. “Oh shit, he’s going to be pissed…” Jaakuna just knew he would be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azurian Dream
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Azurian Dream The Returned Wanderer

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

“Avalon, could you be a doll and tell that impulsive friend of yours that he still has to do the summer homework?”

Avalon's ear perked up at the almost tired, and disappointed voice of the Ms. Mikaro trying to battle out the thunderous roar of glee over summer vacation, and even though he only heard a actual fragment of what she had said he already knew what it was. Though knowing it was pointless to yell back the red head simply held up a thumb's up at her, and nodded in recognition of her demand. Once outside of the bland designed school room Avalon started heading right to where he knew Jaakuna would be.

With book in hand he walked down the steps of the school heading for Sunset Station... one of his most greatest childhood memories rested with that place, and the person it involved was clearly going their as well as if basic instinct which... Jaakuna was well known to follow. With silent steps he caught up to his raising the back as if to poke him, and then.

"Ahem," the book suddenly came down hard downward on Jaakuna's head as if punishment for leaving without him. "I think you forgot something... school related," Avalon chuckled as he tossed the book into his best friends arms.

"Though I really can't blame you we have been at it for months, and we definitely deserve this break," the purple eyed teen chuckled lightly as he patted his friends shoulder making sure he hadn't hit him to hard with the reading material. "Well then shall we head to the place?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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It had to be five or six minutes that Jaakuna was waiting. In those six minutes, Jaakuna was rapidly tapping his foot on the ground as he saw all the students pass him on by, going to their houses and usual hangout spots. He saw Vivi, Rai, Fuu, and Seifer all go towards the Sunset Station. They all waved to him as they did and all Jaakuna could do was sigh repeatedly. He wanted to get away so bad, but Avalon was taking so damn long.

Right when Jaakuna was just going to say fuck it, he heard a familiar voice and a hard smack on his head, which caused the blonde to cry out slightly in pain. The positioning of his hands suggested that the top of his head hurt and it was with good reason. He would turn around and his best friend Avalon was there holding a book in his hand. Obviously that was the book that hit Jaakuna’s noggin. As Jaakuna looked at the book, he noticed it was his book. And that’s when a nervous smile, followed by nervous laughter came from the blonde.

“Oh yes, I guess I forgot it.” Jaakuna’s eyes shifted as if not wanting to admit that he purposely left it. Hearing Avalon say that he didn’t blame Jaakuna for leaving his book behind, the blonde would smile. He said something that was very true. They have been at school for many months and the workload that came with exams was brutal. Jaakuna laughed as it hinted that he agreed. “Yes, lets.” JAakuna said.

He and Avalon would make their way out of the school’s general area and eventually they were at Sunset Terrace. It was busy as ever. Be it people coming from their jobs and heading to the Sunset Station or the students coming from the High School and doing the same exact thing, there was definitely not enough room to ride the cart for an easy way to get to the train. Yes, that definitely wasn’t an option. “You know, I saw Seifer and his gang while I was waiting for you.” Jaakuna mentioned, “They seemed psyched about the Struggle Tournement coming up next week.” Jaakuna he lazily walked, eyes up at the sky.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azurian Dream
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Azurian Dream The Returned Wanderer

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

"Darn... seems we just missed the train," Avalon scoffed a bit annoyed at the fact the train had filled up the moment the two teens had arrived at the station. He gave a soft sigh though, and shrugged his shoulders knowing it was all, but his fault for being a bit slow on the glorious day of summer break. He was about to ask Jaakuna his school project plan when suddenly the sun gazing bad boy mentioned a certain annoying factor.

"Seifer huh? No doubt I heard him, and Hayner plan to finally duke it out at this tournament. The ultimate grudge match has its finale... finally," he chuckled with closed eyes as he leaned against one of the pillars of the station. It was a true fact Hayner, and Seifer had been at each others throats for years, and anytime a tournament came up something caused one our the other to not be present.

"It will definitely be a match to watch... well that is unless we demolish them both this year," Avalon chuckled a bit ominously. Little to Jaakuna's knowledge about a few days ago Avalon had signed them both up for this years tournament. "Of course if you don't wanna I figure they wont mind you backing down, but I am sure you wouldn't here the end of it from Seifer, or Rai for that matter," he chuckled already knowing he had his friends ego trapped. Struggle matches were a pass time all of the students enjoyed, and while Hayner, and Seifer were fan favorites it didn't stop other people like Avalon from enjoying it.

"I was pretty sure you have no plans on the decided match date right? Maybe you can even impress Fuu this year?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Just as they arrived at the Sunset Station, it was much to their disappointment and slight annoyance that Jaakuna and Avalon missed the train by just a few minutes as Jaakuna clearly saw the train off in the distance. He sighed at that fact. He instantly took his gaze to Avalon. He narrowed his eyes slightly as his red-haired friend echoed Seifer’s name and how him and Hayner were always at each other’s throats. Jaakuna nodded as he knew that to be true. Even when all of them were in elementary school, Hayner and Seifer competed for everything. They competed who the fastest on the monkey bars were, they competed in academics — both failing miserably by the way. Their respective groups only could watch in embarrassment as the two stubborn leaders competed over the years. “My bet is on Hayner.” Jaakuna said, “I know Setzer won last year and Seifer beat Hayner in the semi-finals, but I heard Setzer is away somewhere. Rumor has it is that he got into some trouble with bad people and he’s in hiding. Of course, that’s just the rumor.” Jaakuna said to Avalon.

When Avalon brought up the idea of he and Jaakuna defeating them last year, a genuine look of surprise came over his face. Jaakuna didn’t make it too far in last year’s tournament. He’s embarrassed to admit it, but he lost to Rai last year in the first round. It was not only embarrassing for him, but Rai was one of the weakest strugglers in Twilight Town. So, for Jaakuna to lose to him was not only sad, but it damaged his street credit.“Yeah, like that’ll happen.” Jaakuna laughed a bit. “Though, I do need to redeem myself, so perhaps it wouldn’t be a totally bad idea for us to join the tournament.” Jaakuna said, “I just don’t know if we’ll be able to sign up in time.” Jaakuna said. Avalon would go on to mention how Jaakuna could impress Fuu. Jaakuna’s face went slightly red. “What are you talking about!? She wouldn’t be interested in me. She’s with Rai, I believe.” Jaakuna said as he thought if what he said was true.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azurian Dream
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Azurian Dream The Returned Wanderer

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

"If that's true... that's one scary relationship," Avalon responded looking at his friend as he started to turn red causing Avalon to chuckle a bit aloud. In the end though it seemed Jaakuna was a go on the idea so with that said Avalon pulled out Jaakuna's pass for the tournament, and handed it to him as he flung his own about. With a slight stretch of his body you looked about the twilight effect of the sun slowly casting its beautiful gaze upon their direction. That was one of the best things about this town... the moment of twilight,

"Good thing I already signed us up then," he said with a devilish smile as he patted his friends shoulder... before oddly freezing up for a moment, and turning around as if looking for something... was somebody watching them just now. No it must have been his imagination. Shaking off the thought he gave a big grin, and waited to see what Jaakuna wanted to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Right when Avalon handed Jaakuna a card-like object, the blonde would look at it and it seemed to be a pass to the Struggle Tournament. Jaakuna then looked at Avalon and would hear him say that he booked them for the tournament already. Jaakuna stared at his friend for a minute without even saying anything or breaking eye contact. Avalon just asked him if Jaakuna wanted to take part in it while he already had signed both of them up for it. Jaakuna wanted to hit his friend, but he restrained himself.

“And here I thought I was the impulsive one.” Jaakuna said laughing.

As Avalon patted Jaakuna on the shoulder, the blonde saw his friend turn around briefly. Jaakuna didn’t know what it was. Though, it did seem that it was brief as Avalon soon turned back to Jaakuna’s direction. The blonde did wonder what exactly just happened and what exactly caused his friend to turn around. “What just made you turn around like that, bro?” Jaakuna asked him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azurian Dream
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Azurian Dream The Returned Wanderer

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

"Huh? Um... nothing I think I am just imagining things guess I am still a bit overexcited from it finally being Summer break," Avalon chuckled hesitantly rubbing his head as he check one more time behind himself before turning back to his friend yet what he didn't know as right as he turned around right behind him on the other side of the tracks was a figure who had not been their a second ago. A feminine figure standing about 5.11 feet garbed in a brown decaying hooded cap wearing a mask that resembled a Japanese kitsune mask staring right at Jaakuna, as well as Avalon though he wouldn't know it. She seemed to have her sights currently on Jaakuna who seemed to be the only one who could see her at the time. A hand started to reach out as if about to make something happen until the train appeared in front of Jaakuna's view making her seem... to simply disappear.

"Come on man the trains here don't want to get left behind," Avalon chuckled a bit surprised his frined hadn't attacked him for signing him up without permission as he jumped onto the train unaware of the sight that had just happened behind him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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After Avalon had blamed that whatever that seemed to bother him on the feeling of excitement for summer break, Jaakuna shrugged and grinned widely. He too was excited for it. After so many months of being in school and all the hard work that both he and Avalon had put into their studies, the aspect of relaxing all summer was the one thing that made Jaakuna stay sane. There was also the fact that the two of them would be able to hang out with their friends as well. Even more so, the Struggle Tournament was something Jaakuna looked forward to.

“Well if you’re sure.” Jaakuna said, as he was wondering what was taking the train so long to get back.

A few minutes passed and suddenly Jaakuna’s gaze caught the two red eyes of a white, fox-shaped mask. Jaakuna’s initial reaction was something of a loud yelp, followed by a major step back. It was the fact that someone in a brown, withered out hooded jacket, and wearing a mask, was reaching out to him. Thankfully, the arrival of the train made the figurine disappear. However, Jaakuna was able to catch a good glance at the figure that tried to grab him. It had a feminine figure and whoever she was, Jaakuna knew that she was really tall. Still, he had no idea what she wanted and why she was going after him only. Indeed, it perplexed Jaakuna.

“Damn, what was that bitch’s deal!?” Jaakuna said angrily, “I mean fuck man, why did she go after me and not you?” Jaakuna truly was confused at this point. He didn’t know what that was. Even as he and Avalon got on the train and took their seats just to the right of the middle entrance, Jaakuna kept on thinking about it. The way that mask looked was puzzling him. “What say you, bro? Any idea what that bitch wanted or who she was?” Jaakuna asked Avalon as he stretched his legs and looked to the window and saw the green hills glisten wonderfully from the sunset.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azurian Dream
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Azurian Dream The Returned Wanderer

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

"Dude are you high right now," Avalon said raising a eyebrow at his possibly tripping out friend as he looked to where this supposed woman was on the other side. As Avalon moved his head about he saw no girl on the other side of the tracks especially a hostile one. Turning back to Jaakuna he shrugged his shoulders not sure if at all this apparent woman existed. Avalon watched as the train took off with the green hills of their town slowly taking over the view of the window.

"Sheesh never took you for a daydreamer... well outside of class anyway," he chuckled as he return his gaze to the outside. It was sort of sad though now that he though about it. The number of school summers they would have was slowly dwindling which meant sooner or later they would be graduating, and entering the dull life of an adult. Avalons expression soured a bit as he knew these days were slowly moving out of their grasp.

"Jaakuna... do you ever wish something big would happen?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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"I have my moments." Jaakuna said, laughing in the process.

His view of the window and in return the green hills and the sunset came to an end when Jaakuna would face the inside of the train to where his eyes were now on the minimal people who were also inside the train. He counted maybe three or four other people in the train. Jaakuna sighed and would then hear his best friend in the entire world ask him if Jaakuna ever wished something would happen, something bigger than what their life was like right now. Jaakuna's intial, non-verbal reaction was an arched eyebrow, as if hinting that Jaakuna was the one who thought Avalon was high as the latter had done to the former.

"Now who's the one smoking joints?" Jaakuna laughed, but the laughter soon faded into awkward silence. The question was a fair one. Even more so, it was a question that got Jaakuna to thinking.He didn't know if he indeed wanted to have anything bigger than what his life was like at the moment to happen, which would change it, but the notion that something bigger could happen was intruiging to Jaakuna. He definitely wouldn't turn down the idea, but the fact that something would happen to them was most likely not going to happen. Considering the place they live, and while it's exciting for Jaakuna, it wasn't exactly the kind of place that big, and outworldly things happen.

"I don't know bro. That's a hard question to answer." Jaakuna said, "I mean, sure it would be nice for something to happen that would shake shit up, but the odds aren't exactly in our favor, ya know?" Jaakuna said, probably not giving his friend the answer that he was hoping or looking for. "What made you want to ask me something like that?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azurian Dream
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Azurian Dream The Returned Wanderer

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

"Heh at least I am not imagining volatile woman in my daydreams," Avalon chuckled elbowing Jaakuna in his retaliation on who was high. Everything went silent for a moment though as a awkward silence washed over the conversation as Jaakuna clearly though over the very strange, and unusual question from his usually down to earth friend. For most it would seem Avalon enjoyed his life, and had no big life issues or problems to speak of. Yet as any teen he was starting to question the bigger role of life he was to play soon... and quite honestly he didn't like where it was dully heading. Twilight Town was just so calm and serene, and while most would enjoy such a setting... it was oddly starting to eat annoyingly at him like he was trying to invisibly fight it from being the rest of his life.

"I don't know I just feel... like we aren't challenged much as things are, and for some reason it bothers me as if I could do more if given the chance," Avalon stated as Jaakuna finally broke the odd silence. Though he was pretty sure his answer would confused Jaakuna even more then he already had. Yet their was no true way to explain it past the simple fact he desired something... anything to happen on this island.

"Ya I guess I shouldn't expect much," Avalon said as he felt the train stop at their get off point. Standing up he ruffled his hair with a big sigh as he felt a bit of the weight on his shoulders lift off after finally telling someone how he currently felt. He looked to his body, and chuckled.

"So then whats next on our schedule?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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"I swear, I'm not--nevermind." Jaakuna just decided to give up on it. He knew that he was never going to convince Avalon that he was telling the truth about the woman in the kitsune mask. Besides, if Jaakuna hadn't seen for his own eyes, he probably would be on the same boat that Avalon was currently riding on. To think that a woman with a mask like the one she had would try to nab up Jaakuna and as soon as the possibility that she would be found out, she disappears. Jaakuna definitely would have called bullshit if he didn't see that happen with his own two eyes. Still, he wondered exactly who that woman was and why he was her target? Perhaps he'll never find out.

In any case, Jaakuna heard what Avalon said about how he wasn't being challenged enough and that if given the chance, he wanted to do something more than what he was doing in his life. Jaakuna could understand that. He sometimes felt the same way, but as he told his friend, the chances of that happening were slim. Still, perhaps that woman had something to do with possible changes coming to the two of them. Perhaps Jaakuna should jump on that and actually pursue it. Then again, it could all be for nothing.

When the train stopped, Jaakuna got up, and gripped his book. As the two of them got off the train, Avalon would ask what was on the schedule for them next. Jaakuna thought about that as an audible 'hmmm' was released from his mouth. "I actually want to go by my house real quick. Maybe you should do the same for yours. I want to get out of my school uniform anyways." Jaakuna said, "so how about we meet at The Usual Spot in an hour, kay?" Jaakuna said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azurian Dream
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Azurian Dream The Returned Wanderer

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

"Sounds like a plan," Avalon nodded in agreement to the plan, and stood up the moment the train came to their stop. With a soft yawn he got off the train, and headed home in the opposite direction of Jaakuna's house. With a sudden pick up of pace Avalon let loose a wide grin as he headed home for the first afternoon of summer.
(45 Minutes Later)

Click, click, click.

Avalon was whistling his usual soft tune as he headed down the winding road towards the Usual Spot. Now out of his more proper school uniform the red head was now wearing his usual garbs. A red jacket with a white hoodie cloaked his regular black shirt while a regular pair of blue jeans huge onto his legs along with a pair of brown boots. With each step a audible clicking sound could be heard just lightly as his necklaces blue pendants repeatedly bounced of the metal zipper of his jacket a gift from his mother that he treasured. His purple eyes temporarily watched the pendant bounce about as he chuckled remembering how his mom fumbled about trying to make it... crafting was not exactly her strong suit since she was usually working about as a secretary.

"You wish to escape the cycle of a normal life?"

Avalon suddenly paused at the chilling voice in the air... that feeling of being watched it was back... with a vengeance. His whole body froze at the voice as if being gripped by a familiar entity he couldn't deny nor escape. Yet the ability to move slowly returned as he turned his head to his left seeing a brown robbed figure stood not to far away from him wearing what Jaakuna had described as an kitsune mask. The voice was that of a woman's which meant this must have been the person Jaakuna saw. Yet as soon as Avalon blinked she disappeared as if she had never existed in the first place. Regaining his wits Avalon suddenly took in a deep breath realizing he hadn't breathed for the last few seconds.

"Jaakuna's imagination is rubbing off on me," the red head hesitantly chuckled taking a step forward before the voice return.

"I shall indulge your desire then, and give you both a chance to escape the eternal cycle of normality. I simply hope you don't regret it."

Avalon full body turned around trying to find the woman with the kitsune mask yet with every direction their was no sign of life... nobody was their, but him. Avalon felt a cold drop of sweat fall from his brow as he was officially freaking out. Standing still for a whole minute to make sure he wasn't going crazy he felt his heartbeat return to normal. Once satisfied with the fact that he was just imagining the whole thing due to Jaakuna saying something about a abnormal woman he finally loosened up, and started to bolt for the Usual Spot not wanting to be proven wrong that everything that had just happen hadn't just been in his head.

Once Avalon arrived to the "secret" entrance he mumbled a hello to the other occupants before plopping lifelessly to the couch causing Olette to release a small yelp as his body caused her to bounce in her seat. Hayner, and Pence raised a eyebrow at their friend's strange unenergetic entrance. "Are you alright Avalon," Olette asked a little concerned as she tilted her head to try, and make eye contact with him.

"Just peachy... a little tired, but okay. So is Jaakuna here? To worned out from running to lift my face," he responded causing Hayner, and Pence to chuckle a bit as they shrugged off the odd behavior as fatigue.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

In the time that JAakuna had told Avalon to meet him at The Usual Spot with the others, the blonde teen had walked to his house in increased pace, said hello to his parents, and got out of his uncomfortable school uniform. Oh the gods how he hated his school uniform. It was so tight in some areas, it looked totally ugly, and even worse, it was a uniform. Jaakuna hated the idea of conformity. He didn't want to be that kind of guy that was like the rest of the people in his class and school, but for some reason, his school believed in the fascist notion that everyone has to look the same and abide to the same, ridiculous attire. That's why he was so glad to get the hell out of his uniform and into his preferred outfit of his red jacket with a black checkered design on the left chest area, a purple-ish shirt underneath, black pants, and shoes that had red, black, and white as its color scheme. When he was finally able to get into those clothes, he wasted no time getting out of his house and onto his journey to The Usual Spot.

About halfway through the way to The Usual Spot, Jaakuna had his hands in his pockets and he found himself grinning slightly. For some reason, he was happy. Perhaps it was due to the fact that the summer vacation was finally underway and he and Avalon, along with their friends, can focus on just enjoying themselves for as long as they could. It what he had been waiting for.As he starting to go up the high hill that led to The Usual Spot, Jaakuna suddenly felt something. He couldn't place it, but it was some kind of chilly feeling and it made him stop, and look over his shoulder. He didn't want to fully turn around, but Jaakuna saw something behind him. It was black and tendrils were waving all around. Jaakuna slowly turned his head back to in front of him and in a fast motion, his body was facing the opposite direction. However, by the time he was in full view, he saw nothing.

"Was it just my imagination or did I see some weird shadowy thing?" Jaakuna asked himself. He didn't want to say that he was just imagining things, but first it was the woman in the Kitsune mask and now the black shadowy creature with shadow tendrils creeping up on him. Perhaps Jaakuna was imagining it all, but this seriously had him creeped the fuck out. Jaakuna just shook it off and started to head to The Usual Spot.

Going through the secret entrance of the usual spot, Jaakuna saw Hayner, Pence, and Olette sitting on their usual spots and he saw Avalon on the couch. JAakuna just plopped on the floor next to the couch. "Yeah, I'm here." He said, barely audible as his face was buried in the ground.

"What's wrong, Jaakie?" Hayner asked as he was concerned about his friend.

"Oh notjoe"

"Lift your head up!"

Jaakuna lifted his head up. "Oh, sorry." Jaakuna laughed, "I don't know. I thought I saw...something." JAakuna said as he leaned against the couch, where his back was near Avalon's legs.

"Waddya mean?" Pence asked.

"I thought I saw some black creature with weird black tendrils. Impossible, I know." Jaakuna laughed and thought about just shrugging it off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Azurian Dream
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Azurian Dream The Returned Wanderer

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

"A black tendril creature? If this imaginative piece is mixed in with your Kitsune Mask girl I don't even want to know what happened," Avalon chuckled as he turned his face to greet Jaakuna who seemed just as weary as he was. Was it really possible that he had seen the same woman as his friend had? No it couldn't it was just his mind being silly... right? Well it didn't matter right now everyone was together though lazing about since the really didn't have any plans for the last day of school. Then again it was probably a good idea since last time they did Pence's weird mysteries last year as their assignment.

"So then did any one have any plans today or are we winging it today," Avalon spoke up finally breaking the sense of laziness as he stood up as everyone else went silent. It seemed he was right nobody had even planned ahead before they all grouped up a fact that made him chuckle a bit. He gave off one of his soft smiles as he laid against the couch before Hayner gave out a idea.

Why don't we go check out the abandoned mansion," almost on perfect synchronization Avalon, Pence, and Olette groaned causing Hayner to give them a stern look. "What? I swear theirs gotta be something inside their why else wouldn't they have taken it down yet," this had been an ongoing obsession with Hayner ever since their last school project. Ever since they investigated the girl in the window mystery Hayner had a obsession with the mansion completely convinced their was something their worth finding.

"Probably because its sectioned off in the protected wildlife environment," Avalon responded causing Hayner to mumble.

"Come on guys what else is their to do?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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As he sat there thinking about the shadow creature with the black tendrils as well as the lady with the Kitsune mask, Jaakuna’s attention was almost fully-away from the conversation at hand. He heard bits and pieces of it, specifically what Hayner had suggested, but that’s about it. He did hear something about the Wildlife. He also heard something about the Abandoned Mansion that has been closed off for some time now.

Jaakuna got his focus back into the conversation at hand and in good timing too. Hayner would reinforce his suggestion of going to the Abandoned Mansion and state that there wasn’t much else to do. Jaakuna had to agree with this point. They were just sitting around doing nothing. Pence might be alright with doing nothing, it would seem that there are a couple who aren’t.

“I’m with Hayner. We’re wasting away the day and it’s not like we’re going to be doing anything else,” Jaakuna said.

“See, Jaakuna agrees.” Hayner said as he and Jaakuna high-fived each other.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Azurian Dream
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Azurian Dream The Returned Wanderer

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Avalon face palmed as Hayner, and Jaakuna high fived it was never a good sign when both of them got excited over an idea cause usually it always ended up with a fight. Last time such a thing happened a battle royal took place in the school over the last piece of chocolate cake ending with them duking it out with the Seifer's Disciplinary gang.... much less to say that day everyone had detention... for a month.

"Well they are right there is nothing better to do, and there is no way that for us to technically get in trouble," Pence chimed in after mewling it over. Both Avalon, and Olette shared a weary look before both sighed in outvoted defeated.

"Fine lets get going then," Olette sighed as she stood up dusting herself off before hitting Avalon with a pillow to get up. As soon as everyone was in favor of the trip the group started to head off to the town infamous broken wall that teenagers would sneak through to get away from it all to do all manners of "things".

"So just a idea since we are going into a forest into a building that was condemned... we should probable bring some sort of weapon along with us," Avalon suggested as they treaded along the streets of their town. "You know in case anything attacks us... or anything like imaginary tentacle monsters," Avalon chuckled as he made random hand movements at Olette who fought not to laugh at the jabs being taken at Jaakuna.

"He's right you can never be to careful," Pence added.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jaakuna couldn’t have been more excited for anything in his entire life. Well, he could if he could get some action with Olette, but she seemed content on remaining friends with him despite his constant advances towards her. It always would result in some kind of pushing back from her or a groin kick from her as well. Really, the more Jaakuna thought about it, Olette really loved touching his privates. If it were anyone else, they would stay away from her, but Jaakuna took that as a sign that she wanted him, but just didn’t know how to say it. Perhaps it would be safer if Jaakuna were like other people, but he just can’t help himself sometimes.

Jaakuna was pretty spacious for a few minutes. It caught Hayner’s attention as he thought Jaakuna would be more into the idea of winning against Olette and Avalon. Even worse, Hayner noticed Jaakuna’s rather odd stare at the only female member of their group. Hayner would wave his hands in front of Jaakuna’s face only to get no results. It wasn’t until the mention of leaving that Jaakuna shook his head and snapped back into reality.

Pence, Avalon, and Olette all left The Usual Spot, but Jaakuna and Hayner were the last ones to leave, but the dirty blonde would pull Jaakuna aside. “You good bro?” Hayner asked, “You seemed a little lost there? Like you were in another universe.” Hayner was genuinely concerned for his friend.

Jaakuna laughed, and would bring Hayner’s head under his arm and he smiled in a goofy manner. “Of course I am bro.” He said, “now let’s go exploring~” Jaakuna said as he and Hayner followed the group.

They joined up just in time to hear Avalon mention that they should bring some kind of weapons. Since they had to go through the forest, it only made sense. Jaakuna agreed and the rest of the group agreed as well. Though Jaakuna would smack Avalon lightly over the head about his comment about the…imaginary tentacle creatures. “What’s that for? I was telling the truth.” Jaakuna said as he heard laughing from the rest of the group. “I WAAAS!” He said in an elevated voice.

“Whatever you say, Jaakuna.” Hayner said chuckling.

Jaakuna huffed, but let the subject go. He wanted to focus on the important matter at hand and that was the weapons they were going to get. “Where do you suppose we get these weapons, Avalon? If you hadn’t noticed, we don’t exactly fit the bill for swordsmen or anything of the sort.” Jaakuna said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Azurian Dream
Avatar of Azurian Dream

Azurian Dream The Returned Wanderer

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

"True we don't exactly scream "professionals" or have the money for actual equipment, but at least having a metal bat is better then nothing at all," Avalon responded as he rubbed the sore spot on his head. With a resounding sense of adventure for the moment Avalon directed everyone to his house where he had them wait outside the window of his room. About a few minutes passed while Avalon scavenged for stuff in his room.

"Sooo how about Avalon's single mom. Sexy scale of one to OW," Pence suddenly sounded out aloud as a metal went zooming with perfect precision right from Avalons window straight for the poor teens head. For a temporary moment Pence was wobbling about as if about to fall, but thankfully he recovered shaking off the sudden attack. "Alright, alright point taken talk about it when your not around," Pence chuckled before dodging another thrown object.

"How about accept the fact that she's out of all your leagues accept for Ollette since my mom discovered she likes woman more then men," Avalon growled as he jumped out his window with a few other items followed shortly with Ollette shivering at the thought of Avalon's mother getting her hands on her.

"I like your mom Avalon... but not as much as she likes me especially since I hit my growth spurt. Have a hard enough time keeping Jaakuna in place without your mom trying to grope me as well," she shivered again at the thought, and then eyed Jaakuna darkly as if warning him, and his manhood how quick a kick to the balls could be delivered. "So what were you able to "pillage"," she asked returning to Avalon as he tossed her a metal pole.

"Ya I know she always insists I invite you all over all the time. with your name always the first out of her mouth," He chuckled as Ollette swung the makeshift weapon to check out its sturdiness. With that he directed Pence to the thrown baseball bat who immediately acknowledged with a funny salute. "Hayner no reason to deny that your the best with a offensive Struggle bat," Avalon chuckled throwing the blunt weapon to Hayner. "As for you, and me buddy old pale we get the defensive struggle bats," he finished handing Jaakuna one before he swung his own for practice.

"So then were all set right onward to glory," Pence spoke up with a victory pose pointing straight at the mansion faraway.

"Ya, and whatever trouble awaits us," Ollette mumbled as the group started to head for the cracked wall not to far away.
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