Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnlikelyDisguise


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"No, thank you..." She glanced around, but kept her eyes on him mostly. Despite wanting to ask him about his paintings, she kept her mouth shut. She wasn't here to be a friend or to get to know him. This was business and she needed to hear his story so that whoever had wronged him might be brought to some sort of justice. Nothing was certain yet, but it felt as if this young man might have had to wait a very long time before asking for help.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"My brother and I were walking home the night it happened. We were acting like typical teenage boys. Laughing and teasing each other. Even back than I was the only person that could get my brother to smile. We had just walked passed an alley when someone grabbed me. I think thingsigjt have been different if they had grabbed Griffin. Anyway the guy held a knife to my throat and told my brother that if he didnt cooperate I would suffer. So my brother followed as the man dragged me to a van." Zack shook his head. He had replayed that Sven many times over the years. "It was one of those service vans that have no windows were we went. They tied us up. The guy who grabbed me sat between us keeping us apart."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnlikelyDisguise


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She listened intently, trying to gauge in him how bad the hurt was. It is hard to think of what could have been next, she wasn't sure if his brother had lived or not. Her mind spun for a second and she did her best to smile. Kidnapping children is just one step away from evil in hr mind, what happened to those children determines the severity of suffering she may hand out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"They didnt kidnap us for money but for pleasure." Zack shivered at the memory. "They forced Griffin to watch will the tortured me. Sometimes with knife, sometimes with cigarettes, sometimes belts and whips. When I passed out they allowed my brother to tend my wounds. When I regained consciousness it was his turn." Zack paced the floor. "Griffin got the worse if it. He often offered them his body to allow me time to heal. They kept us prisoner for over a year."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnlikelyDisguise


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"And the police?" She tilted her head with that deadly killer instinct that hit. How hard would it be to hunt down these men? Find them in the darkness somewhere and offer them some of the pain they gave others? Maybe she wouldn't have the time. She rarely got enough time to do what she would like to do to these sick men. She could guarantee a death for them...even if it was not the one they deserved.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Zack shook his head. "They never found a trace of them even with descriptions,DNA, and fingerprints they found no trace of them. They closed the case after three years of chasing every lead." Zack told her. "I've tried to find them but it don't have anything beyond the description of what they looked like. I don't want this for myself" he felt he had to explain. "But for my brother. He rarely leaves the house anymore. Partly becouse of the limp the abuse left him with. But mostly because if the scars that cover his body."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnlikelyDisguise


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"What about names? What did your captors call each other when they talked? Did they speak a certain language? Russian? Italian?" Her mind started immediately thinking of everything she could use as a lead in the physical world. The other would to speak to Griffin. If he would let her touch him while he thought of the men who left him scarred, she might be able to see faces, hear some things on her own. That way she could more than help, she could find the men responsible...but would Zack and his brother believe her? She thought on it, trying to figure a way into getting Griffin to touch her bare hand, without trying to explain tot hem what she is. She didn't want to get laughed at today, and more often than mot, no matter how much help she offered, people figured she was just plain nuts.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Zack shrugged. "I doubt it will be much help but the names Griffin gave were Max and Amza. No last names that either if us could remember." He told her. He was relieved that she seemed to believe him. She looked deep in thought like she was trying to figure out how to find the men responsible. "I don't think my brother and I are the only one's they took. He know of atleast one other pair of twins that have been taken the same way we were."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnlikelyDisguise


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"The names are way more valuable than you can imagine..." She paused again and looked to Zack, sincere in her stature. "Can I speak to your brother on the matter? Would he be as candid as you are?" The deeper she felt from him, the more he fueled her desire to murder those responsible for the things he described. Even if Griffin would not speak to her freely, she would do her best to do some digging on the names.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"I don't know if he will talk to you or not." Zack told her honestly. "Griffin isn't much of a talker. Even before the kidnapping he didn't talk much. Since then it has been virtually impossible to get him to talk to anyone. But I can take you to him if you want to try. He might be willing to talk to you once he knows that you might be able to help us." Zack hesitated for a minute. "Just try not to stare. If you do I guarantee he onto say a word."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnlikelyDisguise


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“Please, take me to him. At the least I can get a feel for his energy…” She said a little too much there, but it was unlikely that a small slip like that would be enough for Zach to tell that she wasn’t just some kind of assassin. “I will do everything in my power to find the men responsible for what happened to you and your brother. It has been a while, but people get loose of the lips with a crime they think they got away with.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Zack studied her for a minute. There was something there. He could tell there was more to her than he could easily see. He nodded. "He is probably in his workshop this time of day. Do you want to ride with me or follow me? It isn't fair. Only a couple of blocks. I don't like to be too far from him in case he needs something." he explained as he headed towards the door. He hoped that Griffin would cooperate. Bur alot of it depended on how she reacted to her first sight of him. They had once been identical, but now it was easy to tell them apart. But now it only took a glance to tell who was who.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnlikelyDisguise


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"You drive, I know my way home from anywhere in the city.." She smiled a kind of sideways one. It always felt good to take something once dark and lift it into the light. The darkness of the deeds against Zach and Griffin would be lifted into the light, she could absolve most of the pain. But not even she could take it all away. Scars last forever and Griffin might not be any better with those who had hurt him freshly killed. She had followed him to the door and passed him, exiting the entrance she had used only moments prior.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnlikelyDisguise


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"You drive, I know my way home from anywhere in the city.." She smiled a kind of sideways one. It always felt good to take something once dark and lift it into the light. The darkness of the deeds against Zach and Griffin would be lifted into the light, she could absolve most of the pain. But not even she could take it all away. Scars last forever and Griffin might not be any better with those who had hurt him freshly killed. She had followed him to the door and passed him, exiting the entrance she had used only moments prior.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Zack nodded. He followed her out of the building. He lead her to were he had parked his Beetle. It would only take them a few minutes to reach the Victorian that he shared with his twin. He parked in the driveway. He didn't lead her to the front door. Instead he lead her around the side of the house. There behind the house was a large garage. He knocked on the door. "Griffin I found someone who might be able to help us." There was silence for minute. Then the door opened and a man eared. He was identical to Zack minus the scars that covered more then 80% of his body. Most of them were hidden by his long sleeve shirt and pants. Which made the ones on his face and hands stand out even more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Zack nodded. He followed her out of the building. He lead her to were he had parked his Beetle. It would only take them a few minutes to reach the Victorian that he shared with his twin. He parked in the driveway. He didn't lead her to the front door. Instead he lead her around the side of the house. There behind the house was a large garage. He knocked on the door. "Griffin I found someone who might be able to help us." There was silence for minute. Then the door opened and a man eared. He was identical to Zack minus the scars that covered more then 80% of his body. Most of them were hidden by his long sleeve shirt and pants. Which made the ones on his face and hands stand out even more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnlikelyDisguise


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"Griffin, I'm Lascariat Gray of The Gray Light Foundation. I met your brother today, he told me a bit of what happened to you both." She paused a kind eye focused on his. "I do not use conventional methods, if you are familiar with my family at all, you might know we are responsible for the recovery of hundreds of children who were kidnapped." She smiled lightly, if only to accent the small amount of light she could shine on his suffering.

"I know your situation is different, but so is mine. I don't intend to use the courts or a judge to bring these men to justice if I can find them." She motioned with her arm, towards the inside of his home but did not ask for entry. If she had stumbled upon anything he wanted to hear, he'd let her in. If not maybe Zach could work on him at another time, but at least she has breached the subject. Either way, after seeing what they had done to him, she wouldn't move ahead unless Griffin wanted her to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Griffin studied her silently.he had heard of the organization. He and Zack had talked about seeking their help. But he doubted they could help him after so many years. There hadnt been a trace of their kidnappers since they had been dumped at the hospital. "If you talked to Zack what do you need from me?" His voice was gravely. Either from disuse or from an injury to his vocal cords. Maybe alittle of both. "What makes you think you can find them after so many years?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnlikelyDisguise


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“I am not saying I can, with one-hundred percent certainty but I have yet to try. I think if anyone can find them it is my brother and I. We have talents, machines and technology for him and for me humans and their behaviors. We have recovered children long after the police gave up and have kept our heads out of the media spotlights for many years. The reason I needed to talk to you in person is because you are my first and best lead. Anything you can recall, even just an image from a memory can be helpful. Zach provided me with names, and I can start just after we talk here…if you want me to. I won’t go forward unless you understand and desire the outcomes they may lay ahead for each of us.” She remained steadfast in her explanation, hoping he might give her a chance to help him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"I want to know what they won't hurt anyone else." Griffin told her. "I doubt that I can tell you anything that Zack can't tell you." He wanted them caught. He wanted them destroyed. He wanted them to suffer. Maybe then he could sleep at night. "If we are going to talk we need to go it where I can sit down." He closed the door to the garage and slowly made his way across the yard. He put very little weight on his left leg whiched caused him to walked with a limp.
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