Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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"Well, I'm gonna go search for a shop, I guess." Bee said, wading back to shores as he massaged his wrist. Assuming this place was inhabited, he'd find something sooner or later. "Oh. A sandcastle. Nice." he smiled at Okuu's creation when he walked by. He knelt down his pile of clothing; even if they were kept here weighed down with his shoes, sand was still blowing onto them. Bee looked at his attache case, and sat down, pulling it into his lap.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Earnest Evans
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Earnest Evans Backdown Champion

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With no apparent difficulty, Pete ran up to Ajax, Jack, Cirno, Utsuho, and Rawk with the fridge trailing behind. Once there, he gave them a small wave, and rapped his hand against the refrigerator's door. Pete reached in the fridge, fished around a bit, and withdrew his hand, now holding a bottle of Uncle Git's Special Reserve Whiskey. After a couple experimental tosses into the air, Pete lobbed the entirely full bottle at Jack's hand, clearly intending to give him a gift. Whether or not Jack "graciously" accepted it by catching it would have to be seen, but this action had completely cleared Pete's conscience. Everyone is mollified by a gift of alcohol, so a gift of a lot of alcohol should logically be fit to cool any rage. Pete looked around and pointed his finger at Ajax and Rawk, then at his fridge. Truly, Pete was in a charitable mood today.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rawkhawk64
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rawkhawk64 Master Gamer

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Rawk looked at the clown. "Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?" Rawk asked. If he was reading that clown's movements properly, the clown wanted to give him alcohol. "I'm old enough, but I'll pass. Need to keep a clear head." he replied. He'd seen the effects of intoxication, and knew that it would be bad for him to be inebriated when they got to their next destination. After all, there was no telling where they'd go or what they'd encounter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

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Rattlesnake Jack stared at the Clown, his friend, as an entire bottle of whiskey was being thrown at him. He had harnessed many reflexes for this moment, all those bar-fights, all those lobbed bottles, he was ready for it. Rattlesnake Jack jumped up to the side as he held out his hands. He watched as the bottle came flying forth and by some sort of miracle he caught it, as he cradled it in his hands. "YEEE-HAAAW!" He declared as he fell down into the water below, clutching onto his prize. Standing back up, with half of his body soaking wet, he held out the bottle with his right hand as he raised it boldly. He eyed it with joy. He then stared incredulously at Rawk, "Slick, relax and take a swig of any sweet booze. It's good fer ya."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shisa
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"What's in that case, mister hero of justice?" Okuu asked curiously as she continued to pile more sand onto the dome, "Are they tools to help us build a pretty house out of sand? Because I could use those. Along with a few ideas about what to put in the house. We'll definitely want a... um..." Then the Clown dragged a big box over to the others and produced a bottle. That gave Okuu an idea. "A sake room! We need a room to drink sake," she said, bashing the top off of the dome for the skylight and then sticking her control rod in the middle to create a hexagonal hole. The hole that would be their sake room. "It will be good for when more friends stop by," said Okuu, as the pirate rejoiced. That made Okuu think that this big water must be the ocean, like she heard about in stories. That and the bottle was probably why the pirate was so happy. She wondered if they would be going on a pirate adventure now, because while that seemed fun, Okuu was fairly certain that she had to get home soon to do her job.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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"Well, we're about to find out what's in it, Okuu. Let's see.... if I was a passcode, what would I be?" Bee stared at the case. "....One, two, three, four, five, six." he said aloud, entering the numbers. The locks flipped open with a click, and the case slowly opened, revealing a blindingly bright light that consumed Bee's mind. The man found himself standing in a small clearing in a field of wheat. In the center, a naked, rusted blade stood from the ground. "How'd you get here?" he asked, kneeling down beside it. Slowly, his fingers extended, and began to wrap around it. Bee woke with a start, finding himself sitting on the beach. The case was gone. Bee felt something brush his hand, and looked at it. It felt as if something was lying in his palm. He brushed off his hands and stood up. "I wonder... Hey Okuu, how about some decorations?" he asked, and held out his hands. A thin, ornate rapier materialized in a storm of petals. He exhaled, and whipped it around at lightning pace, jabbing and cutting the side of the mound. With a flourish, loose sand fell to the ground, revealing immaculately carved designs, reminiscent of Gothic cathedrals. "How's that? Too Europe?" he asked, kneeling down to admire his handiwork.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shisa
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"Wow," cried Okuu, clapping, "That was a really neat trick! I didn't know you were magical. Maybe you'll even be able to fly some day!" The Bird looked her dome over once again. The designs really were pretty, but it didn't look very house-like. Then again, her dome didn't look very house-like either. "It's really pretty, but I think it could look more housey. Can you make it really housey? And comfortable, it needs to be really comfortable too. It's a house that me and my friend and my mistress will inhabit some day hopefully, so it needs to be really good."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rattlesnake Jack snorted out as he glanced at Pete carrying, some much larger box. He raised up the bottle of whiskey as he glanced at Cuban Pete, smiling. "You're a good friend Clown." He kept a good grip on the bottle as he scratched at his neck as he mused. "...Oughta get some shot glasses. Drinkin' ain't drinkin' less ya got company." He noted as he eagerly stared at the bottle. Oh it was a tempting elixir, and Rattlesnake Jack did feel an urge to drink it straight from the bottle. Especially as he hadn't wet his whistle, at least with Whiskey, for a fairly long time. He cocked his head towards the side where he glanced towards that, suspicious individual in the suit with another winged woman. As he saw several petals emerge he, tried to hold down his laughter. Though he did have a condescending chuckle. Rattlesnake Jack shook his head as he again eyed the bottle. And then another thought came to him, he oughta get a spare set of clothes. "Note to self, find a tailor." Jack mused to himself. Eying Cuban Pete he spoke again, "You're a good friend Clown."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rawkhawk64
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rawkhawk64 Master Gamer

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Rawk looked at Jack. "I'll let you indulge yourself. Me, however... well, it's always better safe than sorry." Rawk said. He glanced over at Bee fiddling with a case, and at Okuu building a sand castle. Rawk decided to go over and see what was going on. Link, meanwhile, stayed near Ajax. He liked the warrior's personality so far. Plus, if he had bested Ganondorf in hand-to-hand combat, then there had to be something special about him. Link fingered the back of his left hand, where his own Triforce mark was etched there, dull and seemingly dead. He must not have awakened the Triforce of Courage yet. Perhaps a time paradox effect? Link stared absently at the ocean while musing over why his Triforce of Courage hadn't awakened... Meanwhile, Rawk approached Okuum, just as Bee finished his decorations. As Rawk rested the scepter in the sand, the handle elongated, so where he was holding was level with his torso, while the bottom rested in the sand. "A homely feel, huh? I dunno if I can be much help, but if you need anything, I'll try to help out here." Rawk said. The way he stood, it was almost like a King talking to one of his loyal subjects. All Rawk was missing was royal-looking clothes and a kingly cape. Oh, and the crown. Rawk didn't have that either. Honestly, he was still trying to figure out what the strange voice had said. How would he become like the King? The only way Rawk saw it was that he was the most vulnerable of the Pieces, but the most important.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Prostagma
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Cirno looked around. What had happened to getting ice cream? Was there ice cream in the freezer? "Please understand/That mechanical hands/Are the ruler of everything/Yes, the ruler of everything/It's the ruler of everything/In the end~" she chirped to a vague rhythm as she stood on her tiptoes and nudged the freezer open with the tips of her fingers, barely reaching the handle. "Do you like how I dance/I got zir-con-in-um pants/nuh nuh nuh nah nah nah nah/hmm hmm hmm hee ha hmm trance- heeeey, what gives? There's no ice cream in here! It's just-", She clambered up the side of the fridge and snatched one of the cardboard boxes, squinting at it for a second to make absolutely sure that it wasn't ice cream before continuing, "-It's just 'Donk Pockets'. What's a donk? Why d'you have pockets in your freezer, Mr. Clown? Pockets go on your clothes, not in boxes!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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"Housey, huh?" Bee noted, going over his handiwork. "Alright!" he whipped the rapier again, and thrust it with great force. It darted around like a hornet, stinging in and around various cracks and crevices, shaping the sand. Bee punctuated with a few vertical slashes from Korbo. When all was finished, he smacked the castle with the side of the blade, revealing various carved windows and pillars. "I went for a Southern mansion style this time. Refined, usually located somewhere pretty. It'd be a nice place to live, right? Or were you going for something different?" he asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Earnest Evans
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Earnest Evans Backdown Champion

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Pete gave Cirno a Look, and quietly opened the box of Donk Pockets. Plucking a frost-rimed pastry sleeved in cardboard from the box, Pete presented it to Cirno. For one who had never seen a microwaveable meat pie before, it looked rather much like a popsicle mixed with a delicious pie. Pete then reached deeper inside the lower door of the fridge. After rooting around in the fridge's incomprehensible interior, Pete gingerly pulled out a bottle of Space Beer and a carton of Space Milk. With a quiet flourish, Pete dumped half the carton out, and immediately refilled it with the Space Beer. With an ominous bubbling sound, the carton shook and shuddered. Grinning from ear to ear, Pete took a swig of ice-cold Bilk. Unleashing a wet, satisfied sigh, Pete proffered the carton to Cirno. A carton of milky booze certainly couldn't do much harm, and it was customary on Nanotrasen shuttles to get rip-roaringly drunk at any occasion not directly related to fighting evil creatures from beyond the stars. Even then, some of the company's hallowed Bartenders often insisted on fighting with a healthy buzz.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

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"Aaahhh to Hell with it, I'll share some other drink with shot glasses." Rattlesnake Jack eagerly declared as he quickly opened the top of the Whiskey Bottle. Raising his bandana slightly he quickly took a small swig of the bottle. After taking the swig he lowered down the bandana. "Ahh... goood stuff..." Rattlesnake Jack said rather satisfied with the elixir. He kept a good hold of the whiskey bottle as he scratched at his bandana with his free hand. "Hn, still gotta find a tailor." He said looking down at his fairly drenched duster-coat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shisa
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"Okey dokey," Okuu replied to Rawk, "But mister hero of justice is doing really good. I'm not sure I even need my own help." Okuu looked over the southern style manse appraisingly, not ever having seen this sort of house before. Maybe the hero of justice came from a place with houses like this, but Okuu wanted something more familiar. "It should look a little more... normal kind, you know? Um, like, pointy-like roofs and shoji doors and outdoor hallways. That kind of house would be perfect."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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"Oh, like a Japanese styled thing!" Bee exclaimed. He sheared off sand at an angle before detailing with the rapier, and carved out several outer hallways, and those weird Japanese doors he saw in his Chinese cartoons. Sand was brushed away to reveal something in the shape of wooden flooring, until it finally took shape. "Alright, went for something Asian this time. How's it look?" he asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Prostagma
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Cirno accepted the Donk Pocket and bit gingerly into the still-frozen meat-flavored foodstuff. It tasted... mysterious. Like a puzzle, wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in a flaky pastry crust. Had it been warmed beforehand, the phrase 'Donk-tastic' would probably have come to mind, but as it was it was more... 'Donk-ish'. She picked up and sniffed the carton of Bilk, her nose wrinkling. It smelled sort of like old milk mixed with rotten apple juice and sadness. She handed it back. "Sorry, Mr. Clown. I'm not thirsty right now."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shisa
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Okuu's eyes lit up at the construction of the new house. It was perfect! Just like the other houses she'd seen, except bigger. "That's just right," cried Okuu, "with this, I bet I could make lots of friends! Everyone will want to come over and play with us if we construct something nice like this." Okuu got up and walked around the now no-longer dome and examined it in awe. "Thanks, mister hero of justice. This is a very pretty house."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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"No problem." Bee smiled, as his rapier dissolved. As it left, he thought he heard a gasp. It was probably just his imagination. "Well, if you need me, just give a shout. I'm gonna go find some ice cream, like I promised." he said. He grabbed his clothes, and walked along the beach. Something useful would pop up soon, probably.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

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Ajax considered waving off the clown's offering, he did carry his own poison after all, but he remembered that it was generally considered rude and frowned upon to refuse such a kind treat where he came from. He didn't expect everyone to behave the same way, but he had his ways. He nodded at Pete. "I don't know what you have and probably won't recognize them anyway, so how about you pick my poison? In return..." Ajax placed his hand in front of his shining gold belt and was suddenly holding a polished bronze wine jug called an oenochoe. The jug itself was featureless beyond its material and polish, but it was as large as Ajax's head, which wasn't exactly small, and full to the brim with a strong red wine which expelled a pleasant herbal aroma reminiscent of bay leaves. Before handing the jug to the clown he poured a bit of its contents on the water, producing ripples of garnet in the otherwise clear sea before the tide washed the drink away. "A tribute to the gods, whichever they may be, to the fallen and to friends both present and absent", he explained as he handed the container to Pete. "Please, help yourself. But carefully. It's got enough of a kick for me to feel it". If one were to try and describe Ajax's wine, they'd come to the conclusion it was almost entirely unlike wine at all. Not only would its alcohol content of 97%, or 192 proof, baffle experts across the world, its extremely potent taste made up of 7 flavors combined into a whole defies all explanation, particularly since of those flavors, 5 of them are, in order, heavy mixtures of: opioids, depressants, stimulants, entactogens and hallucinogens which trigger every single conflicting impulse in your brain all at once. The sixth flavor, best described as a bitter, horrible feeling of crushing hopelessness, is but a single drop of panacea, the miraculous potion which serves to cure all ailments. Of course, considering the effects of the rest of this concoction, it doesn't do much except prevent all the other ingredients from killing the drinker. The final taste is that of a fairly strong red wine, quite pleasant.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

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Rattlesnake Jack lowered his head as he raised up the bottle of whiskey as Ajax offered his tribute to the Gods. With his free hand he took off his cowboy hat, revealing his long, dark, black slick hair that was usually covered by his hat. "...Amen." He quickly said as he raised up his head, as he returned his hat back onto his head with a quick flourish. With a quick glance at the bottle of whiskey he focused on observing the rest of his surroundings. Rattlesnake Jack noticed the absence of the suspicious character. Immediately he checked to make sure the conditions of the others. Winged girl playing in the sand was accounted for. Check. And, more importantly, the smaller winged girl was still there with the noble Clown, Ajax, and the rest of the gang. Rattlesnake Jack sighed with relief, however he knew he had to remain vigilant in watching that shady character.
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